#  List the test cases that are to be disabled temporarely.
#  Separate the test case name and the comment with ':'.
#      <testcasename>  : Comment test
#  Don't use any TAB characters for whitespace.

user_limits     : Bug#23921 random failure of user_limits.test
im_life_cycle        : Bug#27851: Instance manager test im_life_cycle fails randomly
im_daemon_life_cycle : Bug#20294: Instance manager tests fail randomly
im_options_set       : Bug#20294: Instance manager tests fail randomly
im_options_unset     : Bug#20294: Instance manager tests fail randomly
im_utils             : Bug#20294: Instance manager tests fail randomly
rpl_log_pos          : Bug#8693 Test 'rpl_log_pos' fails sometimes
kill                 : Bug#29149 Test "kill" fails on Windows
ps_7ndb              : Bug#38315 "Cluster Failure" in ps_7ndb
strict_autoinc_5ndb  : Bug#35148 "Error '4009 Cluster Failure' in various tests on various platforms"
rpl_slave_skip       : Bug#45521: rpl_slave_skip fails in pb2
loaddata_autocom_ndb : Bug#35148: Error '4009 Cluster Failure' in various tests on various platforms
ndb_autodiscover3    : Bug#35148: Error '4009 Cluster Failure' in various tests on various platforms
ndb_autodiscover     : Bug#45972: ndb.ndb_autodiscover fails occasionally with pb2
ndb_autodiscover2    : Bug#45972: ndb.ndb_autodiscover fails occasionally with pb2