// Configure.js ForReading = 1; ForWriting = 2; ForAppending = 8; try { // first we attempt to open the main configure.in file var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var args = WScript.Arguments var configfile = fso.CreateTextFile("win\\configure.data", true); for (i=0; i < args.Count(); i++) { configfile.WriteLine(args.Item(i)); } configfile.Close(); fso = null; WScript.Echo("done!"); } catch (e) { WScript.Echo("Error: " + e.description); } function GetValue(str, key) { var pos = str.indexOf(key+'='); if (pos == -1) return null; pos += key.length + 1; var end = str.indexOf("\n", pos); if (str.charAt(pos) == "\"") pos++; if (str.charAt(end-1) == "\"") end--; return str.substring(pos, end); } function GetVersion(str) { var key = "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(mysql, "; var pos = str.indexOf(key); //5.0.6-beta) if (pos == -1) return null; pos += key.length; var end = str.indexOf(")", pos); if (end == -1) return null; return str.substring(pos, end); } function GetBaseVersion(version) { var dot = version.indexOf("."); if (dot == -1) return null; dot = version.indexOf(".", dot+1); if (dot == -1) dot = version.length; return version.substring(0, dot); } function GetVersionId(version) { var dot = version.indexOf("."); if (dot == -1) return null; var major = parseInt(version.substring(0, dot), 10); dot++; var nextdot = version.indexOf(".", dot); if (nextdot == -1) return null; var minor = parseInt(version.substring(dot, nextdot), 10); dot = nextdot+1; var stop = version.indexOf("-", dot); if (stop == -1) stop = version.length; var build = parseInt(version.substring(dot, stop), 10); var id = major; if (minor < 10) id += '0'; id += minor; if (build < 10) id += '0'; id += build; return id; }