drop table if exists t1,t2; create table t1 (name char(20) not null, primary key (name)); create table t2 (name char(20) binary not null, primary key (name)); insert into t1 values ("ĺ"); insert into t1 values ("ä"); insert into t1 values ("ö"); insert into t2 select * from t1; select * from t1 order by name; name ĺ ä ö select concat("*",name,"*") from t1 order by 1; concat("*",name,"*") *ĺ* *ä* *ö* select min(name),min(concat("*",name,"*")),max(name),max(concat("*",name,"*")) from t1; min(name) min(concat("*",name,"*")) max(name) max(concat("*",name,"*")) ĺ *ĺ* ö *ö* select * from t2 order by name; name ä ĺ ö select concat("*",name,"*") from t2 order by 1; concat("*",name,"*") *ä* *ĺ* *ö* select min(name),min(concat("*",name,"*")),max(name),max(concat("*",name,"*")) from t2; min(name) min(concat("*",name,"*")) max(name) max(concat("*",name,"*")) ä *ä* ö *ö* select name from t1 where name between 'Ä' and 'Ö'; name ä ö select name from t2 where name between 'ä' and 'ö'; name ä ĺ ö select name from t2 where name between 'Ä' and 'Ö'; name drop table t1,t2; create table t1 (a char(10) not null, b char(10) binary not null,key (a), key(b)); insert into t1 values ("hello ","hello "),("hello2 ","hello2 "); select concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") from t1 where a="hello"; concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") -hello-hello- select concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") from t1 where a="hello "; concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") -hello-hello- select concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") from t1 ignore index (a) where a="hello "; concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") -hello-hello- select concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") from t1 where b="hello"; concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") -hello-hello- select concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") from t1 where b="hello "; concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") -hello-hello- select concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") from t1 ignore index (b) where b="hello "; concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") -hello-hello- alter table t1 modify b tinytext not null, drop key b, add key (b(100)); select concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") from t1; concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") -hello-hello- -hello2-hello2- select concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") from t1 where b="hello "; concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") -hello-hello- select concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") from t1 ignore index (b) where b="hello "; concat("-",a,"-",b,"-") -hello-hello- drop table t1; create table t1 (b char(8)); insert into t1 values(NULL); select b from t1 where binary b like ''; b select b from t1 group by binary b like ''; b NULL select b from t1 having binary b like ''; b drop table t1; create table t1 (a char(15) binary, b binary(15)); insert into t1 values ('aaa','bbb'),('AAA','BBB'); select upper(a),upper(b) from t1; upper(a) upper(b) AAA bbb AAA BBB select lower(a),lower(b) from t1; lower(a) lower(b) aaa bbb aaa BBB select * from t1 where upper(a)='AAA'; a b aaa bbb AAA BBB select * from t1 where lower(a)='aaa'; a b aaa bbb AAA BBB select * from t1 where upper(b)='BBB'; a b AAA BBB select * from t1 where lower(b)='bbb'; a b aaa bbb select charset(a), charset(b), charset(binary 'ccc') from t1 limit 1; charset(a) charset(b) charset(binary 'ccc') latin1 binary binary select collation(a), collation(b), collation(binary 'ccc') from t1 limit 1; collation(a) collation(b) collation(binary 'ccc') latin1_bin binary binary drop table t1; create table t1( firstname char(20), lastname char(20)); insert into t1 values ("john","doe"),("John","Doe"); select * from t1 where firstname='john' and firstname like binary 'john'; firstname lastname john doe select * from t1 where firstname='john' and binary 'john' = firstname; firstname lastname john doe select * from t1 where firstname='john' and firstname = binary 'john'; firstname lastname john doe select * from t1 where firstname='John' and firstname like binary 'john'; firstname lastname john doe select * from t1 where firstname='john' and firstname like binary 'John'; firstname lastname John Doe drop table t1; create table t1 (a binary); show create table t1; Table Create Table t1 CREATE TABLE `t1` ( `a` binary(1) default NULL ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 drop table t1;