############# mysql-test\t\query_prealloc_size_func.test ######################
#                                                                             # 
# Variable Name: query_prealloc_size                                          # 
# Scope: GLOBAL & SESSION                                                     # 
# Access Type: Dynamic                                                        # 
# Data Type: integer                                                          # 
# Default Value: 8192                                                         # 
# Values: 8192-4294967295                                                     # 
#                                                                             # 
#                                                                             # 
# Creation Date: 2008-02-22                                                   # 
# Author:  Sharique Abdullah                                                  # 
#                                                                             # 
# Description: Test Cases of Dynamic System Variable "query_prealloc_size"    # 
#              that checks behavior of this variable in the following ways    # 
#              * Default Value                                                # 
#              * Valid & Invalid values                                       # 
#              * Scope & Access method                                        # 
#              * Cache behaviors                                              # 
#                                                                             # 
# Reference: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/                          # 
#            server-system-variables.html#option_mysqld_query_prealloc_size   # 
#                                                                             # 

--echo ** Setup **
# Setup

# Save initial value

CREATE TABLE t1 (id int auto_increment primary key, val text(200));

INSERT INTO t1 values(NULL,'a');
INSERT INTO t1 values(NULL,'b');
INSERT INTO t1 values(NULL,'c');
INSERT INTO t1 values(NULL,'d');


SET SESSION query_prealloc_size  = 8192;

--echo '#----------------------------FN_DYNVARS_137_05-----------------#'
# Session data integrity check & GLOBAL Value check

SET GLOBAL query_prealloc_size = 8192;

connect (con_int1,localhost,root,,);
connection con_int1;

SELECT @@SESSION.query_prealloc_size;
--echo Expected Value : 8192;
SET SESSION query_prealloc_size = 16384;

connect (con_int2,localhost,root,,);
connection con_int2;

SELECT @@SESSION.query_prealloc_size;
--echo Expected Value : 8192;

SET SESSION query_prealloc_size = 8192;

connection con_int1;
SELECT @@SESSION.query_prealloc_size;
--echo Expected Value : 16384;

connection con_int2;
SELECT @@SESSION.query_prealloc_size;
--echo Expected Value : 8192;

SELECT @@GLOBAL.query_prealloc_size;
--echo Expected Value : 8192;

connection default;
disconnect con_int1;
disconnect con_int2;