/************ CMgoConn C++ Functions Source Code File (.CPP) ***********/ /* Name: CMgoConn.CPP Version 1.0 */ /* */ /* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 2017 */ /* */ /* This file contains the MongoDB C connection classes functions. */ /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /* Include relevant MariaDB header file. */ /***********************************************************************/ #include /***********************************************************************/ /* Required objects includes. */ /***********************************************************************/ #include "global.h" #include "plgdbsem.h" #include "colblk.h" #include "xobject.h" #include "xtable.h" #include "filter.h" #include "cmgoconn.h" bool CMgoConn::IsInit = false; bool IsNum(PSZ s); bool MakeSelector(PGLOBAL g, PFIL fp, PSTRG s); /* --------------------------- Class INCOL --------------------------- */ /***********************************************************************/ /* Add a column in the column list. */ /***********************************************************************/ void INCOL::AddCol(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, char *jp) { char *p; PKC kp, kcp; if ((p = strchr(jp, '.'))) { PINCOL icp; *p++ = 0; for (kp = Klist; kp; kp = kp->Next) if (kp->Incolp && !strcmp(jp, kp->Key)) break; if (!kp) { icp = new(g) INCOL(IsNum(p)); kcp = (PKC)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(KEYCOL)); kcp->Next = NULL; kcp->Incolp = icp; kcp->Colp = NULL; kcp->Key = PlugDup(g, jp); if (Klist) { for (kp = Klist; kp->Next; kp = kp->Next); kp->Next = kcp; } else Klist = kcp; } else icp = kp->Incolp; *(p - 1) = '.'; icp->AddCol(g, colp, p); } else { kcp = (PKC)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(KEYCOL)); kcp->Next = NULL; kcp->Incolp = NULL; kcp->Colp = colp; kcp->Key = jp; if (Klist) { for (kp = Klist; kp->Next; kp = kp->Next); kp->Next = kcp; } else Klist = kcp; } // endif jp } // end of AddCol /***********************************************************************/ /* Clear. */ /***********************************************************************/ void INCOL::Init(void) { bson_init(Child); for (PKC kp = Klist; kp; kp = kp->Next) if (kp->Incolp) kp->Incolp->Init(); } // end of init /***********************************************************************/ /* Destroy. */ /***********************************************************************/ void INCOL::Destroy(void) { bson_destroy(Child); for (PKC kp = Klist; kp; kp = kp->Next) if (kp->Incolp) kp->Incolp->Destroy(); } // end of Destroy /* -------------------------- Class CMgoConn ------------------------- */ /***********************************************************************/ /* Implementation of the CMgoConn class. */ /***********************************************************************/ CMgoConn::CMgoConn(PGLOBAL g, PCPARM pcg) { Pcg = pcg; Uri = NULL; Pool = NULL; Client = NULL; Database = NULL; Collection = NULL; Cursor = NULL; Query = NULL; Opts = NULL; Fpc = NULL; fp = NULL; m_Connected = false; } // end of CMgoConn standard constructor /***********************************************************************/ /* Required to initialize libmongoc's internals. */ /***********************************************************************/ void CMgoConn::mongo_init(bool init) { if (init) mongoc_init(); else if (IsInit) mongoc_cleanup(); IsInit = init; } // end of mongo_init /***********************************************************************/ /* Connect to the MongoDB server and get the collection. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool CMgoConn::Connect(PGLOBAL g) { if (!Pcg->Db_name || !Pcg->Coll_name) { // This would crash in mongoc_client_get_collection strcpy(g->Message, "Missing DB or collection name"); return true; } // endif name if (!IsInit) #if defined(__WIN__) __try { mongo_init(true); } __except (EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { strcpy(g->Message, "Cannot load MongoDB C driver"); return true; } // end try/except #else // !__WIN__ mongo_init(true); #endif // !__WIN__ Uri = mongoc_uri_new(Pcg->Uristr); if (!Uri) { sprintf(g->Message, "Failed to parse URI: \"%s\"", Pcg->Uristr); return true; } // endif Uri // Create a new client pool instance Pool = mongoc_client_pool_new(Uri); mongoc_client_pool_set_error_api(Pool, 2); // Register the application name so we can track it in the profile logs // on the server. This can also be done from the URI. mongoc_client_pool_set_appname(Pool, "Connect"); // Create a new client instance Client = mongoc_client_pool_pop(Pool); if (!Client) { sprintf(g->Message, "Failed to get Client"); return true; } // endif Client // Get a handle on the collection Coll_name Collection = mongoc_client_get_collection(Client, Pcg->Db_name, Pcg->Coll_name); if (!Collection) { sprintf(g->Message, "Failed to get Collection %s.%s", Pcg->Db_name, Pcg->Coll_name); return true; } // endif Collection /*********************************************************************/ /* Link a Fblock. This make possible to automatically close it */ /* in case of error (throw). */ /*********************************************************************/ PDBUSER dbuserp = (PDBUSER)g->Activityp->Aptr; fp = (PFBLOCK)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, sizeof(FBLOCK)); fp->Type = TYPE_FB_MONGO; fp->Fname = NULL; fp->Next = dbuserp->Openlist; dbuserp->Openlist = fp; fp->Count = 1; fp->Length = 0; fp->Memory = NULL; fp->Mode = MODE_ANY; fp->File = this; fp->Handle = 0; m_Connected = true; return false; } // end of Connect /***********************************************************************/ /* CollSize: returns the number of documents in the collection. */ /***********************************************************************/ int CMgoConn::CollSize(PGLOBAL g) { int cnt; bson_t *query; const char *jf = NULL; if (Pcg->Pipe) return 10; else if (Pcg->Filter) jf = Pcg->Filter; if (jf) { query = bson_new_from_json((const uint8_t *)jf, -1, &Error); if (!query) { htrc("Wrong filter: %s", Error.message); return 10; } // endif Query } else query = bson_new(); cnt = (int)mongoc_collection_count(Collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, query, 0, 0, NULL, &Error); if (cnt < 0) { htrc("Collection count: %s", Error.message); cnt = 2; } // endif Cardinal bson_destroy(query); return cnt; } // end of CollSize /***********************************************************************/ /* OpenDB: Data Base open routine for MONGO access method. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool CMgoConn::MakeCursor(PGLOBAL g) { const char *p; bool id, b = false, all = false; PCSZ options = Pcg->Options; PTDB tp = Pcg->Tdbp; PCOL cp; PSTRG s = NULL; PFIL filp = tp->GetFilter(); id = (tp->GetMode() != MODE_READ); if (options && !stricmp(options, "all")) { options = NULL; all = true; } // endif Options for (cp = tp->GetColumns(); cp; cp = cp->GetNext()) if (!strcmp(cp->GetName(), "_id")) id = true; else if (cp->GetFmt() && !strcmp(cp->GetFmt(), "*") && !options) all = true; if (Pcg->Pipe) { if (trace(1)) htrc("Pipeline: %s\n", options); p = strrchr(options, ']'); if (!p) { strcpy(g->Message, "Missing ] in pipeline"); return true; } else *(char*)p = 0; s = new(g) STRING(g, 1023, (PSZ)options); if (filp) { s->Append(",{\"$match\":"); if (MakeSelector(g, filp, s)) { strcpy(g->Message, "Failed making selector"); return true; } else s->Append('}'); tp->SetFilter(NULL); // Not needed anymore } // endif To_Filter if (!all && tp->GetColumns()) { // Project list s->Append(",{\"$project\":{\""); if (!id) s->Append("_id\":0,\""); for (cp = tp->GetColumns(); cp; cp = cp->GetNext()) { if (b) s->Append(",\""); else b = true; s->Append(cp->GetJpath(g, true)); s->Append("\":1"); } // endfor cp s->Append("}}"); } // endif all s->Append("]}"); s->Resize(s->GetLength() + 1); *(char*)p = ']'; // Restore Colist for discovery p = s->GetStr(); if (trace(33)) htrc("New Pipeline: %s\n", p); Query = bson_new_from_json((const uint8_t *)p, -1, &Error); if (!Query) { sprintf(g->Message, "Wrong pipeline: %s", Error.message); return true; } // endif Query Cursor = mongoc_collection_aggregate(Collection, MONGOC_QUERY_NONE, Query, NULL, NULL); if (mongoc_cursor_error(Cursor, &Error)) { sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo aggregate Failure: %s", Error.message); return true; } // endif error } else { if (Pcg->Filter || filp) { if (trace(1)) { if (Pcg->Filter) htrc("Filter: %s\n", Pcg->Filter); if (filp) { char buf[512]; filp->Prints(g, buf, 511); htrc("To_Filter: %s\n", buf); } // endif To_Filter } // endif trace s = new(g) STRING(g, 1023, (PSZ)Pcg->Filter); if (filp) { if (Pcg->Filter) s->Append(','); if (MakeSelector(g, filp, s)) { strcpy(g->Message, "Failed making selector"); return NULL; } // endif Selector tp->SetFilter(NULL); // Not needed anymore } // endif To_Filter if (trace(33)) htrc("selector: %s\n", s->GetStr()); s->Resize(s->GetLength() + 1); Query = bson_new_from_json((const uint8_t *)s->GetStr(), -1, &Error); if (!Query) { sprintf(g->Message, "Wrong filter: %s", Error.message); return NULL; } // endif Query } else Query = bson_new(); if (!all) { if (options && *options) { if (trace(1)) htrc("options=%s\n", options); p = options; } else if (tp->GetColumns()) { // Projection list if (s) s->Set("{\"projection\":{\""); else s = new(g) STRING(g, 511, "{\"projection\":{\""); if (!id) s->Append("_id\":0,\""); for (cp = tp->GetColumns(); cp; cp = cp->GetNext()) { if (b) s->Append(",\""); else b = true; s->Append(cp->GetJpath(g, true)); s->Append("\":1"); } // endfor cp s->Append("}}"); s->Resize(s->GetLength() + 1); p = s->GetStr(); } else { // count(*) ? p = "{\"projection\":{\"_id\":1}}"; } // endif Options Opts = bson_new_from_json((const uint8_t *)p, -1, &Error); if (!Opts) { sprintf(g->Message, "Wrong options: %s", Error.message); return NULL; } // endif Opts } // endif all Cursor = mongoc_collection_find_with_opts(Collection, Query, Opts, NULL); } // endif Pipe return false; } // end of MakeCursor /***********************************************************************/ /* Fetch next document. */ /***********************************************************************/ int CMgoConn::ReadNext(PGLOBAL g) { int rc = RC_OK; if (!Cursor && MakeCursor(g)) { rc = RC_FX; } else if (mongoc_cursor_next(Cursor, &Document)) { if (trace(512)) { bson_iter_t iter; ShowDocument(&iter, Document, ""); } else if (trace(1)) htrc("%s\n", GetDocument(g)); } else if (mongoc_cursor_error(Cursor, &Error)) { sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo Cursor Failure: %s", Error.message); rc = RC_FX; } else rc = RC_EF; return rc; } // end of Fetch /***********************************************************************/ /* Get the Json string of the current document. */ /***********************************************************************/ PSZ CMgoConn::GetDocument(PGLOBAL g) { char *str = bson_as_json(Document, NULL); PSZ doc = PlugDup(g, str); bson_free(str); return doc; } // end of GetDocument /***********************************************************************/ /* Use to trace restaurants document contains. */ /***********************************************************************/ void CMgoConn::ShowDocument(bson_iter_t *iter, const bson_t *doc, const char *k) { if (!doc || bson_iter_init(iter, doc)) { const char *key; while (bson_iter_next(iter)) { key = bson_iter_key(iter); htrc("Found element key: \"%s\"\n", key); if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_UTF8(iter)) htrc("%s.%s=\"%s\"\n", k, key, bson_iter_utf8(iter, NULL)); else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32(iter)) htrc("%s.%s=%d\n", k, key, bson_iter_int32(iter)); else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT64(iter)) htrc("%s.%s=%lld\n", k, key, bson_iter_int64(iter)); else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOUBLE(iter)) htrc("%s.%s=%g\n", k, key, bson_iter_double(iter)); else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DATE_TIME(iter)) htrc("%s.%s=date(%lld)\n", k, key, bson_iter_date_time(iter)); else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_OID(iter)) { char str[25]; bson_oid_to_string(bson_iter_oid(iter), str); htrc("%s.%s=%s\n", k, key, str); } else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DECIMAL128(iter)) { char *str = NULL; bson_decimal128_t dec; bson_iter_decimal128(iter, &dec); bson_decimal128_to_string(&dec, str); htrc("%s.%s=%s\n", k, key, str); } else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOCUMENT(iter)) { bson_iter_t child; if (bson_iter_recurse(iter, &child)) ShowDocument(&child, NULL, key); } else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_ARRAY(iter)) { bson_t *arr; bson_iter_t itar; const uint8_t *data = NULL; uint32_t len = 0; bson_iter_array(iter, &len, &data); arr = bson_new_from_data(data, len); ShowDocument(&itar, arr, key); } // endif's } // endwhile bson_iter_next } // endif bson_iter_init } // end of ShowDocument /***********************************************************************/ /* Group columns for inserting or updating. */ /***********************************************************************/ void CMgoConn::MakeColumnGroups(PGLOBAL g) { Fpc = new(g) INCOL(false); for (PCOL colp = Pcg->Tdbp->GetColumns(); colp; colp = colp->GetNext()) if (!colp->IsSpecial()) Fpc->AddCol(g, colp, colp->GetJpath(g, false)); } // end of MakeColumnGroups /***********************************************************************/ /* DocWrite. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool CMgoConn::DocWrite(PGLOBAL g, PINCOL icp) { for (PKC kp = icp->Klist; kp; kp = kp->Next) if (kp->Incolp) { bool isdoc = !kp->Incolp->Array; if (isdoc) BSON_APPEND_DOCUMENT_BEGIN(icp->Child, kp->Key, kp->Incolp->Child); else BSON_APPEND_ARRAY_BEGIN(icp->Child, kp->Key, kp->Incolp->Child); if (DocWrite(g, kp->Incolp)) return true; if (isdoc) bson_append_document_end(icp->Child, kp->Incolp->Child); else bson_append_array_end(icp->Child, kp->Incolp->Child); } else if (AddValue(g, kp->Colp, icp->Child, kp->Key, false)) return true; return false; } // end of DocWrite /***********************************************************************/ /* WriteDB: Data Base write routine for DOS access method. */ /***********************************************************************/ int CMgoConn::Write(PGLOBAL g) { int rc = RC_OK; PTDB tp = Pcg->Tdbp; if (tp->GetMode() == MODE_INSERT) { Fpc->Init(); if (DocWrite(g, Fpc)) return RC_FX; if (trace(2)) { char *str = bson_as_json(Fpc->Child, NULL); htrc("Inserting: %s\n", str); bson_free(str); } // endif trace if (!mongoc_collection_insert(Collection, MONGOC_INSERT_NONE, Fpc->Child, NULL, &Error)) { sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo insert: %s", Error.message); rc = RC_FX; } // endif insert } else { bool b = false; bson_iter_t iter; bson_t *query = bson_new(); bson_iter_init(&iter, Document); if (bson_iter_find(&iter, "_id")) { if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_OID(&iter)) b = BSON_APPEND_OID(query, "_id", bson_iter_oid(&iter)); else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32(&iter)) b = BSON_APPEND_INT32(query, "_id", bson_iter_int32(&iter)); else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT64(&iter)) b = BSON_APPEND_INT64(query, "_id", bson_iter_int64(&iter)); else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOUBLE(&iter)) b = BSON_APPEND_DOUBLE(query, "_id", bson_iter_double(&iter)); else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_UTF8(&iter)) b = BSON_APPEND_UTF8(query, "_id", bson_iter_utf8(&iter, NULL)); } // endif iter if (b) { if (trace(2)) { char *str = bson_as_json(query, NULL); htrc("update query: %s\n", str); bson_free(str); } // endif trace if (tp->GetMode() == MODE_UPDATE) { bson_t child; bson_t *update = bson_new(); BSON_APPEND_DOCUMENT_BEGIN(update, "$set", &child); for (PCOL colp = tp->GetSetCols(); colp; colp = colp->GetNext()) if (AddValue(g, colp, &child, colp->GetJpath(g, false), true)) rc = RC_FX; bson_append_document_end(update, &child); if (rc == RC_OK) if (!mongoc_collection_update(Collection, MONGOC_UPDATE_NONE, query, update, NULL, &Error)) { sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo update: %s", Error.message); rc = RC_FX; } // endif update bson_destroy(update); } else if (!mongoc_collection_remove(Collection, MONGOC_REMOVE_SINGLE_REMOVE, query, NULL, &Error)) { sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo delete: %s", Error.message); rc = RC_FX; } // endif remove } else { strcpy(g->Message, "Mongo update: cannot find _id"); rc = RC_FX; } // endif b bson_destroy(query); } // endif Mode return rc; } // end of Write /***********************************************************************/ /* Remove all documents from the collection. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool CMgoConn::DocDelete(PGLOBAL g) { Query = bson_new(); if (!mongoc_collection_remove(Collection, MONGOC_REMOVE_NONE, Query, NULL, &Error)) { sprintf(g->Message, "Mongo remove all: %s", Error.message); return true; } // endif remove return false; } // end of DocDelete /***********************************************************************/ /* Rewind the collection. */ /***********************************************************************/ void CMgoConn::Rewind(void) { mongoc_cursor_t *cursor = mongoc_cursor_clone(Cursor); mongoc_cursor_destroy(Cursor); Cursor = cursor; } // end of Rewind /***********************************************************************/ /* Table close routine for MONGO tables. */ /***********************************************************************/ void CMgoConn::Close(void) { if (Query) bson_destroy(Query); if (Opts) bson_destroy(Opts); if (Cursor) mongoc_cursor_destroy(Cursor); if (Collection) mongoc_collection_destroy(Collection); if (Client) mongoc_client_pool_push(Pool, Client); if (Pool) mongoc_client_pool_destroy(Pool); if (Uri) mongoc_uri_destroy(Uri); if (Fpc) Fpc->Destroy(); if (fp) fp->Count = 0; } // end of Close /***********************************************************************/ /* Mini: used to suppress blanks to json strings. */ /***********************************************************************/ char *CMgoConn::Mini(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, const bson_t *bson, bool b) { char *s, *str = NULL; char *Mbuf = (char*)PlugSubAlloc(g, NULL, colp->GetLength() + 1); int i, k = 0; bool ok = true; if (b) s = str = bson_array_as_json(bson, NULL); else s = str = bson_as_json(bson, NULL); for (i = 0; i < colp->GetLength() && s[i]; i++) { switch (s[i]) { case ' ': if (ok) continue; case '"': ok = !ok; default: break; } // endswitch s[i] Mbuf[k++] = s[i]; } // endfor i bson_free(str); if (i >= colp->GetLength()) { sprintf(g->Message, "Value too long for column %s", colp->GetName()); throw (int)TYPE_AM_MGO; } // endif i Mbuf[k] = 0; return Mbuf; } // end of Mini /***********************************************************************/ /* Retrieve the column value from the document. */ /***********************************************************************/ void CMgoConn::GetColumnValue(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp) { char *jpath = colp->GetJpath(g, false); PVAL value = colp->GetValue(); if (!strcmp(jpath, "*")) { value->SetValue_psz(Mini(g, colp, Document, false)); } else if (bson_iter_init(&Iter, Document) && bson_iter_find_descendant(&Iter, jpath, &Desc)) { if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_UTF8(&Desc)) value->SetValue_psz((PSZ)bson_iter_utf8(&Desc, NULL)); else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT32(&Desc)) value->SetValue(bson_iter_int32(&Desc)); else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_INT64(&Desc)) value->SetValue(bson_iter_int64(&Desc)); else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOUBLE(&Desc)) value->SetValue(bson_iter_double(&Desc)); else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DATE_TIME(&Desc)) value->SetValue(bson_iter_date_time(&Desc) / 1000); else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_BOOL(&Desc)) { bool b = bson_iter_bool(&Desc); if (value->IsTypeNum()) value->SetValue(b ? 1 : 0); else value->SetValue_psz(b ? "true" : "false"); } else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_OID(&Desc)) { char str[25]; bson_oid_to_string(bson_iter_oid(&Desc), str); value->SetValue_psz(str); } else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_NULL(&Iter)) { // Apparently this does not work... value->Reset(); value->SetNull(true); } else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DECIMAL128(&Desc)) { char *str = NULL; bson_decimal128_t dec; bson_iter_decimal128(&Desc, &dec); bson_decimal128_to_string(&dec, str); value->SetValue_psz(str); bson_free(str); } else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_DOCUMENT(&Iter)) { bson_t *doc; const uint8_t *data = NULL; uint32_t len = 0; bson_iter_document(&Desc, &len, &data); if (data) { doc = bson_new_from_data(data, len); value->SetValue_psz(Mini(g, colp, doc, false)); bson_destroy(doc); } else { // ... but we can come here in case of NULL! value->Reset(); value->SetNull(true); } // endif data } else if (BSON_ITER_HOLDS_ARRAY(&Iter)) { bson_t *arr; const uint8_t *data = NULL; uint32_t len = 0; bson_iter_array(&Desc, &len, &data); if (data) { arr = bson_new_from_data(data, len); value->SetValue_psz(Mini(g, colp, arr, true)); bson_destroy(arr); } else { // This is a bug in returning the wrong type // This fix is only for document items bson_t *doc; bson_iter_document(&Desc, &len, &data); if (data) { doc = bson_new_from_data(data, len); value->SetValue_psz(Mini(g, colp, doc, false)); bson_destroy(doc); } else { // ... or we can also come here in case of NULL! value->Reset(); value->SetNull(true); } // endif data } // endif data } else value->Reset(); } else { // Field does not exist value->Reset(); value->SetNull(true); } // endif Iter } // end of GetColumnValue /***********************************************************************/ /* AddValue: Add column value to the document to insert or update. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool CMgoConn::AddValue(PGLOBAL g, PCOL colp, bson_t *doc, char *key, bool upd) { bool rc = false; PVAL value = colp->GetValue(); if (value->IsNull()) { if (upd) rc = BSON_APPEND_NULL(doc, key); else return false; } else switch (colp->GetResultType()) { case TYPE_STRING: rc = BSON_APPEND_UTF8(doc, key, value->GetCharValue()); break; case TYPE_INT: case TYPE_SHORT: rc = BSON_APPEND_INT32(doc, key, value->GetIntValue()); break; case TYPE_TINY: rc = BSON_APPEND_BOOL(doc, key, value->GetIntValue()); break; case TYPE_BIGINT: rc = BSON_APPEND_INT64(doc, key, value->GetBigintValue()); break; case TYPE_DOUBLE: rc = BSON_APPEND_DOUBLE(doc, key, value->GetFloatValue()); break; case TYPE_DECIM: {bson_decimal128_t dec; if (bson_decimal128_from_string(value->GetCharValue(), &dec)) rc = BSON_APPEND_DECIMAL128(doc, key, &dec); } break; case TYPE_DATE: rc = BSON_APPEND_DATE_TIME(doc, key, value->GetBigintValue() * 1000); break; default: sprintf(g->Message, "Type %d not supported yet", colp->GetResultType()); return true; } // endswitch Buf_Type if (!rc) { strcpy(g->Message, "Adding value failed"); return true; } else return false; } // end of AddValue #if 0 void *CMgoConn::mgo_alloc(size_t n) { char *mst = (char*)PlgDBSubAlloc(G, NULL, n + sizeof(size_t)); if (mst) { *(size_t*)mst = n; return mst + sizeof(size_t); } // endif mst return NULL; } // end of mgo_alloc void *CMgoConn::mgo_calloc(size_t n, size_t sz) { void *m = mgo_alloc(n * sz); if (m) memset(m, 0, n * sz); return m; } // end of mgo_calloc void *CMgoConn::mgo_realloc(void *m, size_t n) { if (!m) return n ? mgo_alloc(n) : NULL; size_t *osz = (size_t*)((char*)m - sizeof(size_t)); if (n > *osz) { void *nwm = mgo_alloc(n); if (nwm) memcpy(nwm, m, *osz); return nwm; } else { *osz = n; return m; } // endif n } // end of mgo_realloc #endif // 0