/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ // vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4: #ident "$Id$" #ident "Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved." #ident "The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, and the Research Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under United States of America Serial No. 11/760379 and to the patents and/or patent applications resulting from it." /* Benchmark various hash functions. */ #include <sys/time.h> #include <zlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <toku_assert.h> #define N 200000000 char *buf; static double tdiff (struct timeval *a, struct timeval *b) { return a->tv_sec - b->tv_sec + (1e-6)*(a->tv_usec - b->tv_usec); } #define measure_bandwidth(str, body) ({ \ int c; \ struct timeval start,end; \ gettimeofday(&start, 0); \ body; \ gettimeofday(&end, 0); \ double diff = tdiff(&end, &start); \ printf("%s=%08x %d bytes in %8.6fs for %8.3fMB/s\n", str, c, N, diff, N*(1e-6)/diff); \ }) int sum32 (int start, void *buf, int bytecount) { int *ibuf = buf; assert(bytecount%4==0); while (bytecount>0) { start+=*ibuf; ibuf++; bytecount-=4; } return start; } static const uint32_t m = 0x5bd1e995; static const int r = 24; static const uint32_t seed = 0x3dd3b51a; #define USE_ZERO_CHECKSUM 0 static uint32_t MurmurHash2 ( const void * key, int len) { if (USE_ZERO_CHECKSUM) return 0; // 'm' and 'r' are mixing constants generated offline. // They're not really 'magic', they just happen to work well. // Initialize the hash to a 'random' value uint32_t h = seed; // Mix 4 bytes at a time into the hash const unsigned char * data = (const unsigned char *)key; while(len >= 4) { uint32_t k = *(uint32_t *)data; k *= m; k ^= k >> r; k *= m; h *= m; h ^= k; data += 4; len -= 4; } // Handle the last few bytes of the input array switch(len) { case 3: h ^= data[2] << 16; case 2: h ^= data[1] << 8; case 1: h ^= data[0]; h *= m; }; // Do a few final mixes of the hash to ensure the last few // bytes are well-incorporated. h ^= h >> 29; h *= m; h ^= h >> 31; return h; } struct murmur { int n_bytes_in_k; // How many bytes in k uint32_t k; // These are the extra bytes. Bytes are shifted into the low-order bits. uint32_t h; // The hash so far (up to the most recent 4-byte boundary) }; void murmur_init (struct murmur *mm) { mm->n_bytes_in_k=0; mm->k =0; mm->h = seed; } #define MIX() ({ k *= m; k ^= k >> r; k *= m; h *= m; h ^= k; }) #define LD1() data[0] #define LD2() ((data[0]<<8) | data[1]) #define LD3() ((data[0]<<16) | (data[1]<<8) | data[2]) #define ADD1_0() (mm->k = LD1()) #define ADD1() (mm->k = (k<<8) | LD1()) #define ADD2_0() (mm->k = LD2()) #define ADD2() (mm->k = (k<<16) | LD2()) #define ADD3_0() (mm->k = LD3()) #define ADD3() (mm->k = (k<<24) | LD3()) void murmur_add (struct murmur *mm, const void * key, unsigned int len) { if (USE_ZERO_CHECKSUM) return; if (len==0) return; const int n_bytes_in_k = mm->n_bytes_in_k; uint32_t k = mm->k; const unsigned char *data = key; uint32_t h = mm->h; switch (n_bytes_in_k) { case 0: switch (len) { case 1: ADD1_0(); mm->n_bytes_in_k = 1; mm->h=h; return; case 2: ADD2_0(); mm->n_bytes_in_k = 2; mm->h=h; return; case 3: ADD3_0(); mm->n_bytes_in_k = 3; mm->h=h; return; default: break; } break; case 1: switch (len) { case 1: ADD1(); mm->n_bytes_in_k = 2; mm->h=h; return; case 2: ADD2(); mm->n_bytes_in_k = 3; mm->h=h; return; case 3: ADD3(); mm->n_bytes_in_k = 0; MIX(); mm->h=h; return; default: ADD3(); mm->n_bytes_in_k = 0; MIX(); len-=3; data+=3; break; } break; case 2: switch (len) { case 1: ADD1(); mm->n_bytes_in_k = 3; mm->h=h; return; case 2: ADD2(); mm->n_bytes_in_k = 0; MIX(); mm->h=h; return; default: ADD2(); mm->n_bytes_in_k = 0; MIX(); len-=2; data+=2; break; } break; case 3: switch (len) { case 1: ADD1(); mm->n_bytes_in_k = 0; MIX(); mm->h=h; return; default: ADD1(); mm->n_bytes_in_k = 0; MIX(); len--; data++; break; } break; default: assert(0); } // We've used up the partial bytes at the beginning of k. assert(mm->n_bytes_in_k==0); while (len >= 4) { uint32_t k = toku_dtoh32(*(uint32_t *)data); //printf(" oldh=%08x k=%08x", h, k); k *= m; k ^= k >> r; k *= m; h *= m; h ^= k; data += 4; len -= 4; //printf(" h=%08x\n", h); } mm->h=h; //printf("%s:%d h=%08x\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, h); { uint32_t k=0; switch (len) { case 3: k = *data << 16; data++; case 2: k |= *data << 8; data++; case 1: k |= *data; } mm->k = k; mm->n_bytes_in_k = len; //printf("now extra=%08x (%d bytes) n_bytes=%d\n", mm->k, len, mm->n_bytes_in_k); } } uint32_t murmur_finish (struct murmur *mm) { if (USE_ZERO_CHECKSUM) return 0; uint32_t h = mm->h; if (mm->n_bytes_in_k>0) { h ^= mm->k; h *= m; } if (0) { // The real murmur function does this extra mixing at the end. We don't need that for fingerprint. h ^= h >> 29; h *= m; h ^= h >> 31; } return h; } struct sum84 { uint32_t sum; int i; }; void sum84_init (struct sum84 *s) { s->sum=0; s->i=0; }; void sum84_add (struct sum84 *s, char *buf, int count) { while (s->i%4!=0 && count>0) { char v = *buf; s->sum ^= v << (s->i%4)*8; buf++; count--; s->i++; } while (count>4) { s->sum ^= *(int*)buf; buf+=4; count-=4; } while (count>0) { char v = *buf; s->sum ^= v << (s->i%4)*8; buf++; count--; s->i++; } } int sum84_finish (struct sum84 *s) { return s->sum; } uint32_t xor8_add (uint32_t x, char *buf, int count) { while (count>4) { x ^= *(int*)buf; buf+=4; count-=4; } while (count>0) { char v = *buf; x ^= v; buf++; count--; } return x; } uint32_t xor8_finish (uint32_t x) { return (x ^ (x>>8) ^ (x>>16) ^ (x>>24))&0xff; } uint64_t xor8_64_add (uint64_t x, char *buf, int count) { while (count>8) { x ^= *(uint64_t*)buf; buf+=8; count-=8; } while (count>0) { char v = *buf; x ^= v; buf++; count--; } return x; } uint32_t xor8_64_finish (uint64_t x) { return (x ^ (x>>8) ^ (x>>16) ^ (x>>24) ^ (x>>32) ^ (x>>40) ^ (x>>48) ^ (x>>56))&0xff; } static void measure_bandwidths (void) { measure_bandwidth("crc32 ", c=crc32(0, buf, N)); measure_bandwidth("sum32 ", c=sum32(0, buf, N)); measure_bandwidth("murmur ", c=MurmurHash2(buf, N)); measure_bandwidth("murmurf ", ({ struct murmur mm; murmur_init(&mm); murmur_add(&mm, buf, N); c=murmur_finish(&mm); })); measure_bandwidth("sum84 ", ({ struct sum84 s; sum84_init(&s); sum84_add(&s, buf, N); c=sum84_finish(&s); })); measure_bandwidth("xor32 ", ({ c=0; int j; for(j=0; j<N/4; j++) c^=*(int*)buf+j*4; })); measure_bandwidth("xor8 ", c=xor8_finish(xor8_add(0, buf, N))); measure_bandwidth("xor8_64 ", c=xor8_64_finish(xor8_64_add(0, buf, N))); measure_bandwidth("crc32by1 ", ({ c=0; int j; for(j=0; j<N; j++) c=crc32(c, buf+j, 1); })); measure_bandwidth("crc32by2 ", ({ c=0; int j; for(j=0; j<N; j+=2) c=crc32(c, buf+j, 2); })); measure_bandwidth("sum8by1 ", ({ c=0; int j; for(j=0; j<N; j++) c+=buf[j]; })); measure_bandwidth("murmurby1", ({ struct murmur mm; murmur_init(&mm); int j; for(j=0; j<N; j++) murmur_add(&mm, buf+j, 1); c=murmur_finish(&mm); })); measure_bandwidth("murmurby2", ({ struct murmur mm; murmur_init(&mm); int j; for(j=0; j<N; j+=2) murmur_add(&mm, buf+j, 2); c=murmur_finish(&mm); })); measure_bandwidth("sum84by1 ", ({ struct sum84 s; sum84_init(&s); int j; for(j=0; j<N; j++) sum84_add(&s, buf+j, 1); c=sum84_finish(&s); })); measure_bandwidth("xor8by1 ", ({ int j; c=0; for(j=0; j<N; j++) c=xor8_add(c, buf+j, 1); c=xor8_finish(c); })); measure_bandwidth("xor864by1", ({ int j; uint64_t x=0; for(j=0; j<N; j++) x=xor8_64_add(x, buf+j, 1); c=xor8_64_finish(x); })); } int main (int argc __attribute__((__unused__)), char *argv[] __attribute__((__unused__))) { buf = malloc(N); int i; for (i=0; i<N; i++) buf[i]=random(); measure_bandwidths(); return 0; }