/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ // vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4: #ident "$Id$" #ident "Copyright (c) 2010 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved." // test the LE_CURSOR next function with provisionally deleted rows #include "includes.h" #include "checkpoint.h" #include "le-cursor.h" #include "test.h" static TOKUTXN const null_txn = 0; static DB * const null_db = 0; static int get_next_callback(ITEMLEN UU(keylen), bytevec UU(key), ITEMLEN vallen, bytevec val, void *extra, bool lock_only) { DBT *CAST_FROM_VOIDP(val_dbt, extra); if (!lock_only) { toku_dbt_set(vallen, val, val_dbt, NULL); } return 0; } static int le_cursor_get_next(LE_CURSOR cursor, DBT *val) { int r = toku_le_cursor_next(cursor, get_next_callback, val); return r; } static int test_ft_cursor_keycompare(DB *desc __attribute__((unused)), const DBT *a, const DBT *b) { return toku_keycompare(a->data, a->size, b->data, b->size); } // create a tree and populate it with n rows static void create_populate_tree(const char *logdir, const char *fname, int n) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s %s %s %d\n", __FUNCTION__, logdir, fname, n); int error; TOKULOGGER logger = NULL; error = toku_logger_create(&logger); assert(error == 0); error = toku_logger_open(logdir, logger); assert(error == 0); CACHETABLE ct = NULL; toku_cachetable_create(&ct, 0, ZERO_LSN, logger); toku_logger_set_cachetable(logger, ct); error = toku_logger_open_rollback(logger, ct, true); assert(error == 0); TOKUTXN txn = NULL; error = toku_txn_begin_txn(NULL, NULL, &txn, logger, TXN_SNAPSHOT_NONE); assert(error == 0); FT_HANDLE brt = NULL; error = toku_open_ft_handle(fname, 1, &brt, 1<<12, 1<<9, TOKU_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_METHOD, ct, txn, test_ft_cursor_keycompare); assert(error == 0); error = toku_txn_commit_txn(txn, true, NULL, NULL); assert(error == 0); toku_txn_close_txn(txn); txn = NULL; error = toku_txn_begin_txn(NULL, NULL, &txn, logger, TXN_SNAPSHOT_NONE); assert(error == 0); // insert keys 0, 1, 2, .. (n-1) for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int k = toku_htonl(i); int v = i; DBT key; toku_fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k); DBT val; toku_fill_dbt(&val, &v, sizeof v); toku_ft_insert(brt, &key, &val, txn); assert(error == 0); } error = toku_txn_commit_txn(txn, true, NULL, NULL); assert(error == 0); toku_txn_close_txn(txn); error = toku_close_ft_handle_nolsn(brt, NULL); assert(error == 0); CHECKPOINTER cp = toku_cachetable_get_checkpointer(ct); error = toku_checkpoint(cp, logger, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CLIENT_CHECKPOINT); assert(error == 0); toku_logger_close_rollback(logger); error = toku_checkpoint(cp, logger, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CLIENT_CHECKPOINT); assert(error == 0); toku_logger_shutdown(logger); error = toku_logger_close(&logger); assert(error == 0); toku_cachetable_close(&ct); } // provionally delete all of the even keys // the LE_CURSOR should see all of the leaf entries static void test_provdel(const char *logdir, const char *fname, int n) { if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, "%s %s %s %d\n", __FUNCTION__, logdir, fname, n); int error; TOKULOGGER logger = NULL; error = toku_logger_create(&logger); assert(error == 0); error = toku_logger_open(logdir, logger); assert(error == 0); CACHETABLE ct = NULL; toku_cachetable_create(&ct, 0, ZERO_LSN, logger); toku_logger_set_cachetable(logger, ct); error = toku_logger_open_rollback(logger, ct, false); assert(error == 0); TOKUTXN txn = NULL; error = toku_txn_begin_txn(NULL, NULL, &txn, logger, TXN_SNAPSHOT_NONE); assert(error == 0); FT_HANDLE brt = NULL; error = toku_open_ft_handle(fname, 1, &brt, 1<<12, 1<<9, TOKU_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_METHOD, ct, txn, test_ft_cursor_keycompare); assert(error == 0); error = toku_txn_commit_txn(txn, true, NULL, NULL); assert(error == 0); toku_txn_close_txn(txn); txn = NULL; error = toku_txn_begin_txn(NULL, NULL, &txn, logger, TXN_SNAPSHOT_NONE); assert(error == 0); // del keys 0, 2, 4, ... for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 2) { int k = toku_htonl(i); DBT key; toku_fill_dbt(&key, &k, sizeof k); toku_ft_delete(brt, &key, txn); assert(error == 0); } TOKUTXN cursortxn = NULL; error = toku_txn_begin_txn(NULL, NULL, &cursortxn, logger, TXN_SNAPSHOT_NONE); assert(error == 0); LE_CURSOR cursor = NULL; error = toku_le_cursor_create(&cursor, brt, cursortxn); assert(error == 0); DBT key; toku_init_dbt(&key); key.flags = DB_DBT_REALLOC; DBT val; toku_init_dbt(&val); val.flags = DB_DBT_REALLOC; int i; for (i=0; ; i++) { error = le_cursor_get_next(cursor, &val); if (error != 0) break; LEAFENTRY le = (LEAFENTRY) val.data; assert(le->type == LE_MVCC); assert(le->keylen == sizeof (int)); int ii; memcpy(&ii, le->u.mvcc.key_xrs, le->keylen); assert((int) toku_htonl(i) == ii); } assert(i == n); toku_destroy_dbt(&key); toku_destroy_dbt(&val); toku_le_cursor_close(cursor); error = toku_txn_commit_txn(cursortxn, true, NULL, NULL); assert(error == 0); toku_txn_close_txn(cursortxn); error = toku_txn_commit_txn(txn, true, NULL, NULL); assert(error == 0); toku_txn_close_txn(txn); error = toku_close_ft_handle_nolsn(brt, NULL); assert(error == 0); CHECKPOINTER cp = toku_cachetable_get_checkpointer(ct); error = toku_checkpoint(cp, logger, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, CLIENT_CHECKPOINT); assert(error == 0); toku_logger_close_rollback(logger); error = toku_logger_close(&logger); assert(error == 0); toku_cachetable_close(&ct); } static void init_logdir(const char *logdir) { int error; char cmd[32+strlen(logdir)]; sprintf(cmd, "rm -rf %s", logdir); error = system(cmd); assert(error == 0); error = toku_os_mkdir(logdir, 0777); assert(error == 0); } int test_main (int argc , const char *argv[]) { default_parse_args(argc, argv); const char *logdir = __SRCFILE__ ".dir"; init_logdir(logdir); int error = chdir(logdir); assert(error == 0); const int n = 10; const char *ftfile = __SRCFILE__ ".ft_handle"; create_populate_tree(".", ftfile, n); test_provdel(".", ftfile, n); return 0; }