/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ // vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4: #ident "$Id$" /* COPYING CONDITIONS NOTICE: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, and provided that the following conditions are met: * Redistributions of source code must retain this COPYING CONDITIONS NOTICE, the COPYRIGHT NOTICE (below), the DISCLAIMER (below), the UNIVERSITY PATENT NOTICE (below), the PATENT MARKING NOTICE (below), and the PATENT RIGHTS GRANT (below). * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce this COPYING CONDITIONS NOTICE, the COPYRIGHT NOTICE (below), the DISCLAIMER (below), the UNIVERSITY PATENT NOTICE (below), the PATENT MARKING NOTICE (below), and the PATENT RIGHTS GRANT (below) in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. COPYRIGHT NOTICE: TokuDB, Tokutek Fractal Tree Indexing Library. Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Tokutek, Inc. DISCLAIMER: This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. UNIVERSITY PATENT NOTICE: The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, and the Research Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under United States of America Serial No. 11/760379 and to the patents and/or patent applications resulting from it. PATENT MARKING NOTICE: This software is covered by US Patent No. 8,185,551. PATENT RIGHTS GRANT: THIS IMPLEMENTATION" means the copyrightable works distributed by Tokutek as part of the Fractal Tree project. "PATENT CLAIMS" means the claims of patents that are owned or licensable by Tokutek, both currently or in the future; and that in the absence of this license would be infringed by THIS IMPLEMENTATION or by using or running THIS IMPLEMENTATION. "PATENT CHALLENGE" shall mean a challenge to the validity, patentability, enforceability and/or non-infringement of any of the PATENT CLAIMS or otherwise opposing any of the PATENT CLAIMS. Tokutek hereby grants to you, for the term and geographical scope of the PATENT CLAIMS, a non-exclusive, no-charge, royalty-free, irrevocable (except as stated in this section) patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, sell, import, transfer, and otherwise run, modify, and propagate the contents of THIS IMPLEMENTATION, where such license applies only to the PATENT CLAIMS. This grant does not include claims that would be infringed only as a consequence of further modifications of THIS IMPLEMENTATION. If you or your agent or licensee institute or order or agree to the institution of patent litigation against any entity (including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that THIS IMPLEMENTATION constitutes direct or contributory patent infringement, or inducement of patent infringement, then any rights granted to you under this License shall terminate as of the date such litigation is filed. If you or your agent or exclusive licensee institute or order or agree to the institution of a PATENT CHALLENGE, then Tokutek may terminate any rights granted to you under this License. */ #ident "Copyright (c) 2007-2013 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved." #ident "The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, and the Research Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under United States of America Serial No. 11/760379 and to the patents and/or patent applications resulting from it." #include "compress.h" #include "ft.h" #include "ft-internal.h" // not version-sensitive because we only serialize a descriptor using the current layout_version uint32_t toku_serialize_descriptor_size(const DESCRIPTOR desc) { //Checksum NOT included in this. Checksum only exists in header's version. uint32_t size = 4; // four bytes for size of descriptor size += desc->dbt.size; return size; } static uint32_t deserialize_descriptor_size(const DESCRIPTOR desc, int layout_version) { //Checksum NOT included in this. Checksum only exists in header's version. uint32_t size = 4; // four bytes for size of descriptor if (layout_version == FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_13) size += 4; // for version 13, include four bytes of "version" size += desc->dbt.size; return size; } void toku_serialize_descriptor_contents_to_wbuf(struct wbuf *wb, const DESCRIPTOR desc) { wbuf_bytes(wb, desc->dbt.data, desc->dbt.size); } //Descriptor is written to disk during toku_ft_handle_open iff we have a new (or changed) //descriptor. //Descriptors are NOT written during the header checkpoint process. void toku_serialize_descriptor_contents_to_fd(int fd, const DESCRIPTOR desc, DISKOFF offset) { // make the checksum int64_t size = toku_serialize_descriptor_size(desc)+4; //4 for checksum int64_t size_aligned = roundup_to_multiple(512, size); struct wbuf w; char *XMALLOC_N_ALIGNED(512, size_aligned, aligned_buf); for (int64_t i=size; i 0) { data_copy = toku_memdup(data, size); //Cannot keep the reference from rbuf. Must copy. lazy_assert(data_copy); } else { lazy_assert(size==0); data_copy = NULL; } toku_fill_dbt(&desc->dbt, data_copy, size); } static int deserialize_descriptor_from(int fd, BLOCK_TABLE bt, DESCRIPTOR desc, int layout_version) { int r = 0; DISKOFF offset; DISKOFF size; unsigned char *dbuf = NULL; toku_get_descriptor_offset_size(bt, &offset, &size); memset(desc, 0, sizeof(*desc)); if (size > 0) { lazy_assert(size>=4); //4 for checksum { ssize_t size_to_malloc = roundup_to_multiple(512, size); XMALLOC_N_ALIGNED(512, size_to_malloc, dbuf); { ssize_t sz_read = toku_os_pread(fd, dbuf, size_to_malloc, offset); lazy_assert(sz_read==size_to_malloc); } { // check the checksum uint32_t x1764 = x1764_memory(dbuf, size-4); //printf("%s:%d read from %ld (x1764 offset=%ld) size=%ld\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, block_translation_address_on_disk, offset, block_translation_size_on_disk); uint32_t stored_x1764 = toku_dtoh32(*(int*)(dbuf + size-4)); if (x1764 != stored_x1764) { fprintf(stderr, "Descriptor checksum failure: calc=0x%08x read=0x%08x\n", x1764, stored_x1764); r = TOKUDB_BAD_CHECKSUM; toku_free(dbuf); goto exit; } } { struct rbuf rb = {.buf = dbuf, .size = (unsigned int) size, .ndone = 0}; //Not temporary; must have a toku_memdup'd copy. deserialize_descriptor_from_rbuf(&rb, desc, layout_version); } lazy_assert(deserialize_descriptor_size(desc, layout_version)+4 == size); toku_free(dbuf); } } exit: return r; } int deserialize_ft_versioned(int fd, struct rbuf *rb, FT *ftp, uint32_t version) // Effect: Deserialize the ft header. // We deserialize brt header only once and then share everything with all the brts. { int r; FT ft = NULL; paranoid_invariant(version >= FT_LAYOUT_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION); paranoid_invariant(version <= FT_LAYOUT_VERSION); // We already know: // we have an rbuf representing the header. // The checksum has been validated //Verification of initial elements. //Check magic number bytevec magic; rbuf_literal_bytes(rb, &magic, 8); lazy_assert(memcmp(magic,"tokudata",8)==0); XCALLOC(ft); ft->checkpoint_header = NULL; toku_list_init(&ft->live_ft_handles); //version MUST be in network order on disk regardless of disk order ft->layout_version_read_from_disk = rbuf_network_int(rb); invariant(ft->layout_version_read_from_disk >= FT_LAYOUT_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION); invariant(ft->layout_version_read_from_disk <= FT_LAYOUT_VERSION); //build_id MUST be in network order on disk regardless of disk order uint32_t build_id; build_id = rbuf_network_int(rb); //Size MUST be in network order regardless of disk order. uint32_t size; size = rbuf_network_int(rb); lazy_assert(size == rb->size); bytevec tmp_byte_order_check; lazy_assert((sizeof tmp_byte_order_check) >= 8); rbuf_literal_bytes(rb, &tmp_byte_order_check, 8); //Must not translate byte order int64_t byte_order_stored; byte_order_stored = *(int64_t*)tmp_byte_order_check; lazy_assert(byte_order_stored == toku_byte_order_host); uint64_t checkpoint_count; checkpoint_count = rbuf_ulonglong(rb); LSN checkpoint_lsn; checkpoint_lsn = rbuf_lsn(rb); unsigned nodesize; nodesize = rbuf_int(rb); DISKOFF translation_address_on_disk; translation_address_on_disk = rbuf_diskoff(rb); DISKOFF translation_size_on_disk; translation_size_on_disk = rbuf_diskoff(rb); lazy_assert(translation_address_on_disk > 0); lazy_assert(translation_size_on_disk > 0); // initialize the tree lock toku_ft_init_reflock(ft); //Load translation table { size_t size_to_read = roundup_to_multiple(512, translation_size_on_disk); unsigned char *XMALLOC_N_ALIGNED(512, size_to_read, tbuf); { // This cast is messed up in 32-bits if the block translation // table is ever more than 4GB. But in that case, the // translation table itself won't fit in main memory. ssize_t readsz = toku_os_pread(fd, tbuf, size_to_read, translation_address_on_disk); assert(readsz >= translation_size_on_disk); assert(readsz <= (ssize_t)size_to_read); } // Create table and read in data. r = toku_blocktable_create_from_buffer(fd, &ft->blocktable, translation_address_on_disk, translation_size_on_disk, tbuf); toku_free(tbuf); if (r != 0) { goto exit; } } BLOCKNUM root_blocknum; root_blocknum = rbuf_blocknum(rb); unsigned flags; flags = rbuf_int(rb); if (ft->layout_version_read_from_disk <= FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_13) { // deprecate 'TOKU_DB_VALCMP_BUILTIN'. just remove the flag flags &= ~TOKU_DB_VALCMP_BUILTIN_13; } int layout_version_original; layout_version_original = rbuf_int(rb); uint32_t build_id_original; build_id_original = rbuf_int(rb); uint64_t time_of_creation; time_of_creation = rbuf_ulonglong(rb); uint64_t time_of_last_modification; time_of_last_modification = rbuf_ulonglong(rb); if (ft->layout_version_read_from_disk <= FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_18) { // 17 was the last version with these fields, we no longer store // them, so read and discard them (void) rbuf_ulonglong(rb); // num_blocks_to_upgrade_13 if (ft->layout_version_read_from_disk >= FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_15) { (void) rbuf_ulonglong(rb); // num_blocks_to_upgrade_14 } } // fake creation during the last checkpoint TXNID root_xid_that_created; root_xid_that_created = checkpoint_lsn.lsn; if (ft->layout_version_read_from_disk >= FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_14) { rbuf_TXNID(rb, &root_xid_that_created); } // TODO(leif): get this to default to what's specified, not the // hard-coded default unsigned basementnodesize; basementnodesize = FT_DEFAULT_BASEMENT_NODE_SIZE; uint64_t time_of_last_verification; time_of_last_verification = 0; if (ft->layout_version_read_from_disk >= FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_15) { basementnodesize = rbuf_int(rb); time_of_last_verification = rbuf_ulonglong(rb); } STAT64INFO_S on_disk_stats; on_disk_stats = ZEROSTATS; uint64_t time_of_last_optimize_begin; time_of_last_optimize_begin = 0; uint64_t time_of_last_optimize_end; time_of_last_optimize_end = 0; uint32_t count_of_optimize_in_progress; count_of_optimize_in_progress = 0; MSN msn_at_start_of_last_completed_optimize; msn_at_start_of_last_completed_optimize = ZERO_MSN; if (ft->layout_version_read_from_disk >= FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_18) { on_disk_stats.numrows = rbuf_ulonglong(rb); on_disk_stats.numbytes = rbuf_ulonglong(rb); ft->in_memory_stats = on_disk_stats; time_of_last_optimize_begin = rbuf_ulonglong(rb); time_of_last_optimize_end = rbuf_ulonglong(rb); count_of_optimize_in_progress = rbuf_int(rb); msn_at_start_of_last_completed_optimize = rbuf_msn(rb); } enum toku_compression_method compression_method; MSN highest_unused_msn_for_upgrade; highest_unused_msn_for_upgrade.msn = (MIN_MSN.msn - 1); if (ft->layout_version_read_from_disk >= FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_19) { unsigned char method = rbuf_char(rb); compression_method = (enum toku_compression_method) method; highest_unused_msn_for_upgrade = rbuf_msn(rb); } else { // we hard coded zlib until 5.2, then quicklz in 5.2 if (ft->layout_version_read_from_disk < FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_18) { compression_method = TOKU_ZLIB_METHOD; } else { compression_method = TOKU_QUICKLZ_METHOD; } } MSN max_msn_in_ft; max_msn_in_ft = ZERO_MSN; // We'll upgrade it from the root node later if necessary if (ft->layout_version_read_from_disk >= FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_21) { max_msn_in_ft = rbuf_msn(rb); } (void) rbuf_int(rb); //Read in checksum and ignore (already verified). if (rb->ndone != rb->size) { fprintf(stderr, "Header size did not match contents.\n"); r = EINVAL; goto exit; } { struct ft_header h = { .type = FT_CURRENT, .dirty = 0, .checkpoint_count = checkpoint_count, .checkpoint_lsn = checkpoint_lsn, .layout_version = FT_LAYOUT_VERSION, .layout_version_original = layout_version_original, .build_id = build_id, .build_id_original = build_id_original, .time_of_creation = time_of_creation, .root_xid_that_created = root_xid_that_created, .time_of_last_modification = time_of_last_modification, .time_of_last_verification = time_of_last_verification, .root_blocknum = root_blocknum, .flags = flags, .nodesize = nodesize, .basementnodesize = basementnodesize, .compression_method = compression_method, .highest_unused_msn_for_upgrade = highest_unused_msn_for_upgrade, .max_msn_in_ft = max_msn_in_ft, .time_of_last_optimize_begin = time_of_last_optimize_begin, .time_of_last_optimize_end = time_of_last_optimize_end, .count_of_optimize_in_progress = count_of_optimize_in_progress, .count_of_optimize_in_progress_read_from_disk = count_of_optimize_in_progress, .msn_at_start_of_last_completed_optimize = msn_at_start_of_last_completed_optimize, .on_disk_stats = on_disk_stats }; XMEMDUP(ft->h, &h); } if (ft->layout_version_read_from_disk < FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_18) { // This needs ft->h to be non-null, so we have to do it after we // read everything else. r = toku_upgrade_subtree_estimates_to_stat64info(fd, ft); if (r != 0) { goto exit; } } if (ft->layout_version_read_from_disk < FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_21) { r = toku_upgrade_msn_from_root_to_header(fd, ft); if (r != 0) { goto exit; } } invariant((uint32_t) ft->layout_version_read_from_disk == version); r = deserialize_descriptor_from(fd, ft->blocktable, &ft->descriptor, version); if (r != 0) { goto exit; } // copy descriptor to cmp_descriptor for #4541 ft->cmp_descriptor.dbt.size = ft->descriptor.dbt.size; ft->cmp_descriptor.dbt.data = toku_xmemdup(ft->descriptor.dbt.data, ft->descriptor.dbt.size); // Version 13 descriptors had an extra 4 bytes that we don't read // anymore. Since the header is going to think it's the current // version if it gets written out, we need to write the descriptor in // the new format (without those bytes) before that happens. if (version <= FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_13) { toku_ft_update_descriptor_with_fd(ft, &ft->cmp_descriptor, fd); } r = 0; exit: if (r != 0 && ft != NULL) { toku_free(ft); ft = NULL; } *ftp = ft; return r; } static size_t serialize_ft_min_size (uint32_t version) { size_t size = 0; switch(version) { case FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_24: case FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_23: case FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_22: case FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_21: size += sizeof(MSN); // max_msn_in_ft case FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_20: case FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_19: size += 1; // compression method size += sizeof(MSN); // highest_unused_msn_for_upgrade case FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_18: size += sizeof(uint64_t); // time_of_last_optimize_begin size += sizeof(uint64_t); // time_of_last_optimize_end size += sizeof(uint32_t); // count_of_optimize_in_progress size += sizeof(MSN); // msn_at_start_of_last_completed_optimize size -= 8; // removed num_blocks_to_upgrade_14 size -= 8; // removed num_blocks_to_upgrade_13 case FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_17: size += 16; invariant(sizeof(STAT64INFO_S) == 16); case FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_16: case FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_15: size += 4; // basement node size size += 8; // num_blocks_to_upgrade_14 (previously num_blocks_to_upgrade, now one int each for upgrade from 13, 14 size += 8; // time of last verification case FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_14: size += 8; //TXNID that created case FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_13: size += ( 4 // build_id +4 // build_id_original +8 // time_of_creation +8 // time_of_last_modification ); // fall through case FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_12: size += (+8 // "tokudata" +4 // version +4 // original_version +4 // size +8 // byte order verification +8 // checkpoint_count +8 // checkpoint_lsn +4 // tree's nodesize +8 // translation_size_on_disk +8 // translation_address_on_disk +4 // checksum +8 // Number of blocks in old version. +8 // diskoff +4 // flags ); break; default: abort(); } lazy_assert(size <= BLOCK_ALLOCATOR_HEADER_RESERVE); return size; } int deserialize_ft_from_fd_into_rbuf(int fd, toku_off_t offset_of_header, struct rbuf *rb, uint64_t *checkpoint_count, LSN *checkpoint_lsn, uint32_t * version_p) // Effect: Read and parse the header of a fractalal tree // // Simply reading the raw bytes of the header into an rbuf is insensitive // to disk format version. If that ever changes, then modify this. // // TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_NO_HEADER means we can overwrite everything in the // file AND the header is useless { int r = 0; const int64_t prefix_size = 8 + // magic ("tokudata") 4 + // version 4 + // build_id 4; // size const int64_t read_size = roundup_to_multiple(512, prefix_size); unsigned char *XMALLOC_N_ALIGNED(512, read_size, prefix); rb->buf = NULL; int64_t n = toku_os_pread(fd, prefix, read_size, offset_of_header); if (n != read_size) { if (n==0) { r = TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_NO_HEADER; } else if (n<0) { r = get_error_errno(); } else { r = EINVAL; } toku_free(prefix); goto exit; } rbuf_init(rb, prefix, prefix_size); //Check magic number bytevec magic; rbuf_literal_bytes(rb, &magic, 8); if (memcmp(magic,"tokudata",8)!=0) { if ((*(uint64_t*)magic) == 0) { r = TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_NO_HEADER; } else { r = EINVAL; //Not a tokudb file! Do not use. } goto exit; } //Version MUST be in network order regardless of disk order. uint32_t version; version = rbuf_network_int(rb); *version_p = version; if (version < FT_LAYOUT_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION) { r = TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_TOO_OLD; //Cannot use goto exit; } else if (version > FT_LAYOUT_VERSION) { r = TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_TOO_NEW; //Cannot use goto exit; } //build_id MUST be in network order regardless of disk order. uint32_t build_id __attribute__((__unused__)); build_id = rbuf_network_int(rb); int64_t min_header_size; min_header_size = serialize_ft_min_size(version); //Size MUST be in network order regardless of disk order. uint32_t size; size = rbuf_network_int(rb); //If too big, it is corrupt. We would probably notice during checksum //but may have to do a multi-gigabyte malloc+read to find out. //If its too small reading rbuf would crash, so verify. if (size > BLOCK_ALLOCATOR_HEADER_RESERVE || size < min_header_size) { r = TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_NO_HEADER; goto exit; } lazy_assert(rb->ndone==prefix_size); rb->size = size; { toku_free(rb->buf); uint32_t size_to_read = roundup_to_multiple(512, size); XMALLOC_N_ALIGNED(512, size_to_read, rb->buf); assert(offset_of_header%512==0); n = toku_os_pread(fd, rb->buf, size_to_read, offset_of_header); if (n != size_to_read) { if (n < 0) { r = get_error_errno(); } else { r = EINVAL; //Header might be useless (wrong size) or could be a disk read error. } goto exit; } } //It's version 14 or later. Magic looks OK. //We have an rbuf that represents the header. //Size is within acceptable bounds. //Verify checksum (FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_13 or later, when checksum function changed) uint32_t calculated_x1764; calculated_x1764 = x1764_memory(rb->buf, rb->size-4); uint32_t stored_x1764; stored_x1764 = toku_dtoh32(*(int*)(rb->buf+rb->size-4)); if (calculated_x1764 != stored_x1764) { r = TOKUDB_BAD_CHECKSUM; //Header useless fprintf(stderr, "Header checksum failure: calc=0x%08x read=0x%08x\n", calculated_x1764, stored_x1764); goto exit; } //Verify byte order bytevec tmp_byte_order_check; lazy_assert((sizeof toku_byte_order_host) == 8); rbuf_literal_bytes(rb, &tmp_byte_order_check, 8); //Must not translate byte order int64_t byte_order_stored; byte_order_stored = *(int64_t*)tmp_byte_order_check; if (byte_order_stored != toku_byte_order_host) { r = TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_NO_HEADER; //Cannot use dictionary goto exit; } //Load checkpoint count *checkpoint_count = rbuf_ulonglong(rb); *checkpoint_lsn = rbuf_lsn(rb); //Restart at beginning during regular deserialization rb->ndone = 0; exit: if (r != 0 && rb->buf != NULL) { toku_free(rb->buf); rb->buf = NULL; } return r; } // Read ft from file into struct. Read both headers and use one. // We want the latest acceptable header whose checkpoint_lsn is no later // than max_acceptable_lsn. int toku_deserialize_ft_from(int fd, LSN max_acceptable_lsn, FT *ft) { struct rbuf rb_0; struct rbuf rb_1; uint64_t checkpoint_count_0; uint64_t checkpoint_count_1; LSN checkpoint_lsn_0; LSN checkpoint_lsn_1; uint32_t version_0, version_1, version = 0; bool h0_acceptable = false; bool h1_acceptable = false; struct rbuf *rb = NULL; int r0, r1, r; toku_off_t header_0_off = 0; r0 = deserialize_ft_from_fd_into_rbuf(fd, header_0_off, &rb_0, &checkpoint_count_0, &checkpoint_lsn_0, &version_0); if (r0 == 0 && checkpoint_lsn_0.lsn <= max_acceptable_lsn.lsn) { h0_acceptable = true; } toku_off_t header_1_off = BLOCK_ALLOCATOR_HEADER_RESERVE; r1 = deserialize_ft_from_fd_into_rbuf(fd, header_1_off, &rb_1, &checkpoint_count_1, &checkpoint_lsn_1, &version_1); if (r1 == 0 && checkpoint_lsn_1.lsn <= max_acceptable_lsn.lsn) { h1_acceptable = true; } // if either header is too new, the dictionary is unreadable if (r0 == TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_TOO_NEW || r1 == TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_TOO_NEW || !(h0_acceptable || h1_acceptable)) { // We were unable to read either header or at least one is too // new. Certain errors are higher priority than others. Order of // these if/else if is important. if (r0 == TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_TOO_NEW || r1 == TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_TOO_NEW) { r = TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_TOO_NEW; } else if (r0 == TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_TOO_OLD || r1 == TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_TOO_OLD) { r = TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_TOO_OLD; } else if (r0 == TOKUDB_BAD_CHECKSUM && r1 == TOKUDB_BAD_CHECKSUM) { fprintf(stderr, "Both header checksums failed.\n"); r = TOKUDB_BAD_CHECKSUM; } else if (r0 == TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_NO_HEADER || r1 == TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_NO_HEADER) { r = TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_NO_HEADER; } else { r = r0 ? r0 : r1; //Arbitrarily report the error from the //first header, unless it's readable } // it should not be possible for both headers to be later than the max_acceptable_lsn invariant(!((r0==0 && checkpoint_lsn_0.lsn > max_acceptable_lsn.lsn) && (r1==0 && checkpoint_lsn_1.lsn > max_acceptable_lsn.lsn))); invariant(r!=0); goto exit; } if (h0_acceptable && h1_acceptable) { if (checkpoint_count_0 > checkpoint_count_1) { invariant(checkpoint_count_0 == checkpoint_count_1 + 1); invariant(version_0 >= version_1); rb = &rb_0; version = version_0; } else { invariant(checkpoint_count_1 == checkpoint_count_0 + 1); invariant(version_1 >= version_0); rb = &rb_1; version = version_1; } } else if (h0_acceptable) { if (r1 == TOKUDB_BAD_CHECKSUM) { // print something reassuring fprintf(stderr, "Header 2 checksum failed, but header 1 ok. Proceeding.\n"); } rb = &rb_0; version = version_0; } else if (h1_acceptable) { if (r0 == TOKUDB_BAD_CHECKSUM) { // print something reassuring fprintf(stderr, "Header 1 checksum failed, but header 2 ok. Proceeding.\n"); } rb = &rb_1; version = version_1; } paranoid_invariant(rb); r = deserialize_ft_versioned(fd, rb, ft, version); exit: if (rb_0.buf) { toku_free(rb_0.buf); } if (rb_1.buf) { toku_free(rb_1.buf); } return r; } size_t toku_serialize_ft_size (FT_HEADER h) { size_t size = serialize_ft_min_size(h->layout_version); //There is no dynamic data. lazy_assert(size <= BLOCK_ALLOCATOR_HEADER_RESERVE); return size; } void toku_serialize_ft_to_wbuf ( struct wbuf *wbuf, FT_HEADER h, DISKOFF translation_location_on_disk, DISKOFF translation_size_on_disk ) { wbuf_literal_bytes(wbuf, "tokudata", 8); wbuf_network_int (wbuf, h->layout_version); //MUST be in network order regardless of disk order wbuf_network_int (wbuf, BUILD_ID); //MUST be in network order regardless of disk order wbuf_network_int (wbuf, wbuf->size); //MUST be in network order regardless of disk order wbuf_literal_bytes(wbuf, &toku_byte_order_host, 8); //Must not translate byte order wbuf_ulonglong(wbuf, h->checkpoint_count); wbuf_LSN (wbuf, h->checkpoint_lsn); wbuf_int (wbuf, h->nodesize); wbuf_DISKOFF(wbuf, translation_location_on_disk); wbuf_DISKOFF(wbuf, translation_size_on_disk); wbuf_BLOCKNUM(wbuf, h->root_blocknum); wbuf_int(wbuf, h->flags); wbuf_int(wbuf, h->layout_version_original); wbuf_int(wbuf, h->build_id_original); wbuf_ulonglong(wbuf, h->time_of_creation); wbuf_ulonglong(wbuf, h->time_of_last_modification); wbuf_TXNID(wbuf, h->root_xid_that_created); wbuf_int(wbuf, h->basementnodesize); wbuf_ulonglong(wbuf, h->time_of_last_verification); wbuf_ulonglong(wbuf, h->on_disk_stats.numrows); wbuf_ulonglong(wbuf, h->on_disk_stats.numbytes); wbuf_ulonglong(wbuf, h->time_of_last_optimize_begin); wbuf_ulonglong(wbuf, h->time_of_last_optimize_end); wbuf_int(wbuf, h->count_of_optimize_in_progress); wbuf_MSN(wbuf, h->msn_at_start_of_last_completed_optimize); wbuf_char(wbuf, (unsigned char) h->compression_method); wbuf_MSN(wbuf, h->highest_unused_msn_for_upgrade); wbuf_MSN(wbuf, h->max_msn_in_ft); uint32_t checksum = x1764_finish(&wbuf->checksum); wbuf_int(wbuf, checksum); lazy_assert(wbuf->ndone == wbuf->size); } void toku_serialize_ft_to (int fd, FT_HEADER h, BLOCK_TABLE blocktable, CACHEFILE cf) { lazy_assert(h->type==FT_CHECKPOINT_INPROGRESS); struct wbuf w_translation; int64_t size_translation; int64_t address_translation; //Must serialize translation first, to get address,size for header. toku_serialize_translation_to_wbuf(blocktable, fd, &w_translation, &address_translation, &size_translation); assert(size_translation == w_translation.ndone); // the bytes written are the size assert(w_translation.size % 512 == 0); // the number of bytes available in the buffer is 0 mod 512, and those last bytes are all initialized. struct wbuf w_main; size_t size_main = toku_serialize_ft_size(h); size_t size_main_aligned = roundup_to_multiple(512, size_main); assert(size_main_alignedcheckpoint_count & 0x1) ? 0 : BLOCK_ALLOCATOR_HEADER_RESERVE; toku_os_full_pwrite(fd, w_main.buf, size_main_aligned, main_offset); toku_free(w_main.buf); toku_free(w_translation.buf); }