-- source include/have_ndb.inc -- source include/ndb_default_cluster.inc -- source include/not_embedded.inc # # Bug #27543 restore of backup from different endian does not work for blob column # Bug #30024 restore of backup from different endian does not work for datetime column # Bug #28674 backup will run forever if disk full and later write succes will kill ndb node # # The table structure and data list below # # CREATE TABLE t_num ( # t_pk INT PRIMARY KEY, # t_bit BIT(64), # t_tinyint TINYINT, # t_bool BOOL, # t_smallint SMALLINT, # t_mediumint MEDIUMINT, # t_int INT, # t_bigint BIGINT, # t_float FLOAT, # t_double DOUBLE, # t_decimal DECIMAL (37, 16) # ) ENGINE=NDBCLUSTER; # # INSERT INTO t_num VALUE ( # 1, # b'1010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010', # 125, # 1, # 32765, # 8388606, # 2147483647, # 9223372036854775807, # 1e+20, # 1e+150, # '331.0000000000' # ); # # CREATE TABLE t_datetime ( # t_pk INT PRIMARY KEY, # t_date DATE, # t_datetime DATETIME, # t_timestamp TIMESTAMP, # t_time TIME, # t_year YEAR # ) ENGINE=NDBCLUSTER; # # INSERT INTO t_datetime VALUE ( # 1, # '1998-01-01', # '2006-08-10 10:11:12', # 20021029165106, # '19:38:34', # 2155 # ); # # CREATE TABLE t_string_1 ( # t_pk INT PRIMARY KEY, # t_char CHAR(255), # t_varchar VARCHAR(655), # t_binary BINARY(255), # t_varbinary VARBINARY(6553) # ) ENGINE=NDBCLUSTER; # # CREATE TABLE t_string_2 ( # t_pk INT PRIMARY KEY, # t_tinyblob TINYBLOB, # t_tinytext TINYTEXT, # t_blob BLOB, # t_text TEXT, # t_mediumblob MEDIUMBLOB, # t_mediumtext MEDIUMTEXT, # t_longblob LONGBLOB, # t_longtext LONGTEXT, # t_enum ENUM('001001','001004','001010','001018','001019','001020','001021','001027','001028','001029','001030','001031','001100','002003','002004','002005','002007')DEFAULT '001001' NOT NULL, # t_set SET('a','B') # ) ENGINE=NDBCLUSTER; # # INSERT INTO t_string_1 VALUE ( # 1, # 'abcdefghijklmn', # 'abcdefghijklmnabcdefghijklmnabcdefghijklmnabcdefghijklmn', # 0x612020, # 0x4100 # ); # # INSERT INTO t_string_2 VALUE ( # 1, # 'abcdefghijklmnabcdefghijklmn', # 'abcdefghijklmnabcdefghijklmn', # 'a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789', # 'a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789', # 'a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789', # 'a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789', # 'a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789', # 'a123456789b123456789c123456789d123456789e123456789f123456789g123456789', # '001001', # 'a' # ); # # CREATE TABLE t_gis ( # t_pk INT PRIMARY KEY, # t_point POINT, # t_linestring LINESTRING, # t_polygon POLYGON, # t_multipoint MULTIPOINT, # t_multilinestring MULTILINESTRING, # t_multipolygon MULTIPOLYGON, # t_geometrycollection GEOMETRYCOLLECTION, # t_geometry GEOMETRY # ) ENGINE=NDBCLUSTER; # # INSERT INTO t_gis VALUE ( # 1, # PointFromText('POINT(10 10)'), # LineStringFromText('LINESTRING(10 10,20 10,20 20,10 20,10 10)'), # PolyFromText('POLYGON((0 0,50 0,50 50,0 50,0 0), (10 10,20 10,20 20,10 20,10 10))'), # MPointFromText('MULTIPOINT(1 1,11 11,11 21,21 21)'), # MLineFromText('MULTILINESTRING((10 48,10 21,10 0))'), # MPolyFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((28 26,28 0,84 0,84 42,28 26),(52 18,66 23,73 9,48 6,52 18)),((59 18,67 18,67 13,59 13,59 18)))'), # GeomCollFromText('GEOMETRYCOLLECTION(POINT(0 0), LINESTRING(0 0,10 10))'), # MPolyFromText('MULTIPOLYGON(((28 26,28 0,84 0,84 42,28 26),(52 18,66 23,73 9,48 6,52 18)),((59 18,67 18,67 13,59 13,59 18)))') # ); # # INSERT INTO t_gis VALUE ( # 2, # PointFromWKB(AsWKB(PointFromText('POINT(10 20)'))), # LineStringFromWKB(LineString(Point(10, 10), Point(40, 10))), # PolyFromWKB(Polygon(LineString(Point(0, 0), Point(30, 0), Point(30, 30), Point(0, 0)))), # MPointFromWKB(MultiPoint(Point(3, 6), Point(4, 10))), # MLineFromWKB(MultiLineString(LineString(Point(1, 2), Point(3, 5)), LineString(Point(2, 5), Point(5, 8), Point(21, 7)))), # MPolyFromWKB(MultiPolygon(Polygon(LineString(Point(0, 3), Point(3, 3), Point(3, 0), Point(0, 3))))), # GeometryFromWKB(GeometryCollection(Point(44, 6), LineString(Point(3, 6), Point(7, 9)))), # GeometryFromWKB(GeometryCollection(Point(44, 6), LineString(Point(3, 6), Point(7, 9)))) # ); # # Restore backup files (from little endian) # --disable_warnings USE test; DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t_num,t_datetime,t_string_1,t_string_2,t_gis; --enable_warnings --exec $NDB_TOOLS_DIR/ndb_restore --no-defaults -b 1 -n 1 -m -r $MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/ndb_backup50_data_le >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT --exec $NDB_TOOLS_DIR/ndb_restore --no-defaults -b 1 -n 2 -r $MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/ndb_backup50_data_le >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT SHOW TABLES; SHOW CREATE TABLE t_num; SHOW CREATE TABLE t_datetime; SHOW CREATE TABLE t_string_1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t_string_2; SHOW CREATE TABLE t_gis; SELECT * FROM t_datetime; SELECT t_pk,hex(t_bit),t_tinyint,t_bool,t_smallint,t_mediumint,t_int,t_bigint,t_float,t_double,t_decimal FROM t_num; SELECT t_pk,t_char,t_varchar,hex(t_binary),hex(t_varbinary) FROM t_string_1; SELECT * FROM t_string_2; SELECT AsText(t_point), AsText(t_linestring),AsText(t_polygon) FROM t_gis ORDER by t_pk; SELECT AsText(t_multipoint), AsText(t_multilinestring),AsText(t_multipolygon) FROM t_gis ORDER by t_pk; SELECT AsText(t_geometrycollection), AsText(t_geometry) FROM t_gis ORDER by t_pk; # # Restore backup files (from big endian) # DROP TABLE t_num,t_datetime,t_string_1,t_string_2,t_gis; --exec $NDB_TOOLS_DIR/ndb_restore --no-defaults -b 1 -n 1 -m -r $MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/ndb_backup50_data_be >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT --exec $NDB_TOOLS_DIR/ndb_restore --no-defaults -b 1 -n 2 -r $MYSQL_TEST_DIR/std_data/ndb_backup50_data_be >> $NDB_TOOLS_OUTPUT SHOW TABLES; SHOW CREATE TABLE t_num; SHOW CREATE TABLE t_datetime; SHOW CREATE TABLE t_string_1; SHOW CREATE TABLE t_string_2; SHOW CREATE TABLE t_gis; SELECT * FROM t_datetime; SELECT t_pk,hex(t_bit),t_tinyint,t_bool,t_smallint,t_mediumint,t_int,t_bigint,t_float,t_double,t_decimal FROM t_num; SELECT t_pk,t_char,t_varchar,hex(t_binary),hex(t_varbinary) FROM t_string_1; SELECT * FROM t_string_2; SELECT AsText(t_point), AsText(t_linestring),AsText(t_polygon) FROM t_gis ORDER by t_pk; SELECT AsText(t_multipoint), AsText(t_multilinestring),AsText(t_multipolygon) FROM t_gis ORDER by t_pk; SELECT AsText(t_geometrycollection), AsText(t_geometry) FROM t_gis ORDER by t_pk; DROP TABLE t_num,t_datetime,t_string_1,t_string_2,t_gis;