/************* TabFix C++ Program Source Code File (.CPP) **************/ /* PROGRAM NAME: TABFIX */ /* ------------- */ /* Version 4.9 */ /* */ /* COPYRIGHT: */ /* ---------- */ /* (C) Copyright to the author Olivier BERTRAND 1998-2015 */ /* */ /* WHAT THIS PROGRAM DOES: */ /* ----------------------- */ /* This program are the TDBFIX class DB routines. */ /* */ /***********************************************************************/ /***********************************************************************/ /* Include relevant section of system dependant header files. */ /***********************************************************************/ #include "my_global.h" #if defined(WIN32) #include <io.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <errno.h> #if defined(__BORLANDC__) #define __MFC_COMPAT__ // To define min/max as macro #endif // __BORLANDC__ //#include <windows.h> #else // !WIN32 #if defined(UNIX) #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #else // !UNIX #include <io.h> #endif // !UNIX #include <fcntl.h> #endif // !WIN32 /***********************************************************************/ /* Include application header files: */ /***********************************************************************/ #include "global.h" // global declares #include "plgdbsem.h" // DB application declares #include "filamfix.h" #include "filamdbf.h" #include "tabfix.h" // TDBFIX, FIXCOL classes declares #include "array.h" #include "blkfil.h" /***********************************************************************/ /* DB static variables. */ /***********************************************************************/ extern int num_read, num_there, num_eq[2]; // Statistics static const longlong M2G = 0x80000000; static const longlong M4G = (longlong)2 * M2G; /***********************************************************************/ /* External function. */ /***********************************************************************/ USETEMP UseTemp(void); /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /***********************************************************************/ /* Implementation of the TDBFIX class. */ /***********************************************************************/ TDBFIX::TDBFIX(PDOSDEF tdp, PTXF txfp) : TDBDOS(tdp, txfp) { } // end of TDBFIX standard constructor TDBFIX::TDBFIX(PGLOBAL g, PTDBFIX tdbp) : TDBDOS(g, tdbp) { } // end of TDBFIX copy constructor // Method PTDB TDBFIX::CopyOne(PTABS t) { PTDB tp; PGLOBAL g = t->G; tp = new(g) TDBFIX(g, this); if (Ftype < 2) { // File is text PDOSCOL cp1, cp2; for (cp1 = (PDOSCOL)Columns; cp1; cp1 = (PDOSCOL)cp1->GetNext()) { cp2 = new(g) DOSCOL(cp1, tp); // Make a copy NewPointer(t, cp1, cp2); } // endfor cp1 } else { // File is binary PBINCOL cp1, cp2; for (cp1 = (PBINCOL)Columns; cp1; cp1 = (PBINCOL)cp1->GetNext()) { cp2 = new(g) BINCOL(cp1, tp); // Make a copy NewPointer(t, cp1, cp2); } // endfor cp1 } // endif Ftype return tp; } // end of CopyOne /***********************************************************************/ /* Reset read/write position values. */ /***********************************************************************/ void TDBFIX::ResetDB(void) { TDBDOS::ResetDB(); } // end of ResetDB /***********************************************************************/ /* Allocate FIX (DOS) or BIN column description block. */ /***********************************************************************/ PCOL TDBFIX::MakeCol(PGLOBAL g, PCOLDEF cdp, PCOL cprec, int n) { if (Ftype == RECFM_BIN) return new(g) BINCOL(g, cdp, this, cprec, n); else return new(g) DOSCOL(g, cdp, this, cprec, n); } // end of MakeCol /***********************************************************************/ /* Remake the indexes after the table was modified. */ /***********************************************************************/ int TDBFIX::ResetTableOpt(PGLOBAL g, bool dop, bool dox) { int prc, rc = RC_OK; To_Filter = NULL; // Disable filtering //To_BlkIdx = NULL; // and block filtering To_BlkFil = NULL; // and index filtering Cardinality(g); // If called by create RestoreNrec(); // May have been modified MaxSize = -1; // Size must be recalculated Cardinal = -1; // as well as Cardinality // After the table was modified the indexes // are invalid and we should mark them as such... rc = ((PDOSDEF)To_Def)->InvalidateIndex(g); if (dop) { Columns = NULL; // Not used anymore Txfp->Reset(); // OldBlk = CurBlk = -1; // ReadBlks = CurNum = Rbuf = Modif = 0; Use = USE_READY; // So the table can be reopened Mode = MODE_ANY; // Just to be clean rc = MakeBlockValues(g); // Redo optimization } // endif dop if (dox && (rc == RC_OK || rc == RC_INFO)) { // Remake eventual indexes Columns = NULL; // Not used anymore Txfp->Reset(); // New start Use = USE_READY; // So the table can be reopened Mode = MODE_READ; // New mode prc = rc; if (PlgGetUser(g)->Check & CHK_OPT) // We must remake indexes. rc = MakeIndex(g, NULL, FALSE); rc = (rc == RC_INFO) ? prc : rc; } // endif dox return rc; } // end of ResetTableOpt /***********************************************************************/ /* Reset the Nrec and BlkSize values that can have been modified. */ /***********************************************************************/ void TDBFIX::RestoreNrec(void) { if (!Txfp->Padded) { Txfp->Nrec = (To_Def && To_Def->GetElemt()) ? To_Def->GetElemt() : DOS_BUFF_LEN; Txfp->Blksize = Txfp->Nrec * Txfp->Lrecl; if (Cardinal >= 0) Txfp->Block = (Cardinal > 0) ? (Cardinal + Txfp->Nrec - 1) / Txfp->Nrec : 0; } // endif Padded } // end of RestoreNrec /***********************************************************************/ /* FIX Cardinality: returns table cardinality in number of rows. */ /* This function can be called with a null argument to test the */ /* availability of Cardinality implementation (1 yes, 0 no). */ /***********************************************************************/ int TDBFIX::Cardinality(PGLOBAL g) { if (!g) return Txfp->Cardinality(g); if (Cardinal < 0) Cardinal = Txfp->Cardinality(g); return Cardinal; } // end of Cardinality /***********************************************************************/ /* FIX GetMaxSize: returns file size in number of lines. */ /***********************************************************************/ int TDBFIX::GetMaxSize(PGLOBAL g) { if (MaxSize < 0) { MaxSize = Cardinality(g); if (MaxSize > 0 && (To_BlkFil = InitBlockFilter(g, To_Filter)) && !To_BlkFil->Correlated()) { // Use BlockTest to reduce the estimated size MaxSize = Txfp->MaxBlkSize(g, MaxSize); ResetBlockFilter(g); } // endif To_BlkFil } // endif MaxSize return MaxSize; } // end of GetMaxSize /***********************************************************************/ /* FIX ResetSize: Must reset Headlen for DBF tables only. */ /***********************************************************************/ void TDBFIX::ResetSize(void) { if (Txfp->GetAmType() == TYPE_AM_DBF) Txfp->Headlen = 0; MaxSize = Cardinal = -1; } // end of ResetSize /***********************************************************************/ /* FIX GetProgMax: get the max value for progress information. */ /***********************************************************************/ int TDBFIX::GetProgMax(PGLOBAL g) { return Cardinality(g); } // end of GetProgMax /***********************************************************************/ /* RowNumber: return the ordinal number of the current row. */ /***********************************************************************/ int TDBFIX::RowNumber(PGLOBAL g, bool b) { if (Txfp->GetAmType() == TYPE_AM_DBF) { if (!b && To_Kindex) { /*****************************************************************/ /* Don't know how to retrieve Rows from DBF file address */ /* because of eventual deleted lines still in the file. */ /*****************************************************************/ sprintf(g->Message, MSG(NO_ROWID_FOR_AM), GetAmName(g, Txfp->GetAmType())); return 0; } // endif To_Kindex if (!b) return Txfp->GetRows(); } // endif DBF return Txfp->GetRowID(); } // end of RowNumber /***********************************************************************/ /* FIX tables don't use temporary files except if specified as do it. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool TDBFIX::IsUsingTemp(PGLOBAL) { // Not ready yet to handle using a temporary file with mapping // or while deleting from DBF files. return ((UseTemp() == TMP_YES && Txfp->GetAmType() != TYPE_AM_MAP && !(Mode == MODE_DELETE && Txfp->GetAmType() == TYPE_AM_DBF)) || UseTemp() == TMP_FORCE || UseTemp() == TMP_TEST); } // end of IsUsingTemp /***********************************************************************/ /* FIX Access Method opening routine (also used by the BIN a.m.) */ /* New method now that this routine is called recursively (last table */ /* first in reverse order): index blocks are immediately linked to */ /* join block of next table if it exists or else are discarted. */ /***********************************************************************/ bool TDBFIX::OpenDB(PGLOBAL g) { if (trace) htrc("FIX OpenDB: tdbp=%p tdb=R%d use=%d key=%p mode=%d Ftype=%d\n", this, Tdb_No, Use, To_Key_Col, Mode, Ftype); if (Use == USE_OPEN) { /*******************************************************************/ /* Table already open, just replace it at its beginning. */ /*******************************************************************/ if (To_Kindex) /*****************************************************************/ /* Table is to be accessed through a sorted index table. */ /*****************************************************************/ To_Kindex->Reset(); else Txfp->Rewind(); // see comment in Work.log ResetBlockFilter(g); return false; } // endif use if (Mode == MODE_DELETE && Txfp->GetAmType() == TYPE_AM_MAP && (!Next || UseTemp() == TMP_FORCE)) { // Delete all lines or using temp. Not handled in MAP mode Txfp = new(g) FIXFAM((PDOSDEF)To_Def); Txfp->SetTdbp(this); } // endif Mode /*********************************************************************/ /* Call Cardinality to calculate Block in the case of Func queries. */ /* and also in the case of multiple tables. */ /*********************************************************************/ if (Cardinality(g) < 0) return true; /*********************************************************************/ /* Open according to required logical input/output mode. */ /* Use conventionnal input/output functions. */ /* Treat fixed length text files as binary. */ /*********************************************************************/ if (Txfp->OpenTableFile(g)) return true; Use = USE_OPEN; // Do it now in case we are recursively called /*********************************************************************/ /* Initialize To_Line at the beginning of the block buffer. */ /*********************************************************************/ To_Line = Txfp->GetBuf(); // For WriteDB /*********************************************************************/ /* Allocate the block filter tree if evaluation is possible. */ /*********************************************************************/ To_BlkFil = InitBlockFilter(g, To_Filter); if (trace) htrc("OpenFix: R%hd mode=%d BlkFil=%p\n", Tdb_No, Mode, To_BlkFil); /*********************************************************************/ /* Reset buffer access according to indexing and to mode. */ /*********************************************************************/ Txfp->ResetBuffer(g); /*********************************************************************/ /* Reset statistics values. */ /*********************************************************************/ num_read = num_there = num_eq[0] = num_eq[1] = 0; return false; } // end of OpenDB /***********************************************************************/ /* WriteDB: Data Base write routine for FIX access method. */ /***********************************************************************/ int TDBFIX::WriteDB(PGLOBAL g) { return Txfp->WriteBuffer(g); } // end of WriteDB // ------------------------ BINCOL functions ---------------------------- /***********************************************************************/ /* BINCOL public constructor. */ /***********************************************************************/ BINCOL::BINCOL(PGLOBAL g, PCOLDEF cdp, PTDB tp, PCOL cp, int i, PSZ am) : DOSCOL(g, cdp, tp, cp, i, am) { Fmt = (cdp->GetFmt()) ? toupper(*cdp->GetFmt()) : 'X'; } // end of BINCOL constructor /***********************************************************************/ /* FIXCOL constructor used for copying columns. */ /* tdbp is the pointer to the new table descriptor. */ /***********************************************************************/ BINCOL::BINCOL(BINCOL *col1, PTDB tdbp) : DOSCOL(col1, tdbp) { Fmt = col1->Fmt; } // end of BINCOL copy constructor /***********************************************************************/ /* ReadColumn: what this routine does is to access the last line */ /* read from the corresponding table and extract from it the field */ /* corresponding to this column. */ /***********************************************************************/ void BINCOL::ReadColumn(PGLOBAL g) { char *p = NULL; int rc; PTDBFIX tdbp = (PTDBFIX)To_Tdb; if (trace > 1) htrc("BIN ReadColumn: col %s R%d coluse=%.4X status=%.4X buf_type=%d\n", Name, tdbp->GetTdb_No(), ColUse, Status, Buf_Type); /*********************************************************************/ /* If physical reading of the line was deferred, do it now. */ /*********************************************************************/ if (!tdbp->IsRead()) if ((rc = tdbp->ReadBuffer(g)) != RC_OK) { if (rc == RC_EF) sprintf(g->Message, MSG(INV_DEF_READ), rc); longjmp(g->jumper[g->jump_level], 11); } // endif p = tdbp->To_Line + Deplac; /*********************************************************************/ /* Set Value from the line field. */ /*********************************************************************/ switch (Fmt) { case 'X': // Standard not converted values Value->SetBinValue(p); break; case 'S': // Short integer Value->SetValue((int)*(short*)p); break; case 'T': // Tiny integer Value->SetValue((int)*p); break; case 'L': // Long Integer strcpy(g->Message, "Format L is deprecated, use I"); longjmp(g->jumper[g->jump_level], 11); case 'I': // Integer Value->SetValue(*(int*)p); break; case 'F': // Float case 'R': // Real Value->SetValue((double)*(float*)p); break; case 'D': // Double Value->SetValue(*(double*)p); break; case 'C': // Text if (Value->SetValue_char(p, Long)) { sprintf(g->Message, "Out of range value for column %s at row %d", Name, tdbp->RowNumber(g)); PushWarning(g, tdbp); } // endif SetValue_char break; default: sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_BIN_FMT), Fmt, Name); longjmp(g->jumper[g->jump_level], 11); } // endswitch Fmt // Set null when applicable if (Nullable) Value->SetNull(Value->IsZero()); } // end of ReadColumn /***********************************************************************/ /* WriteColumn: what this routine does is to access the last line */ /* read from the corresponding table, and rewrite the field */ /* corresponding to this column from the column buffer. */ /***********************************************************************/ void BINCOL::WriteColumn(PGLOBAL g) { char *p, *s; longlong n; PTDBFIX tdbp = (PTDBFIX)To_Tdb; if (trace) { htrc("BIN WriteColumn: col %s R%d coluse=%.4X status=%.4X", Name, tdbp->GetTdb_No(), ColUse, Status); htrc(" Lrecl=%d\n", tdbp->Lrecl); htrc("Long=%d deplac=%d coltype=%d ftype=%c\n", Long, Deplac, Buf_Type, *Format.Type); } // endif trace /*********************************************************************/ /* Check whether the new value has to be converted to Buf_Type. */ /*********************************************************************/ if (Value != To_Val) Value->SetValue_pval(To_Val, false); // Convert the updated value p = tdbp->To_Line + Deplac; /*********************************************************************/ /* Check whether updating is Ok, meaning col value is not too long. */ /* Updating will be done only during the second pass (Status=true) */ /* Conversion occurs if the external format Fmt is specified. */ /*********************************************************************/ switch (Fmt) { case 'X': // Standard not converted values if (Value->GetBinValue(p, Long, Status)) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BIN_F_TOO_LONG), Name, Value->GetSize(), Long); longjmp(g->jumper[g->jump_level], 31); } // endif Fmt break; case 'S': // Short integer n = Value->GetBigintValue(); if (n > 32767LL || n < -32768LL) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(VALUE_TOO_BIG), n, Name); longjmp(g->jumper[g->jump_level], 31); } else if (Status) *(short *)p = (short)n; break; case 'T': // Tiny integer n = Value->GetBigintValue(); if (n > 255LL || n < -256LL) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(VALUE_TOO_BIG), n, Name); longjmp(g->jumper[g->jump_level], 31); } else if (Status) *p = (char)n; break; case 'L': // Long Integer strcpy(g->Message, "Format L is deprecated, use I"); longjmp(g->jumper[g->jump_level], 11); case 'I': // Integer n = Value->GetBigintValue(); if (n > INT_MAX || n < INT_MIN) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(VALUE_TOO_BIG), n, Name); longjmp(g->jumper[g->jump_level], 31); } else if (Status) *(int *)p = Value->GetIntValue(); break; case 'B': // Large (big) integer if (Status) *(longlong *)p = (longlong)Value->GetBigintValue(); break; case 'F': // Float case 'R': // Real if (Status) *(float *)p = (float)Value->GetFloatValue(); break; case 'D': // Double if (Status) *(double *)p = Value->GetFloatValue(); break; case 'C': // Characters if ((n = (signed)strlen(Value->GetCharString(Buf))) > Long) { sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BIN_F_TOO_LONG), Name, (int) n, Long); longjmp(g->jumper[g->jump_level], 31); } // endif n if (Status) { s = Value->GetCharString(Buf); memset(p, ' ', Long); memcpy(p, s, strlen(s)); } // endif Status break; default: sprintf(g->Message, MSG(BAD_BIN_FMT), Fmt, Name); longjmp(g->jumper[g->jump_level], 11); } // endswitch Fmt } // end of WriteColumn /* ------------------------ End of TabFix ---------------------------- */