#  List the test cases that are to be disabled temporarily.
#  Separate the test case name and the comment with ':'.
#      <testcasename>  : Comment test
#  Do not use any TAB characters for whitespace.
#ndb_alter_table_row    : sometimes wrong error 1015!=1046
events_bugs             : test case unstable (race conditions). andrey will fix
events_stress           : test case unstable. andrey will fix
events                  : test case unstable. andrey will fix
ndb_autodiscover        : Needs to be fixed w.r.t binlog
ndb_autodiscover2       : Needs to be fixed w.r.t binlog
ndb_binlog_basic        : Results are not deterministic, Tomas will fix
ndb_binlog_ddl_multi    : Bug#17038 [PATCH PENDING]
ndb_load                : Bug#17233
partition_03ndb         : Bug#16385
ps_7ndb                 : dbug assert in RBR mode when executing test suite
#rpl_bit_npk             : Bug#13418
rpl_ddl                 : Bug#15963 SBR does not show "Definer" correctly
rpl_ndb_2innodb         : Bugs#17400: delete & update of rows in table without pk fails
rpl_ndb_2myisam         : Bugs#17400: delete & update of rows in table without pk fails
rpl_ndb_auto_inc        : Bug#17086
rpl_ndb_basic           : Bug#16228 [IN REVIEW]
rpl_ndb_charset         : Bug#17246
rpl_ndb_ddl             : Bug#17400: delete & update of rows in table without pk fails
rpl_ndb_delete_nowhere  : Bug#17400: delete & update of rows in table without pk fails
rpl_ndb_innodb2ndb      : Bugs#17400: delete & update of rows in table without pk fails
rpl_ndb_insert_ignore   : Bugs: #17431: INSERT IGNORE INTO returns failed: 1296
rpl_ndb_myisam2ndb      : Bugs#17400: delete & update of rows in table without pk fails
rpl_ndb_log             : result not deterministic
rpl_ndb_relay_space     : Bug#16993
rpl_ndb_multi_update3   : Bug#17400: delete & update of rows in table without pk fails
rpl_ndb_sp007           : Bug #17290
rpl_sp                  : Bug#16456
rpl_until               : Unstable test case, bug#15886
sp-goto                 : GOTO is currently is disabled - will be fixed in the future