/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "mysql_priv.h" #include "ha_ndbcluster.h" #ifdef HAVE_NDB_BINLOG #include "rpl_injector.h" #include "rpl_filter.h" #include "slave.h" #include "ha_ndbcluster_binlog.h" #include "NdbDictionary.hpp" #ifdef ndb_dynamite #undef assert #define assert(x) do { if(x) break; ::printf("%s %d: assert failed: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, #x); ::fflush(stdout); ::signal(SIGABRT,SIG_DFL); ::abort(); ::kill(::getpid(),6); ::kill(::getpid(),9); } while (0) #endif /* defines for cluster replication table names */ #include "ha_ndbcluster_tables.h" #define NDB_APPLY_TABLE_FILE "./" NDB_REP_DB "/" NDB_APPLY_TABLE #define NDB_SCHEMA_TABLE_FILE "./" NDB_REP_DB "/" NDB_SCHEMA_TABLE /* Flag showing if the ndb injector thread is running, if so == 1 -1 if it was started but later stopped for some reason 0 if never started */ int ndb_binlog_thread_running= 0; /* Flag showing if the ndb binlog should be created, if so == TRUE FALSE if not */ my_bool ndb_binlog_running= FALSE; my_bool ndb_binlog_tables_inited= FALSE; /* Global reference to the ndb injector thread THD oject Has one sole purpose, for setting the in_use table member variable in get_share(...) */ THD *injector_thd= 0; /* Global reference to ndb injector thd object. Used mainly by the binlog index thread, but exposed to the client sql thread for one reason; to setup the events operations for a table to enable ndb injector thread receiving events. Must therefore always be used with a surrounding pthread_mutex_lock(&injector_mutex), when doing create/dropEventOperation */ static Ndb *injector_ndb= 0; static Ndb *schema_ndb= 0; /* Mutex and condition used for interacting between client sql thread and injector thread */ pthread_t ndb_binlog_thread; pthread_mutex_t injector_mutex; pthread_cond_t injector_cond; /* NDB Injector thread (used for binlog creation) */ static ulonglong ndb_latest_applied_binlog_epoch= 0; static ulonglong ndb_latest_handled_binlog_epoch= 0; static ulonglong ndb_latest_received_binlog_epoch= 0; NDB_SHARE *apply_status_share= 0; NDB_SHARE *schema_share= 0; /* Schema object distribution handling */ HASH ndb_schema_objects; typedef struct st_ndb_schema_object { pthread_mutex_t mutex; char *key; uint key_length; uint use_count; MY_BITMAP slock_bitmap; uint32 slock[256/32]; // 256 bits for lock status of table } NDB_SCHEMA_OBJECT; static NDB_SCHEMA_OBJECT *ndb_get_schema_object(const char *key, my_bool create_if_not_exists, my_bool have_lock); static void ndb_free_schema_object(NDB_SCHEMA_OBJECT **ndb_schema_object, bool have_lock); /* instantiated in storage/ndb/src/ndbapi/Ndbif.cpp */ extern Uint64 g_latest_trans_gci; /* Global variables for holding the binlog_index table reference */ static TABLE *binlog_index= 0; static TABLE_LIST binlog_tables; /* Helper functions */ #ifndef DBUG_OFF static void print_records(TABLE *table, const char *record) { for (uint j= 0; j < table->s->fields; j++) { char buf[40]; int pos= 0; Field *field= table->field[j]; const byte* field_ptr= field->ptr - table->record[0] + record; int pack_len= field->pack_length(); int n= pack_len < 10 ? pack_len : 10; for (int i= 0; i < n && pos < 20; i++) { pos+= sprintf(&buf[pos]," %x", (int) (unsigned char) field_ptr[i]); } buf[pos]= 0; DBUG_PRINT("info",("[%u]field_ptr[0->%d]: %s", j, n, buf)); } } #else #define print_records(a,b) #endif #ifndef DBUG_OFF static void dbug_print_table(const char *info, TABLE *table) { if (table == 0) { DBUG_PRINT("info",("%s: (null)", info)); return; } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("%s: %s.%s s->fields: %d " "reclength: %d rec_buff_length: %d record[0]: %lx " "record[1]: %lx", info, table->s->db.str, table->s->table_name.str, table->s->fields, table->s->reclength, table->s->rec_buff_length, table->record[0], table->record[1])); for (unsigned int i= 0; i < table->s->fields; i++) { Field *f= table->field[i]; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("[%d] \"%s\"(0x%lx:%s%s%s%s%s%s) type: %d pack_length: %d " "ptr: 0x%lx[+%d] null_bit: %u null_ptr: 0x%lx[+%d]", i, f->field_name, f->flags, (f->flags & PRI_KEY_FLAG) ? "pri" : "attr", (f->flags & NOT_NULL_FLAG) ? "" : ",nullable", (f->flags & UNSIGNED_FLAG) ? ",unsigned" : ",signed", (f->flags & ZEROFILL_FLAG) ? ",zerofill" : "", (f->flags & BLOB_FLAG) ? ",blob" : "", (f->flags & BINARY_FLAG) ? ",binary" : "", f->real_type(), f->pack_length(), f->ptr, f->ptr - table->record[0], f->null_bit, f->null_ptr, (byte*) f->null_ptr - table->record[0])); if (f->type() == MYSQL_TYPE_BIT) { Field_bit *g= (Field_bit*) f; DBUG_PRINT("MYSQL_TYPE_BIT",("field_length: %d bit_ptr: 0x%lx[+%d] " "bit_ofs: %u bit_len: %u", g->field_length, g->bit_ptr, (byte*) g->bit_ptr-table->record[0], g->bit_ofs, g->bit_len)); } } } #else #define dbug_print_table(a,b) #endif /* Run a query through mysql_parse Used to: - purging the binlog_index - creating the apply_status table */ static void run_query(THD *thd, char *buf, char *end, my_bool print_error, my_bool disable_binlog) { ulong save_query_length= thd->query_length; char *save_query= thd->query; ulong save_thread_id= thd->variables.pseudo_thread_id; ulonglong save_thd_options= thd->options; DBUG_ASSERT(sizeof(save_thd_options) == sizeof(thd->options)); NET save_net= thd->net; bzero((char*) &thd->net, sizeof(NET)); thd->query_length= end - buf; thd->query= buf; thd->variables.pseudo_thread_id= thread_id; if (disable_binlog) thd->options&= ~OPTION_BIN_LOG; DBUG_PRINT("query", ("%s", thd->query)); mysql_parse(thd, thd->query, thd->query_length); if (print_error && thd->query_error) { sql_print_error("NDB: %s: error %s %d %d %d", buf, thd->net.last_error, thd->net.last_errno, thd->net.report_error, thd->query_error); } thd->options= save_thd_options; thd->query_length= save_query_length; thd->query= save_query; thd->variables.pseudo_thread_id= save_thread_id; thd->net= save_net; if (thd == injector_thd) { /* running the query will close all tables, including the binlog_index used in injector_thd */ binlog_index= 0; } } static void ndbcluster_binlog_close_table(THD *thd, NDB_SHARE *share) { DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_binlog_close_table"); if (share->table_share) { free_table_share(share->table_share); share->table_share= 0; share->table= 0; } DBUG_ASSERT(share->table == 0); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } static int ndbcluster_binlog_open_table(THD *thd, NDB_SHARE *share, TABLE_SHARE *table_share, TABLE *table) { int error; DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_binlog_open_table"); init_tmp_table_share(table_share, share->db, 0, share->table_name, share->key); if ((error= open_table_def(thd, table_share, 0))) { sql_print_error("Unable to get table share for %s, error=%d", share->key, error); DBUG_PRINT("error", ("open_table_def failed %d", error)); free_table_share(table_share); my_free((gptr) table_share, MYF(0)); my_free((gptr) table, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(error); } if ((error= open_table_from_share(thd, table_share, "", 0, (uint) READ_ALL, 0, table, FALSE))) { sql_print_error("Unable to open table for %s, error=%d(%d)", share->key, error, my_errno); DBUG_PRINT("error", ("open_table_from_share failed %d", error)); free_table_share(table_share); my_free((gptr) table_share, MYF(0)); my_free((gptr) table, MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(error); } assign_new_table_id(table_share); if (!table->record[1] || table->record[1] == table->record[0]) { table->record[1]= alloc_root(&table->mem_root, table->s->rec_buff_length); } table->in_use= injector_thd; table->s->db.str= share->db; table->s->db.length= strlen(share->db); table->s->table_name.str= share->table_name; table->s->table_name.length= strlen(share->table_name); DBUG_ASSERT(share->table_share == 0); share->table_share= table_share; DBUG_ASSERT(share->table == 0); share->table= table; #ifndef DBUG_OFF dbug_print_table("table", table); #endif DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Initialize the binlog part of the NDB_SHARE */ void ndbcluster_binlog_init_share(NDB_SHARE *share, TABLE *_table) { THD *thd= current_thd; MEM_ROOT *mem_root= &share->mem_root; int do_event_op= ndb_binlog_running; DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_binlog_init_share"); share->op= 0; share->table= 0; if (!schema_share && strcmp(share->db, NDB_REP_DB) == 0 && strcmp(share->table_name, NDB_SCHEMA_TABLE) == 0) do_event_op= 1; { int i, no_nodes= g_ndb_cluster_connection->no_db_nodes(); share->subscriber_bitmap= (MY_BITMAP*) alloc_root(mem_root, no_nodes * sizeof(MY_BITMAP)); for (i= 0; i < no_nodes; i++) { bitmap_init(&share->subscriber_bitmap[i], (Uint32*)alloc_root(mem_root, max_ndb_nodes/8), max_ndb_nodes, false); bitmap_clear_all(&share->subscriber_bitmap[i]); } } if (!do_event_op) { if (_table) { if (_table->s->primary_key == MAX_KEY) share->flags|= NSF_HIDDEN_PK; if (_table->s->blob_fields != 0) share->flags|= NSF_BLOB_FLAG; } else { share->flags|= NSF_NO_BINLOG; } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } while (1) { int error; TABLE_SHARE *table_share= (TABLE_SHARE *) my_malloc(sizeof(*table_share), MYF(MY_WME)); TABLE *table= (TABLE*) my_malloc(sizeof(*table), MYF(MY_WME)); if ((error= ndbcluster_binlog_open_table(thd, share, table_share, table))) break; /* ! do not touch the contents of the table it may be in use by the injector thread */ MEM_ROOT *mem_root= &share->mem_root; share->ndb_value[0]= (NdbValue*) alloc_root(mem_root, sizeof(NdbValue) * (table->s->fields + 2 /*extra for hidden key and part key*/)); share->ndb_value[1]= (NdbValue*) alloc_root(mem_root, sizeof(NdbValue) * (table->s->fields + 2 /*extra for hidden key and part key*/)); if (table->s->primary_key == MAX_KEY) share->flags|= NSF_HIDDEN_PK; if (table->s->blob_fields != 0) share->flags|= NSF_BLOB_FLAG; break; } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /***************************************************************** functions called from master sql client threads ****************************************************************/ /* called in mysql_show_binlog_events and reset_logs to make sure we wait for all events originating from this mysql server to arrive in the binlog Wait for the last epoch in which the last transaction is a part of. Wait a maximum of 30 seconds. */ static void ndbcluster_binlog_wait(THD *thd) { if (ndb_binlog_running) { DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_binlog_wait"); const char *save_info= thd ? thd->proc_info : 0; ulonglong wait_epoch= g_latest_trans_gci; int count= 30; if (thd) thd->proc_info= "Waiting for ndbcluster binlog update to " "reach current position"; while (count && ndb_binlog_running && ndb_latest_handled_binlog_epoch < wait_epoch) { count--; sleep(1); } if (thd) thd->proc_info= save_info; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } } /* Called from MYSQL_LOG::reset_logs in log.cc when binlog is emptied */ static int ndbcluster_reset_logs(THD *thd) { if (!ndb_binlog_running) return 0; DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_reset_logs"); /* Wait for all events orifinating from this mysql server has reached the binlog before continuing to reset */ ndbcluster_binlog_wait(thd); char buf[1024]; char *end= strmov(buf, "DELETE FROM " NDB_REP_DB "." NDB_REP_TABLE); run_query(thd, buf, end, FALSE, TRUE); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Called from MYSQL_LOG::purge_logs in log.cc when the binlog "file" is removed */ static int ndbcluster_binlog_index_purge_file(THD *thd, const char *file) { if (!ndb_binlog_running) return 0; DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_binlog_index_purge_file"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("file: %s", file)); char buf[1024]; char *end= strmov(strmov(strmov(buf, "DELETE FROM " NDB_REP_DB "." NDB_REP_TABLE " WHERE File='"), file), "'"); run_query(thd, buf, end, FALSE, TRUE); DBUG_RETURN(0); } static void ndbcluster_binlog_log_query(THD *thd, enum_binlog_command binlog_command, const char *query, uint query_length, const char *db, const char *table_name) { DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_binlog_log_query"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("db: %s table_name: %s query: %s", db, table_name, query)); enum SCHEMA_OP_TYPE type; int log= 0; switch (binlog_command) { case LOGCOM_CREATE_TABLE: type= SOT_CREATE_TABLE; break; case LOGCOM_ALTER_TABLE: type= SOT_ALTER_TABLE; log= 1; break; case LOGCOM_RENAME_TABLE: type= SOT_RENAME_TABLE; break; case LOGCOM_DROP_TABLE: type= SOT_DROP_TABLE; break; case LOGCOM_CREATE_DB: type= SOT_CREATE_DB; log= 1; break; case LOGCOM_ALTER_DB: type= SOT_ALTER_DB; log= 1; break; case LOGCOM_DROP_DB: type= SOT_DROP_DB; break; } if (log) { ndbcluster_log_schema_op(thd, 0, query, query_length, db, table_name, 0, 0, type); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* End use of the NDB Cluster table handler - free all global variables allocated by ndbcluster_init() */ static int ndbcluster_binlog_end(THD *thd) { DBUG_ENTER("ndb_binlog_end"); if (!ndbcluster_util_inited) DBUG_RETURN(0); // Kill ndb utility thread (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_ndb_util_thread); DBUG_PRINT("exit",("killing ndb util thread: %lx", ndb_util_thread)); (void) pthread_cond_signal(&COND_ndb_util_thread); (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_ndb_util_thread); #ifdef HAVE_NDB_BINLOG /* wait for injector thread to finish */ if (ndb_binlog_thread_running > 0) { pthread_mutex_lock(&injector_mutex); while (ndb_binlog_thread_running > 0) { struct timespec abstime; set_timespec(abstime, 1); pthread_cond_timedwait(&injector_cond, &injector_mutex, &abstime); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&injector_mutex); } /* remove all shares */ { pthread_mutex_lock(&ndbcluster_mutex); for (uint i= 0; i < ndbcluster_open_tables.records; i++) { NDB_SHARE *share= (NDB_SHARE*) hash_element(&ndbcluster_open_tables, i); if (share->table) DBUG_PRINT("share", ("table->s->db.table_name: %s.%s", share->table->s->db.str, share->table->s->table_name.str)); if (share->state != NSS_DROPPED && !--share->use_count) real_free_share(&share); else { DBUG_PRINT("share", ("[%d] 0x%lx key: %s key_length: %d", i, share, share->key, share->key_length)); DBUG_PRINT("share", ("db.tablename: %s.%s use_count: %d commit_count: %d", share->db, share->table_name, share->use_count, share->commit_count)); } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&ndbcluster_mutex); } #endif ndbcluster_util_inited= 0; DBUG_RETURN(0); } /***************************************************************** functions called from slave sql client threads ****************************************************************/ static void ndbcluster_reset_slave(THD *thd) { if (!ndb_binlog_running) return; DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_reset_slave"); char buf[1024]; char *end= strmov(buf, "DELETE FROM " NDB_REP_DB "." NDB_APPLY_TABLE); run_query(thd, buf, end, FALSE, TRUE); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Initialize the binlog part of the ndb handlerton */ static int ndbcluster_binlog_func(THD *thd, enum_binlog_func fn, void *arg) { switch(fn) { case BFN_RESET_LOGS: ndbcluster_reset_logs(thd); break; case BFN_RESET_SLAVE: ndbcluster_reset_slave(thd); break; case BFN_BINLOG_WAIT: ndbcluster_binlog_wait(thd); break; case BFN_BINLOG_END: ndbcluster_binlog_end(thd); break; case BFN_BINLOG_PURGE_FILE: ndbcluster_binlog_index_purge_file(thd, (const char *)arg); break; } return 0; } void ndbcluster_binlog_init_handlerton() { handlerton &h= ndbcluster_hton; h.binlog_func= ndbcluster_binlog_func; h.binlog_log_query= ndbcluster_binlog_log_query; } /* check the availability af the apply_status share - return share, but do not increase refcount - return 0 if there is no share */ static NDB_SHARE *ndbcluster_check_apply_status_share() { pthread_mutex_lock(&ndbcluster_mutex); void *share= hash_search(&ndbcluster_open_tables, NDB_APPLY_TABLE_FILE, sizeof(NDB_APPLY_TABLE_FILE) - 1); DBUG_PRINT("info",("ndbcluster_check_apply_status_share %s %p", NDB_APPLY_TABLE_FILE, share)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ndbcluster_mutex); return (NDB_SHARE*) share; } /* check the availability af the schema share - return share, but do not increase refcount - return 0 if there is no share */ static NDB_SHARE *ndbcluster_check_schema_share() { pthread_mutex_lock(&ndbcluster_mutex); void *share= hash_search(&ndbcluster_open_tables, NDB_SCHEMA_TABLE_FILE, sizeof(NDB_SCHEMA_TABLE_FILE) - 1); DBUG_PRINT("info",("ndbcluster_check_schema_share %s %p", NDB_SCHEMA_TABLE_FILE, share)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ndbcluster_mutex); return (NDB_SHARE*) share; } /* Create the apply_status table */ static int ndbcluster_create_apply_status_table(THD *thd) { DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_create_apply_status_table"); /* Check if we already have the apply status table. If so it should have been discovered at startup and thus have a share */ if (ndbcluster_check_apply_status_share()) DBUG_RETURN(0); if (g_ndb_cluster_connection->get_no_ready() <= 0) DBUG_RETURN(0); char buf[1024], *end; if (ndb_extra_logging) sql_print_information("NDB: Creating " NDB_REP_DB "." NDB_APPLY_TABLE); /* Check if apply status table exists in MySQL "dictionary" if so, remove it since there is none in Ndb */ { build_table_filename(buf, sizeof(buf), NDB_REP_DB, NDB_APPLY_TABLE, reg_ext); my_delete(buf, MYF(0)); } /* Note, updating this table schema must be reflected in ndb_restore */ end= strmov(buf, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " NDB_REP_DB "." NDB_APPLY_TABLE " ( server_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " epoch BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL, " " PRIMARY KEY USING HASH (server_id) ) ENGINE=NDB"); run_query(thd, buf, end, TRUE, TRUE); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Create the schema table */ static int ndbcluster_create_schema_table(THD *thd) { DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_create_schema_table"); /* Check if we already have the schema table. If so it should have been discovered at startup and thus have a share */ if (ndbcluster_check_schema_share()) DBUG_RETURN(0); if (g_ndb_cluster_connection->get_no_ready() <= 0) DBUG_RETURN(0); char buf[1024], *end; if (ndb_extra_logging) sql_print_information("NDB: Creating " NDB_REP_DB "." NDB_SCHEMA_TABLE); /* Check if schema table exists in MySQL "dictionary" if so, remove it since there is none in Ndb */ { build_table_filename(buf, sizeof(buf), NDB_REP_DB, NDB_SCHEMA_TABLE, reg_ext); my_delete(buf, MYF(0)); } /* Update the defines below to reflect the table schema */ end= strmov(buf, "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " NDB_REP_DB "." NDB_SCHEMA_TABLE " ( db VARBINARY(63) NOT NULL," " name VARBINARY(63) NOT NULL," " slock BINARY(32) NOT NULL," " query BLOB NOT NULL," " node_id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " epoch BIGINT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " id INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " version INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " type INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL," " PRIMARY KEY USING HASH (db,name) ) ENGINE=NDB"); run_query(thd, buf, end, TRUE, TRUE); DBUG_RETURN(0); } int ndbcluster_setup_binlog_table_shares(THD *thd) { if (!schema_share && ndbcluster_check_schema_share() == 0) { pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_open); ndb_create_table_from_engine(thd, NDB_REP_DB, NDB_SCHEMA_TABLE); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_open); if (!schema_share) { ndbcluster_create_schema_table(thd); // always make sure we create the 'schema' first if (!schema_share) return 1; } } if (!apply_status_share && ndbcluster_check_apply_status_share() == 0) { pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_open); ndb_create_table_from_engine(thd, NDB_REP_DB, NDB_APPLY_TABLE); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_open); if (!apply_status_share) { ndbcluster_create_apply_status_table(thd); if (!apply_status_share) return 1; } } if (!ndbcluster_find_all_files(thd)) { pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_open); ndb_binlog_tables_inited= TRUE; if (ndb_binlog_running) { if (ndb_extra_logging) sql_print_information("NDB Binlog: ndb tables writable"); close_cached_tables((THD*) 0, 0, (TABLE_LIST*) 0, TRUE); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_open); /* Signal injector thread that all is setup */ pthread_cond_signal(&injector_cond); } return 0; } /* Defines and struct for schema table. Should reflect table definition above. */ #define SCHEMA_DB_I 0u #define SCHEMA_NAME_I 1u #define SCHEMA_SLOCK_I 2u #define SCHEMA_QUERY_I 3u #define SCHEMA_NODE_ID_I 4u #define SCHEMA_EPOCH_I 5u #define SCHEMA_ID_I 6u #define SCHEMA_VERSION_I 7u #define SCHEMA_TYPE_I 8u #define SCHEMA_SIZE 9u #define SCHEMA_SLOCK_SIZE 32u struct Cluster_schema { unsigned char db_length; char db[64]; unsigned char name_length; char name[64]; unsigned char slock_length; uint32 slock[SCHEMA_SLOCK_SIZE/4]; unsigned short query_length; char *query; Uint64 epoch; uint32 node_id; uint32 id; uint32 version; uint32 type; }; /* Transfer schema table data into corresponding struct */ static void ndbcluster_get_schema(NDB_SHARE *share, Cluster_schema *s) { TABLE *table= share->table; Field **field; /* unpack blob values */ byte* blobs_buffer= 0; uint blobs_buffer_size= 0; { ptrdiff_t ptrdiff= 0; int ret= get_ndb_blobs_value(table, share->ndb_value[0], blobs_buffer, blobs_buffer_size, ptrdiff); if (ret != 0) { my_free(blobs_buffer, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("blob read error")); DBUG_ASSERT(false); } } /* db varchar 1 length byte */ field= table->field; s->db_length= *(uint8*)(*field)->ptr; DBUG_ASSERT(s->db_length <= (*field)->field_length); DBUG_ASSERT((*field)->field_length + 1 == sizeof(s->db)); memcpy(s->db, (*field)->ptr + 1, s->db_length); s->db[s->db_length]= 0; /* name varchar 1 length byte */ field++; s->name_length= *(uint8*)(*field)->ptr; DBUG_ASSERT(s->name_length <= (*field)->field_length); DBUG_ASSERT((*field)->field_length + 1 == sizeof(s->name)); memcpy(s->name, (*field)->ptr + 1, s->name_length); s->name[s->name_length]= 0; /* slock fixed length */ field++; s->slock_length= (*field)->field_length; DBUG_ASSERT((*field)->field_length == sizeof(s->slock)); memcpy(s->slock, (*field)->ptr, s->slock_length); /* query blob */ field++; { Field_blob *field_blob= (Field_blob*)(*field); uint blob_len= field_blob->get_length((*field)->ptr); char *blob_ptr= 0; field_blob->get_ptr(&blob_ptr); assert(blob_len == 0 || blob_ptr != 0); s->query_length= blob_len; s->query= sql_alloc(blob_len+1); memcpy(s->query, blob_ptr, blob_len); s->query[blob_len]= 0; } /* node_id */ field++; s->node_id= ((Field_long *)*field)->val_int(); /* epoch */ field++; s->epoch= ((Field_long *)*field)->val_int(); /* id */ field++; s->id= ((Field_long *)*field)->val_int(); /* version */ field++; s->version= ((Field_long *)*field)->val_int(); /* type */ field++; s->type= ((Field_long *)*field)->val_int(); /* free blobs buffer */ my_free(blobs_buffer, MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR)); } /* helper function to pack a ndb varchar */ static char *ndb_pack_varchar(const NDBCOL *col, char *buf, const char *str, int sz) { switch (col->getArrayType()) { case NDBCOL::ArrayTypeFixed: memcpy(buf, str, sz); break; case NDBCOL::ArrayTypeShortVar: *(unsigned char*)buf= (unsigned char)sz; memcpy(buf + 1, str, sz); break; case NDBCOL::ArrayTypeMediumVar: int2store(buf, sz); memcpy(buf + 2, str, sz); break; } return buf; } /* log query in schema table */ static void ndb_report_waiting(const char *key, int the_time, const char *op, const char *obj) { ulonglong ndb_latest_epoch= 0; const char *proc_info= "<no info>"; pthread_mutex_lock(&injector_mutex); if (injector_ndb) ndb_latest_epoch= injector_ndb->getLatestGCI(); if (injector_thd) proc_info= injector_thd->proc_info; pthread_mutex_unlock(&injector_mutex); sql_print_information("NDB %s:" " waiting max %u sec for %s %s." " epochs: (%u,%u,%u)" " injector proc_info: %s" ,key, the_time, op, obj ,(uint)ndb_latest_handled_binlog_epoch ,(uint)ndb_latest_received_binlog_epoch ,(uint)ndb_latest_epoch ,proc_info ); } int ndbcluster_log_schema_op(THD *thd, NDB_SHARE *share, const char *query, int query_length, const char *db, const char *table_name, uint32 ndb_table_id, uint32 ndb_table_version, enum SCHEMA_OP_TYPE type, const char *old_db, const char *old_table_name) { DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_log_schema_op"); Thd_ndb *thd_ndb= get_thd_ndb(thd); if (!thd_ndb) { if (!(thd_ndb= ha_ndbcluster::seize_thd_ndb())) { sql_print_error("Could not allocate Thd_ndb object"); DBUG_RETURN(1); } set_thd_ndb(thd, thd_ndb); } DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("query: %s db: %s table_name: %s thd_ndb->options: %d", query, db, table_name, thd_ndb->options)); if (!schema_share || thd_ndb->options & TNO_NO_LOG_SCHEMA_OP) { DBUG_RETURN(0); } char tmp_buf2[FN_REFLEN]; const char *type_str; switch (type) { case SOT_DROP_TABLE: /* drop database command, do not log at drop table */ if (thd->lex->sql_command == SQLCOM_DROP_DB) DBUG_RETURN(0); /* redo the drop table query as is may contain several tables */ query= tmp_buf2; query_length= (uint) (strxmov(tmp_buf2, "drop table `", table_name, "`", NullS) - tmp_buf2); type_str= "drop table"; break; case SOT_RENAME_TABLE: /* redo the rename table query as is may contain several tables */ query= tmp_buf2; query_length= (uint) (strxmov(tmp_buf2, "rename table `", old_db, ".", old_table_name, "` to `", db, ".", table_name, "`", NullS) - tmp_buf2); type_str= "rename table"; break; case SOT_CREATE_TABLE: type_str= "create table"; break; case SOT_ALTER_TABLE: type_str= "create table"; break; case SOT_DROP_DB: type_str= "drop db"; break; case SOT_CREATE_DB: type_str= "create db"; break; case SOT_ALTER_DB: type_str= "alter db"; break; case SOT_TABLESPACE: type_str= "tablespace"; break; case SOT_LOGFILE_GROUP: type_str= "logfile group"; break; default: abort(); /* should not happen, programming error */ } NDB_SCHEMA_OBJECT *ndb_schema_object; { char key[FN_REFLEN]; build_table_filename(key, sizeof(key), db, table_name, ""); ndb_schema_object= ndb_get_schema_object(key, TRUE, FALSE); } const NdbError *ndb_error= 0; uint32 node_id= g_ndb_cluster_connection->node_id(); Uint64 epoch= 0; MY_BITMAP schema_subscribers; uint32 bitbuf[sizeof(ndb_schema_object->slock)/4]; { int i; bitmap_init(&schema_subscribers, bitbuf, sizeof(bitbuf)*8, false); bitmap_set_all(&schema_subscribers); (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&schema_share->mutex); for (i= 0; i < ndb_number_of_storage_nodes; i++) { MY_BITMAP *table_subscribers= &schema_share->subscriber_bitmap[i]; if (!bitmap_is_clear_all(table_subscribers)) bitmap_intersect(&schema_subscribers, table_subscribers); } (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&schema_share->mutex); bitmap_clear_bit(&schema_subscribers, node_id); if (ndb_schema_object) { (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&ndb_schema_object->mutex); memcpy(ndb_schema_object->slock, schema_subscribers.bitmap, sizeof(ndb_schema_object->slock)); (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&ndb_schema_object->mutex); } DBUG_DUMP("schema_subscribers", (char*)schema_subscribers.bitmap, no_bytes_in_map(&schema_subscribers)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("bitmap_is_clear_all(&schema_subscribers): %d", bitmap_is_clear_all(&schema_subscribers))); } Ndb *ndb= thd_ndb->ndb; char save_db[FN_REFLEN]; strcpy(save_db, ndb->getDatabaseName()); char tmp_buf[FN_REFLEN]; NDBDICT *dict= ndb->getDictionary(); ndb->setDatabaseName(NDB_REP_DB); const NDBTAB *ndbtab= dict->getTable(NDB_SCHEMA_TABLE); NdbTransaction *trans= 0; int retries= 100; const NDBCOL *col[SCHEMA_SIZE]; unsigned sz[SCHEMA_SIZE]; if (ndbtab == 0) { if (strcmp(NDB_REP_DB, db) != 0 || strcmp(NDB_SCHEMA_TABLE, table_name)) { ndb_error= &dict->getNdbError(); } goto end; } { uint i; for (i= 0; i < SCHEMA_SIZE; i++) { col[i]= ndbtab->getColumn(i); if (i != SCHEMA_QUERY_I) { sz[i]= col[i]->getLength(); DBUG_ASSERT(sz[i] <= sizeof(tmp_buf)); } } } while (1) { if ((trans= ndb->startTransaction()) == 0) goto err; { NdbOperation *op= 0; int r= 0; r|= (op= trans->getNdbOperation(ndbtab)) == 0; DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); r|= op->writeTuple(); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); /* db */ ndb_pack_varchar(col[SCHEMA_DB_I], tmp_buf, db, strlen(db)); r|= op->equal(SCHEMA_DB_I, tmp_buf); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); /* name */ ndb_pack_varchar(col[SCHEMA_NAME_I], tmp_buf, table_name, strlen(table_name)); r|= op->equal(SCHEMA_NAME_I, tmp_buf); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); /* slock */ DBUG_ASSERT(sz[SCHEMA_SLOCK_I] == sizeof(bitbuf)); r|= op->setValue(SCHEMA_SLOCK_I, (char*)schema_subscribers.bitmap); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); /* query */ { NdbBlob *ndb_blob= op->getBlobHandle(SCHEMA_QUERY_I); DBUG_ASSERT(ndb_blob != 0); uint blob_len= query_length; const char* blob_ptr= query; r|= ndb_blob->setValue(blob_ptr, blob_len); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); } /* node_id */ r|= op->setValue(SCHEMA_NODE_ID_I, node_id); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); /* epoch */ r|= op->setValue(SCHEMA_EPOCH_I, epoch); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); /* id */ r|= op->setValue(SCHEMA_ID_I, ndb_table_id); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); /* version */ r|= op->setValue(SCHEMA_VERSION_I, ndb_table_version); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); /* type */ r|= op->setValue(SCHEMA_TYPE_I, (uint32)type); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); } if (trans->execute(NdbTransaction::Commit) == 0) { dict->forceGCPWait(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("logged: %s", query)); break; } err: const NdbError *this_error= trans ? &trans->getNdbError() : &ndb->getNdbError(); if (this_error->status == NdbError::TemporaryError) { if (retries--) { if (trans) ndb->closeTransaction(trans); continue; // retry } } ndb_error= this_error; break; } end: if (ndb_error) push_warning_printf(current_thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_ERROR, ER_GET_ERRMSG, ER(ER_GET_ERRMSG), ndb_error->code, ndb_error->message, "Could not log query '%s' on other mysqld's"); if (trans) ndb->closeTransaction(trans); ndb->setDatabaseName(save_db); /* Wait for other mysqld's to acknowledge the table operation */ if (ndb_error == 0 && !bitmap_is_clear_all(&schema_subscribers)) { int max_timeout= 10; (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&ndb_schema_object->mutex); while (1) { struct timespec abstime; int i; set_timespec(abstime, 1); int ret= pthread_cond_timedwait(&injector_cond, &ndb_schema_object->mutex, &abstime); (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&schema_share->mutex); for (i= 0; i < ndb_number_of_storage_nodes; i++) { /* remove any unsubscribed from schema_subscribers */ MY_BITMAP *tmp= &schema_share->subscriber_bitmap[i]; if (!bitmap_is_clear_all(tmp)) bitmap_intersect(&schema_subscribers, tmp); } (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&schema_share->mutex); /* remove any unsubscribed from ndb_schema_object->slock */ bitmap_intersect(&ndb_schema_object->slock_bitmap, &schema_subscribers); DBUG_DUMP("ndb_schema_object->slock_bitmap.bitmap", (char*)ndb_schema_object->slock_bitmap.bitmap, no_bytes_in_map(&ndb_schema_object->slock_bitmap)); if (bitmap_is_clear_all(&ndb_schema_object->slock_bitmap)) break; if (ret) { max_timeout--; if (max_timeout == 0) { sql_print_error("NDB %s: distributing %s timed out. Ignoring...", type_str, ndb_schema_object->key); break; } if (ndb_extra_logging) ndb_report_waiting(type_str, max_timeout, "distributing", ndb_schema_object->key); } } (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&ndb_schema_object->mutex); } if (ndb_schema_object) ndb_free_schema_object(&ndb_schema_object, FALSE); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* acknowledge handling of schema operation */ static int ndbcluster_update_slock(THD *thd, const char *db, const char *table_name) { DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_update_slock"); if (!schema_share) { DBUG_RETURN(0); } const NdbError *ndb_error= 0; uint32 node_id= g_ndb_cluster_connection->node_id(); Ndb *ndb= check_ndb_in_thd(thd); char save_db[FN_HEADLEN]; strcpy(save_db, ndb->getDatabaseName()); char tmp_buf[FN_REFLEN]; NDBDICT *dict= ndb->getDictionary(); ndb->setDatabaseName(NDB_REP_DB); const NDBTAB *ndbtab= dict->getTable(NDB_SCHEMA_TABLE); NdbTransaction *trans= 0; int retries= 100; const NDBCOL *col[SCHEMA_SIZE]; unsigned sz[SCHEMA_SIZE]; MY_BITMAP slock; uint32 bitbuf[SCHEMA_SLOCK_SIZE/4]; bitmap_init(&slock, bitbuf, sizeof(bitbuf)*8, false); if (ndbtab == 0) { abort(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } { uint i; for (i= 0; i < SCHEMA_SIZE; i++) { col[i]= ndbtab->getColumn(i); if (i != SCHEMA_QUERY_I) { sz[i]= col[i]->getLength(); DBUG_ASSERT(sz[i] <= sizeof(tmp_buf)); } } } while (1) { if ((trans= ndb->startTransaction()) == 0) goto err; { NdbOperation *op= 0; int r= 0; /* read the bitmap exlusive */ r|= (op= trans->getNdbOperation(ndbtab)) == 0; DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); r|= op->readTupleExclusive(); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); /* db */ ndb_pack_varchar(col[SCHEMA_DB_I], tmp_buf, db, strlen(db)); r|= op->equal(SCHEMA_DB_I, tmp_buf); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); /* name */ ndb_pack_varchar(col[SCHEMA_NAME_I], tmp_buf, table_name, strlen(table_name)); r|= op->equal(SCHEMA_NAME_I, tmp_buf); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); /* slock */ r|= op->getValue(SCHEMA_SLOCK_I, (char*)slock.bitmap) == 0; DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); } if (trans->execute(NdbTransaction::NoCommit)) goto err; bitmap_clear_bit(&slock, node_id); { NdbOperation *op= 0; int r= 0; /* now update the tuple */ r|= (op= trans->getNdbOperation(ndbtab)) == 0; DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); r|= op->updateTuple(); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); /* db */ ndb_pack_varchar(col[SCHEMA_DB_I], tmp_buf, db, strlen(db)); r|= op->equal(SCHEMA_DB_I, tmp_buf); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); /* name */ ndb_pack_varchar(col[SCHEMA_NAME_I], tmp_buf, table_name, strlen(table_name)); r|= op->equal(SCHEMA_NAME_I, tmp_buf); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); /* slock */ r|= op->setValue(SCHEMA_SLOCK_I, (char*)slock.bitmap); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); /* node_id */ r|= op->setValue(SCHEMA_NODE_ID_I, node_id); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); /* type */ r|= op->setValue(SCHEMA_TYPE_I, (uint32)SOT_CLEAR_SLOCK); DBUG_ASSERT(r == 0); } if (trans->execute(NdbTransaction::Commit) == 0) { dict->forceGCPWait(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("node %d cleared lock on '%s.%s'", node_id, db, table_name)); break; } err: const NdbError *this_error= trans ? &trans->getNdbError() : &ndb->getNdbError(); if (this_error->status == NdbError::TemporaryError) { if (retries--) { if (trans) ndb->closeTransaction(trans); continue; // retry } } ndb_error= this_error; break; } end: if (ndb_error) push_warning_printf(current_thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_ERROR, ER_GET_ERRMSG, ER(ER_GET_ERRMSG), ndb_error->code, ndb_error->message, "Could not release lock on '%s.%s'", db, table_name); if (trans) ndb->closeTransaction(trans); ndb->setDatabaseName(save_db); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Handle _non_ data events from the storage nodes */ int ndb_handle_schema_change(THD *thd, Ndb *ndb, NdbEventOperation *pOp, NDB_SHARE *share) { DBUG_ENTER("ndb_handle_schema_change"); bool do_close_cached_tables= FALSE; bool is_online_alter_table= FALSE; bool is_rename_table= FALSE; bool is_remote_change= (uint) pOp->getReqNodeId() != g_ndb_cluster_connection->node_id(); if (pOp->getEventType() == NDBEVENT::TE_ALTER) { if (pOp->tableFrmChanged()) { is_online_alter_table= TRUE; } else { DBUG_ASSERT(pOp->tableNameChanged()); is_rename_table= TRUE; } } if (is_remote_change) /* includes CLUSTER_FAILURE */ { TABLE* table= share->table; TABLE_SHARE *table_share= table->s; const char *dbname= table_share->db.str; /* Invalidate table and all it's indexes */ ndb->setDatabaseName(dbname); Thd_ndb *thd_ndb= get_thd_ndb(thd); DBUG_ASSERT(thd_ndb != NULL); Ndb* old_ndb= thd_ndb->ndb; thd_ndb->ndb= ndb; ha_ndbcluster table_handler(table_share); table_handler.set_dbname(share->key); table_handler.set_tabname(share->key); table_handler.open_indexes(ndb, table, TRUE); table_handler.invalidate_dictionary_cache(TRUE); thd_ndb->ndb= old_ndb; if (is_online_alter_table) { const char *tabname= table_share->table_name.str; char key[FN_REFLEN]; const void *data= 0, *pack_data= 0; uint length, pack_length; int error; NDBDICT *dict= ndb->getDictionary(); const NDBTAB *altered_table= pOp->getTable(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Detected frm change of table %s.%s", dbname, tabname)); build_table_filename(key, FN_LEN-1, dbname, tabname, NullS); /* If the frm of the altered table is different than the one on disk then overwrite it with the new table definition */ if (readfrm(key, &data, &length) == 0 && packfrm(data, length, &pack_data, &pack_length) == 0 && cmp_frm(altered_table, pack_data, pack_length)) { DBUG_DUMP("frm", (char*)altered_table->getFrmData(), altered_table->getFrmLength()); pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_open); const NDBTAB *old= dict->getTable(tabname); if (!old && old->getObjectVersion() != altered_table->getObjectVersion()) dict->putTable(altered_table); if ((error= unpackfrm(&data, &length, altered_table->getFrmData())) || (error= writefrm(key, data, length))) { sql_print_information("NDB: Failed write frm for %s.%s, error %d", dbname, tabname, error); } ndbcluster_binlog_close_table(thd, share); close_cached_tables((THD*) 0, 0, (TABLE_LIST*) 0, TRUE); if ((error= ndbcluster_binlog_open_table(thd, share, table_share, table))) sql_print_information("NDB: Failed to re-open table %s.%s", dbname, tabname); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_open); } } } // If only frm was changed continue replicating if (is_online_alter_table) { /* Signal ha_ndbcluster::alter_table that drop is done */ (void) pthread_cond_signal(&injector_cond); DBUG_RETURN(0); } (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&share->mutex); if (is_rename_table && !is_remote_change) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Detected name change of table %s.%s", share->db, share->table_name)); /* ToDo: remove printout */ if (ndb_extra_logging) sql_print_information("NDB Binlog: rename table %s%s/%s -> %s.", share_prefix, share->table->s->db.str, share->table->s->table_name.str, share->key); /* do the rename of the table in the share */ share->table->s->db.str= share->db; share->table->s->db.length= strlen(share->db); share->table->s->table_name.str= share->table_name; share->table->s->table_name.length= strlen(share->table_name); } DBUG_ASSERT(share->op == pOp || share->op_old == pOp); if (share->op_old == pOp) share->op_old= 0; else share->op= 0; // either just us or drop table handling as well /* Signal ha_ndbcluster::delete/rename_table that drop is done */ (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&share->mutex); (void) pthread_cond_signal(&injector_cond); pthread_mutex_lock(&ndbcluster_mutex); free_share(&share, TRUE); if (is_remote_change && share && share->state != NSS_DROPPED) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("remote change")); if (share->use_count != 1) do_close_cached_tables= TRUE; share->state= NSS_DROPPED; free_share(&share, TRUE); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&ndbcluster_mutex); share= 0; pOp->setCustomData(0); pthread_mutex_lock(&injector_mutex); ndb->dropEventOperation(pOp); pOp= 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&injector_mutex); if (do_close_cached_tables) close_cached_tables((THD*) 0, 0, (TABLE_LIST*) 0); DBUG_RETURN(0); } static int ndb_binlog_thread_handle_schema_event(THD *thd, Ndb *ndb, NdbEventOperation *pOp, List<Cluster_schema> *post_epoch_log_list, List<Cluster_schema> *post_epoch_unlock_list, MEM_ROOT *mem_root) { DBUG_ENTER("ndb_binlog_thread_handle_schema_event"); NDB_SHARE *tmp_share= (NDB_SHARE *)pOp->getCustomData(); if (tmp_share && schema_share == tmp_share) { NDBEVENT::TableEvent ev_type= pOp->getEventType(); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("%s.%s ev_type: %d", tmp_share->db, tmp_share->table_name, ev_type)); if (ev_type == NDBEVENT::TE_UPDATE || ev_type == NDBEVENT::TE_INSERT) { Cluster_schema *schema= (Cluster_schema *) sql_alloc(sizeof(Cluster_schema)); MY_BITMAP slock; bitmap_init(&slock, schema->slock, 8*SCHEMA_SLOCK_SIZE, false); uint node_id= g_ndb_cluster_connection->node_id(); ndbcluster_get_schema(tmp_share, schema); if (schema->node_id != node_id) { int log_query= 0, post_epoch_unlock= 0; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("log query_length: %d query: '%s'", schema->query_length, schema->query)); char key[FN_REFLEN]; build_table_filename(key, sizeof(key), schema->db, schema->name, ""); NDB_SHARE *share= get_share(key, 0, false, false); switch ((enum SCHEMA_OP_TYPE)schema->type) { case SOT_DROP_TABLE: /* binlog dropping table after any table operations */ if (share && share->op) { post_epoch_log_list->push_back(schema, mem_root); /* acknowledge this query _after_ epoch completion */ post_epoch_unlock= 1; } /* table is either ignored or logging is postponed to later */ log_query= 0; break; case SOT_RENAME_TABLE: if (share && share->op) { post_epoch_log_list->push_back(schema, mem_root); /* acknowledge this query _after_ epoch completion */ post_epoch_unlock= 1; break; /* discovery will be handled by binlog */ } goto sot_create_table; case SOT_ALTER_TABLE: if (share && share->op) { post_epoch_log_list->push_back(schema, mem_root); /* acknowledge this query _after_ epoch completion */ post_epoch_unlock= 1; break; /* discovery will be handled by binlog */ } goto sot_create_table; case SOT_CREATE_TABLE: sot_create_table: /* we need to free any share here as command below may need to call handle_trailing_share */ if (share) { free_share(&share); share= 0; } pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_open); if (ndb_create_table_from_engine(thd, schema->db, schema->name)) { sql_print_error("Could not discover table '%s.%s' from " "binlog schema event '%s' from node %d", schema->db, schema->name, schema->query, schema->node_id); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_open); log_query= 1; break; case SOT_DROP_DB: run_query(thd, schema->query, schema->query + schema->query_length, TRUE, /* print error */ TRUE); /* don't binlog the query */ /* binlog dropping database after any table operations */ if (ndb_binlog_running) { post_epoch_log_list->push_back(schema, mem_root); /* acknowledge this query _after_ epoch completion */ post_epoch_unlock= 1; } break; case SOT_CREATE_DB: /* fall through */ case SOT_ALTER_DB: run_query(thd, schema->query, schema->query + schema->query_length, TRUE, /* print error */ FALSE); /* binlog the query */ break; case SOT_CLEAR_SLOCK: { pthread_mutex_lock(&ndbcluster_mutex); NDB_SCHEMA_OBJECT *ndb_schema_object= (NDB_SCHEMA_OBJECT*) hash_search(&ndb_schema_objects, (byte*) key, strlen(key)); if (ndb_schema_object) { pthread_mutex_lock(&ndb_schema_object->mutex); memcpy(ndb_schema_object->slock, schema->slock, sizeof(ndb_schema_object->slock)); DBUG_DUMP("ndb_schema_object->slock_bitmap.bitmap", (char*)ndb_schema_object->slock_bitmap.bitmap, no_bytes_in_map(&ndb_schema_object->slock_bitmap)); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ndb_schema_object->mutex); pthread_cond_signal(&injector_cond); } if (share) free_share(&share, TRUE); pthread_mutex_unlock(&ndbcluster_mutex); DBUG_RETURN(0); } case SOT_TABLESPACE: case SOT_LOGFILE_GROUP: log_query= 1; break; } if (share) { free_share(&share); share= 0; } if (log_query && ndb_binlog_running) { char *thd_db_save= thd->db; thd->db= schema->db; thd->binlog_query(THD::STMT_QUERY_TYPE, schema->query, schema->query_length, FALSE, schema->name[0] == 0 || thd->db[0] == 0); thd->db= thd_db_save; } /* signal that schema operation has been handled */ DBUG_DUMP("slock", (char*)schema->slock, schema->slock_length); if (bitmap_is_set(&slock, node_id)) { if (post_epoch_unlock) post_epoch_unlock_list->push_back(schema, mem_root); else ndbcluster_update_slock(thd, schema->db, schema->name); } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* the normal case of UPDATE/INSERT has already been handled */ switch (ev_type) { case NDBEVENT::TE_DELETE: // skip break; case NDBEVENT::TE_CLUSTER_FAILURE: // fall through case NDBEVENT::TE_DROP: if (ndb_extra_logging && ndb_binlog_tables_inited && ndb_binlog_running) sql_print_information("NDB Binlog: ndb tables initially " "read only on reconnect."); free_share(&schema_share); schema_share= 0; ndb_binlog_tables_inited= FALSE; // fall through case NDBEVENT::TE_ALTER: ndb_handle_schema_change(thd, ndb, pOp, tmp_share); break; case NDBEVENT::TE_NODE_FAILURE: { uint8 node_id= g_node_id_map[pOp->getNdbdNodeId()]; DBUG_ASSERT(node_id != 0xFF); (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&tmp_share->mutex); bitmap_clear_all(&tmp_share->subscriber_bitmap[node_id]); DBUG_PRINT("info",("NODE_FAILURE UNSUBSCRIBE[%d]", node_id)); if (ndb_extra_logging) { sql_print_information("NDB Binlog: Node: %d, down," " Subscriber bitmask %x%x", pOp->getNdbdNodeId(), tmp_share->subscriber_bitmap[node_id].bitmap[1], tmp_share->subscriber_bitmap[node_id].bitmap[0]); } (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&tmp_share->mutex); (void) pthread_cond_signal(&injector_cond); break; } case NDBEVENT::TE_SUBSCRIBE: { uint8 node_id= g_node_id_map[pOp->getNdbdNodeId()]; uint8 req_id= pOp->getReqNodeId(); DBUG_ASSERT(req_id != 0 && node_id != 0xFF); (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&tmp_share->mutex); bitmap_set_bit(&tmp_share->subscriber_bitmap[node_id], req_id); DBUG_PRINT("info",("SUBSCRIBE[%d] %d", node_id, req_id)); if (ndb_extra_logging) { sql_print_information("NDB Binlog: Node: %d, subscribe from node %d," " Subscriber bitmask %x%x", pOp->getNdbdNodeId(), req_id, tmp_share->subscriber_bitmap[node_id].bitmap[1], tmp_share->subscriber_bitmap[node_id].bitmap[0]); } (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&tmp_share->mutex); (void) pthread_cond_signal(&injector_cond); break; } case NDBEVENT::TE_UNSUBSCRIBE: { uint8 node_id= g_node_id_map[pOp->getNdbdNodeId()]; uint8 req_id= pOp->getReqNodeId(); DBUG_ASSERT(req_id != 0 && node_id != 0xFF); (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&tmp_share->mutex); bitmap_clear_bit(&tmp_share->subscriber_bitmap[node_id], req_id); DBUG_PRINT("info",("UNSUBSCRIBE[%d] %d", node_id, req_id)); if (ndb_extra_logging) { sql_print_information("NDB Binlog: Node: %d, unsubscribe from node %d," " Subscriber bitmask %x%x", pOp->getNdbdNodeId(), req_id, tmp_share->subscriber_bitmap[node_id].bitmap[1], tmp_share->subscriber_bitmap[node_id].bitmap[0]); } (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&tmp_share->mutex); (void) pthread_cond_signal(&injector_cond); break; } default: sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: unknown non data event %d for %s. " "Ignoring...", (unsigned) ev_type, tmp_share->key); } } DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* process any operations that should be done after the epoch is complete */ static void ndb_binlog_thread_handle_schema_event_post_epoch(THD *thd, List<Cluster_schema> *post_epoch_log_list, List<Cluster_schema> *post_epoch_unlock_list) { DBUG_ENTER("ndb_binlog_thread_handle_schema_event_post_epoch"); Cluster_schema *schema; while ((schema= post_epoch_log_list->pop())) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("log query_length: %d query: '%s'", schema->query_length, schema->query)); { char key[FN_REFLEN]; build_table_filename(key, sizeof(key), schema->db, schema->name, ""); NDB_SHARE *share= get_share(key, 0, false, false); switch ((enum SCHEMA_OP_TYPE)schema->type) { case SOT_DROP_DB: case SOT_DROP_TABLE: break; case SOT_RENAME_TABLE: case SOT_ALTER_TABLE: if (share && share->op) { break; /* discovery handled by binlog */ } pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_open); if (ndb_create_table_from_engine(thd, schema->db, schema->name)) { sql_print_error("Could not discover table '%s.%s' from " "binlog schema event '%s' from node %d", schema->db, schema->name, schema->query, schema->node_id); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_open); default: DBUG_ASSERT(false); } if (share) { free_share(&share); share= 0; } } { char *thd_db_save= thd->db; thd->db= schema->db; thd->binlog_query(THD::STMT_QUERY_TYPE, schema->query, schema->query_length, FALSE, schema->name[0] == 0); thd->db= thd_db_save; } } while ((schema= post_epoch_unlock_list->pop())) { ndbcluster_update_slock(thd, schema->db, schema->name); } DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /* Timer class for doing performance measurements */ /********************************************************************* Internal helper functions for handeling of the cluster replication tables - binlog_index - apply_status *********************************************************************/ /* struct to hold the data to be inserted into the binlog_index table */ struct Binlog_index_row { ulonglong gci; const char *master_log_file; ulonglong master_log_pos; ulonglong n_inserts; ulonglong n_updates; ulonglong n_deletes; ulonglong n_schemaops; }; /* Open the binlog_index table */ static int open_binlog_index(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, TABLE **binlog_index) { static char repdb[]= NDB_REP_DB; static char reptable[]= NDB_REP_TABLE; const char *save_proc_info= thd->proc_info; bzero((char*) tables, sizeof(*tables)); tables->db= repdb; tables->alias= tables->table_name= reptable; tables->lock_type= TL_WRITE; thd->proc_info= "Opening " NDB_REP_DB "." NDB_REP_TABLE; tables->required_type= FRMTYPE_TABLE; uint counter; thd->clear_error(); if (open_tables(thd, &tables, &counter, MYSQL_LOCK_IGNORE_FLUSH)) { sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: Opening binlog_index: %d, '%s'", thd->net.last_errno, thd->net.last_error ? thd->net.last_error : ""); thd->proc_info= save_proc_info; return -1; } *binlog_index= tables->table; thd->proc_info= save_proc_info; return 0; } /* Insert one row in the binlog_index */ int ndb_add_binlog_index(THD *thd, void *_row) { Binlog_index_row &row= *(Binlog_index_row *) _row; int error= 0; bool need_reopen; /* Turn of binlogging to prevent the table changes to be written to the binary log. */ ulong saved_options= thd->options; thd->options&= ~(OPTION_BIN_LOG); for ( ; ; ) /* loop for need_reopen */ { if (!binlog_index && open_binlog_index(thd, &binlog_tables, &binlog_index)) { error= -1; goto add_binlog_index_err; } if (lock_tables(thd, &binlog_tables, 1, &need_reopen)) { if (need_reopen) { TABLE_LIST *p_binlog_tables= &binlog_tables; close_tables_for_reopen(thd, &p_binlog_tables); binlog_index= 0; continue; } sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: Unable to lock table binlog_index"); error= -1; goto add_binlog_index_err; } break; } binlog_index->field[0]->store(row.master_log_pos); binlog_index->field[1]->store(row.master_log_file, strlen(row.master_log_file), &my_charset_bin); binlog_index->field[2]->store(row.gci); binlog_index->field[3]->store(row.n_inserts); binlog_index->field[4]->store(row.n_updates); binlog_index->field[5]->store(row.n_deletes); binlog_index->field[6]->store(row.n_schemaops); int r; if ((r= binlog_index->file->ha_write_row(binlog_index->record[0]))) { sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: Writing row to binlog_index: %d", r); error= -1; goto add_binlog_index_err; } mysql_unlock_tables(thd, thd->lock); thd->lock= 0; thd->options= saved_options; return 0; add_binlog_index_err: close_thread_tables(thd); binlog_index= 0; thd->options= saved_options; return error; } /********************************************************************* Functions for start, stop, wait for ndbcluster binlog thread *********************************************************************/ static int do_ndbcluster_binlog_close_connection= 0; int ndbcluster_binlog_start() { DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_binlog_start"); pthread_mutex_init(&injector_mutex, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); pthread_cond_init(&injector_cond, NULL); /* Create injector thread */ if (pthread_create(&ndb_binlog_thread, &connection_attrib, ndb_binlog_thread_func, 0)) { DBUG_PRINT("error", ("Could not create ndb injector thread")); pthread_cond_destroy(&injector_cond); pthread_mutex_destroy(&injector_mutex); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } /* Wait for the ndb injector thread to finish starting up. */ pthread_mutex_lock(&injector_mutex); while (!ndb_binlog_thread_running) pthread_cond_wait(&injector_cond, &injector_mutex); pthread_mutex_unlock(&injector_mutex); if (ndb_binlog_thread_running < 0) DBUG_RETURN(-1); DBUG_RETURN(0); } static void ndbcluster_binlog_close_connection(THD *thd) { DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_binlog_close_connection"); const char *save_info= thd->proc_info; thd->proc_info= "ndbcluster_binlog_close_connection"; do_ndbcluster_binlog_close_connection= 1; while (ndb_binlog_thread_running > 0) sleep(1); thd->proc_info= save_info; DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } /************************************************************** Internal helper functions for creating/dropping ndb events used by the client sql threads **************************************************************/ void ndb_rep_event_name(String *event_name,const char *db, const char *tbl) { event_name->set_ascii("REPL$", 5); event_name->append(db); if (tbl) { event_name->append('/'); event_name->append(tbl); } } /* Common function for setting up everything for logging a table at create/discover. */ int ndbcluster_create_binlog_setup(Ndb *ndb, const char *key, uint key_len, const char *db, const char *table_name, my_bool share_may_exist) { int do_event_op= ndb_binlog_running; DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_create_binlog_setup"); DBUG_PRINT("enter",("key: %s key_len: %d %s.%s share_may_exist: %d", key, key_len, db, table_name, share_may_exist)); DBUG_ASSERT(! IS_NDB_BLOB_PREFIX(table_name)); DBUG_ASSERT(strlen(key) == key_len); pthread_mutex_lock(&ndbcluster_mutex); /* Handle any trailing share */ NDB_SHARE *share= (NDB_SHARE*) hash_search(&ndbcluster_open_tables, (byte*) key, key_len); if (share && share_may_exist) { if (share->flags & NSF_NO_BINLOG || share->op != 0 || share->op_old != 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&ndbcluster_mutex); DBUG_RETURN(0); // replication already setup, or should not } } if (share) { if (share->op || share->op_old) { my_errno= HA_ERR_TABLE_EXIST; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ndbcluster_mutex); DBUG_RETURN(1); } handle_trailing_share(share); } /* Create share which is needed to hold replication information */ if (!(share= get_share(key, 0, true, true))) { sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: " "allocating table share for %s failed", key); } if (!schema_share && strcmp(share->db, NDB_REP_DB) == 0 && strcmp(share->table_name, NDB_SCHEMA_TABLE) == 0) do_event_op= 1; if (!do_event_op) { share->flags|= NSF_NO_BINLOG; pthread_mutex_unlock(&ndbcluster_mutex); DBUG_RETURN(0); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&ndbcluster_mutex); while (share && !IS_TMP_PREFIX(table_name)) { /* ToDo make sanity check of share so that the table is actually the same I.e. we need to do open file from frm in this case Currently awaiting this to be fixed in the 4.1 tree in the general case */ /* Create the event in NDB */ ndb->setDatabaseName(db); NDBDICT *dict= ndb->getDictionary(); const NDBTAB *ndbtab= dict->getTable(table_name); if (ndbtab == 0) { if (ndb_extra_logging) sql_print_information("NDB Binlog: Failed to get table %s from ndb: " "%s, %d", key, dict->getNdbError().message, dict->getNdbError().code); break; // error } String event_name(INJECTOR_EVENT_LEN); ndb_rep_event_name(&event_name, db, table_name); /* event should have been created by someone else, but let's make sure, and create if it doesn't exist */ if (!dict->getEvent(event_name.c_ptr())) { if (ndbcluster_create_event(ndb, ndbtab, event_name.c_ptr(), share)) { sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: " "FAILED CREATE (DISCOVER) TABLE Event: %s", event_name.c_ptr()); break; // error } if (ndb_extra_logging) sql_print_information("NDB Binlog: " "CREATE (DISCOVER) TABLE Event: %s", event_name.c_ptr()); } else if (ndb_extra_logging) sql_print_information("NDB Binlog: DISCOVER TABLE Event: %s", event_name.c_ptr()); /* create the event operations for receiving logging events */ if (ndbcluster_create_event_ops(share, ndbtab, event_name.c_ptr())) { sql_print_error("NDB Binlog:" "FAILED CREATE (DISCOVER) EVENT OPERATIONS Event: %s", event_name.c_ptr()); /* a warning has been issued to the client */ DBUG_RETURN(0); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } DBUG_RETURN(-1); } int ndbcluster_create_event(Ndb *ndb, const NDBTAB *ndbtab, const char *event_name, NDB_SHARE *share, int push_warning) { DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_create_event"); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("table=%s version=%d event=%s share=%s", ndbtab->getName(), ndbtab->getObjectVersion(), event_name, share ? share->key : "(nil)")); DBUG_ASSERT(! IS_NDB_BLOB_PREFIX(ndbtab->getName())); if (!share) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("share == NULL")); DBUG_RETURN(0); } if (share->flags & NSF_NO_BINLOG) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("share->flags & NSF_NO_BINLOG, flags: %x %d", share->flags, share->flags & NSF_NO_BINLOG)); DBUG_RETURN(0); } NDBDICT *dict= ndb->getDictionary(); NDBEVENT my_event(event_name); my_event.setTable(*ndbtab); my_event.addTableEvent(NDBEVENT::TE_ALL); if (share->flags & NSF_HIDDEN_PK) { if (share->flags & NSF_BLOB_FLAG) { sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: logging of table %s " "with BLOB attribute and no PK is not supported", share->key); if (push_warning) push_warning_printf(current_thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_ERROR, ER_ILLEGAL_HA_CREATE_OPTION, ER(ER_ILLEGAL_HA_CREATE_OPTION), ndbcluster_hton.name, "Binlog of table with BLOB attribute and no PK"); share->flags|= NSF_NO_BINLOG; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } /* No primary key, subscribe for all attributes */ my_event.setReport(NDBEVENT::ER_ALL); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("subscription all")); } else { if (schema_share || strcmp(share->db, NDB_REP_DB) || strcmp(share->table_name, NDB_SCHEMA_TABLE)) { my_event.setReport(NDBEVENT::ER_UPDATED); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("subscription only updated")); } else { my_event.setReport((NDBEVENT::EventReport) (NDBEVENT::ER_ALL | NDBEVENT::ER_SUBSCRIBE)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("subscription all and subscribe")); } } if (share->flags & NSF_BLOB_FLAG) my_event.mergeEvents(true); /* add all columns to the event */ int n_cols= ndbtab->getNoOfColumns(); for(int a= 0; a < n_cols; a++) my_event.addEventColumn(a); if (dict->createEvent(my_event)) // Add event to database { if (dict->getNdbError().classification != NdbError::SchemaObjectExists) { /* failed, print a warning */ if (push_warning) push_warning_printf(current_thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_ERROR, ER_GET_ERRMSG, ER(ER_GET_ERRMSG), dict->getNdbError().code, dict->getNdbError().message, "NDB"); sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: Unable to create event in database. " "Event: %s Error Code: %d Message: %s", event_name, dict->getNdbError().code, dict->getNdbError().message); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } /* try retrieving the event, if table version/id matches, we will get a valid event. Otherwise we have a trailing event from before */ if (dict->getEvent(event_name)) { DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* trailing event from before; an error, but try to correct it */ if (dict->getNdbError().code == NDB_INVALID_SCHEMA_OBJECT && dict->dropEvent(my_event.getName())) { if (push_warning) push_warning_printf(current_thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_ERROR, ER_GET_ERRMSG, ER(ER_GET_ERRMSG), dict->getNdbError().code, dict->getNdbError().message, "NDB"); sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: Unable to create event in database. " " Attempt to correct with drop failed. " "Event: %s Error Code: %d Message: %s", event_name, dict->getNdbError().code, dict->getNdbError().message); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } /* try to add the event again */ if (dict->createEvent(my_event)) { if (push_warning) push_warning_printf(current_thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_ERROR, ER_GET_ERRMSG, ER(ER_GET_ERRMSG), dict->getNdbError().code, dict->getNdbError().message, "NDB"); sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: Unable to create event in database. " " Attempt to correct with drop ok, but create failed. " "Event: %s Error Code: %d Message: %s", event_name, dict->getNdbError().code, dict->getNdbError().message); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } #ifdef NDB_BINLOG_EXTRA_WARNINGS push_warning_printf(current_thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_ERROR, ER_GET_ERRMSG, ER(ER_GET_ERRMSG), 0, "NDB Binlog: Removed trailing event", "NDB"); #endif } DBUG_RETURN(0); } inline int is_ndb_compatible_type(Field *field) { return !(field->flags & BLOB_FLAG) && field->type() != MYSQL_TYPE_BIT && field->pack_length() != 0; } /* - create eventOperations for receiving log events - setup ndb recattrs for reception of log event data - "start" the event operation used at create/discover of tables */ int ndbcluster_create_event_ops(NDB_SHARE *share, const NDBTAB *ndbtab, const char *event_name) { /* we are in either create table or rename table so table should be locked, hence we can work with the share without locks */ DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_create_event_ops"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("table: %s event: %s", ndbtab->getName(), event_name)); DBUG_ASSERT(! IS_NDB_BLOB_PREFIX(ndbtab->getName())); DBUG_ASSERT(share != 0); if (share->flags & NSF_NO_BINLOG) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("share->flags & NSF_NO_BINLOG, flags: %x", share->flags)); DBUG_RETURN(0); } if (!binlog_filter->db_ok(share->db)) { share->flags|= NSF_NO_BINLOG; DBUG_RETURN(0); } if (share->op) { assert(share->op->getCustomData() == (void *) share); DBUG_ASSERT(share->use_count > 1); sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: discover reusing old ev op"); free_share(&share); // old event op already has reference DBUG_RETURN(0); } TABLE *table= share->table; int do_schema_share= 0, do_apply_status_share= 0; int retries= 100; if (!schema_share && strcmp(share->db, NDB_REP_DB) == 0 && strcmp(share->table_name, NDB_SCHEMA_TABLE) == 0) do_schema_share= 1; else if (!apply_status_share && strcmp(share->db, NDB_REP_DB) == 0 && strcmp(share->table_name, NDB_APPLY_TABLE) == 0) do_apply_status_share= 1; while (1) { pthread_mutex_lock(&injector_mutex); Ndb *ndb= injector_ndb; if (do_schema_share) ndb= schema_ndb; if (ndb == 0) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&injector_mutex); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } NdbEventOperation* op; if (do_schema_share) op= ndb->createEventOperation(event_name); else { // set injector_ndb database/schema from table internal name int ret= ndb->setDatabaseAndSchemaName(ndbtab); assert(ret == 0); op= ndb->createEventOperation(event_name); // reset to catch errors ndb->setDatabaseName(""); } if (!op) { sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: Creating NdbEventOperation failed for" " %s",event_name); push_warning_printf(current_thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_ERROR, ER_GET_ERRMSG, ER(ER_GET_ERRMSG), ndb->getNdbError().code, ndb->getNdbError().message, "NDB"); pthread_mutex_unlock(&injector_mutex); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } if (share->flags & NSF_BLOB_FLAG) op->mergeEvents(true); // currently not inherited from event DBUG_PRINT("info", ("share->ndb_value[0]: 0x%x", share->ndb_value[0])); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("share->ndb_value[1]: 0x%x", share->ndb_value[1])); int n_columns= ndbtab->getNoOfColumns(); int n_fields= table ? table->s->fields : 0; // XXX ??? for (int j= 0; j < n_columns; j++) { const char *col_name= ndbtab->getColumn(j)->getName(); NdbValue attr0, attr1; if (j < n_fields) { Field *f= share->table->field[j]; if (is_ndb_compatible_type(f)) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("%s compatible", col_name)); attr0.rec= op->getValue(col_name, f->ptr); attr1.rec= op->getPreValue(col_name, (f->ptr - share->table->record[0]) + share->table->record[1]); } else if (! (f->flags & BLOB_FLAG)) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("%s non compatible", col_name)); attr0.rec= op->getValue(col_name); attr1.rec= op->getPreValue(col_name); } else { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("%s blob", col_name)); DBUG_ASSERT(share->flags & NSF_BLOB_FLAG); attr0.blob= op->getBlobHandle(col_name); attr1.blob= op->getPreBlobHandle(col_name); if (attr0.blob == NULL || attr1.blob == NULL) { sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: Creating NdbEventOperation" " blob field %u handles failed (code=%d) for %s", j, op->getNdbError().code, event_name); push_warning_printf(current_thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_ERROR, ER_GET_ERRMSG, ER(ER_GET_ERRMSG), op->getNdbError().code, op->getNdbError().message, "NDB"); ndb->dropEventOperation(op); pthread_mutex_unlock(&injector_mutex); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } } } else { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("%s hidden key", col_name)); attr0.rec= op->getValue(col_name); attr1.rec= op->getPreValue(col_name); } share->ndb_value[0][j].ptr= attr0.ptr; share->ndb_value[1][j].ptr= attr1.ptr; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("&share->ndb_value[0][%d]: 0x%x " "share->ndb_value[0][%d]: 0x%x", j, &share->ndb_value[0][j], j, attr0.ptr)); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("&share->ndb_value[1][%d]: 0x%x " "share->ndb_value[1][%d]: 0x%x", j, &share->ndb_value[0][j], j, attr1.ptr)); } op->setCustomData((void *) share); // set before execute share->op= op; // assign op in NDB_SHARE if (op->execute()) { share->op= NULL; retries--; if (op->getNdbError().status != NdbError::TemporaryError && op->getNdbError().code != 1407) retries= 0; if (retries == 0) { push_warning_printf(current_thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_ERROR, ER_GET_ERRMSG, ER(ER_GET_ERRMSG), op->getNdbError().code, op->getNdbError().message, "NDB"); sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: ndbevent->execute failed for %s; %d %s", event_name, op->getNdbError().code, op->getNdbError().message); } ndb->dropEventOperation(op); pthread_mutex_unlock(&injector_mutex); if (retries) continue; DBUG_RETURN(-1); } pthread_mutex_unlock(&injector_mutex); break; } get_share(share); if (do_apply_status_share) { apply_status_share= get_share(share); (void) pthread_cond_signal(&injector_cond); } else if (do_schema_share) { schema_share= get_share(share); (void) pthread_cond_signal(&injector_cond); } DBUG_PRINT("info",("%s share->op: 0x%lx, share->use_count: %u", share->key, share->op, share->use_count)); if (ndb_extra_logging) sql_print_information("NDB Binlog: logging %s", share->key); DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* when entering the calling thread should have a share lock id share != 0 then the injector thread will have one as well, i.e. share->use_count == 0 (unless it has already dropped... then share->op == 0) */ int ndbcluster_handle_drop_table(Ndb *ndb, const char *event_name, NDB_SHARE *share, const char *type_str) { DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_handle_drop_table"); NDBDICT *dict= ndb->getDictionary(); if (event_name && dict->dropEvent(event_name)) { if (dict->getNdbError().code != 4710) { /* drop event failed for some reason, issue a warning */ push_warning_printf(current_thd, MYSQL_ERROR::WARN_LEVEL_ERROR, ER_GET_ERRMSG, ER(ER_GET_ERRMSG), dict->getNdbError().code, dict->getNdbError().message, "NDB"); /* error is not that the event did not exist */ sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: Unable to drop event in database. " "Event: %s Error Code: %d Message: %s", event_name, dict->getNdbError().code, dict->getNdbError().message); /* ToDo; handle error? */ if (share && share->op && share->op->getState() == NdbEventOperation::EO_EXECUTING && dict->getNdbError().code != 4009) { DBUG_ASSERT(false); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } } } if (share == 0 || share->op == 0) { DBUG_RETURN(0); } /* Syncronized drop between client thread and injector thread is neccessary in order to maintain ordering in the binlog, such that the drop occurs _after_ any inserts/updates/deletes. The penalty for this is that the drop table becomes slow. This wait is however not strictly neccessary to produce a binlog that is usable. However the slave does not currently handle these out of order, thus we are keeping the SYNC_DROP_ defined for now. */ #define SYNC_DROP_ #ifdef SYNC_DROP_ (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&share->mutex); int max_timeout= 10; while (share->op) { struct timespec abstime; set_timespec(abstime, 1); int ret= pthread_cond_timedwait(&injector_cond, &share->mutex, &abstime); if (share->op == 0) break; if (ret) { max_timeout--; if (max_timeout == 0) { sql_print_error("NDB %s: %s timed out. Ignoring...", type_str, share->key); break; } if (ndb_extra_logging) ndb_report_waiting(type_str, max_timeout, type_str, share->key); } } (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&share->mutex); #else (void) pthread_mutex_lock(&share->mutex); share->op_old= share->op; share->op= 0; (void) pthread_mutex_unlock(&share->mutex); #endif DBUG_RETURN(0); } /******************************************************************** Internal helper functions for differentd events from the stoarage nodes used by the ndb injector thread ********************************************************************/ /* Handle error states on events from the storage nodes */ static int ndb_binlog_thread_handle_error(Ndb *ndb, NdbEventOperation *pOp, Binlog_index_row &row) { NDB_SHARE *share= (NDB_SHARE *)pOp->getCustomData(); DBUG_ENTER("ndb_binlog_thread_handle_error"); int overrun= pOp->isOverrun(); if (overrun) { /* ToDo: this error should rather clear the binlog_index... and continue */ sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: Overrun in event buffer, " "this means we have dropped events. Cannot " "continue binlog for %s", share->key); pOp->clearError(); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } if (!pOp->isConsistent()) { /* ToDo: this error should rather clear the binlog_index... and continue */ sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: Not Consistent. Cannot " "continue binlog for %s. Error code: %d" " Message: %s", share->key, pOp->getNdbError().code, pOp->getNdbError().message); pOp->clearError(); DBUG_RETURN(-1); } sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: unhandled error %d for table %s", pOp->hasError(), share->key); pOp->clearError(); DBUG_RETURN(0); } static int ndb_binlog_thread_handle_non_data_event(THD *thd, Ndb *ndb, NdbEventOperation *pOp, Binlog_index_row &row) { NDB_SHARE *share= (NDB_SHARE *)pOp->getCustomData(); NDBEVENT::TableEvent type= pOp->getEventType(); /* make sure to flush any pending events as they can be dependent on one of the tables being changed below */ thd->binlog_flush_pending_rows_event(true); switch (type) { case NDBEVENT::TE_CLUSTER_FAILURE: if (ndb_extra_logging) sql_print_information("NDB Binlog: cluster failure for %s.", share->key); if (apply_status_share == share) { if (ndb_extra_logging && ndb_binlog_tables_inited && ndb_binlog_running) sql_print_information("NDB Binlog: ndb tables initially " "read only on reconnect."); free_share(&apply_status_share); apply_status_share= 0; ndb_binlog_tables_inited= FALSE; } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("CLUSTER FAILURE EVENT: " "%s received share: 0x%lx op: %lx share op: %lx " "op_old: %lx", share->key, share, pOp, share->op, share->op_old)); break; case NDBEVENT::TE_DROP: if (apply_status_share == share) { if (ndb_extra_logging && ndb_binlog_tables_inited && ndb_binlog_running) sql_print_information("NDB Binlog: ndb tables initially " "read only on reconnect."); free_share(&apply_status_share); apply_status_share= 0; ndb_binlog_tables_inited= FALSE; } /* ToDo: remove printout */ if (ndb_extra_logging) sql_print_information("NDB Binlog: drop table %s.", share->key); // fall through case NDBEVENT::TE_ALTER: row.n_schemaops++; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("TABLE %s EVENT: %s received share: 0x%lx op: %lx " "share op: %lx op_old: %lx", type == NDBEVENT::TE_DROP ? "DROP" : "ALTER", share->key, share, pOp, share->op, share->op_old)); break; case NDBEVENT::TE_NODE_FAILURE: /* fall through */ case NDBEVENT::TE_SUBSCRIBE: /* fall through */ case NDBEVENT::TE_UNSUBSCRIBE: /* ignore */ return 0; default: sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: unknown non data event %d for %s. " "Ignoring...", (unsigned) type, share->key); return 0; } ndb_handle_schema_change(thd, ndb, pOp, share); return 0; } /* Handle data events from the storage nodes */ static int ndb_binlog_thread_handle_data_event(Ndb *ndb, NdbEventOperation *pOp, Binlog_index_row &row, injector::transaction &trans) { NDB_SHARE *share= (NDB_SHARE*) pOp->getCustomData(); if (share == apply_status_share) return 0; TABLE *table= share->table; DBUG_ASSERT(trans.good()); DBUG_ASSERT(table != 0); dbug_print_table("table", table); TABLE_SHARE *table_s= table->s; uint n_fields= table_s->fields; MY_BITMAP b; /* Potential buffer for the bitmap */ uint32 bitbuf[128 / (sizeof(uint32) * 8)]; bitmap_init(&b, n_fields <= sizeof(bitbuf) * 8 ? bitbuf : NULL, n_fields, false); bitmap_set_all(&b); /* row data is already in table->record[0] As we told the NdbEventOperation to do this (saves moving data about many times) */ /* for now malloc/free blobs buffer each time TODO if possible share single permanent buffer with handlers */ byte* blobs_buffer[2] = { 0, 0 }; uint blobs_buffer_size[2] = { 0, 0 }; switch(pOp->getEventType()) { case NDBEVENT::TE_INSERT: row.n_inserts++; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("INSERT INTO %s.%s", table_s->db.str, table_s->table_name.str)); { if (share->flags & NSF_BLOB_FLAG) { my_ptrdiff_t ptrdiff= 0; int ret= get_ndb_blobs_value(table, share->ndb_value[0], blobs_buffer[0], blobs_buffer_size[0], ptrdiff); DBUG_ASSERT(ret == 0); } ndb_unpack_record(table, share->ndb_value[0], &b, table->record[0]); int ret= trans.write_row(::server_id, injector::transaction::table(table, true), &b, n_fields, table->record[0]); DBUG_ASSERT(ret == 0); } break; case NDBEVENT::TE_DELETE: row.n_deletes++; DBUG_PRINT("info",("DELETE FROM %s.%s", table_s->db.str, table_s->table_name.str)); { /* table->record[0] contains only the primary key in this case since we do not have an after image */ int n; if (table->s->primary_key != MAX_KEY) n= 0; /* use the primary key only as it save time and space and it is the only thing needed to log the delete */ else n= 1; /* we use the before values since we don't have a primary key since the mysql server does not handle the hidden primary key */ if (share->flags & NSF_BLOB_FLAG) { my_ptrdiff_t ptrdiff= table->record[n] - table->record[0]; int ret= get_ndb_blobs_value(table, share->ndb_value[n], blobs_buffer[n], blobs_buffer_size[n], ptrdiff); DBUG_ASSERT(ret == 0); } ndb_unpack_record(table, share->ndb_value[n], &b, table->record[n]); DBUG_EXECUTE("info", print_records(table, table->record[n]);); int ret= trans.delete_row(::server_id, injector::transaction::table(table, true), &b, n_fields, table->record[n]); DBUG_ASSERT(ret == 0); } break; case NDBEVENT::TE_UPDATE: row.n_updates++; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("UPDATE %s.%s", table_s->db.str, table_s->table_name.str)); { if (share->flags & NSF_BLOB_FLAG) { my_ptrdiff_t ptrdiff= 0; int ret= get_ndb_blobs_value(table, share->ndb_value[0], blobs_buffer[0], blobs_buffer_size[0], ptrdiff); DBUG_ASSERT(ret == 0); } ndb_unpack_record(table, share->ndb_value[0], &b, table->record[0]); DBUG_EXECUTE("info", print_records(table, table->record[0]);); if (table->s->primary_key != MAX_KEY) { /* since table has a primary key, we can do a write using only after values */ trans.write_row(::server_id, injector::transaction::table(table, true), &b, n_fields, table->record[0]);// after values } else { /* mysql server cannot handle the ndb hidden key and therefore needs the before image as well */ if (share->flags & NSF_BLOB_FLAG) { my_ptrdiff_t ptrdiff= table->record[1] - table->record[0]; int ret= get_ndb_blobs_value(table, share->ndb_value[1], blobs_buffer[1], blobs_buffer_size[1], ptrdiff); DBUG_ASSERT(ret == 0); } ndb_unpack_record(table, share->ndb_value[1], &b, table->record[1]); DBUG_EXECUTE("info", print_records(table, table->record[1]);); int ret= trans.update_row(::server_id, injector::transaction::table(table, true), &b, n_fields, table->record[1], // before values table->record[0]);// after values DBUG_ASSERT(ret == 0); } } break; default: /* We should REALLY never get here. */ DBUG_PRINT("info", ("default - uh oh, a brain exploded.")); break; } if (share->flags & NSF_BLOB_FLAG) { my_free(blobs_buffer[0], MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR)); my_free(blobs_buffer[1], MYF(MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR)); } return 0; } //#define RUN_NDB_BINLOG_TIMER #ifdef RUN_NDB_BINLOG_TIMER class Timer { public: Timer() { start(); } void start() { gettimeofday(&m_start, 0); } void stop() { gettimeofday(&m_stop, 0); } ulong elapsed_ms() { return (ulong) (((longlong) m_stop.tv_sec - (longlong) m_start.tv_sec) * 1000 + ((longlong) m_stop.tv_usec - (longlong) m_start.tv_usec + 999) / 1000); } private: struct timeval m_start,m_stop; }; #endif /**************************************************************** Injector thread main loop ****************************************************************/ static byte *ndb_schema_objects_get_key(NDB_SCHEMA_OBJECT *schema_object, uint *length, my_bool not_used __attribute__((unused))) { *length= schema_object->key_length; return (byte*) schema_object->key; } static NDB_SCHEMA_OBJECT *ndb_get_schema_object(const char *key, my_bool create_if_not_exists, my_bool have_lock) { NDB_SCHEMA_OBJECT *ndb_schema_object; uint length= (uint) strlen(key); DBUG_ENTER("ndb_get_schema_object"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("key: '%s'", key)); if (!have_lock) pthread_mutex_lock(&ndbcluster_mutex); while (!(ndb_schema_object= (NDB_SCHEMA_OBJECT*) hash_search(&ndb_schema_objects, (byte*) key, length))) { if (!create_if_not_exists) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("does not exist")); break; } if (!(ndb_schema_object= (NDB_SCHEMA_OBJECT*) my_malloc(sizeof(*ndb_schema_object) + length + 1, MYF(MY_WME | MY_ZEROFILL)))) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("malloc error")); break; } ndb_schema_object->key= (char *)(ndb_schema_object+1); memcpy(ndb_schema_object->key, key, length + 1); ndb_schema_object->key_length= length; if (my_hash_insert(&ndb_schema_objects, (byte*) ndb_schema_object)) { my_free((gptr) ndb_schema_object, 0); break; } pthread_mutex_init(&ndb_schema_object->mutex, MY_MUTEX_INIT_FAST); bitmap_init(&ndb_schema_object->slock_bitmap, ndb_schema_object->slock, sizeof(ndb_schema_object->slock)*8, false); bitmap_clear_all(&ndb_schema_object->slock_bitmap); break; } if (ndb_schema_object) { ndb_schema_object->use_count++; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("use_count: %d", ndb_schema_object->use_count)); } if (!have_lock) pthread_mutex_unlock(&ndbcluster_mutex); DBUG_RETURN(ndb_schema_object); } static void ndb_free_schema_object(NDB_SCHEMA_OBJECT **ndb_schema_object, bool have_lock) { DBUG_ENTER("ndb_free_schema_object"); DBUG_PRINT("enter", ("key: '%s'", (*ndb_schema_object)->key)); if (!have_lock) pthread_mutex_lock(&ndbcluster_mutex); if (!--(*ndb_schema_object)->use_count) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("use_count: %d", (*ndb_schema_object)->use_count)); hash_delete(&ndb_schema_objects, (byte*) *ndb_schema_object); pthread_mutex_destroy(&(*ndb_schema_object)->mutex); my_free((gptr) *ndb_schema_object, MYF(0)); *ndb_schema_object= 0; } else { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("use_count: %d", (*ndb_schema_object)->use_count)); } if (!have_lock) pthread_mutex_unlock(&ndbcluster_mutex); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } pthread_handler_t ndb_binlog_thread_func(void *arg) { THD *thd; /* needs to be first for thread_stack */ Ndb *i_ndb= 0; Ndb *s_ndb= 0; Thd_ndb *thd_ndb=0; int ndb_update_binlog_index= 1; injector *inj= injector::instance(); pthread_mutex_lock(&injector_mutex); /* Set up the Thread */ my_thread_init(); DBUG_ENTER("ndb_binlog_thread"); thd= new THD; /* note that contructor of THD uses DBUG_ */ THD_CHECK_SENTRY(thd); thd->thread_stack= (char*) &thd; /* remember where our stack is */ if (thd->store_globals()) { thd->cleanup(); delete thd; ndb_binlog_thread_running= -1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&injector_mutex); pthread_cond_signal(&injector_cond); my_thread_end(); pthread_exit(0); DBUG_RETURN(NULL); } thd->init_for_queries(); thd->command= COM_DAEMON; thd->system_thread= SYSTEM_THREAD_NDBCLUSTER_BINLOG; thd->version= refresh_version; thd->set_time(); thd->main_security_ctx.host_or_ip= ""; thd->client_capabilities= 0; my_net_init(&thd->net, 0); thd->main_security_ctx.master_access= ~0; thd->main_security_ctx.priv_user= 0; /* Set up ndb binlog */ sql_print_information("Starting MySQL Cluster Binlog Thread"); pthread_detach_this_thread(); thd->real_id= pthread_self(); pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_thread_count); thd->thread_id= thread_id++; threads.append(thd); pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_thread_count); thd->lex->start_transaction_opt= 0; if (!(s_ndb= new Ndb(g_ndb_cluster_connection, "")) || s_ndb->init()) { sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: Getting Schema Ndb object failed"); goto err; } // empty database if (!(i_ndb= new Ndb(g_ndb_cluster_connection, "")) || i_ndb->init()) { sql_print_error("NDB Binlog: Getting Ndb object failed"); ndb_binlog_thread_running= -1; pthread_mutex_unlock(&injector_mutex); pthread_cond_signal(&injector_cond); goto err; } /* init hash for schema object distribution */ (void) hash_init(&ndb_schema_objects, system_charset_info, 32, 0, 0, (hash_get_key)ndb_schema_objects_get_key, 0, 0); /* Expose global reference to our ndb object. Used by both sql client thread and binlog thread to interact with the storage pthread_mutex_lock(&injector_mutex); */ injector_thd= thd; injector_ndb= i_ndb; schema_ndb= s_ndb; ndb_binlog_thread_running= 1; if (opt_bin_log) { if (global_system_variables.binlog_format == BINLOG_FORMAT_ROW) { ndb_binlog_running= TRUE; } else { sql_print_error("NDB: only row based binary logging is supported"); } } /* We signal the thread that started us that we've finished starting up. */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&injector_mutex); pthread_cond_signal(&injector_cond); thd->proc_info= "Waiting for ndbcluster to start"; pthread_mutex_lock(&injector_mutex); while (!schema_share || !apply_status_share) { /* ndb not connected yet */ struct timespec abstime; set_timespec(abstime, 1); pthread_cond_timedwait(&injector_cond, &injector_mutex, &abstime); if (abort_loop) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&injector_mutex); goto err; } } pthread_mutex_unlock(&injector_mutex); /* Main NDB Injector loop */ DBUG_ASSERT(ndbcluster_hton.slot != ~(uint)0); if (!(thd_ndb= ha_ndbcluster::seize_thd_ndb())) { sql_print_error("Could not allocate Thd_ndb object"); goto err; } set_thd_ndb(thd, thd_ndb); thd_ndb->options|= TNO_NO_LOG_SCHEMA_OP; thd->query_id= 0; // to keep valgrind quiet { static char db[]= ""; thd->db= db; if (ndb_binlog_running) open_binlog_index(thd, &binlog_tables, &binlog_index); thd->db= db; } #ifdef RUN_NDB_BINLOG_TIMER Timer main_timer; #endif for ( ; !((abort_loop || do_ndbcluster_binlog_close_connection) && ndb_latest_handled_binlog_epoch >= g_latest_trans_gci); ) { #ifdef RUN_NDB_BINLOG_TIMER main_timer.stop(); sql_print_information("main_timer %ld ms", main_timer.elapsed_ms()); main_timer.start(); #endif /* now we don't want any events before next gci is complete */ thd->proc_info= "Waiting for event from ndbcluster"; thd->set_time(); /* wait for event or 1000 ms */ Uint64 gci= 0, schema_gci; int res= 0, tot_poll_wait= 1000; if (ndb_binlog_running) { res= i_ndb->pollEvents(tot_poll_wait, &gci); tot_poll_wait= 0; } int schema_res= s_ndb->pollEvents(tot_poll_wait, &schema_gci); ndb_latest_received_binlog_epoch= gci; while (gci > schema_gci && schema_res >= 0) schema_res= s_ndb->pollEvents(10, &schema_gci); if ((abort_loop || do_ndbcluster_binlog_close_connection) && (ndb_latest_handled_binlog_epoch >= g_latest_trans_gci || !ndb_binlog_running)) break; /* Shutting down server */ if (binlog_index && binlog_index->s->version < refresh_version) { if (binlog_index->s->version < refresh_version) { close_thread_tables(thd); binlog_index= 0; } } MEM_ROOT **root_ptr= my_pthread_getspecific_ptr(MEM_ROOT**, THR_MALLOC); MEM_ROOT *old_root= *root_ptr; MEM_ROOT mem_root; init_sql_alloc(&mem_root, 4096, 0); List<Cluster_schema> post_epoch_log_list; List<Cluster_schema> post_epoch_unlock_list; *root_ptr= &mem_root; if (unlikely(schema_res > 0)) { thd->proc_info= "Processing events from schema table"; s_ndb-> setReportThreshEventGCISlip(ndb_report_thresh_binlog_epoch_slip); s_ndb-> setReportThreshEventFreeMem(ndb_report_thresh_binlog_mem_usage); NdbEventOperation *pOp= s_ndb->nextEvent(); while (pOp != NULL) { if (!pOp->hasError()) ndb_binlog_thread_handle_schema_event(thd, s_ndb, pOp, &post_epoch_log_list, &post_epoch_unlock_list, &mem_root); else sql_print_error("NDB: error %lu (%s) on handling " "binlog schema event", (ulong) pOp->getNdbError().code, pOp->getNdbError().message); pOp= s_ndb->nextEvent(); } } if (res > 0) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("pollEvents res: %d", res)); #ifdef RUN_NDB_BINLOG_TIMER Timer gci_timer, write_timer; int event_count= 0; #endif thd->proc_info= "Processing events"; NdbEventOperation *pOp= i_ndb->nextEvent(); Binlog_index_row row; while (pOp != NULL) { gci= pOp->getGCI(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Handling gci: %d", (unsigned)gci)); // sometimes get TE_ALTER with invalid table DBUG_ASSERT(pOp->getEventType() == NdbDictionary::Event::TE_ALTER || ! IS_NDB_BLOB_PREFIX(pOp->getEvent()->getTable()->getName())); DBUG_ASSERT(gci <= ndb_latest_received_binlog_epoch); i_ndb-> setReportThreshEventGCISlip(ndb_report_thresh_binlog_epoch_slip); i_ndb->setReportThreshEventFreeMem(ndb_report_thresh_binlog_mem_usage); bzero((char*) &row, sizeof(row)); injector::transaction trans; // pass table map before epoch { Uint32 iter= 0; const NdbEventOperation *gci_op; Uint32 event_types; while ((gci_op= i_ndb->getGCIEventOperations(&iter, &event_types)) != NULL) { NDB_SHARE *share= (NDB_SHARE*)gci_op->getCustomData(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("per gci_op: %p share: %p event_types: 0x%x", gci_op, share, event_types)); // workaround for interface returning TE_STOP events // which are normally filtered out below in the nextEvent loop if ((event_types & ~NdbDictionary::Event::TE_STOP) == 0) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Skipped TE_STOP on table %s", gci_op->getEvent()->getTable()->getName())); continue; } // this should not happen if (share == NULL || share->table == NULL) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("no share or table %s!", gci_op->getEvent()->getTable()->getName())); continue; } if (share == apply_status_share) { // skip this table, it is handled specially continue; } TABLE *table= share->table; const LEX_STRING &name= table->s->table_name; if ((event_types & (NdbDictionary::Event::TE_INSERT | NdbDictionary::Event::TE_UPDATE | NdbDictionary::Event::TE_DELETE)) == 0) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("skipping non data event table: %.*s", name.length, name.str)); continue; } if (!trans.good()) { DBUG_PRINT("info", ("Found new data event, initializing transaction")); inj->new_trans(thd, &trans); } DBUG_PRINT("info", ("use_table: %.*s", name.length, name.str)); injector::transaction::table tbl(table, true); int ret= trans.use_table(::server_id, tbl); DBUG_ASSERT(ret == 0); } } if (trans.good()) { if (apply_status_share) { TABLE *table= apply_status_share->table; const LEX_STRING& name=table->s->table_name; DBUG_PRINT("info", ("use_table: %.*s", name.length, name.str)); injector::transaction::table tbl(table, true); int ret= trans.use_table(::server_id, tbl); DBUG_ASSERT(ret == 0); MY_BITMAP b; uint32 bitbuf; DBUG_ASSERT(table->s->fields <= sizeof(bitbuf) * 8); bitmap_init(&b, &bitbuf, table->s->fields, false); bitmap_set_all(&b); table->field[0]->store((longlong)::server_id); table->field[1]->store((longlong)gci); trans.write_row(::server_id, injector::transaction::table(table, true), &b, table->s->fields, table->record[0]); } else { sql_print_error("NDB: Could not get apply status share"); } } #ifdef RUN_NDB_BINLOG_TIMER write_timer.start(); #endif do { #ifdef RUN_NDB_BINLOG_TIMER event_count++; #endif if (pOp->hasError() && ndb_binlog_thread_handle_error(i_ndb, pOp, row) < 0) goto err; #ifndef DBUG_OFF { NDB_SHARE *share= (NDB_SHARE*) pOp->getCustomData(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("EVENT TYPE: %d GCI: %lld last applied: %lld " "share: 0x%lx (%s.%s)", pOp->getEventType(), gci, ndb_latest_applied_binlog_epoch, share, share ? share->db : "share == NULL", share ? share->table_name : "")); DBUG_ASSERT(share != 0); } // assert that there is consistancy between gci op list // and event list { Uint32 iter= 0; const NdbEventOperation *gci_op; Uint32 event_types; while ((gci_op= i_ndb->getGCIEventOperations(&iter, &event_types)) != NULL) { if (gci_op == pOp) break; } DBUG_ASSERT(gci_op == pOp); DBUG_ASSERT((event_types & pOp->getEventType()) != 0); } #endif if ((unsigned) pOp->getEventType() < (unsigned) NDBEVENT::TE_FIRST_NON_DATA_EVENT) ndb_binlog_thread_handle_data_event(i_ndb, pOp, row, trans); else { // set injector_ndb database/schema from table internal name int ret= i_ndb->setDatabaseAndSchemaName(pOp->getEvent()->getTable()); DBUG_ASSERT(ret == 0); ndb_binlog_thread_handle_non_data_event(thd, i_ndb, pOp, row); // reset to catch errors i_ndb->setDatabaseName(""); } pOp= i_ndb->nextEvent(); } while (pOp && pOp->getGCI() == gci); /* note! pOp is not referring to an event in the next epoch or is == 0 */ #ifdef RUN_NDB_BINLOG_TIMER write_timer.stop(); #endif if (trans.good()) { //DBUG_ASSERT(row.n_inserts || row.n_updates || row.n_deletes); thd->proc_info= "Committing events to binlog"; injector::transaction::binlog_pos start= trans.start_pos(); if (int r= trans.commit()) { sql_print_error("NDB binlog: " "Error during COMMIT of GCI. Error: %d", r); /* TODO: Further handling? */ } row.gci= gci; row.master_log_file= start.file_name(); row.master_log_pos= start.file_pos(); DBUG_PRINT("info", ("COMMIT gci: %lld", gci)); if (ndb_update_binlog_index) ndb_add_binlog_index(thd, &row); } ndb_latest_handled_binlog_epoch= gci; #ifdef RUN_NDB_BINLOG_TIMER gci_timer.stop(); sql_print_information("gci %ld event_count %d write time " "%ld(%d e/s), total time %ld(%d e/s)", (ulong)gci, event_count, write_timer.elapsed_ms(), event_count / write_timer.elapsed_ms(), gci_timer.elapsed_ms(), event_count / gci_timer.elapsed_ms()); #endif } } ndb_binlog_thread_handle_schema_event_post_epoch(thd, &post_epoch_log_list, &post_epoch_unlock_list); free_root(&mem_root, MYF(0)); *root_ptr= old_root; ndb_latest_handled_binlog_epoch= ndb_latest_received_binlog_epoch; } err: DBUG_PRINT("info",("Shutting down cluster binlog thread")); thd->proc_info= "Shutting down"; close_thread_tables(thd); pthread_mutex_lock(&injector_mutex); /* don't mess with the injector_ndb anymore from other threads */ injector_thd= 0; injector_ndb= 0; schema_ndb= 0; pthread_mutex_unlock(&injector_mutex); thd->db= 0; // as not to try to free memory sql_print_information("Stopping Cluster Binlog"); if (apply_status_share) { free_share(&apply_status_share); apply_status_share= 0; } if (schema_share) { free_share(&schema_share); schema_share= 0; } /* remove all event operations */ if (s_ndb) { NdbEventOperation *op; DBUG_PRINT("info",("removing all event operations")); while ((op= s_ndb->getEventOperation())) { DBUG_ASSERT(! IS_NDB_BLOB_PREFIX(op->getEvent()->getTable()->getName())); DBUG_PRINT("info",("removing event operation on %s", op->getEvent()->getName())); NDB_SHARE *share= (NDB_SHARE*) op->getCustomData(); DBUG_ASSERT(share != 0); DBUG_ASSERT(share->op == op || share->op_old == op); share->op= share->op_old= 0; free_share(&share); s_ndb->dropEventOperation(op); } delete s_ndb; s_ndb= 0; } if (i_ndb) { NdbEventOperation *op; DBUG_PRINT("info",("removing all event operations")); while ((op= i_ndb->getEventOperation())) { DBUG_ASSERT(! IS_NDB_BLOB_PREFIX(op->getEvent()->getTable()->getName())); DBUG_PRINT("info",("removing event operation on %s", op->getEvent()->getName())); NDB_SHARE *share= (NDB_SHARE*) op->getCustomData(); DBUG_ASSERT(share != 0); DBUG_ASSERT(share->op == op || share->op_old == op); share->op= share->op_old= 0; free_share(&share); i_ndb->dropEventOperation(op); } delete i_ndb; i_ndb= 0; } hash_free(&ndb_schema_objects); // Placed here to avoid a memory leak; TODO: check if needed net_end(&thd->net); delete thd; ndb_binlog_thread_running= -1; ndb_binlog_running= FALSE; (void) pthread_cond_signal(&injector_cond); DBUG_PRINT("exit", ("ndb_binlog_thread")); my_thread_end(); pthread_exit(0); DBUG_RETURN(NULL); } bool ndbcluster_show_status_binlog(THD* thd, stat_print_fn *stat_print, enum ha_stat_type stat_type) { char buf[IO_SIZE]; uint buflen; ulonglong ndb_latest_epoch= 0; DBUG_ENTER("ndbcluster_show_status_binlog"); pthread_mutex_lock(&injector_mutex); if (injector_ndb) { ndb_latest_epoch= injector_ndb->getLatestGCI(); pthread_mutex_unlock(&injector_mutex); buflen= snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "latest_epoch=%llu, " "latest_trans_epoch=%llu, " "latest_received_binlog_epoch=%llu, " "latest_handled_binlog_epoch=%llu, " "latest_applied_binlog_epoch=%llu", ndb_latest_epoch, g_latest_trans_gci, ndb_latest_received_binlog_epoch, ndb_latest_handled_binlog_epoch, ndb_latest_applied_binlog_epoch); if (stat_print(thd, ndbcluster_hton.name, strlen(ndbcluster_hton.name), "binlog", strlen("binlog"), buf, buflen)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } else pthread_mutex_unlock(&injector_mutex); DBUG_RETURN(FALSE); } #endif /* HAVE_NDB_BINLOG */