SHOW TABLES FROM information_schema LIKE 'STATISTICS'; Tables_in_information_schema (STATISTICS) STATISTICS ####################################################################### # Testcase INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables can be queried via SELECT ####################################################################### DROP VIEW IF EXISTS test.v1; DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS test.p1; DROP FUNCTION IF EXISTS test.f1; CREATE VIEW test.v1 AS SELECT * FROM information_schema.STATISTICS; CREATE PROCEDURE test.p1() SELECT * FROM information_schema.STATISTICS; CREATE FUNCTION test.f1() returns BIGINT BEGIN DECLARE counter BIGINT DEFAULT NULL; SELECT COUNT(*) INTO counter FROM information_schema.STATISTICS; RETURN counter; END// # Attention: The printing of the next result sets is disabled. SELECT * FROM information_schema.STATISTICS; SELECT * FROM test.v1; CALL test.p1; SELECT test.f1(); DROP VIEW test.v1; DROP PROCEDURE test.p1; DROP FUNCTION test.f1; ######################################################################### # Testcase INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS layout ######################################################################### DESCRIBE information_schema.STATISTICS; Field Type Null Key Default Extra TABLE_CATALOG varchar(512) NO TABLE_SCHEMA varchar(64) NO TABLE_NAME varchar(64) NO NON_UNIQUE bigint(1) NO 0 INDEX_SCHEMA varchar(64) NO INDEX_NAME varchar(64) NO SEQ_IN_INDEX bigint(2) NO 0 COLUMN_NAME varchar(64) NO COLLATION varchar(1) YES NULL CARDINALITY bigint(21) YES NULL SUB_PART bigint(3) YES NULL PACKED varchar(10) YES NULL NULLABLE varchar(3) NO INDEX_TYPE varchar(16) NO COMMENT varchar(16) YES NULL SHOW CREATE TABLE information_schema.STATISTICS; Table Create Table STATISTICS CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE `STATISTICS` ( `TABLE_CATALOG` varchar(512) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `TABLE_SCHEMA` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `TABLE_NAME` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `NON_UNIQUE` bigint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `INDEX_SCHEMA` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `INDEX_NAME` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `SEQ_IN_INDEX` bigint(2) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', `COLUMN_NAME` varchar(64) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `COLLATION` varchar(1) DEFAULT NULL, `CARDINALITY` bigint(21) DEFAULT NULL, `SUB_PART` bigint(3) DEFAULT NULL, `PACKED` varchar(10) DEFAULT NULL, `NULLABLE` varchar(3) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `INDEX_TYPE` varchar(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', `COMMENT` varchar(16) DEFAULT NULL ) ENGINE=MEMORY DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 SHOW COLUMNS FROM information_schema.STATISTICS; Field Type Null Key Default Extra TABLE_CATALOG varchar(512) NO TABLE_SCHEMA varchar(64) NO TABLE_NAME varchar(64) NO NON_UNIQUE bigint(1) NO 0 INDEX_SCHEMA varchar(64) NO INDEX_NAME varchar(64) NO SEQ_IN_INDEX bigint(2) NO 0 COLUMN_NAME varchar(64) NO COLLATION varchar(1) YES NULL CARDINALITY bigint(21) YES NULL SUB_PART bigint(3) YES NULL PACKED varchar(10) YES NULL NULLABLE varchar(3) NO INDEX_TYPE varchar(16) NO COMMENT varchar(16) YES NULL SELECT table_catalog, table_schema, table_name, index_schema, index_name FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_catalog IS NOT NULL; table_catalog table_schema table_name index_schema index_name def mysql columns_priv mysql PRIMARY def mysql columns_priv mysql PRIMARY def mysql columns_priv mysql PRIMARY def mysql columns_priv mysql PRIMARY def mysql columns_priv mysql PRIMARY def mysql db mysql PRIMARY def mysql db mysql PRIMARY def mysql db mysql PRIMARY def mysql db mysql User def mysql event mysql PRIMARY def mysql event mysql PRIMARY def mysql func mysql PRIMARY def mysql help_category mysql PRIMARY def mysql help_category mysql name def mysql help_keyword mysql PRIMARY def mysql help_keyword mysql name def mysql help_relation mysql PRIMARY def mysql help_relation mysql PRIMARY def mysql help_topic mysql PRIMARY def mysql help_topic mysql name def mysql host mysql PRIMARY def mysql host mysql PRIMARY def mysql ndb_binlog_index mysql PRIMARY def mysql plugin mysql PRIMARY def mysql proc mysql PRIMARY def mysql proc mysql PRIMARY def mysql proc mysql PRIMARY def mysql procs_priv mysql PRIMARY def mysql procs_priv mysql PRIMARY def mysql procs_priv mysql PRIMARY def mysql procs_priv mysql PRIMARY def mysql procs_priv mysql PRIMARY def mysql procs_priv mysql Grantor def mysql servers mysql PRIMARY def mysql tables_priv mysql PRIMARY def mysql tables_priv mysql PRIMARY def mysql tables_priv mysql PRIMARY def mysql tables_priv mysql PRIMARY def mysql tables_priv mysql Grantor def mysql time_zone mysql PRIMARY def mysql time_zone_leap_second mysql PRIMARY def mysql time_zone_name mysql PRIMARY def mysql time_zone_transition mysql PRIMARY def mysql time_zone_transition mysql PRIMARY def mysql time_zone_transition_type mysql PRIMARY def mysql time_zone_transition_type mysql PRIMARY def mysql user mysql PRIMARY def mysql user mysql PRIMARY #################################################################################### # Testcase + INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS accessible information #################################################################################### DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_datadict; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_datadict_2; CREATE DATABASE db_datadict; CREATE DATABASE db_datadict_2; DROP USER 'testuser1'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'testuser1'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'testuser2'@'localhost'; CREATE USER 'testuser2'@'localhost'; CREATE TABLE db_datadict.t1 (f1 INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(f1), f2 INT, INDEX f2_ind(f2)) ENGINE = <engine_type>; CREATE TABLE db_datadict.t2 (f1 INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(f1), f2 INT, INDEX f2_ind(f2)) ENGINE = <engine_type>; CREATE TABLE db_datadict_2.t3 (f1 INT NOT NULL, f2 INT, f5 DATE, PRIMARY KEY(f1), INDEX f2f1_ind(f2,f1), UNIQUE(f5)) ENGINE = MEMORY; CREATE TABLE db_datadict_2.t4 (f1 INT NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(f1), f2 INT, INDEX f2_ind(f2)) ENGINE = MEMORY; SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema LIKE 'db_datadict%' ORDER BY table_schema,table_name,index_name,seq_in_index,column_name; TABLE_CATALOG TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME NON_UNIQUE INDEX_SCHEMA INDEX_NAME SEQ_IN_INDEX COLUMN_NAME COLLATION CARDINALITY SUB_PART PACKED NULLABLE INDEX_TYPE COMMENT def db_datadict t1 1 db_datadict f2_ind 1 f2 NULL 0 NULL NULL YES HASH def db_datadict t1 0 db_datadict PRIMARY 1 f1 NULL 0 NULL NULL HASH def db_datadict t2 1 db_datadict f2_ind 1 f2 NULL 0 NULL NULL YES HASH def db_datadict t2 0 db_datadict PRIMARY 1 f1 NULL 0 NULL NULL HASH def db_datadict_2 t3 1 db_datadict_2 f2f1_ind 1 f2 NULL NULL NULL NULL YES HASH def db_datadict_2 t3 1 db_datadict_2 f2f1_ind 2 f1 NULL 0 NULL NULL HASH def db_datadict_2 t3 0 db_datadict_2 f5 1 f5 NULL 0 NULL NULL YES HASH def db_datadict_2 t3 0 db_datadict_2 PRIMARY 1 f1 NULL 0 NULL NULL HASH def db_datadict_2 t4 1 db_datadict_2 f2_ind 1 f2 NULL 0 NULL NULL YES HASH def db_datadict_2 t4 0 db_datadict_2 PRIMARY 1 f1 NULL 0 NULL NULL HASH SHOW GRANTS FOR 'testuser1'@'localhost'; Grants for testuser1@localhost GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'testuser1'@'localhost' SHOW GRANTS FOR 'testuser2'@'localhost'; Grants for testuser2@localhost GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'testuser2'@'localhost' # Establish connection testuser1 (user=testuser1) SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema LIKE 'db_datadict%' ORDER BY table_schema,table_name,index_name,seq_in_index,column_name; TABLE_CATALOG TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME NON_UNIQUE INDEX_SCHEMA INDEX_NAME SEQ_IN_INDEX COLUMN_NAME COLLATION CARDINALITY SUB_PART PACKED NULLABLE INDEX_TYPE COMMENT SHOW GRANTS FOR 'testuser1'@'localhost'; Grants for testuser1@localhost GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'testuser1'@'localhost' SHOW GRANTS FOR 'testuser2'@'localhost'; ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'testuser1'@'localhost' to database 'mysql' # Establish connection testuser2 (user=testuser2) SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema LIKE 'db_datadict%' ORDER BY table_schema,table_name,index_name,seq_in_index,column_name; TABLE_CATALOG TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME NON_UNIQUE INDEX_SCHEMA INDEX_NAME SEQ_IN_INDEX COLUMN_NAME COLLATION CARDINALITY SUB_PART PACKED NULLABLE INDEX_TYPE COMMENT SHOW GRANTS FOR 'testuser1'@'localhost'; ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'testuser2'@'localhost' to database 'mysql' SHOW GRANTS FOR 'testuser2'@'localhost'; Grants for testuser2@localhost GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'testuser2'@'localhost' # Switch to connection default GRANT SELECT ON db_datadict.t1 TO 'testuser1'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION; GRANT SELECT(f1,f5) ON db_datadict_2.t3 TO 'testuser1'@'localhost'; SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema LIKE 'db_datadict%' ORDER BY table_schema,table_name,index_name,seq_in_index,column_name; TABLE_CATALOG TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME NON_UNIQUE INDEX_SCHEMA INDEX_NAME SEQ_IN_INDEX COLUMN_NAME COLLATION CARDINALITY SUB_PART PACKED NULLABLE INDEX_TYPE COMMENT def db_datadict t1 1 db_datadict f2_ind 1 f2 NULL 0 NULL NULL YES HASH def db_datadict t1 0 db_datadict PRIMARY 1 f1 NULL 0 NULL NULL HASH def db_datadict t2 1 db_datadict f2_ind 1 f2 NULL 0 NULL NULL YES HASH def db_datadict t2 0 db_datadict PRIMARY 1 f1 NULL 0 NULL NULL HASH def db_datadict_2 t3 1 db_datadict_2 f2f1_ind 1 f2 NULL NULL NULL NULL YES HASH def db_datadict_2 t3 1 db_datadict_2 f2f1_ind 2 f1 NULL 0 NULL NULL HASH def db_datadict_2 t3 0 db_datadict_2 f5 1 f5 NULL 0 NULL NULL YES HASH def db_datadict_2 t3 0 db_datadict_2 PRIMARY 1 f1 NULL 0 NULL NULL HASH def db_datadict_2 t4 1 db_datadict_2 f2_ind 1 f2 NULL 0 NULL NULL YES HASH def db_datadict_2 t4 0 db_datadict_2 PRIMARY 1 f1 NULL 0 NULL NULL HASH SHOW GRANTS FOR 'testuser1'@'localhost'; Grants for testuser1@localhost GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'testuser1'@'localhost' GRANT SELECT ON `db_datadict`.`t1` TO 'testuser1'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION GRANT SELECT (f5, f1) ON `db_datadict_2`.`t3` TO 'testuser1'@'localhost' SHOW GRANTS FOR 'testuser2'@'localhost'; Grants for testuser2@localhost GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'testuser2'@'localhost' # Switch to connection testuser1 SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema LIKE 'db_datadict%' ORDER BY table_schema,table_name,index_name,seq_in_index,column_name; TABLE_CATALOG TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME NON_UNIQUE INDEX_SCHEMA INDEX_NAME SEQ_IN_INDEX COLUMN_NAME COLLATION CARDINALITY SUB_PART PACKED NULLABLE INDEX_TYPE COMMENT def db_datadict t1 1 db_datadict f2_ind 1 f2 NULL 0 NULL NULL YES HASH def db_datadict t1 0 db_datadict PRIMARY 1 f1 NULL 0 NULL NULL HASH def db_datadict_2 t3 1 db_datadict_2 f2f1_ind 1 f2 NULL NULL NULL NULL YES HASH def db_datadict_2 t3 1 db_datadict_2 f2f1_ind 2 f1 NULL 0 NULL NULL HASH def db_datadict_2 t3 0 db_datadict_2 f5 1 f5 NULL 0 NULL NULL YES HASH def db_datadict_2 t3 0 db_datadict_2 PRIMARY 1 f1 NULL 0 NULL NULL HASH SHOW GRANTS FOR 'testuser1'@'localhost'; Grants for testuser1@localhost GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'testuser1'@'localhost' GRANT SELECT ON `db_datadict`.`t1` TO 'testuser1'@'localhost' WITH GRANT OPTION GRANT SELECT (f5, f1) ON `db_datadict_2`.`t3` TO 'testuser1'@'localhost' SHOW GRANTS FOR 'testuser2'@'localhost'; ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'testuser1'@'localhost' to database 'mysql' # Switch to connection testuser2 SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema LIKE 'db_datadict%' ORDER BY table_schema,table_name,index_name,seq_in_index,column_name; TABLE_CATALOG TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME NON_UNIQUE INDEX_SCHEMA INDEX_NAME SEQ_IN_INDEX COLUMN_NAME COLLATION CARDINALITY SUB_PART PACKED NULLABLE INDEX_TYPE COMMENT SHOW GRANTS FOR 'testuser1'@'localhost'; ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'testuser2'@'localhost' to database 'mysql' SHOW GRANTS FOR 'testuser2'@'localhost'; Grants for testuser2@localhost GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'testuser2'@'localhost' # Switch to connection default REVOKE SELECT,GRANT OPTION ON db_datadict.t1 FROM 'testuser1'@'localhost'; SHOW GRANTS FOR 'testuser1'@'localhost'; Grants for testuser1@localhost GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'testuser1'@'localhost' GRANT SELECT (f5, f1) ON `db_datadict_2`.`t3` TO 'testuser1'@'localhost' # Switch to connection testuser1 SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_schema LIKE 'db_datadict%' ORDER BY table_schema,table_name,index_name,seq_in_index,column_name; TABLE_CATALOG TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME NON_UNIQUE INDEX_SCHEMA INDEX_NAME SEQ_IN_INDEX COLUMN_NAME COLLATION CARDINALITY SUB_PART PACKED NULLABLE INDEX_TYPE COMMENT def db_datadict_2 t3 1 db_datadict_2 f2f1_ind 1 f2 NULL NULL NULL NULL YES HASH def db_datadict_2 t3 1 db_datadict_2 f2f1_ind 2 f1 NULL 0 NULL NULL HASH def db_datadict_2 t3 0 db_datadict_2 f5 1 f5 NULL 0 NULL NULL YES HASH def db_datadict_2 t3 0 db_datadict_2 PRIMARY 1 f1 NULL 0 NULL NULL HASH SHOW GRANTS FOR 'testuser1'@'localhost'; Grants for testuser1@localhost GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'testuser1'@'localhost' GRANT SELECT (f5, f1) ON `db_datadict_2`.`t3` TO 'testuser1'@'localhost' # Switch to connection default and close connections testuser1, testuser2 DROP USER 'testuser1'@'localhost'; DROP USER 'testuser2'@'localhost'; DROP DATABASE db_datadict; DROP DATABASE db_datadict_2; ######################################################################### # INFORMATION_SCHEMA.STATISTICS modifications ######################################################################### DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test.t1_my_table; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_datadict; CREATE DATABASE db_datadict; CREATE TABLE test.t1_1 (f1 BIGINT, f2 TEXT, f2x TEXT, f3 CHAR(10), f3x CHAR(10), f4 BIGINT, f4x BIGINT, f5 POINT, f5x POINT NOT NULL) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci ENGINE = <other_engine_type>; CREATE TABLE test.t1_2 (f1 BIGINT, f2 BIGINT) ENGINE = <engine_type>; SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_name LIKE 't1_%'; table_name ALTER TABLE test.t1_1 ADD PRIMARY KEY (f1,f3); SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_name LIKE 't1_%' ORDER BY table_schema,table_name,index_name,seq_in_index,column_name; TABLE_CATALOG TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME NON_UNIQUE INDEX_SCHEMA INDEX_NAME SEQ_IN_INDEX COLUMN_NAME COLLATION CARDINALITY SUB_PART PACKED NULLABLE INDEX_TYPE COMMENT def test t1_1 0 test PRIMARY 1 f1 A NULL NULL NULL BTREE def test t1_1 0 test PRIMARY 2 f3 A 0 NULL NULL BTREE ALTER TABLE test.t1_1 DROP PRIMARY KEY; SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_name LIKE 't1_%'; table_name ALTER TABLE test.t1_1 ADD PRIMARY KEY (f1); SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_name LIKE 't1_%'; TABLE_CATALOG TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME NON_UNIQUE INDEX_SCHEMA INDEX_NAME SEQ_IN_INDEX COLUMN_NAME COLLATION CARDINALITY SUB_PART PACKED NULLABLE INDEX_TYPE COMMENT def test t1_1 0 test PRIMARY 1 f1 A 0 NULL NULL BTREE ALTER TABLE test.t1_1 ADD INDEX (f4); CREATE INDEX f3_f1 ON test.t1_1 (f3,f1); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX f4x_uni ON test.t1_1 (f4x); CREATE INDEX f2_hash USING HASH ON test.t1_2 (f2); CREATE INDEX f1_idx ON test.t1_2 (f1) COMMENT = 'COMMENT'; ERROR 42000: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'COMMENT = 'COMMENT'' at line 1 CREATE INDEX not_null ON test.t1_1 (f3x); CREATE INDEX f2_prefix ON test.t1_1 (f2(20)); SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_name LIKE 't1_%' AND index_name <> 'PRIMARY' ORDER BY table_schema,table_name,index_name,seq_in_index,column_name; TABLE_CATALOG TABLE_SCHEMA TABLE_NAME NON_UNIQUE INDEX_SCHEMA INDEX_NAME SEQ_IN_INDEX COLUMN_NAME COLLATION CARDINALITY SUB_PART PACKED NULLABLE INDEX_TYPE COMMENT def test t1_1 1 test f2_prefix 1 f2 A NULL 20 NULL YES BTREE def test t1_1 1 test f3_f1 1 f3 A NULL NULL NULL BTREE def test t1_1 1 test f3_f1 2 f1 A NULL NULL NULL BTREE def test t1_1 1 test f4 1 f4 A NULL NULL NULL YES BTREE def test t1_1 0 test f4x_uni 1 f4x A NULL NULL NULL YES BTREE def test t1_1 1 test not_null 1 f3x A NULL NULL NULL YES BTREE def test t1_2 1 test f2_hash 1 f2 NULL 0 NULL NULL YES HASH DROP TABLE test.t1_2; SELECT DISTINCT table_name FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_name = 't1_1'; table_name t1_1 RENAME TABLE test.t1_1 TO test.t1_1x; SELECT DISTINCT table_name FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_name = 't1_1x'; table_name t1_1x SELECT DISTINCT table_schema,table_name FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_name LIKE 't1_1%'; table_schema table_name test t1_1x RENAME TABLE test.t1_1x TO db_datadict.t1_1x; SELECT DISTINCT table_schema,table_name FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_name LIKE 't1_1%'; table_schema table_name db_datadict t1_1x SELECT DISTINCT table_name FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_name = 't1_1x'; table_name t1_1x DROP TABLE db_datadict.t1_1x; SELECT DISTINCT table_name FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_name = 't1_1x'; table_name CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE test.t1_1x (PRIMARY KEY(f1,f2)) ENGINE = <engine_type> AS SELECT 1 AS f1, 2 AS f2; SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_name = 't1_1x'; DROP TEMPORARY TABLE test.t1_1x; CREATE TABLE db_datadict.t1_1x (PRIMARY KEY(f1)) ENGINE = <engine_type> AS SELECT 1 AS f1, 2 AS f2; SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_name = 't1_1x'; table_name t1_1x DROP DATABASE db_datadict; SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_name = 't1_1x'; table_name ######################################################################## # Testcases + INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE and # DDL on INFORMATION_SCHEMA tables are not supported ######################################################################## DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS db_datadict; CREATE DATABASE db_datadict; CREATE TABLE db_datadict.t1 (f1 BIGINT) ENGINE = <engine_type>; INSERT INTO information_schema.statistics SELECT * FROM information_schema.statistics; ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'information_schema' UPDATE information_schema.statistics SET table_schema = 'test' WHERE table_name = 't1'; ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'information_schema' DELETE FROM information_schema.statistics WHERE table_name = 't1'; ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'information_schema' TRUNCATE information_schema.statistics; ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'information_schema' CREATE INDEX my_idx_on_statistics ON information_schema.statistics(table_schema); ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'information_schema' ALTER TABLE information_schema.statistics DROP PRIMARY KEY; ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'information_schema' ALTER TABLE information_schema.statistics ADD f1 INT; ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'information_schema' DROP TABLE information_schema.statistics; ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'information_schema' ALTER TABLE information_schema.statistics RENAME db_datadict.statistics; ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'information_schema' ALTER TABLE information_schema.statistics RENAME information_schema.xstatistics; ERROR 42000: Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' to database 'information_schema' DROP DATABASE db_datadict;