/* Copyright (c) 2008, 2017, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA */ /** @file storage/perfschema/pfs_digest.h Statement Digest data structures (implementation). */ /* This code needs extra visibility in the lexer structures */ #define MYSQL_LEX 1 #include "my_global.h" #include "my_sys.h" #include "pfs_instr.h" #include "pfs_digest.h" #include "pfs_global.h" #include "table_helper.h" #include "sql_lex.h" #include "sql_get_diagnostics.h" #include "sql_string.h" #include size_t digest_max= 0; ulong digest_lost= 0; /** EVENTS_STATEMENTS_HISTORY_LONG circular buffer. */ PFS_statements_digest_stat *statements_digest_stat_array= NULL; static unsigned char *statements_digest_token_array= NULL; /** Consumer flag for table EVENTS_STATEMENTS_SUMMARY_BY_DIGEST. */ bool flag_statements_digest= true; /** Current index in Stat array where new record is to be inserted. index 0 is reserved for "all else" case when entire array is full. */ volatile uint32 PFS_ALIGNED digest_monotonic_index; bool digest_full= false; LF_HASH digest_hash; static bool digest_hash_inited= false; /** Initialize table EVENTS_STATEMENTS_SUMMARY_BY_DIGEST. @param param performance schema sizing */ int init_digest(const PFS_global_param *param) { /* Allocate memory for statements_digest_stat_array based on performance_schema_digests_size values */ digest_max= param->m_digest_sizing; digest_lost= 0; PFS_atomic::store_u32(& digest_monotonic_index, 1); digest_full= false; if (digest_max == 0) return 0; statements_digest_stat_array= PFS_MALLOC_ARRAY(digest_max, sizeof(PFS_statements_digest_stat), PFS_statements_digest_stat, MYF(MY_ZEROFILL)); if (unlikely(statements_digest_stat_array == NULL)) { cleanup_digest(); return 1; } if (pfs_max_digest_length > 0) { /* Size of each digest array. */ size_t digest_memory_size= pfs_max_digest_length * sizeof(unsigned char); statements_digest_token_array= PFS_MALLOC_ARRAY(digest_max, digest_memory_size, unsigned char, MYF(MY_ZEROFILL)); if (unlikely(statements_digest_token_array == NULL)) { cleanup_digest(); return 1; } } for (size_t index= 0; index < digest_max; index++) { statements_digest_stat_array[index].reset_data(statements_digest_token_array + index * pfs_max_digest_length, pfs_max_digest_length); } /* Set record[0] as allocated. */ statements_digest_stat_array[0].m_lock.set_allocated(); return 0; } /** Cleanup table EVENTS_STATEMENTS_SUMMARY_BY_DIGEST. */ void cleanup_digest(void) { /* Free memory allocated to statements_digest_stat_array. */ pfs_free(statements_digest_stat_array); pfs_free(statements_digest_token_array); statements_digest_stat_array= NULL; statements_digest_token_array= NULL; } C_MODE_START static uchar *digest_hash_get_key(const uchar *entry, size_t *length, my_bool) { const PFS_statements_digest_stat * const *typed_entry; const PFS_statements_digest_stat *digest; const void *result; typed_entry= reinterpret_cast(entry); DBUG_ASSERT(typed_entry != NULL); digest= *typed_entry; DBUG_ASSERT(digest != NULL); *length= sizeof (PFS_digest_key); result= & digest->m_digest_key; return const_cast (reinterpret_cast (result)); } C_MODE_END /** Initialize the digest hash. @return 0 on success */ int init_digest_hash(void) { if ((! digest_hash_inited) && (digest_max > 0)) { lf_hash_init(&digest_hash, sizeof(PFS_statements_digest_stat*), LF_HASH_UNIQUE, 0, 0, digest_hash_get_key, &my_charset_bin); /* digest_hash.size= digest_max; */ digest_hash_inited= true; } return 0; } void cleanup_digest_hash(void) { if (digest_hash_inited) { lf_hash_destroy(&digest_hash); digest_hash_inited= false; } } static LF_PINS* get_digest_hash_pins(PFS_thread *thread) { if (unlikely(thread->m_digest_hash_pins == NULL)) { if (!digest_hash_inited) return NULL; thread->m_digest_hash_pins= lf_hash_get_pins(&digest_hash); } return thread->m_digest_hash_pins; } PFS_statement_stat* find_or_create_digest(PFS_thread *thread, const sql_digest_storage *digest_storage, const char *schema_name, uint schema_name_length) { DBUG_ASSERT(digest_storage != NULL); if (statements_digest_stat_array == NULL) return NULL; if (digest_storage->m_byte_count <= 0) return NULL; LF_PINS *pins= get_digest_hash_pins(thread); if (unlikely(pins == NULL)) return NULL; /* Note: the LF_HASH key is a block of memory, make sure to clean unused bytes, so that memcmp() can compare keys. */ PFS_digest_key hash_key; memset(& hash_key, 0, sizeof(hash_key)); /* Compute MD5 Hash of the tokens received. */ compute_digest_md5(digest_storage, hash_key.m_md5); memcpy((void*)& digest_storage->m_md5, &hash_key.m_md5, MD5_HASH_SIZE); /* Add the current schema to the key */ hash_key.m_schema_name_length= schema_name_length; if (schema_name_length > 0) memcpy(hash_key.m_schema_name, schema_name, schema_name_length); int res; uint retry_count= 0; const uint retry_max= 3; size_t safe_index; size_t attempts= 0; PFS_statements_digest_stat **entry; PFS_statements_digest_stat *pfs= NULL; ulonglong now= my_hrtime().val; search: /* Lookup LF_HASH using this new key. */ entry= reinterpret_cast (lf_hash_search(&digest_hash, pins, &hash_key, sizeof(PFS_digest_key))); if (entry && (entry != MY_ERRPTR)) { /* If digest already exists, update stats and return. */ pfs= *entry; pfs->m_last_seen= now; lf_hash_search_unpin(pins); return & pfs->m_stat; } lf_hash_search_unpin(pins); if (digest_full) { /* digest_stat array is full. Add stat at index 0 and return. */ pfs= &statements_digest_stat_array[0]; digest_lost++; if (pfs->m_first_seen == 0) pfs->m_first_seen= now; pfs->m_last_seen= now; return & pfs->m_stat; } while (++attempts <= digest_max) { safe_index= PFS_atomic::add_u32(& digest_monotonic_index, 1) % digest_max; if (safe_index == 0) { /* Record [0] is reserved. */ continue; } /* Add a new record in digest stat array. */ DBUG_ASSERT(safe_index < digest_max); pfs= &statements_digest_stat_array[safe_index]; if (pfs->m_lock.is_free()) { if (pfs->m_lock.free_to_dirty()) { /* Copy digest hash/LF Hash search key. */ memcpy(& pfs->m_digest_key, &hash_key, sizeof(PFS_digest_key)); /* Copy digest storage to statement_digest_stat_array so that it could be used later to generate digest text. */ pfs->m_digest_storage.copy(digest_storage); pfs->m_first_seen= now; pfs->m_last_seen= now; res= lf_hash_insert(&digest_hash, pins, &pfs); if (likely(res == 0)) { pfs->m_lock.dirty_to_allocated(); return & pfs->m_stat; } pfs->m_lock.dirty_to_free(); if (res > 0) { /* Duplicate insert by another thread */ if (++retry_count > retry_max) { /* Avoid infinite loops */ digest_lost++; return NULL; } goto search; } /* OOM in lf_hash_insert */ digest_lost++; return NULL; } } } /* The digest array is now full. */ digest_full= true; pfs= &statements_digest_stat_array[0]; if (pfs->m_first_seen == 0) pfs->m_first_seen= now; pfs->m_last_seen= now; return & pfs->m_stat; } void purge_digest(PFS_thread* thread, PFS_digest_key *hash_key) { LF_PINS *pins= get_digest_hash_pins(thread); if (unlikely(pins == NULL)) return; PFS_statements_digest_stat **entry; /* Lookup LF_HASH using this new key. */ entry= reinterpret_cast (lf_hash_search(&digest_hash, pins, hash_key, sizeof(PFS_digest_key))); if (entry && (entry != MY_ERRPTR)) { lf_hash_delete(&digest_hash, pins, hash_key, sizeof(PFS_digest_key)); } lf_hash_search_unpin(pins); return; } void PFS_statements_digest_stat::reset_data(unsigned char *token_array, uint length) { m_lock.set_dirty(); m_digest_storage.reset(token_array, length); m_stat.reset(); m_first_seen= 0; m_last_seen= 0; m_lock.dirty_to_free(); } void PFS_statements_digest_stat::reset_index(PFS_thread *thread) { /* Only remove entries that exists in the HASH index. */ if (m_digest_storage.m_byte_count > 0) { purge_digest(thread, & m_digest_key); } } void reset_esms_by_digest() { if (statements_digest_stat_array == NULL) return; PFS_thread *thread= PFS_thread::get_current_thread(); if (unlikely(thread == NULL)) return; /* Reset statements_digest_stat_array. */ for (size_t index= 0; index < digest_max; index++) { statements_digest_stat_array[index].reset_index(thread); statements_digest_stat_array[index].reset_data(statements_digest_token_array + index * pfs_max_digest_length, pfs_max_digest_length); } /* Mark record[0] as allocated again. */ statements_digest_stat_array[0].m_lock.set_allocated(); /* Reset index which indicates where the next calculated digest information to be inserted in statements_digest_stat_array. */ PFS_atomic::store_u32(& digest_monotonic_index, 1); digest_full= false; }