source include/;

create user test_user@localhost;
create role test_role1;
create role test_role2;

grant test_role1 to test_user@localhost;
grant test_role2 to test_role1;
select user, host from mysql.user where user not like 'root';
select * from mysql.roles_mapping;

grant select on mysql.roles_mapping to test_role2;

change_user 'test_user';

select * from mysql.roles_mapping;

show grants;

select current_user(), current_role();
set role test_role1;
select current_user(), current_role();

show grants;

select * from mysql.roles_mapping;

show grants;

use mysql;

set role none;
select current_user(), current_role();

select * from mysql.roles_mapping;

change_user 'root';
drop user 'test_user'@'localhost';
select * from mysql.tables_priv;
revoke select on mysql.roles_mapping from test_role2;
delete from mysql.user where user like'test_%';
delete from mysql.roles_mapping where Role like 'test%';

flush privileges;