/* #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> */ #include <my_global.h> #include <m_string.h> #include <m_ctype.h> #include "m_ctype.h" typedef struct my_ctype_name_st { const char *name; int val; } MY_CTYPE_NAME_ST; static MY_CTYPE_NAME_ST my_ctype_name[]= { {"Lu", _MY_U}, /* Letter, Uppercase */ {"Ll", _MY_L}, /* Letter, Lowercase */ {"Lt", _MY_U}, /* Letter, Titlecase */ {"Lm", _MY_L}, /* Letter, Modifier */ {"Lo", _MY_L}, /* Letter, other */ {"Nd", _MY_NMR}, /* Number, Decimal Digit */ {"Nl", _MY_NMR|_MY_U|_MY_L}, /* Number, Letter */ {"No", _MY_NMR|_MY_PNT}, /* Number, Other */ {"Mn", _MY_L|_MY_PNT}, /* Mark, Nonspacing */ {"Mc", _MY_L|_MY_PNT}, /* Mark, Spacing Combining */ {"Me", _MY_L|_MY_PNT}, /* Mark, Enclosing */ {"Pc", _MY_PNT}, /* Punctuation, Connector */ {"Pd", _MY_PNT}, /* Punctuation, Dash */ {"Ps", _MY_PNT}, /* Punctuation, Open */ {"Pe", _MY_PNT}, /* Punctuation, Close */ {"Pi", _MY_PNT}, /* Punctuation, Initial quote */ {"Pf", _MY_PNT}, /* Punctuation, Final quote */ {"Po", _MY_PNT}, /* Punctuation, Other */ {"Sm", _MY_PNT}, /* Symbol, Math */ {"Sc", _MY_PNT}, /* Symbol, Currency */ {"Sk", _MY_PNT}, /* Symbol, Modifier */ {"So", _MY_PNT}, /* Symbol, Other */ {"Zs", _MY_SPC}, /* Separator, Space */ {"Zl", _MY_SPC}, /* Separator, Line */ {"Zp", _MY_SPC}, /* Separator, Paragraph */ {"Cc", _MY_CTR}, /* Other, Control */ {"Cf", _MY_CTR}, /* Other, Format */ {"Cs", _MY_CTR}, /* Other, Surrogate */ {"Co", _MY_CTR}, /* Other, Private Use */ {"Cn", _MY_CTR}, /* Other, Not Assigned */ {NULL, 0} }; static int ctypestr2num(const char *tok) { MY_CTYPE_NAME_ST *p; for (p= my_ctype_name; p->name; p++) { if (!strncasecmp(p->name, tok, 2)) return p->val; } return 0; } int main(int ac, char ** av) { char str[1024]; unsigned char ctypea[64*1024]; size_t i; size_t plane; MY_UNI_CTYPE uctype[256]; FILE *f= stdin; if (ac > 1 && av[1] && !(f= fopen(av[1],"r"))) { fprintf(stderr, "Can't open file %s\n", av[1]); exit(1); } bzero(&ctypea,sizeof(ctypea)); bzero(&uctype, sizeof(uctype)); printf("/*\n"); printf(" Unicode ctype data\n"); printf(" Generated from %s\n", av[1] ? av[1] : "stdin"); printf("*/\n"); while(fgets(str, sizeof(str), f)) { size_t n= 0, code= 0; char *s,*e; int ctype= 0; for(s= str; s; ) { char *end; char tok[1024]=""; e=strchr(s,';'); if(e) { strncpy(tok,s,(unsigned int)(e-s)); tok[e-s]=0; } else { strcpy(tok,s); } end=tok+strlen(tok); switch(n) { case 0: code= strtol(tok,&end,16);break; case 2: ctype= ctypestr2num(tok);break; } n++; if(e) s=e+1; else s=e; } if(code<=0xFFFF) { ctypea[code]= ctype; } } /* Fill digits */ for (i= '0'; i <= '9'; i++) ctypea[i]= _MY_NMR; for (i= 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) ctypea[i]|= _MY_X; for (i= 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) ctypea[i]|= _MY_X; /* Fill ideographs */ /* CJK Ideographs Extension A (U+3400 - U+4DB5) */ for(i=0x3400;i<=0x4DB5;i++) { ctypea[i]= _MY_L | _MY_U; } /* CJK Ideographs (U+4E00 - U+9FA5) */ for(i=0x4E00;i<=0x9FA5;i++){ ctypea[i]= _MY_L | _MY_U; } /* Hangul Syllables (U+AC00 - U+D7A3) */ for(i=0xAC00;i<=0xD7A3;i++) { ctypea[i]= _MY_L | _MY_U; } /* Calc plane parameters */ for(plane=0;plane<256;plane++) { size_t character; uctype[plane].ctype= ctypea+plane*256; uctype[plane].pctype= uctype[plane].ctype[0]; for(character=1;character<256;character++) { if (uctype[plane].ctype[character] != uctype[plane].pctype) { uctype[plane].pctype= 0; /* Mixed plane */ break; } } if (character==256) /* All the same, no needs to dump whole plane */ uctype[plane].ctype= NULL; } /* Dump mixed planes */ for(plane=0;plane<256;plane++) { if(uctype[plane].ctype) { int charnum=0; int num=0; printf("static unsigned char uctype_page%02X[256]=\n{\n",plane); for(charnum=0;charnum<256;charnum++) { int cod; cod=(plane<<8)+charnum; printf(" %2d%s",uctype[plane].ctype[charnum],charnum<255?",":""); num++; if(num==16) { printf("\n"); num=0; } } printf("};\n\n"); } } /* Dump plane index */ printf("MY_UNI_CTYPE my_uni_ctype[256]={\n"); for(plane=0;plane<256;plane++) { char plane_name[128]="NULL"; if(uctype[plane].ctype){ sprintf(plane_name,"uctype_page%02X",plane); } printf("\t{%d,%s}%s\n",uctype[plane].pctype,plane_name,plane<255?",":""); } printf("};\n"); return 0; }