# The numbers represent test cases of the test plan. --source include/have_plugin_auth.inc --source include/not_embedded.inc #enable view protocol after fix MDEV-29542 --source include/no_view_protocol.inc CREATE DATABASE test_user_db; --sorted_result SELECT user,plugin,authentication_string FROM mysql.user WHERE user != 'root'; --echo ========== test ==================================== # CREATE...WITH/CREATE...BY/GRANT CREATE USER plug_user IDENTIFIED WITH test_plugin_server AS 'plug_dest'; CREATE USER plug_dest IDENTIFIED BY 'plug_dest_passwd'; GRANT PROXY ON `plug%dest` TO plug_user; --error 1 --exec $MYSQL -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -u plug_user --password=plug_dest -e "SELECT current_user();SELECT user();USE test_user_db;CREATE TABLE t1(a int);SHOW TABLES;DROP TABLE t1;" 2>&1 REVOKE PROXY ON `plug%dest` FROM plug_user; GRANT PROXY ON plug_dest TO plug_user; --replace_result $MASTER_MYSOCK MASTER_MYSOCK --exec $MYSQL -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -u plug_user --password=plug_dest -e "SELECT current_user();SELECT user();USE test_user_db;CREATE TABLE t1(a int);SHOW TABLES;DROP TABLE t1;" 2>&1 REVOKE PROXY ON plug_dest FROM plug_user; --error 1 --exec $MYSQL -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -u plug_user --password=plug_dest -e "SELECT current_user();SELECT user();USE test_user_db;CREATE TABLE t1(a int);SHOW TABLES;DROP TABLE t1;" 2>&1 DROP USER plug_user,plug_dest; # # GRANT...WITH GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_user_db.* TO plug_user IDENTIFIED WITH test_plugin_server AS 'plug_dest'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_user_db.* TO plug_dest IDENTIFIED BY 'plug_dest_passwd'; GRANT PROXY ON plug_dest TO plug_user; --sorted_result SELECT user,plugin,authentication_string FROM mysql.user WHERE user != 'root'; --echo 1) --replace_result $MASTER_MYSOCK MASTER_MYSOCK --exec $MYSQL -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -u plug_user --password=plug_dest -e "SELECT current_user();SELECT user();USE test_user_db;CREATE TABLE t1(a int);SHOW TABLES;DROP TABLE t1;" 2>&1 REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_user_db.* FROM 'plug_user'; --echo 2) --replace_result $MASTER_MYSOCK MASTER_MYSOCK --exec $MYSQL -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -u plug_user --password=plug_dest -e "SELECT current_user();SELECT user();USE test_user_db;CREATE TABLE t1(a int);SHOW TABLES;DROP TABLE t1;" 2>&1 REVOKE PROXY ON plug_dest FROM plug_user; --echo 3) --error 1 --exec $MYSQL -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -u plug_user --password=plug_dest -e "SELECT current_user();SELECT user();USE test_user_db;CREATE TABLE t1(a int);SHOW TABLES;DROP TABLE t1;" 2>&1 DROP USER plug_user,plug_dest; # # GRANT...WITH/CREATE...BY GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_user_db.* TO plug_user IDENTIFIED WITH test_plugin_server AS 'plug_dest'; CREATE USER plug_dest IDENTIFIED BY 'plug_dest_passwd'; --echo 1) --error 1 --exec $MYSQL -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -u plug_user --password=plug_dest -e "SELECT current_user();SELECT user();USE test_user_db;CREATE TABLE t1(a int);SHOW TABLES;DROP TABLE t1;" 2>&1 GRANT PROXY ON plug_dest TO plug_user; --echo 2) --replace_result $MASTER_MYSOCK MASTER_MYSOCK --exec $MYSQL -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -u plug_user --password=plug_dest -e "SELECT current_user();SELECT user();USE test_user_db;CREATE TABLE t1(a int);SHOW TABLES;DROP TABLE t1;" 2>&1 REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_user_db.* FROM 'plug_user'; #REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_user_db.* FROM 'plug_dest''; DROP USER plug_user,plug_dest; --echo ========== test 1.2 ======================================== # GRANT...WITH/CREATE...BY GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_user_db.* TO plug_user IDENTIFIED WITH test_plugin_server AS 'plug_dest'; CREATE USER plug_dest IDENTIFIED BY 'plug_dest_passwd'; GRANT PROXY ON plug_dest TO plug_user; --replace_result $MASTER_MYSOCK MASTER_MYSOCK --exec $MYSQL -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -u plug_user --password=plug_dest -e "SELECT current_user();SELECT user();" 2>&1 RENAME USER plug_dest TO new_dest; --error 1 --exec $MYSQL -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -u plug_user --password=plug_dest -e "SELECT current_user();SELECT user();" 2>&1 GRANT PROXY ON new_dest TO plug_user; --error 1 --exec $MYSQL -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -u plug_user --password=new_dest -e "SELECT current_user();SELECT user();" 2>&1 --sorted_result SELECT user,plugin,authentication_string FROM mysql.user WHERE user != 'root'; DROP USER plug_user,new_dest; # CREATE...WITH/CREATE...BY CREATE USER plug_user IDENTIFIED WITH test_plugin_server AS 'plug_dest'; CREATE USER plug_dest IDENTIFIED BY 'plug_dest_passwd'; --error 1 --exec $MYSQL -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -u plug_user --password=plug_dest -e "SELECT current_user();SELECT user();" 2>&1 GRANT PROXY ON plug_dest TO plug_user; --replace_result $MASTER_MYSOCK MASTER_MYSOCK --exec $MYSQL -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -u plug_user --password=plug_dest -e "SELECT current_user();SELECT user();" 2>&1 RENAME USER plug_dest TO new_dest; --error 1 --exec $MYSQL -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -u plug_user --password=plug_dest -e "SELECT current_user();SELECT user();" 2>&1 GRANT PROXY ON new_dest TO plug_user; --error 1 --exec $MYSQL -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -u plug_user --password=new_dest -e "SELECT current_user();SELECT user();" 2>&1 --sorted_result SELECT user,plugin,authentication_string FROM mysql.user WHERE user != 'root'; DROP USER plug_user,new_dest; # CREATE...WITH CREATE USER plug_user IDENTIFIED WITH test_plugin_server AS 'plug_dest'; CREATE USER plug_dest IDENTIFIED BY 'plug_dest_passwd'; GRANT PROXY ON plug_dest TO plug_user; connect(plug_user,localhost,plug_user,plug_dest); select USER(),CURRENT_USER(); connection default; disconnect plug_user; RENAME USER plug_user TO new_user; connect(plug_user,localhost,new_user,plug_dest); select USER(),CURRENT_USER(); connection default; --sorted_result SELECT user,plugin,authentication_string FROM mysql.user WHERE user != 'root'; disconnect plug_user; UPDATE mysql.global_priv SET user='plug_user' WHERE user='new_user'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; --sorted_result SELECT user,plugin,authentication_string FROM mysql.user WHERE user != 'root'; DROP USER plug_dest,plug_user; --echo ========== test 1.3 ======================================== # CREATE USER plug_user IDENTIFIED WITH test_plugin_server AS 'plug_dest'; CREATE USER plug_dest IDENTIFIED BY 'plug_dest_passwd'; GRANT PROXY ON plug_dest TO plug_user; connect(plug_user,localhost,plug_user,plug_dest); select USER(),CURRENT_USER(); connection default; disconnect plug_user; --sorted_result SELECT user,plugin,authentication_string FROM mysql.user WHERE user != 'root'; UPDATE mysql.global_priv SET user='new_user' WHERE user='plug_user'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; --sorted_result SELECT user,plugin,authentication_string FROM mysql.user WHERE user != 'root'; UPDATE mysql.global_priv SET priv=JSON_SET(priv, '$.authentication_string', 'new_dest') WHERE user='new_user'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; --sorted_result SELECT user,plugin,authentication_string FROM mysql.user WHERE user != 'root'; UPDATE mysql.global_priv SET priv=JSON_SET(priv, '$.plugin', 'new_plugin_server') WHERE user='new_user'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; --sorted_result SELECT user,plugin,authentication_string FROM mysql.user WHERE user != 'root'; --disable_query_log --error ER_PLUGIN_IS_NOT_LOADED connect(plug_user,localhost,new_user,new_dest); --enable_query_log UPDATE mysql.global_priv SET priv=JSON_SET(priv, '$.plugin', 'test_plugin_server') WHERE user='new_user'; UPDATE mysql.global_priv SET user='new_dest' WHERE user='plug_dest'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; GRANT PROXY ON new_dest TO new_user; --sorted_result SELECT user,plugin,authentication_string FROM mysql.user WHERE user != 'root'; connect(plug_user,localhost,new_user,new_dest); select USER(),CURRENT_USER(); connection default; disconnect plug_user; UPDATE mysql.global_priv SET user='plug_dest' WHERE user='new_dest'; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; CREATE USER new_dest IDENTIFIED BY 'new_dest_passwd'; --sorted_result SELECT user,plugin,authentication_string FROM mysql.user WHERE user != 'root'; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test.* TO new_user; connect(plug_user,localhost,new_dest,new_dest_passwd); select USER(),CURRENT_USER(); connection default; disconnect plug_user; DROP USER new_user,new_dest,plug_dest; --echo ========== test 2, 2.1, 2.2 ================================ CREATE USER ''@'%%' IDENTIFIED WITH test_plugin_server AS 'proxied_user'; CREATE USER proxied_user IDENTIFIED BY 'proxied_user_passwd'; --sorted_result SELECT user,plugin,authentication_string FROM mysql.user WHERE user != 'root'; connect(proxy_con,localhost,proxied_user,proxied_user_passwd); SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER(); --echo ========== test 2.2.1 ====================================== SELECT @@proxy_user; connection default; disconnect proxy_con; --disable_query_log --error ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR : this should fail : no grant connect(proxy_con,localhost,proxy_user,proxied_user); --enable_query_log GRANT PROXY ON proxied_user TO ''@'%%'; connect(proxy_con,localhost,proxied_user,proxied_user_passwd); SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER(); connection default; disconnect proxy_con; connect(proxy_con,localhost,proxy_user,proxied_user); SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER(); --echo ========== test 2.2.1 ====================================== SELECT @@proxy_user; connection default; disconnect proxy_con; DROP USER ''@'%%',proxied_user; # GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON test_user_db.* TO ''@'%%' IDENTIFIED WITH test_plugin_server AS 'proxied_user'; CREATE USER proxied_user IDENTIFIED BY 'proxied_user_passwd'; --sorted_result SELECT user,plugin,authentication_string FROM mysql.user WHERE user != 'root'; connect(proxy_con,localhost,proxied_user,proxied_user_passwd); SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER(); SELECT @@proxy_user; connection default; disconnect proxy_con; --disable_query_log --error ER_ACCESS_DENIED_ERROR : this should fail : no grant connect(proxy_con,localhost,proxy_user,proxied_user); --enable_query_log GRANT PROXY ON proxied_user TO ''@'%%'; connect(proxy_con,localhost,proxied_user,proxied_user_passwd); SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER(); connection default; disconnect proxy_con; connect(proxy_con,localhost,proxy_user,proxied_user); SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER(); SELECT @@proxy_user; connection default; disconnect proxy_con; DROP USER ''@'%%',proxied_user; # CREATE USER ''@'%%' IDENTIFIED WITH test_plugin_server AS 'proxied_user'; CREATE USER proxied_user_1 IDENTIFIED BY 'proxied_user_1_pwd'; CREATE USER proxied_user_2 IDENTIFIED BY 'proxied_user_2_pwd'; CREATE USER proxied_user_3 IDENTIFIED BY 'proxied_user_3_pwd'; CREATE USER proxied_user_4 IDENTIFIED BY 'proxied_user_4_pwd'; CREATE USER proxied_user_5 IDENTIFIED BY 'proxied_user_5_pwd'; GRANT PROXY ON proxied_user_1 TO ''@'%%'; GRANT PROXY ON proxied_user_2 TO ''@'%%'; GRANT PROXY ON proxied_user_3 TO ''@'%%'; GRANT PROXY ON proxied_user_4 TO ''@'%%'; GRANT PROXY ON proxied_user_5 TO ''@'%%'; --sorted_result SELECT user,plugin,authentication_string FROM mysql.user WHERE user != 'root'; connect(proxy_con_1,localhost,proxied_user_1,'proxied_user_1_pwd'); connect(proxy_con_2,localhost,proxied_user_2,proxied_user_2_pwd); connect(proxy_con_3,localhost,proxied_user_3,proxied_user_3_pwd); connect(proxy_con_4,localhost,proxied_user_4,proxied_user_4_pwd); connect(proxy_con_5,localhost,proxied_user_5,proxied_user_5_pwd); connection proxy_con_1; SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER(); SELECT @@proxy_user; connection proxy_con_2; SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER(); SELECT @@proxy_user; connection proxy_con_3; SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER(); SELECT @@proxy_user; connection proxy_con_4; SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER(); SELECT @@proxy_user; connection proxy_con_5; SELECT USER(),CURRENT_USER(); SELECT @@proxy_user; connection default; disconnect proxy_con_1; disconnect proxy_con_2; disconnect proxy_con_3; disconnect proxy_con_4; disconnect proxy_con_5; DROP USER ''@'%%',proxied_user_1,proxied_user_2,proxied_user_3,proxied_user_4,proxied_user_5; --echo ========== test 3 ========================================== GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON *.* TO plug_user IDENTIFIED WITH test_plugin_server AS 'plug_dest'; CREATE USER plug_dest IDENTIFIED BY 'plug_dest_passwd'; GRANT PROXY ON plug_dest TO plug_user; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; # Not working with the patch. #--replace_result $MYSQLADMIN MYSQLADMIN $MASTER_MYPORT MYPORT $MASTER_MYSOCK MYSOCK #--exec $MYSQLADMIN -h localhost -P $MASTER_MYPORT -S $MASTER_MYSOCK -u plug_user --password=plug_dest ping 2>&1 #--replace_result $MYSQL_CHECK MYSQL_CHECK $MASTER_MYPORT MYPORT #--exec $MYSQL_CHECK -h localhost -P $MASTER_MYPORT -u plug_user --password=plug_dest test #--replace_result $MYSQL_DUMP MYSQL_DUMP $MASTER_MYPORT MYPORT #--exec $MYSQL_DUMP -h localhost -P $MASTER_MYPORT -u plug_user --password=plug_dest test #--replace_result $MYSQL_SHOW MYSQL_SHOW $MASTER_MYPORT MYPORT #--exec $MYSQL_SHOW -h localhost -P $MASTER_MYPORT --plugin_dir=../plugin/auth -u plug_user --password=plug_dest 2>&1 DROP USER plug_user, plug_dest; DROP DATABASE test_user_db; --exit