DROP TABLE if exists t1,t2,t3,t4,t5,t6;
SET storage_engine=ARCHIVE;
Period smallint(4) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '0000' NOT NULL,
Varor_period smallint(4) unsigned DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL
) ENGINE=archive;
INSERT INTO t1 VALUES (9410,9412);
select period FROM t1;
select * FROM t1;
Period	Varor_period
9410	9412
select t1.* FROM t1;
Period	Varor_period
9410	9412
auto int,
fld1 int(6) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '000000' NOT NULL,
companynr tinyint(2) unsigned zerofill DEFAULT '00' NOT NULL,
fld3 char(30) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
fld4 char(35) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
fld5 char(35) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL,
fld6 char(4) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL
) ENGINE=archive;
select t2.fld3 FROM t2 where companynr = 58 and fld3 like "%imaginable%";
select fld3 FROM t2 where fld3 like "%cultivation" ;
select t2.fld3,companynr FROM t2 where companynr = 57+1 order by fld3;
fld3	companynr
concoct	58
druggists	58
engrossing	58
Eurydice	58
exclaimers	58
ferociousness	58
hopelessness	58
Huey	58
imaginable	58
judges	58
merging	58
ostrich	58
peering	58
Phelps	58
presumes	58
Ruth	58
sentences	58
Shylock	58
straggled	58
synergy	58
thanking	58
tying	58
unlocks	58
select fld3,companynr FROM t2 where companynr = 58 order by fld3;
fld3	companynr
concoct	58
druggists	58
engrossing	58
Eurydice	58
exclaimers	58
ferociousness	58
hopelessness	58
Huey	58
imaginable	58
judges	58
merging	58
ostrich	58
peering	58
Phelps	58
presumes	58
Ruth	58
sentences	58
Shylock	58
straggled	58
synergy	58
thanking	58
tying	58
unlocks	58
select fld3 FROM t2 order by fld3 desc limit 10;
select fld3 FROM t2 order by fld3 desc limit 5;
select fld3 FROM t2 order by fld3 desc limit 5,5;
select t2.fld3 FROM t2 where fld3 = 'honeysuckle';
select t2.fld3 FROM t2 where fld3 LIKE 'honeysuckl_';
select t2.fld3 FROM t2 where fld3 LIKE 'hon_ysuckl_';
select t2.fld3 FROM t2 where fld3 LIKE 'honeysuckle%';
select t2.fld3 FROM t2 where fld3 LIKE 'h%le';
select t2.fld3 FROM t2 where fld3 LIKE 'honeysuckle_';
select t2.fld3 FROM t2 where fld3 LIKE 'don_t_find_me_please%';
select t2.fld3 FROM t2 where fld3 >= 'honeysuckle' and fld3 <= 'honoring' order by fld3;
select fld1,fld3 FROM t2 where fld3="Colombo" or fld3 = "nondecreasing" order by fld3;
fld1	fld3
148504	Colombo
068305	Colombo
000000	nondecreasing
select fld1,fld3 FROM t2 where companynr = 37 and fld3 like 'f%';
fld1	fld3
012001	flanking
013602	foldout
013606	fingerings
018007	fanatic
018017	featherweight
018054	fetters
018103	flint
018104	flopping
036002	funereal
038017	fetched
038205	firearm
058004	Fenton
088303	feminine
186002	freakish
188007	flurried
188505	fitting
198006	furthermore
202301	Fitzpatrick
208101	fiftieth
208113	freest
218008	finishers
218022	feed
218401	faithful
226205	foothill
226209	furnishings
228306	forthcoming
228311	fated
231315	freezes
232102	forgivably
238007	filial
238008	fixedly
select fld3 FROM t2 where fld3 like "L%" and fld3 = "ok";
select fld3 FROM t2 where (fld3 like "C%" and fld3 = "Chantilly");
select fld1,fld3 FROM t2 where fld1 like "25050%";
fld1	fld3
250501	poisoning
250502	Iraqis
250503	heaving
250504	population
250505	bomb
select fld1,fld3 FROM t2 where fld1 like "25050_";
fld1	fld3
250501	poisoning
250502	Iraqis
250503	heaving
250504	population
250505	bomb
CREATE TABLE t3 engine=archive select * FROM t2;
select * FROM t3 where fld3='bonfire';
auto	fld1	companynr	fld3	fld4	fld5	fld6
1191	068504	00	bonfire	corresponds	positively	
select count(*) FROM t3;
rename table t3 to t4;
select * FROM t4 where fld3='bonfire';
auto	fld1	companynr	fld3	fld4	fld5	fld6
1191	068504	00	bonfire	corresponds	positively	
select count(*) FROM t4;
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,000001,00,'Omaha','teethe','neat','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2,011401,37,'breaking','dreaded','Steinberg','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (3,011402,37,'Romans','scholastics','jarring','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (4,011403,37,'intercepted','audiology','tinily','');
auto	fld1	companynr	fld3	fld4	fld5	fld6
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
5	011501	37	bewilderingly	wallet	balled	
6	011701	37	astound	parters	persist	W
7	011702	37	admonishing	eschew	attainments	
8	011703	37	sumac	quitter	fanatic	
9	012001	37	flanking	neat	measures	FAS
10	012003	37	combed	Steinberg	rightfulness	
11	012004	37	subjective	jarring	capably	
12	012005	37	scatterbrain	tinily	impulsive	
13	012301	37	Eulerian	balled	starlet	
14	012302	36	dubbed	persist	terminators	
15	012303	37	Kane	attainments	untying	
16	012304	37	overlay	fanatic	announces	FAS
17	012305	37	perturb	measures	featherweight	FAS
18	012306	37	goblins	rightfulness	pessimist	FAS
19	012501	37	annihilates	capably	daughter	
20	012602	37	Wotan	impulsive	decliner	FAS
21	012603	37	snatching	starlet	lawgiver	
22	012604	37	concludes	terminators	stated	
23	012605	37	laterally	untying	readable	
24	012606	37	yelped	announces	attrition	
25	012701	37	grazing	featherweight	cascade	FAS
26	012702	37	Baird	pessimist	motors	FAS
27	012703	37	celery	daughter	interrogate	
28	012704	37	misunderstander	decliner	pests	W
29	013601	37	handgun	lawgiver	stairway	
30	013602	37	foldout	stated	dopers	FAS
31	013603	37	mystic	readable	testicle	W
32	013604	37	succumbed	attrition	Parsifal	W
33	013605	37	Nabisco	cascade	leavings	
34	013606	37	fingerings	motors	postulation	W
35	013607	37	aging	interrogate	squeaking	
36	013608	37	afield	pests	contrasted	
37	013609	37	ammonium	stairway	leftover	
38	013610	37	boat	dopers	whiteners	
39	013801	37	intelligibility	testicle	erases	W
40	013802	37	Augustine	Parsifal	Punjab	W
41	013803	37	teethe	leavings	Merritt	
42	013804	37	dreaded	postulation	Quixotism	
43	013901	37	scholastics	squeaking	sweetish	FAS
44	016001	37	audiology	contrasted	dogging	FAS
45	016201	37	wallet	leftover	scornfully	FAS
46	016202	37	parters	whiteners	bellow	
47	016301	37	eschew	erases	bills	
48	016302	37	quitter	Punjab	cupboard	FAS
49	016303	37	neat	Merritt	sureties	FAS
50	016304	37	Steinberg	Quixotism	puddings	
51	018001	37	jarring	sweetish	tapestry	
52	018002	37	tinily	dogging	fetters	
53	018003	37	balled	scornfully	bivalves	
54	018004	37	persist	bellow	incurring	
55	018005	37	attainments	bills	Adolph	
56	018007	37	fanatic	cupboard	pithed	
57	018008	37	measures	sureties	emergency	
58	018009	37	rightfulness	puddings	Miles	
59	018010	37	capably	tapestry	trimmings	
60	018012	37	impulsive	fetters	tragedies	W
61	018013	37	starlet	bivalves	skulking	W
62	018014	37	terminators	incurring	flint	
63	018015	37	untying	Adolph	flopping	W
64	018016	37	announces	pithed	relaxing	FAS
65	018017	37	featherweight	emergency	offload	FAS
66	018018	37	pessimist	Miles	suites	W
67	018019	37	daughter	trimmings	lists	FAS
68	018020	37	decliner	tragedies	animized	FAS
69	018021	37	lawgiver	skulking	multilayer	W
70	018022	37	stated	flint	standardizes	FAS
71	018023	37	readable	flopping	Judas	
72	018024	37	attrition	relaxing	vacuuming	W
73	018025	37	cascade	offload	dentally	W
74	018026	37	motors	suites	humanness	W
75	018027	37	interrogate	lists	inch	W
76	018028	37	pests	animized	Weissmuller	W
77	018029	37	stairway	multilayer	irresponsibly	W
78	018030	37	dopers	standardizes	luckily	FAS
79	018032	37	testicle	Judas	culled	W
80	018033	37	Parsifal	vacuuming	medical	FAS
81	018034	37	leavings	dentally	bloodbath	FAS
82	018035	37	postulation	humanness	subschema	W
83	018036	37	squeaking	inch	animals	W
84	018037	37	contrasted	Weissmuller	Micronesia	
85	018038	37	leftover	irresponsibly	repetitions	
86	018039	37	whiteners	luckily	Antares	
87	018040	37	erases	culled	ventilate	W
88	018041	37	Punjab	medical	pityingly	
89	018042	37	Merritt	bloodbath	interdependent	
90	018043	37	Quixotism	subschema	Graves	FAS
91	018044	37	sweetish	animals	neonatal	
92	018045	37	dogging	Micronesia	scribbled	FAS
93	018046	37	scornfully	repetitions	chafe	W
94	018048	37	bellow	Antares	honoring	
95	018049	37	bills	ventilate	realtor	
96	018050	37	cupboard	pityingly	elite	
97	018051	37	sureties	interdependent	funereal	
98	018052	37	puddings	Graves	abrogating	
99	018053	50	tapestry	neonatal	sorters	
100	018054	37	fetters	scribbled	Conley	
101	018055	37	bivalves	chafe	lectured	
102	018056	37	incurring	honoring	Abraham	
103	018057	37	Adolph	realtor	Hawaii	W
104	018058	37	pithed	elite	cage	
105	018059	36	emergency	funereal	hushes	
106	018060	37	Miles	abrogating	Simla	
107	018061	37	trimmings	sorters	reporters	
108	018101	37	tragedies	Conley	Dutchman	FAS
109	018102	37	skulking	lectured	descendants	FAS
110	018103	37	flint	Abraham	groupings	FAS
111	018104	37	flopping	Hawaii	dissociate	
112	018201	37	relaxing	cage	coexist	W
113	018202	37	offload	hushes	Beebe	
114	018402	37	suites	Simla	Taoism	
115	018403	37	lists	reporters	Connally	
116	018404	37	animized	Dutchman	fetched	FAS
117	018405	37	multilayer	descendants	checkpoints	FAS
118	018406	37	standardizes	groupings	rusting	
119	018409	37	Judas	dissociate	galling	
120	018601	37	vacuuming	coexist	obliterates	
121	018602	37	dentally	Beebe	traitor	
122	018603	37	humanness	Taoism	resumes	FAS
123	018801	37	inch	Connally	analyzable	FAS
124	018802	37	Weissmuller	fetched	terminator	FAS
125	018803	37	irresponsibly	checkpoints	gritty	FAS
126	018804	37	luckily	rusting	firearm	W
127	018805	37	culled	galling	minima	
128	018806	37	medical	obliterates	Selfridge	
129	018807	37	bloodbath	traitor	disable	
130	018808	37	subschema	resumes	witchcraft	W
131	018809	37	animals	analyzable	betroth	W
132	018810	37	Micronesia	terminator	Manhattanize	
133	018811	37	repetitions	gritty	imprint	
134	018812	37	Antares	firearm	peeked	
135	019101	37	ventilate	minima	swelling	
136	019102	37	pityingly	Selfridge	interrelationships	W
137	019103	37	interdependent	disable	riser	
138	019201	37	Graves	witchcraft	Gandhian	W
139	030501	37	neonatal	betroth	peacock	A
140	030502	50	scribbled	Manhattanize	bee	A
141	030503	37	chafe	imprint	kanji	
142	030504	37	honoring	peeked	dental	
143	031901	37	realtor	swelling	scarf	FAS
144	036001	37	elite	interrelationships	chasm	A
145	036002	37	funereal	riser	insolence	A
146	036004	37	abrogating	Gandhian	syndicate	
147	036005	37	sorters	peacock	alike	
148	038001	37	Conley	bee	imperial	A
149	038002	37	lectured	kanji	convulsion	A
150	038003	37	Abraham	dental	railway	A
151	038004	37	Hawaii	scarf	validate	A
152	038005	37	cage	chasm	normalizes	A
153	038006	37	hushes	insolence	comprehensive	
154	038007	37	Simla	syndicate	chewing	
155	038008	37	reporters	alike	denizen	
156	038009	37	Dutchman	imperial	schemer	
157	038010	37	descendants	convulsion	chronicle	
158	038011	37	groupings	railway	Kline	
159	038012	37	dissociate	validate	Anatole	
160	038013	37	coexist	normalizes	partridges	
161	038014	37	Beebe	comprehensive	brunch	
162	038015	37	Taoism	chewing	recruited	
163	038016	37	Connally	denizen	dimensions	W
164	038017	37	fetched	schemer	Chicana	W
165	038018	37	checkpoints	chronicle	announced	
166	038101	37	rusting	Kline	praised	FAS
167	038102	37	galling	Anatole	employing	
168	038103	37	obliterates	partridges	linear	
169	038104	37	traitor	brunch	quagmire	
170	038201	37	resumes	recruited	western	A
171	038202	37	analyzable	dimensions	relishing	
172	038203	37	terminator	Chicana	serving	A
173	038204	37	gritty	announced	scheduling	
174	038205	37	firearm	praised	lore	
175	038206	37	minima	employing	eventful	
176	038208	37	Selfridge	linear	arteriole	A
177	042801	37	disable	quagmire	disentangle	
178	042802	37	witchcraft	western	cured	A
179	046101	37	betroth	relishing	Fenton	W
180	048001	37	Manhattanize	serving	avoidable	A
181	048002	37	imprint	scheduling	drains	A
182	048003	37	peeked	lore	detectably	FAS
183	048004	37	swelling	eventful	husky	
184	048005	37	interrelationships	arteriole	impelling	
185	048006	37	riser	disentangle	undoes	
186	048007	37	Gandhian	cured	evened	
187	048008	37	peacock	Fenton	squeezes	
188	048101	37	bee	avoidable	destroyer	FAS
189	048102	37	kanji	drains	rudeness	
190	048201	37	dental	detectably	beaner	FAS
191	048202	37	scarf	husky	boorish	
192	048203	37	chasm	impelling	Everhart	
193	048204	37	insolence	undoes	encompass	A
194	048205	37	syndicate	evened	mushrooms	
195	048301	37	alike	squeezes	Alison	A
196	048302	37	imperial	destroyer	externally	FAS
197	048303	37	convulsion	rudeness	pellagra	
198	048304	37	railway	beaner	cult	
199	048305	37	validate	boorish	creek	A
200	048401	37	normalizes	Everhart	Huffman	
201	048402	37	comprehensive	encompass	Majorca	FAS
202	048403	37	chewing	mushrooms	governing	A
203	048404	37	denizen	Alison	gadfly	FAS
204	048405	37	schemer	externally	reassigned	FAS
205	048406	37	chronicle	pellagra	intentness	W
206	048407	37	Kline	cult	craziness	
207	048408	37	Anatole	creek	psychic	
208	048409	37	partridges	Huffman	squabbled	
209	048410	37	brunch	Majorca	burlesque	
210	048411	37	recruited	governing	capped	
211	048412	37	dimensions	gadfly	extracted	A
212	048413	37	Chicana	reassigned	DiMaggio	
213	048601	37	announced	intentness	exclamation	FAS
214	048602	37	praised	craziness	subdirectory	
215	048603	37	employing	psychic	fangs	
216	048604	37	linear	squabbled	buyer	A
217	048801	37	quagmire	burlesque	pithing	A
218	050901	37	western	capped	transistorizing	A
219	051201	37	relishing	extracted	nonbiodegradable	
220	056002	37	serving	DiMaggio	dislocate	
221	056003	37	scheduling	exclamation	monochromatic	FAS
222	056004	37	lore	subdirectory	batting	
223	056102	37	eventful	fangs	postcondition	A
224	056203	37	arteriole	buyer	catalog	FAS
225	056204	37	disentangle	pithing	Remus	
226	058003	37	cured	transistorizing	devices	A
227	058004	37	Fenton	nonbiodegradable	bike	A
228	058005	37	avoidable	dislocate	qualify	
229	058006	37	drains	monochromatic	detained	
230	058007	37	detectably	batting	commended	
231	058101	37	husky	postcondition	civilize	
232	058102	37	impelling	catalog	Elmhurst	
233	058103	37	undoes	Remus	anesthetizing	
234	058105	37	evened	devices	deaf	
235	058111	37	squeezes	bike	Brigham	
236	058112	37	destroyer	qualify	title	
237	058113	37	rudeness	detained	coarse	
238	058114	37	beaner	commended	combinations	
239	058115	37	boorish	civilize	grayness	
240	058116	37	Everhart	Elmhurst	innumerable	FAS
241	058117	37	encompass	anesthetizing	Caroline	A
242	058118	37	mushrooms	deaf	fatty	FAS
243	058119	37	Alison	Brigham	eastbound	
244	058120	37	externally	title	inexperienced	
245	058121	37	pellagra	coarse	hoarder	A
246	058122	37	cult	combinations	scotch	W
247	058123	37	creek	grayness	passport	A
248	058124	37	Huffman	innumerable	strategic	FAS
249	058125	37	Majorca	Caroline	gated	
250	058126	37	governing	fatty	flog	
251	058127	37	gadfly	eastbound	Pipestone	
252	058128	37	reassigned	inexperienced	Dar	
253	058201	37	intentness	hoarder	Corcoran	
254	058202	37	craziness	scotch	flyers	A
255	058303	37	psychic	passport	competitions	W
256	058304	37	squabbled	strategic	suppliers	FAS
257	058602	37	burlesque	gated	skips	
258	058603	37	capped	flog	institutes	
259	058604	37	extracted	Pipestone	troop	A
260	058605	37	DiMaggio	Dar	connective	W
261	058606	37	exclamation	Corcoran	denies	
262	058607	37	subdirectory	flyers	polka	
263	060401	36	fangs	competitions	observations	FAS
264	061701	36	buyer	suppliers	askers	
265	066201	36	pithing	skips	homeless	FAS
266	066501	36	transistorizing	institutes	Anna	
267	068001	36	nonbiodegradable	troop	subdirectories	W
268	068002	36	dislocate	connective	decaying	FAS
269	068005	36	monochromatic	denies	outwitting	W
270	068006	36	batting	polka	Harpy	W
271	068007	36	postcondition	observations	crazed	
272	068008	36	catalog	askers	suffocate	
273	068009	36	Remus	homeless	provers	FAS
274	068010	36	devices	Anna	technically	
275	068011	36	bike	subdirectories	Franklinizations	
276	068202	36	qualify	decaying	considered	
277	068302	36	detained	outwitting	tinnily	
278	068303	36	commended	Harpy	uninterruptedly	
279	068401	36	civilize	crazed	whistled	A
280	068501	36	Elmhurst	suffocate	automate	
281	068502	36	anesthetizing	provers	gutting	W
282	068503	36	deaf	technically	surreptitious	
283	068602	36	Brigham	Franklinizations	Choctaw	
284	068603	36	title	considered	cooks	
285	068701	36	coarse	tinnily	millivolt	FAS
286	068702	36	combinations	uninterruptedly	counterpoise	
287	068703	36	grayness	whistled	Gothicism	
288	076001	36	innumerable	automate	feminine	
289	076002	36	Caroline	gutting	metaphysically	W
290	076101	36	fatty	surreptitious	sanding	A
291	076102	36	eastbound	Choctaw	contributorily	
292	076103	36	inexperienced	cooks	receivers	FAS
293	076302	36	hoarder	millivolt	adjourn	
294	076303	36	scotch	counterpoise	straggled	A
295	076304	36	passport	Gothicism	druggists	
296	076305	36	strategic	feminine	thanking	FAS
297	076306	36	gated	metaphysically	ostrich	
298	076307	36	flog	sanding	hopelessness	FAS
299	076402	36	Pipestone	contributorily	Eurydice	
300	076501	36	Dar	receivers	excitation	W
301	076502	36	Corcoran	adjourn	presumes	FAS
302	076701	36	flyers	straggled	imaginable	FAS
303	078001	36	competitions	druggists	concoct	W
304	078002	36	suppliers	thanking	peering	W
305	078003	36	skips	ostrich	Phelps	FAS
306	078004	36	institutes	hopelessness	ferociousness	FAS
307	078005	36	troop	Eurydice	sentences	
308	078006	36	connective	excitation	unlocks	
309	078007	36	denies	presumes	engrossing	W
310	078008	36	polka	imaginable	Ruth	
311	078101	36	observations	concoct	tying	
312	078103	36	askers	peering	exclaimers	
313	078104	36	homeless	Phelps	synergy	
314	078105	36	Anna	ferociousness	Huey	W
315	082101	36	subdirectories	sentences	merging	
316	083401	36	decaying	unlocks	judges	A
317	084001	36	outwitting	engrossing	Shylock	W
318	084002	36	Harpy	Ruth	Miltonism	
319	086001	36	crazed	tying	hen	W
320	086102	36	suffocate	exclaimers	honeybee	FAS
321	086201	36	provers	synergy	towers	
322	088001	36	technically	Huey	dilutes	W
323	088002	36	Franklinizations	merging	numerals	FAS
324	088003	36	considered	judges	democracy	FAS
325	088004	36	tinnily	Shylock	Ibero-	
326	088101	36	uninterruptedly	Miltonism	invalids	
327	088102	36	whistled	hen	behavior	
328	088103	36	automate	honeybee	accruing	
329	088104	36	gutting	towers	relics	A
330	088105	36	surreptitious	dilutes	rackets	
331	088106	36	Choctaw	numerals	Fischbein	W
332	088201	36	cooks	democracy	phony	W
333	088203	36	millivolt	Ibero-	cross	FAS
334	088204	36	counterpoise	invalids	cleanup	
335	088302	37	Gothicism	behavior	conspirator	
336	088303	37	feminine	accruing	label	FAS
337	088305	37	metaphysically	relics	university	
338	088402	37	sanding	rackets	cleansed	FAS
339	088501	36	contributorily	Fischbein	ballgown	
340	088502	36	receivers	phony	starlet	
341	088503	36	adjourn	cross	aqueous	
342	098001	58	straggled	cleanup	portrayal	A
343	098002	58	druggists	conspirator	despising	W
344	098003	58	thanking	label	distort	W
345	098004	58	ostrich	university	palmed	
346	098005	58	hopelessness	cleansed	faced	
347	098006	58	Eurydice	ballgown	silverware	
348	141903	29	excitation	starlet	assessor	
349	098008	58	presumes	aqueous	spiders	
350	098009	58	imaginable	portrayal	artificially	
351	098010	58	concoct	despising	reminiscence	
352	098011	58	peering	distort	Mexican	
353	098012	58	Phelps	palmed	obnoxious	
354	098013	58	ferociousness	faced	fragile	
355	098014	58	sentences	silverware	apprehensible	
356	098015	58	unlocks	assessor	births	
357	098016	58	engrossing	spiders	garages	
358	098017	58	Ruth	artificially	panty	
359	098018	58	tying	reminiscence	anteater	
360	098019	58	exclaimers	Mexican	displacement	A
361	098020	58	synergy	obnoxious	drovers	A
362	098021	58	Huey	fragile	patenting	A
363	098022	58	merging	apprehensible	far	A
364	098023	58	judges	births	shrieks	
365	098024	58	Shylock	garages	aligning	W
366	098025	37	Miltonism	panty	pragmatism	
367	106001	36	hen	anteater	fevers	W
368	108001	36	honeybee	displacement	reexamines	A
369	108002	36	towers	drovers	occupancies	
370	108003	36	dilutes	patenting	sweats	FAS
371	108004	36	numerals	far	modulators	
372	108005	36	democracy	shrieks	demand	W
373	108007	36	Ibero-	aligning	Madeira	
374	108008	36	invalids	pragmatism	Viennese	W
375	108009	36	behavior	fevers	chillier	W
376	108010	36	accruing	reexamines	wildcats	FAS
377	108011	36	relics	occupancies	gentle	
378	108012	36	rackets	sweats	Angles	W
379	108101	36	Fischbein	modulators	accuracies	
380	108102	36	phony	demand	toggle	
381	108103	36	cross	Madeira	Mendelssohn	W
382	108111	50	cleanup	Viennese	behaviorally	
383	108105	36	conspirator	chillier	Rochford	
384	108106	36	label	wildcats	mirror	W
385	108107	36	university	gentle	Modula	
386	108108	50	cleansed	Angles	clobbering	
387	108109	36	ballgown	accuracies	chronography	
388	108110	36	starlet	toggle	Eskimoizeds	
389	108201	36	aqueous	Mendelssohn	British	W
390	108202	36	portrayal	behaviorally	pitfalls	
391	108203	36	despising	Rochford	verify	W
392	108204	36	distort	mirror	scatter	FAS
393	108205	36	palmed	Modula	Aztecan	
394	108301	36	faced	clobbering	acuity	W
395	108302	36	silverware	chronography	sinking	W
396	112101	36	assessor	Eskimoizeds	beasts	FAS
397	112102	36	spiders	British	Witt	W
398	113701	36	artificially	pitfalls	physicists	FAS
399	116001	36	reminiscence	verify	folksong	A
400	116201	36	Mexican	scatter	strokes	FAS
401	116301	36	obnoxious	Aztecan	crowder	
402	116302	36	fragile	acuity	merry	
403	116601	36	apprehensible	sinking	cadenced	
404	116602	36	births	beasts	alimony	A
405	116603	36	garages	Witt	principled	A
406	116701	36	panty	physicists	golfing	
407	116702	36	anteater	folksong	undiscovered	
408	118001	36	displacement	strokes	irritates	
409	118002	36	drovers	crowder	patriots	A
410	118003	36	patenting	merry	rooms	FAS
411	118004	36	far	cadenced	towering	W
412	118005	36	shrieks	alimony	displease	
413	118006	36	aligning	principled	photosensitive	
414	118007	36	pragmatism	golfing	inking	
415	118008	36	fevers	undiscovered	gainers	
416	118101	36	reexamines	irritates	leaning	A
417	118102	36	occupancies	patriots	hydrant	A
418	118103	36	sweats	rooms	preserve	
419	118202	36	modulators	towering	blinded	A
420	118203	36	demand	displease	interactions	A
421	118204	36	Madeira	photosensitive	Barry	
422	118302	36	Viennese	inking	whiteness	A
423	118304	36	chillier	gainers	pastimes	W
424	118305	36	wildcats	leaning	Edenization	
425	118306	36	gentle	hydrant	Muscat	
426	118307	36	Angles	preserve	assassinated	
427	123101	36	accuracies	blinded	labeled	
428	123102	36	toggle	interactions	glacial	A
429	123301	36	Mendelssohn	Barry	implied	W
430	126001	36	behaviorally	whiteness	bibliographies	W
431	126002	36	Rochford	pastimes	Buchanan	
432	126003	36	mirror	Edenization	forgivably	FAS
433	126101	36	Modula	Muscat	innuendo	A
434	126301	36	clobbering	assassinated	den	FAS
435	126302	36	chronography	labeled	submarines	W
436	126402	36	Eskimoizeds	glacial	mouthful	A
437	126601	36	British	implied	expiring	
438	126602	36	pitfalls	bibliographies	unfulfilled	FAS
439	126702	36	verify	Buchanan	precession	
440	128001	36	scatter	forgivably	nullified	
441	128002	36	Aztecan	innuendo	affects	
442	128003	36	acuity	den	Cynthia	
443	128004	36	sinking	submarines	Chablis	A
444	128005	36	beasts	mouthful	betterments	FAS
445	128007	36	Witt	expiring	advertising	
446	128008	36	physicists	unfulfilled	rubies	A
447	128009	36	folksong	precession	southwest	FAS
448	128010	36	strokes	nullified	superstitious	A
449	128011	36	crowder	affects	tabernacle	W
450	128012	36	merry	Cynthia	silk	A
451	128013	36	cadenced	Chablis	handsomest	A
452	128014	36	alimony	betterments	Persian	A
453	128015	36	principled	advertising	analog	W
454	128016	36	golfing	rubies	complex	W
455	128017	36	undiscovered	southwest	Taoist	
456	128018	36	irritates	superstitious	suspend	
457	128019	36	patriots	tabernacle	relegated	
458	128020	36	rooms	silk	awesome	W
459	128021	36	towering	handsomest	Bruxelles	
460	128022	36	displease	Persian	imprecisely	A
461	128023	36	photosensitive	analog	televise	
462	128101	36	inking	complex	braking	
463	128102	36	gainers	Taoist	true	FAS
464	128103	36	leaning	suspend	disappointing	FAS
465	128104	36	hydrant	relegated	navally	W
466	128106	36	preserve	awesome	circus	
467	128107	36	blinded	Bruxelles	beetles	
468	128108	36	interactions	imprecisely	trumps	
469	128202	36	Barry	televise	fourscore	W
470	128203	36	whiteness	braking	Blackfoots	
471	128301	36	pastimes	true	Grady	
472	128302	36	Edenization	disappointing	quiets	FAS
473	128303	36	Muscat	navally	floundered	FAS
474	128304	36	assassinated	circus	profundity	W
475	128305	36	labeled	beetles	Garrisonian	W
476	128307	36	glacial	trumps	Strauss	
477	128401	36	implied	fourscore	cemented	FAS
478	128502	36	bibliographies	Blackfoots	contrition	A
479	128503	36	Buchanan	Grady	mutations	
480	128504	36	forgivably	quiets	exhibits	W
481	128505	36	innuendo	floundered	tits	
482	128601	36	den	profundity	mate	A
483	128603	36	submarines	Garrisonian	arches	
484	128604	36	mouthful	Strauss	Moll	
485	128702	36	expiring	cemented	ropers	
486	128703	36	unfulfilled	contrition	bombast	
487	128704	36	precession	mutations	difficultly	A
488	138001	36	nullified	exhibits	adsorption	
489	138002	36	affects	tits	definiteness	FAS
490	138003	36	Cynthia	mate	cultivation	A
491	138004	36	Chablis	arches	heals	A
492	138005	36	betterments	Moll	Heusen	W
493	138006	36	advertising	ropers	target	FAS
494	138007	36	rubies	bombast	cited	A
495	138008	36	southwest	difficultly	congresswoman	W
496	138009	36	superstitious	adsorption	Katherine	
497	138102	36	tabernacle	definiteness	titter	A
498	138103	36	silk	cultivation	aspire	A
499	138104	36	handsomest	heals	Mardis	
500	138105	36	Persian	Heusen	Nadia	W
501	138201	36	analog	target	estimating	FAS
502	138302	36	complex	cited	stuck	A
503	138303	36	Taoist	congresswoman	fifteenth	A
504	138304	36	suspend	Katherine	Colombo	
505	138401	29	relegated	titter	survey	A
506	140102	29	awesome	aspire	staffing	
507	140103	29	Bruxelles	Mardis	obtain	
508	140104	29	imprecisely	Nadia	loaded	
509	140105	29	televise	estimating	slaughtered	
510	140201	29	braking	stuck	lights	A
511	140701	29	true	fifteenth	circumference	
512	141501	29	disappointing	Colombo	dull	A
513	141502	29	navally	survey	weekly	A
514	141901	29	circus	staffing	wetness	
515	141902	29	beetles	obtain	visualized	
516	142101	29	trumps	loaded	Tannenbaum	
517	142102	29	fourscore	slaughtered	moribund	
518	142103	29	Blackfoots	lights	demultiplex	
519	142701	29	Grady	circumference	lockings	
520	143001	29	quiets	dull	thugs	FAS
521	143501	29	floundered	weekly	unnerves	
522	143502	29	profundity	wetness	abut	
523	148001	29	Garrisonian	visualized	Chippewa	A
524	148002	29	Strauss	Tannenbaum	stratifications	A
525	148003	29	cemented	moribund	signaled	
526	148004	29	contrition	demultiplex	Italianizes	A
527	148005	29	mutations	lockings	algorithmic	A
528	148006	29	exhibits	thugs	paranoid	FAS
529	148007	29	tits	unnerves	camping	A
530	148009	29	mate	abut	signifying	A
531	148010	29	arches	Chippewa	Patrice	W
532	148011	29	Moll	stratifications	search	A
533	148012	29	ropers	signaled	Angeles	A
534	148013	29	bombast	Italianizes	semblance	
535	148023	36	difficultly	algorithmic	taxed	
536	148015	29	adsorption	paranoid	Beatrice	
537	148016	29	definiteness	camping	retrace	
538	148017	29	cultivation	signifying	lockout	
539	148018	29	heals	Patrice	grammatic	
540	148019	29	Heusen	search	helmsman	
541	148020	29	target	Angeles	uniform	W
542	148021	29	cited	semblance	hamming	
543	148022	29	congresswoman	taxed	disobedience	
544	148101	29	Katherine	Beatrice	captivated	A
545	148102	29	titter	retrace	transferals	A
546	148201	29	aspire	lockout	cartographer	A
547	148401	29	Mardis	grammatic	aims	FAS
548	148402	29	Nadia	helmsman	Pakistani	
549	148501	29	estimating	uniform	burglarized	FAS
550	148502	29	stuck	hamming	saucepans	A
551	148503	29	fifteenth	disobedience	lacerating	A
552	148504	29	Colombo	captivated	corny	
553	148601	29	survey	transferals	megabytes	FAS
554	148602	29	staffing	cartographer	chancellor	
555	150701	29	obtain	aims	bulk	A
556	152101	29	loaded	Pakistani	commits	A
557	152102	29	slaughtered	burglarized	meson	W
558	155202	36	lights	saucepans	deputies	
559	155203	29	circumference	lacerating	northeaster	A
560	155204	29	dull	corny	dipole	
561	155205	29	weekly	megabytes	machining	0
562	156001	29	wetness	chancellor	therefore	
563	156002	29	visualized	bulk	Telefunken	
564	156102	29	Tannenbaum	commits	salvaging	
565	156301	29	moribund	meson	Corinthianizes	A
566	156302	29	demultiplex	deputies	restlessly	A
567	156303	29	lockings	northeaster	bromides	
568	156304	29	thugs	dipole	generalized	A
569	156305	29	unnerves	machining	mishaps	
570	156306	29	abut	therefore	quelling	
571	156501	29	Chippewa	Telefunken	spiritual	A
572	158001	29	stratifications	salvaging	beguiles	FAS
573	158002	29	signaled	Corinthianizes	Trobriand	FAS
574	158101	29	Italianizes	restlessly	fleeing	A
575	158102	29	algorithmic	bromides	Armour	A
576	158103	29	paranoid	generalized	chin	A
577	158201	29	camping	mishaps	provers	A
578	158202	29	signifying	quelling	aeronautic	A
579	158203	29	Patrice	spiritual	voltage	W
580	158204	29	search	beguiles	sash	
581	158301	29	Angeles	Trobriand	anaerobic	A
582	158302	29	semblance	fleeing	simultaneous	A
583	158303	29	taxed	Armour	accumulating	A
584	158304	29	Beatrice	chin	Medusan	A
585	158305	29	retrace	provers	shouted	A
586	158306	29	lockout	aeronautic	freakish	
587	158501	29	grammatic	voltage	index	FAS
588	160301	29	helmsman	sash	commercially	
589	166101	50	uniform	anaerobic	mistiness	A
590	166102	50	hamming	simultaneous	endpoint	
591	168001	29	disobedience	accumulating	straight	A
592	168002	29	captivated	Medusan	flurried	
593	168003	29	transferals	shouted	denotative	A
594	168101	29	cartographer	freakish	coming	FAS
595	168102	29	aims	index	commencements	FAS
596	168103	29	Pakistani	commercially	gentleman	
597	168104	29	burglarized	mistiness	gifted	
598	168202	29	saucepans	endpoint	Shanghais	
599	168301	29	lacerating	straight	sportswriting	A
600	168502	29	corny	flurried	sloping	A
601	168503	29	megabytes	denotative	navies	
602	168601	29	chancellor	coming	leaflet	A
603	173001	40	bulk	commencements	shooter	
604	173701	40	commits	gentleman	Joplin	FAS
605	173702	40	meson	gifted	babies	
606	176001	40	deputies	Shanghais	subdivision	FAS
607	176101	40	northeaster	sportswriting	burstiness	W
608	176201	40	dipole	sloping	belted	FAS
609	176401	40	machining	navies	assails	FAS
610	176501	40	therefore	leaflet	admiring	W
611	176601	40	Telefunken	shooter	swaying	0
612	176602	40	salvaging	Joplin	Goldstine	FAS
613	176603	40	Corinthianizes	babies	fitting	
614	178001	40	restlessly	subdivision	Norwalk	W
615	178002	40	bromides	burstiness	weakening	W
616	178003	40	generalized	belted	analogy	FAS
617	178004	40	mishaps	assails	deludes	
618	178005	40	quelling	admiring	cokes	
619	178006	40	spiritual	swaying	Clayton	
620	178007	40	beguiles	Goldstine	exhausts	
621	178008	40	Trobriand	fitting	causality	
622	178101	40	fleeing	Norwalk	sating	FAS
623	178102	40	Armour	weakening	icon	
624	178103	40	chin	analogy	throttles	
625	178201	40	provers	deludes	communicants	FAS
626	178202	40	aeronautic	cokes	dehydrate	FAS
627	178301	40	voltage	Clayton	priceless	FAS
628	178302	40	sash	exhausts	publicly	
629	178401	40	anaerobic	causality	incidentals	FAS
630	178402	40	simultaneous	sating	commonplace	
631	178403	40	accumulating	icon	mumbles	
632	178404	40	Medusan	throttles	furthermore	W
633	178501	40	shouted	communicants	cautioned	W
634	186002	37	freakish	dehydrate	parametrized	A
635	186102	37	index	priceless	registration	A
636	186201	40	commercially	publicly	sadly	FAS
637	186202	40	mistiness	incidentals	positioning	
638	186203	40	endpoint	commonplace	babysitting	
639	186302	37	straight	mumbles	eternal	A
640	188007	37	flurried	furthermore	hoarder	
641	188008	37	denotative	cautioned	congregates	
642	188009	37	coming	parametrized	rains	
643	188010	37	commencements	registration	workers	W
644	188011	37	gentleman	sadly	sags	A
645	188012	37	gifted	positioning	unplug	W
646	188013	37	Shanghais	babysitting	garage	A
647	188014	37	sportswriting	eternal	boulder	A
648	188015	37	sloping	hoarder	hollowly	A
649	188016	37	navies	congregates	specifics	
650	188017	37	leaflet	rains	Teresa	
651	188102	37	shooter	workers	Winsett	
652	188103	37	Joplin	sags	convenient	A
653	188202	37	babies	unplug	buckboards	FAS
654	188301	40	subdivision	garage	amenities	
655	188302	40	burstiness	boulder	resplendent	FAS
656	188303	40	belted	hollowly	priding	FAS
657	188401	37	assails	specifics	configurations	
658	188402	37	admiring	Teresa	untidiness	A
659	188503	37	swaying	Winsett	Brice	W
660	188504	37	Goldstine	convenient	sews	FAS
661	188505	37	fitting	buckboards	participated	
662	190701	37	Norwalk	amenities	Simon	FAS
663	190703	50	weakening	resplendent	certificates	
664	191701	37	analogy	priding	Fitzpatrick	
665	191702	37	deludes	configurations	Evanston	A
666	191703	37	cokes	untidiness	misted	
667	196001	37	Clayton	Brice	textures	A
668	196002	37	exhausts	sews	save	
669	196003	37	causality	participated	count	
670	196101	37	sating	Simon	rightful	A
671	196103	37	icon	certificates	chaperone	
672	196104	37	throttles	Fitzpatrick	Lizzy	A
673	196201	37	communicants	Evanston	clenched	A
674	196202	37	dehydrate	misted	effortlessly	
675	196203	37	priceless	textures	accessed	
676	198001	37	publicly	save	beaters	A
677	198003	37	incidentals	count	Hornblower	FAS
678	198004	37	commonplace	rightful	vests	A
679	198005	37	mumbles	chaperone	indulgences	FAS
680	198006	37	furthermore	Lizzy	infallibly	A
681	198007	37	cautioned	clenched	unwilling	FAS
682	198008	37	parametrized	effortlessly	excrete	FAS
683	198009	37	registration	accessed	spools	A
684	198010	37	sadly	beaters	crunches	FAS
685	198011	37	positioning	Hornblower	overestimating	FAS
686	198012	37	babysitting	vests	ineffective	
687	198013	37	eternal	indulgences	humiliation	A
688	198014	37	hoarder	infallibly	sophomore	
689	198015	37	congregates	unwilling	star	
690	198017	37	rains	excrete	rifles	
691	198018	37	workers	spools	dialysis	
692	198019	37	sags	crunches	arriving	
693	198020	37	unplug	overestimating	indulge	
694	198021	37	garage	ineffective	clockers	
695	198022	37	boulder	humiliation	languages	
696	198023	50	hollowly	sophomore	Antarctica	A
697	198024	37	specifics	star	percentage	
698	198101	37	Teresa	rifles	ceiling	A
699	198103	37	Winsett	dialysis	specification	
700	198105	37	convenient	arriving	regimented	A
701	198106	37	buckboards	indulge	ciphers	
702	198201	37	amenities	clockers	pictures	A
703	198204	37	resplendent	languages	serpents	A
704	198301	53	priding	Antarctica	allot	A
705	198302	53	configurations	percentage	realized	A
706	198303	53	untidiness	ceiling	mayoral	A
707	198304	53	Brice	specification	opaquely	A
708	198401	37	sews	regimented	hostess	FAS
709	198402	37	participated	ciphers	fiftieth	
710	198403	37	Simon	pictures	incorrectly	
711	202101	37	certificates	serpents	decomposition	FAS
712	202301	37	Fitzpatrick	allot	stranglings	
713	202302	37	Evanston	realized	mixture	FAS
714	202303	37	misted	mayoral	electroencephalography	FAS
715	202304	37	textures	opaquely	similarities	FAS
716	202305	37	save	hostess	charges	W
717	202601	37	count	fiftieth	freest	FAS
718	202602	37	rightful	incorrectly	Greenberg	FAS
719	202605	37	chaperone	decomposition	tinting	
720	202606	37	Lizzy	stranglings	expelled	W
721	202607	37	clenched	mixture	warm	
722	202901	37	effortlessly	electroencephalography	smoothed	
723	202902	37	accessed	similarities	deductions	FAS
724	202903	37	beaters	charges	Romano	W
725	202904	37	Hornblower	freest	bitterroot	
726	202907	37	vests	Greenberg	corset	
727	202908	37	indulgences	tinting	securing	
728	203101	37	infallibly	expelled	environing	FAS
729	203103	37	unwilling	warm	cute	
730	203104	37	excrete	smoothed	Crays	
731	203105	37	spools	deductions	heiress	FAS
732	203401	37	crunches	Romano	inform	FAS
733	203402	37	overestimating	bitterroot	avenge	
734	203404	37	ineffective	corset	universals	
735	203901	37	humiliation	securing	Kinsey	W
736	203902	37	sophomore	environing	ravines	FAS
737	203903	37	star	cute	bestseller	
738	203906	37	rifles	Crays	equilibrium	
739	203907	37	dialysis	heiress	extents	0
740	203908	37	arriving	inform	relatively	
741	203909	37	indulge	avenge	pressure	FAS
742	206101	37	clockers	universals	critiques	FAS
743	206201	37	languages	Kinsey	befouled	
744	206202	37	Antarctica	ravines	rightfully	FAS
745	206203	37	percentage	bestseller	mechanizing	FAS
746	206206	37	ceiling	equilibrium	Latinizes	
747	206207	37	specification	extents	timesharing	
748	206208	37	regimented	relatively	Aden	
749	208001	37	ciphers	pressure	embassies	
750	208002	37	pictures	critiques	males	FAS
751	208003	37	serpents	befouled	shapelessly	FAS
752	208004	37	allot	rightfully	genres	FAS
753	208008	37	realized	mechanizing	mastering	
754	208009	37	mayoral	Latinizes	Newtonian	
755	208010	37	opaquely	timesharing	finishers	FAS
756	208011	37	hostess	Aden	abates	
757	208101	37	fiftieth	embassies	teem	
758	208102	37	incorrectly	males	kiting	FAS
759	208103	37	decomposition	shapelessly	stodgy	FAS
760	208104	37	stranglings	genres	scalps	FAS
761	208105	37	mixture	mastering	feed	FAS
762	208110	37	electroencephalography	Newtonian	guitars	
763	208111	37	similarities	finishers	airships	
764	208112	37	charges	abates	store	
765	208113	37	freest	teem	denounces	
766	208201	37	Greenberg	kiting	Pyle	FAS
767	208203	37	tinting	stodgy	Saxony	
768	208301	37	expelled	scalps	serializations	FAS
769	208302	37	warm	feed	Peruvian	FAS
770	208305	37	smoothed	guitars	taxonomically	FAS
771	208401	37	deductions	airships	kingdom	A
772	208402	37	Romano	store	stint	A
773	208403	37	bitterroot	denounces	Sault	A
774	208404	37	corset	Pyle	faithful	
775	208501	37	securing	Saxony	Ganymede	FAS
776	208502	37	environing	serializations	tidiness	FAS
777	208503	37	cute	Peruvian	gainful	FAS
778	208504	37	Crays	taxonomically	contrary	FAS
779	208505	37	heiress	kingdom	Tipperary	FAS
780	210101	37	inform	stint	tropics	W
781	210102	37	avenge	Sault	theorizers	
782	210103	37	universals	faithful	renew	0
783	210104	37	Kinsey	Ganymede	already	
784	210105	37	ravines	tidiness	terminal	
785	210106	37	bestseller	gainful	Hegelian	
786	210107	37	equilibrium	contrary	hypothesizer	
787	210401	37	extents	Tipperary	warningly	FAS
788	213201	37	relatively	tropics	journalizing	FAS
789	213203	37	pressure	theorizers	nested	
790	213204	37	critiques	renew	Lars	
791	213205	37	befouled	already	saplings	
792	213206	37	rightfully	terminal	foothill	
793	213207	37	mechanizing	Hegelian	labeled	
794	216101	37	Latinizes	hypothesizer	imperiously	FAS
795	216103	37	timesharing	warningly	reporters	FAS
796	218001	37	Aden	journalizing	furnishings	FAS
797	218002	37	embassies	nested	precipitable	FAS
798	218003	37	males	Lars	discounts	FAS
799	218004	37	shapelessly	saplings	excises	FAS
800	143503	50	genres	foothill	Stalin	
801	218006	37	mastering	labeled	despot	FAS
802	218007	37	Newtonian	imperiously	ripeness	FAS
803	218008	37	finishers	reporters	Arabia	
804	218009	37	abates	furnishings	unruly	
805	218010	37	teem	precipitable	mournfulness	
806	218011	37	kiting	discounts	boom	FAS
807	218020	37	stodgy	excises	slaughter	A
808	218021	50	scalps	Stalin	Sabine	
809	218022	37	feed	despot	handy	FAS
810	218023	37	guitars	ripeness	rural	
811	218024	37	airships	Arabia	organizer	
812	218101	37	store	unruly	shipyard	FAS
813	218102	37	denounces	mournfulness	civics	FAS
814	218103	37	Pyle	boom	inaccuracy	FAS
815	218201	37	Saxony	slaughter	rules	FAS
816	218202	37	serializations	Sabine	juveniles	FAS
817	218203	37	Peruvian	handy	comprised	W
818	218204	37	taxonomically	rural	investigations	
819	218205	37	kingdom	organizer	stabilizes	A
820	218301	37	stint	shipyard	seminaries	FAS
821	218302	37	Sault	civics	Hunter	A
822	218401	37	faithful	inaccuracy	sporty	FAS
823	218402	37	Ganymede	rules	test	FAS
824	218403	37	tidiness	juveniles	weasels	
825	218404	37	gainful	comprised	CERN	
826	218407	37	contrary	investigations	tempering	
827	218408	37	Tipperary	stabilizes	afore	FAS
828	218409	37	tropics	seminaries	Galatean	
829	218410	37	theorizers	Hunter	techniques	W
830	226001	37	renew	sporty	error	
831	226002	37	already	test	veranda	
832	226003	37	terminal	weasels	severely	
833	226004	37	Hegelian	CERN	Cassites	FAS
834	226005	37	hypothesizer	tempering	forthcoming	
835	226006	37	warningly	afore	guides	
836	226007	37	journalizing	Galatean	vanish	FAS
837	226008	37	nested	techniques	lied	A
838	226203	37	Lars	error	sawtooth	FAS
839	226204	37	saplings	veranda	fated	FAS
840	226205	37	foothill	severely	gradually	
841	226206	37	labeled	Cassites	widens	
842	226207	37	imperiously	forthcoming	preclude	
843	226208	37	reporters	guides	Jobrel	
844	226209	37	furnishings	vanish	hooker	
845	226210	37	precipitable	lied	rainstorm	
846	226211	37	discounts	sawtooth	disconnects	
847	228001	37	excises	fated	cruelty	
848	228004	37	Stalin	gradually	exponentials	A
849	228005	37	despot	widens	affective	A
850	228006	37	ripeness	preclude	arteries	
851	228007	37	Arabia	Jobrel	Crosby	FAS
852	228008	37	unruly	hooker	acquaint	
853	228009	37	mournfulness	rainstorm	evenhandedly	
854	228101	37	boom	disconnects	percentage	
855	228108	37	slaughter	cruelty	disobedience	
856	228109	37	Sabine	exponentials	humility	
857	228110	37	handy	affective	gleaning	A
858	228111	37	rural	arteries	petted	A
859	228112	37	organizer	Crosby	bloater	A
860	228113	37	shipyard	acquaint	minion	A
861	228114	37	civics	evenhandedly	marginal	A
862	228115	37	inaccuracy	percentage	apiary	A
863	228116	37	rules	disobedience	measures	
864	228117	37	juveniles	humility	precaution	
865	228118	37	comprised	gleaning	repelled	
866	228119	37	investigations	petted	primary	FAS
867	228120	37	stabilizes	bloater	coverings	
868	228121	37	seminaries	minion	Artemia	A
869	228122	37	Hunter	marginal	navigate	
870	228201	37	sporty	apiary	spatial	
871	228206	37	test	measures	Gurkha	
872	228207	37	weasels	precaution	meanwhile	A
873	228208	37	CERN	repelled	Melinda	A
874	228209	37	tempering	primary	Butterfield	
875	228210	37	afore	coverings	Aldrich	A
876	228211	37	Galatean	Artemia	previewing	A
877	228212	37	techniques	navigate	glut	A
878	228213	37	error	spatial	unaffected	
879	228214	37	veranda	Gurkha	inmate	
880	228301	37	severely	meanwhile	mineral	
881	228305	37	Cassites	Melinda	impending	A
882	228306	37	forthcoming	Butterfield	meditation	A
883	228307	37	guides	Aldrich	ideas	
884	228308	37	vanish	previewing	miniaturizes	W
885	228309	37	lied	glut	lewdly	
886	228310	37	sawtooth	unaffected	title	
887	228311	37	fated	inmate	youthfulness	
888	228312	37	gradually	mineral	creak	FAS
889	228313	37	widens	impending	Chippewa	
890	228314	37	preclude	meditation	clamored	
891	228401	65	Jobrel	ideas	freezes	
892	228402	65	hooker	miniaturizes	forgivably	FAS
893	228403	65	rainstorm	lewdly	reduce	FAS
894	228404	65	disconnects	title	McGovern	W
895	228405	65	cruelty	youthfulness	Nazis	W
896	228406	65	exponentials	creak	epistle	W
897	228407	65	affective	Chippewa	socializes	W
898	228408	65	arteries	clamored	conceptions	
899	228409	65	Crosby	freezes	Kevin	
900	228410	65	acquaint	forgivably	uncovering	
901	230301	37	evenhandedly	reduce	chews	FAS
902	230302	37	percentage	McGovern	appendixes	FAS
903	230303	37	disobedience	Nazis	raining	
904	018062	37	humility	epistle	infest	
905	230501	37	gleaning	socializes	compartment	
906	230502	37	petted	conceptions	minting	
907	230503	37	bloater	Kevin	ducks	
908	230504	37	minion	uncovering	roped	A
909	230505	37	marginal	chews	waltz	
910	230506	37	apiary	appendixes	Lillian	
911	230507	37	measures	raining	repressions	A
912	230508	37	precaution	infest	chillingly	
913	230509	37	repelled	compartment	noncritical	
914	230901	37	primary	minting	lithograph	
915	230902	37	coverings	ducks	spongers	
916	230903	37	Artemia	roped	parenthood	
917	230904	37	navigate	waltz	posed	
918	230905	37	spatial	Lillian	instruments	
919	230906	37	Gurkha	repressions	filial	
920	230907	37	meanwhile	chillingly	fixedly	
921	230908	37	Melinda	noncritical	relives	
922	230909	37	Butterfield	lithograph	Pandora	
923	230910	37	Aldrich	spongers	watering	A
924	230911	37	previewing	parenthood	ungrateful	
925	230912	37	glut	posed	secures	
926	230913	37	unaffected	instruments	chastisers	
927	230914	37	inmate	filial	icon	
928	231304	37	mineral	fixedly	reuniting	A
929	231305	37	impending	relives	imagining	A
930	231306	37	meditation	Pandora	abiding	A
931	231307	37	ideas	watering	omnisciently	
932	231308	37	miniaturizes	ungrateful	Britannic	
933	231309	37	lewdly	secures	scholastics	A
934	231310	37	title	chastisers	mechanics	A
935	231311	37	youthfulness	icon	humidly	A
936	231312	37	creak	reuniting	masterpiece	
937	231313	37	Chippewa	imagining	however	
938	231314	37	clamored	abiding	Mendelian	
939	231315	37	freezes	omnisciently	jarred	
940	232102	37	forgivably	Britannic	scolds	
941	232103	37	reduce	scholastics	infatuate	
942	232104	37	McGovern	mechanics	willed	A
943	232105	37	Nazis	humidly	joyfully	
944	232106	37	epistle	masterpiece	Microsoft	
945	232107	37	socializes	however	fibrosities	
946	232108	37	conceptions	Mendelian	Baltimorean	
947	232601	37	Kevin	jarred	equestrian	
948	232602	37	uncovering	scolds	Goodrich	
949	232603	37	chews	infatuate	apish	A
950	232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5950	1232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5951	1232606	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5952	1232607	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5953	1232608	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5954	1232609	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
951	232606	37	raining	joyfully	Tropez	
952	232607	37	infest	Microsoft	nouns	
953	232608	37	compartment	fibrosities	distracting	
954	232609	37	minting	Baltimorean	mutton	
955	236104	37	ducks	equestrian	bridgeable	A
956	236105	37	roped	Goodrich	stickers	A
957	236106	37	waltz	apish	transcontinental	A
958	236107	37	Lillian	Adlerian	amateurish	
959	236108	37	repressions	Tropez	Gandhian	
960	236109	37	chillingly	nouns	stratified	
961	236110	37	noncritical	distracting	chamberlains	
962	236111	37	lithograph	mutton	creditably	
963	236112	37	spongers	bridgeable	philosophic	
964	236113	37	parenthood	stickers	ores	
965	238005	37	posed	transcontinental	Carleton	
966	238006	37	instruments	amateurish	tape	A
967	238007	37	filial	Gandhian	afloat	A
968	238008	37	fixedly	stratified	goodness	A
969	238009	37	relives	chamberlains	welcoming	
970	238010	37	Pandora	creditably	Pinsky	FAS
971	238011	37	watering	philosophic	halting	
972	238012	37	ungrateful	ores	bibliography	
973	238013	37	secures	Carleton	decoding	
974	240401	41	chastisers	tape	variance	A
975	240402	41	icon	afloat	allowed	A
976	240901	41	reuniting	goodness	dire	A
977	240902	41	imagining	welcoming	dub	A
978	241801	41	abiding	Pinsky	poisoning	
979	242101	41	omnisciently	halting	Iraqis	A
980	242102	41	Britannic	bibliography	heaving	
981	242201	41	scholastics	decoding	population	A
982	242202	41	mechanics	variance	bomb	A
983	242501	41	humidly	allowed	Majorca	A
984	242502	41	masterpiece	dire	Gershwins	
985	246201	41	however	dub	explorers	
986	246202	41	Mendelian	poisoning	libretto	A
987	246203	41	jarred	Iraqis	occurred	
988	246204	41	scolds	heaving	Lagos	
989	246205	41	infatuate	population	rats	
990	246301	41	willed	bomb	bankruptcies	A
991	246302	41	joyfully	Majorca	crying	
992	248001	41	Microsoft	Gershwins	unexpected	
993	248002	41	fibrosities	explorers	accessed	A
994	248003	41	Baltimorean	libretto	colorful	A
995	248004	41	equestrian	occurred	versatility	A
996	248005	41	Goodrich	Lagos	cosy	
997	248006	41	apish	rats	Darius	A
998	248007	41	Adlerian	bankruptcies	mastering	A
999	248008	41	Tropez	crying	Asiaticizations	A
1000	248009	41	nouns	unexpected	offerers	A
1001	248010	41	distracting	accessed	uncles	A
1002	248011	41	mutton	colorful	sleepwalk	
1003	248012	41	bridgeable	versatility	Ernestine	
1004	248013	41	stickers	cosy	checksumming	
1005	248014	41	transcontinental	Darius	stopped	
1006	248015	41	amateurish	mastering	sicker	
1007	248016	41	Gandhian	Asiaticizations	Italianization	
1008	248017	41	stratified	offerers	alphabetic	
1009	248018	41	chamberlains	uncles	pharmaceutic	
1010	248019	41	creditably	sleepwalk	creator	
1011	248020	41	philosophic	Ernestine	chess	
1012	248021	41	ores	checksumming	charcoal	
1013	248101	41	Carleton	stopped	Epiphany	A
1014	248102	41	tape	sicker	bulldozes	A
1015	248201	41	afloat	Italianization	Pygmalion	A
1016	248202	41	goodness	alphabetic	caressing	A
1017	248203	41	welcoming	pharmaceutic	Palestine	A
1018	248204	41	Pinsky	creator	regimented	A
1019	248205	41	halting	chess	scars	A
1020	248206	41	bibliography	charcoal	realest	A
1021	248207	41	decoding	Epiphany	diffusing	A
1022	248208	41	variance	bulldozes	clubroom	A
1023	248209	41	allowed	Pygmalion	Blythe	A
1024	248210	41	dire	caressing	ahead	
1025	248211	50	dub	Palestine	reviver	
1026	250501	34	poisoning	regimented	retransmitting	A
1027	250502	34	Iraqis	scars	landslide	
1028	250503	34	heaving	realest	Eiffel	
1029	250504	34	population	diffusing	absentee	
1030	250505	34	bomb	clubroom	aye	
1031	250601	34	Majorca	Blythe	forked	A
1032	250602	34	Gershwins	ahead	Peruvianizes	
1033	250603	34	explorers	reviver	clerked	
1034	250604	34	libretto	retransmitting	tutor	
1035	250605	34	occurred	landslide	boulevard	
1036	251001	34	Lagos	Eiffel	shuttered	
1037	251002	34	rats	absentee	quotes	A
1038	251003	34	bankruptcies	aye	Caltech	
1039	251004	34	crying	forked	Mossberg	
1040	251005	34	unexpected	Peruvianizes	kept	
1041	251301	34	accessed	clerked	roundly	
1042	251302	34	colorful	tutor	features	A
1043	251303	34	versatility	boulevard	imaginable	A
1044	251304	34	cosy	shuttered	controller	
1045	251305	34	Darius	quotes	racial	
1046	251401	34	mastering	Caltech	uprisings	A
1047	251402	34	Asiaticizations	Mossberg	narrowed	A
1048	251403	34	offerers	kept	cannot	A
1049	251404	34	uncles	roundly	vest	
1050	251405	34	sleepwalk	features	famine	
1051	251406	34	Ernestine	imaginable	sugars	
1052	251801	34	checksumming	controller	exterminated	A
1053	251802	34	stopped	racial	belays	
1054	252101	34	sicker	uprisings	Hodges	A
1055	252102	34	Italianization	narrowed	translatable	
1056	252301	34	alphabetic	cannot	duality	A
1057	252302	34	pharmaceutic	vest	recording	A
1058	252303	34	creator	famine	rouses	A
1059	252304	34	chess	sugars	poison	
1060	252305	34	charcoal	exterminated	attitude	
1061	252306	34	Epiphany	belays	dusted	
1062	252307	34	bulldozes	Hodges	encompasses	
1063	252308	34	Pygmalion	translatable	presentation	
1064	252309	34	caressing	duality	Kantian	
1065	256001	34	Palestine	recording	imprecision	A
1066	256002	34	regimented	rouses	saving	
1067	256003	34	scars	poison	maternal	
1068	256004	34	realest	attitude	hewed	
1069	256005	34	diffusing	dusted	kerosene	
1070	258001	34	clubroom	encompasses	Cubans	
1071	258002	34	Blythe	presentation	photographers	
1072	258003	34	ahead	Kantian	nymph	A
1073	258004	34	reviver	imprecision	bedlam	A
1074	258005	34	retransmitting	saving	north	A
1075	258006	34	landslide	maternal	Schoenberg	A
1076	258007	34	Eiffel	hewed	botany	A
1077	258008	34	absentee	kerosene	curs	
1078	258009	34	aye	Cubans	solidification	
1079	258010	34	forked	photographers	inheritresses	
1080	258011	34	Peruvianizes	nymph	stiller	
1081	258101	68	clerked	bedlam	t1	A
1082	258102	68	tutor	north	suite	A
1083	258103	34	boulevard	Schoenberg	ransomer	
1084	258104	68	shuttered	botany	Willy	
1085	258105	68	quotes	curs	Rena	A
1086	258106	68	Caltech	solidification	Seattle	A
1087	258107	68	Mossberg	inheritresses	relaxes	A
1088	258108	68	kept	stiller	exclaim	
1089	258109	68	roundly	t1	implicated	A
1090	258110	68	features	suite	distinguish	
1091	258111	68	imaginable	ransomer	assayed	
1092	258112	68	controller	Willy	homeowner	
1093	258113	68	racial	Rena	and	
1094	258201	34	uprisings	Seattle	stealth	
1095	258202	34	narrowed	relaxes	coinciding	A
1096	258203	34	cannot	exclaim	founder	A
1097	258204	34	vest	implicated	environing	
1098	258205	34	famine	distinguish	jewelry	
1099	258301	34	sugars	assayed	lemons	A
1100	258401	34	exterminated	homeowner	brokenness	A
1101	258402	34	belays	and	bedpost	A
1102	258403	34	Hodges	stealth	assurers	A
1103	258404	34	translatable	coinciding	annoyers	
1104	258405	34	duality	founder	affixed	
1105	258406	34	recording	environing	warbling	
1106	258407	34	rouses	jewelry	seriously	
1107	228123	37	poison	lemons	boasted	
1108	250606	34	attitude	brokenness	Chantilly	
1109	208405	37	dusted	bedpost	Iranizes	
1110	212101	37	encompasses	assurers	violinist	
1111	218206	37	presentation	annoyers	extramarital	
1112	150401	37	Kantian	affixed	spates	
1113	248212	41	imprecision	warbling	cloakroom	
1114	128026	00	saving	seriously	gazer	
1115	128024	00	maternal	boasted	hand	
1116	128027	00	hewed	Chantilly	tucked	
1117	128025	00	kerosene	Iranizes	gems	
1118	128109	00	Cubans	violinist	clinker	
1119	128705	00	photographers	extramarital	refiner	
1120	126303	00	nymph	spates	callus	
1121	128308	00	bedlam	cloakroom	leopards	
1122	128204	00	north	gazer	comfortingly	
1123	128205	00	Schoenberg	hand	generically	
1124	128206	00	botany	tucked	getters	
1125	128207	00	curs	gems	sexually	
1126	118205	00	solidification	clinker	spear	
1127	116801	00	inheritresses	refiner	serums	
1128	116803	00	stiller	callus	Italianization	
1129	116804	00	t1	leopards	attendants	
1130	116802	00	suite	comfortingly	spies	
1131	128605	00	ransomer	generically	Anthony	
1132	118308	00	Willy	getters	planar	
1133	113702	00	Rena	sexually	cupped	
1134	113703	00	Seattle	spear	cleanser	
1135	112103	00	relaxes	serums	commuters	
1136	118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
5136	1118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
1137	138011	00	implicated	attendants	orphanage	
1138	138010	00	distinguish	spies	skies	
1139	138012	00	assayed	Anthony	crushers	
1140	068304	00	homeowner	planar	Puritan	
1141	078009	00	and	cupped	squeezer	
1142	108013	00	stealth	cleanser	bruises	
1143	084004	00	coinciding	commuters	bonfire	
1144	083402	00	founder	honeysuckle	Colombo	
1145	084003	00	environing	orphanage	nondecreasing	
1146	088504	00	jewelry	skies	innocents	
1147	088005	00	lemons	crushers	masked	
1148	088007	00	brokenness	Puritan	file	
1149	088006	00	bedpost	squeezer	brush	
1150	148025	00	assurers	bruises	mutilate	
1151	148024	00	annoyers	bonfire	mommy	
1152	138305	00	affixed	Colombo	bulkheads	
1153	138306	00	warbling	nondecreasing	undeclared	
1154	152701	00	seriously	innocents	displacements	
1155	148505	00	boasted	masked	nieces	
1156	158003	00	Chantilly	file	coeducation	
1157	156201	00	Iranizes	brush	brassy	
1158	156202	00	violinist	mutilate	authenticator	
1159	158307	00	extramarital	mommy	Washoe	
1160	158402	00	spates	bulkheads	penny	
1161	158401	00	cloakroom	undeclared	Flagler	
1162	068013	00	gazer	displacements	stoned	
1163	068012	00	hand	nieces	cranes	
1164	068203	00	tucked	coeducation	masterful	
1165	088205	00	gems	brassy	biracial	
1166	068704	00	clinker	authenticator	steamships	
1167	068604	00	refiner	Washoe	windmills	
1168	158502	00	callus	penny	exploit	
1169	123103	00	leopards	Flagler	riverfront	
1170	148026	00	comfortingly	stoned	sisterly	
1171	123302	00	generically	cranes	sharpshoot	
1172	076503	00	getters	masterful	mittens	
1173	126304	00	sexually	biracial	interdependency	
1174	068306	00	spear	steamships	policy	
1175	143504	00	serums	windmills	unleashing	
1176	160201	00	Italianization	exploit	pretenders	
1177	148028	00	attendants	riverfront	overstatements	
1178	148027	00	spies	sisterly	birthed	
1179	143505	00	Anthony	sharpshoot	opportunism	
1180	108014	00	planar	mittens	showroom	
1181	076104	00	cupped	interdependency	compromisingly	
1182	078106	00	cleanser	policy	Medicare	
1183	126102	00	commuters	unleashing	corresponds	
1184	128029	00	honeysuckle	pretenders	hardware	
1185	128028	00	orphanage	overstatements	implant	
1186	018410	00	skies	birthed	Alicia	
1187	128110	00	crushers	opportunism	requesting	
1188	148506	00	Puritan	showroom	produced	
1189	123303	00	squeezer	compromisingly	criticizes	
1190	123304	00	bruises	Medicare	backer	
1191	068504	00	bonfire	corresponds	positively	
1192	068305	00	Colombo	hardware	colicky	
1193	000000	00	nondecreasing	implant	thrillingly	
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
test.t2	optimize	status	OK
auto	fld1	companynr	fld3	fld4	fld5	fld6
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
5	011501	37	bewilderingly	wallet	balled	
6	011701	37	astound	parters	persist	W
7	011702	37	admonishing	eschew	attainments	
8	011703	37	sumac	quitter	fanatic	
9	012001	37	flanking	neat	measures	FAS
10	012003	37	combed	Steinberg	rightfulness	
11	012004	37	subjective	jarring	capably	
12	012005	37	scatterbrain	tinily	impulsive	
13	012301	37	Eulerian	balled	starlet	
14	012302	36	dubbed	persist	terminators	
15	012303	37	Kane	attainments	untying	
16	012304	37	overlay	fanatic	announces	FAS
17	012305	37	perturb	measures	featherweight	FAS
18	012306	37	goblins	rightfulness	pessimist	FAS
19	012501	37	annihilates	capably	daughter	
20	012602	37	Wotan	impulsive	decliner	FAS
21	012603	37	snatching	starlet	lawgiver	
22	012604	37	concludes	terminators	stated	
23	012605	37	laterally	untying	readable	
24	012606	37	yelped	announces	attrition	
25	012701	37	grazing	featherweight	cascade	FAS
26	012702	37	Baird	pessimist	motors	FAS
27	012703	37	celery	daughter	interrogate	
28	012704	37	misunderstander	decliner	pests	W
29	013601	37	handgun	lawgiver	stairway	
30	013602	37	foldout	stated	dopers	FAS
31	013603	37	mystic	readable	testicle	W
32	013604	37	succumbed	attrition	Parsifal	W
33	013605	37	Nabisco	cascade	leavings	
34	013606	37	fingerings	motors	postulation	W
35	013607	37	aging	interrogate	squeaking	
36	013608	37	afield	pests	contrasted	
37	013609	37	ammonium	stairway	leftover	
38	013610	37	boat	dopers	whiteners	
39	013801	37	intelligibility	testicle	erases	W
40	013802	37	Augustine	Parsifal	Punjab	W
41	013803	37	teethe	leavings	Merritt	
42	013804	37	dreaded	postulation	Quixotism	
43	013901	37	scholastics	squeaking	sweetish	FAS
44	016001	37	audiology	contrasted	dogging	FAS
45	016201	37	wallet	leftover	scornfully	FAS
46	016202	37	parters	whiteners	bellow	
47	016301	37	eschew	erases	bills	
48	016302	37	quitter	Punjab	cupboard	FAS
49	016303	37	neat	Merritt	sureties	FAS
50	016304	37	Steinberg	Quixotism	puddings	
51	018001	37	jarring	sweetish	tapestry	
52	018002	37	tinily	dogging	fetters	
53	018003	37	balled	scornfully	bivalves	
54	018004	37	persist	bellow	incurring	
55	018005	37	attainments	bills	Adolph	
56	018007	37	fanatic	cupboard	pithed	
57	018008	37	measures	sureties	emergency	
58	018009	37	rightfulness	puddings	Miles	
59	018010	37	capably	tapestry	trimmings	
60	018012	37	impulsive	fetters	tragedies	W
61	018013	37	starlet	bivalves	skulking	W
62	018014	37	terminators	incurring	flint	
63	018015	37	untying	Adolph	flopping	W
64	018016	37	announces	pithed	relaxing	FAS
65	018017	37	featherweight	emergency	offload	FAS
66	018018	37	pessimist	Miles	suites	W
67	018019	37	daughter	trimmings	lists	FAS
68	018020	37	decliner	tragedies	animized	FAS
69	018021	37	lawgiver	skulking	multilayer	W
70	018022	37	stated	flint	standardizes	FAS
71	018023	37	readable	flopping	Judas	
72	018024	37	attrition	relaxing	vacuuming	W
73	018025	37	cascade	offload	dentally	W
74	018026	37	motors	suites	humanness	W
75	018027	37	interrogate	lists	inch	W
76	018028	37	pests	animized	Weissmuller	W
77	018029	37	stairway	multilayer	irresponsibly	W
78	018030	37	dopers	standardizes	luckily	FAS
79	018032	37	testicle	Judas	culled	W
80	018033	37	Parsifal	vacuuming	medical	FAS
81	018034	37	leavings	dentally	bloodbath	FAS
82	018035	37	postulation	humanness	subschema	W
83	018036	37	squeaking	inch	animals	W
84	018037	37	contrasted	Weissmuller	Micronesia	
85	018038	37	leftover	irresponsibly	repetitions	
86	018039	37	whiteners	luckily	Antares	
87	018040	37	erases	culled	ventilate	W
88	018041	37	Punjab	medical	pityingly	
89	018042	37	Merritt	bloodbath	interdependent	
90	018043	37	Quixotism	subschema	Graves	FAS
91	018044	37	sweetish	animals	neonatal	
92	018045	37	dogging	Micronesia	scribbled	FAS
93	018046	37	scornfully	repetitions	chafe	W
94	018048	37	bellow	Antares	honoring	
95	018049	37	bills	ventilate	realtor	
96	018050	37	cupboard	pityingly	elite	
97	018051	37	sureties	interdependent	funereal	
98	018052	37	puddings	Graves	abrogating	
99	018053	50	tapestry	neonatal	sorters	
100	018054	37	fetters	scribbled	Conley	
101	018055	37	bivalves	chafe	lectured	
102	018056	37	incurring	honoring	Abraham	
103	018057	37	Adolph	realtor	Hawaii	W
104	018058	37	pithed	elite	cage	
105	018059	36	emergency	funereal	hushes	
106	018060	37	Miles	abrogating	Simla	
107	018061	37	trimmings	sorters	reporters	
108	018101	37	tragedies	Conley	Dutchman	FAS
109	018102	37	skulking	lectured	descendants	FAS
110	018103	37	flint	Abraham	groupings	FAS
111	018104	37	flopping	Hawaii	dissociate	
112	018201	37	relaxing	cage	coexist	W
113	018202	37	offload	hushes	Beebe	
114	018402	37	suites	Simla	Taoism	
115	018403	37	lists	reporters	Connally	
116	018404	37	animized	Dutchman	fetched	FAS
117	018405	37	multilayer	descendants	checkpoints	FAS
118	018406	37	standardizes	groupings	rusting	
119	018409	37	Judas	dissociate	galling	
120	018601	37	vacuuming	coexist	obliterates	
121	018602	37	dentally	Beebe	traitor	
122	018603	37	humanness	Taoism	resumes	FAS
123	018801	37	inch	Connally	analyzable	FAS
124	018802	37	Weissmuller	fetched	terminator	FAS
125	018803	37	irresponsibly	checkpoints	gritty	FAS
126	018804	37	luckily	rusting	firearm	W
127	018805	37	culled	galling	minima	
128	018806	37	medical	obliterates	Selfridge	
129	018807	37	bloodbath	traitor	disable	
130	018808	37	subschema	resumes	witchcraft	W
131	018809	37	animals	analyzable	betroth	W
132	018810	37	Micronesia	terminator	Manhattanize	
133	018811	37	repetitions	gritty	imprint	
134	018812	37	Antares	firearm	peeked	
135	019101	37	ventilate	minima	swelling	
136	019102	37	pityingly	Selfridge	interrelationships	W
137	019103	37	interdependent	disable	riser	
138	019201	37	Graves	witchcraft	Gandhian	W
139	030501	37	neonatal	betroth	peacock	A
140	030502	50	scribbled	Manhattanize	bee	A
141	030503	37	chafe	imprint	kanji	
142	030504	37	honoring	peeked	dental	
143	031901	37	realtor	swelling	scarf	FAS
144	036001	37	elite	interrelationships	chasm	A
145	036002	37	funereal	riser	insolence	A
146	036004	37	abrogating	Gandhian	syndicate	
147	036005	37	sorters	peacock	alike	
148	038001	37	Conley	bee	imperial	A
149	038002	37	lectured	kanji	convulsion	A
150	038003	37	Abraham	dental	railway	A
151	038004	37	Hawaii	scarf	validate	A
152	038005	37	cage	chasm	normalizes	A
153	038006	37	hushes	insolence	comprehensive	
154	038007	37	Simla	syndicate	chewing	
155	038008	37	reporters	alike	denizen	
156	038009	37	Dutchman	imperial	schemer	
157	038010	37	descendants	convulsion	chronicle	
158	038011	37	groupings	railway	Kline	
159	038012	37	dissociate	validate	Anatole	
160	038013	37	coexist	normalizes	partridges	
161	038014	37	Beebe	comprehensive	brunch	
162	038015	37	Taoism	chewing	recruited	
163	038016	37	Connally	denizen	dimensions	W
164	038017	37	fetched	schemer	Chicana	W
165	038018	37	checkpoints	chronicle	announced	
166	038101	37	rusting	Kline	praised	FAS
167	038102	37	galling	Anatole	employing	
168	038103	37	obliterates	partridges	linear	
169	038104	37	traitor	brunch	quagmire	
170	038201	37	resumes	recruited	western	A
171	038202	37	analyzable	dimensions	relishing	
172	038203	37	terminator	Chicana	serving	A
173	038204	37	gritty	announced	scheduling	
174	038205	37	firearm	praised	lore	
175	038206	37	minima	employing	eventful	
176	038208	37	Selfridge	linear	arteriole	A
177	042801	37	disable	quagmire	disentangle	
178	042802	37	witchcraft	western	cured	A
179	046101	37	betroth	relishing	Fenton	W
180	048001	37	Manhattanize	serving	avoidable	A
181	048002	37	imprint	scheduling	drains	A
182	048003	37	peeked	lore	detectably	FAS
183	048004	37	swelling	eventful	husky	
184	048005	37	interrelationships	arteriole	impelling	
185	048006	37	riser	disentangle	undoes	
186	048007	37	Gandhian	cured	evened	
187	048008	37	peacock	Fenton	squeezes	
188	048101	37	bee	avoidable	destroyer	FAS
189	048102	37	kanji	drains	rudeness	
190	048201	37	dental	detectably	beaner	FAS
191	048202	37	scarf	husky	boorish	
192	048203	37	chasm	impelling	Everhart	
193	048204	37	insolence	undoes	encompass	A
194	048205	37	syndicate	evened	mushrooms	
195	048301	37	alike	squeezes	Alison	A
196	048302	37	imperial	destroyer	externally	FAS
197	048303	37	convulsion	rudeness	pellagra	
198	048304	37	railway	beaner	cult	
199	048305	37	validate	boorish	creek	A
200	048401	37	normalizes	Everhart	Huffman	
201	048402	37	comprehensive	encompass	Majorca	FAS
202	048403	37	chewing	mushrooms	governing	A
203	048404	37	denizen	Alison	gadfly	FAS
204	048405	37	schemer	externally	reassigned	FAS
205	048406	37	chronicle	pellagra	intentness	W
206	048407	37	Kline	cult	craziness	
207	048408	37	Anatole	creek	psychic	
208	048409	37	partridges	Huffman	squabbled	
209	048410	37	brunch	Majorca	burlesque	
210	048411	37	recruited	governing	capped	
211	048412	37	dimensions	gadfly	extracted	A
212	048413	37	Chicana	reassigned	DiMaggio	
213	048601	37	announced	intentness	exclamation	FAS
214	048602	37	praised	craziness	subdirectory	
215	048603	37	employing	psychic	fangs	
216	048604	37	linear	squabbled	buyer	A
217	048801	37	quagmire	burlesque	pithing	A
218	050901	37	western	capped	transistorizing	A
219	051201	37	relishing	extracted	nonbiodegradable	
220	056002	37	serving	DiMaggio	dislocate	
221	056003	37	scheduling	exclamation	monochromatic	FAS
222	056004	37	lore	subdirectory	batting	
223	056102	37	eventful	fangs	postcondition	A
224	056203	37	arteriole	buyer	catalog	FAS
225	056204	37	disentangle	pithing	Remus	
226	058003	37	cured	transistorizing	devices	A
227	058004	37	Fenton	nonbiodegradable	bike	A
228	058005	37	avoidable	dislocate	qualify	
229	058006	37	drains	monochromatic	detained	
230	058007	37	detectably	batting	commended	
231	058101	37	husky	postcondition	civilize	
232	058102	37	impelling	catalog	Elmhurst	
233	058103	37	undoes	Remus	anesthetizing	
234	058105	37	evened	devices	deaf	
235	058111	37	squeezes	bike	Brigham	
236	058112	37	destroyer	qualify	title	
237	058113	37	rudeness	detained	coarse	
238	058114	37	beaner	commended	combinations	
239	058115	37	boorish	civilize	grayness	
240	058116	37	Everhart	Elmhurst	innumerable	FAS
241	058117	37	encompass	anesthetizing	Caroline	A
242	058118	37	mushrooms	deaf	fatty	FAS
243	058119	37	Alison	Brigham	eastbound	
244	058120	37	externally	title	inexperienced	
245	058121	37	pellagra	coarse	hoarder	A
246	058122	37	cult	combinations	scotch	W
247	058123	37	creek	grayness	passport	A
248	058124	37	Huffman	innumerable	strategic	FAS
249	058125	37	Majorca	Caroline	gated	
250	058126	37	governing	fatty	flog	
251	058127	37	gadfly	eastbound	Pipestone	
252	058128	37	reassigned	inexperienced	Dar	
253	058201	37	intentness	hoarder	Corcoran	
254	058202	37	craziness	scotch	flyers	A
255	058303	37	psychic	passport	competitions	W
256	058304	37	squabbled	strategic	suppliers	FAS
257	058602	37	burlesque	gated	skips	
258	058603	37	capped	flog	institutes	
259	058604	37	extracted	Pipestone	troop	A
260	058605	37	DiMaggio	Dar	connective	W
261	058606	37	exclamation	Corcoran	denies	
262	058607	37	subdirectory	flyers	polka	
263	060401	36	fangs	competitions	observations	FAS
264	061701	36	buyer	suppliers	askers	
265	066201	36	pithing	skips	homeless	FAS
266	066501	36	transistorizing	institutes	Anna	
267	068001	36	nonbiodegradable	troop	subdirectories	W
268	068002	36	dislocate	connective	decaying	FAS
269	068005	36	monochromatic	denies	outwitting	W
270	068006	36	batting	polka	Harpy	W
271	068007	36	postcondition	observations	crazed	
272	068008	36	catalog	askers	suffocate	
273	068009	36	Remus	homeless	provers	FAS
274	068010	36	devices	Anna	technically	
275	068011	36	bike	subdirectories	Franklinizations	
276	068202	36	qualify	decaying	considered	
277	068302	36	detained	outwitting	tinnily	
278	068303	36	commended	Harpy	uninterruptedly	
279	068401	36	civilize	crazed	whistled	A
280	068501	36	Elmhurst	suffocate	automate	
281	068502	36	anesthetizing	provers	gutting	W
282	068503	36	deaf	technically	surreptitious	
283	068602	36	Brigham	Franklinizations	Choctaw	
284	068603	36	title	considered	cooks	
285	068701	36	coarse	tinnily	millivolt	FAS
286	068702	36	combinations	uninterruptedly	counterpoise	
287	068703	36	grayness	whistled	Gothicism	
288	076001	36	innumerable	automate	feminine	
289	076002	36	Caroline	gutting	metaphysically	W
290	076101	36	fatty	surreptitious	sanding	A
291	076102	36	eastbound	Choctaw	contributorily	
292	076103	36	inexperienced	cooks	receivers	FAS
293	076302	36	hoarder	millivolt	adjourn	
294	076303	36	scotch	counterpoise	straggled	A
295	076304	36	passport	Gothicism	druggists	
296	076305	36	strategic	feminine	thanking	FAS
297	076306	36	gated	metaphysically	ostrich	
298	076307	36	flog	sanding	hopelessness	FAS
299	076402	36	Pipestone	contributorily	Eurydice	
300	076501	36	Dar	receivers	excitation	W
301	076502	36	Corcoran	adjourn	presumes	FAS
302	076701	36	flyers	straggled	imaginable	FAS
303	078001	36	competitions	druggists	concoct	W
304	078002	36	suppliers	thanking	peering	W
305	078003	36	skips	ostrich	Phelps	FAS
306	078004	36	institutes	hopelessness	ferociousness	FAS
307	078005	36	troop	Eurydice	sentences	
308	078006	36	connective	excitation	unlocks	
309	078007	36	denies	presumes	engrossing	W
310	078008	36	polka	imaginable	Ruth	
311	078101	36	observations	concoct	tying	
312	078103	36	askers	peering	exclaimers	
313	078104	36	homeless	Phelps	synergy	
314	078105	36	Anna	ferociousness	Huey	W
315	082101	36	subdirectories	sentences	merging	
316	083401	36	decaying	unlocks	judges	A
317	084001	36	outwitting	engrossing	Shylock	W
318	084002	36	Harpy	Ruth	Miltonism	
319	086001	36	crazed	tying	hen	W
320	086102	36	suffocate	exclaimers	honeybee	FAS
321	086201	36	provers	synergy	towers	
322	088001	36	technically	Huey	dilutes	W
323	088002	36	Franklinizations	merging	numerals	FAS
324	088003	36	considered	judges	democracy	FAS
325	088004	36	tinnily	Shylock	Ibero-	
326	088101	36	uninterruptedly	Miltonism	invalids	
327	088102	36	whistled	hen	behavior	
328	088103	36	automate	honeybee	accruing	
329	088104	36	gutting	towers	relics	A
330	088105	36	surreptitious	dilutes	rackets	
331	088106	36	Choctaw	numerals	Fischbein	W
332	088201	36	cooks	democracy	phony	W
333	088203	36	millivolt	Ibero-	cross	FAS
334	088204	36	counterpoise	invalids	cleanup	
335	088302	37	Gothicism	behavior	conspirator	
336	088303	37	feminine	accruing	label	FAS
337	088305	37	metaphysically	relics	university	
338	088402	37	sanding	rackets	cleansed	FAS
339	088501	36	contributorily	Fischbein	ballgown	
340	088502	36	receivers	phony	starlet	
341	088503	36	adjourn	cross	aqueous	
342	098001	58	straggled	cleanup	portrayal	A
343	098002	58	druggists	conspirator	despising	W
344	098003	58	thanking	label	distort	W
345	098004	58	ostrich	university	palmed	
346	098005	58	hopelessness	cleansed	faced	
347	098006	58	Eurydice	ballgown	silverware	
348	141903	29	excitation	starlet	assessor	
349	098008	58	presumes	aqueous	spiders	
350	098009	58	imaginable	portrayal	artificially	
351	098010	58	concoct	despising	reminiscence	
352	098011	58	peering	distort	Mexican	
353	098012	58	Phelps	palmed	obnoxious	
354	098013	58	ferociousness	faced	fragile	
355	098014	58	sentences	silverware	apprehensible	
356	098015	58	unlocks	assessor	births	
357	098016	58	engrossing	spiders	garages	
358	098017	58	Ruth	artificially	panty	
359	098018	58	tying	reminiscence	anteater	
360	098019	58	exclaimers	Mexican	displacement	A
361	098020	58	synergy	obnoxious	drovers	A
362	098021	58	Huey	fragile	patenting	A
363	098022	58	merging	apprehensible	far	A
364	098023	58	judges	births	shrieks	
365	098024	58	Shylock	garages	aligning	W
366	098025	37	Miltonism	panty	pragmatism	
367	106001	36	hen	anteater	fevers	W
368	108001	36	honeybee	displacement	reexamines	A
369	108002	36	towers	drovers	occupancies	
370	108003	36	dilutes	patenting	sweats	FAS
371	108004	36	numerals	far	modulators	
372	108005	36	democracy	shrieks	demand	W
373	108007	36	Ibero-	aligning	Madeira	
374	108008	36	invalids	pragmatism	Viennese	W
375	108009	36	behavior	fevers	chillier	W
376	108010	36	accruing	reexamines	wildcats	FAS
377	108011	36	relics	occupancies	gentle	
378	108012	36	rackets	sweats	Angles	W
379	108101	36	Fischbein	modulators	accuracies	
380	108102	36	phony	demand	toggle	
381	108103	36	cross	Madeira	Mendelssohn	W
382	108111	50	cleanup	Viennese	behaviorally	
383	108105	36	conspirator	chillier	Rochford	
384	108106	36	label	wildcats	mirror	W
385	108107	36	university	gentle	Modula	
386	108108	50	cleansed	Angles	clobbering	
387	108109	36	ballgown	accuracies	chronography	
388	108110	36	starlet	toggle	Eskimoizeds	
389	108201	36	aqueous	Mendelssohn	British	W
390	108202	36	portrayal	behaviorally	pitfalls	
391	108203	36	despising	Rochford	verify	W
392	108204	36	distort	mirror	scatter	FAS
393	108205	36	palmed	Modula	Aztecan	
394	108301	36	faced	clobbering	acuity	W
395	108302	36	silverware	chronography	sinking	W
396	112101	36	assessor	Eskimoizeds	beasts	FAS
397	112102	36	spiders	British	Witt	W
398	113701	36	artificially	pitfalls	physicists	FAS
399	116001	36	reminiscence	verify	folksong	A
400	116201	36	Mexican	scatter	strokes	FAS
401	116301	36	obnoxious	Aztecan	crowder	
402	116302	36	fragile	acuity	merry	
403	116601	36	apprehensible	sinking	cadenced	
404	116602	36	births	beasts	alimony	A
405	116603	36	garages	Witt	principled	A
406	116701	36	panty	physicists	golfing	
407	116702	36	anteater	folksong	undiscovered	
408	118001	36	displacement	strokes	irritates	
409	118002	36	drovers	crowder	patriots	A
410	118003	36	patenting	merry	rooms	FAS
411	118004	36	far	cadenced	towering	W
412	118005	36	shrieks	alimony	displease	
413	118006	36	aligning	principled	photosensitive	
414	118007	36	pragmatism	golfing	inking	
415	118008	36	fevers	undiscovered	gainers	
416	118101	36	reexamines	irritates	leaning	A
417	118102	36	occupancies	patriots	hydrant	A
418	118103	36	sweats	rooms	preserve	
419	118202	36	modulators	towering	blinded	A
420	118203	36	demand	displease	interactions	A
421	118204	36	Madeira	photosensitive	Barry	
422	118302	36	Viennese	inking	whiteness	A
423	118304	36	chillier	gainers	pastimes	W
424	118305	36	wildcats	leaning	Edenization	
425	118306	36	gentle	hydrant	Muscat	
426	118307	36	Angles	preserve	assassinated	
427	123101	36	accuracies	blinded	labeled	
428	123102	36	toggle	interactions	glacial	A
429	123301	36	Mendelssohn	Barry	implied	W
430	126001	36	behaviorally	whiteness	bibliographies	W
431	126002	36	Rochford	pastimes	Buchanan	
432	126003	36	mirror	Edenization	forgivably	FAS
433	126101	36	Modula	Muscat	innuendo	A
434	126301	36	clobbering	assassinated	den	FAS
435	126302	36	chronography	labeled	submarines	W
436	126402	36	Eskimoizeds	glacial	mouthful	A
437	126601	36	British	implied	expiring	
438	126602	36	pitfalls	bibliographies	unfulfilled	FAS
439	126702	36	verify	Buchanan	precession	
440	128001	36	scatter	forgivably	nullified	
441	128002	36	Aztecan	innuendo	affects	
442	128003	36	acuity	den	Cynthia	
443	128004	36	sinking	submarines	Chablis	A
444	128005	36	beasts	mouthful	betterments	FAS
445	128007	36	Witt	expiring	advertising	
446	128008	36	physicists	unfulfilled	rubies	A
447	128009	36	folksong	precession	southwest	FAS
448	128010	36	strokes	nullified	superstitious	A
449	128011	36	crowder	affects	tabernacle	W
450	128012	36	merry	Cynthia	silk	A
451	128013	36	cadenced	Chablis	handsomest	A
452	128014	36	alimony	betterments	Persian	A
453	128015	36	principled	advertising	analog	W
454	128016	36	golfing	rubies	complex	W
455	128017	36	undiscovered	southwest	Taoist	
456	128018	36	irritates	superstitious	suspend	
457	128019	36	patriots	tabernacle	relegated	
458	128020	36	rooms	silk	awesome	W
459	128021	36	towering	handsomest	Bruxelles	
460	128022	36	displease	Persian	imprecisely	A
461	128023	36	photosensitive	analog	televise	
462	128101	36	inking	complex	braking	
463	128102	36	gainers	Taoist	true	FAS
464	128103	36	leaning	suspend	disappointing	FAS
465	128104	36	hydrant	relegated	navally	W
466	128106	36	preserve	awesome	circus	
467	128107	36	blinded	Bruxelles	beetles	
468	128108	36	interactions	imprecisely	trumps	
469	128202	36	Barry	televise	fourscore	W
470	128203	36	whiteness	braking	Blackfoots	
471	128301	36	pastimes	true	Grady	
472	128302	36	Edenization	disappointing	quiets	FAS
473	128303	36	Muscat	navally	floundered	FAS
474	128304	36	assassinated	circus	profundity	W
475	128305	36	labeled	beetles	Garrisonian	W
476	128307	36	glacial	trumps	Strauss	
477	128401	36	implied	fourscore	cemented	FAS
478	128502	36	bibliographies	Blackfoots	contrition	A
479	128503	36	Buchanan	Grady	mutations	
480	128504	36	forgivably	quiets	exhibits	W
481	128505	36	innuendo	floundered	tits	
482	128601	36	den	profundity	mate	A
483	128603	36	submarines	Garrisonian	arches	
484	128604	36	mouthful	Strauss	Moll	
485	128702	36	expiring	cemented	ropers	
486	128703	36	unfulfilled	contrition	bombast	
487	128704	36	precession	mutations	difficultly	A
488	138001	36	nullified	exhibits	adsorption	
489	138002	36	affects	tits	definiteness	FAS
490	138003	36	Cynthia	mate	cultivation	A
491	138004	36	Chablis	arches	heals	A
492	138005	36	betterments	Moll	Heusen	W
493	138006	36	advertising	ropers	target	FAS
494	138007	36	rubies	bombast	cited	A
495	138008	36	southwest	difficultly	congresswoman	W
496	138009	36	superstitious	adsorption	Katherine	
497	138102	36	tabernacle	definiteness	titter	A
498	138103	36	silk	cultivation	aspire	A
499	138104	36	handsomest	heals	Mardis	
500	138105	36	Persian	Heusen	Nadia	W
501	138201	36	analog	target	estimating	FAS
502	138302	36	complex	cited	stuck	A
503	138303	36	Taoist	congresswoman	fifteenth	A
504	138304	36	suspend	Katherine	Colombo	
505	138401	29	relegated	titter	survey	A
506	140102	29	awesome	aspire	staffing	
507	140103	29	Bruxelles	Mardis	obtain	
508	140104	29	imprecisely	Nadia	loaded	
509	140105	29	televise	estimating	slaughtered	
510	140201	29	braking	stuck	lights	A
511	140701	29	true	fifteenth	circumference	
512	141501	29	disappointing	Colombo	dull	A
513	141502	29	navally	survey	weekly	A
514	141901	29	circus	staffing	wetness	
515	141902	29	beetles	obtain	visualized	
516	142101	29	trumps	loaded	Tannenbaum	
517	142102	29	fourscore	slaughtered	moribund	
518	142103	29	Blackfoots	lights	demultiplex	
519	142701	29	Grady	circumference	lockings	
520	143001	29	quiets	dull	thugs	FAS
521	143501	29	floundered	weekly	unnerves	
522	143502	29	profundity	wetness	abut	
523	148001	29	Garrisonian	visualized	Chippewa	A
524	148002	29	Strauss	Tannenbaum	stratifications	A
525	148003	29	cemented	moribund	signaled	
526	148004	29	contrition	demultiplex	Italianizes	A
527	148005	29	mutations	lockings	algorithmic	A
528	148006	29	exhibits	thugs	paranoid	FAS
529	148007	29	tits	unnerves	camping	A
530	148009	29	mate	abut	signifying	A
531	148010	29	arches	Chippewa	Patrice	W
532	148011	29	Moll	stratifications	search	A
533	148012	29	ropers	signaled	Angeles	A
534	148013	29	bombast	Italianizes	semblance	
535	148023	36	difficultly	algorithmic	taxed	
536	148015	29	adsorption	paranoid	Beatrice	
537	148016	29	definiteness	camping	retrace	
538	148017	29	cultivation	signifying	lockout	
539	148018	29	heals	Patrice	grammatic	
540	148019	29	Heusen	search	helmsman	
541	148020	29	target	Angeles	uniform	W
542	148021	29	cited	semblance	hamming	
543	148022	29	congresswoman	taxed	disobedience	
544	148101	29	Katherine	Beatrice	captivated	A
545	148102	29	titter	retrace	transferals	A
546	148201	29	aspire	lockout	cartographer	A
547	148401	29	Mardis	grammatic	aims	FAS
548	148402	29	Nadia	helmsman	Pakistani	
549	148501	29	estimating	uniform	burglarized	FAS
550	148502	29	stuck	hamming	saucepans	A
551	148503	29	fifteenth	disobedience	lacerating	A
552	148504	29	Colombo	captivated	corny	
553	148601	29	survey	transferals	megabytes	FAS
554	148602	29	staffing	cartographer	chancellor	
555	150701	29	obtain	aims	bulk	A
556	152101	29	loaded	Pakistani	commits	A
557	152102	29	slaughtered	burglarized	meson	W
558	155202	36	lights	saucepans	deputies	
559	155203	29	circumference	lacerating	northeaster	A
560	155204	29	dull	corny	dipole	
561	155205	29	weekly	megabytes	machining	0
562	156001	29	wetness	chancellor	therefore	
563	156002	29	visualized	bulk	Telefunken	
564	156102	29	Tannenbaum	commits	salvaging	
565	156301	29	moribund	meson	Corinthianizes	A
566	156302	29	demultiplex	deputies	restlessly	A
567	156303	29	lockings	northeaster	bromides	
568	156304	29	thugs	dipole	generalized	A
569	156305	29	unnerves	machining	mishaps	
570	156306	29	abut	therefore	quelling	
571	156501	29	Chippewa	Telefunken	spiritual	A
572	158001	29	stratifications	salvaging	beguiles	FAS
573	158002	29	signaled	Corinthianizes	Trobriand	FAS
574	158101	29	Italianizes	restlessly	fleeing	A
575	158102	29	algorithmic	bromides	Armour	A
576	158103	29	paranoid	generalized	chin	A
577	158201	29	camping	mishaps	provers	A
578	158202	29	signifying	quelling	aeronautic	A
579	158203	29	Patrice	spiritual	voltage	W
580	158204	29	search	beguiles	sash	
581	158301	29	Angeles	Trobriand	anaerobic	A
582	158302	29	semblance	fleeing	simultaneous	A
583	158303	29	taxed	Armour	accumulating	A
584	158304	29	Beatrice	chin	Medusan	A
585	158305	29	retrace	provers	shouted	A
586	158306	29	lockout	aeronautic	freakish	
587	158501	29	grammatic	voltage	index	FAS
588	160301	29	helmsman	sash	commercially	
589	166101	50	uniform	anaerobic	mistiness	A
590	166102	50	hamming	simultaneous	endpoint	
591	168001	29	disobedience	accumulating	straight	A
592	168002	29	captivated	Medusan	flurried	
593	168003	29	transferals	shouted	denotative	A
594	168101	29	cartographer	freakish	coming	FAS
595	168102	29	aims	index	commencements	FAS
596	168103	29	Pakistani	commercially	gentleman	
597	168104	29	burglarized	mistiness	gifted	
598	168202	29	saucepans	endpoint	Shanghais	
599	168301	29	lacerating	straight	sportswriting	A
600	168502	29	corny	flurried	sloping	A
601	168503	29	megabytes	denotative	navies	
602	168601	29	chancellor	coming	leaflet	A
603	173001	40	bulk	commencements	shooter	
604	173701	40	commits	gentleman	Joplin	FAS
605	173702	40	meson	gifted	babies	
606	176001	40	deputies	Shanghais	subdivision	FAS
607	176101	40	northeaster	sportswriting	burstiness	W
608	176201	40	dipole	sloping	belted	FAS
609	176401	40	machining	navies	assails	FAS
610	176501	40	therefore	leaflet	admiring	W
611	176601	40	Telefunken	shooter	swaying	0
612	176602	40	salvaging	Joplin	Goldstine	FAS
613	176603	40	Corinthianizes	babies	fitting	
614	178001	40	restlessly	subdivision	Norwalk	W
615	178002	40	bromides	burstiness	weakening	W
616	178003	40	generalized	belted	analogy	FAS
617	178004	40	mishaps	assails	deludes	
618	178005	40	quelling	admiring	cokes	
619	178006	40	spiritual	swaying	Clayton	
620	178007	40	beguiles	Goldstine	exhausts	
621	178008	40	Trobriand	fitting	causality	
622	178101	40	fleeing	Norwalk	sating	FAS
623	178102	40	Armour	weakening	icon	
624	178103	40	chin	analogy	throttles	
625	178201	40	provers	deludes	communicants	FAS
626	178202	40	aeronautic	cokes	dehydrate	FAS
627	178301	40	voltage	Clayton	priceless	FAS
628	178302	40	sash	exhausts	publicly	
629	178401	40	anaerobic	causality	incidentals	FAS
630	178402	40	simultaneous	sating	commonplace	
631	178403	40	accumulating	icon	mumbles	
632	178404	40	Medusan	throttles	furthermore	W
633	178501	40	shouted	communicants	cautioned	W
634	186002	37	freakish	dehydrate	parametrized	A
635	186102	37	index	priceless	registration	A
636	186201	40	commercially	publicly	sadly	FAS
637	186202	40	mistiness	incidentals	positioning	
638	186203	40	endpoint	commonplace	babysitting	
639	186302	37	straight	mumbles	eternal	A
640	188007	37	flurried	furthermore	hoarder	
641	188008	37	denotative	cautioned	congregates	
642	188009	37	coming	parametrized	rains	
643	188010	37	commencements	registration	workers	W
644	188011	37	gentleman	sadly	sags	A
645	188012	37	gifted	positioning	unplug	W
646	188013	37	Shanghais	babysitting	garage	A
647	188014	37	sportswriting	eternal	boulder	A
648	188015	37	sloping	hoarder	hollowly	A
649	188016	37	navies	congregates	specifics	
650	188017	37	leaflet	rains	Teresa	
651	188102	37	shooter	workers	Winsett	
652	188103	37	Joplin	sags	convenient	A
653	188202	37	babies	unplug	buckboards	FAS
654	188301	40	subdivision	garage	amenities	
655	188302	40	burstiness	boulder	resplendent	FAS
656	188303	40	belted	hollowly	priding	FAS
657	188401	37	assails	specifics	configurations	
658	188402	37	admiring	Teresa	untidiness	A
659	188503	37	swaying	Winsett	Brice	W
660	188504	37	Goldstine	convenient	sews	FAS
661	188505	37	fitting	buckboards	participated	
662	190701	37	Norwalk	amenities	Simon	FAS
663	190703	50	weakening	resplendent	certificates	
664	191701	37	analogy	priding	Fitzpatrick	
665	191702	37	deludes	configurations	Evanston	A
666	191703	37	cokes	untidiness	misted	
667	196001	37	Clayton	Brice	textures	A
668	196002	37	exhausts	sews	save	
669	196003	37	causality	participated	count	
670	196101	37	sating	Simon	rightful	A
671	196103	37	icon	certificates	chaperone	
672	196104	37	throttles	Fitzpatrick	Lizzy	A
673	196201	37	communicants	Evanston	clenched	A
674	196202	37	dehydrate	misted	effortlessly	
675	196203	37	priceless	textures	accessed	
676	198001	37	publicly	save	beaters	A
677	198003	37	incidentals	count	Hornblower	FAS
678	198004	37	commonplace	rightful	vests	A
679	198005	37	mumbles	chaperone	indulgences	FAS
680	198006	37	furthermore	Lizzy	infallibly	A
681	198007	37	cautioned	clenched	unwilling	FAS
682	198008	37	parametrized	effortlessly	excrete	FAS
683	198009	37	registration	accessed	spools	A
684	198010	37	sadly	beaters	crunches	FAS
685	198011	37	positioning	Hornblower	overestimating	FAS
686	198012	37	babysitting	vests	ineffective	
687	198013	37	eternal	indulgences	humiliation	A
688	198014	37	hoarder	infallibly	sophomore	
689	198015	37	congregates	unwilling	star	
690	198017	37	rains	excrete	rifles	
691	198018	37	workers	spools	dialysis	
692	198019	37	sags	crunches	arriving	
693	198020	37	unplug	overestimating	indulge	
694	198021	37	garage	ineffective	clockers	
695	198022	37	boulder	humiliation	languages	
696	198023	50	hollowly	sophomore	Antarctica	A
697	198024	37	specifics	star	percentage	
698	198101	37	Teresa	rifles	ceiling	A
699	198103	37	Winsett	dialysis	specification	
700	198105	37	convenient	arriving	regimented	A
701	198106	37	buckboards	indulge	ciphers	
702	198201	37	amenities	clockers	pictures	A
703	198204	37	resplendent	languages	serpents	A
704	198301	53	priding	Antarctica	allot	A
705	198302	53	configurations	percentage	realized	A
706	198303	53	untidiness	ceiling	mayoral	A
707	198304	53	Brice	specification	opaquely	A
708	198401	37	sews	regimented	hostess	FAS
709	198402	37	participated	ciphers	fiftieth	
710	198403	37	Simon	pictures	incorrectly	
711	202101	37	certificates	serpents	decomposition	FAS
712	202301	37	Fitzpatrick	allot	stranglings	
713	202302	37	Evanston	realized	mixture	FAS
714	202303	37	misted	mayoral	electroencephalography	FAS
715	202304	37	textures	opaquely	similarities	FAS
716	202305	37	save	hostess	charges	W
717	202601	37	count	fiftieth	freest	FAS
718	202602	37	rightful	incorrectly	Greenberg	FAS
719	202605	37	chaperone	decomposition	tinting	
720	202606	37	Lizzy	stranglings	expelled	W
721	202607	37	clenched	mixture	warm	
722	202901	37	effortlessly	electroencephalography	smoothed	
723	202902	37	accessed	similarities	deductions	FAS
724	202903	37	beaters	charges	Romano	W
725	202904	37	Hornblower	freest	bitterroot	
726	202907	37	vests	Greenberg	corset	
727	202908	37	indulgences	tinting	securing	
728	203101	37	infallibly	expelled	environing	FAS
729	203103	37	unwilling	warm	cute	
730	203104	37	excrete	smoothed	Crays	
731	203105	37	spools	deductions	heiress	FAS
732	203401	37	crunches	Romano	inform	FAS
733	203402	37	overestimating	bitterroot	avenge	
734	203404	37	ineffective	corset	universals	
735	203901	37	humiliation	securing	Kinsey	W
736	203902	37	sophomore	environing	ravines	FAS
737	203903	37	star	cute	bestseller	
738	203906	37	rifles	Crays	equilibrium	
739	203907	37	dialysis	heiress	extents	0
740	203908	37	arriving	inform	relatively	
741	203909	37	indulge	avenge	pressure	FAS
742	206101	37	clockers	universals	critiques	FAS
743	206201	37	languages	Kinsey	befouled	
744	206202	37	Antarctica	ravines	rightfully	FAS
745	206203	37	percentage	bestseller	mechanizing	FAS
746	206206	37	ceiling	equilibrium	Latinizes	
747	206207	37	specification	extents	timesharing	
748	206208	37	regimented	relatively	Aden	
749	208001	37	ciphers	pressure	embassies	
750	208002	37	pictures	critiques	males	FAS
751	208003	37	serpents	befouled	shapelessly	FAS
752	208004	37	allot	rightfully	genres	FAS
753	208008	37	realized	mechanizing	mastering	
754	208009	37	mayoral	Latinizes	Newtonian	
755	208010	37	opaquely	timesharing	finishers	FAS
756	208011	37	hostess	Aden	abates	
757	208101	37	fiftieth	embassies	teem	
758	208102	37	incorrectly	males	kiting	FAS
759	208103	37	decomposition	shapelessly	stodgy	FAS
760	208104	37	stranglings	genres	scalps	FAS
761	208105	37	mixture	mastering	feed	FAS
762	208110	37	electroencephalography	Newtonian	guitars	
763	208111	37	similarities	finishers	airships	
764	208112	37	charges	abates	store	
765	208113	37	freest	teem	denounces	
766	208201	37	Greenberg	kiting	Pyle	FAS
767	208203	37	tinting	stodgy	Saxony	
768	208301	37	expelled	scalps	serializations	FAS
769	208302	37	warm	feed	Peruvian	FAS
770	208305	37	smoothed	guitars	taxonomically	FAS
771	208401	37	deductions	airships	kingdom	A
772	208402	37	Romano	store	stint	A
773	208403	37	bitterroot	denounces	Sault	A
774	208404	37	corset	Pyle	faithful	
775	208501	37	securing	Saxony	Ganymede	FAS
776	208502	37	environing	serializations	tidiness	FAS
777	208503	37	cute	Peruvian	gainful	FAS
778	208504	37	Crays	taxonomically	contrary	FAS
779	208505	37	heiress	kingdom	Tipperary	FAS
780	210101	37	inform	stint	tropics	W
781	210102	37	avenge	Sault	theorizers	
782	210103	37	universals	faithful	renew	0
783	210104	37	Kinsey	Ganymede	already	
784	210105	37	ravines	tidiness	terminal	
785	210106	37	bestseller	gainful	Hegelian	
786	210107	37	equilibrium	contrary	hypothesizer	
787	210401	37	extents	Tipperary	warningly	FAS
788	213201	37	relatively	tropics	journalizing	FAS
789	213203	37	pressure	theorizers	nested	
790	213204	37	critiques	renew	Lars	
791	213205	37	befouled	already	saplings	
792	213206	37	rightfully	terminal	foothill	
793	213207	37	mechanizing	Hegelian	labeled	
794	216101	37	Latinizes	hypothesizer	imperiously	FAS
795	216103	37	timesharing	warningly	reporters	FAS
796	218001	37	Aden	journalizing	furnishings	FAS
797	218002	37	embassies	nested	precipitable	FAS
798	218003	37	males	Lars	discounts	FAS
799	218004	37	shapelessly	saplings	excises	FAS
800	143503	50	genres	foothill	Stalin	
801	218006	37	mastering	labeled	despot	FAS
802	218007	37	Newtonian	imperiously	ripeness	FAS
803	218008	37	finishers	reporters	Arabia	
804	218009	37	abates	furnishings	unruly	
805	218010	37	teem	precipitable	mournfulness	
806	218011	37	kiting	discounts	boom	FAS
807	218020	37	stodgy	excises	slaughter	A
808	218021	50	scalps	Stalin	Sabine	
809	218022	37	feed	despot	handy	FAS
810	218023	37	guitars	ripeness	rural	
811	218024	37	airships	Arabia	organizer	
812	218101	37	store	unruly	shipyard	FAS
813	218102	37	denounces	mournfulness	civics	FAS
814	218103	37	Pyle	boom	inaccuracy	FAS
815	218201	37	Saxony	slaughter	rules	FAS
816	218202	37	serializations	Sabine	juveniles	FAS
817	218203	37	Peruvian	handy	comprised	W
818	218204	37	taxonomically	rural	investigations	
819	218205	37	kingdom	organizer	stabilizes	A
820	218301	37	stint	shipyard	seminaries	FAS
821	218302	37	Sault	civics	Hunter	A
822	218401	37	faithful	inaccuracy	sporty	FAS
823	218402	37	Ganymede	rules	test	FAS
824	218403	37	tidiness	juveniles	weasels	
825	218404	37	gainful	comprised	CERN	
826	218407	37	contrary	investigations	tempering	
827	218408	37	Tipperary	stabilizes	afore	FAS
828	218409	37	tropics	seminaries	Galatean	
829	218410	37	theorizers	Hunter	techniques	W
830	226001	37	renew	sporty	error	
831	226002	37	already	test	veranda	
832	226003	37	terminal	weasels	severely	
833	226004	37	Hegelian	CERN	Cassites	FAS
834	226005	37	hypothesizer	tempering	forthcoming	
835	226006	37	warningly	afore	guides	
836	226007	37	journalizing	Galatean	vanish	FAS
837	226008	37	nested	techniques	lied	A
838	226203	37	Lars	error	sawtooth	FAS
839	226204	37	saplings	veranda	fated	FAS
840	226205	37	foothill	severely	gradually	
841	226206	37	labeled	Cassites	widens	
842	226207	37	imperiously	forthcoming	preclude	
843	226208	37	reporters	guides	Jobrel	
844	226209	37	furnishings	vanish	hooker	
845	226210	37	precipitable	lied	rainstorm	
846	226211	37	discounts	sawtooth	disconnects	
847	228001	37	excises	fated	cruelty	
848	228004	37	Stalin	gradually	exponentials	A
849	228005	37	despot	widens	affective	A
850	228006	37	ripeness	preclude	arteries	
851	228007	37	Arabia	Jobrel	Crosby	FAS
852	228008	37	unruly	hooker	acquaint	
853	228009	37	mournfulness	rainstorm	evenhandedly	
854	228101	37	boom	disconnects	percentage	
855	228108	37	slaughter	cruelty	disobedience	
856	228109	37	Sabine	exponentials	humility	
857	228110	37	handy	affective	gleaning	A
858	228111	37	rural	arteries	petted	A
859	228112	37	organizer	Crosby	bloater	A
860	228113	37	shipyard	acquaint	minion	A
861	228114	37	civics	evenhandedly	marginal	A
862	228115	37	inaccuracy	percentage	apiary	A
863	228116	37	rules	disobedience	measures	
864	228117	37	juveniles	humility	precaution	
865	228118	37	comprised	gleaning	repelled	
866	228119	37	investigations	petted	primary	FAS
867	228120	37	stabilizes	bloater	coverings	
868	228121	37	seminaries	minion	Artemia	A
869	228122	37	Hunter	marginal	navigate	
870	228201	37	sporty	apiary	spatial	
871	228206	37	test	measures	Gurkha	
872	228207	37	weasels	precaution	meanwhile	A
873	228208	37	CERN	repelled	Melinda	A
874	228209	37	tempering	primary	Butterfield	
875	228210	37	afore	coverings	Aldrich	A
876	228211	37	Galatean	Artemia	previewing	A
877	228212	37	techniques	navigate	glut	A
878	228213	37	error	spatial	unaffected	
879	228214	37	veranda	Gurkha	inmate	
880	228301	37	severely	meanwhile	mineral	
881	228305	37	Cassites	Melinda	impending	A
882	228306	37	forthcoming	Butterfield	meditation	A
883	228307	37	guides	Aldrich	ideas	
884	228308	37	vanish	previewing	miniaturizes	W
885	228309	37	lied	glut	lewdly	
886	228310	37	sawtooth	unaffected	title	
887	228311	37	fated	inmate	youthfulness	
888	228312	37	gradually	mineral	creak	FAS
889	228313	37	widens	impending	Chippewa	
890	228314	37	preclude	meditation	clamored	
891	228401	65	Jobrel	ideas	freezes	
892	228402	65	hooker	miniaturizes	forgivably	FAS
893	228403	65	rainstorm	lewdly	reduce	FAS
894	228404	65	disconnects	title	McGovern	W
895	228405	65	cruelty	youthfulness	Nazis	W
896	228406	65	exponentials	creak	epistle	W
897	228407	65	affective	Chippewa	socializes	W
898	228408	65	arteries	clamored	conceptions	
899	228409	65	Crosby	freezes	Kevin	
900	228410	65	acquaint	forgivably	uncovering	
901	230301	37	evenhandedly	reduce	chews	FAS
902	230302	37	percentage	McGovern	appendixes	FAS
903	230303	37	disobedience	Nazis	raining	
904	018062	37	humility	epistle	infest	
905	230501	37	gleaning	socializes	compartment	
906	230502	37	petted	conceptions	minting	
907	230503	37	bloater	Kevin	ducks	
908	230504	37	minion	uncovering	roped	A
909	230505	37	marginal	chews	waltz	
910	230506	37	apiary	appendixes	Lillian	
911	230507	37	measures	raining	repressions	A
912	230508	37	precaution	infest	chillingly	
913	230509	37	repelled	compartment	noncritical	
914	230901	37	primary	minting	lithograph	
915	230902	37	coverings	ducks	spongers	
916	230903	37	Artemia	roped	parenthood	
917	230904	37	navigate	waltz	posed	
918	230905	37	spatial	Lillian	instruments	
919	230906	37	Gurkha	repressions	filial	
920	230907	37	meanwhile	chillingly	fixedly	
921	230908	37	Melinda	noncritical	relives	
922	230909	37	Butterfield	lithograph	Pandora	
923	230910	37	Aldrich	spongers	watering	A
924	230911	37	previewing	parenthood	ungrateful	
925	230912	37	glut	posed	secures	
926	230913	37	unaffected	instruments	chastisers	
927	230914	37	inmate	filial	icon	
928	231304	37	mineral	fixedly	reuniting	A
929	231305	37	impending	relives	imagining	A
930	231306	37	meditation	Pandora	abiding	A
931	231307	37	ideas	watering	omnisciently	
932	231308	37	miniaturizes	ungrateful	Britannic	
933	231309	37	lewdly	secures	scholastics	A
934	231310	37	title	chastisers	mechanics	A
935	231311	37	youthfulness	icon	humidly	A
936	231312	37	creak	reuniting	masterpiece	
937	231313	37	Chippewa	imagining	however	
938	231314	37	clamored	abiding	Mendelian	
939	231315	37	freezes	omnisciently	jarred	
940	232102	37	forgivably	Britannic	scolds	
941	232103	37	reduce	scholastics	infatuate	
942	232104	37	McGovern	mechanics	willed	A
943	232105	37	Nazis	humidly	joyfully	
944	232106	37	epistle	masterpiece	Microsoft	
945	232107	37	socializes	however	fibrosities	
946	232108	37	conceptions	Mendelian	Baltimorean	
947	232601	37	Kevin	jarred	equestrian	
948	232602	37	uncovering	scolds	Goodrich	
949	232603	37	chews	infatuate	apish	A
950	232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5950	1232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5951	1232606	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5952	1232607	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5953	1232608	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5954	1232609	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
951	232606	37	raining	joyfully	Tropez	
952	232607	37	infest	Microsoft	nouns	
953	232608	37	compartment	fibrosities	distracting	
954	232609	37	minting	Baltimorean	mutton	
955	236104	37	ducks	equestrian	bridgeable	A
956	236105	37	roped	Goodrich	stickers	A
957	236106	37	waltz	apish	transcontinental	A
958	236107	37	Lillian	Adlerian	amateurish	
959	236108	37	repressions	Tropez	Gandhian	
960	236109	37	chillingly	nouns	stratified	
961	236110	37	noncritical	distracting	chamberlains	
962	236111	37	lithograph	mutton	creditably	
963	236112	37	spongers	bridgeable	philosophic	
964	236113	37	parenthood	stickers	ores	
965	238005	37	posed	transcontinental	Carleton	
966	238006	37	instruments	amateurish	tape	A
967	238007	37	filial	Gandhian	afloat	A
968	238008	37	fixedly	stratified	goodness	A
969	238009	37	relives	chamberlains	welcoming	
970	238010	37	Pandora	creditably	Pinsky	FAS
971	238011	37	watering	philosophic	halting	
972	238012	37	ungrateful	ores	bibliography	
973	238013	37	secures	Carleton	decoding	
974	240401	41	chastisers	tape	variance	A
975	240402	41	icon	afloat	allowed	A
976	240901	41	reuniting	goodness	dire	A
977	240902	41	imagining	welcoming	dub	A
978	241801	41	abiding	Pinsky	poisoning	
979	242101	41	omnisciently	halting	Iraqis	A
980	242102	41	Britannic	bibliography	heaving	
981	242201	41	scholastics	decoding	population	A
982	242202	41	mechanics	variance	bomb	A
983	242501	41	humidly	allowed	Majorca	A
984	242502	41	masterpiece	dire	Gershwins	
985	246201	41	however	dub	explorers	
986	246202	41	Mendelian	poisoning	libretto	A
987	246203	41	jarred	Iraqis	occurred	
988	246204	41	scolds	heaving	Lagos	
989	246205	41	infatuate	population	rats	
990	246301	41	willed	bomb	bankruptcies	A
991	246302	41	joyfully	Majorca	crying	
992	248001	41	Microsoft	Gershwins	unexpected	
993	248002	41	fibrosities	explorers	accessed	A
994	248003	41	Baltimorean	libretto	colorful	A
995	248004	41	equestrian	occurred	versatility	A
996	248005	41	Goodrich	Lagos	cosy	
997	248006	41	apish	rats	Darius	A
998	248007	41	Adlerian	bankruptcies	mastering	A
999	248008	41	Tropez	crying	Asiaticizations	A
1000	248009	41	nouns	unexpected	offerers	A
1001	248010	41	distracting	accessed	uncles	A
1002	248011	41	mutton	colorful	sleepwalk	
1003	248012	41	bridgeable	versatility	Ernestine	
1004	248013	41	stickers	cosy	checksumming	
1005	248014	41	transcontinental	Darius	stopped	
1006	248015	41	amateurish	mastering	sicker	
1007	248016	41	Gandhian	Asiaticizations	Italianization	
1008	248017	41	stratified	offerers	alphabetic	
1009	248018	41	chamberlains	uncles	pharmaceutic	
1010	248019	41	creditably	sleepwalk	creator	
1011	248020	41	philosophic	Ernestine	chess	
1012	248021	41	ores	checksumming	charcoal	
1013	248101	41	Carleton	stopped	Epiphany	A
1014	248102	41	tape	sicker	bulldozes	A
1015	248201	41	afloat	Italianization	Pygmalion	A
1016	248202	41	goodness	alphabetic	caressing	A
1017	248203	41	welcoming	pharmaceutic	Palestine	A
1018	248204	41	Pinsky	creator	regimented	A
1019	248205	41	halting	chess	scars	A
1020	248206	41	bibliography	charcoal	realest	A
1021	248207	41	decoding	Epiphany	diffusing	A
1022	248208	41	variance	bulldozes	clubroom	A
1023	248209	41	allowed	Pygmalion	Blythe	A
1024	248210	41	dire	caressing	ahead	
1025	248211	50	dub	Palestine	reviver	
1026	250501	34	poisoning	regimented	retransmitting	A
1027	250502	34	Iraqis	scars	landslide	
1028	250503	34	heaving	realest	Eiffel	
1029	250504	34	population	diffusing	absentee	
1030	250505	34	bomb	clubroom	aye	
1031	250601	34	Majorca	Blythe	forked	A
1032	250602	34	Gershwins	ahead	Peruvianizes	
1033	250603	34	explorers	reviver	clerked	
1034	250604	34	libretto	retransmitting	tutor	
1035	250605	34	occurred	landslide	boulevard	
1036	251001	34	Lagos	Eiffel	shuttered	
1037	251002	34	rats	absentee	quotes	A
1038	251003	34	bankruptcies	aye	Caltech	
1039	251004	34	crying	forked	Mossberg	
1040	251005	34	unexpected	Peruvianizes	kept	
1041	251301	34	accessed	clerked	roundly	
1042	251302	34	colorful	tutor	features	A
1043	251303	34	versatility	boulevard	imaginable	A
1044	251304	34	cosy	shuttered	controller	
1045	251305	34	Darius	quotes	racial	
1046	251401	34	mastering	Caltech	uprisings	A
1047	251402	34	Asiaticizations	Mossberg	narrowed	A
1048	251403	34	offerers	kept	cannot	A
1049	251404	34	uncles	roundly	vest	
1050	251405	34	sleepwalk	features	famine	
1051	251406	34	Ernestine	imaginable	sugars	
1052	251801	34	checksumming	controller	exterminated	A
1053	251802	34	stopped	racial	belays	
1054	252101	34	sicker	uprisings	Hodges	A
1055	252102	34	Italianization	narrowed	translatable	
1056	252301	34	alphabetic	cannot	duality	A
1057	252302	34	pharmaceutic	vest	recording	A
1058	252303	34	creator	famine	rouses	A
1059	252304	34	chess	sugars	poison	
1060	252305	34	charcoal	exterminated	attitude	
1061	252306	34	Epiphany	belays	dusted	
1062	252307	34	bulldozes	Hodges	encompasses	
1063	252308	34	Pygmalion	translatable	presentation	
1064	252309	34	caressing	duality	Kantian	
1065	256001	34	Palestine	recording	imprecision	A
1066	256002	34	regimented	rouses	saving	
1067	256003	34	scars	poison	maternal	
1068	256004	34	realest	attitude	hewed	
1069	256005	34	diffusing	dusted	kerosene	
1070	258001	34	clubroom	encompasses	Cubans	
1071	258002	34	Blythe	presentation	photographers	
1072	258003	34	ahead	Kantian	nymph	A
1073	258004	34	reviver	imprecision	bedlam	A
1074	258005	34	retransmitting	saving	north	A
1075	258006	34	landslide	maternal	Schoenberg	A
1076	258007	34	Eiffel	hewed	botany	A
1077	258008	34	absentee	kerosene	curs	
1078	258009	34	aye	Cubans	solidification	
1079	258010	34	forked	photographers	inheritresses	
1080	258011	34	Peruvianizes	nymph	stiller	
1081	258101	68	clerked	bedlam	t1	A
1082	258102	68	tutor	north	suite	A
1083	258103	34	boulevard	Schoenberg	ransomer	
1084	258104	68	shuttered	botany	Willy	
1085	258105	68	quotes	curs	Rena	A
1086	258106	68	Caltech	solidification	Seattle	A
1087	258107	68	Mossberg	inheritresses	relaxes	A
1088	258108	68	kept	stiller	exclaim	
1089	258109	68	roundly	t1	implicated	A
1090	258110	68	features	suite	distinguish	
1091	258111	68	imaginable	ransomer	assayed	
1092	258112	68	controller	Willy	homeowner	
1093	258113	68	racial	Rena	and	
1094	258201	34	uprisings	Seattle	stealth	
1095	258202	34	narrowed	relaxes	coinciding	A
1096	258203	34	cannot	exclaim	founder	A
1097	258204	34	vest	implicated	environing	
1098	258205	34	famine	distinguish	jewelry	
1099	258301	34	sugars	assayed	lemons	A
1100	258401	34	exterminated	homeowner	brokenness	A
1101	258402	34	belays	and	bedpost	A
1102	258403	34	Hodges	stealth	assurers	A
1103	258404	34	translatable	coinciding	annoyers	
1104	258405	34	duality	founder	affixed	
1105	258406	34	recording	environing	warbling	
1106	258407	34	rouses	jewelry	seriously	
1107	228123	37	poison	lemons	boasted	
1108	250606	34	attitude	brokenness	Chantilly	
1109	208405	37	dusted	bedpost	Iranizes	
1110	212101	37	encompasses	assurers	violinist	
1111	218206	37	presentation	annoyers	extramarital	
1112	150401	37	Kantian	affixed	spates	
1113	248212	41	imprecision	warbling	cloakroom	
1114	128026	00	saving	seriously	gazer	
1115	128024	00	maternal	boasted	hand	
1116	128027	00	hewed	Chantilly	tucked	
1117	128025	00	kerosene	Iranizes	gems	
1118	128109	00	Cubans	violinist	clinker	
1119	128705	00	photographers	extramarital	refiner	
1120	126303	00	nymph	spates	callus	
1121	128308	00	bedlam	cloakroom	leopards	
1122	128204	00	north	gazer	comfortingly	
1123	128205	00	Schoenberg	hand	generically	
1124	128206	00	botany	tucked	getters	
1125	128207	00	curs	gems	sexually	
1126	118205	00	solidification	clinker	spear	
1127	116801	00	inheritresses	refiner	serums	
1128	116803	00	stiller	callus	Italianization	
1129	116804	00	t1	leopards	attendants	
1130	116802	00	suite	comfortingly	spies	
1131	128605	00	ransomer	generically	Anthony	
1132	118308	00	Willy	getters	planar	
1133	113702	00	Rena	sexually	cupped	
1134	113703	00	Seattle	spear	cleanser	
1135	112103	00	relaxes	serums	commuters	
1136	118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
5136	1118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
1137	138011	00	implicated	attendants	orphanage	
1138	138010	00	distinguish	spies	skies	
1139	138012	00	assayed	Anthony	crushers	
1140	068304	00	homeowner	planar	Puritan	
1141	078009	00	and	cupped	squeezer	
1142	108013	00	stealth	cleanser	bruises	
1143	084004	00	coinciding	commuters	bonfire	
1144	083402	00	founder	honeysuckle	Colombo	
1145	084003	00	environing	orphanage	nondecreasing	
1146	088504	00	jewelry	skies	innocents	
1147	088005	00	lemons	crushers	masked	
1148	088007	00	brokenness	Puritan	file	
1149	088006	00	bedpost	squeezer	brush	
1150	148025	00	assurers	bruises	mutilate	
1151	148024	00	annoyers	bonfire	mommy	
1152	138305	00	affixed	Colombo	bulkheads	
1153	138306	00	warbling	nondecreasing	undeclared	
1154	152701	00	seriously	innocents	displacements	
1155	148505	00	boasted	masked	nieces	
1156	158003	00	Chantilly	file	coeducation	
1157	156201	00	Iranizes	brush	brassy	
1158	156202	00	violinist	mutilate	authenticator	
1159	158307	00	extramarital	mommy	Washoe	
1160	158402	00	spates	bulkheads	penny	
1161	158401	00	cloakroom	undeclared	Flagler	
1162	068013	00	gazer	displacements	stoned	
1163	068012	00	hand	nieces	cranes	
1164	068203	00	tucked	coeducation	masterful	
1165	088205	00	gems	brassy	biracial	
1166	068704	00	clinker	authenticator	steamships	
1167	068604	00	refiner	Washoe	windmills	
1168	158502	00	callus	penny	exploit	
1169	123103	00	leopards	Flagler	riverfront	
1170	148026	00	comfortingly	stoned	sisterly	
1171	123302	00	generically	cranes	sharpshoot	
1172	076503	00	getters	masterful	mittens	
1173	126304	00	sexually	biracial	interdependency	
1174	068306	00	spear	steamships	policy	
1175	143504	00	serums	windmills	unleashing	
1176	160201	00	Italianization	exploit	pretenders	
1177	148028	00	attendants	riverfront	overstatements	
1178	148027	00	spies	sisterly	birthed	
1179	143505	00	Anthony	sharpshoot	opportunism	
1180	108014	00	planar	mittens	showroom	
1181	076104	00	cupped	interdependency	compromisingly	
1182	078106	00	cleanser	policy	Medicare	
1183	126102	00	commuters	unleashing	corresponds	
1184	128029	00	honeysuckle	pretenders	hardware	
1185	128028	00	orphanage	overstatements	implant	
1186	018410	00	skies	birthed	Alicia	
1187	128110	00	crushers	opportunism	requesting	
1188	148506	00	Puritan	showroom	produced	
1189	123303	00	squeezer	compromisingly	criticizes	
1190	123304	00	bruises	Medicare	backer	
1191	068504	00	bonfire	corresponds	positively	
1192	068305	00	Colombo	hardware	colicky	
1193	000000	00	nondecreasing	implant	thrillingly	
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2,011401,37,'breaking','dreaded','Steinberg','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (3,011402,37,'Romans','scholastics','jarring','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (4,011403,37,'intercepted','audiology','tinily','');
Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
test.t2	optimize	status	OK
auto	fld1	companynr	fld3	fld4	fld5	fld6
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
5	011501	37	bewilderingly	wallet	balled	
6	011701	37	astound	parters	persist	W
7	011702	37	admonishing	eschew	attainments	
8	011703	37	sumac	quitter	fanatic	
9	012001	37	flanking	neat	measures	FAS
10	012003	37	combed	Steinberg	rightfulness	
11	012004	37	subjective	jarring	capably	
12	012005	37	scatterbrain	tinily	impulsive	
13	012301	37	Eulerian	balled	starlet	
14	012302	36	dubbed	persist	terminators	
15	012303	37	Kane	attainments	untying	
16	012304	37	overlay	fanatic	announces	FAS
17	012305	37	perturb	measures	featherweight	FAS
18	012306	37	goblins	rightfulness	pessimist	FAS
19	012501	37	annihilates	capably	daughter	
20	012602	37	Wotan	impulsive	decliner	FAS
21	012603	37	snatching	starlet	lawgiver	
22	012604	37	concludes	terminators	stated	
23	012605	37	laterally	untying	readable	
24	012606	37	yelped	announces	attrition	
25	012701	37	grazing	featherweight	cascade	FAS
26	012702	37	Baird	pessimist	motors	FAS
27	012703	37	celery	daughter	interrogate	
28	012704	37	misunderstander	decliner	pests	W
29	013601	37	handgun	lawgiver	stairway	
30	013602	37	foldout	stated	dopers	FAS
31	013603	37	mystic	readable	testicle	W
32	013604	37	succumbed	attrition	Parsifal	W
33	013605	37	Nabisco	cascade	leavings	
34	013606	37	fingerings	motors	postulation	W
35	013607	37	aging	interrogate	squeaking	
36	013608	37	afield	pests	contrasted	
37	013609	37	ammonium	stairway	leftover	
38	013610	37	boat	dopers	whiteners	
39	013801	37	intelligibility	testicle	erases	W
40	013802	37	Augustine	Parsifal	Punjab	W
41	013803	37	teethe	leavings	Merritt	
42	013804	37	dreaded	postulation	Quixotism	
43	013901	37	scholastics	squeaking	sweetish	FAS
44	016001	37	audiology	contrasted	dogging	FAS
45	016201	37	wallet	leftover	scornfully	FAS
46	016202	37	parters	whiteners	bellow	
47	016301	37	eschew	erases	bills	
48	016302	37	quitter	Punjab	cupboard	FAS
49	016303	37	neat	Merritt	sureties	FAS
50	016304	37	Steinberg	Quixotism	puddings	
51	018001	37	jarring	sweetish	tapestry	
52	018002	37	tinily	dogging	fetters	
53	018003	37	balled	scornfully	bivalves	
54	018004	37	persist	bellow	incurring	
55	018005	37	attainments	bills	Adolph	
56	018007	37	fanatic	cupboard	pithed	
57	018008	37	measures	sureties	emergency	
58	018009	37	rightfulness	puddings	Miles	
59	018010	37	capably	tapestry	trimmings	
60	018012	37	impulsive	fetters	tragedies	W
61	018013	37	starlet	bivalves	skulking	W
62	018014	37	terminators	incurring	flint	
63	018015	37	untying	Adolph	flopping	W
64	018016	37	announces	pithed	relaxing	FAS
65	018017	37	featherweight	emergency	offload	FAS
66	018018	37	pessimist	Miles	suites	W
67	018019	37	daughter	trimmings	lists	FAS
68	018020	37	decliner	tragedies	animized	FAS
69	018021	37	lawgiver	skulking	multilayer	W
70	018022	37	stated	flint	standardizes	FAS
71	018023	37	readable	flopping	Judas	
72	018024	37	attrition	relaxing	vacuuming	W
73	018025	37	cascade	offload	dentally	W
74	018026	37	motors	suites	humanness	W
75	018027	37	interrogate	lists	inch	W
76	018028	37	pests	animized	Weissmuller	W
77	018029	37	stairway	multilayer	irresponsibly	W
78	018030	37	dopers	standardizes	luckily	FAS
79	018032	37	testicle	Judas	culled	W
80	018033	37	Parsifal	vacuuming	medical	FAS
81	018034	37	leavings	dentally	bloodbath	FAS
82	018035	37	postulation	humanness	subschema	W
83	018036	37	squeaking	inch	animals	W
84	018037	37	contrasted	Weissmuller	Micronesia	
85	018038	37	leftover	irresponsibly	repetitions	
86	018039	37	whiteners	luckily	Antares	
87	018040	37	erases	culled	ventilate	W
88	018041	37	Punjab	medical	pityingly	
89	018042	37	Merritt	bloodbath	interdependent	
90	018043	37	Quixotism	subschema	Graves	FAS
91	018044	37	sweetish	animals	neonatal	
92	018045	37	dogging	Micronesia	scribbled	FAS
93	018046	37	scornfully	repetitions	chafe	W
94	018048	37	bellow	Antares	honoring	
95	018049	37	bills	ventilate	realtor	
96	018050	37	cupboard	pityingly	elite	
97	018051	37	sureties	interdependent	funereal	
98	018052	37	puddings	Graves	abrogating	
99	018053	50	tapestry	neonatal	sorters	
100	018054	37	fetters	scribbled	Conley	
101	018055	37	bivalves	chafe	lectured	
102	018056	37	incurring	honoring	Abraham	
103	018057	37	Adolph	realtor	Hawaii	W
104	018058	37	pithed	elite	cage	
105	018059	36	emergency	funereal	hushes	
106	018060	37	Miles	abrogating	Simla	
107	018061	37	trimmings	sorters	reporters	
108	018101	37	tragedies	Conley	Dutchman	FAS
109	018102	37	skulking	lectured	descendants	FAS
110	018103	37	flint	Abraham	groupings	FAS
111	018104	37	flopping	Hawaii	dissociate	
112	018201	37	relaxing	cage	coexist	W
113	018202	37	offload	hushes	Beebe	
114	018402	37	suites	Simla	Taoism	
115	018403	37	lists	reporters	Connally	
116	018404	37	animized	Dutchman	fetched	FAS
117	018405	37	multilayer	descendants	checkpoints	FAS
118	018406	37	standardizes	groupings	rusting	
119	018409	37	Judas	dissociate	galling	
120	018601	37	vacuuming	coexist	obliterates	
121	018602	37	dentally	Beebe	traitor	
122	018603	37	humanness	Taoism	resumes	FAS
123	018801	37	inch	Connally	analyzable	FAS
124	018802	37	Weissmuller	fetched	terminator	FAS
125	018803	37	irresponsibly	checkpoints	gritty	FAS
126	018804	37	luckily	rusting	firearm	W
127	018805	37	culled	galling	minima	
128	018806	37	medical	obliterates	Selfridge	
129	018807	37	bloodbath	traitor	disable	
130	018808	37	subschema	resumes	witchcraft	W
131	018809	37	animals	analyzable	betroth	W
132	018810	37	Micronesia	terminator	Manhattanize	
133	018811	37	repetitions	gritty	imprint	
134	018812	37	Antares	firearm	peeked	
135	019101	37	ventilate	minima	swelling	
136	019102	37	pityingly	Selfridge	interrelationships	W
137	019103	37	interdependent	disable	riser	
138	019201	37	Graves	witchcraft	Gandhian	W
139	030501	37	neonatal	betroth	peacock	A
140	030502	50	scribbled	Manhattanize	bee	A
141	030503	37	chafe	imprint	kanji	
142	030504	37	honoring	peeked	dental	
143	031901	37	realtor	swelling	scarf	FAS
144	036001	37	elite	interrelationships	chasm	A
145	036002	37	funereal	riser	insolence	A
146	036004	37	abrogating	Gandhian	syndicate	
147	036005	37	sorters	peacock	alike	
148	038001	37	Conley	bee	imperial	A
149	038002	37	lectured	kanji	convulsion	A
150	038003	37	Abraham	dental	railway	A
151	038004	37	Hawaii	scarf	validate	A
152	038005	37	cage	chasm	normalizes	A
153	038006	37	hushes	insolence	comprehensive	
154	038007	37	Simla	syndicate	chewing	
155	038008	37	reporters	alike	denizen	
156	038009	37	Dutchman	imperial	schemer	
157	038010	37	descendants	convulsion	chronicle	
158	038011	37	groupings	railway	Kline	
159	038012	37	dissociate	validate	Anatole	
160	038013	37	coexist	normalizes	partridges	
161	038014	37	Beebe	comprehensive	brunch	
162	038015	37	Taoism	chewing	recruited	
163	038016	37	Connally	denizen	dimensions	W
164	038017	37	fetched	schemer	Chicana	W
165	038018	37	checkpoints	chronicle	announced	
166	038101	37	rusting	Kline	praised	FAS
167	038102	37	galling	Anatole	employing	
168	038103	37	obliterates	partridges	linear	
169	038104	37	traitor	brunch	quagmire	
170	038201	37	resumes	recruited	western	A
171	038202	37	analyzable	dimensions	relishing	
172	038203	37	terminator	Chicana	serving	A
173	038204	37	gritty	announced	scheduling	
174	038205	37	firearm	praised	lore	
175	038206	37	minima	employing	eventful	
176	038208	37	Selfridge	linear	arteriole	A
177	042801	37	disable	quagmire	disentangle	
178	042802	37	witchcraft	western	cured	A
179	046101	37	betroth	relishing	Fenton	W
180	048001	37	Manhattanize	serving	avoidable	A
181	048002	37	imprint	scheduling	drains	A
182	048003	37	peeked	lore	detectably	FAS
183	048004	37	swelling	eventful	husky	
184	048005	37	interrelationships	arteriole	impelling	
185	048006	37	riser	disentangle	undoes	
186	048007	37	Gandhian	cured	evened	
187	048008	37	peacock	Fenton	squeezes	
188	048101	37	bee	avoidable	destroyer	FAS
189	048102	37	kanji	drains	rudeness	
190	048201	37	dental	detectably	beaner	FAS
191	048202	37	scarf	husky	boorish	
192	048203	37	chasm	impelling	Everhart	
193	048204	37	insolence	undoes	encompass	A
194	048205	37	syndicate	evened	mushrooms	
195	048301	37	alike	squeezes	Alison	A
196	048302	37	imperial	destroyer	externally	FAS
197	048303	37	convulsion	rudeness	pellagra	
198	048304	37	railway	beaner	cult	
199	048305	37	validate	boorish	creek	A
200	048401	37	normalizes	Everhart	Huffman	
201	048402	37	comprehensive	encompass	Majorca	FAS
202	048403	37	chewing	mushrooms	governing	A
203	048404	37	denizen	Alison	gadfly	FAS
204	048405	37	schemer	externally	reassigned	FAS
205	048406	37	chronicle	pellagra	intentness	W
206	048407	37	Kline	cult	craziness	
207	048408	37	Anatole	creek	psychic	
208	048409	37	partridges	Huffman	squabbled	
209	048410	37	brunch	Majorca	burlesque	
210	048411	37	recruited	governing	capped	
211	048412	37	dimensions	gadfly	extracted	A
212	048413	37	Chicana	reassigned	DiMaggio	
213	048601	37	announced	intentness	exclamation	FAS
214	048602	37	praised	craziness	subdirectory	
215	048603	37	employing	psychic	fangs	
216	048604	37	linear	squabbled	buyer	A
217	048801	37	quagmire	burlesque	pithing	A
218	050901	37	western	capped	transistorizing	A
219	051201	37	relishing	extracted	nonbiodegradable	
220	056002	37	serving	DiMaggio	dislocate	
221	056003	37	scheduling	exclamation	monochromatic	FAS
222	056004	37	lore	subdirectory	batting	
223	056102	37	eventful	fangs	postcondition	A
224	056203	37	arteriole	buyer	catalog	FAS
225	056204	37	disentangle	pithing	Remus	
226	058003	37	cured	transistorizing	devices	A
227	058004	37	Fenton	nonbiodegradable	bike	A
228	058005	37	avoidable	dislocate	qualify	
229	058006	37	drains	monochromatic	detained	
230	058007	37	detectably	batting	commended	
231	058101	37	husky	postcondition	civilize	
232	058102	37	impelling	catalog	Elmhurst	
233	058103	37	undoes	Remus	anesthetizing	
234	058105	37	evened	devices	deaf	
235	058111	37	squeezes	bike	Brigham	
236	058112	37	destroyer	qualify	title	
237	058113	37	rudeness	detained	coarse	
238	058114	37	beaner	commended	combinations	
239	058115	37	boorish	civilize	grayness	
240	058116	37	Everhart	Elmhurst	innumerable	FAS
241	058117	37	encompass	anesthetizing	Caroline	A
242	058118	37	mushrooms	deaf	fatty	FAS
243	058119	37	Alison	Brigham	eastbound	
244	058120	37	externally	title	inexperienced	
245	058121	37	pellagra	coarse	hoarder	A
246	058122	37	cult	combinations	scotch	W
247	058123	37	creek	grayness	passport	A
248	058124	37	Huffman	innumerable	strategic	FAS
249	058125	37	Majorca	Caroline	gated	
250	058126	37	governing	fatty	flog	
251	058127	37	gadfly	eastbound	Pipestone	
252	058128	37	reassigned	inexperienced	Dar	
253	058201	37	intentness	hoarder	Corcoran	
254	058202	37	craziness	scotch	flyers	A
255	058303	37	psychic	passport	competitions	W
256	058304	37	squabbled	strategic	suppliers	FAS
257	058602	37	burlesque	gated	skips	
258	058603	37	capped	flog	institutes	
259	058604	37	extracted	Pipestone	troop	A
260	058605	37	DiMaggio	Dar	connective	W
261	058606	37	exclamation	Corcoran	denies	
262	058607	37	subdirectory	flyers	polka	
263	060401	36	fangs	competitions	observations	FAS
264	061701	36	buyer	suppliers	askers	
265	066201	36	pithing	skips	homeless	FAS
266	066501	36	transistorizing	institutes	Anna	
267	068001	36	nonbiodegradable	troop	subdirectories	W
268	068002	36	dislocate	connective	decaying	FAS
269	068005	36	monochromatic	denies	outwitting	W
270	068006	36	batting	polka	Harpy	W
271	068007	36	postcondition	observations	crazed	
272	068008	36	catalog	askers	suffocate	
273	068009	36	Remus	homeless	provers	FAS
274	068010	36	devices	Anna	technically	
275	068011	36	bike	subdirectories	Franklinizations	
276	068202	36	qualify	decaying	considered	
277	068302	36	detained	outwitting	tinnily	
278	068303	36	commended	Harpy	uninterruptedly	
279	068401	36	civilize	crazed	whistled	A
280	068501	36	Elmhurst	suffocate	automate	
281	068502	36	anesthetizing	provers	gutting	W
282	068503	36	deaf	technically	surreptitious	
283	068602	36	Brigham	Franklinizations	Choctaw	
284	068603	36	title	considered	cooks	
285	068701	36	coarse	tinnily	millivolt	FAS
286	068702	36	combinations	uninterruptedly	counterpoise	
287	068703	36	grayness	whistled	Gothicism	
288	076001	36	innumerable	automate	feminine	
289	076002	36	Caroline	gutting	metaphysically	W
290	076101	36	fatty	surreptitious	sanding	A
291	076102	36	eastbound	Choctaw	contributorily	
292	076103	36	inexperienced	cooks	receivers	FAS
293	076302	36	hoarder	millivolt	adjourn	
294	076303	36	scotch	counterpoise	straggled	A
295	076304	36	passport	Gothicism	druggists	
296	076305	36	strategic	feminine	thanking	FAS
297	076306	36	gated	metaphysically	ostrich	
298	076307	36	flog	sanding	hopelessness	FAS
299	076402	36	Pipestone	contributorily	Eurydice	
300	076501	36	Dar	receivers	excitation	W
301	076502	36	Corcoran	adjourn	presumes	FAS
302	076701	36	flyers	straggled	imaginable	FAS
303	078001	36	competitions	druggists	concoct	W
304	078002	36	suppliers	thanking	peering	W
305	078003	36	skips	ostrich	Phelps	FAS
306	078004	36	institutes	hopelessness	ferociousness	FAS
307	078005	36	troop	Eurydice	sentences	
308	078006	36	connective	excitation	unlocks	
309	078007	36	denies	presumes	engrossing	W
310	078008	36	polka	imaginable	Ruth	
311	078101	36	observations	concoct	tying	
312	078103	36	askers	peering	exclaimers	
313	078104	36	homeless	Phelps	synergy	
314	078105	36	Anna	ferociousness	Huey	W
315	082101	36	subdirectories	sentences	merging	
316	083401	36	decaying	unlocks	judges	A
317	084001	36	outwitting	engrossing	Shylock	W
318	084002	36	Harpy	Ruth	Miltonism	
319	086001	36	crazed	tying	hen	W
320	086102	36	suffocate	exclaimers	honeybee	FAS
321	086201	36	provers	synergy	towers	
322	088001	36	technically	Huey	dilutes	W
323	088002	36	Franklinizations	merging	numerals	FAS
324	088003	36	considered	judges	democracy	FAS
325	088004	36	tinnily	Shylock	Ibero-	
326	088101	36	uninterruptedly	Miltonism	invalids	
327	088102	36	whistled	hen	behavior	
328	088103	36	automate	honeybee	accruing	
329	088104	36	gutting	towers	relics	A
330	088105	36	surreptitious	dilutes	rackets	
331	088106	36	Choctaw	numerals	Fischbein	W
332	088201	36	cooks	democracy	phony	W
333	088203	36	millivolt	Ibero-	cross	FAS
334	088204	36	counterpoise	invalids	cleanup	
335	088302	37	Gothicism	behavior	conspirator	
336	088303	37	feminine	accruing	label	FAS
337	088305	37	metaphysically	relics	university	
338	088402	37	sanding	rackets	cleansed	FAS
339	088501	36	contributorily	Fischbein	ballgown	
340	088502	36	receivers	phony	starlet	
341	088503	36	adjourn	cross	aqueous	
342	098001	58	straggled	cleanup	portrayal	A
343	098002	58	druggists	conspirator	despising	W
344	098003	58	thanking	label	distort	W
345	098004	58	ostrich	university	palmed	
346	098005	58	hopelessness	cleansed	faced	
347	098006	58	Eurydice	ballgown	silverware	
348	141903	29	excitation	starlet	assessor	
349	098008	58	presumes	aqueous	spiders	
350	098009	58	imaginable	portrayal	artificially	
351	098010	58	concoct	despising	reminiscence	
352	098011	58	peering	distort	Mexican	
353	098012	58	Phelps	palmed	obnoxious	
354	098013	58	ferociousness	faced	fragile	
355	098014	58	sentences	silverware	apprehensible	
356	098015	58	unlocks	assessor	births	
357	098016	58	engrossing	spiders	garages	
358	098017	58	Ruth	artificially	panty	
359	098018	58	tying	reminiscence	anteater	
360	098019	58	exclaimers	Mexican	displacement	A
361	098020	58	synergy	obnoxious	drovers	A
362	098021	58	Huey	fragile	patenting	A
363	098022	58	merging	apprehensible	far	A
364	098023	58	judges	births	shrieks	
365	098024	58	Shylock	garages	aligning	W
366	098025	37	Miltonism	panty	pragmatism	
367	106001	36	hen	anteater	fevers	W
368	108001	36	honeybee	displacement	reexamines	A
369	108002	36	towers	drovers	occupancies	
370	108003	36	dilutes	patenting	sweats	FAS
371	108004	36	numerals	far	modulators	
372	108005	36	democracy	shrieks	demand	W
373	108007	36	Ibero-	aligning	Madeira	
374	108008	36	invalids	pragmatism	Viennese	W
375	108009	36	behavior	fevers	chillier	W
376	108010	36	accruing	reexamines	wildcats	FAS
377	108011	36	relics	occupancies	gentle	
378	108012	36	rackets	sweats	Angles	W
379	108101	36	Fischbein	modulators	accuracies	
380	108102	36	phony	demand	toggle	
381	108103	36	cross	Madeira	Mendelssohn	W
382	108111	50	cleanup	Viennese	behaviorally	
383	108105	36	conspirator	chillier	Rochford	
384	108106	36	label	wildcats	mirror	W
385	108107	36	university	gentle	Modula	
386	108108	50	cleansed	Angles	clobbering	
387	108109	36	ballgown	accuracies	chronography	
388	108110	36	starlet	toggle	Eskimoizeds	
389	108201	36	aqueous	Mendelssohn	British	W
390	108202	36	portrayal	behaviorally	pitfalls	
391	108203	36	despising	Rochford	verify	W
392	108204	36	distort	mirror	scatter	FAS
393	108205	36	palmed	Modula	Aztecan	
394	108301	36	faced	clobbering	acuity	W
395	108302	36	silverware	chronography	sinking	W
396	112101	36	assessor	Eskimoizeds	beasts	FAS
397	112102	36	spiders	British	Witt	W
398	113701	36	artificially	pitfalls	physicists	FAS
399	116001	36	reminiscence	verify	folksong	A
400	116201	36	Mexican	scatter	strokes	FAS
401	116301	36	obnoxious	Aztecan	crowder	
402	116302	36	fragile	acuity	merry	
403	116601	36	apprehensible	sinking	cadenced	
404	116602	36	births	beasts	alimony	A
405	116603	36	garages	Witt	principled	A
406	116701	36	panty	physicists	golfing	
407	116702	36	anteater	folksong	undiscovered	
408	118001	36	displacement	strokes	irritates	
409	118002	36	drovers	crowder	patriots	A
410	118003	36	patenting	merry	rooms	FAS
411	118004	36	far	cadenced	towering	W
412	118005	36	shrieks	alimony	displease	
413	118006	36	aligning	principled	photosensitive	
414	118007	36	pragmatism	golfing	inking	
415	118008	36	fevers	undiscovered	gainers	
416	118101	36	reexamines	irritates	leaning	A
417	118102	36	occupancies	patriots	hydrant	A
418	118103	36	sweats	rooms	preserve	
419	118202	36	modulators	towering	blinded	A
420	118203	36	demand	displease	interactions	A
421	118204	36	Madeira	photosensitive	Barry	
422	118302	36	Viennese	inking	whiteness	A
423	118304	36	chillier	gainers	pastimes	W
424	118305	36	wildcats	leaning	Edenization	
425	118306	36	gentle	hydrant	Muscat	
426	118307	36	Angles	preserve	assassinated	
427	123101	36	accuracies	blinded	labeled	
428	123102	36	toggle	interactions	glacial	A
429	123301	36	Mendelssohn	Barry	implied	W
430	126001	36	behaviorally	whiteness	bibliographies	W
431	126002	36	Rochford	pastimes	Buchanan	
432	126003	36	mirror	Edenization	forgivably	FAS
433	126101	36	Modula	Muscat	innuendo	A
434	126301	36	clobbering	assassinated	den	FAS
435	126302	36	chronography	labeled	submarines	W
436	126402	36	Eskimoizeds	glacial	mouthful	A
437	126601	36	British	implied	expiring	
438	126602	36	pitfalls	bibliographies	unfulfilled	FAS
439	126702	36	verify	Buchanan	precession	
440	128001	36	scatter	forgivably	nullified	
441	128002	36	Aztecan	innuendo	affects	
442	128003	36	acuity	den	Cynthia	
443	128004	36	sinking	submarines	Chablis	A
444	128005	36	beasts	mouthful	betterments	FAS
445	128007	36	Witt	expiring	advertising	
446	128008	36	physicists	unfulfilled	rubies	A
447	128009	36	folksong	precession	southwest	FAS
448	128010	36	strokes	nullified	superstitious	A
449	128011	36	crowder	affects	tabernacle	W
450	128012	36	merry	Cynthia	silk	A
451	128013	36	cadenced	Chablis	handsomest	A
452	128014	36	alimony	betterments	Persian	A
453	128015	36	principled	advertising	analog	W
454	128016	36	golfing	rubies	complex	W
455	128017	36	undiscovered	southwest	Taoist	
456	128018	36	irritates	superstitious	suspend	
457	128019	36	patriots	tabernacle	relegated	
458	128020	36	rooms	silk	awesome	W
459	128021	36	towering	handsomest	Bruxelles	
460	128022	36	displease	Persian	imprecisely	A
461	128023	36	photosensitive	analog	televise	
462	128101	36	inking	complex	braking	
463	128102	36	gainers	Taoist	true	FAS
464	128103	36	leaning	suspend	disappointing	FAS
465	128104	36	hydrant	relegated	navally	W
466	128106	36	preserve	awesome	circus	
467	128107	36	blinded	Bruxelles	beetles	
468	128108	36	interactions	imprecisely	trumps	
469	128202	36	Barry	televise	fourscore	W
470	128203	36	whiteness	braking	Blackfoots	
471	128301	36	pastimes	true	Grady	
472	128302	36	Edenization	disappointing	quiets	FAS
473	128303	36	Muscat	navally	floundered	FAS
474	128304	36	assassinated	circus	profundity	W
475	128305	36	labeled	beetles	Garrisonian	W
476	128307	36	glacial	trumps	Strauss	
477	128401	36	implied	fourscore	cemented	FAS
478	128502	36	bibliographies	Blackfoots	contrition	A
479	128503	36	Buchanan	Grady	mutations	
480	128504	36	forgivably	quiets	exhibits	W
481	128505	36	innuendo	floundered	tits	
482	128601	36	den	profundity	mate	A
483	128603	36	submarines	Garrisonian	arches	
484	128604	36	mouthful	Strauss	Moll	
485	128702	36	expiring	cemented	ropers	
486	128703	36	unfulfilled	contrition	bombast	
487	128704	36	precession	mutations	difficultly	A
488	138001	36	nullified	exhibits	adsorption	
489	138002	36	affects	tits	definiteness	FAS
490	138003	36	Cynthia	mate	cultivation	A
491	138004	36	Chablis	arches	heals	A
492	138005	36	betterments	Moll	Heusen	W
493	138006	36	advertising	ropers	target	FAS
494	138007	36	rubies	bombast	cited	A
495	138008	36	southwest	difficultly	congresswoman	W
496	138009	36	superstitious	adsorption	Katherine	
497	138102	36	tabernacle	definiteness	titter	A
498	138103	36	silk	cultivation	aspire	A
499	138104	36	handsomest	heals	Mardis	
500	138105	36	Persian	Heusen	Nadia	W
501	138201	36	analog	target	estimating	FAS
502	138302	36	complex	cited	stuck	A
503	138303	36	Taoist	congresswoman	fifteenth	A
504	138304	36	suspend	Katherine	Colombo	
505	138401	29	relegated	titter	survey	A
506	140102	29	awesome	aspire	staffing	
507	140103	29	Bruxelles	Mardis	obtain	
508	140104	29	imprecisely	Nadia	loaded	
509	140105	29	televise	estimating	slaughtered	
510	140201	29	braking	stuck	lights	A
511	140701	29	true	fifteenth	circumference	
512	141501	29	disappointing	Colombo	dull	A
513	141502	29	navally	survey	weekly	A
514	141901	29	circus	staffing	wetness	
515	141902	29	beetles	obtain	visualized	
516	142101	29	trumps	loaded	Tannenbaum	
517	142102	29	fourscore	slaughtered	moribund	
518	142103	29	Blackfoots	lights	demultiplex	
519	142701	29	Grady	circumference	lockings	
520	143001	29	quiets	dull	thugs	FAS
521	143501	29	floundered	weekly	unnerves	
522	143502	29	profundity	wetness	abut	
523	148001	29	Garrisonian	visualized	Chippewa	A
524	148002	29	Strauss	Tannenbaum	stratifications	A
525	148003	29	cemented	moribund	signaled	
526	148004	29	contrition	demultiplex	Italianizes	A
527	148005	29	mutations	lockings	algorithmic	A
528	148006	29	exhibits	thugs	paranoid	FAS
529	148007	29	tits	unnerves	camping	A
530	148009	29	mate	abut	signifying	A
531	148010	29	arches	Chippewa	Patrice	W
532	148011	29	Moll	stratifications	search	A
533	148012	29	ropers	signaled	Angeles	A
534	148013	29	bombast	Italianizes	semblance	
535	148023	36	difficultly	algorithmic	taxed	
536	148015	29	adsorption	paranoid	Beatrice	
537	148016	29	definiteness	camping	retrace	
538	148017	29	cultivation	signifying	lockout	
539	148018	29	heals	Patrice	grammatic	
540	148019	29	Heusen	search	helmsman	
541	148020	29	target	Angeles	uniform	W
542	148021	29	cited	semblance	hamming	
543	148022	29	congresswoman	taxed	disobedience	
544	148101	29	Katherine	Beatrice	captivated	A
545	148102	29	titter	retrace	transferals	A
546	148201	29	aspire	lockout	cartographer	A
547	148401	29	Mardis	grammatic	aims	FAS
548	148402	29	Nadia	helmsman	Pakistani	
549	148501	29	estimating	uniform	burglarized	FAS
550	148502	29	stuck	hamming	saucepans	A
551	148503	29	fifteenth	disobedience	lacerating	A
552	148504	29	Colombo	captivated	corny	
553	148601	29	survey	transferals	megabytes	FAS
554	148602	29	staffing	cartographer	chancellor	
555	150701	29	obtain	aims	bulk	A
556	152101	29	loaded	Pakistani	commits	A
557	152102	29	slaughtered	burglarized	meson	W
558	155202	36	lights	saucepans	deputies	
559	155203	29	circumference	lacerating	northeaster	A
560	155204	29	dull	corny	dipole	
561	155205	29	weekly	megabytes	machining	0
562	156001	29	wetness	chancellor	therefore	
563	156002	29	visualized	bulk	Telefunken	
564	156102	29	Tannenbaum	commits	salvaging	
565	156301	29	moribund	meson	Corinthianizes	A
566	156302	29	demultiplex	deputies	restlessly	A
567	156303	29	lockings	northeaster	bromides	
568	156304	29	thugs	dipole	generalized	A
569	156305	29	unnerves	machining	mishaps	
570	156306	29	abut	therefore	quelling	
571	156501	29	Chippewa	Telefunken	spiritual	A
572	158001	29	stratifications	salvaging	beguiles	FAS
573	158002	29	signaled	Corinthianizes	Trobriand	FAS
574	158101	29	Italianizes	restlessly	fleeing	A
575	158102	29	algorithmic	bromides	Armour	A
576	158103	29	paranoid	generalized	chin	A
577	158201	29	camping	mishaps	provers	A
578	158202	29	signifying	quelling	aeronautic	A
579	158203	29	Patrice	spiritual	voltage	W
580	158204	29	search	beguiles	sash	
581	158301	29	Angeles	Trobriand	anaerobic	A
582	158302	29	semblance	fleeing	simultaneous	A
583	158303	29	taxed	Armour	accumulating	A
584	158304	29	Beatrice	chin	Medusan	A
585	158305	29	retrace	provers	shouted	A
586	158306	29	lockout	aeronautic	freakish	
587	158501	29	grammatic	voltage	index	FAS
588	160301	29	helmsman	sash	commercially	
589	166101	50	uniform	anaerobic	mistiness	A
590	166102	50	hamming	simultaneous	endpoint	
591	168001	29	disobedience	accumulating	straight	A
592	168002	29	captivated	Medusan	flurried	
593	168003	29	transferals	shouted	denotative	A
594	168101	29	cartographer	freakish	coming	FAS
595	168102	29	aims	index	commencements	FAS
596	168103	29	Pakistani	commercially	gentleman	
597	168104	29	burglarized	mistiness	gifted	
598	168202	29	saucepans	endpoint	Shanghais	
599	168301	29	lacerating	straight	sportswriting	A
600	168502	29	corny	flurried	sloping	A
601	168503	29	megabytes	denotative	navies	
602	168601	29	chancellor	coming	leaflet	A
603	173001	40	bulk	commencements	shooter	
604	173701	40	commits	gentleman	Joplin	FAS
605	173702	40	meson	gifted	babies	
606	176001	40	deputies	Shanghais	subdivision	FAS
607	176101	40	northeaster	sportswriting	burstiness	W
608	176201	40	dipole	sloping	belted	FAS
609	176401	40	machining	navies	assails	FAS
610	176501	40	therefore	leaflet	admiring	W
611	176601	40	Telefunken	shooter	swaying	0
612	176602	40	salvaging	Joplin	Goldstine	FAS
613	176603	40	Corinthianizes	babies	fitting	
614	178001	40	restlessly	subdivision	Norwalk	W
615	178002	40	bromides	burstiness	weakening	W
616	178003	40	generalized	belted	analogy	FAS
617	178004	40	mishaps	assails	deludes	
618	178005	40	quelling	admiring	cokes	
619	178006	40	spiritual	swaying	Clayton	
620	178007	40	beguiles	Goldstine	exhausts	
621	178008	40	Trobriand	fitting	causality	
622	178101	40	fleeing	Norwalk	sating	FAS
623	178102	40	Armour	weakening	icon	
624	178103	40	chin	analogy	throttles	
625	178201	40	provers	deludes	communicants	FAS
626	178202	40	aeronautic	cokes	dehydrate	FAS
627	178301	40	voltage	Clayton	priceless	FAS
628	178302	40	sash	exhausts	publicly	
629	178401	40	anaerobic	causality	incidentals	FAS
630	178402	40	simultaneous	sating	commonplace	
631	178403	40	accumulating	icon	mumbles	
632	178404	40	Medusan	throttles	furthermore	W
633	178501	40	shouted	communicants	cautioned	W
634	186002	37	freakish	dehydrate	parametrized	A
635	186102	37	index	priceless	registration	A
636	186201	40	commercially	publicly	sadly	FAS
637	186202	40	mistiness	incidentals	positioning	
638	186203	40	endpoint	commonplace	babysitting	
639	186302	37	straight	mumbles	eternal	A
640	188007	37	flurried	furthermore	hoarder	
641	188008	37	denotative	cautioned	congregates	
642	188009	37	coming	parametrized	rains	
643	188010	37	commencements	registration	workers	W
644	188011	37	gentleman	sadly	sags	A
645	188012	37	gifted	positioning	unplug	W
646	188013	37	Shanghais	babysitting	garage	A
647	188014	37	sportswriting	eternal	boulder	A
648	188015	37	sloping	hoarder	hollowly	A
649	188016	37	navies	congregates	specifics	
650	188017	37	leaflet	rains	Teresa	
651	188102	37	shooter	workers	Winsett	
652	188103	37	Joplin	sags	convenient	A
653	188202	37	babies	unplug	buckboards	FAS
654	188301	40	subdivision	garage	amenities	
655	188302	40	burstiness	boulder	resplendent	FAS
656	188303	40	belted	hollowly	priding	FAS
657	188401	37	assails	specifics	configurations	
658	188402	37	admiring	Teresa	untidiness	A
659	188503	37	swaying	Winsett	Brice	W
660	188504	37	Goldstine	convenient	sews	FAS
661	188505	37	fitting	buckboards	participated	
662	190701	37	Norwalk	amenities	Simon	FAS
663	190703	50	weakening	resplendent	certificates	
664	191701	37	analogy	priding	Fitzpatrick	
665	191702	37	deludes	configurations	Evanston	A
666	191703	37	cokes	untidiness	misted	
667	196001	37	Clayton	Brice	textures	A
668	196002	37	exhausts	sews	save	
669	196003	37	causality	participated	count	
670	196101	37	sating	Simon	rightful	A
671	196103	37	icon	certificates	chaperone	
672	196104	37	throttles	Fitzpatrick	Lizzy	A
673	196201	37	communicants	Evanston	clenched	A
674	196202	37	dehydrate	misted	effortlessly	
675	196203	37	priceless	textures	accessed	
676	198001	37	publicly	save	beaters	A
677	198003	37	incidentals	count	Hornblower	FAS
678	198004	37	commonplace	rightful	vests	A
679	198005	37	mumbles	chaperone	indulgences	FAS
680	198006	37	furthermore	Lizzy	infallibly	A
681	198007	37	cautioned	clenched	unwilling	FAS
682	198008	37	parametrized	effortlessly	excrete	FAS
683	198009	37	registration	accessed	spools	A
684	198010	37	sadly	beaters	crunches	FAS
685	198011	37	positioning	Hornblower	overestimating	FAS
686	198012	37	babysitting	vests	ineffective	
687	198013	37	eternal	indulgences	humiliation	A
688	198014	37	hoarder	infallibly	sophomore	
689	198015	37	congregates	unwilling	star	
690	198017	37	rains	excrete	rifles	
691	198018	37	workers	spools	dialysis	
692	198019	37	sags	crunches	arriving	
693	198020	37	unplug	overestimating	indulge	
694	198021	37	garage	ineffective	clockers	
695	198022	37	boulder	humiliation	languages	
696	198023	50	hollowly	sophomore	Antarctica	A
697	198024	37	specifics	star	percentage	
698	198101	37	Teresa	rifles	ceiling	A
699	198103	37	Winsett	dialysis	specification	
700	198105	37	convenient	arriving	regimented	A
701	198106	37	buckboards	indulge	ciphers	
702	198201	37	amenities	clockers	pictures	A
703	198204	37	resplendent	languages	serpents	A
704	198301	53	priding	Antarctica	allot	A
705	198302	53	configurations	percentage	realized	A
706	198303	53	untidiness	ceiling	mayoral	A
707	198304	53	Brice	specification	opaquely	A
708	198401	37	sews	regimented	hostess	FAS
709	198402	37	participated	ciphers	fiftieth	
710	198403	37	Simon	pictures	incorrectly	
711	202101	37	certificates	serpents	decomposition	FAS
712	202301	37	Fitzpatrick	allot	stranglings	
713	202302	37	Evanston	realized	mixture	FAS
714	202303	37	misted	mayoral	electroencephalography	FAS
715	202304	37	textures	opaquely	similarities	FAS
716	202305	37	save	hostess	charges	W
717	202601	37	count	fiftieth	freest	FAS
718	202602	37	rightful	incorrectly	Greenberg	FAS
719	202605	37	chaperone	decomposition	tinting	
720	202606	37	Lizzy	stranglings	expelled	W
721	202607	37	clenched	mixture	warm	
722	202901	37	effortlessly	electroencephalography	smoothed	
723	202902	37	accessed	similarities	deductions	FAS
724	202903	37	beaters	charges	Romano	W
725	202904	37	Hornblower	freest	bitterroot	
726	202907	37	vests	Greenberg	corset	
727	202908	37	indulgences	tinting	securing	
728	203101	37	infallibly	expelled	environing	FAS
729	203103	37	unwilling	warm	cute	
730	203104	37	excrete	smoothed	Crays	
731	203105	37	spools	deductions	heiress	FAS
732	203401	37	crunches	Romano	inform	FAS
733	203402	37	overestimating	bitterroot	avenge	
734	203404	37	ineffective	corset	universals	
735	203901	37	humiliation	securing	Kinsey	W
736	203902	37	sophomore	environing	ravines	FAS
737	203903	37	star	cute	bestseller	
738	203906	37	rifles	Crays	equilibrium	
739	203907	37	dialysis	heiress	extents	0
740	203908	37	arriving	inform	relatively	
741	203909	37	indulge	avenge	pressure	FAS
742	206101	37	clockers	universals	critiques	FAS
743	206201	37	languages	Kinsey	befouled	
744	206202	37	Antarctica	ravines	rightfully	FAS
745	206203	37	percentage	bestseller	mechanizing	FAS
746	206206	37	ceiling	equilibrium	Latinizes	
747	206207	37	specification	extents	timesharing	
748	206208	37	regimented	relatively	Aden	
749	208001	37	ciphers	pressure	embassies	
750	208002	37	pictures	critiques	males	FAS
751	208003	37	serpents	befouled	shapelessly	FAS
752	208004	37	allot	rightfully	genres	FAS
753	208008	37	realized	mechanizing	mastering	
754	208009	37	mayoral	Latinizes	Newtonian	
755	208010	37	opaquely	timesharing	finishers	FAS
756	208011	37	hostess	Aden	abates	
757	208101	37	fiftieth	embassies	teem	
758	208102	37	incorrectly	males	kiting	FAS
759	208103	37	decomposition	shapelessly	stodgy	FAS
760	208104	37	stranglings	genres	scalps	FAS
761	208105	37	mixture	mastering	feed	FAS
762	208110	37	electroencephalography	Newtonian	guitars	
763	208111	37	similarities	finishers	airships	
764	208112	37	charges	abates	store	
765	208113	37	freest	teem	denounces	
766	208201	37	Greenberg	kiting	Pyle	FAS
767	208203	37	tinting	stodgy	Saxony	
768	208301	37	expelled	scalps	serializations	FAS
769	208302	37	warm	feed	Peruvian	FAS
770	208305	37	smoothed	guitars	taxonomically	FAS
771	208401	37	deductions	airships	kingdom	A
772	208402	37	Romano	store	stint	A
773	208403	37	bitterroot	denounces	Sault	A
774	208404	37	corset	Pyle	faithful	
775	208501	37	securing	Saxony	Ganymede	FAS
776	208502	37	environing	serializations	tidiness	FAS
777	208503	37	cute	Peruvian	gainful	FAS
778	208504	37	Crays	taxonomically	contrary	FAS
779	208505	37	heiress	kingdom	Tipperary	FAS
780	210101	37	inform	stint	tropics	W
781	210102	37	avenge	Sault	theorizers	
782	210103	37	universals	faithful	renew	0
783	210104	37	Kinsey	Ganymede	already	
784	210105	37	ravines	tidiness	terminal	
785	210106	37	bestseller	gainful	Hegelian	
786	210107	37	equilibrium	contrary	hypothesizer	
787	210401	37	extents	Tipperary	warningly	FAS
788	213201	37	relatively	tropics	journalizing	FAS
789	213203	37	pressure	theorizers	nested	
790	213204	37	critiques	renew	Lars	
791	213205	37	befouled	already	saplings	
792	213206	37	rightfully	terminal	foothill	
793	213207	37	mechanizing	Hegelian	labeled	
794	216101	37	Latinizes	hypothesizer	imperiously	FAS
795	216103	37	timesharing	warningly	reporters	FAS
796	218001	37	Aden	journalizing	furnishings	FAS
797	218002	37	embassies	nested	precipitable	FAS
798	218003	37	males	Lars	discounts	FAS
799	218004	37	shapelessly	saplings	excises	FAS
800	143503	50	genres	foothill	Stalin	
801	218006	37	mastering	labeled	despot	FAS
802	218007	37	Newtonian	imperiously	ripeness	FAS
803	218008	37	finishers	reporters	Arabia	
804	218009	37	abates	furnishings	unruly	
805	218010	37	teem	precipitable	mournfulness	
806	218011	37	kiting	discounts	boom	FAS
807	218020	37	stodgy	excises	slaughter	A
808	218021	50	scalps	Stalin	Sabine	
809	218022	37	feed	despot	handy	FAS
810	218023	37	guitars	ripeness	rural	
811	218024	37	airships	Arabia	organizer	
812	218101	37	store	unruly	shipyard	FAS
813	218102	37	denounces	mournfulness	civics	FAS
814	218103	37	Pyle	boom	inaccuracy	FAS
815	218201	37	Saxony	slaughter	rules	FAS
816	218202	37	serializations	Sabine	juveniles	FAS
817	218203	37	Peruvian	handy	comprised	W
818	218204	37	taxonomically	rural	investigations	
819	218205	37	kingdom	organizer	stabilizes	A
820	218301	37	stint	shipyard	seminaries	FAS
821	218302	37	Sault	civics	Hunter	A
822	218401	37	faithful	inaccuracy	sporty	FAS
823	218402	37	Ganymede	rules	test	FAS
824	218403	37	tidiness	juveniles	weasels	
825	218404	37	gainful	comprised	CERN	
826	218407	37	contrary	investigations	tempering	
827	218408	37	Tipperary	stabilizes	afore	FAS
828	218409	37	tropics	seminaries	Galatean	
829	218410	37	theorizers	Hunter	techniques	W
830	226001	37	renew	sporty	error	
831	226002	37	already	test	veranda	
832	226003	37	terminal	weasels	severely	
833	226004	37	Hegelian	CERN	Cassites	FAS
834	226005	37	hypothesizer	tempering	forthcoming	
835	226006	37	warningly	afore	guides	
836	226007	37	journalizing	Galatean	vanish	FAS
837	226008	37	nested	techniques	lied	A
838	226203	37	Lars	error	sawtooth	FAS
839	226204	37	saplings	veranda	fated	FAS
840	226205	37	foothill	severely	gradually	
841	226206	37	labeled	Cassites	widens	
842	226207	37	imperiously	forthcoming	preclude	
843	226208	37	reporters	guides	Jobrel	
844	226209	37	furnishings	vanish	hooker	
845	226210	37	precipitable	lied	rainstorm	
846	226211	37	discounts	sawtooth	disconnects	
847	228001	37	excises	fated	cruelty	
848	228004	37	Stalin	gradually	exponentials	A
849	228005	37	despot	widens	affective	A
850	228006	37	ripeness	preclude	arteries	
851	228007	37	Arabia	Jobrel	Crosby	FAS
852	228008	37	unruly	hooker	acquaint	
853	228009	37	mournfulness	rainstorm	evenhandedly	
854	228101	37	boom	disconnects	percentage	
855	228108	37	slaughter	cruelty	disobedience	
856	228109	37	Sabine	exponentials	humility	
857	228110	37	handy	affective	gleaning	A
858	228111	37	rural	arteries	petted	A
859	228112	37	organizer	Crosby	bloater	A
860	228113	37	shipyard	acquaint	minion	A
861	228114	37	civics	evenhandedly	marginal	A
862	228115	37	inaccuracy	percentage	apiary	A
863	228116	37	rules	disobedience	measures	
864	228117	37	juveniles	humility	precaution	
865	228118	37	comprised	gleaning	repelled	
866	228119	37	investigations	petted	primary	FAS
867	228120	37	stabilizes	bloater	coverings	
868	228121	37	seminaries	minion	Artemia	A
869	228122	37	Hunter	marginal	navigate	
870	228201	37	sporty	apiary	spatial	
871	228206	37	test	measures	Gurkha	
872	228207	37	weasels	precaution	meanwhile	A
873	228208	37	CERN	repelled	Melinda	A
874	228209	37	tempering	primary	Butterfield	
875	228210	37	afore	coverings	Aldrich	A
876	228211	37	Galatean	Artemia	previewing	A
877	228212	37	techniques	navigate	glut	A
878	228213	37	error	spatial	unaffected	
879	228214	37	veranda	Gurkha	inmate	
880	228301	37	severely	meanwhile	mineral	
881	228305	37	Cassites	Melinda	impending	A
882	228306	37	forthcoming	Butterfield	meditation	A
883	228307	37	guides	Aldrich	ideas	
884	228308	37	vanish	previewing	miniaturizes	W
885	228309	37	lied	glut	lewdly	
886	228310	37	sawtooth	unaffected	title	
887	228311	37	fated	inmate	youthfulness	
888	228312	37	gradually	mineral	creak	FAS
889	228313	37	widens	impending	Chippewa	
890	228314	37	preclude	meditation	clamored	
891	228401	65	Jobrel	ideas	freezes	
892	228402	65	hooker	miniaturizes	forgivably	FAS
893	228403	65	rainstorm	lewdly	reduce	FAS
894	228404	65	disconnects	title	McGovern	W
895	228405	65	cruelty	youthfulness	Nazis	W
896	228406	65	exponentials	creak	epistle	W
897	228407	65	affective	Chippewa	socializes	W
898	228408	65	arteries	clamored	conceptions	
899	228409	65	Crosby	freezes	Kevin	
900	228410	65	acquaint	forgivably	uncovering	
901	230301	37	evenhandedly	reduce	chews	FAS
902	230302	37	percentage	McGovern	appendixes	FAS
903	230303	37	disobedience	Nazis	raining	
904	018062	37	humility	epistle	infest	
905	230501	37	gleaning	socializes	compartment	
906	230502	37	petted	conceptions	minting	
907	230503	37	bloater	Kevin	ducks	
908	230504	37	minion	uncovering	roped	A
909	230505	37	marginal	chews	waltz	
910	230506	37	apiary	appendixes	Lillian	
911	230507	37	measures	raining	repressions	A
912	230508	37	precaution	infest	chillingly	
913	230509	37	repelled	compartment	noncritical	
914	230901	37	primary	minting	lithograph	
915	230902	37	coverings	ducks	spongers	
916	230903	37	Artemia	roped	parenthood	
917	230904	37	navigate	waltz	posed	
918	230905	37	spatial	Lillian	instruments	
919	230906	37	Gurkha	repressions	filial	
920	230907	37	meanwhile	chillingly	fixedly	
921	230908	37	Melinda	noncritical	relives	
922	230909	37	Butterfield	lithograph	Pandora	
923	230910	37	Aldrich	spongers	watering	A
924	230911	37	previewing	parenthood	ungrateful	
925	230912	37	glut	posed	secures	
926	230913	37	unaffected	instruments	chastisers	
927	230914	37	inmate	filial	icon	
928	231304	37	mineral	fixedly	reuniting	A
929	231305	37	impending	relives	imagining	A
930	231306	37	meditation	Pandora	abiding	A
931	231307	37	ideas	watering	omnisciently	
932	231308	37	miniaturizes	ungrateful	Britannic	
933	231309	37	lewdly	secures	scholastics	A
934	231310	37	title	chastisers	mechanics	A
935	231311	37	youthfulness	icon	humidly	A
936	231312	37	creak	reuniting	masterpiece	
937	231313	37	Chippewa	imagining	however	
938	231314	37	clamored	abiding	Mendelian	
939	231315	37	freezes	omnisciently	jarred	
940	232102	37	forgivably	Britannic	scolds	
941	232103	37	reduce	scholastics	infatuate	
942	232104	37	McGovern	mechanics	willed	A
943	232105	37	Nazis	humidly	joyfully	
944	232106	37	epistle	masterpiece	Microsoft	
945	232107	37	socializes	however	fibrosities	
946	232108	37	conceptions	Mendelian	Baltimorean	
947	232601	37	Kevin	jarred	equestrian	
948	232602	37	uncovering	scolds	Goodrich	
949	232603	37	chews	infatuate	apish	A
950	232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5950	1232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5951	1232606	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5952	1232607	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5953	1232608	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5954	1232609	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
951	232606	37	raining	joyfully	Tropez	
952	232607	37	infest	Microsoft	nouns	
953	232608	37	compartment	fibrosities	distracting	
954	232609	37	minting	Baltimorean	mutton	
955	236104	37	ducks	equestrian	bridgeable	A
956	236105	37	roped	Goodrich	stickers	A
957	236106	37	waltz	apish	transcontinental	A
958	236107	37	Lillian	Adlerian	amateurish	
959	236108	37	repressions	Tropez	Gandhian	
960	236109	37	chillingly	nouns	stratified	
961	236110	37	noncritical	distracting	chamberlains	
962	236111	37	lithograph	mutton	creditably	
963	236112	37	spongers	bridgeable	philosophic	
964	236113	37	parenthood	stickers	ores	
965	238005	37	posed	transcontinental	Carleton	
966	238006	37	instruments	amateurish	tape	A
967	238007	37	filial	Gandhian	afloat	A
968	238008	37	fixedly	stratified	goodness	A
969	238009	37	relives	chamberlains	welcoming	
970	238010	37	Pandora	creditably	Pinsky	FAS
971	238011	37	watering	philosophic	halting	
972	238012	37	ungrateful	ores	bibliography	
973	238013	37	secures	Carleton	decoding	
974	240401	41	chastisers	tape	variance	A
975	240402	41	icon	afloat	allowed	A
976	240901	41	reuniting	goodness	dire	A
977	240902	41	imagining	welcoming	dub	A
978	241801	41	abiding	Pinsky	poisoning	
979	242101	41	omnisciently	halting	Iraqis	A
980	242102	41	Britannic	bibliography	heaving	
981	242201	41	scholastics	decoding	population	A
982	242202	41	mechanics	variance	bomb	A
983	242501	41	humidly	allowed	Majorca	A
984	242502	41	masterpiece	dire	Gershwins	
985	246201	41	however	dub	explorers	
986	246202	41	Mendelian	poisoning	libretto	A
987	246203	41	jarred	Iraqis	occurred	
988	246204	41	scolds	heaving	Lagos	
989	246205	41	infatuate	population	rats	
990	246301	41	willed	bomb	bankruptcies	A
991	246302	41	joyfully	Majorca	crying	
992	248001	41	Microsoft	Gershwins	unexpected	
993	248002	41	fibrosities	explorers	accessed	A
994	248003	41	Baltimorean	libretto	colorful	A
995	248004	41	equestrian	occurred	versatility	A
996	248005	41	Goodrich	Lagos	cosy	
997	248006	41	apish	rats	Darius	A
998	248007	41	Adlerian	bankruptcies	mastering	A
999	248008	41	Tropez	crying	Asiaticizations	A
1000	248009	41	nouns	unexpected	offerers	A
1001	248010	41	distracting	accessed	uncles	A
1002	248011	41	mutton	colorful	sleepwalk	
1003	248012	41	bridgeable	versatility	Ernestine	
1004	248013	41	stickers	cosy	checksumming	
1005	248014	41	transcontinental	Darius	stopped	
1006	248015	41	amateurish	mastering	sicker	
1007	248016	41	Gandhian	Asiaticizations	Italianization	
1008	248017	41	stratified	offerers	alphabetic	
1009	248018	41	chamberlains	uncles	pharmaceutic	
1010	248019	41	creditably	sleepwalk	creator	
1011	248020	41	philosophic	Ernestine	chess	
1012	248021	41	ores	checksumming	charcoal	
1013	248101	41	Carleton	stopped	Epiphany	A
1014	248102	41	tape	sicker	bulldozes	A
1015	248201	41	afloat	Italianization	Pygmalion	A
1016	248202	41	goodness	alphabetic	caressing	A
1017	248203	41	welcoming	pharmaceutic	Palestine	A
1018	248204	41	Pinsky	creator	regimented	A
1019	248205	41	halting	chess	scars	A
1020	248206	41	bibliography	charcoal	realest	A
1021	248207	41	decoding	Epiphany	diffusing	A
1022	248208	41	variance	bulldozes	clubroom	A
1023	248209	41	allowed	Pygmalion	Blythe	A
1024	248210	41	dire	caressing	ahead	
1025	248211	50	dub	Palestine	reviver	
1026	250501	34	poisoning	regimented	retransmitting	A
1027	250502	34	Iraqis	scars	landslide	
1028	250503	34	heaving	realest	Eiffel	
1029	250504	34	population	diffusing	absentee	
1030	250505	34	bomb	clubroom	aye	
1031	250601	34	Majorca	Blythe	forked	A
1032	250602	34	Gershwins	ahead	Peruvianizes	
1033	250603	34	explorers	reviver	clerked	
1034	250604	34	libretto	retransmitting	tutor	
1035	250605	34	occurred	landslide	boulevard	
1036	251001	34	Lagos	Eiffel	shuttered	
1037	251002	34	rats	absentee	quotes	A
1038	251003	34	bankruptcies	aye	Caltech	
1039	251004	34	crying	forked	Mossberg	
1040	251005	34	unexpected	Peruvianizes	kept	
1041	251301	34	accessed	clerked	roundly	
1042	251302	34	colorful	tutor	features	A
1043	251303	34	versatility	boulevard	imaginable	A
1044	251304	34	cosy	shuttered	controller	
1045	251305	34	Darius	quotes	racial	
1046	251401	34	mastering	Caltech	uprisings	A
1047	251402	34	Asiaticizations	Mossberg	narrowed	A
1048	251403	34	offerers	kept	cannot	A
1049	251404	34	uncles	roundly	vest	
1050	251405	34	sleepwalk	features	famine	
1051	251406	34	Ernestine	imaginable	sugars	
1052	251801	34	checksumming	controller	exterminated	A
1053	251802	34	stopped	racial	belays	
1054	252101	34	sicker	uprisings	Hodges	A
1055	252102	34	Italianization	narrowed	translatable	
1056	252301	34	alphabetic	cannot	duality	A
1057	252302	34	pharmaceutic	vest	recording	A
1058	252303	34	creator	famine	rouses	A
1059	252304	34	chess	sugars	poison	
1060	252305	34	charcoal	exterminated	attitude	
1061	252306	34	Epiphany	belays	dusted	
1062	252307	34	bulldozes	Hodges	encompasses	
1063	252308	34	Pygmalion	translatable	presentation	
1064	252309	34	caressing	duality	Kantian	
1065	256001	34	Palestine	recording	imprecision	A
1066	256002	34	regimented	rouses	saving	
1067	256003	34	scars	poison	maternal	
1068	256004	34	realest	attitude	hewed	
1069	256005	34	diffusing	dusted	kerosene	
1070	258001	34	clubroom	encompasses	Cubans	
1071	258002	34	Blythe	presentation	photographers	
1072	258003	34	ahead	Kantian	nymph	A
1073	258004	34	reviver	imprecision	bedlam	A
1074	258005	34	retransmitting	saving	north	A
1075	258006	34	landslide	maternal	Schoenberg	A
1076	258007	34	Eiffel	hewed	botany	A
1077	258008	34	absentee	kerosene	curs	
1078	258009	34	aye	Cubans	solidification	
1079	258010	34	forked	photographers	inheritresses	
1080	258011	34	Peruvianizes	nymph	stiller	
1081	258101	68	clerked	bedlam	t1	A
1082	258102	68	tutor	north	suite	A
1083	258103	34	boulevard	Schoenberg	ransomer	
1084	258104	68	shuttered	botany	Willy	
1085	258105	68	quotes	curs	Rena	A
1086	258106	68	Caltech	solidification	Seattle	A
1087	258107	68	Mossberg	inheritresses	relaxes	A
1088	258108	68	kept	stiller	exclaim	
1089	258109	68	roundly	t1	implicated	A
1090	258110	68	features	suite	distinguish	
1091	258111	68	imaginable	ransomer	assayed	
1092	258112	68	controller	Willy	homeowner	
1093	258113	68	racial	Rena	and	
1094	258201	34	uprisings	Seattle	stealth	
1095	258202	34	narrowed	relaxes	coinciding	A
1096	258203	34	cannot	exclaim	founder	A
1097	258204	34	vest	implicated	environing	
1098	258205	34	famine	distinguish	jewelry	
1099	258301	34	sugars	assayed	lemons	A
1100	258401	34	exterminated	homeowner	brokenness	A
1101	258402	34	belays	and	bedpost	A
1102	258403	34	Hodges	stealth	assurers	A
1103	258404	34	translatable	coinciding	annoyers	
1104	258405	34	duality	founder	affixed	
1105	258406	34	recording	environing	warbling	
1106	258407	34	rouses	jewelry	seriously	
1107	228123	37	poison	lemons	boasted	
1108	250606	34	attitude	brokenness	Chantilly	
1109	208405	37	dusted	bedpost	Iranizes	
1110	212101	37	encompasses	assurers	violinist	
1111	218206	37	presentation	annoyers	extramarital	
1112	150401	37	Kantian	affixed	spates	
1113	248212	41	imprecision	warbling	cloakroom	
1114	128026	00	saving	seriously	gazer	
1115	128024	00	maternal	boasted	hand	
1116	128027	00	hewed	Chantilly	tucked	
1117	128025	00	kerosene	Iranizes	gems	
1118	128109	00	Cubans	violinist	clinker	
1119	128705	00	photographers	extramarital	refiner	
1120	126303	00	nymph	spates	callus	
1121	128308	00	bedlam	cloakroom	leopards	
1122	128204	00	north	gazer	comfortingly	
1123	128205	00	Schoenberg	hand	generically	
1124	128206	00	botany	tucked	getters	
1125	128207	00	curs	gems	sexually	
1126	118205	00	solidification	clinker	spear	
1127	116801	00	inheritresses	refiner	serums	
1128	116803	00	stiller	callus	Italianization	
1129	116804	00	t1	leopards	attendants	
1130	116802	00	suite	comfortingly	spies	
1131	128605	00	ransomer	generically	Anthony	
1132	118308	00	Willy	getters	planar	
1133	113702	00	Rena	sexually	cupped	
1134	113703	00	Seattle	spear	cleanser	
1135	112103	00	relaxes	serums	commuters	
1136	118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
5136	1118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
1137	138011	00	implicated	attendants	orphanage	
1138	138010	00	distinguish	spies	skies	
1139	138012	00	assayed	Anthony	crushers	
1140	068304	00	homeowner	planar	Puritan	
1141	078009	00	and	cupped	squeezer	
1142	108013	00	stealth	cleanser	bruises	
1143	084004	00	coinciding	commuters	bonfire	
1144	083402	00	founder	honeysuckle	Colombo	
1145	084003	00	environing	orphanage	nondecreasing	
1146	088504	00	jewelry	skies	innocents	
1147	088005	00	lemons	crushers	masked	
1148	088007	00	brokenness	Puritan	file	
1149	088006	00	bedpost	squeezer	brush	
1150	148025	00	assurers	bruises	mutilate	
1151	148024	00	annoyers	bonfire	mommy	
1152	138305	00	affixed	Colombo	bulkheads	
1153	138306	00	warbling	nondecreasing	undeclared	
1154	152701	00	seriously	innocents	displacements	
1155	148505	00	boasted	masked	nieces	
1156	158003	00	Chantilly	file	coeducation	
1157	156201	00	Iranizes	brush	brassy	
1158	156202	00	violinist	mutilate	authenticator	
1159	158307	00	extramarital	mommy	Washoe	
1160	158402	00	spates	bulkheads	penny	
1161	158401	00	cloakroom	undeclared	Flagler	
1162	068013	00	gazer	displacements	stoned	
1163	068012	00	hand	nieces	cranes	
1164	068203	00	tucked	coeducation	masterful	
1165	088205	00	gems	brassy	biracial	
1166	068704	00	clinker	authenticator	steamships	
1167	068604	00	refiner	Washoe	windmills	
1168	158502	00	callus	penny	exploit	
1169	123103	00	leopards	Flagler	riverfront	
1170	148026	00	comfortingly	stoned	sisterly	
1171	123302	00	generically	cranes	sharpshoot	
1172	076503	00	getters	masterful	mittens	
1173	126304	00	sexually	biracial	interdependency	
1174	068306	00	spear	steamships	policy	
1175	143504	00	serums	windmills	unleashing	
1176	160201	00	Italianization	exploit	pretenders	
1177	148028	00	attendants	riverfront	overstatements	
1178	148027	00	spies	sisterly	birthed	
1179	143505	00	Anthony	sharpshoot	opportunism	
1180	108014	00	planar	mittens	showroom	
1181	076104	00	cupped	interdependency	compromisingly	
1182	078106	00	cleanser	policy	Medicare	
1183	126102	00	commuters	unleashing	corresponds	
1184	128029	00	honeysuckle	pretenders	hardware	
1185	128028	00	orphanage	overstatements	implant	
1186	018410	00	skies	birthed	Alicia	
1187	128110	00	crushers	opportunism	requesting	
1188	148506	00	Puritan	showroom	produced	
1189	123303	00	squeezer	compromisingly	criticizes	
1190	123304	00	bruises	Medicare	backer	
1191	068504	00	bonfire	corresponds	positively	
1192	068305	00	Colombo	hardware	colicky	
1193	000000	00	nondecreasing	implant	thrillingly	
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
test.t2	repair	status	OK
auto	fld1	companynr	fld3	fld4	fld5	fld6
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
5	011501	37	bewilderingly	wallet	balled	
6	011701	37	astound	parters	persist	W
7	011702	37	admonishing	eschew	attainments	
8	011703	37	sumac	quitter	fanatic	
9	012001	37	flanking	neat	measures	FAS
10	012003	37	combed	Steinberg	rightfulness	
11	012004	37	subjective	jarring	capably	
12	012005	37	scatterbrain	tinily	impulsive	
13	012301	37	Eulerian	balled	starlet	
14	012302	36	dubbed	persist	terminators	
15	012303	37	Kane	attainments	untying	
16	012304	37	overlay	fanatic	announces	FAS
17	012305	37	perturb	measures	featherweight	FAS
18	012306	37	goblins	rightfulness	pessimist	FAS
19	012501	37	annihilates	capably	daughter	
20	012602	37	Wotan	impulsive	decliner	FAS
21	012603	37	snatching	starlet	lawgiver	
22	012604	37	concludes	terminators	stated	
23	012605	37	laterally	untying	readable	
24	012606	37	yelped	announces	attrition	
25	012701	37	grazing	featherweight	cascade	FAS
26	012702	37	Baird	pessimist	motors	FAS
27	012703	37	celery	daughter	interrogate	
28	012704	37	misunderstander	decliner	pests	W
29	013601	37	handgun	lawgiver	stairway	
30	013602	37	foldout	stated	dopers	FAS
31	013603	37	mystic	readable	testicle	W
32	013604	37	succumbed	attrition	Parsifal	W
33	013605	37	Nabisco	cascade	leavings	
34	013606	37	fingerings	motors	postulation	W
35	013607	37	aging	interrogate	squeaking	
36	013608	37	afield	pests	contrasted	
37	013609	37	ammonium	stairway	leftover	
38	013610	37	boat	dopers	whiteners	
39	013801	37	intelligibility	testicle	erases	W
40	013802	37	Augustine	Parsifal	Punjab	W
41	013803	37	teethe	leavings	Merritt	
42	013804	37	dreaded	postulation	Quixotism	
43	013901	37	scholastics	squeaking	sweetish	FAS
44	016001	37	audiology	contrasted	dogging	FAS
45	016201	37	wallet	leftover	scornfully	FAS
46	016202	37	parters	whiteners	bellow	
47	016301	37	eschew	erases	bills	
48	016302	37	quitter	Punjab	cupboard	FAS
49	016303	37	neat	Merritt	sureties	FAS
50	016304	37	Steinberg	Quixotism	puddings	
51	018001	37	jarring	sweetish	tapestry	
52	018002	37	tinily	dogging	fetters	
53	018003	37	balled	scornfully	bivalves	
54	018004	37	persist	bellow	incurring	
55	018005	37	attainments	bills	Adolph	
56	018007	37	fanatic	cupboard	pithed	
57	018008	37	measures	sureties	emergency	
58	018009	37	rightfulness	puddings	Miles	
59	018010	37	capably	tapestry	trimmings	
60	018012	37	impulsive	fetters	tragedies	W
61	018013	37	starlet	bivalves	skulking	W
62	018014	37	terminators	incurring	flint	
63	018015	37	untying	Adolph	flopping	W
64	018016	37	announces	pithed	relaxing	FAS
65	018017	37	featherweight	emergency	offload	FAS
66	018018	37	pessimist	Miles	suites	W
67	018019	37	daughter	trimmings	lists	FAS
68	018020	37	decliner	tragedies	animized	FAS
69	018021	37	lawgiver	skulking	multilayer	W
70	018022	37	stated	flint	standardizes	FAS
71	018023	37	readable	flopping	Judas	
72	018024	37	attrition	relaxing	vacuuming	W
73	018025	37	cascade	offload	dentally	W
74	018026	37	motors	suites	humanness	W
75	018027	37	interrogate	lists	inch	W
76	018028	37	pests	animized	Weissmuller	W
77	018029	37	stairway	multilayer	irresponsibly	W
78	018030	37	dopers	standardizes	luckily	FAS
79	018032	37	testicle	Judas	culled	W
80	018033	37	Parsifal	vacuuming	medical	FAS
81	018034	37	leavings	dentally	bloodbath	FAS
82	018035	37	postulation	humanness	subschema	W
83	018036	37	squeaking	inch	animals	W
84	018037	37	contrasted	Weissmuller	Micronesia	
85	018038	37	leftover	irresponsibly	repetitions	
86	018039	37	whiteners	luckily	Antares	
87	018040	37	erases	culled	ventilate	W
88	018041	37	Punjab	medical	pityingly	
89	018042	37	Merritt	bloodbath	interdependent	
90	018043	37	Quixotism	subschema	Graves	FAS
91	018044	37	sweetish	animals	neonatal	
92	018045	37	dogging	Micronesia	scribbled	FAS
93	018046	37	scornfully	repetitions	chafe	W
94	018048	37	bellow	Antares	honoring	
95	018049	37	bills	ventilate	realtor	
96	018050	37	cupboard	pityingly	elite	
97	018051	37	sureties	interdependent	funereal	
98	018052	37	puddings	Graves	abrogating	
99	018053	50	tapestry	neonatal	sorters	
100	018054	37	fetters	scribbled	Conley	
101	018055	37	bivalves	chafe	lectured	
102	018056	37	incurring	honoring	Abraham	
103	018057	37	Adolph	realtor	Hawaii	W
104	018058	37	pithed	elite	cage	
105	018059	36	emergency	funereal	hushes	
106	018060	37	Miles	abrogating	Simla	
107	018061	37	trimmings	sorters	reporters	
108	018101	37	tragedies	Conley	Dutchman	FAS
109	018102	37	skulking	lectured	descendants	FAS
110	018103	37	flint	Abraham	groupings	FAS
111	018104	37	flopping	Hawaii	dissociate	
112	018201	37	relaxing	cage	coexist	W
113	018202	37	offload	hushes	Beebe	
114	018402	37	suites	Simla	Taoism	
115	018403	37	lists	reporters	Connally	
116	018404	37	animized	Dutchman	fetched	FAS
117	018405	37	multilayer	descendants	checkpoints	FAS
118	018406	37	standardizes	groupings	rusting	
119	018409	37	Judas	dissociate	galling	
120	018601	37	vacuuming	coexist	obliterates	
121	018602	37	dentally	Beebe	traitor	
122	018603	37	humanness	Taoism	resumes	FAS
123	018801	37	inch	Connally	analyzable	FAS
124	018802	37	Weissmuller	fetched	terminator	FAS
125	018803	37	irresponsibly	checkpoints	gritty	FAS
126	018804	37	luckily	rusting	firearm	W
127	018805	37	culled	galling	minima	
128	018806	37	medical	obliterates	Selfridge	
129	018807	37	bloodbath	traitor	disable	
130	018808	37	subschema	resumes	witchcraft	W
131	018809	37	animals	analyzable	betroth	W
132	018810	37	Micronesia	terminator	Manhattanize	
133	018811	37	repetitions	gritty	imprint	
134	018812	37	Antares	firearm	peeked	
135	019101	37	ventilate	minima	swelling	
136	019102	37	pityingly	Selfridge	interrelationships	W
137	019103	37	interdependent	disable	riser	
138	019201	37	Graves	witchcraft	Gandhian	W
139	030501	37	neonatal	betroth	peacock	A
140	030502	50	scribbled	Manhattanize	bee	A
141	030503	37	chafe	imprint	kanji	
142	030504	37	honoring	peeked	dental	
143	031901	37	realtor	swelling	scarf	FAS
144	036001	37	elite	interrelationships	chasm	A
145	036002	37	funereal	riser	insolence	A
146	036004	37	abrogating	Gandhian	syndicate	
147	036005	37	sorters	peacock	alike	
148	038001	37	Conley	bee	imperial	A
149	038002	37	lectured	kanji	convulsion	A
150	038003	37	Abraham	dental	railway	A
151	038004	37	Hawaii	scarf	validate	A
152	038005	37	cage	chasm	normalizes	A
153	038006	37	hushes	insolence	comprehensive	
154	038007	37	Simla	syndicate	chewing	
155	038008	37	reporters	alike	denizen	
156	038009	37	Dutchman	imperial	schemer	
157	038010	37	descendants	convulsion	chronicle	
158	038011	37	groupings	railway	Kline	
159	038012	37	dissociate	validate	Anatole	
160	038013	37	coexist	normalizes	partridges	
161	038014	37	Beebe	comprehensive	brunch	
162	038015	37	Taoism	chewing	recruited	
163	038016	37	Connally	denizen	dimensions	W
164	038017	37	fetched	schemer	Chicana	W
165	038018	37	checkpoints	chronicle	announced	
166	038101	37	rusting	Kline	praised	FAS
167	038102	37	galling	Anatole	employing	
168	038103	37	obliterates	partridges	linear	
169	038104	37	traitor	brunch	quagmire	
170	038201	37	resumes	recruited	western	A
171	038202	37	analyzable	dimensions	relishing	
172	038203	37	terminator	Chicana	serving	A
173	038204	37	gritty	announced	scheduling	
174	038205	37	firearm	praised	lore	
175	038206	37	minima	employing	eventful	
176	038208	37	Selfridge	linear	arteriole	A
177	042801	37	disable	quagmire	disentangle	
178	042802	37	witchcraft	western	cured	A
179	046101	37	betroth	relishing	Fenton	W
180	048001	37	Manhattanize	serving	avoidable	A
181	048002	37	imprint	scheduling	drains	A
182	048003	37	peeked	lore	detectably	FAS
183	048004	37	swelling	eventful	husky	
184	048005	37	interrelationships	arteriole	impelling	
185	048006	37	riser	disentangle	undoes	
186	048007	37	Gandhian	cured	evened	
187	048008	37	peacock	Fenton	squeezes	
188	048101	37	bee	avoidable	destroyer	FAS
189	048102	37	kanji	drains	rudeness	
190	048201	37	dental	detectably	beaner	FAS
191	048202	37	scarf	husky	boorish	
192	048203	37	chasm	impelling	Everhart	
193	048204	37	insolence	undoes	encompass	A
194	048205	37	syndicate	evened	mushrooms	
195	048301	37	alike	squeezes	Alison	A
196	048302	37	imperial	destroyer	externally	FAS
197	048303	37	convulsion	rudeness	pellagra	
198	048304	37	railway	beaner	cult	
199	048305	37	validate	boorish	creek	A
200	048401	37	normalizes	Everhart	Huffman	
201	048402	37	comprehensive	encompass	Majorca	FAS
202	048403	37	chewing	mushrooms	governing	A
203	048404	37	denizen	Alison	gadfly	FAS
204	048405	37	schemer	externally	reassigned	FAS
205	048406	37	chronicle	pellagra	intentness	W
206	048407	37	Kline	cult	craziness	
207	048408	37	Anatole	creek	psychic	
208	048409	37	partridges	Huffman	squabbled	
209	048410	37	brunch	Majorca	burlesque	
210	048411	37	recruited	governing	capped	
211	048412	37	dimensions	gadfly	extracted	A
212	048413	37	Chicana	reassigned	DiMaggio	
213	048601	37	announced	intentness	exclamation	FAS
214	048602	37	praised	craziness	subdirectory	
215	048603	37	employing	psychic	fangs	
216	048604	37	linear	squabbled	buyer	A
217	048801	37	quagmire	burlesque	pithing	A
218	050901	37	western	capped	transistorizing	A
219	051201	37	relishing	extracted	nonbiodegradable	
220	056002	37	serving	DiMaggio	dislocate	
221	056003	37	scheduling	exclamation	monochromatic	FAS
222	056004	37	lore	subdirectory	batting	
223	056102	37	eventful	fangs	postcondition	A
224	056203	37	arteriole	buyer	catalog	FAS
225	056204	37	disentangle	pithing	Remus	
226	058003	37	cured	transistorizing	devices	A
227	058004	37	Fenton	nonbiodegradable	bike	A
228	058005	37	avoidable	dislocate	qualify	
229	058006	37	drains	monochromatic	detained	
230	058007	37	detectably	batting	commended	
231	058101	37	husky	postcondition	civilize	
232	058102	37	impelling	catalog	Elmhurst	
233	058103	37	undoes	Remus	anesthetizing	
234	058105	37	evened	devices	deaf	
235	058111	37	squeezes	bike	Brigham	
236	058112	37	destroyer	qualify	title	
237	058113	37	rudeness	detained	coarse	
238	058114	37	beaner	commended	combinations	
239	058115	37	boorish	civilize	grayness	
240	058116	37	Everhart	Elmhurst	innumerable	FAS
241	058117	37	encompass	anesthetizing	Caroline	A
242	058118	37	mushrooms	deaf	fatty	FAS
243	058119	37	Alison	Brigham	eastbound	
244	058120	37	externally	title	inexperienced	
245	058121	37	pellagra	coarse	hoarder	A
246	058122	37	cult	combinations	scotch	W
247	058123	37	creek	grayness	passport	A
248	058124	37	Huffman	innumerable	strategic	FAS
249	058125	37	Majorca	Caroline	gated	
250	058126	37	governing	fatty	flog	
251	058127	37	gadfly	eastbound	Pipestone	
252	058128	37	reassigned	inexperienced	Dar	
253	058201	37	intentness	hoarder	Corcoran	
254	058202	37	craziness	scotch	flyers	A
255	058303	37	psychic	passport	competitions	W
256	058304	37	squabbled	strategic	suppliers	FAS
257	058602	37	burlesque	gated	skips	
258	058603	37	capped	flog	institutes	
259	058604	37	extracted	Pipestone	troop	A
260	058605	37	DiMaggio	Dar	connective	W
261	058606	37	exclamation	Corcoran	denies	
262	058607	37	subdirectory	flyers	polka	
263	060401	36	fangs	competitions	observations	FAS
264	061701	36	buyer	suppliers	askers	
265	066201	36	pithing	skips	homeless	FAS
266	066501	36	transistorizing	institutes	Anna	
267	068001	36	nonbiodegradable	troop	subdirectories	W
268	068002	36	dislocate	connective	decaying	FAS
269	068005	36	monochromatic	denies	outwitting	W
270	068006	36	batting	polka	Harpy	W
271	068007	36	postcondition	observations	crazed	
272	068008	36	catalog	askers	suffocate	
273	068009	36	Remus	homeless	provers	FAS
274	068010	36	devices	Anna	technically	
275	068011	36	bike	subdirectories	Franklinizations	
276	068202	36	qualify	decaying	considered	
277	068302	36	detained	outwitting	tinnily	
278	068303	36	commended	Harpy	uninterruptedly	
279	068401	36	civilize	crazed	whistled	A
280	068501	36	Elmhurst	suffocate	automate	
281	068502	36	anesthetizing	provers	gutting	W
282	068503	36	deaf	technically	surreptitious	
283	068602	36	Brigham	Franklinizations	Choctaw	
284	068603	36	title	considered	cooks	
285	068701	36	coarse	tinnily	millivolt	FAS
286	068702	36	combinations	uninterruptedly	counterpoise	
287	068703	36	grayness	whistled	Gothicism	
288	076001	36	innumerable	automate	feminine	
289	076002	36	Caroline	gutting	metaphysically	W
290	076101	36	fatty	surreptitious	sanding	A
291	076102	36	eastbound	Choctaw	contributorily	
292	076103	36	inexperienced	cooks	receivers	FAS
293	076302	36	hoarder	millivolt	adjourn	
294	076303	36	scotch	counterpoise	straggled	A
295	076304	36	passport	Gothicism	druggists	
296	076305	36	strategic	feminine	thanking	FAS
297	076306	36	gated	metaphysically	ostrich	
298	076307	36	flog	sanding	hopelessness	FAS
299	076402	36	Pipestone	contributorily	Eurydice	
300	076501	36	Dar	receivers	excitation	W
301	076502	36	Corcoran	adjourn	presumes	FAS
302	076701	36	flyers	straggled	imaginable	FAS
303	078001	36	competitions	druggists	concoct	W
304	078002	36	suppliers	thanking	peering	W
305	078003	36	skips	ostrich	Phelps	FAS
306	078004	36	institutes	hopelessness	ferociousness	FAS
307	078005	36	troop	Eurydice	sentences	
308	078006	36	connective	excitation	unlocks	
309	078007	36	denies	presumes	engrossing	W
310	078008	36	polka	imaginable	Ruth	
311	078101	36	observations	concoct	tying	
312	078103	36	askers	peering	exclaimers	
313	078104	36	homeless	Phelps	synergy	
314	078105	36	Anna	ferociousness	Huey	W
315	082101	36	subdirectories	sentences	merging	
316	083401	36	decaying	unlocks	judges	A
317	084001	36	outwitting	engrossing	Shylock	W
318	084002	36	Harpy	Ruth	Miltonism	
319	086001	36	crazed	tying	hen	W
320	086102	36	suffocate	exclaimers	honeybee	FAS
321	086201	36	provers	synergy	towers	
322	088001	36	technically	Huey	dilutes	W
323	088002	36	Franklinizations	merging	numerals	FAS
324	088003	36	considered	judges	democracy	FAS
325	088004	36	tinnily	Shylock	Ibero-	
326	088101	36	uninterruptedly	Miltonism	invalids	
327	088102	36	whistled	hen	behavior	
328	088103	36	automate	honeybee	accruing	
329	088104	36	gutting	towers	relics	A
330	088105	36	surreptitious	dilutes	rackets	
331	088106	36	Choctaw	numerals	Fischbein	W
332	088201	36	cooks	democracy	phony	W
333	088203	36	millivolt	Ibero-	cross	FAS
334	088204	36	counterpoise	invalids	cleanup	
335	088302	37	Gothicism	behavior	conspirator	
336	088303	37	feminine	accruing	label	FAS
337	088305	37	metaphysically	relics	university	
338	088402	37	sanding	rackets	cleansed	FAS
339	088501	36	contributorily	Fischbein	ballgown	
340	088502	36	receivers	phony	starlet	
341	088503	36	adjourn	cross	aqueous	
342	098001	58	straggled	cleanup	portrayal	A
343	098002	58	druggists	conspirator	despising	W
344	098003	58	thanking	label	distort	W
345	098004	58	ostrich	university	palmed	
346	098005	58	hopelessness	cleansed	faced	
347	098006	58	Eurydice	ballgown	silverware	
348	141903	29	excitation	starlet	assessor	
349	098008	58	presumes	aqueous	spiders	
350	098009	58	imaginable	portrayal	artificially	
351	098010	58	concoct	despising	reminiscence	
352	098011	58	peering	distort	Mexican	
353	098012	58	Phelps	palmed	obnoxious	
354	098013	58	ferociousness	faced	fragile	
355	098014	58	sentences	silverware	apprehensible	
356	098015	58	unlocks	assessor	births	
357	098016	58	engrossing	spiders	garages	
358	098017	58	Ruth	artificially	panty	
359	098018	58	tying	reminiscence	anteater	
360	098019	58	exclaimers	Mexican	displacement	A
361	098020	58	synergy	obnoxious	drovers	A
362	098021	58	Huey	fragile	patenting	A
363	098022	58	merging	apprehensible	far	A
364	098023	58	judges	births	shrieks	
365	098024	58	Shylock	garages	aligning	W
366	098025	37	Miltonism	panty	pragmatism	
367	106001	36	hen	anteater	fevers	W
368	108001	36	honeybee	displacement	reexamines	A
369	108002	36	towers	drovers	occupancies	
370	108003	36	dilutes	patenting	sweats	FAS
371	108004	36	numerals	far	modulators	
372	108005	36	democracy	shrieks	demand	W
373	108007	36	Ibero-	aligning	Madeira	
374	108008	36	invalids	pragmatism	Viennese	W
375	108009	36	behavior	fevers	chillier	W
376	108010	36	accruing	reexamines	wildcats	FAS
377	108011	36	relics	occupancies	gentle	
378	108012	36	rackets	sweats	Angles	W
379	108101	36	Fischbein	modulators	accuracies	
380	108102	36	phony	demand	toggle	
381	108103	36	cross	Madeira	Mendelssohn	W
382	108111	50	cleanup	Viennese	behaviorally	
383	108105	36	conspirator	chillier	Rochford	
384	108106	36	label	wildcats	mirror	W
385	108107	36	university	gentle	Modula	
386	108108	50	cleansed	Angles	clobbering	
387	108109	36	ballgown	accuracies	chronography	
388	108110	36	starlet	toggle	Eskimoizeds	
389	108201	36	aqueous	Mendelssohn	British	W
390	108202	36	portrayal	behaviorally	pitfalls	
391	108203	36	despising	Rochford	verify	W
392	108204	36	distort	mirror	scatter	FAS
393	108205	36	palmed	Modula	Aztecan	
394	108301	36	faced	clobbering	acuity	W
395	108302	36	silverware	chronography	sinking	W
396	112101	36	assessor	Eskimoizeds	beasts	FAS
397	112102	36	spiders	British	Witt	W
398	113701	36	artificially	pitfalls	physicists	FAS
399	116001	36	reminiscence	verify	folksong	A
400	116201	36	Mexican	scatter	strokes	FAS
401	116301	36	obnoxious	Aztecan	crowder	
402	116302	36	fragile	acuity	merry	
403	116601	36	apprehensible	sinking	cadenced	
404	116602	36	births	beasts	alimony	A
405	116603	36	garages	Witt	principled	A
406	116701	36	panty	physicists	golfing	
407	116702	36	anteater	folksong	undiscovered	
408	118001	36	displacement	strokes	irritates	
409	118002	36	drovers	crowder	patriots	A
410	118003	36	patenting	merry	rooms	FAS
411	118004	36	far	cadenced	towering	W
412	118005	36	shrieks	alimony	displease	
413	118006	36	aligning	principled	photosensitive	
414	118007	36	pragmatism	golfing	inking	
415	118008	36	fevers	undiscovered	gainers	
416	118101	36	reexamines	irritates	leaning	A
417	118102	36	occupancies	patriots	hydrant	A
418	118103	36	sweats	rooms	preserve	
419	118202	36	modulators	towering	blinded	A
420	118203	36	demand	displease	interactions	A
421	118204	36	Madeira	photosensitive	Barry	
422	118302	36	Viennese	inking	whiteness	A
423	118304	36	chillier	gainers	pastimes	W
424	118305	36	wildcats	leaning	Edenization	
425	118306	36	gentle	hydrant	Muscat	
426	118307	36	Angles	preserve	assassinated	
427	123101	36	accuracies	blinded	labeled	
428	123102	36	toggle	interactions	glacial	A
429	123301	36	Mendelssohn	Barry	implied	W
430	126001	36	behaviorally	whiteness	bibliographies	W
431	126002	36	Rochford	pastimes	Buchanan	
432	126003	36	mirror	Edenization	forgivably	FAS
433	126101	36	Modula	Muscat	innuendo	A
434	126301	36	clobbering	assassinated	den	FAS
435	126302	36	chronography	labeled	submarines	W
436	126402	36	Eskimoizeds	glacial	mouthful	A
437	126601	36	British	implied	expiring	
438	126602	36	pitfalls	bibliographies	unfulfilled	FAS
439	126702	36	verify	Buchanan	precession	
440	128001	36	scatter	forgivably	nullified	
441	128002	36	Aztecan	innuendo	affects	
442	128003	36	acuity	den	Cynthia	
443	128004	36	sinking	submarines	Chablis	A
444	128005	36	beasts	mouthful	betterments	FAS
445	128007	36	Witt	expiring	advertising	
446	128008	36	physicists	unfulfilled	rubies	A
447	128009	36	folksong	precession	southwest	FAS
448	128010	36	strokes	nullified	superstitious	A
449	128011	36	crowder	affects	tabernacle	W
450	128012	36	merry	Cynthia	silk	A
451	128013	36	cadenced	Chablis	handsomest	A
452	128014	36	alimony	betterments	Persian	A
453	128015	36	principled	advertising	analog	W
454	128016	36	golfing	rubies	complex	W
455	128017	36	undiscovered	southwest	Taoist	
456	128018	36	irritates	superstitious	suspend	
457	128019	36	patriots	tabernacle	relegated	
458	128020	36	rooms	silk	awesome	W
459	128021	36	towering	handsomest	Bruxelles	
460	128022	36	displease	Persian	imprecisely	A
461	128023	36	photosensitive	analog	televise	
462	128101	36	inking	complex	braking	
463	128102	36	gainers	Taoist	true	FAS
464	128103	36	leaning	suspend	disappointing	FAS
465	128104	36	hydrant	relegated	navally	W
466	128106	36	preserve	awesome	circus	
467	128107	36	blinded	Bruxelles	beetles	
468	128108	36	interactions	imprecisely	trumps	
469	128202	36	Barry	televise	fourscore	W
470	128203	36	whiteness	braking	Blackfoots	
471	128301	36	pastimes	true	Grady	
472	128302	36	Edenization	disappointing	quiets	FAS
473	128303	36	Muscat	navally	floundered	FAS
474	128304	36	assassinated	circus	profundity	W
475	128305	36	labeled	beetles	Garrisonian	W
476	128307	36	glacial	trumps	Strauss	
477	128401	36	implied	fourscore	cemented	FAS
478	128502	36	bibliographies	Blackfoots	contrition	A
479	128503	36	Buchanan	Grady	mutations	
480	128504	36	forgivably	quiets	exhibits	W
481	128505	36	innuendo	floundered	tits	
482	128601	36	den	profundity	mate	A
483	128603	36	submarines	Garrisonian	arches	
484	128604	36	mouthful	Strauss	Moll	
485	128702	36	expiring	cemented	ropers	
486	128703	36	unfulfilled	contrition	bombast	
487	128704	36	precession	mutations	difficultly	A
488	138001	36	nullified	exhibits	adsorption	
489	138002	36	affects	tits	definiteness	FAS
490	138003	36	Cynthia	mate	cultivation	A
491	138004	36	Chablis	arches	heals	A
492	138005	36	betterments	Moll	Heusen	W
493	138006	36	advertising	ropers	target	FAS
494	138007	36	rubies	bombast	cited	A
495	138008	36	southwest	difficultly	congresswoman	W
496	138009	36	superstitious	adsorption	Katherine	
497	138102	36	tabernacle	definiteness	titter	A
498	138103	36	silk	cultivation	aspire	A
499	138104	36	handsomest	heals	Mardis	
500	138105	36	Persian	Heusen	Nadia	W
501	138201	36	analog	target	estimating	FAS
502	138302	36	complex	cited	stuck	A
503	138303	36	Taoist	congresswoman	fifteenth	A
504	138304	36	suspend	Katherine	Colombo	
505	138401	29	relegated	titter	survey	A
506	140102	29	awesome	aspire	staffing	
507	140103	29	Bruxelles	Mardis	obtain	
508	140104	29	imprecisely	Nadia	loaded	
509	140105	29	televise	estimating	slaughtered	
510	140201	29	braking	stuck	lights	A
511	140701	29	true	fifteenth	circumference	
512	141501	29	disappointing	Colombo	dull	A
513	141502	29	navally	survey	weekly	A
514	141901	29	circus	staffing	wetness	
515	141902	29	beetles	obtain	visualized	
516	142101	29	trumps	loaded	Tannenbaum	
517	142102	29	fourscore	slaughtered	moribund	
518	142103	29	Blackfoots	lights	demultiplex	
519	142701	29	Grady	circumference	lockings	
520	143001	29	quiets	dull	thugs	FAS
521	143501	29	floundered	weekly	unnerves	
522	143502	29	profundity	wetness	abut	
523	148001	29	Garrisonian	visualized	Chippewa	A
524	148002	29	Strauss	Tannenbaum	stratifications	A
525	148003	29	cemented	moribund	signaled	
526	148004	29	contrition	demultiplex	Italianizes	A
527	148005	29	mutations	lockings	algorithmic	A
528	148006	29	exhibits	thugs	paranoid	FAS
529	148007	29	tits	unnerves	camping	A
530	148009	29	mate	abut	signifying	A
531	148010	29	arches	Chippewa	Patrice	W
532	148011	29	Moll	stratifications	search	A
533	148012	29	ropers	signaled	Angeles	A
534	148013	29	bombast	Italianizes	semblance	
535	148023	36	difficultly	algorithmic	taxed	
536	148015	29	adsorption	paranoid	Beatrice	
537	148016	29	definiteness	camping	retrace	
538	148017	29	cultivation	signifying	lockout	
539	148018	29	heals	Patrice	grammatic	
540	148019	29	Heusen	search	helmsman	
541	148020	29	target	Angeles	uniform	W
542	148021	29	cited	semblance	hamming	
543	148022	29	congresswoman	taxed	disobedience	
544	148101	29	Katherine	Beatrice	captivated	A
545	148102	29	titter	retrace	transferals	A
546	148201	29	aspire	lockout	cartographer	A
547	148401	29	Mardis	grammatic	aims	FAS
548	148402	29	Nadia	helmsman	Pakistani	
549	148501	29	estimating	uniform	burglarized	FAS
550	148502	29	stuck	hamming	saucepans	A
551	148503	29	fifteenth	disobedience	lacerating	A
552	148504	29	Colombo	captivated	corny	
553	148601	29	survey	transferals	megabytes	FAS
554	148602	29	staffing	cartographer	chancellor	
555	150701	29	obtain	aims	bulk	A
556	152101	29	loaded	Pakistani	commits	A
557	152102	29	slaughtered	burglarized	meson	W
558	155202	36	lights	saucepans	deputies	
559	155203	29	circumference	lacerating	northeaster	A
560	155204	29	dull	corny	dipole	
561	155205	29	weekly	megabytes	machining	0
562	156001	29	wetness	chancellor	therefore	
563	156002	29	visualized	bulk	Telefunken	
564	156102	29	Tannenbaum	commits	salvaging	
565	156301	29	moribund	meson	Corinthianizes	A
566	156302	29	demultiplex	deputies	restlessly	A
567	156303	29	lockings	northeaster	bromides	
568	156304	29	thugs	dipole	generalized	A
569	156305	29	unnerves	machining	mishaps	
570	156306	29	abut	therefore	quelling	
571	156501	29	Chippewa	Telefunken	spiritual	A
572	158001	29	stratifications	salvaging	beguiles	FAS
573	158002	29	signaled	Corinthianizes	Trobriand	FAS
574	158101	29	Italianizes	restlessly	fleeing	A
575	158102	29	algorithmic	bromides	Armour	A
576	158103	29	paranoid	generalized	chin	A
577	158201	29	camping	mishaps	provers	A
578	158202	29	signifying	quelling	aeronautic	A
579	158203	29	Patrice	spiritual	voltage	W
580	158204	29	search	beguiles	sash	
581	158301	29	Angeles	Trobriand	anaerobic	A
582	158302	29	semblance	fleeing	simultaneous	A
583	158303	29	taxed	Armour	accumulating	A
584	158304	29	Beatrice	chin	Medusan	A
585	158305	29	retrace	provers	shouted	A
586	158306	29	lockout	aeronautic	freakish	
587	158501	29	grammatic	voltage	index	FAS
588	160301	29	helmsman	sash	commercially	
589	166101	50	uniform	anaerobic	mistiness	A
590	166102	50	hamming	simultaneous	endpoint	
591	168001	29	disobedience	accumulating	straight	A
592	168002	29	captivated	Medusan	flurried	
593	168003	29	transferals	shouted	denotative	A
594	168101	29	cartographer	freakish	coming	FAS
595	168102	29	aims	index	commencements	FAS
596	168103	29	Pakistani	commercially	gentleman	
597	168104	29	burglarized	mistiness	gifted	
598	168202	29	saucepans	endpoint	Shanghais	
599	168301	29	lacerating	straight	sportswriting	A
600	168502	29	corny	flurried	sloping	A
601	168503	29	megabytes	denotative	navies	
602	168601	29	chancellor	coming	leaflet	A
603	173001	40	bulk	commencements	shooter	
604	173701	40	commits	gentleman	Joplin	FAS
605	173702	40	meson	gifted	babies	
606	176001	40	deputies	Shanghais	subdivision	FAS
607	176101	40	northeaster	sportswriting	burstiness	W
608	176201	40	dipole	sloping	belted	FAS
609	176401	40	machining	navies	assails	FAS
610	176501	40	therefore	leaflet	admiring	W
611	176601	40	Telefunken	shooter	swaying	0
612	176602	40	salvaging	Joplin	Goldstine	FAS
613	176603	40	Corinthianizes	babies	fitting	
614	178001	40	restlessly	subdivision	Norwalk	W
615	178002	40	bromides	burstiness	weakening	W
616	178003	40	generalized	belted	analogy	FAS
617	178004	40	mishaps	assails	deludes	
618	178005	40	quelling	admiring	cokes	
619	178006	40	spiritual	swaying	Clayton	
620	178007	40	beguiles	Goldstine	exhausts	
621	178008	40	Trobriand	fitting	causality	
622	178101	40	fleeing	Norwalk	sating	FAS
623	178102	40	Armour	weakening	icon	
624	178103	40	chin	analogy	throttles	
625	178201	40	provers	deludes	communicants	FAS
626	178202	40	aeronautic	cokes	dehydrate	FAS
627	178301	40	voltage	Clayton	priceless	FAS
628	178302	40	sash	exhausts	publicly	
629	178401	40	anaerobic	causality	incidentals	FAS
630	178402	40	simultaneous	sating	commonplace	
631	178403	40	accumulating	icon	mumbles	
632	178404	40	Medusan	throttles	furthermore	W
633	178501	40	shouted	communicants	cautioned	W
634	186002	37	freakish	dehydrate	parametrized	A
635	186102	37	index	priceless	registration	A
636	186201	40	commercially	publicly	sadly	FAS
637	186202	40	mistiness	incidentals	positioning	
638	186203	40	endpoint	commonplace	babysitting	
639	186302	37	straight	mumbles	eternal	A
640	188007	37	flurried	furthermore	hoarder	
641	188008	37	denotative	cautioned	congregates	
642	188009	37	coming	parametrized	rains	
643	188010	37	commencements	registration	workers	W
644	188011	37	gentleman	sadly	sags	A
645	188012	37	gifted	positioning	unplug	W
646	188013	37	Shanghais	babysitting	garage	A
647	188014	37	sportswriting	eternal	boulder	A
648	188015	37	sloping	hoarder	hollowly	A
649	188016	37	navies	congregates	specifics	
650	188017	37	leaflet	rains	Teresa	
651	188102	37	shooter	workers	Winsett	
652	188103	37	Joplin	sags	convenient	A
653	188202	37	babies	unplug	buckboards	FAS
654	188301	40	subdivision	garage	amenities	
655	188302	40	burstiness	boulder	resplendent	FAS
656	188303	40	belted	hollowly	priding	FAS
657	188401	37	assails	specifics	configurations	
658	188402	37	admiring	Teresa	untidiness	A
659	188503	37	swaying	Winsett	Brice	W
660	188504	37	Goldstine	convenient	sews	FAS
661	188505	37	fitting	buckboards	participated	
662	190701	37	Norwalk	amenities	Simon	FAS
663	190703	50	weakening	resplendent	certificates	
664	191701	37	analogy	priding	Fitzpatrick	
665	191702	37	deludes	configurations	Evanston	A
666	191703	37	cokes	untidiness	misted	
667	196001	37	Clayton	Brice	textures	A
668	196002	37	exhausts	sews	save	
669	196003	37	causality	participated	count	
670	196101	37	sating	Simon	rightful	A
671	196103	37	icon	certificates	chaperone	
672	196104	37	throttles	Fitzpatrick	Lizzy	A
673	196201	37	communicants	Evanston	clenched	A
674	196202	37	dehydrate	misted	effortlessly	
675	196203	37	priceless	textures	accessed	
676	198001	37	publicly	save	beaters	A
677	198003	37	incidentals	count	Hornblower	FAS
678	198004	37	commonplace	rightful	vests	A
679	198005	37	mumbles	chaperone	indulgences	FAS
680	198006	37	furthermore	Lizzy	infallibly	A
681	198007	37	cautioned	clenched	unwilling	FAS
682	198008	37	parametrized	effortlessly	excrete	FAS
683	198009	37	registration	accessed	spools	A
684	198010	37	sadly	beaters	crunches	FAS
685	198011	37	positioning	Hornblower	overestimating	FAS
686	198012	37	babysitting	vests	ineffective	
687	198013	37	eternal	indulgences	humiliation	A
688	198014	37	hoarder	infallibly	sophomore	
689	198015	37	congregates	unwilling	star	
690	198017	37	rains	excrete	rifles	
691	198018	37	workers	spools	dialysis	
692	198019	37	sags	crunches	arriving	
693	198020	37	unplug	overestimating	indulge	
694	198021	37	garage	ineffective	clockers	
695	198022	37	boulder	humiliation	languages	
696	198023	50	hollowly	sophomore	Antarctica	A
697	198024	37	specifics	star	percentage	
698	198101	37	Teresa	rifles	ceiling	A
699	198103	37	Winsett	dialysis	specification	
700	198105	37	convenient	arriving	regimented	A
701	198106	37	buckboards	indulge	ciphers	
702	198201	37	amenities	clockers	pictures	A
703	198204	37	resplendent	languages	serpents	A
704	198301	53	priding	Antarctica	allot	A
705	198302	53	configurations	percentage	realized	A
706	198303	53	untidiness	ceiling	mayoral	A
707	198304	53	Brice	specification	opaquely	A
708	198401	37	sews	regimented	hostess	FAS
709	198402	37	participated	ciphers	fiftieth	
710	198403	37	Simon	pictures	incorrectly	
711	202101	37	certificates	serpents	decomposition	FAS
712	202301	37	Fitzpatrick	allot	stranglings	
713	202302	37	Evanston	realized	mixture	FAS
714	202303	37	misted	mayoral	electroencephalography	FAS
715	202304	37	textures	opaquely	similarities	FAS
716	202305	37	save	hostess	charges	W
717	202601	37	count	fiftieth	freest	FAS
718	202602	37	rightful	incorrectly	Greenberg	FAS
719	202605	37	chaperone	decomposition	tinting	
720	202606	37	Lizzy	stranglings	expelled	W
721	202607	37	clenched	mixture	warm	
722	202901	37	effortlessly	electroencephalography	smoothed	
723	202902	37	accessed	similarities	deductions	FAS
724	202903	37	beaters	charges	Romano	W
725	202904	37	Hornblower	freest	bitterroot	
726	202907	37	vests	Greenberg	corset	
727	202908	37	indulgences	tinting	securing	
728	203101	37	infallibly	expelled	environing	FAS
729	203103	37	unwilling	warm	cute	
730	203104	37	excrete	smoothed	Crays	
731	203105	37	spools	deductions	heiress	FAS
732	203401	37	crunches	Romano	inform	FAS
733	203402	37	overestimating	bitterroot	avenge	
734	203404	37	ineffective	corset	universals	
735	203901	37	humiliation	securing	Kinsey	W
736	203902	37	sophomore	environing	ravines	FAS
737	203903	37	star	cute	bestseller	
738	203906	37	rifles	Crays	equilibrium	
739	203907	37	dialysis	heiress	extents	0
740	203908	37	arriving	inform	relatively	
741	203909	37	indulge	avenge	pressure	FAS
742	206101	37	clockers	universals	critiques	FAS
743	206201	37	languages	Kinsey	befouled	
744	206202	37	Antarctica	ravines	rightfully	FAS
745	206203	37	percentage	bestseller	mechanizing	FAS
746	206206	37	ceiling	equilibrium	Latinizes	
747	206207	37	specification	extents	timesharing	
748	206208	37	regimented	relatively	Aden	
749	208001	37	ciphers	pressure	embassies	
750	208002	37	pictures	critiques	males	FAS
751	208003	37	serpents	befouled	shapelessly	FAS
752	208004	37	allot	rightfully	genres	FAS
753	208008	37	realized	mechanizing	mastering	
754	208009	37	mayoral	Latinizes	Newtonian	
755	208010	37	opaquely	timesharing	finishers	FAS
756	208011	37	hostess	Aden	abates	
757	208101	37	fiftieth	embassies	teem	
758	208102	37	incorrectly	males	kiting	FAS
759	208103	37	decomposition	shapelessly	stodgy	FAS
760	208104	37	stranglings	genres	scalps	FAS
761	208105	37	mixture	mastering	feed	FAS
762	208110	37	electroencephalography	Newtonian	guitars	
763	208111	37	similarities	finishers	airships	
764	208112	37	charges	abates	store	
765	208113	37	freest	teem	denounces	
766	208201	37	Greenberg	kiting	Pyle	FAS
767	208203	37	tinting	stodgy	Saxony	
768	208301	37	expelled	scalps	serializations	FAS
769	208302	37	warm	feed	Peruvian	FAS
770	208305	37	smoothed	guitars	taxonomically	FAS
771	208401	37	deductions	airships	kingdom	A
772	208402	37	Romano	store	stint	A
773	208403	37	bitterroot	denounces	Sault	A
774	208404	37	corset	Pyle	faithful	
775	208501	37	securing	Saxony	Ganymede	FAS
776	208502	37	environing	serializations	tidiness	FAS
777	208503	37	cute	Peruvian	gainful	FAS
778	208504	37	Crays	taxonomically	contrary	FAS
779	208505	37	heiress	kingdom	Tipperary	FAS
780	210101	37	inform	stint	tropics	W
781	210102	37	avenge	Sault	theorizers	
782	210103	37	universals	faithful	renew	0
783	210104	37	Kinsey	Ganymede	already	
784	210105	37	ravines	tidiness	terminal	
785	210106	37	bestseller	gainful	Hegelian	
786	210107	37	equilibrium	contrary	hypothesizer	
787	210401	37	extents	Tipperary	warningly	FAS
788	213201	37	relatively	tropics	journalizing	FAS
789	213203	37	pressure	theorizers	nested	
790	213204	37	critiques	renew	Lars	
791	213205	37	befouled	already	saplings	
792	213206	37	rightfully	terminal	foothill	
793	213207	37	mechanizing	Hegelian	labeled	
794	216101	37	Latinizes	hypothesizer	imperiously	FAS
795	216103	37	timesharing	warningly	reporters	FAS
796	218001	37	Aden	journalizing	furnishings	FAS
797	218002	37	embassies	nested	precipitable	FAS
798	218003	37	males	Lars	discounts	FAS
799	218004	37	shapelessly	saplings	excises	FAS
800	143503	50	genres	foothill	Stalin	
801	218006	37	mastering	labeled	despot	FAS
802	218007	37	Newtonian	imperiously	ripeness	FAS
803	218008	37	finishers	reporters	Arabia	
804	218009	37	abates	furnishings	unruly	
805	218010	37	teem	precipitable	mournfulness	
806	218011	37	kiting	discounts	boom	FAS
807	218020	37	stodgy	excises	slaughter	A
808	218021	50	scalps	Stalin	Sabine	
809	218022	37	feed	despot	handy	FAS
810	218023	37	guitars	ripeness	rural	
811	218024	37	airships	Arabia	organizer	
812	218101	37	store	unruly	shipyard	FAS
813	218102	37	denounces	mournfulness	civics	FAS
814	218103	37	Pyle	boom	inaccuracy	FAS
815	218201	37	Saxony	slaughter	rules	FAS
816	218202	37	serializations	Sabine	juveniles	FAS
817	218203	37	Peruvian	handy	comprised	W
818	218204	37	taxonomically	rural	investigations	
819	218205	37	kingdom	organizer	stabilizes	A
820	218301	37	stint	shipyard	seminaries	FAS
821	218302	37	Sault	civics	Hunter	A
822	218401	37	faithful	inaccuracy	sporty	FAS
823	218402	37	Ganymede	rules	test	FAS
824	218403	37	tidiness	juveniles	weasels	
825	218404	37	gainful	comprised	CERN	
826	218407	37	contrary	investigations	tempering	
827	218408	37	Tipperary	stabilizes	afore	FAS
828	218409	37	tropics	seminaries	Galatean	
829	218410	37	theorizers	Hunter	techniques	W
830	226001	37	renew	sporty	error	
831	226002	37	already	test	veranda	
832	226003	37	terminal	weasels	severely	
833	226004	37	Hegelian	CERN	Cassites	FAS
834	226005	37	hypothesizer	tempering	forthcoming	
835	226006	37	warningly	afore	guides	
836	226007	37	journalizing	Galatean	vanish	FAS
837	226008	37	nested	techniques	lied	A
838	226203	37	Lars	error	sawtooth	FAS
839	226204	37	saplings	veranda	fated	FAS
840	226205	37	foothill	severely	gradually	
841	226206	37	labeled	Cassites	widens	
842	226207	37	imperiously	forthcoming	preclude	
843	226208	37	reporters	guides	Jobrel	
844	226209	37	furnishings	vanish	hooker	
845	226210	37	precipitable	lied	rainstorm	
846	226211	37	discounts	sawtooth	disconnects	
847	228001	37	excises	fated	cruelty	
848	228004	37	Stalin	gradually	exponentials	A
849	228005	37	despot	widens	affective	A
850	228006	37	ripeness	preclude	arteries	
851	228007	37	Arabia	Jobrel	Crosby	FAS
852	228008	37	unruly	hooker	acquaint	
853	228009	37	mournfulness	rainstorm	evenhandedly	
854	228101	37	boom	disconnects	percentage	
855	228108	37	slaughter	cruelty	disobedience	
856	228109	37	Sabine	exponentials	humility	
857	228110	37	handy	affective	gleaning	A
858	228111	37	rural	arteries	petted	A
859	228112	37	organizer	Crosby	bloater	A
860	228113	37	shipyard	acquaint	minion	A
861	228114	37	civics	evenhandedly	marginal	A
862	228115	37	inaccuracy	percentage	apiary	A
863	228116	37	rules	disobedience	measures	
864	228117	37	juveniles	humility	precaution	
865	228118	37	comprised	gleaning	repelled	
866	228119	37	investigations	petted	primary	FAS
867	228120	37	stabilizes	bloater	coverings	
868	228121	37	seminaries	minion	Artemia	A
869	228122	37	Hunter	marginal	navigate	
870	228201	37	sporty	apiary	spatial	
871	228206	37	test	measures	Gurkha	
872	228207	37	weasels	precaution	meanwhile	A
873	228208	37	CERN	repelled	Melinda	A
874	228209	37	tempering	primary	Butterfield	
875	228210	37	afore	coverings	Aldrich	A
876	228211	37	Galatean	Artemia	previewing	A
877	228212	37	techniques	navigate	glut	A
878	228213	37	error	spatial	unaffected	
879	228214	37	veranda	Gurkha	inmate	
880	228301	37	severely	meanwhile	mineral	
881	228305	37	Cassites	Melinda	impending	A
882	228306	37	forthcoming	Butterfield	meditation	A
883	228307	37	guides	Aldrich	ideas	
884	228308	37	vanish	previewing	miniaturizes	W
885	228309	37	lied	glut	lewdly	
886	228310	37	sawtooth	unaffected	title	
887	228311	37	fated	inmate	youthfulness	
888	228312	37	gradually	mineral	creak	FAS
889	228313	37	widens	impending	Chippewa	
890	228314	37	preclude	meditation	clamored	
891	228401	65	Jobrel	ideas	freezes	
892	228402	65	hooker	miniaturizes	forgivably	FAS
893	228403	65	rainstorm	lewdly	reduce	FAS
894	228404	65	disconnects	title	McGovern	W
895	228405	65	cruelty	youthfulness	Nazis	W
896	228406	65	exponentials	creak	epistle	W
897	228407	65	affective	Chippewa	socializes	W
898	228408	65	arteries	clamored	conceptions	
899	228409	65	Crosby	freezes	Kevin	
900	228410	65	acquaint	forgivably	uncovering	
901	230301	37	evenhandedly	reduce	chews	FAS
902	230302	37	percentage	McGovern	appendixes	FAS
903	230303	37	disobedience	Nazis	raining	
904	018062	37	humility	epistle	infest	
905	230501	37	gleaning	socializes	compartment	
906	230502	37	petted	conceptions	minting	
907	230503	37	bloater	Kevin	ducks	
908	230504	37	minion	uncovering	roped	A
909	230505	37	marginal	chews	waltz	
910	230506	37	apiary	appendixes	Lillian	
911	230507	37	measures	raining	repressions	A
912	230508	37	precaution	infest	chillingly	
913	230509	37	repelled	compartment	noncritical	
914	230901	37	primary	minting	lithograph	
915	230902	37	coverings	ducks	spongers	
916	230903	37	Artemia	roped	parenthood	
917	230904	37	navigate	waltz	posed	
918	230905	37	spatial	Lillian	instruments	
919	230906	37	Gurkha	repressions	filial	
920	230907	37	meanwhile	chillingly	fixedly	
921	230908	37	Melinda	noncritical	relives	
922	230909	37	Butterfield	lithograph	Pandora	
923	230910	37	Aldrich	spongers	watering	A
924	230911	37	previewing	parenthood	ungrateful	
925	230912	37	glut	posed	secures	
926	230913	37	unaffected	instruments	chastisers	
927	230914	37	inmate	filial	icon	
928	231304	37	mineral	fixedly	reuniting	A
929	231305	37	impending	relives	imagining	A
930	231306	37	meditation	Pandora	abiding	A
931	231307	37	ideas	watering	omnisciently	
932	231308	37	miniaturizes	ungrateful	Britannic	
933	231309	37	lewdly	secures	scholastics	A
934	231310	37	title	chastisers	mechanics	A
935	231311	37	youthfulness	icon	humidly	A
936	231312	37	creak	reuniting	masterpiece	
937	231313	37	Chippewa	imagining	however	
938	231314	37	clamored	abiding	Mendelian	
939	231315	37	freezes	omnisciently	jarred	
940	232102	37	forgivably	Britannic	scolds	
941	232103	37	reduce	scholastics	infatuate	
942	232104	37	McGovern	mechanics	willed	A
943	232105	37	Nazis	humidly	joyfully	
944	232106	37	epistle	masterpiece	Microsoft	
945	232107	37	socializes	however	fibrosities	
946	232108	37	conceptions	Mendelian	Baltimorean	
947	232601	37	Kevin	jarred	equestrian	
948	232602	37	uncovering	scolds	Goodrich	
949	232603	37	chews	infatuate	apish	A
950	232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5950	1232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5951	1232606	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5952	1232607	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5953	1232608	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5954	1232609	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
951	232606	37	raining	joyfully	Tropez	
952	232607	37	infest	Microsoft	nouns	
953	232608	37	compartment	fibrosities	distracting	
954	232609	37	minting	Baltimorean	mutton	
955	236104	37	ducks	equestrian	bridgeable	A
956	236105	37	roped	Goodrich	stickers	A
957	236106	37	waltz	apish	transcontinental	A
958	236107	37	Lillian	Adlerian	amateurish	
959	236108	37	repressions	Tropez	Gandhian	
960	236109	37	chillingly	nouns	stratified	
961	236110	37	noncritical	distracting	chamberlains	
962	236111	37	lithograph	mutton	creditably	
963	236112	37	spongers	bridgeable	philosophic	
964	236113	37	parenthood	stickers	ores	
965	238005	37	posed	transcontinental	Carleton	
966	238006	37	instruments	amateurish	tape	A
967	238007	37	filial	Gandhian	afloat	A
968	238008	37	fixedly	stratified	goodness	A
969	238009	37	relives	chamberlains	welcoming	
970	238010	37	Pandora	creditably	Pinsky	FAS
971	238011	37	watering	philosophic	halting	
972	238012	37	ungrateful	ores	bibliography	
973	238013	37	secures	Carleton	decoding	
974	240401	41	chastisers	tape	variance	A
975	240402	41	icon	afloat	allowed	A
976	240901	41	reuniting	goodness	dire	A
977	240902	41	imagining	welcoming	dub	A
978	241801	41	abiding	Pinsky	poisoning	
979	242101	41	omnisciently	halting	Iraqis	A
980	242102	41	Britannic	bibliography	heaving	
981	242201	41	scholastics	decoding	population	A
982	242202	41	mechanics	variance	bomb	A
983	242501	41	humidly	allowed	Majorca	A
984	242502	41	masterpiece	dire	Gershwins	
985	246201	41	however	dub	explorers	
986	246202	41	Mendelian	poisoning	libretto	A
987	246203	41	jarred	Iraqis	occurred	
988	246204	41	scolds	heaving	Lagos	
989	246205	41	infatuate	population	rats	
990	246301	41	willed	bomb	bankruptcies	A
991	246302	41	joyfully	Majorca	crying	
992	248001	41	Microsoft	Gershwins	unexpected	
993	248002	41	fibrosities	explorers	accessed	A
994	248003	41	Baltimorean	libretto	colorful	A
995	248004	41	equestrian	occurred	versatility	A
996	248005	41	Goodrich	Lagos	cosy	
997	248006	41	apish	rats	Darius	A
998	248007	41	Adlerian	bankruptcies	mastering	A
999	248008	41	Tropez	crying	Asiaticizations	A
1000	248009	41	nouns	unexpected	offerers	A
1001	248010	41	distracting	accessed	uncles	A
1002	248011	41	mutton	colorful	sleepwalk	
1003	248012	41	bridgeable	versatility	Ernestine	
1004	248013	41	stickers	cosy	checksumming	
1005	248014	41	transcontinental	Darius	stopped	
1006	248015	41	amateurish	mastering	sicker	
1007	248016	41	Gandhian	Asiaticizations	Italianization	
1008	248017	41	stratified	offerers	alphabetic	
1009	248018	41	chamberlains	uncles	pharmaceutic	
1010	248019	41	creditably	sleepwalk	creator	
1011	248020	41	philosophic	Ernestine	chess	
1012	248021	41	ores	checksumming	charcoal	
1013	248101	41	Carleton	stopped	Epiphany	A
1014	248102	41	tape	sicker	bulldozes	A
1015	248201	41	afloat	Italianization	Pygmalion	A
1016	248202	41	goodness	alphabetic	caressing	A
1017	248203	41	welcoming	pharmaceutic	Palestine	A
1018	248204	41	Pinsky	creator	regimented	A
1019	248205	41	halting	chess	scars	A
1020	248206	41	bibliography	charcoal	realest	A
1021	248207	41	decoding	Epiphany	diffusing	A
1022	248208	41	variance	bulldozes	clubroom	A
1023	248209	41	allowed	Pygmalion	Blythe	A
1024	248210	41	dire	caressing	ahead	
1025	248211	50	dub	Palestine	reviver	
1026	250501	34	poisoning	regimented	retransmitting	A
1027	250502	34	Iraqis	scars	landslide	
1028	250503	34	heaving	realest	Eiffel	
1029	250504	34	population	diffusing	absentee	
1030	250505	34	bomb	clubroom	aye	
1031	250601	34	Majorca	Blythe	forked	A
1032	250602	34	Gershwins	ahead	Peruvianizes	
1033	250603	34	explorers	reviver	clerked	
1034	250604	34	libretto	retransmitting	tutor	
1035	250605	34	occurred	landslide	boulevard	
1036	251001	34	Lagos	Eiffel	shuttered	
1037	251002	34	rats	absentee	quotes	A
1038	251003	34	bankruptcies	aye	Caltech	
1039	251004	34	crying	forked	Mossberg	
1040	251005	34	unexpected	Peruvianizes	kept	
1041	251301	34	accessed	clerked	roundly	
1042	251302	34	colorful	tutor	features	A
1043	251303	34	versatility	boulevard	imaginable	A
1044	251304	34	cosy	shuttered	controller	
1045	251305	34	Darius	quotes	racial	
1046	251401	34	mastering	Caltech	uprisings	A
1047	251402	34	Asiaticizations	Mossberg	narrowed	A
1048	251403	34	offerers	kept	cannot	A
1049	251404	34	uncles	roundly	vest	
1050	251405	34	sleepwalk	features	famine	
1051	251406	34	Ernestine	imaginable	sugars	
1052	251801	34	checksumming	controller	exterminated	A
1053	251802	34	stopped	racial	belays	
1054	252101	34	sicker	uprisings	Hodges	A
1055	252102	34	Italianization	narrowed	translatable	
1056	252301	34	alphabetic	cannot	duality	A
1057	252302	34	pharmaceutic	vest	recording	A
1058	252303	34	creator	famine	rouses	A
1059	252304	34	chess	sugars	poison	
1060	252305	34	charcoal	exterminated	attitude	
1061	252306	34	Epiphany	belays	dusted	
1062	252307	34	bulldozes	Hodges	encompasses	
1063	252308	34	Pygmalion	translatable	presentation	
1064	252309	34	caressing	duality	Kantian	
1065	256001	34	Palestine	recording	imprecision	A
1066	256002	34	regimented	rouses	saving	
1067	256003	34	scars	poison	maternal	
1068	256004	34	realest	attitude	hewed	
1069	256005	34	diffusing	dusted	kerosene	
1070	258001	34	clubroom	encompasses	Cubans	
1071	258002	34	Blythe	presentation	photographers	
1072	258003	34	ahead	Kantian	nymph	A
1073	258004	34	reviver	imprecision	bedlam	A
1074	258005	34	retransmitting	saving	north	A
1075	258006	34	landslide	maternal	Schoenberg	A
1076	258007	34	Eiffel	hewed	botany	A
1077	258008	34	absentee	kerosene	curs	
1078	258009	34	aye	Cubans	solidification	
1079	258010	34	forked	photographers	inheritresses	
1080	258011	34	Peruvianizes	nymph	stiller	
1081	258101	68	clerked	bedlam	t1	A
1082	258102	68	tutor	north	suite	A
1083	258103	34	boulevard	Schoenberg	ransomer	
1084	258104	68	shuttered	botany	Willy	
1085	258105	68	quotes	curs	Rena	A
1086	258106	68	Caltech	solidification	Seattle	A
1087	258107	68	Mossberg	inheritresses	relaxes	A
1088	258108	68	kept	stiller	exclaim	
1089	258109	68	roundly	t1	implicated	A
1090	258110	68	features	suite	distinguish	
1091	258111	68	imaginable	ransomer	assayed	
1092	258112	68	controller	Willy	homeowner	
1093	258113	68	racial	Rena	and	
1094	258201	34	uprisings	Seattle	stealth	
1095	258202	34	narrowed	relaxes	coinciding	A
1096	258203	34	cannot	exclaim	founder	A
1097	258204	34	vest	implicated	environing	
1098	258205	34	famine	distinguish	jewelry	
1099	258301	34	sugars	assayed	lemons	A
1100	258401	34	exterminated	homeowner	brokenness	A
1101	258402	34	belays	and	bedpost	A
1102	258403	34	Hodges	stealth	assurers	A
1103	258404	34	translatable	coinciding	annoyers	
1104	258405	34	duality	founder	affixed	
1105	258406	34	recording	environing	warbling	
1106	258407	34	rouses	jewelry	seriously	
1107	228123	37	poison	lemons	boasted	
1108	250606	34	attitude	brokenness	Chantilly	
1109	208405	37	dusted	bedpost	Iranizes	
1110	212101	37	encompasses	assurers	violinist	
1111	218206	37	presentation	annoyers	extramarital	
1112	150401	37	Kantian	affixed	spates	
1113	248212	41	imprecision	warbling	cloakroom	
1114	128026	00	saving	seriously	gazer	
1115	128024	00	maternal	boasted	hand	
1116	128027	00	hewed	Chantilly	tucked	
1117	128025	00	kerosene	Iranizes	gems	
1118	128109	00	Cubans	violinist	clinker	
1119	128705	00	photographers	extramarital	refiner	
1120	126303	00	nymph	spates	callus	
1121	128308	00	bedlam	cloakroom	leopards	
1122	128204	00	north	gazer	comfortingly	
1123	128205	00	Schoenberg	hand	generically	
1124	128206	00	botany	tucked	getters	
1125	128207	00	curs	gems	sexually	
1126	118205	00	solidification	clinker	spear	
1127	116801	00	inheritresses	refiner	serums	
1128	116803	00	stiller	callus	Italianization	
1129	116804	00	t1	leopards	attendants	
1130	116802	00	suite	comfortingly	spies	
1131	128605	00	ransomer	generically	Anthony	
1132	118308	00	Willy	getters	planar	
1133	113702	00	Rena	sexually	cupped	
1134	113703	00	Seattle	spear	cleanser	
1135	112103	00	relaxes	serums	commuters	
1136	118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
5136	1118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
1137	138011	00	implicated	attendants	orphanage	
1138	138010	00	distinguish	spies	skies	
1139	138012	00	assayed	Anthony	crushers	
1140	068304	00	homeowner	planar	Puritan	
1141	078009	00	and	cupped	squeezer	
1142	108013	00	stealth	cleanser	bruises	
1143	084004	00	coinciding	commuters	bonfire	
1144	083402	00	founder	honeysuckle	Colombo	
1145	084003	00	environing	orphanage	nondecreasing	
1146	088504	00	jewelry	skies	innocents	
1147	088005	00	lemons	crushers	masked	
1148	088007	00	brokenness	Puritan	file	
1149	088006	00	bedpost	squeezer	brush	
1150	148025	00	assurers	bruises	mutilate	
1151	148024	00	annoyers	bonfire	mommy	
1152	138305	00	affixed	Colombo	bulkheads	
1153	138306	00	warbling	nondecreasing	undeclared	
1154	152701	00	seriously	innocents	displacements	
1155	148505	00	boasted	masked	nieces	
1156	158003	00	Chantilly	file	coeducation	
1157	156201	00	Iranizes	brush	brassy	
1158	156202	00	violinist	mutilate	authenticator	
1159	158307	00	extramarital	mommy	Washoe	
1160	158402	00	spates	bulkheads	penny	
1161	158401	00	cloakroom	undeclared	Flagler	
1162	068013	00	gazer	displacements	stoned	
1163	068012	00	hand	nieces	cranes	
1164	068203	00	tucked	coeducation	masterful	
1165	088205	00	gems	brassy	biracial	
1166	068704	00	clinker	authenticator	steamships	
1167	068604	00	refiner	Washoe	windmills	
1168	158502	00	callus	penny	exploit	
1169	123103	00	leopards	Flagler	riverfront	
1170	148026	00	comfortingly	stoned	sisterly	
1171	123302	00	generically	cranes	sharpshoot	
1172	076503	00	getters	masterful	mittens	
1173	126304	00	sexually	biracial	interdependency	
1174	068306	00	spear	steamships	policy	
1175	143504	00	serums	windmills	unleashing	
1176	160201	00	Italianization	exploit	pretenders	
1177	148028	00	attendants	riverfront	overstatements	
1178	148027	00	spies	sisterly	birthed	
1179	143505	00	Anthony	sharpshoot	opportunism	
1180	108014	00	planar	mittens	showroom	
1181	076104	00	cupped	interdependency	compromisingly	
1182	078106	00	cleanser	policy	Medicare	
1183	126102	00	commuters	unleashing	corresponds	
1184	128029	00	honeysuckle	pretenders	hardware	
1185	128028	00	orphanage	overstatements	implant	
1186	018410	00	skies	birthed	Alicia	
1187	128110	00	crushers	opportunism	requesting	
1188	148506	00	Puritan	showroom	produced	
1189	123303	00	squeezer	compromisingly	criticizes	
1190	123304	00	bruises	Medicare	backer	
1191	068504	00	bonfire	corresponds	positively	
1192	068305	00	Colombo	hardware	colicky	
1193	000000	00	nondecreasing	implant	thrillingly	
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (1,000001,00,'Omaha','teethe','neat','') , (2,011401,37,'breaking','dreaded','Steinberg','W') , (3,011402,37,'Romans','scholastics','jarring','') , (4,011403,37,'intercepted','audiology','tinily','');
auto	fld1	companynr	fld3	fld4	fld5	fld6
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
5	011501	37	bewilderingly	wallet	balled	
6	011701	37	astound	parters	persist	W
7	011702	37	admonishing	eschew	attainments	
8	011703	37	sumac	quitter	fanatic	
9	012001	37	flanking	neat	measures	FAS
10	012003	37	combed	Steinberg	rightfulness	
11	012004	37	subjective	jarring	capably	
12	012005	37	scatterbrain	tinily	impulsive	
13	012301	37	Eulerian	balled	starlet	
14	012302	36	dubbed	persist	terminators	
15	012303	37	Kane	attainments	untying	
16	012304	37	overlay	fanatic	announces	FAS
17	012305	37	perturb	measures	featherweight	FAS
18	012306	37	goblins	rightfulness	pessimist	FAS
19	012501	37	annihilates	capably	daughter	
20	012602	37	Wotan	impulsive	decliner	FAS
21	012603	37	snatching	starlet	lawgiver	
22	012604	37	concludes	terminators	stated	
23	012605	37	laterally	untying	readable	
24	012606	37	yelped	announces	attrition	
25	012701	37	grazing	featherweight	cascade	FAS
26	012702	37	Baird	pessimist	motors	FAS
27	012703	37	celery	daughter	interrogate	
28	012704	37	misunderstander	decliner	pests	W
29	013601	37	handgun	lawgiver	stairway	
30	013602	37	foldout	stated	dopers	FAS
31	013603	37	mystic	readable	testicle	W
32	013604	37	succumbed	attrition	Parsifal	W
33	013605	37	Nabisco	cascade	leavings	
34	013606	37	fingerings	motors	postulation	W
35	013607	37	aging	interrogate	squeaking	
36	013608	37	afield	pests	contrasted	
37	013609	37	ammonium	stairway	leftover	
38	013610	37	boat	dopers	whiteners	
39	013801	37	intelligibility	testicle	erases	W
40	013802	37	Augustine	Parsifal	Punjab	W
41	013803	37	teethe	leavings	Merritt	
42	013804	37	dreaded	postulation	Quixotism	
43	013901	37	scholastics	squeaking	sweetish	FAS
44	016001	37	audiology	contrasted	dogging	FAS
45	016201	37	wallet	leftover	scornfully	FAS
46	016202	37	parters	whiteners	bellow	
47	016301	37	eschew	erases	bills	
48	016302	37	quitter	Punjab	cupboard	FAS
49	016303	37	neat	Merritt	sureties	FAS
50	016304	37	Steinberg	Quixotism	puddings	
51	018001	37	jarring	sweetish	tapestry	
52	018002	37	tinily	dogging	fetters	
53	018003	37	balled	scornfully	bivalves	
54	018004	37	persist	bellow	incurring	
55	018005	37	attainments	bills	Adolph	
56	018007	37	fanatic	cupboard	pithed	
57	018008	37	measures	sureties	emergency	
58	018009	37	rightfulness	puddings	Miles	
59	018010	37	capably	tapestry	trimmings	
60	018012	37	impulsive	fetters	tragedies	W
61	018013	37	starlet	bivalves	skulking	W
62	018014	37	terminators	incurring	flint	
63	018015	37	untying	Adolph	flopping	W
64	018016	37	announces	pithed	relaxing	FAS
65	018017	37	featherweight	emergency	offload	FAS
66	018018	37	pessimist	Miles	suites	W
67	018019	37	daughter	trimmings	lists	FAS
68	018020	37	decliner	tragedies	animized	FAS
69	018021	37	lawgiver	skulking	multilayer	W
70	018022	37	stated	flint	standardizes	FAS
71	018023	37	readable	flopping	Judas	
72	018024	37	attrition	relaxing	vacuuming	W
73	018025	37	cascade	offload	dentally	W
74	018026	37	motors	suites	humanness	W
75	018027	37	interrogate	lists	inch	W
76	018028	37	pests	animized	Weissmuller	W
77	018029	37	stairway	multilayer	irresponsibly	W
78	018030	37	dopers	standardizes	luckily	FAS
79	018032	37	testicle	Judas	culled	W
80	018033	37	Parsifal	vacuuming	medical	FAS
81	018034	37	leavings	dentally	bloodbath	FAS
82	018035	37	postulation	humanness	subschema	W
83	018036	37	squeaking	inch	animals	W
84	018037	37	contrasted	Weissmuller	Micronesia	
85	018038	37	leftover	irresponsibly	repetitions	
86	018039	37	whiteners	luckily	Antares	
87	018040	37	erases	culled	ventilate	W
88	018041	37	Punjab	medical	pityingly	
89	018042	37	Merritt	bloodbath	interdependent	
90	018043	37	Quixotism	subschema	Graves	FAS
91	018044	37	sweetish	animals	neonatal	
92	018045	37	dogging	Micronesia	scribbled	FAS
93	018046	37	scornfully	repetitions	chafe	W
94	018048	37	bellow	Antares	honoring	
95	018049	37	bills	ventilate	realtor	
96	018050	37	cupboard	pityingly	elite	
97	018051	37	sureties	interdependent	funereal	
98	018052	37	puddings	Graves	abrogating	
99	018053	50	tapestry	neonatal	sorters	
100	018054	37	fetters	scribbled	Conley	
101	018055	37	bivalves	chafe	lectured	
102	018056	37	incurring	honoring	Abraham	
103	018057	37	Adolph	realtor	Hawaii	W
104	018058	37	pithed	elite	cage	
105	018059	36	emergency	funereal	hushes	
106	018060	37	Miles	abrogating	Simla	
107	018061	37	trimmings	sorters	reporters	
108	018101	37	tragedies	Conley	Dutchman	FAS
109	018102	37	skulking	lectured	descendants	FAS
110	018103	37	flint	Abraham	groupings	FAS
111	018104	37	flopping	Hawaii	dissociate	
112	018201	37	relaxing	cage	coexist	W
113	018202	37	offload	hushes	Beebe	
114	018402	37	suites	Simla	Taoism	
115	018403	37	lists	reporters	Connally	
116	018404	37	animized	Dutchman	fetched	FAS
117	018405	37	multilayer	descendants	checkpoints	FAS
118	018406	37	standardizes	groupings	rusting	
119	018409	37	Judas	dissociate	galling	
120	018601	37	vacuuming	coexist	obliterates	
121	018602	37	dentally	Beebe	traitor	
122	018603	37	humanness	Taoism	resumes	FAS
123	018801	37	inch	Connally	analyzable	FAS
124	018802	37	Weissmuller	fetched	terminator	FAS
125	018803	37	irresponsibly	checkpoints	gritty	FAS
126	018804	37	luckily	rusting	firearm	W
127	018805	37	culled	galling	minima	
128	018806	37	medical	obliterates	Selfridge	
129	018807	37	bloodbath	traitor	disable	
130	018808	37	subschema	resumes	witchcraft	W
131	018809	37	animals	analyzable	betroth	W
132	018810	37	Micronesia	terminator	Manhattanize	
133	018811	37	repetitions	gritty	imprint	
134	018812	37	Antares	firearm	peeked	
135	019101	37	ventilate	minima	swelling	
136	019102	37	pityingly	Selfridge	interrelationships	W
137	019103	37	interdependent	disable	riser	
138	019201	37	Graves	witchcraft	Gandhian	W
139	030501	37	neonatal	betroth	peacock	A
140	030502	50	scribbled	Manhattanize	bee	A
141	030503	37	chafe	imprint	kanji	
142	030504	37	honoring	peeked	dental	
143	031901	37	realtor	swelling	scarf	FAS
144	036001	37	elite	interrelationships	chasm	A
145	036002	37	funereal	riser	insolence	A
146	036004	37	abrogating	Gandhian	syndicate	
147	036005	37	sorters	peacock	alike	
148	038001	37	Conley	bee	imperial	A
149	038002	37	lectured	kanji	convulsion	A
150	038003	37	Abraham	dental	railway	A
151	038004	37	Hawaii	scarf	validate	A
152	038005	37	cage	chasm	normalizes	A
153	038006	37	hushes	insolence	comprehensive	
154	038007	37	Simla	syndicate	chewing	
155	038008	37	reporters	alike	denizen	
156	038009	37	Dutchman	imperial	schemer	
157	038010	37	descendants	convulsion	chronicle	
158	038011	37	groupings	railway	Kline	
159	038012	37	dissociate	validate	Anatole	
160	038013	37	coexist	normalizes	partridges	
161	038014	37	Beebe	comprehensive	brunch	
162	038015	37	Taoism	chewing	recruited	
163	038016	37	Connally	denizen	dimensions	W
164	038017	37	fetched	schemer	Chicana	W
165	038018	37	checkpoints	chronicle	announced	
166	038101	37	rusting	Kline	praised	FAS
167	038102	37	galling	Anatole	employing	
168	038103	37	obliterates	partridges	linear	
169	038104	37	traitor	brunch	quagmire	
170	038201	37	resumes	recruited	western	A
171	038202	37	analyzable	dimensions	relishing	
172	038203	37	terminator	Chicana	serving	A
173	038204	37	gritty	announced	scheduling	
174	038205	37	firearm	praised	lore	
175	038206	37	minima	employing	eventful	
176	038208	37	Selfridge	linear	arteriole	A
177	042801	37	disable	quagmire	disentangle	
178	042802	37	witchcraft	western	cured	A
179	046101	37	betroth	relishing	Fenton	W
180	048001	37	Manhattanize	serving	avoidable	A
181	048002	37	imprint	scheduling	drains	A
182	048003	37	peeked	lore	detectably	FAS
183	048004	37	swelling	eventful	husky	
184	048005	37	interrelationships	arteriole	impelling	
185	048006	37	riser	disentangle	undoes	
186	048007	37	Gandhian	cured	evened	
187	048008	37	peacock	Fenton	squeezes	
188	048101	37	bee	avoidable	destroyer	FAS
189	048102	37	kanji	drains	rudeness	
190	048201	37	dental	detectably	beaner	FAS
191	048202	37	scarf	husky	boorish	
192	048203	37	chasm	impelling	Everhart	
193	048204	37	insolence	undoes	encompass	A
194	048205	37	syndicate	evened	mushrooms	
195	048301	37	alike	squeezes	Alison	A
196	048302	37	imperial	destroyer	externally	FAS
197	048303	37	convulsion	rudeness	pellagra	
198	048304	37	railway	beaner	cult	
199	048305	37	validate	boorish	creek	A
200	048401	37	normalizes	Everhart	Huffman	
201	048402	37	comprehensive	encompass	Majorca	FAS
202	048403	37	chewing	mushrooms	governing	A
203	048404	37	denizen	Alison	gadfly	FAS
204	048405	37	schemer	externally	reassigned	FAS
205	048406	37	chronicle	pellagra	intentness	W
206	048407	37	Kline	cult	craziness	
207	048408	37	Anatole	creek	psychic	
208	048409	37	partridges	Huffman	squabbled	
209	048410	37	brunch	Majorca	burlesque	
210	048411	37	recruited	governing	capped	
211	048412	37	dimensions	gadfly	extracted	A
212	048413	37	Chicana	reassigned	DiMaggio	
213	048601	37	announced	intentness	exclamation	FAS
214	048602	37	praised	craziness	subdirectory	
215	048603	37	employing	psychic	fangs	
216	048604	37	linear	squabbled	buyer	A
217	048801	37	quagmire	burlesque	pithing	A
218	050901	37	western	capped	transistorizing	A
219	051201	37	relishing	extracted	nonbiodegradable	
220	056002	37	serving	DiMaggio	dislocate	
221	056003	37	scheduling	exclamation	monochromatic	FAS
222	056004	37	lore	subdirectory	batting	
223	056102	37	eventful	fangs	postcondition	A
224	056203	37	arteriole	buyer	catalog	FAS
225	056204	37	disentangle	pithing	Remus	
226	058003	37	cured	transistorizing	devices	A
227	058004	37	Fenton	nonbiodegradable	bike	A
228	058005	37	avoidable	dislocate	qualify	
229	058006	37	drains	monochromatic	detained	
230	058007	37	detectably	batting	commended	
231	058101	37	husky	postcondition	civilize	
232	058102	37	impelling	catalog	Elmhurst	
233	058103	37	undoes	Remus	anesthetizing	
234	058105	37	evened	devices	deaf	
235	058111	37	squeezes	bike	Brigham	
236	058112	37	destroyer	qualify	title	
237	058113	37	rudeness	detained	coarse	
238	058114	37	beaner	commended	combinations	
239	058115	37	boorish	civilize	grayness	
240	058116	37	Everhart	Elmhurst	innumerable	FAS
241	058117	37	encompass	anesthetizing	Caroline	A
242	058118	37	mushrooms	deaf	fatty	FAS
243	058119	37	Alison	Brigham	eastbound	
244	058120	37	externally	title	inexperienced	
245	058121	37	pellagra	coarse	hoarder	A
246	058122	37	cult	combinations	scotch	W
247	058123	37	creek	grayness	passport	A
248	058124	37	Huffman	innumerable	strategic	FAS
249	058125	37	Majorca	Caroline	gated	
250	058126	37	governing	fatty	flog	
251	058127	37	gadfly	eastbound	Pipestone	
252	058128	37	reassigned	inexperienced	Dar	
253	058201	37	intentness	hoarder	Corcoran	
254	058202	37	craziness	scotch	flyers	A
255	058303	37	psychic	passport	competitions	W
256	058304	37	squabbled	strategic	suppliers	FAS
257	058602	37	burlesque	gated	skips	
258	058603	37	capped	flog	institutes	
259	058604	37	extracted	Pipestone	troop	A
260	058605	37	DiMaggio	Dar	connective	W
261	058606	37	exclamation	Corcoran	denies	
262	058607	37	subdirectory	flyers	polka	
263	060401	36	fangs	competitions	observations	FAS
264	061701	36	buyer	suppliers	askers	
265	066201	36	pithing	skips	homeless	FAS
266	066501	36	transistorizing	institutes	Anna	
267	068001	36	nonbiodegradable	troop	subdirectories	W
268	068002	36	dislocate	connective	decaying	FAS
269	068005	36	monochromatic	denies	outwitting	W
270	068006	36	batting	polka	Harpy	W
271	068007	36	postcondition	observations	crazed	
272	068008	36	catalog	askers	suffocate	
273	068009	36	Remus	homeless	provers	FAS
274	068010	36	devices	Anna	technically	
275	068011	36	bike	subdirectories	Franklinizations	
276	068202	36	qualify	decaying	considered	
277	068302	36	detained	outwitting	tinnily	
278	068303	36	commended	Harpy	uninterruptedly	
279	068401	36	civilize	crazed	whistled	A
280	068501	36	Elmhurst	suffocate	automate	
281	068502	36	anesthetizing	provers	gutting	W
282	068503	36	deaf	technically	surreptitious	
283	068602	36	Brigham	Franklinizations	Choctaw	
284	068603	36	title	considered	cooks	
285	068701	36	coarse	tinnily	millivolt	FAS
286	068702	36	combinations	uninterruptedly	counterpoise	
287	068703	36	grayness	whistled	Gothicism	
288	076001	36	innumerable	automate	feminine	
289	076002	36	Caroline	gutting	metaphysically	W
290	076101	36	fatty	surreptitious	sanding	A
291	076102	36	eastbound	Choctaw	contributorily	
292	076103	36	inexperienced	cooks	receivers	FAS
293	076302	36	hoarder	millivolt	adjourn	
294	076303	36	scotch	counterpoise	straggled	A
295	076304	36	passport	Gothicism	druggists	
296	076305	36	strategic	feminine	thanking	FAS
297	076306	36	gated	metaphysically	ostrich	
298	076307	36	flog	sanding	hopelessness	FAS
299	076402	36	Pipestone	contributorily	Eurydice	
300	076501	36	Dar	receivers	excitation	W
301	076502	36	Corcoran	adjourn	presumes	FAS
302	076701	36	flyers	straggled	imaginable	FAS
303	078001	36	competitions	druggists	concoct	W
304	078002	36	suppliers	thanking	peering	W
305	078003	36	skips	ostrich	Phelps	FAS
306	078004	36	institutes	hopelessness	ferociousness	FAS
307	078005	36	troop	Eurydice	sentences	
308	078006	36	connective	excitation	unlocks	
309	078007	36	denies	presumes	engrossing	W
310	078008	36	polka	imaginable	Ruth	
311	078101	36	observations	concoct	tying	
312	078103	36	askers	peering	exclaimers	
313	078104	36	homeless	Phelps	synergy	
314	078105	36	Anna	ferociousness	Huey	W
315	082101	36	subdirectories	sentences	merging	
316	083401	36	decaying	unlocks	judges	A
317	084001	36	outwitting	engrossing	Shylock	W
318	084002	36	Harpy	Ruth	Miltonism	
319	086001	36	crazed	tying	hen	W
320	086102	36	suffocate	exclaimers	honeybee	FAS
321	086201	36	provers	synergy	towers	
322	088001	36	technically	Huey	dilutes	W
323	088002	36	Franklinizations	merging	numerals	FAS
324	088003	36	considered	judges	democracy	FAS
325	088004	36	tinnily	Shylock	Ibero-	
326	088101	36	uninterruptedly	Miltonism	invalids	
327	088102	36	whistled	hen	behavior	
328	088103	36	automate	honeybee	accruing	
329	088104	36	gutting	towers	relics	A
330	088105	36	surreptitious	dilutes	rackets	
331	088106	36	Choctaw	numerals	Fischbein	W
332	088201	36	cooks	democracy	phony	W
333	088203	36	millivolt	Ibero-	cross	FAS
334	088204	36	counterpoise	invalids	cleanup	
335	088302	37	Gothicism	behavior	conspirator	
336	088303	37	feminine	accruing	label	FAS
337	088305	37	metaphysically	relics	university	
338	088402	37	sanding	rackets	cleansed	FAS
339	088501	36	contributorily	Fischbein	ballgown	
340	088502	36	receivers	phony	starlet	
341	088503	36	adjourn	cross	aqueous	
342	098001	58	straggled	cleanup	portrayal	A
343	098002	58	druggists	conspirator	despising	W
344	098003	58	thanking	label	distort	W
345	098004	58	ostrich	university	palmed	
346	098005	58	hopelessness	cleansed	faced	
347	098006	58	Eurydice	ballgown	silverware	
348	141903	29	excitation	starlet	assessor	
349	098008	58	presumes	aqueous	spiders	
350	098009	58	imaginable	portrayal	artificially	
351	098010	58	concoct	despising	reminiscence	
352	098011	58	peering	distort	Mexican	
353	098012	58	Phelps	palmed	obnoxious	
354	098013	58	ferociousness	faced	fragile	
355	098014	58	sentences	silverware	apprehensible	
356	098015	58	unlocks	assessor	births	
357	098016	58	engrossing	spiders	garages	
358	098017	58	Ruth	artificially	panty	
359	098018	58	tying	reminiscence	anteater	
360	098019	58	exclaimers	Mexican	displacement	A
361	098020	58	synergy	obnoxious	drovers	A
362	098021	58	Huey	fragile	patenting	A
363	098022	58	merging	apprehensible	far	A
364	098023	58	judges	births	shrieks	
365	098024	58	Shylock	garages	aligning	W
366	098025	37	Miltonism	panty	pragmatism	
367	106001	36	hen	anteater	fevers	W
368	108001	36	honeybee	displacement	reexamines	A
369	108002	36	towers	drovers	occupancies	
370	108003	36	dilutes	patenting	sweats	FAS
371	108004	36	numerals	far	modulators	
372	108005	36	democracy	shrieks	demand	W
373	108007	36	Ibero-	aligning	Madeira	
374	108008	36	invalids	pragmatism	Viennese	W
375	108009	36	behavior	fevers	chillier	W
376	108010	36	accruing	reexamines	wildcats	FAS
377	108011	36	relics	occupancies	gentle	
378	108012	36	rackets	sweats	Angles	W
379	108101	36	Fischbein	modulators	accuracies	
380	108102	36	phony	demand	toggle	
381	108103	36	cross	Madeira	Mendelssohn	W
382	108111	50	cleanup	Viennese	behaviorally	
383	108105	36	conspirator	chillier	Rochford	
384	108106	36	label	wildcats	mirror	W
385	108107	36	university	gentle	Modula	
386	108108	50	cleansed	Angles	clobbering	
387	108109	36	ballgown	accuracies	chronography	
388	108110	36	starlet	toggle	Eskimoizeds	
389	108201	36	aqueous	Mendelssohn	British	W
390	108202	36	portrayal	behaviorally	pitfalls	
391	108203	36	despising	Rochford	verify	W
392	108204	36	distort	mirror	scatter	FAS
393	108205	36	palmed	Modula	Aztecan	
394	108301	36	faced	clobbering	acuity	W
395	108302	36	silverware	chronography	sinking	W
396	112101	36	assessor	Eskimoizeds	beasts	FAS
397	112102	36	spiders	British	Witt	W
398	113701	36	artificially	pitfalls	physicists	FAS
399	116001	36	reminiscence	verify	folksong	A
400	116201	36	Mexican	scatter	strokes	FAS
401	116301	36	obnoxious	Aztecan	crowder	
402	116302	36	fragile	acuity	merry	
403	116601	36	apprehensible	sinking	cadenced	
404	116602	36	births	beasts	alimony	A
405	116603	36	garages	Witt	principled	A
406	116701	36	panty	physicists	golfing	
407	116702	36	anteater	folksong	undiscovered	
408	118001	36	displacement	strokes	irritates	
409	118002	36	drovers	crowder	patriots	A
410	118003	36	patenting	merry	rooms	FAS
411	118004	36	far	cadenced	towering	W
412	118005	36	shrieks	alimony	displease	
413	118006	36	aligning	principled	photosensitive	
414	118007	36	pragmatism	golfing	inking	
415	118008	36	fevers	undiscovered	gainers	
416	118101	36	reexamines	irritates	leaning	A
417	118102	36	occupancies	patriots	hydrant	A
418	118103	36	sweats	rooms	preserve	
419	118202	36	modulators	towering	blinded	A
420	118203	36	demand	displease	interactions	A
421	118204	36	Madeira	photosensitive	Barry	
422	118302	36	Viennese	inking	whiteness	A
423	118304	36	chillier	gainers	pastimes	W
424	118305	36	wildcats	leaning	Edenization	
425	118306	36	gentle	hydrant	Muscat	
426	118307	36	Angles	preserve	assassinated	
427	123101	36	accuracies	blinded	labeled	
428	123102	36	toggle	interactions	glacial	A
429	123301	36	Mendelssohn	Barry	implied	W
430	126001	36	behaviorally	whiteness	bibliographies	W
431	126002	36	Rochford	pastimes	Buchanan	
432	126003	36	mirror	Edenization	forgivably	FAS
433	126101	36	Modula	Muscat	innuendo	A
434	126301	36	clobbering	assassinated	den	FAS
435	126302	36	chronography	labeled	submarines	W
436	126402	36	Eskimoizeds	glacial	mouthful	A
437	126601	36	British	implied	expiring	
438	126602	36	pitfalls	bibliographies	unfulfilled	FAS
439	126702	36	verify	Buchanan	precession	
440	128001	36	scatter	forgivably	nullified	
441	128002	36	Aztecan	innuendo	affects	
442	128003	36	acuity	den	Cynthia	
443	128004	36	sinking	submarines	Chablis	A
444	128005	36	beasts	mouthful	betterments	FAS
445	128007	36	Witt	expiring	advertising	
446	128008	36	physicists	unfulfilled	rubies	A
447	128009	36	folksong	precession	southwest	FAS
448	128010	36	strokes	nullified	superstitious	A
449	128011	36	crowder	affects	tabernacle	W
450	128012	36	merry	Cynthia	silk	A
451	128013	36	cadenced	Chablis	handsomest	A
452	128014	36	alimony	betterments	Persian	A
453	128015	36	principled	advertising	analog	W
454	128016	36	golfing	rubies	complex	W
455	128017	36	undiscovered	southwest	Taoist	
456	128018	36	irritates	superstitious	suspend	
457	128019	36	patriots	tabernacle	relegated	
458	128020	36	rooms	silk	awesome	W
459	128021	36	towering	handsomest	Bruxelles	
460	128022	36	displease	Persian	imprecisely	A
461	128023	36	photosensitive	analog	televise	
462	128101	36	inking	complex	braking	
463	128102	36	gainers	Taoist	true	FAS
464	128103	36	leaning	suspend	disappointing	FAS
465	128104	36	hydrant	relegated	navally	W
466	128106	36	preserve	awesome	circus	
467	128107	36	blinded	Bruxelles	beetles	
468	128108	36	interactions	imprecisely	trumps	
469	128202	36	Barry	televise	fourscore	W
470	128203	36	whiteness	braking	Blackfoots	
471	128301	36	pastimes	true	Grady	
472	128302	36	Edenization	disappointing	quiets	FAS
473	128303	36	Muscat	navally	floundered	FAS
474	128304	36	assassinated	circus	profundity	W
475	128305	36	labeled	beetles	Garrisonian	W
476	128307	36	glacial	trumps	Strauss	
477	128401	36	implied	fourscore	cemented	FAS
478	128502	36	bibliographies	Blackfoots	contrition	A
479	128503	36	Buchanan	Grady	mutations	
480	128504	36	forgivably	quiets	exhibits	W
481	128505	36	innuendo	floundered	tits	
482	128601	36	den	profundity	mate	A
483	128603	36	submarines	Garrisonian	arches	
484	128604	36	mouthful	Strauss	Moll	
485	128702	36	expiring	cemented	ropers	
486	128703	36	unfulfilled	contrition	bombast	
487	128704	36	precession	mutations	difficultly	A
488	138001	36	nullified	exhibits	adsorption	
489	138002	36	affects	tits	definiteness	FAS
490	138003	36	Cynthia	mate	cultivation	A
491	138004	36	Chablis	arches	heals	A
492	138005	36	betterments	Moll	Heusen	W
493	138006	36	advertising	ropers	target	FAS
494	138007	36	rubies	bombast	cited	A
495	138008	36	southwest	difficultly	congresswoman	W
496	138009	36	superstitious	adsorption	Katherine	
497	138102	36	tabernacle	definiteness	titter	A
498	138103	36	silk	cultivation	aspire	A
499	138104	36	handsomest	heals	Mardis	
500	138105	36	Persian	Heusen	Nadia	W
501	138201	36	analog	target	estimating	FAS
502	138302	36	complex	cited	stuck	A
503	138303	36	Taoist	congresswoman	fifteenth	A
504	138304	36	suspend	Katherine	Colombo	
505	138401	29	relegated	titter	survey	A
506	140102	29	awesome	aspire	staffing	
507	140103	29	Bruxelles	Mardis	obtain	
508	140104	29	imprecisely	Nadia	loaded	
509	140105	29	televise	estimating	slaughtered	
510	140201	29	braking	stuck	lights	A
511	140701	29	true	fifteenth	circumference	
512	141501	29	disappointing	Colombo	dull	A
513	141502	29	navally	survey	weekly	A
514	141901	29	circus	staffing	wetness	
515	141902	29	beetles	obtain	visualized	
516	142101	29	trumps	loaded	Tannenbaum	
517	142102	29	fourscore	slaughtered	moribund	
518	142103	29	Blackfoots	lights	demultiplex	
519	142701	29	Grady	circumference	lockings	
520	143001	29	quiets	dull	thugs	FAS
521	143501	29	floundered	weekly	unnerves	
522	143502	29	profundity	wetness	abut	
523	148001	29	Garrisonian	visualized	Chippewa	A
524	148002	29	Strauss	Tannenbaum	stratifications	A
525	148003	29	cemented	moribund	signaled	
526	148004	29	contrition	demultiplex	Italianizes	A
527	148005	29	mutations	lockings	algorithmic	A
528	148006	29	exhibits	thugs	paranoid	FAS
529	148007	29	tits	unnerves	camping	A
530	148009	29	mate	abut	signifying	A
531	148010	29	arches	Chippewa	Patrice	W
532	148011	29	Moll	stratifications	search	A
533	148012	29	ropers	signaled	Angeles	A
534	148013	29	bombast	Italianizes	semblance	
535	148023	36	difficultly	algorithmic	taxed	
536	148015	29	adsorption	paranoid	Beatrice	
537	148016	29	definiteness	camping	retrace	
538	148017	29	cultivation	signifying	lockout	
539	148018	29	heals	Patrice	grammatic	
540	148019	29	Heusen	search	helmsman	
541	148020	29	target	Angeles	uniform	W
542	148021	29	cited	semblance	hamming	
543	148022	29	congresswoman	taxed	disobedience	
544	148101	29	Katherine	Beatrice	captivated	A
545	148102	29	titter	retrace	transferals	A
546	148201	29	aspire	lockout	cartographer	A
547	148401	29	Mardis	grammatic	aims	FAS
548	148402	29	Nadia	helmsman	Pakistani	
549	148501	29	estimating	uniform	burglarized	FAS
550	148502	29	stuck	hamming	saucepans	A
551	148503	29	fifteenth	disobedience	lacerating	A
552	148504	29	Colombo	captivated	corny	
553	148601	29	survey	transferals	megabytes	FAS
554	148602	29	staffing	cartographer	chancellor	
555	150701	29	obtain	aims	bulk	A
556	152101	29	loaded	Pakistani	commits	A
557	152102	29	slaughtered	burglarized	meson	W
558	155202	36	lights	saucepans	deputies	
559	155203	29	circumference	lacerating	northeaster	A
560	155204	29	dull	corny	dipole	
561	155205	29	weekly	megabytes	machining	0
562	156001	29	wetness	chancellor	therefore	
563	156002	29	visualized	bulk	Telefunken	
564	156102	29	Tannenbaum	commits	salvaging	
565	156301	29	moribund	meson	Corinthianizes	A
566	156302	29	demultiplex	deputies	restlessly	A
567	156303	29	lockings	northeaster	bromides	
568	156304	29	thugs	dipole	generalized	A
569	156305	29	unnerves	machining	mishaps	
570	156306	29	abut	therefore	quelling	
571	156501	29	Chippewa	Telefunken	spiritual	A
572	158001	29	stratifications	salvaging	beguiles	FAS
573	158002	29	signaled	Corinthianizes	Trobriand	FAS
574	158101	29	Italianizes	restlessly	fleeing	A
575	158102	29	algorithmic	bromides	Armour	A
576	158103	29	paranoid	generalized	chin	A
577	158201	29	camping	mishaps	provers	A
578	158202	29	signifying	quelling	aeronautic	A
579	158203	29	Patrice	spiritual	voltage	W
580	158204	29	search	beguiles	sash	
581	158301	29	Angeles	Trobriand	anaerobic	A
582	158302	29	semblance	fleeing	simultaneous	A
583	158303	29	taxed	Armour	accumulating	A
584	158304	29	Beatrice	chin	Medusan	A
585	158305	29	retrace	provers	shouted	A
586	158306	29	lockout	aeronautic	freakish	
587	158501	29	grammatic	voltage	index	FAS
588	160301	29	helmsman	sash	commercially	
589	166101	50	uniform	anaerobic	mistiness	A
590	166102	50	hamming	simultaneous	endpoint	
591	168001	29	disobedience	accumulating	straight	A
592	168002	29	captivated	Medusan	flurried	
593	168003	29	transferals	shouted	denotative	A
594	168101	29	cartographer	freakish	coming	FAS
595	168102	29	aims	index	commencements	FAS
596	168103	29	Pakistani	commercially	gentleman	
597	168104	29	burglarized	mistiness	gifted	
598	168202	29	saucepans	endpoint	Shanghais	
599	168301	29	lacerating	straight	sportswriting	A
600	168502	29	corny	flurried	sloping	A
601	168503	29	megabytes	denotative	navies	
602	168601	29	chancellor	coming	leaflet	A
603	173001	40	bulk	commencements	shooter	
604	173701	40	commits	gentleman	Joplin	FAS
605	173702	40	meson	gifted	babies	
606	176001	40	deputies	Shanghais	subdivision	FAS
607	176101	40	northeaster	sportswriting	burstiness	W
608	176201	40	dipole	sloping	belted	FAS
609	176401	40	machining	navies	assails	FAS
610	176501	40	therefore	leaflet	admiring	W
611	176601	40	Telefunken	shooter	swaying	0
612	176602	40	salvaging	Joplin	Goldstine	FAS
613	176603	40	Corinthianizes	babies	fitting	
614	178001	40	restlessly	subdivision	Norwalk	W
615	178002	40	bromides	burstiness	weakening	W
616	178003	40	generalized	belted	analogy	FAS
617	178004	40	mishaps	assails	deludes	
618	178005	40	quelling	admiring	cokes	
619	178006	40	spiritual	swaying	Clayton	
620	178007	40	beguiles	Goldstine	exhausts	
621	178008	40	Trobriand	fitting	causality	
622	178101	40	fleeing	Norwalk	sating	FAS
623	178102	40	Armour	weakening	icon	
624	178103	40	chin	analogy	throttles	
625	178201	40	provers	deludes	communicants	FAS
626	178202	40	aeronautic	cokes	dehydrate	FAS
627	178301	40	voltage	Clayton	priceless	FAS
628	178302	40	sash	exhausts	publicly	
629	178401	40	anaerobic	causality	incidentals	FAS
630	178402	40	simultaneous	sating	commonplace	
631	178403	40	accumulating	icon	mumbles	
632	178404	40	Medusan	throttles	furthermore	W
633	178501	40	shouted	communicants	cautioned	W
634	186002	37	freakish	dehydrate	parametrized	A
635	186102	37	index	priceless	registration	A
636	186201	40	commercially	publicly	sadly	FAS
637	186202	40	mistiness	incidentals	positioning	
638	186203	40	endpoint	commonplace	babysitting	
639	186302	37	straight	mumbles	eternal	A
640	188007	37	flurried	furthermore	hoarder	
641	188008	37	denotative	cautioned	congregates	
642	188009	37	coming	parametrized	rains	
643	188010	37	commencements	registration	workers	W
644	188011	37	gentleman	sadly	sags	A
645	188012	37	gifted	positioning	unplug	W
646	188013	37	Shanghais	babysitting	garage	A
647	188014	37	sportswriting	eternal	boulder	A
648	188015	37	sloping	hoarder	hollowly	A
649	188016	37	navies	congregates	specifics	
650	188017	37	leaflet	rains	Teresa	
651	188102	37	shooter	workers	Winsett	
652	188103	37	Joplin	sags	convenient	A
653	188202	37	babies	unplug	buckboards	FAS
654	188301	40	subdivision	garage	amenities	
655	188302	40	burstiness	boulder	resplendent	FAS
656	188303	40	belted	hollowly	priding	FAS
657	188401	37	assails	specifics	configurations	
658	188402	37	admiring	Teresa	untidiness	A
659	188503	37	swaying	Winsett	Brice	W
660	188504	37	Goldstine	convenient	sews	FAS
661	188505	37	fitting	buckboards	participated	
662	190701	37	Norwalk	amenities	Simon	FAS
663	190703	50	weakening	resplendent	certificates	
664	191701	37	analogy	priding	Fitzpatrick	
665	191702	37	deludes	configurations	Evanston	A
666	191703	37	cokes	untidiness	misted	
667	196001	37	Clayton	Brice	textures	A
668	196002	37	exhausts	sews	save	
669	196003	37	causality	participated	count	
670	196101	37	sating	Simon	rightful	A
671	196103	37	icon	certificates	chaperone	
672	196104	37	throttles	Fitzpatrick	Lizzy	A
673	196201	37	communicants	Evanston	clenched	A
674	196202	37	dehydrate	misted	effortlessly	
675	196203	37	priceless	textures	accessed	
676	198001	37	publicly	save	beaters	A
677	198003	37	incidentals	count	Hornblower	FAS
678	198004	37	commonplace	rightful	vests	A
679	198005	37	mumbles	chaperone	indulgences	FAS
680	198006	37	furthermore	Lizzy	infallibly	A
681	198007	37	cautioned	clenched	unwilling	FAS
682	198008	37	parametrized	effortlessly	excrete	FAS
683	198009	37	registration	accessed	spools	A
684	198010	37	sadly	beaters	crunches	FAS
685	198011	37	positioning	Hornblower	overestimating	FAS
686	198012	37	babysitting	vests	ineffective	
687	198013	37	eternal	indulgences	humiliation	A
688	198014	37	hoarder	infallibly	sophomore	
689	198015	37	congregates	unwilling	star	
690	198017	37	rains	excrete	rifles	
691	198018	37	workers	spools	dialysis	
692	198019	37	sags	crunches	arriving	
693	198020	37	unplug	overestimating	indulge	
694	198021	37	garage	ineffective	clockers	
695	198022	37	boulder	humiliation	languages	
696	198023	50	hollowly	sophomore	Antarctica	A
697	198024	37	specifics	star	percentage	
698	198101	37	Teresa	rifles	ceiling	A
699	198103	37	Winsett	dialysis	specification	
700	198105	37	convenient	arriving	regimented	A
701	198106	37	buckboards	indulge	ciphers	
702	198201	37	amenities	clockers	pictures	A
703	198204	37	resplendent	languages	serpents	A
704	198301	53	priding	Antarctica	allot	A
705	198302	53	configurations	percentage	realized	A
706	198303	53	untidiness	ceiling	mayoral	A
707	198304	53	Brice	specification	opaquely	A
708	198401	37	sews	regimented	hostess	FAS
709	198402	37	participated	ciphers	fiftieth	
710	198403	37	Simon	pictures	incorrectly	
711	202101	37	certificates	serpents	decomposition	FAS
712	202301	37	Fitzpatrick	allot	stranglings	
713	202302	37	Evanston	realized	mixture	FAS
714	202303	37	misted	mayoral	electroencephalography	FAS
715	202304	37	textures	opaquely	similarities	FAS
716	202305	37	save	hostess	charges	W
717	202601	37	count	fiftieth	freest	FAS
718	202602	37	rightful	incorrectly	Greenberg	FAS
719	202605	37	chaperone	decomposition	tinting	
720	202606	37	Lizzy	stranglings	expelled	W
721	202607	37	clenched	mixture	warm	
722	202901	37	effortlessly	electroencephalography	smoothed	
723	202902	37	accessed	similarities	deductions	FAS
724	202903	37	beaters	charges	Romano	W
725	202904	37	Hornblower	freest	bitterroot	
726	202907	37	vests	Greenberg	corset	
727	202908	37	indulgences	tinting	securing	
728	203101	37	infallibly	expelled	environing	FAS
729	203103	37	unwilling	warm	cute	
730	203104	37	excrete	smoothed	Crays	
731	203105	37	spools	deductions	heiress	FAS
732	203401	37	crunches	Romano	inform	FAS
733	203402	37	overestimating	bitterroot	avenge	
734	203404	37	ineffective	corset	universals	
735	203901	37	humiliation	securing	Kinsey	W
736	203902	37	sophomore	environing	ravines	FAS
737	203903	37	star	cute	bestseller	
738	203906	37	rifles	Crays	equilibrium	
739	203907	37	dialysis	heiress	extents	0
740	203908	37	arriving	inform	relatively	
741	203909	37	indulge	avenge	pressure	FAS
742	206101	37	clockers	universals	critiques	FAS
743	206201	37	languages	Kinsey	befouled	
744	206202	37	Antarctica	ravines	rightfully	FAS
745	206203	37	percentage	bestseller	mechanizing	FAS
746	206206	37	ceiling	equilibrium	Latinizes	
747	206207	37	specification	extents	timesharing	
748	206208	37	regimented	relatively	Aden	
749	208001	37	ciphers	pressure	embassies	
750	208002	37	pictures	critiques	males	FAS
751	208003	37	serpents	befouled	shapelessly	FAS
752	208004	37	allot	rightfully	genres	FAS
753	208008	37	realized	mechanizing	mastering	
754	208009	37	mayoral	Latinizes	Newtonian	
755	208010	37	opaquely	timesharing	finishers	FAS
756	208011	37	hostess	Aden	abates	
757	208101	37	fiftieth	embassies	teem	
758	208102	37	incorrectly	males	kiting	FAS
759	208103	37	decomposition	shapelessly	stodgy	FAS
760	208104	37	stranglings	genres	scalps	FAS
761	208105	37	mixture	mastering	feed	FAS
762	208110	37	electroencephalography	Newtonian	guitars	
763	208111	37	similarities	finishers	airships	
764	208112	37	charges	abates	store	
765	208113	37	freest	teem	denounces	
766	208201	37	Greenberg	kiting	Pyle	FAS
767	208203	37	tinting	stodgy	Saxony	
768	208301	37	expelled	scalps	serializations	FAS
769	208302	37	warm	feed	Peruvian	FAS
770	208305	37	smoothed	guitars	taxonomically	FAS
771	208401	37	deductions	airships	kingdom	A
772	208402	37	Romano	store	stint	A
773	208403	37	bitterroot	denounces	Sault	A
774	208404	37	corset	Pyle	faithful	
775	208501	37	securing	Saxony	Ganymede	FAS
776	208502	37	environing	serializations	tidiness	FAS
777	208503	37	cute	Peruvian	gainful	FAS
778	208504	37	Crays	taxonomically	contrary	FAS
779	208505	37	heiress	kingdom	Tipperary	FAS
780	210101	37	inform	stint	tropics	W
781	210102	37	avenge	Sault	theorizers	
782	210103	37	universals	faithful	renew	0
783	210104	37	Kinsey	Ganymede	already	
784	210105	37	ravines	tidiness	terminal	
785	210106	37	bestseller	gainful	Hegelian	
786	210107	37	equilibrium	contrary	hypothesizer	
787	210401	37	extents	Tipperary	warningly	FAS
788	213201	37	relatively	tropics	journalizing	FAS
789	213203	37	pressure	theorizers	nested	
790	213204	37	critiques	renew	Lars	
791	213205	37	befouled	already	saplings	
792	213206	37	rightfully	terminal	foothill	
793	213207	37	mechanizing	Hegelian	labeled	
794	216101	37	Latinizes	hypothesizer	imperiously	FAS
795	216103	37	timesharing	warningly	reporters	FAS
796	218001	37	Aden	journalizing	furnishings	FAS
797	218002	37	embassies	nested	precipitable	FAS
798	218003	37	males	Lars	discounts	FAS
799	218004	37	shapelessly	saplings	excises	FAS
800	143503	50	genres	foothill	Stalin	
801	218006	37	mastering	labeled	despot	FAS
802	218007	37	Newtonian	imperiously	ripeness	FAS
803	218008	37	finishers	reporters	Arabia	
804	218009	37	abates	furnishings	unruly	
805	218010	37	teem	precipitable	mournfulness	
806	218011	37	kiting	discounts	boom	FAS
807	218020	37	stodgy	excises	slaughter	A
808	218021	50	scalps	Stalin	Sabine	
809	218022	37	feed	despot	handy	FAS
810	218023	37	guitars	ripeness	rural	
811	218024	37	airships	Arabia	organizer	
812	218101	37	store	unruly	shipyard	FAS
813	218102	37	denounces	mournfulness	civics	FAS
814	218103	37	Pyle	boom	inaccuracy	FAS
815	218201	37	Saxony	slaughter	rules	FAS
816	218202	37	serializations	Sabine	juveniles	FAS
817	218203	37	Peruvian	handy	comprised	W
818	218204	37	taxonomically	rural	investigations	
819	218205	37	kingdom	organizer	stabilizes	A
820	218301	37	stint	shipyard	seminaries	FAS
821	218302	37	Sault	civics	Hunter	A
822	218401	37	faithful	inaccuracy	sporty	FAS
823	218402	37	Ganymede	rules	test	FAS
824	218403	37	tidiness	juveniles	weasels	
825	218404	37	gainful	comprised	CERN	
826	218407	37	contrary	investigations	tempering	
827	218408	37	Tipperary	stabilizes	afore	FAS
828	218409	37	tropics	seminaries	Galatean	
829	218410	37	theorizers	Hunter	techniques	W
830	226001	37	renew	sporty	error	
831	226002	37	already	test	veranda	
832	226003	37	terminal	weasels	severely	
833	226004	37	Hegelian	CERN	Cassites	FAS
834	226005	37	hypothesizer	tempering	forthcoming	
835	226006	37	warningly	afore	guides	
836	226007	37	journalizing	Galatean	vanish	FAS
837	226008	37	nested	techniques	lied	A
838	226203	37	Lars	error	sawtooth	FAS
839	226204	37	saplings	veranda	fated	FAS
840	226205	37	foothill	severely	gradually	
841	226206	37	labeled	Cassites	widens	
842	226207	37	imperiously	forthcoming	preclude	
843	226208	37	reporters	guides	Jobrel	
844	226209	37	furnishings	vanish	hooker	
845	226210	37	precipitable	lied	rainstorm	
846	226211	37	discounts	sawtooth	disconnects	
847	228001	37	excises	fated	cruelty	
848	228004	37	Stalin	gradually	exponentials	A
849	228005	37	despot	widens	affective	A
850	228006	37	ripeness	preclude	arteries	
851	228007	37	Arabia	Jobrel	Crosby	FAS
852	228008	37	unruly	hooker	acquaint	
853	228009	37	mournfulness	rainstorm	evenhandedly	
854	228101	37	boom	disconnects	percentage	
855	228108	37	slaughter	cruelty	disobedience	
856	228109	37	Sabine	exponentials	humility	
857	228110	37	handy	affective	gleaning	A
858	228111	37	rural	arteries	petted	A
859	228112	37	organizer	Crosby	bloater	A
860	228113	37	shipyard	acquaint	minion	A
861	228114	37	civics	evenhandedly	marginal	A
862	228115	37	inaccuracy	percentage	apiary	A
863	228116	37	rules	disobedience	measures	
864	228117	37	juveniles	humility	precaution	
865	228118	37	comprised	gleaning	repelled	
866	228119	37	investigations	petted	primary	FAS
867	228120	37	stabilizes	bloater	coverings	
868	228121	37	seminaries	minion	Artemia	A
869	228122	37	Hunter	marginal	navigate	
870	228201	37	sporty	apiary	spatial	
871	228206	37	test	measures	Gurkha	
872	228207	37	weasels	precaution	meanwhile	A
873	228208	37	CERN	repelled	Melinda	A
874	228209	37	tempering	primary	Butterfield	
875	228210	37	afore	coverings	Aldrich	A
876	228211	37	Galatean	Artemia	previewing	A
877	228212	37	techniques	navigate	glut	A
878	228213	37	error	spatial	unaffected	
879	228214	37	veranda	Gurkha	inmate	
880	228301	37	severely	meanwhile	mineral	
881	228305	37	Cassites	Melinda	impending	A
882	228306	37	forthcoming	Butterfield	meditation	A
883	228307	37	guides	Aldrich	ideas	
884	228308	37	vanish	previewing	miniaturizes	W
885	228309	37	lied	glut	lewdly	
886	228310	37	sawtooth	unaffected	title	
887	228311	37	fated	inmate	youthfulness	
888	228312	37	gradually	mineral	creak	FAS
889	228313	37	widens	impending	Chippewa	
890	228314	37	preclude	meditation	clamored	
891	228401	65	Jobrel	ideas	freezes	
892	228402	65	hooker	miniaturizes	forgivably	FAS
893	228403	65	rainstorm	lewdly	reduce	FAS
894	228404	65	disconnects	title	McGovern	W
895	228405	65	cruelty	youthfulness	Nazis	W
896	228406	65	exponentials	creak	epistle	W
897	228407	65	affective	Chippewa	socializes	W
898	228408	65	arteries	clamored	conceptions	
899	228409	65	Crosby	freezes	Kevin	
900	228410	65	acquaint	forgivably	uncovering	
901	230301	37	evenhandedly	reduce	chews	FAS
902	230302	37	percentage	McGovern	appendixes	FAS
903	230303	37	disobedience	Nazis	raining	
904	018062	37	humility	epistle	infest	
905	230501	37	gleaning	socializes	compartment	
906	230502	37	petted	conceptions	minting	
907	230503	37	bloater	Kevin	ducks	
908	230504	37	minion	uncovering	roped	A
909	230505	37	marginal	chews	waltz	
910	230506	37	apiary	appendixes	Lillian	
911	230507	37	measures	raining	repressions	A
912	230508	37	precaution	infest	chillingly	
913	230509	37	repelled	compartment	noncritical	
914	230901	37	primary	minting	lithograph	
915	230902	37	coverings	ducks	spongers	
916	230903	37	Artemia	roped	parenthood	
917	230904	37	navigate	waltz	posed	
918	230905	37	spatial	Lillian	instruments	
919	230906	37	Gurkha	repressions	filial	
920	230907	37	meanwhile	chillingly	fixedly	
921	230908	37	Melinda	noncritical	relives	
922	230909	37	Butterfield	lithograph	Pandora	
923	230910	37	Aldrich	spongers	watering	A
924	230911	37	previewing	parenthood	ungrateful	
925	230912	37	glut	posed	secures	
926	230913	37	unaffected	instruments	chastisers	
927	230914	37	inmate	filial	icon	
928	231304	37	mineral	fixedly	reuniting	A
929	231305	37	impending	relives	imagining	A
930	231306	37	meditation	Pandora	abiding	A
931	231307	37	ideas	watering	omnisciently	
932	231308	37	miniaturizes	ungrateful	Britannic	
933	231309	37	lewdly	secures	scholastics	A
934	231310	37	title	chastisers	mechanics	A
935	231311	37	youthfulness	icon	humidly	A
936	231312	37	creak	reuniting	masterpiece	
937	231313	37	Chippewa	imagining	however	
938	231314	37	clamored	abiding	Mendelian	
939	231315	37	freezes	omnisciently	jarred	
940	232102	37	forgivably	Britannic	scolds	
941	232103	37	reduce	scholastics	infatuate	
942	232104	37	McGovern	mechanics	willed	A
943	232105	37	Nazis	humidly	joyfully	
944	232106	37	epistle	masterpiece	Microsoft	
945	232107	37	socializes	however	fibrosities	
946	232108	37	conceptions	Mendelian	Baltimorean	
947	232601	37	Kevin	jarred	equestrian	
948	232602	37	uncovering	scolds	Goodrich	
949	232603	37	chews	infatuate	apish	A
950	232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5950	1232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5951	1232606	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5952	1232607	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5953	1232608	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5954	1232609	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
951	232606	37	raining	joyfully	Tropez	
952	232607	37	infest	Microsoft	nouns	
953	232608	37	compartment	fibrosities	distracting	
954	232609	37	minting	Baltimorean	mutton	
955	236104	37	ducks	equestrian	bridgeable	A
956	236105	37	roped	Goodrich	stickers	A
957	236106	37	waltz	apish	transcontinental	A
958	236107	37	Lillian	Adlerian	amateurish	
959	236108	37	repressions	Tropez	Gandhian	
960	236109	37	chillingly	nouns	stratified	
961	236110	37	noncritical	distracting	chamberlains	
962	236111	37	lithograph	mutton	creditably	
963	236112	37	spongers	bridgeable	philosophic	
964	236113	37	parenthood	stickers	ores	
965	238005	37	posed	transcontinental	Carleton	
966	238006	37	instruments	amateurish	tape	A
967	238007	37	filial	Gandhian	afloat	A
968	238008	37	fixedly	stratified	goodness	A
969	238009	37	relives	chamberlains	welcoming	
970	238010	37	Pandora	creditably	Pinsky	FAS
971	238011	37	watering	philosophic	halting	
972	238012	37	ungrateful	ores	bibliography	
973	238013	37	secures	Carleton	decoding	
974	240401	41	chastisers	tape	variance	A
975	240402	41	icon	afloat	allowed	A
976	240901	41	reuniting	goodness	dire	A
977	240902	41	imagining	welcoming	dub	A
978	241801	41	abiding	Pinsky	poisoning	
979	242101	41	omnisciently	halting	Iraqis	A
980	242102	41	Britannic	bibliography	heaving	
981	242201	41	scholastics	decoding	population	A
982	242202	41	mechanics	variance	bomb	A
983	242501	41	humidly	allowed	Majorca	A
984	242502	41	masterpiece	dire	Gershwins	
985	246201	41	however	dub	explorers	
986	246202	41	Mendelian	poisoning	libretto	A
987	246203	41	jarred	Iraqis	occurred	
988	246204	41	scolds	heaving	Lagos	
989	246205	41	infatuate	population	rats	
990	246301	41	willed	bomb	bankruptcies	A
991	246302	41	joyfully	Majorca	crying	
992	248001	41	Microsoft	Gershwins	unexpected	
993	248002	41	fibrosities	explorers	accessed	A
994	248003	41	Baltimorean	libretto	colorful	A
995	248004	41	equestrian	occurred	versatility	A
996	248005	41	Goodrich	Lagos	cosy	
997	248006	41	apish	rats	Darius	A
998	248007	41	Adlerian	bankruptcies	mastering	A
999	248008	41	Tropez	crying	Asiaticizations	A
1000	248009	41	nouns	unexpected	offerers	A
1001	248010	41	distracting	accessed	uncles	A
1002	248011	41	mutton	colorful	sleepwalk	
1003	248012	41	bridgeable	versatility	Ernestine	
1004	248013	41	stickers	cosy	checksumming	
1005	248014	41	transcontinental	Darius	stopped	
1006	248015	41	amateurish	mastering	sicker	
1007	248016	41	Gandhian	Asiaticizations	Italianization	
1008	248017	41	stratified	offerers	alphabetic	
1009	248018	41	chamberlains	uncles	pharmaceutic	
1010	248019	41	creditably	sleepwalk	creator	
1011	248020	41	philosophic	Ernestine	chess	
1012	248021	41	ores	checksumming	charcoal	
1013	248101	41	Carleton	stopped	Epiphany	A
1014	248102	41	tape	sicker	bulldozes	A
1015	248201	41	afloat	Italianization	Pygmalion	A
1016	248202	41	goodness	alphabetic	caressing	A
1017	248203	41	welcoming	pharmaceutic	Palestine	A
1018	248204	41	Pinsky	creator	regimented	A
1019	248205	41	halting	chess	scars	A
1020	248206	41	bibliography	charcoal	realest	A
1021	248207	41	decoding	Epiphany	diffusing	A
1022	248208	41	variance	bulldozes	clubroom	A
1023	248209	41	allowed	Pygmalion	Blythe	A
1024	248210	41	dire	caressing	ahead	
1025	248211	50	dub	Palestine	reviver	
1026	250501	34	poisoning	regimented	retransmitting	A
1027	250502	34	Iraqis	scars	landslide	
1028	250503	34	heaving	realest	Eiffel	
1029	250504	34	population	diffusing	absentee	
1030	250505	34	bomb	clubroom	aye	
1031	250601	34	Majorca	Blythe	forked	A
1032	250602	34	Gershwins	ahead	Peruvianizes	
1033	250603	34	explorers	reviver	clerked	
1034	250604	34	libretto	retransmitting	tutor	
1035	250605	34	occurred	landslide	boulevard	
1036	251001	34	Lagos	Eiffel	shuttered	
1037	251002	34	rats	absentee	quotes	A
1038	251003	34	bankruptcies	aye	Caltech	
1039	251004	34	crying	forked	Mossberg	
1040	251005	34	unexpected	Peruvianizes	kept	
1041	251301	34	accessed	clerked	roundly	
1042	251302	34	colorful	tutor	features	A
1043	251303	34	versatility	boulevard	imaginable	A
1044	251304	34	cosy	shuttered	controller	
1045	251305	34	Darius	quotes	racial	
1046	251401	34	mastering	Caltech	uprisings	A
1047	251402	34	Asiaticizations	Mossberg	narrowed	A
1048	251403	34	offerers	kept	cannot	A
1049	251404	34	uncles	roundly	vest	
1050	251405	34	sleepwalk	features	famine	
1051	251406	34	Ernestine	imaginable	sugars	
1052	251801	34	checksumming	controller	exterminated	A
1053	251802	34	stopped	racial	belays	
1054	252101	34	sicker	uprisings	Hodges	A
1055	252102	34	Italianization	narrowed	translatable	
1056	252301	34	alphabetic	cannot	duality	A
1057	252302	34	pharmaceutic	vest	recording	A
1058	252303	34	creator	famine	rouses	A
1059	252304	34	chess	sugars	poison	
1060	252305	34	charcoal	exterminated	attitude	
1061	252306	34	Epiphany	belays	dusted	
1062	252307	34	bulldozes	Hodges	encompasses	
1063	252308	34	Pygmalion	translatable	presentation	
1064	252309	34	caressing	duality	Kantian	
1065	256001	34	Palestine	recording	imprecision	A
1066	256002	34	regimented	rouses	saving	
1067	256003	34	scars	poison	maternal	
1068	256004	34	realest	attitude	hewed	
1069	256005	34	diffusing	dusted	kerosene	
1070	258001	34	clubroom	encompasses	Cubans	
1071	258002	34	Blythe	presentation	photographers	
1072	258003	34	ahead	Kantian	nymph	A
1073	258004	34	reviver	imprecision	bedlam	A
1074	258005	34	retransmitting	saving	north	A
1075	258006	34	landslide	maternal	Schoenberg	A
1076	258007	34	Eiffel	hewed	botany	A
1077	258008	34	absentee	kerosene	curs	
1078	258009	34	aye	Cubans	solidification	
1079	258010	34	forked	photographers	inheritresses	
1080	258011	34	Peruvianizes	nymph	stiller	
1081	258101	68	clerked	bedlam	t1	A
1082	258102	68	tutor	north	suite	A
1083	258103	34	boulevard	Schoenberg	ransomer	
1084	258104	68	shuttered	botany	Willy	
1085	258105	68	quotes	curs	Rena	A
1086	258106	68	Caltech	solidification	Seattle	A
1087	258107	68	Mossberg	inheritresses	relaxes	A
1088	258108	68	kept	stiller	exclaim	
1089	258109	68	roundly	t1	implicated	A
1090	258110	68	features	suite	distinguish	
1091	258111	68	imaginable	ransomer	assayed	
1092	258112	68	controller	Willy	homeowner	
1093	258113	68	racial	Rena	and	
1094	258201	34	uprisings	Seattle	stealth	
1095	258202	34	narrowed	relaxes	coinciding	A
1096	258203	34	cannot	exclaim	founder	A
1097	258204	34	vest	implicated	environing	
1098	258205	34	famine	distinguish	jewelry	
1099	258301	34	sugars	assayed	lemons	A
1100	258401	34	exterminated	homeowner	brokenness	A
1101	258402	34	belays	and	bedpost	A
1102	258403	34	Hodges	stealth	assurers	A
1103	258404	34	translatable	coinciding	annoyers	
1104	258405	34	duality	founder	affixed	
1105	258406	34	recording	environing	warbling	
1106	258407	34	rouses	jewelry	seriously	
1107	228123	37	poison	lemons	boasted	
1108	250606	34	attitude	brokenness	Chantilly	
1109	208405	37	dusted	bedpost	Iranizes	
1110	212101	37	encompasses	assurers	violinist	
1111	218206	37	presentation	annoyers	extramarital	
1112	150401	37	Kantian	affixed	spates	
1113	248212	41	imprecision	warbling	cloakroom	
1114	128026	00	saving	seriously	gazer	
1115	128024	00	maternal	boasted	hand	
1116	128027	00	hewed	Chantilly	tucked	
1117	128025	00	kerosene	Iranizes	gems	
1118	128109	00	Cubans	violinist	clinker	
1119	128705	00	photographers	extramarital	refiner	
1120	126303	00	nymph	spates	callus	
1121	128308	00	bedlam	cloakroom	leopards	
1122	128204	00	north	gazer	comfortingly	
1123	128205	00	Schoenberg	hand	generically	
1124	128206	00	botany	tucked	getters	
1125	128207	00	curs	gems	sexually	
1126	118205	00	solidification	clinker	spear	
1127	116801	00	inheritresses	refiner	serums	
1128	116803	00	stiller	callus	Italianization	
1129	116804	00	t1	leopards	attendants	
1130	116802	00	suite	comfortingly	spies	
1131	128605	00	ransomer	generically	Anthony	
1132	118308	00	Willy	getters	planar	
1133	113702	00	Rena	sexually	cupped	
1134	113703	00	Seattle	spear	cleanser	
1135	112103	00	relaxes	serums	commuters	
1136	118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
5136	1118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
1137	138011	00	implicated	attendants	orphanage	
1138	138010	00	distinguish	spies	skies	
1139	138012	00	assayed	Anthony	crushers	
1140	068304	00	homeowner	planar	Puritan	
1141	078009	00	and	cupped	squeezer	
1142	108013	00	stealth	cleanser	bruises	
1143	084004	00	coinciding	commuters	bonfire	
1144	083402	00	founder	honeysuckle	Colombo	
1145	084003	00	environing	orphanage	nondecreasing	
1146	088504	00	jewelry	skies	innocents	
1147	088005	00	lemons	crushers	masked	
1148	088007	00	brokenness	Puritan	file	
1149	088006	00	bedpost	squeezer	brush	
1150	148025	00	assurers	bruises	mutilate	
1151	148024	00	annoyers	bonfire	mommy	
1152	138305	00	affixed	Colombo	bulkheads	
1153	138306	00	warbling	nondecreasing	undeclared	
1154	152701	00	seriously	innocents	displacements	
1155	148505	00	boasted	masked	nieces	
1156	158003	00	Chantilly	file	coeducation	
1157	156201	00	Iranizes	brush	brassy	
1158	156202	00	violinist	mutilate	authenticator	
1159	158307	00	extramarital	mommy	Washoe	
1160	158402	00	spates	bulkheads	penny	
1161	158401	00	cloakroom	undeclared	Flagler	
1162	068013	00	gazer	displacements	stoned	
1163	068012	00	hand	nieces	cranes	
1164	068203	00	tucked	coeducation	masterful	
1165	088205	00	gems	brassy	biracial	
1166	068704	00	clinker	authenticator	steamships	
1167	068604	00	refiner	Washoe	windmills	
1168	158502	00	callus	penny	exploit	
1169	123103	00	leopards	Flagler	riverfront	
1170	148026	00	comfortingly	stoned	sisterly	
1171	123302	00	generically	cranes	sharpshoot	
1172	076503	00	getters	masterful	mittens	
1173	126304	00	sexually	biracial	interdependency	
1174	068306	00	spear	steamships	policy	
1175	143504	00	serums	windmills	unleashing	
1176	160201	00	Italianization	exploit	pretenders	
1177	148028	00	attendants	riverfront	overstatements	
1178	148027	00	spies	sisterly	birthed	
1179	143505	00	Anthony	sharpshoot	opportunism	
1180	108014	00	planar	mittens	showroom	
1181	076104	00	cupped	interdependency	compromisingly	
1182	078106	00	cleanser	policy	Medicare	
1183	126102	00	commuters	unleashing	corresponds	
1184	128029	00	honeysuckle	pretenders	hardware	
1185	128028	00	orphanage	overstatements	implant	
1186	018410	00	skies	birthed	Alicia	
1187	128110	00	crushers	opportunism	requesting	
1188	148506	00	Puritan	showroom	produced	
1189	123303	00	squeezer	compromisingly	criticizes	
1190	123304	00	bruises	Medicare	backer	
1191	068504	00	bonfire	corresponds	positively	
1192	068305	00	Colombo	hardware	colicky	
1193	000000	00	nondecreasing	implant	thrillingly	
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
ERROR HY000: Table storage engine for 't2' doesn't have this option
auto	fld1	companynr	fld3	fld4	fld5	fld6
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
5	011501	37	bewilderingly	wallet	balled	
6	011701	37	astound	parters	persist	W
7	011702	37	admonishing	eschew	attainments	
8	011703	37	sumac	quitter	fanatic	
9	012001	37	flanking	neat	measures	FAS
10	012003	37	combed	Steinberg	rightfulness	
11	012004	37	subjective	jarring	capably	
12	012005	37	scatterbrain	tinily	impulsive	
13	012301	37	Eulerian	balled	starlet	
14	012302	36	dubbed	persist	terminators	
15	012303	37	Kane	attainments	untying	
16	012304	37	overlay	fanatic	announces	FAS
17	012305	37	perturb	measures	featherweight	FAS
18	012306	37	goblins	rightfulness	pessimist	FAS
19	012501	37	annihilates	capably	daughter	
20	012602	37	Wotan	impulsive	decliner	FAS
21	012603	37	snatching	starlet	lawgiver	
22	012604	37	concludes	terminators	stated	
23	012605	37	laterally	untying	readable	
24	012606	37	yelped	announces	attrition	
25	012701	37	grazing	featherweight	cascade	FAS
26	012702	37	Baird	pessimist	motors	FAS
27	012703	37	celery	daughter	interrogate	
28	012704	37	misunderstander	decliner	pests	W
29	013601	37	handgun	lawgiver	stairway	
30	013602	37	foldout	stated	dopers	FAS
31	013603	37	mystic	readable	testicle	W
32	013604	37	succumbed	attrition	Parsifal	W
33	013605	37	Nabisco	cascade	leavings	
34	013606	37	fingerings	motors	postulation	W
35	013607	37	aging	interrogate	squeaking	
36	013608	37	afield	pests	contrasted	
37	013609	37	ammonium	stairway	leftover	
38	013610	37	boat	dopers	whiteners	
39	013801	37	intelligibility	testicle	erases	W
40	013802	37	Augustine	Parsifal	Punjab	W
41	013803	37	teethe	leavings	Merritt	
42	013804	37	dreaded	postulation	Quixotism	
43	013901	37	scholastics	squeaking	sweetish	FAS
44	016001	37	audiology	contrasted	dogging	FAS
45	016201	37	wallet	leftover	scornfully	FAS
46	016202	37	parters	whiteners	bellow	
47	016301	37	eschew	erases	bills	
48	016302	37	quitter	Punjab	cupboard	FAS
49	016303	37	neat	Merritt	sureties	FAS
50	016304	37	Steinberg	Quixotism	puddings	
51	018001	37	jarring	sweetish	tapestry	
52	018002	37	tinily	dogging	fetters	
53	018003	37	balled	scornfully	bivalves	
54	018004	37	persist	bellow	incurring	
55	018005	37	attainments	bills	Adolph	
56	018007	37	fanatic	cupboard	pithed	
57	018008	37	measures	sureties	emergency	
58	018009	37	rightfulness	puddings	Miles	
59	018010	37	capably	tapestry	trimmings	
60	018012	37	impulsive	fetters	tragedies	W
61	018013	37	starlet	bivalves	skulking	W
62	018014	37	terminators	incurring	flint	
63	018015	37	untying	Adolph	flopping	W
64	018016	37	announces	pithed	relaxing	FAS
65	018017	37	featherweight	emergency	offload	FAS
66	018018	37	pessimist	Miles	suites	W
67	018019	37	daughter	trimmings	lists	FAS
68	018020	37	decliner	tragedies	animized	FAS
69	018021	37	lawgiver	skulking	multilayer	W
70	018022	37	stated	flint	standardizes	FAS
71	018023	37	readable	flopping	Judas	
72	018024	37	attrition	relaxing	vacuuming	W
73	018025	37	cascade	offload	dentally	W
74	018026	37	motors	suites	humanness	W
75	018027	37	interrogate	lists	inch	W
76	018028	37	pests	animized	Weissmuller	W
77	018029	37	stairway	multilayer	irresponsibly	W
78	018030	37	dopers	standardizes	luckily	FAS
79	018032	37	testicle	Judas	culled	W
80	018033	37	Parsifal	vacuuming	medical	FAS
81	018034	37	leavings	dentally	bloodbath	FAS
82	018035	37	postulation	humanness	subschema	W
83	018036	37	squeaking	inch	animals	W
84	018037	37	contrasted	Weissmuller	Micronesia	
85	018038	37	leftover	irresponsibly	repetitions	
86	018039	37	whiteners	luckily	Antares	
87	018040	37	erases	culled	ventilate	W
88	018041	37	Punjab	medical	pityingly	
89	018042	37	Merritt	bloodbath	interdependent	
90	018043	37	Quixotism	subschema	Graves	FAS
91	018044	37	sweetish	animals	neonatal	
92	018045	37	dogging	Micronesia	scribbled	FAS
93	018046	37	scornfully	repetitions	chafe	W
94	018048	37	bellow	Antares	honoring	
95	018049	37	bills	ventilate	realtor	
96	018050	37	cupboard	pityingly	elite	
97	018051	37	sureties	interdependent	funereal	
98	018052	37	puddings	Graves	abrogating	
99	018053	50	tapestry	neonatal	sorters	
100	018054	37	fetters	scribbled	Conley	
101	018055	37	bivalves	chafe	lectured	
102	018056	37	incurring	honoring	Abraham	
103	018057	37	Adolph	realtor	Hawaii	W
104	018058	37	pithed	elite	cage	
105	018059	36	emergency	funereal	hushes	
106	018060	37	Miles	abrogating	Simla	
107	018061	37	trimmings	sorters	reporters	
108	018101	37	tragedies	Conley	Dutchman	FAS
109	018102	37	skulking	lectured	descendants	FAS
110	018103	37	flint	Abraham	groupings	FAS
111	018104	37	flopping	Hawaii	dissociate	
112	018201	37	relaxing	cage	coexist	W
113	018202	37	offload	hushes	Beebe	
114	018402	37	suites	Simla	Taoism	
115	018403	37	lists	reporters	Connally	
116	018404	37	animized	Dutchman	fetched	FAS
117	018405	37	multilayer	descendants	checkpoints	FAS
118	018406	37	standardizes	groupings	rusting	
119	018409	37	Judas	dissociate	galling	
120	018601	37	vacuuming	coexist	obliterates	
121	018602	37	dentally	Beebe	traitor	
122	018603	37	humanness	Taoism	resumes	FAS
123	018801	37	inch	Connally	analyzable	FAS
124	018802	37	Weissmuller	fetched	terminator	FAS
125	018803	37	irresponsibly	checkpoints	gritty	FAS
126	018804	37	luckily	rusting	firearm	W
127	018805	37	culled	galling	minima	
128	018806	37	medical	obliterates	Selfridge	
129	018807	37	bloodbath	traitor	disable	
130	018808	37	subschema	resumes	witchcraft	W
131	018809	37	animals	analyzable	betroth	W
132	018810	37	Micronesia	terminator	Manhattanize	
133	018811	37	repetitions	gritty	imprint	
134	018812	37	Antares	firearm	peeked	
135	019101	37	ventilate	minima	swelling	
136	019102	37	pityingly	Selfridge	interrelationships	W
137	019103	37	interdependent	disable	riser	
138	019201	37	Graves	witchcraft	Gandhian	W
139	030501	37	neonatal	betroth	peacock	A
140	030502	50	scribbled	Manhattanize	bee	A
141	030503	37	chafe	imprint	kanji	
142	030504	37	honoring	peeked	dental	
143	031901	37	realtor	swelling	scarf	FAS
144	036001	37	elite	interrelationships	chasm	A
145	036002	37	funereal	riser	insolence	A
146	036004	37	abrogating	Gandhian	syndicate	
147	036005	37	sorters	peacock	alike	
148	038001	37	Conley	bee	imperial	A
149	038002	37	lectured	kanji	convulsion	A
150	038003	37	Abraham	dental	railway	A
151	038004	37	Hawaii	scarf	validate	A
152	038005	37	cage	chasm	normalizes	A
153	038006	37	hushes	insolence	comprehensive	
154	038007	37	Simla	syndicate	chewing	
155	038008	37	reporters	alike	denizen	
156	038009	37	Dutchman	imperial	schemer	
157	038010	37	descendants	convulsion	chronicle	
158	038011	37	groupings	railway	Kline	
159	038012	37	dissociate	validate	Anatole	
160	038013	37	coexist	normalizes	partridges	
161	038014	37	Beebe	comprehensive	brunch	
162	038015	37	Taoism	chewing	recruited	
163	038016	37	Connally	denizen	dimensions	W
164	038017	37	fetched	schemer	Chicana	W
165	038018	37	checkpoints	chronicle	announced	
166	038101	37	rusting	Kline	praised	FAS
167	038102	37	galling	Anatole	employing	
168	038103	37	obliterates	partridges	linear	
169	038104	37	traitor	brunch	quagmire	
170	038201	37	resumes	recruited	western	A
171	038202	37	analyzable	dimensions	relishing	
172	038203	37	terminator	Chicana	serving	A
173	038204	37	gritty	announced	scheduling	
174	038205	37	firearm	praised	lore	
175	038206	37	minima	employing	eventful	
176	038208	37	Selfridge	linear	arteriole	A
177	042801	37	disable	quagmire	disentangle	
178	042802	37	witchcraft	western	cured	A
179	046101	37	betroth	relishing	Fenton	W
180	048001	37	Manhattanize	serving	avoidable	A
181	048002	37	imprint	scheduling	drains	A
182	048003	37	peeked	lore	detectably	FAS
183	048004	37	swelling	eventful	husky	
184	048005	37	interrelationships	arteriole	impelling	
185	048006	37	riser	disentangle	undoes	
186	048007	37	Gandhian	cured	evened	
187	048008	37	peacock	Fenton	squeezes	
188	048101	37	bee	avoidable	destroyer	FAS
189	048102	37	kanji	drains	rudeness	
190	048201	37	dental	detectably	beaner	FAS
191	048202	37	scarf	husky	boorish	
192	048203	37	chasm	impelling	Everhart	
193	048204	37	insolence	undoes	encompass	A
194	048205	37	syndicate	evened	mushrooms	
195	048301	37	alike	squeezes	Alison	A
196	048302	37	imperial	destroyer	externally	FAS
197	048303	37	convulsion	rudeness	pellagra	
198	048304	37	railway	beaner	cult	
199	048305	37	validate	boorish	creek	A
200	048401	37	normalizes	Everhart	Huffman	
201	048402	37	comprehensive	encompass	Majorca	FAS
202	048403	37	chewing	mushrooms	governing	A
203	048404	37	denizen	Alison	gadfly	FAS
204	048405	37	schemer	externally	reassigned	FAS
205	048406	37	chronicle	pellagra	intentness	W
206	048407	37	Kline	cult	craziness	
207	048408	37	Anatole	creek	psychic	
208	048409	37	partridges	Huffman	squabbled	
209	048410	37	brunch	Majorca	burlesque	
210	048411	37	recruited	governing	capped	
211	048412	37	dimensions	gadfly	extracted	A
212	048413	37	Chicana	reassigned	DiMaggio	
213	048601	37	announced	intentness	exclamation	FAS
214	048602	37	praised	craziness	subdirectory	
215	048603	37	employing	psychic	fangs	
216	048604	37	linear	squabbled	buyer	A
217	048801	37	quagmire	burlesque	pithing	A
218	050901	37	western	capped	transistorizing	A
219	051201	37	relishing	extracted	nonbiodegradable	
220	056002	37	serving	DiMaggio	dislocate	
221	056003	37	scheduling	exclamation	monochromatic	FAS
222	056004	37	lore	subdirectory	batting	
223	056102	37	eventful	fangs	postcondition	A
224	056203	37	arteriole	buyer	catalog	FAS
225	056204	37	disentangle	pithing	Remus	
226	058003	37	cured	transistorizing	devices	A
227	058004	37	Fenton	nonbiodegradable	bike	A
228	058005	37	avoidable	dislocate	qualify	
229	058006	37	drains	monochromatic	detained	
230	058007	37	detectably	batting	commended	
231	058101	37	husky	postcondition	civilize	
232	058102	37	impelling	catalog	Elmhurst	
233	058103	37	undoes	Remus	anesthetizing	
234	058105	37	evened	devices	deaf	
235	058111	37	squeezes	bike	Brigham	
236	058112	37	destroyer	qualify	title	
237	058113	37	rudeness	detained	coarse	
238	058114	37	beaner	commended	combinations	
239	058115	37	boorish	civilize	grayness	
240	058116	37	Everhart	Elmhurst	innumerable	FAS
241	058117	37	encompass	anesthetizing	Caroline	A
242	058118	37	mushrooms	deaf	fatty	FAS
243	058119	37	Alison	Brigham	eastbound	
244	058120	37	externally	title	inexperienced	
245	058121	37	pellagra	coarse	hoarder	A
246	058122	37	cult	combinations	scotch	W
247	058123	37	creek	grayness	passport	A
248	058124	37	Huffman	innumerable	strategic	FAS
249	058125	37	Majorca	Caroline	gated	
250	058126	37	governing	fatty	flog	
251	058127	37	gadfly	eastbound	Pipestone	
252	058128	37	reassigned	inexperienced	Dar	
253	058201	37	intentness	hoarder	Corcoran	
254	058202	37	craziness	scotch	flyers	A
255	058303	37	psychic	passport	competitions	W
256	058304	37	squabbled	strategic	suppliers	FAS
257	058602	37	burlesque	gated	skips	
258	058603	37	capped	flog	institutes	
259	058604	37	extracted	Pipestone	troop	A
260	058605	37	DiMaggio	Dar	connective	W
261	058606	37	exclamation	Corcoran	denies	
262	058607	37	subdirectory	flyers	polka	
263	060401	36	fangs	competitions	observations	FAS
264	061701	36	buyer	suppliers	askers	
265	066201	36	pithing	skips	homeless	FAS
266	066501	36	transistorizing	institutes	Anna	
267	068001	36	nonbiodegradable	troop	subdirectories	W
268	068002	36	dislocate	connective	decaying	FAS
269	068005	36	monochromatic	denies	outwitting	W
270	068006	36	batting	polka	Harpy	W
271	068007	36	postcondition	observations	crazed	
272	068008	36	catalog	askers	suffocate	
273	068009	36	Remus	homeless	provers	FAS
274	068010	36	devices	Anna	technically	
275	068011	36	bike	subdirectories	Franklinizations	
276	068202	36	qualify	decaying	considered	
277	068302	36	detained	outwitting	tinnily	
278	068303	36	commended	Harpy	uninterruptedly	
279	068401	36	civilize	crazed	whistled	A
280	068501	36	Elmhurst	suffocate	automate	
281	068502	36	anesthetizing	provers	gutting	W
282	068503	36	deaf	technically	surreptitious	
283	068602	36	Brigham	Franklinizations	Choctaw	
284	068603	36	title	considered	cooks	
285	068701	36	coarse	tinnily	millivolt	FAS
286	068702	36	combinations	uninterruptedly	counterpoise	
287	068703	36	grayness	whistled	Gothicism	
288	076001	36	innumerable	automate	feminine	
289	076002	36	Caroline	gutting	metaphysically	W
290	076101	36	fatty	surreptitious	sanding	A
291	076102	36	eastbound	Choctaw	contributorily	
292	076103	36	inexperienced	cooks	receivers	FAS
293	076302	36	hoarder	millivolt	adjourn	
294	076303	36	scotch	counterpoise	straggled	A
295	076304	36	passport	Gothicism	druggists	
296	076305	36	strategic	feminine	thanking	FAS
297	076306	36	gated	metaphysically	ostrich	
298	076307	36	flog	sanding	hopelessness	FAS
299	076402	36	Pipestone	contributorily	Eurydice	
300	076501	36	Dar	receivers	excitation	W
301	076502	36	Corcoran	adjourn	presumes	FAS
302	076701	36	flyers	straggled	imaginable	FAS
303	078001	36	competitions	druggists	concoct	W
304	078002	36	suppliers	thanking	peering	W
305	078003	36	skips	ostrich	Phelps	FAS
306	078004	36	institutes	hopelessness	ferociousness	FAS
307	078005	36	troop	Eurydice	sentences	
308	078006	36	connective	excitation	unlocks	
309	078007	36	denies	presumes	engrossing	W
310	078008	36	polka	imaginable	Ruth	
311	078101	36	observations	concoct	tying	
312	078103	36	askers	peering	exclaimers	
313	078104	36	homeless	Phelps	synergy	
314	078105	36	Anna	ferociousness	Huey	W
315	082101	36	subdirectories	sentences	merging	
316	083401	36	decaying	unlocks	judges	A
317	084001	36	outwitting	engrossing	Shylock	W
318	084002	36	Harpy	Ruth	Miltonism	
319	086001	36	crazed	tying	hen	W
320	086102	36	suffocate	exclaimers	honeybee	FAS
321	086201	36	provers	synergy	towers	
322	088001	36	technically	Huey	dilutes	W
323	088002	36	Franklinizations	merging	numerals	FAS
324	088003	36	considered	judges	democracy	FAS
325	088004	36	tinnily	Shylock	Ibero-	
326	088101	36	uninterruptedly	Miltonism	invalids	
327	088102	36	whistled	hen	behavior	
328	088103	36	automate	honeybee	accruing	
329	088104	36	gutting	towers	relics	A
330	088105	36	surreptitious	dilutes	rackets	
331	088106	36	Choctaw	numerals	Fischbein	W
332	088201	36	cooks	democracy	phony	W
333	088203	36	millivolt	Ibero-	cross	FAS
334	088204	36	counterpoise	invalids	cleanup	
335	088302	37	Gothicism	behavior	conspirator	
336	088303	37	feminine	accruing	label	FAS
337	088305	37	metaphysically	relics	university	
338	088402	37	sanding	rackets	cleansed	FAS
339	088501	36	contributorily	Fischbein	ballgown	
340	088502	36	receivers	phony	starlet	
341	088503	36	adjourn	cross	aqueous	
342	098001	58	straggled	cleanup	portrayal	A
343	098002	58	druggists	conspirator	despising	W
344	098003	58	thanking	label	distort	W
345	098004	58	ostrich	university	palmed	
346	098005	58	hopelessness	cleansed	faced	
347	098006	58	Eurydice	ballgown	silverware	
348	141903	29	excitation	starlet	assessor	
349	098008	58	presumes	aqueous	spiders	
350	098009	58	imaginable	portrayal	artificially	
351	098010	58	concoct	despising	reminiscence	
352	098011	58	peering	distort	Mexican	
353	098012	58	Phelps	palmed	obnoxious	
354	098013	58	ferociousness	faced	fragile	
355	098014	58	sentences	silverware	apprehensible	
356	098015	58	unlocks	assessor	births	
357	098016	58	engrossing	spiders	garages	
358	098017	58	Ruth	artificially	panty	
359	098018	58	tying	reminiscence	anteater	
360	098019	58	exclaimers	Mexican	displacement	A
361	098020	58	synergy	obnoxious	drovers	A
362	098021	58	Huey	fragile	patenting	A
363	098022	58	merging	apprehensible	far	A
364	098023	58	judges	births	shrieks	
365	098024	58	Shylock	garages	aligning	W
366	098025	37	Miltonism	panty	pragmatism	
367	106001	36	hen	anteater	fevers	W
368	108001	36	honeybee	displacement	reexamines	A
369	108002	36	towers	drovers	occupancies	
370	108003	36	dilutes	patenting	sweats	FAS
371	108004	36	numerals	far	modulators	
372	108005	36	democracy	shrieks	demand	W
373	108007	36	Ibero-	aligning	Madeira	
374	108008	36	invalids	pragmatism	Viennese	W
375	108009	36	behavior	fevers	chillier	W
376	108010	36	accruing	reexamines	wildcats	FAS
377	108011	36	relics	occupancies	gentle	
378	108012	36	rackets	sweats	Angles	W
379	108101	36	Fischbein	modulators	accuracies	
380	108102	36	phony	demand	toggle	
381	108103	36	cross	Madeira	Mendelssohn	W
382	108111	50	cleanup	Viennese	behaviorally	
383	108105	36	conspirator	chillier	Rochford	
384	108106	36	label	wildcats	mirror	W
385	108107	36	university	gentle	Modula	
386	108108	50	cleansed	Angles	clobbering	
387	108109	36	ballgown	accuracies	chronography	
388	108110	36	starlet	toggle	Eskimoizeds	
389	108201	36	aqueous	Mendelssohn	British	W
390	108202	36	portrayal	behaviorally	pitfalls	
391	108203	36	despising	Rochford	verify	W
392	108204	36	distort	mirror	scatter	FAS
393	108205	36	palmed	Modula	Aztecan	
394	108301	36	faced	clobbering	acuity	W
395	108302	36	silverware	chronography	sinking	W
396	112101	36	assessor	Eskimoizeds	beasts	FAS
397	112102	36	spiders	British	Witt	W
398	113701	36	artificially	pitfalls	physicists	FAS
399	116001	36	reminiscence	verify	folksong	A
400	116201	36	Mexican	scatter	strokes	FAS
401	116301	36	obnoxious	Aztecan	crowder	
402	116302	36	fragile	acuity	merry	
403	116601	36	apprehensible	sinking	cadenced	
404	116602	36	births	beasts	alimony	A
405	116603	36	garages	Witt	principled	A
406	116701	36	panty	physicists	golfing	
407	116702	36	anteater	folksong	undiscovered	
408	118001	36	displacement	strokes	irritates	
409	118002	36	drovers	crowder	patriots	A
410	118003	36	patenting	merry	rooms	FAS
411	118004	36	far	cadenced	towering	W
412	118005	36	shrieks	alimony	displease	
413	118006	36	aligning	principled	photosensitive	
414	118007	36	pragmatism	golfing	inking	
415	118008	36	fevers	undiscovered	gainers	
416	118101	36	reexamines	irritates	leaning	A
417	118102	36	occupancies	patriots	hydrant	A
418	118103	36	sweats	rooms	preserve	
419	118202	36	modulators	towering	blinded	A
420	118203	36	demand	displease	interactions	A
421	118204	36	Madeira	photosensitive	Barry	
422	118302	36	Viennese	inking	whiteness	A
423	118304	36	chillier	gainers	pastimes	W
424	118305	36	wildcats	leaning	Edenization	
425	118306	36	gentle	hydrant	Muscat	
426	118307	36	Angles	preserve	assassinated	
427	123101	36	accuracies	blinded	labeled	
428	123102	36	toggle	interactions	glacial	A
429	123301	36	Mendelssohn	Barry	implied	W
430	126001	36	behaviorally	whiteness	bibliographies	W
431	126002	36	Rochford	pastimes	Buchanan	
432	126003	36	mirror	Edenization	forgivably	FAS
433	126101	36	Modula	Muscat	innuendo	A
434	126301	36	clobbering	assassinated	den	FAS
435	126302	36	chronography	labeled	submarines	W
436	126402	36	Eskimoizeds	glacial	mouthful	A
437	126601	36	British	implied	expiring	
438	126602	36	pitfalls	bibliographies	unfulfilled	FAS
439	126702	36	verify	Buchanan	precession	
440	128001	36	scatter	forgivably	nullified	
441	128002	36	Aztecan	innuendo	affects	
442	128003	36	acuity	den	Cynthia	
443	128004	36	sinking	submarines	Chablis	A
444	128005	36	beasts	mouthful	betterments	FAS
445	128007	36	Witt	expiring	advertising	
446	128008	36	physicists	unfulfilled	rubies	A
447	128009	36	folksong	precession	southwest	FAS
448	128010	36	strokes	nullified	superstitious	A
449	128011	36	crowder	affects	tabernacle	W
450	128012	36	merry	Cynthia	silk	A
451	128013	36	cadenced	Chablis	handsomest	A
452	128014	36	alimony	betterments	Persian	A
453	128015	36	principled	advertising	analog	W
454	128016	36	golfing	rubies	complex	W
455	128017	36	undiscovered	southwest	Taoist	
456	128018	36	irritates	superstitious	suspend	
457	128019	36	patriots	tabernacle	relegated	
458	128020	36	rooms	silk	awesome	W
459	128021	36	towering	handsomest	Bruxelles	
460	128022	36	displease	Persian	imprecisely	A
461	128023	36	photosensitive	analog	televise	
462	128101	36	inking	complex	braking	
463	128102	36	gainers	Taoist	true	FAS
464	128103	36	leaning	suspend	disappointing	FAS
465	128104	36	hydrant	relegated	navally	W
466	128106	36	preserve	awesome	circus	
467	128107	36	blinded	Bruxelles	beetles	
468	128108	36	interactions	imprecisely	trumps	
469	128202	36	Barry	televise	fourscore	W
470	128203	36	whiteness	braking	Blackfoots	
471	128301	36	pastimes	true	Grady	
472	128302	36	Edenization	disappointing	quiets	FAS
473	128303	36	Muscat	navally	floundered	FAS
474	128304	36	assassinated	circus	profundity	W
475	128305	36	labeled	beetles	Garrisonian	W
476	128307	36	glacial	trumps	Strauss	
477	128401	36	implied	fourscore	cemented	FAS
478	128502	36	bibliographies	Blackfoots	contrition	A
479	128503	36	Buchanan	Grady	mutations	
480	128504	36	forgivably	quiets	exhibits	W
481	128505	36	innuendo	floundered	tits	
482	128601	36	den	profundity	mate	A
483	128603	36	submarines	Garrisonian	arches	
484	128604	36	mouthful	Strauss	Moll	
485	128702	36	expiring	cemented	ropers	
486	128703	36	unfulfilled	contrition	bombast	
487	128704	36	precession	mutations	difficultly	A
488	138001	36	nullified	exhibits	adsorption	
489	138002	36	affects	tits	definiteness	FAS
490	138003	36	Cynthia	mate	cultivation	A
491	138004	36	Chablis	arches	heals	A
492	138005	36	betterments	Moll	Heusen	W
493	138006	36	advertising	ropers	target	FAS
494	138007	36	rubies	bombast	cited	A
495	138008	36	southwest	difficultly	congresswoman	W
496	138009	36	superstitious	adsorption	Katherine	
497	138102	36	tabernacle	definiteness	titter	A
498	138103	36	silk	cultivation	aspire	A
499	138104	36	handsomest	heals	Mardis	
500	138105	36	Persian	Heusen	Nadia	W
501	138201	36	analog	target	estimating	FAS
502	138302	36	complex	cited	stuck	A
503	138303	36	Taoist	congresswoman	fifteenth	A
504	138304	36	suspend	Katherine	Colombo	
505	138401	29	relegated	titter	survey	A
506	140102	29	awesome	aspire	staffing	
507	140103	29	Bruxelles	Mardis	obtain	
508	140104	29	imprecisely	Nadia	loaded	
509	140105	29	televise	estimating	slaughtered	
510	140201	29	braking	stuck	lights	A
511	140701	29	true	fifteenth	circumference	
512	141501	29	disappointing	Colombo	dull	A
513	141502	29	navally	survey	weekly	A
514	141901	29	circus	staffing	wetness	
515	141902	29	beetles	obtain	visualized	
516	142101	29	trumps	loaded	Tannenbaum	
517	142102	29	fourscore	slaughtered	moribund	
518	142103	29	Blackfoots	lights	demultiplex	
519	142701	29	Grady	circumference	lockings	
520	143001	29	quiets	dull	thugs	FAS
521	143501	29	floundered	weekly	unnerves	
522	143502	29	profundity	wetness	abut	
523	148001	29	Garrisonian	visualized	Chippewa	A
524	148002	29	Strauss	Tannenbaum	stratifications	A
525	148003	29	cemented	moribund	signaled	
526	148004	29	contrition	demultiplex	Italianizes	A
527	148005	29	mutations	lockings	algorithmic	A
528	148006	29	exhibits	thugs	paranoid	FAS
529	148007	29	tits	unnerves	camping	A
530	148009	29	mate	abut	signifying	A
531	148010	29	arches	Chippewa	Patrice	W
532	148011	29	Moll	stratifications	search	A
533	148012	29	ropers	signaled	Angeles	A
534	148013	29	bombast	Italianizes	semblance	
535	148023	36	difficultly	algorithmic	taxed	
536	148015	29	adsorption	paranoid	Beatrice	
537	148016	29	definiteness	camping	retrace	
538	148017	29	cultivation	signifying	lockout	
539	148018	29	heals	Patrice	grammatic	
540	148019	29	Heusen	search	helmsman	
541	148020	29	target	Angeles	uniform	W
542	148021	29	cited	semblance	hamming	
543	148022	29	congresswoman	taxed	disobedience	
544	148101	29	Katherine	Beatrice	captivated	A
545	148102	29	titter	retrace	transferals	A
546	148201	29	aspire	lockout	cartographer	A
547	148401	29	Mardis	grammatic	aims	FAS
548	148402	29	Nadia	helmsman	Pakistani	
549	148501	29	estimating	uniform	burglarized	FAS
550	148502	29	stuck	hamming	saucepans	A
551	148503	29	fifteenth	disobedience	lacerating	A
552	148504	29	Colombo	captivated	corny	
553	148601	29	survey	transferals	megabytes	FAS
554	148602	29	staffing	cartographer	chancellor	
555	150701	29	obtain	aims	bulk	A
556	152101	29	loaded	Pakistani	commits	A
557	152102	29	slaughtered	burglarized	meson	W
558	155202	36	lights	saucepans	deputies	
559	155203	29	circumference	lacerating	northeaster	A
560	155204	29	dull	corny	dipole	
561	155205	29	weekly	megabytes	machining	0
562	156001	29	wetness	chancellor	therefore	
563	156002	29	visualized	bulk	Telefunken	
564	156102	29	Tannenbaum	commits	salvaging	
565	156301	29	moribund	meson	Corinthianizes	A
566	156302	29	demultiplex	deputies	restlessly	A
567	156303	29	lockings	northeaster	bromides	
568	156304	29	thugs	dipole	generalized	A
569	156305	29	unnerves	machining	mishaps	
570	156306	29	abut	therefore	quelling	
571	156501	29	Chippewa	Telefunken	spiritual	A
572	158001	29	stratifications	salvaging	beguiles	FAS
573	158002	29	signaled	Corinthianizes	Trobriand	FAS
574	158101	29	Italianizes	restlessly	fleeing	A
575	158102	29	algorithmic	bromides	Armour	A
576	158103	29	paranoid	generalized	chin	A
577	158201	29	camping	mishaps	provers	A
578	158202	29	signifying	quelling	aeronautic	A
579	158203	29	Patrice	spiritual	voltage	W
580	158204	29	search	beguiles	sash	
581	158301	29	Angeles	Trobriand	anaerobic	A
582	158302	29	semblance	fleeing	simultaneous	A
583	158303	29	taxed	Armour	accumulating	A
584	158304	29	Beatrice	chin	Medusan	A
585	158305	29	retrace	provers	shouted	A
586	158306	29	lockout	aeronautic	freakish	
587	158501	29	grammatic	voltage	index	FAS
588	160301	29	helmsman	sash	commercially	
589	166101	50	uniform	anaerobic	mistiness	A
590	166102	50	hamming	simultaneous	endpoint	
591	168001	29	disobedience	accumulating	straight	A
592	168002	29	captivated	Medusan	flurried	
593	168003	29	transferals	shouted	denotative	A
594	168101	29	cartographer	freakish	coming	FAS
595	168102	29	aims	index	commencements	FAS
596	168103	29	Pakistani	commercially	gentleman	
597	168104	29	burglarized	mistiness	gifted	
598	168202	29	saucepans	endpoint	Shanghais	
599	168301	29	lacerating	straight	sportswriting	A
600	168502	29	corny	flurried	sloping	A
601	168503	29	megabytes	denotative	navies	
602	168601	29	chancellor	coming	leaflet	A
603	173001	40	bulk	commencements	shooter	
604	173701	40	commits	gentleman	Joplin	FAS
605	173702	40	meson	gifted	babies	
606	176001	40	deputies	Shanghais	subdivision	FAS
607	176101	40	northeaster	sportswriting	burstiness	W
608	176201	40	dipole	sloping	belted	FAS
609	176401	40	machining	navies	assails	FAS
610	176501	40	therefore	leaflet	admiring	W
611	176601	40	Telefunken	shooter	swaying	0
612	176602	40	salvaging	Joplin	Goldstine	FAS
613	176603	40	Corinthianizes	babies	fitting	
614	178001	40	restlessly	subdivision	Norwalk	W
615	178002	40	bromides	burstiness	weakening	W
616	178003	40	generalized	belted	analogy	FAS
617	178004	40	mishaps	assails	deludes	
618	178005	40	quelling	admiring	cokes	
619	178006	40	spiritual	swaying	Clayton	
620	178007	40	beguiles	Goldstine	exhausts	
621	178008	40	Trobriand	fitting	causality	
622	178101	40	fleeing	Norwalk	sating	FAS
623	178102	40	Armour	weakening	icon	
624	178103	40	chin	analogy	throttles	
625	178201	40	provers	deludes	communicants	FAS
626	178202	40	aeronautic	cokes	dehydrate	FAS
627	178301	40	voltage	Clayton	priceless	FAS
628	178302	40	sash	exhausts	publicly	
629	178401	40	anaerobic	causality	incidentals	FAS
630	178402	40	simultaneous	sating	commonplace	
631	178403	40	accumulating	icon	mumbles	
632	178404	40	Medusan	throttles	furthermore	W
633	178501	40	shouted	communicants	cautioned	W
634	186002	37	freakish	dehydrate	parametrized	A
635	186102	37	index	priceless	registration	A
636	186201	40	commercially	publicly	sadly	FAS
637	186202	40	mistiness	incidentals	positioning	
638	186203	40	endpoint	commonplace	babysitting	
639	186302	37	straight	mumbles	eternal	A
640	188007	37	flurried	furthermore	hoarder	
641	188008	37	denotative	cautioned	congregates	
642	188009	37	coming	parametrized	rains	
643	188010	37	commencements	registration	workers	W
644	188011	37	gentleman	sadly	sags	A
645	188012	37	gifted	positioning	unplug	W
646	188013	37	Shanghais	babysitting	garage	A
647	188014	37	sportswriting	eternal	boulder	A
648	188015	37	sloping	hoarder	hollowly	A
649	188016	37	navies	congregates	specifics	
650	188017	37	leaflet	rains	Teresa	
651	188102	37	shooter	workers	Winsett	
652	188103	37	Joplin	sags	convenient	A
653	188202	37	babies	unplug	buckboards	FAS
654	188301	40	subdivision	garage	amenities	
655	188302	40	burstiness	boulder	resplendent	FAS
656	188303	40	belted	hollowly	priding	FAS
657	188401	37	assails	specifics	configurations	
658	188402	37	admiring	Teresa	untidiness	A
659	188503	37	swaying	Winsett	Brice	W
660	188504	37	Goldstine	convenient	sews	FAS
661	188505	37	fitting	buckboards	participated	
662	190701	37	Norwalk	amenities	Simon	FAS
663	190703	50	weakening	resplendent	certificates	
664	191701	37	analogy	priding	Fitzpatrick	
665	191702	37	deludes	configurations	Evanston	A
666	191703	37	cokes	untidiness	misted	
667	196001	37	Clayton	Brice	textures	A
668	196002	37	exhausts	sews	save	
669	196003	37	causality	participated	count	
670	196101	37	sating	Simon	rightful	A
671	196103	37	icon	certificates	chaperone	
672	196104	37	throttles	Fitzpatrick	Lizzy	A
673	196201	37	communicants	Evanston	clenched	A
674	196202	37	dehydrate	misted	effortlessly	
675	196203	37	priceless	textures	accessed	
676	198001	37	publicly	save	beaters	A
677	198003	37	incidentals	count	Hornblower	FAS
678	198004	37	commonplace	rightful	vests	A
679	198005	37	mumbles	chaperone	indulgences	FAS
680	198006	37	furthermore	Lizzy	infallibly	A
681	198007	37	cautioned	clenched	unwilling	FAS
682	198008	37	parametrized	effortlessly	excrete	FAS
683	198009	37	registration	accessed	spools	A
684	198010	37	sadly	beaters	crunches	FAS
685	198011	37	positioning	Hornblower	overestimating	FAS
686	198012	37	babysitting	vests	ineffective	
687	198013	37	eternal	indulgences	humiliation	A
688	198014	37	hoarder	infallibly	sophomore	
689	198015	37	congregates	unwilling	star	
690	198017	37	rains	excrete	rifles	
691	198018	37	workers	spools	dialysis	
692	198019	37	sags	crunches	arriving	
693	198020	37	unplug	overestimating	indulge	
694	198021	37	garage	ineffective	clockers	
695	198022	37	boulder	humiliation	languages	
696	198023	50	hollowly	sophomore	Antarctica	A
697	198024	37	specifics	star	percentage	
698	198101	37	Teresa	rifles	ceiling	A
699	198103	37	Winsett	dialysis	specification	
700	198105	37	convenient	arriving	regimented	A
701	198106	37	buckboards	indulge	ciphers	
702	198201	37	amenities	clockers	pictures	A
703	198204	37	resplendent	languages	serpents	A
704	198301	53	priding	Antarctica	allot	A
705	198302	53	configurations	percentage	realized	A
706	198303	53	untidiness	ceiling	mayoral	A
707	198304	53	Brice	specification	opaquely	A
708	198401	37	sews	regimented	hostess	FAS
709	198402	37	participated	ciphers	fiftieth	
710	198403	37	Simon	pictures	incorrectly	
711	202101	37	certificates	serpents	decomposition	FAS
712	202301	37	Fitzpatrick	allot	stranglings	
713	202302	37	Evanston	realized	mixture	FAS
714	202303	37	misted	mayoral	electroencephalography	FAS
715	202304	37	textures	opaquely	similarities	FAS
716	202305	37	save	hostess	charges	W
717	202601	37	count	fiftieth	freest	FAS
718	202602	37	rightful	incorrectly	Greenberg	FAS
719	202605	37	chaperone	decomposition	tinting	
720	202606	37	Lizzy	stranglings	expelled	W
721	202607	37	clenched	mixture	warm	
722	202901	37	effortlessly	electroencephalography	smoothed	
723	202902	37	accessed	similarities	deductions	FAS
724	202903	37	beaters	charges	Romano	W
725	202904	37	Hornblower	freest	bitterroot	
726	202907	37	vests	Greenberg	corset	
727	202908	37	indulgences	tinting	securing	
728	203101	37	infallibly	expelled	environing	FAS
729	203103	37	unwilling	warm	cute	
730	203104	37	excrete	smoothed	Crays	
731	203105	37	spools	deductions	heiress	FAS
732	203401	37	crunches	Romano	inform	FAS
733	203402	37	overestimating	bitterroot	avenge	
734	203404	37	ineffective	corset	universals	
735	203901	37	humiliation	securing	Kinsey	W
736	203902	37	sophomore	environing	ravines	FAS
737	203903	37	star	cute	bestseller	
738	203906	37	rifles	Crays	equilibrium	
739	203907	37	dialysis	heiress	extents	0
740	203908	37	arriving	inform	relatively	
741	203909	37	indulge	avenge	pressure	FAS
742	206101	37	clockers	universals	critiques	FAS
743	206201	37	languages	Kinsey	befouled	
744	206202	37	Antarctica	ravines	rightfully	FAS
745	206203	37	percentage	bestseller	mechanizing	FAS
746	206206	37	ceiling	equilibrium	Latinizes	
747	206207	37	specification	extents	timesharing	
748	206208	37	regimented	relatively	Aden	
749	208001	37	ciphers	pressure	embassies	
750	208002	37	pictures	critiques	males	FAS
751	208003	37	serpents	befouled	shapelessly	FAS
752	208004	37	allot	rightfully	genres	FAS
753	208008	37	realized	mechanizing	mastering	
754	208009	37	mayoral	Latinizes	Newtonian	
755	208010	37	opaquely	timesharing	finishers	FAS
756	208011	37	hostess	Aden	abates	
757	208101	37	fiftieth	embassies	teem	
758	208102	37	incorrectly	males	kiting	FAS
759	208103	37	decomposition	shapelessly	stodgy	FAS
760	208104	37	stranglings	genres	scalps	FAS
761	208105	37	mixture	mastering	feed	FAS
762	208110	37	electroencephalography	Newtonian	guitars	
763	208111	37	similarities	finishers	airships	
764	208112	37	charges	abates	store	
765	208113	37	freest	teem	denounces	
766	208201	37	Greenberg	kiting	Pyle	FAS
767	208203	37	tinting	stodgy	Saxony	
768	208301	37	expelled	scalps	serializations	FAS
769	208302	37	warm	feed	Peruvian	FAS
770	208305	37	smoothed	guitars	taxonomically	FAS
771	208401	37	deductions	airships	kingdom	A
772	208402	37	Romano	store	stint	A
773	208403	37	bitterroot	denounces	Sault	A
774	208404	37	corset	Pyle	faithful	
775	208501	37	securing	Saxony	Ganymede	FAS
776	208502	37	environing	serializations	tidiness	FAS
777	208503	37	cute	Peruvian	gainful	FAS
778	208504	37	Crays	taxonomically	contrary	FAS
779	208505	37	heiress	kingdom	Tipperary	FAS
780	210101	37	inform	stint	tropics	W
781	210102	37	avenge	Sault	theorizers	
782	210103	37	universals	faithful	renew	0
783	210104	37	Kinsey	Ganymede	already	
784	210105	37	ravines	tidiness	terminal	
785	210106	37	bestseller	gainful	Hegelian	
786	210107	37	equilibrium	contrary	hypothesizer	
787	210401	37	extents	Tipperary	warningly	FAS
788	213201	37	relatively	tropics	journalizing	FAS
789	213203	37	pressure	theorizers	nested	
790	213204	37	critiques	renew	Lars	
791	213205	37	befouled	already	saplings	
792	213206	37	rightfully	terminal	foothill	
793	213207	37	mechanizing	Hegelian	labeled	
794	216101	37	Latinizes	hypothesizer	imperiously	FAS
795	216103	37	timesharing	warningly	reporters	FAS
796	218001	37	Aden	journalizing	furnishings	FAS
797	218002	37	embassies	nested	precipitable	FAS
798	218003	37	males	Lars	discounts	FAS
799	218004	37	shapelessly	saplings	excises	FAS
800	143503	50	genres	foothill	Stalin	
801	218006	37	mastering	labeled	despot	FAS
802	218007	37	Newtonian	imperiously	ripeness	FAS
803	218008	37	finishers	reporters	Arabia	
804	218009	37	abates	furnishings	unruly	
805	218010	37	teem	precipitable	mournfulness	
806	218011	37	kiting	discounts	boom	FAS
807	218020	37	stodgy	excises	slaughter	A
808	218021	50	scalps	Stalin	Sabine	
809	218022	37	feed	despot	handy	FAS
810	218023	37	guitars	ripeness	rural	
811	218024	37	airships	Arabia	organizer	
812	218101	37	store	unruly	shipyard	FAS
813	218102	37	denounces	mournfulness	civics	FAS
814	218103	37	Pyle	boom	inaccuracy	FAS
815	218201	37	Saxony	slaughter	rules	FAS
816	218202	37	serializations	Sabine	juveniles	FAS
817	218203	37	Peruvian	handy	comprised	W
818	218204	37	taxonomically	rural	investigations	
819	218205	37	kingdom	organizer	stabilizes	A
820	218301	37	stint	shipyard	seminaries	FAS
821	218302	37	Sault	civics	Hunter	A
822	218401	37	faithful	inaccuracy	sporty	FAS
823	218402	37	Ganymede	rules	test	FAS
824	218403	37	tidiness	juveniles	weasels	
825	218404	37	gainful	comprised	CERN	
826	218407	37	contrary	investigations	tempering	
827	218408	37	Tipperary	stabilizes	afore	FAS
828	218409	37	tropics	seminaries	Galatean	
829	218410	37	theorizers	Hunter	techniques	W
830	226001	37	renew	sporty	error	
831	226002	37	already	test	veranda	
832	226003	37	terminal	weasels	severely	
833	226004	37	Hegelian	CERN	Cassites	FAS
834	226005	37	hypothesizer	tempering	forthcoming	
835	226006	37	warningly	afore	guides	
836	226007	37	journalizing	Galatean	vanish	FAS
837	226008	37	nested	techniques	lied	A
838	226203	37	Lars	error	sawtooth	FAS
839	226204	37	saplings	veranda	fated	FAS
840	226205	37	foothill	severely	gradually	
841	226206	37	labeled	Cassites	widens	
842	226207	37	imperiously	forthcoming	preclude	
843	226208	37	reporters	guides	Jobrel	
844	226209	37	furnishings	vanish	hooker	
845	226210	37	precipitable	lied	rainstorm	
846	226211	37	discounts	sawtooth	disconnects	
847	228001	37	excises	fated	cruelty	
848	228004	37	Stalin	gradually	exponentials	A
849	228005	37	despot	widens	affective	A
850	228006	37	ripeness	preclude	arteries	
851	228007	37	Arabia	Jobrel	Crosby	FAS
852	228008	37	unruly	hooker	acquaint	
853	228009	37	mournfulness	rainstorm	evenhandedly	
854	228101	37	boom	disconnects	percentage	
855	228108	37	slaughter	cruelty	disobedience	
856	228109	37	Sabine	exponentials	humility	
857	228110	37	handy	affective	gleaning	A
858	228111	37	rural	arteries	petted	A
859	228112	37	organizer	Crosby	bloater	A
860	228113	37	shipyard	acquaint	minion	A
861	228114	37	civics	evenhandedly	marginal	A
862	228115	37	inaccuracy	percentage	apiary	A
863	228116	37	rules	disobedience	measures	
864	228117	37	juveniles	humility	precaution	
865	228118	37	comprised	gleaning	repelled	
866	228119	37	investigations	petted	primary	FAS
867	228120	37	stabilizes	bloater	coverings	
868	228121	37	seminaries	minion	Artemia	A
869	228122	37	Hunter	marginal	navigate	
870	228201	37	sporty	apiary	spatial	
871	228206	37	test	measures	Gurkha	
872	228207	37	weasels	precaution	meanwhile	A
873	228208	37	CERN	repelled	Melinda	A
874	228209	37	tempering	primary	Butterfield	
875	228210	37	afore	coverings	Aldrich	A
876	228211	37	Galatean	Artemia	previewing	A
877	228212	37	techniques	navigate	glut	A
878	228213	37	error	spatial	unaffected	
879	228214	37	veranda	Gurkha	inmate	
880	228301	37	severely	meanwhile	mineral	
881	228305	37	Cassites	Melinda	impending	A
882	228306	37	forthcoming	Butterfield	meditation	A
883	228307	37	guides	Aldrich	ideas	
884	228308	37	vanish	previewing	miniaturizes	W
885	228309	37	lied	glut	lewdly	
886	228310	37	sawtooth	unaffected	title	
887	228311	37	fated	inmate	youthfulness	
888	228312	37	gradually	mineral	creak	FAS
889	228313	37	widens	impending	Chippewa	
890	228314	37	preclude	meditation	clamored	
891	228401	65	Jobrel	ideas	freezes	
892	228402	65	hooker	miniaturizes	forgivably	FAS
893	228403	65	rainstorm	lewdly	reduce	FAS
894	228404	65	disconnects	title	McGovern	W
895	228405	65	cruelty	youthfulness	Nazis	W
896	228406	65	exponentials	creak	epistle	W
897	228407	65	affective	Chippewa	socializes	W
898	228408	65	arteries	clamored	conceptions	
899	228409	65	Crosby	freezes	Kevin	
900	228410	65	acquaint	forgivably	uncovering	
901	230301	37	evenhandedly	reduce	chews	FAS
902	230302	37	percentage	McGovern	appendixes	FAS
903	230303	37	disobedience	Nazis	raining	
904	018062	37	humility	epistle	infest	
905	230501	37	gleaning	socializes	compartment	
906	230502	37	petted	conceptions	minting	
907	230503	37	bloater	Kevin	ducks	
908	230504	37	minion	uncovering	roped	A
909	230505	37	marginal	chews	waltz	
910	230506	37	apiary	appendixes	Lillian	
911	230507	37	measures	raining	repressions	A
912	230508	37	precaution	infest	chillingly	
913	230509	37	repelled	compartment	noncritical	
914	230901	37	primary	minting	lithograph	
915	230902	37	coverings	ducks	spongers	
916	230903	37	Artemia	roped	parenthood	
917	230904	37	navigate	waltz	posed	
918	230905	37	spatial	Lillian	instruments	
919	230906	37	Gurkha	repressions	filial	
920	230907	37	meanwhile	chillingly	fixedly	
921	230908	37	Melinda	noncritical	relives	
922	230909	37	Butterfield	lithograph	Pandora	
923	230910	37	Aldrich	spongers	watering	A
924	230911	37	previewing	parenthood	ungrateful	
925	230912	37	glut	posed	secures	
926	230913	37	unaffected	instruments	chastisers	
927	230914	37	inmate	filial	icon	
928	231304	37	mineral	fixedly	reuniting	A
929	231305	37	impending	relives	imagining	A
930	231306	37	meditation	Pandora	abiding	A
931	231307	37	ideas	watering	omnisciently	
932	231308	37	miniaturizes	ungrateful	Britannic	
933	231309	37	lewdly	secures	scholastics	A
934	231310	37	title	chastisers	mechanics	A
935	231311	37	youthfulness	icon	humidly	A
936	231312	37	creak	reuniting	masterpiece	
937	231313	37	Chippewa	imagining	however	
938	231314	37	clamored	abiding	Mendelian	
939	231315	37	freezes	omnisciently	jarred	
940	232102	37	forgivably	Britannic	scolds	
941	232103	37	reduce	scholastics	infatuate	
942	232104	37	McGovern	mechanics	willed	A
943	232105	37	Nazis	humidly	joyfully	
944	232106	37	epistle	masterpiece	Microsoft	
945	232107	37	socializes	however	fibrosities	
946	232108	37	conceptions	Mendelian	Baltimorean	
947	232601	37	Kevin	jarred	equestrian	
948	232602	37	uncovering	scolds	Goodrich	
949	232603	37	chews	infatuate	apish	A
950	232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5950	1232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5951	1232606	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5952	1232607	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5953	1232608	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5954	1232609	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
951	232606	37	raining	joyfully	Tropez	
952	232607	37	infest	Microsoft	nouns	
953	232608	37	compartment	fibrosities	distracting	
954	232609	37	minting	Baltimorean	mutton	
955	236104	37	ducks	equestrian	bridgeable	A
956	236105	37	roped	Goodrich	stickers	A
957	236106	37	waltz	apish	transcontinental	A
958	236107	37	Lillian	Adlerian	amateurish	
959	236108	37	repressions	Tropez	Gandhian	
960	236109	37	chillingly	nouns	stratified	
961	236110	37	noncritical	distracting	chamberlains	
962	236111	37	lithograph	mutton	creditably	
963	236112	37	spongers	bridgeable	philosophic	
964	236113	37	parenthood	stickers	ores	
965	238005	37	posed	transcontinental	Carleton	
966	238006	37	instruments	amateurish	tape	A
967	238007	37	filial	Gandhian	afloat	A
968	238008	37	fixedly	stratified	goodness	A
969	238009	37	relives	chamberlains	welcoming	
970	238010	37	Pandora	creditably	Pinsky	FAS
971	238011	37	watering	philosophic	halting	
972	238012	37	ungrateful	ores	bibliography	
973	238013	37	secures	Carleton	decoding	
974	240401	41	chastisers	tape	variance	A
975	240402	41	icon	afloat	allowed	A
976	240901	41	reuniting	goodness	dire	A
977	240902	41	imagining	welcoming	dub	A
978	241801	41	abiding	Pinsky	poisoning	
979	242101	41	omnisciently	halting	Iraqis	A
980	242102	41	Britannic	bibliography	heaving	
981	242201	41	scholastics	decoding	population	A
982	242202	41	mechanics	variance	bomb	A
983	242501	41	humidly	allowed	Majorca	A
984	242502	41	masterpiece	dire	Gershwins	
985	246201	41	however	dub	explorers	
986	246202	41	Mendelian	poisoning	libretto	A
987	246203	41	jarred	Iraqis	occurred	
988	246204	41	scolds	heaving	Lagos	
989	246205	41	infatuate	population	rats	
990	246301	41	willed	bomb	bankruptcies	A
991	246302	41	joyfully	Majorca	crying	
992	248001	41	Microsoft	Gershwins	unexpected	
993	248002	41	fibrosities	explorers	accessed	A
994	248003	41	Baltimorean	libretto	colorful	A
995	248004	41	equestrian	occurred	versatility	A
996	248005	41	Goodrich	Lagos	cosy	
997	248006	41	apish	rats	Darius	A
998	248007	41	Adlerian	bankruptcies	mastering	A
999	248008	41	Tropez	crying	Asiaticizations	A
1000	248009	41	nouns	unexpected	offerers	A
1001	248010	41	distracting	accessed	uncles	A
1002	248011	41	mutton	colorful	sleepwalk	
1003	248012	41	bridgeable	versatility	Ernestine	
1004	248013	41	stickers	cosy	checksumming	
1005	248014	41	transcontinental	Darius	stopped	
1006	248015	41	amateurish	mastering	sicker	
1007	248016	41	Gandhian	Asiaticizations	Italianization	
1008	248017	41	stratified	offerers	alphabetic	
1009	248018	41	chamberlains	uncles	pharmaceutic	
1010	248019	41	creditably	sleepwalk	creator	
1011	248020	41	philosophic	Ernestine	chess	
1012	248021	41	ores	checksumming	charcoal	
1013	248101	41	Carleton	stopped	Epiphany	A
1014	248102	41	tape	sicker	bulldozes	A
1015	248201	41	afloat	Italianization	Pygmalion	A
1016	248202	41	goodness	alphabetic	caressing	A
1017	248203	41	welcoming	pharmaceutic	Palestine	A
1018	248204	41	Pinsky	creator	regimented	A
1019	248205	41	halting	chess	scars	A
1020	248206	41	bibliography	charcoal	realest	A
1021	248207	41	decoding	Epiphany	diffusing	A
1022	248208	41	variance	bulldozes	clubroom	A
1023	248209	41	allowed	Pygmalion	Blythe	A
1024	248210	41	dire	caressing	ahead	
1025	248211	50	dub	Palestine	reviver	
1026	250501	34	poisoning	regimented	retransmitting	A
1027	250502	34	Iraqis	scars	landslide	
1028	250503	34	heaving	realest	Eiffel	
1029	250504	34	population	diffusing	absentee	
1030	250505	34	bomb	clubroom	aye	
1031	250601	34	Majorca	Blythe	forked	A
1032	250602	34	Gershwins	ahead	Peruvianizes	
1033	250603	34	explorers	reviver	clerked	
1034	250604	34	libretto	retransmitting	tutor	
1035	250605	34	occurred	landslide	boulevard	
1036	251001	34	Lagos	Eiffel	shuttered	
1037	251002	34	rats	absentee	quotes	A
1038	251003	34	bankruptcies	aye	Caltech	
1039	251004	34	crying	forked	Mossberg	
1040	251005	34	unexpected	Peruvianizes	kept	
1041	251301	34	accessed	clerked	roundly	
1042	251302	34	colorful	tutor	features	A
1043	251303	34	versatility	boulevard	imaginable	A
1044	251304	34	cosy	shuttered	controller	
1045	251305	34	Darius	quotes	racial	
1046	251401	34	mastering	Caltech	uprisings	A
1047	251402	34	Asiaticizations	Mossberg	narrowed	A
1048	251403	34	offerers	kept	cannot	A
1049	251404	34	uncles	roundly	vest	
1050	251405	34	sleepwalk	features	famine	
1051	251406	34	Ernestine	imaginable	sugars	
1052	251801	34	checksumming	controller	exterminated	A
1053	251802	34	stopped	racial	belays	
1054	252101	34	sicker	uprisings	Hodges	A
1055	252102	34	Italianization	narrowed	translatable	
1056	252301	34	alphabetic	cannot	duality	A
1057	252302	34	pharmaceutic	vest	recording	A
1058	252303	34	creator	famine	rouses	A
1059	252304	34	chess	sugars	poison	
1060	252305	34	charcoal	exterminated	attitude	
1061	252306	34	Epiphany	belays	dusted	
1062	252307	34	bulldozes	Hodges	encompasses	
1063	252308	34	Pygmalion	translatable	presentation	
1064	252309	34	caressing	duality	Kantian	
1065	256001	34	Palestine	recording	imprecision	A
1066	256002	34	regimented	rouses	saving	
1067	256003	34	scars	poison	maternal	
1068	256004	34	realest	attitude	hewed	
1069	256005	34	diffusing	dusted	kerosene	
1070	258001	34	clubroom	encompasses	Cubans	
1071	258002	34	Blythe	presentation	photographers	
1072	258003	34	ahead	Kantian	nymph	A
1073	258004	34	reviver	imprecision	bedlam	A
1074	258005	34	retransmitting	saving	north	A
1075	258006	34	landslide	maternal	Schoenberg	A
1076	258007	34	Eiffel	hewed	botany	A
1077	258008	34	absentee	kerosene	curs	
1078	258009	34	aye	Cubans	solidification	
1079	258010	34	forked	photographers	inheritresses	
1080	258011	34	Peruvianizes	nymph	stiller	
1081	258101	68	clerked	bedlam	t1	A
1082	258102	68	tutor	north	suite	A
1083	258103	34	boulevard	Schoenberg	ransomer	
1084	258104	68	shuttered	botany	Willy	
1085	258105	68	quotes	curs	Rena	A
1086	258106	68	Caltech	solidification	Seattle	A
1087	258107	68	Mossberg	inheritresses	relaxes	A
1088	258108	68	kept	stiller	exclaim	
1089	258109	68	roundly	t1	implicated	A
1090	258110	68	features	suite	distinguish	
1091	258111	68	imaginable	ransomer	assayed	
1092	258112	68	controller	Willy	homeowner	
1093	258113	68	racial	Rena	and	
1094	258201	34	uprisings	Seattle	stealth	
1095	258202	34	narrowed	relaxes	coinciding	A
1096	258203	34	cannot	exclaim	founder	A
1097	258204	34	vest	implicated	environing	
1098	258205	34	famine	distinguish	jewelry	
1099	258301	34	sugars	assayed	lemons	A
1100	258401	34	exterminated	homeowner	brokenness	A
1101	258402	34	belays	and	bedpost	A
1102	258403	34	Hodges	stealth	assurers	A
1103	258404	34	translatable	coinciding	annoyers	
1104	258405	34	duality	founder	affixed	
1105	258406	34	recording	environing	warbling	
1106	258407	34	rouses	jewelry	seriously	
1107	228123	37	poison	lemons	boasted	
1108	250606	34	attitude	brokenness	Chantilly	
1109	208405	37	dusted	bedpost	Iranizes	
1110	212101	37	encompasses	assurers	violinist	
1111	218206	37	presentation	annoyers	extramarital	
1112	150401	37	Kantian	affixed	spates	
1113	248212	41	imprecision	warbling	cloakroom	
1114	128026	00	saving	seriously	gazer	
1115	128024	00	maternal	boasted	hand	
1116	128027	00	hewed	Chantilly	tucked	
1117	128025	00	kerosene	Iranizes	gems	
1118	128109	00	Cubans	violinist	clinker	
1119	128705	00	photographers	extramarital	refiner	
1120	126303	00	nymph	spates	callus	
1121	128308	00	bedlam	cloakroom	leopards	
1122	128204	00	north	gazer	comfortingly	
1123	128205	00	Schoenberg	hand	generically	
1124	128206	00	botany	tucked	getters	
1125	128207	00	curs	gems	sexually	
1126	118205	00	solidification	clinker	spear	
1127	116801	00	inheritresses	refiner	serums	
1128	116803	00	stiller	callus	Italianization	
1129	116804	00	t1	leopards	attendants	
1130	116802	00	suite	comfortingly	spies	
1131	128605	00	ransomer	generically	Anthony	
1132	118308	00	Willy	getters	planar	
1133	113702	00	Rena	sexually	cupped	
1134	113703	00	Seattle	spear	cleanser	
1135	112103	00	relaxes	serums	commuters	
1136	118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
5136	1118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
1137	138011	00	implicated	attendants	orphanage	
1138	138010	00	distinguish	spies	skies	
1139	138012	00	assayed	Anthony	crushers	
1140	068304	00	homeowner	planar	Puritan	
1141	078009	00	and	cupped	squeezer	
1142	108013	00	stealth	cleanser	bruises	
1143	084004	00	coinciding	commuters	bonfire	
1144	083402	00	founder	honeysuckle	Colombo	
1145	084003	00	environing	orphanage	nondecreasing	
1146	088504	00	jewelry	skies	innocents	
1147	088005	00	lemons	crushers	masked	
1148	088007	00	brokenness	Puritan	file	
1149	088006	00	bedpost	squeezer	brush	
1150	148025	00	assurers	bruises	mutilate	
1151	148024	00	annoyers	bonfire	mommy	
1152	138305	00	affixed	Colombo	bulkheads	
1153	138306	00	warbling	nondecreasing	undeclared	
1154	152701	00	seriously	innocents	displacements	
1155	148505	00	boasted	masked	nieces	
1156	158003	00	Chantilly	file	coeducation	
1157	156201	00	Iranizes	brush	brassy	
1158	156202	00	violinist	mutilate	authenticator	
1159	158307	00	extramarital	mommy	Washoe	
1160	158402	00	spates	bulkheads	penny	
1161	158401	00	cloakroom	undeclared	Flagler	
1162	068013	00	gazer	displacements	stoned	
1163	068012	00	hand	nieces	cranes	
1164	068203	00	tucked	coeducation	masterful	
1165	088205	00	gems	brassy	biracial	
1166	068704	00	clinker	authenticator	steamships	
1167	068604	00	refiner	Washoe	windmills	
1168	158502	00	callus	penny	exploit	
1169	123103	00	leopards	Flagler	riverfront	
1170	148026	00	comfortingly	stoned	sisterly	
1171	123302	00	generically	cranes	sharpshoot	
1172	076503	00	getters	masterful	mittens	
1173	126304	00	sexually	biracial	interdependency	
1174	068306	00	spear	steamships	policy	
1175	143504	00	serums	windmills	unleashing	
1176	160201	00	Italianization	exploit	pretenders	
1177	148028	00	attendants	riverfront	overstatements	
1178	148027	00	spies	sisterly	birthed	
1179	143505	00	Anthony	sharpshoot	opportunism	
1180	108014	00	planar	mittens	showroom	
1181	076104	00	cupped	interdependency	compromisingly	
1182	078106	00	cleanser	policy	Medicare	
1183	126102	00	commuters	unleashing	corresponds	
1184	128029	00	honeysuckle	pretenders	hardware	
1185	128028	00	orphanage	overstatements	implant	
1186	018410	00	skies	birthed	Alicia	
1187	128110	00	crushers	opportunism	requesting	
1188	148506	00	Puritan	showroom	produced	
1189	123303	00	squeezer	compromisingly	criticizes	
1190	123304	00	bruises	Medicare	backer	
1191	068504	00	bonfire	corresponds	positively	
1192	068305	00	Colombo	hardware	colicky	
1193	000000	00	nondecreasing	implant	thrillingly	
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (2,011401,37,'breaking','dreaded','Steinberg','W');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (3,011402,37,'Romans','scholastics','jarring','');
INSERT INTO t2 VALUES (4,011403,37,'intercepted','audiology','tinily','');
auto	fld1	companynr	fld3	fld4	fld5	fld6
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
5	011501	37	bewilderingly	wallet	balled	
6	011701	37	astound	parters	persist	W
7	011702	37	admonishing	eschew	attainments	
8	011703	37	sumac	quitter	fanatic	
9	012001	37	flanking	neat	measures	FAS
10	012003	37	combed	Steinberg	rightfulness	
11	012004	37	subjective	jarring	capably	
12	012005	37	scatterbrain	tinily	impulsive	
13	012301	37	Eulerian	balled	starlet	
14	012302	36	dubbed	persist	terminators	
15	012303	37	Kane	attainments	untying	
16	012304	37	overlay	fanatic	announces	FAS
17	012305	37	perturb	measures	featherweight	FAS
18	012306	37	goblins	rightfulness	pessimist	FAS
19	012501	37	annihilates	capably	daughter	
20	012602	37	Wotan	impulsive	decliner	FAS
21	012603	37	snatching	starlet	lawgiver	
22	012604	37	concludes	terminators	stated	
23	012605	37	laterally	untying	readable	
24	012606	37	yelped	announces	attrition	
25	012701	37	grazing	featherweight	cascade	FAS
26	012702	37	Baird	pessimist	motors	FAS
27	012703	37	celery	daughter	interrogate	
28	012704	37	misunderstander	decliner	pests	W
29	013601	37	handgun	lawgiver	stairway	
30	013602	37	foldout	stated	dopers	FAS
31	013603	37	mystic	readable	testicle	W
32	013604	37	succumbed	attrition	Parsifal	W
33	013605	37	Nabisco	cascade	leavings	
34	013606	37	fingerings	motors	postulation	W
35	013607	37	aging	interrogate	squeaking	
36	013608	37	afield	pests	contrasted	
37	013609	37	ammonium	stairway	leftover	
38	013610	37	boat	dopers	whiteners	
39	013801	37	intelligibility	testicle	erases	W
40	013802	37	Augustine	Parsifal	Punjab	W
41	013803	37	teethe	leavings	Merritt	
42	013804	37	dreaded	postulation	Quixotism	
43	013901	37	scholastics	squeaking	sweetish	FAS
44	016001	37	audiology	contrasted	dogging	FAS
45	016201	37	wallet	leftover	scornfully	FAS
46	016202	37	parters	whiteners	bellow	
47	016301	37	eschew	erases	bills	
48	016302	37	quitter	Punjab	cupboard	FAS
49	016303	37	neat	Merritt	sureties	FAS
50	016304	37	Steinberg	Quixotism	puddings	
51	018001	37	jarring	sweetish	tapestry	
52	018002	37	tinily	dogging	fetters	
53	018003	37	balled	scornfully	bivalves	
54	018004	37	persist	bellow	incurring	
55	018005	37	attainments	bills	Adolph	
56	018007	37	fanatic	cupboard	pithed	
57	018008	37	measures	sureties	emergency	
58	018009	37	rightfulness	puddings	Miles	
59	018010	37	capably	tapestry	trimmings	
60	018012	37	impulsive	fetters	tragedies	W
61	018013	37	starlet	bivalves	skulking	W
62	018014	37	terminators	incurring	flint	
63	018015	37	untying	Adolph	flopping	W
64	018016	37	announces	pithed	relaxing	FAS
65	018017	37	featherweight	emergency	offload	FAS
66	018018	37	pessimist	Miles	suites	W
67	018019	37	daughter	trimmings	lists	FAS
68	018020	37	decliner	tragedies	animized	FAS
69	018021	37	lawgiver	skulking	multilayer	W
70	018022	37	stated	flint	standardizes	FAS
71	018023	37	readable	flopping	Judas	
72	018024	37	attrition	relaxing	vacuuming	W
73	018025	37	cascade	offload	dentally	W
74	018026	37	motors	suites	humanness	W
75	018027	37	interrogate	lists	inch	W
76	018028	37	pests	animized	Weissmuller	W
77	018029	37	stairway	multilayer	irresponsibly	W
78	018030	37	dopers	standardizes	luckily	FAS
79	018032	37	testicle	Judas	culled	W
80	018033	37	Parsifal	vacuuming	medical	FAS
81	018034	37	leavings	dentally	bloodbath	FAS
82	018035	37	postulation	humanness	subschema	W
83	018036	37	squeaking	inch	animals	W
84	018037	37	contrasted	Weissmuller	Micronesia	
85	018038	37	leftover	irresponsibly	repetitions	
86	018039	37	whiteners	luckily	Antares	
87	018040	37	erases	culled	ventilate	W
88	018041	37	Punjab	medical	pityingly	
89	018042	37	Merritt	bloodbath	interdependent	
90	018043	37	Quixotism	subschema	Graves	FAS
91	018044	37	sweetish	animals	neonatal	
92	018045	37	dogging	Micronesia	scribbled	FAS
93	018046	37	scornfully	repetitions	chafe	W
94	018048	37	bellow	Antares	honoring	
95	018049	37	bills	ventilate	realtor	
96	018050	37	cupboard	pityingly	elite	
97	018051	37	sureties	interdependent	funereal	
98	018052	37	puddings	Graves	abrogating	
99	018053	50	tapestry	neonatal	sorters	
100	018054	37	fetters	scribbled	Conley	
101	018055	37	bivalves	chafe	lectured	
102	018056	37	incurring	honoring	Abraham	
103	018057	37	Adolph	realtor	Hawaii	W
104	018058	37	pithed	elite	cage	
105	018059	36	emergency	funereal	hushes	
106	018060	37	Miles	abrogating	Simla	
107	018061	37	trimmings	sorters	reporters	
108	018101	37	tragedies	Conley	Dutchman	FAS
109	018102	37	skulking	lectured	descendants	FAS
110	018103	37	flint	Abraham	groupings	FAS
111	018104	37	flopping	Hawaii	dissociate	
112	018201	37	relaxing	cage	coexist	W
113	018202	37	offload	hushes	Beebe	
114	018402	37	suites	Simla	Taoism	
115	018403	37	lists	reporters	Connally	
116	018404	37	animized	Dutchman	fetched	FAS
117	018405	37	multilayer	descendants	checkpoints	FAS
118	018406	37	standardizes	groupings	rusting	
119	018409	37	Judas	dissociate	galling	
120	018601	37	vacuuming	coexist	obliterates	
121	018602	37	dentally	Beebe	traitor	
122	018603	37	humanness	Taoism	resumes	FAS
123	018801	37	inch	Connally	analyzable	FAS
124	018802	37	Weissmuller	fetched	terminator	FAS
125	018803	37	irresponsibly	checkpoints	gritty	FAS
126	018804	37	luckily	rusting	firearm	W
127	018805	37	culled	galling	minima	
128	018806	37	medical	obliterates	Selfridge	
129	018807	37	bloodbath	traitor	disable	
130	018808	37	subschema	resumes	witchcraft	W
131	018809	37	animals	analyzable	betroth	W
132	018810	37	Micronesia	terminator	Manhattanize	
133	018811	37	repetitions	gritty	imprint	
134	018812	37	Antares	firearm	peeked	
135	019101	37	ventilate	minima	swelling	
136	019102	37	pityingly	Selfridge	interrelationships	W
137	019103	37	interdependent	disable	riser	
138	019201	37	Graves	witchcraft	Gandhian	W
139	030501	37	neonatal	betroth	peacock	A
140	030502	50	scribbled	Manhattanize	bee	A
141	030503	37	chafe	imprint	kanji	
142	030504	37	honoring	peeked	dental	
143	031901	37	realtor	swelling	scarf	FAS
144	036001	37	elite	interrelationships	chasm	A
145	036002	37	funereal	riser	insolence	A
146	036004	37	abrogating	Gandhian	syndicate	
147	036005	37	sorters	peacock	alike	
148	038001	37	Conley	bee	imperial	A
149	038002	37	lectured	kanji	convulsion	A
150	038003	37	Abraham	dental	railway	A
151	038004	37	Hawaii	scarf	validate	A
152	038005	37	cage	chasm	normalizes	A
153	038006	37	hushes	insolence	comprehensive	
154	038007	37	Simla	syndicate	chewing	
155	038008	37	reporters	alike	denizen	
156	038009	37	Dutchman	imperial	schemer	
157	038010	37	descendants	convulsion	chronicle	
158	038011	37	groupings	railway	Kline	
159	038012	37	dissociate	validate	Anatole	
160	038013	37	coexist	normalizes	partridges	
161	038014	37	Beebe	comprehensive	brunch	
162	038015	37	Taoism	chewing	recruited	
163	038016	37	Connally	denizen	dimensions	W
164	038017	37	fetched	schemer	Chicana	W
165	038018	37	checkpoints	chronicle	announced	
166	038101	37	rusting	Kline	praised	FAS
167	038102	37	galling	Anatole	employing	
168	038103	37	obliterates	partridges	linear	
169	038104	37	traitor	brunch	quagmire	
170	038201	37	resumes	recruited	western	A
171	038202	37	analyzable	dimensions	relishing	
172	038203	37	terminator	Chicana	serving	A
173	038204	37	gritty	announced	scheduling	
174	038205	37	firearm	praised	lore	
175	038206	37	minima	employing	eventful	
176	038208	37	Selfridge	linear	arteriole	A
177	042801	37	disable	quagmire	disentangle	
178	042802	37	witchcraft	western	cured	A
179	046101	37	betroth	relishing	Fenton	W
180	048001	37	Manhattanize	serving	avoidable	A
181	048002	37	imprint	scheduling	drains	A
182	048003	37	peeked	lore	detectably	FAS
183	048004	37	swelling	eventful	husky	
184	048005	37	interrelationships	arteriole	impelling	
185	048006	37	riser	disentangle	undoes	
186	048007	37	Gandhian	cured	evened	
187	048008	37	peacock	Fenton	squeezes	
188	048101	37	bee	avoidable	destroyer	FAS
189	048102	37	kanji	drains	rudeness	
190	048201	37	dental	detectably	beaner	FAS
191	048202	37	scarf	husky	boorish	
192	048203	37	chasm	impelling	Everhart	
193	048204	37	insolence	undoes	encompass	A
194	048205	37	syndicate	evened	mushrooms	
195	048301	37	alike	squeezes	Alison	A
196	048302	37	imperial	destroyer	externally	FAS
197	048303	37	convulsion	rudeness	pellagra	
198	048304	37	railway	beaner	cult	
199	048305	37	validate	boorish	creek	A
200	048401	37	normalizes	Everhart	Huffman	
201	048402	37	comprehensive	encompass	Majorca	FAS
202	048403	37	chewing	mushrooms	governing	A
203	048404	37	denizen	Alison	gadfly	FAS
204	048405	37	schemer	externally	reassigned	FAS
205	048406	37	chronicle	pellagra	intentness	W
206	048407	37	Kline	cult	craziness	
207	048408	37	Anatole	creek	psychic	
208	048409	37	partridges	Huffman	squabbled	
209	048410	37	brunch	Majorca	burlesque	
210	048411	37	recruited	governing	capped	
211	048412	37	dimensions	gadfly	extracted	A
212	048413	37	Chicana	reassigned	DiMaggio	
213	048601	37	announced	intentness	exclamation	FAS
214	048602	37	praised	craziness	subdirectory	
215	048603	37	employing	psychic	fangs	
216	048604	37	linear	squabbled	buyer	A
217	048801	37	quagmire	burlesque	pithing	A
218	050901	37	western	capped	transistorizing	A
219	051201	37	relishing	extracted	nonbiodegradable	
220	056002	37	serving	DiMaggio	dislocate	
221	056003	37	scheduling	exclamation	monochromatic	FAS
222	056004	37	lore	subdirectory	batting	
223	056102	37	eventful	fangs	postcondition	A
224	056203	37	arteriole	buyer	catalog	FAS
225	056204	37	disentangle	pithing	Remus	
226	058003	37	cured	transistorizing	devices	A
227	058004	37	Fenton	nonbiodegradable	bike	A
228	058005	37	avoidable	dislocate	qualify	
229	058006	37	drains	monochromatic	detained	
230	058007	37	detectably	batting	commended	
231	058101	37	husky	postcondition	civilize	
232	058102	37	impelling	catalog	Elmhurst	
233	058103	37	undoes	Remus	anesthetizing	
234	058105	37	evened	devices	deaf	
235	058111	37	squeezes	bike	Brigham	
236	058112	37	destroyer	qualify	title	
237	058113	37	rudeness	detained	coarse	
238	058114	37	beaner	commended	combinations	
239	058115	37	boorish	civilize	grayness	
240	058116	37	Everhart	Elmhurst	innumerable	FAS
241	058117	37	encompass	anesthetizing	Caroline	A
242	058118	37	mushrooms	deaf	fatty	FAS
243	058119	37	Alison	Brigham	eastbound	
244	058120	37	externally	title	inexperienced	
245	058121	37	pellagra	coarse	hoarder	A
246	058122	37	cult	combinations	scotch	W
247	058123	37	creek	grayness	passport	A
248	058124	37	Huffman	innumerable	strategic	FAS
249	058125	37	Majorca	Caroline	gated	
250	058126	37	governing	fatty	flog	
251	058127	37	gadfly	eastbound	Pipestone	
252	058128	37	reassigned	inexperienced	Dar	
253	058201	37	intentness	hoarder	Corcoran	
254	058202	37	craziness	scotch	flyers	A
255	058303	37	psychic	passport	competitions	W
256	058304	37	squabbled	strategic	suppliers	FAS
257	058602	37	burlesque	gated	skips	
258	058603	37	capped	flog	institutes	
259	058604	37	extracted	Pipestone	troop	A
260	058605	37	DiMaggio	Dar	connective	W
261	058606	37	exclamation	Corcoran	denies	
262	058607	37	subdirectory	flyers	polka	
263	060401	36	fangs	competitions	observations	FAS
264	061701	36	buyer	suppliers	askers	
265	066201	36	pithing	skips	homeless	FAS
266	066501	36	transistorizing	institutes	Anna	
267	068001	36	nonbiodegradable	troop	subdirectories	W
268	068002	36	dislocate	connective	decaying	FAS
269	068005	36	monochromatic	denies	outwitting	W
270	068006	36	batting	polka	Harpy	W
271	068007	36	postcondition	observations	crazed	
272	068008	36	catalog	askers	suffocate	
273	068009	36	Remus	homeless	provers	FAS
274	068010	36	devices	Anna	technically	
275	068011	36	bike	subdirectories	Franklinizations	
276	068202	36	qualify	decaying	considered	
277	068302	36	detained	outwitting	tinnily	
278	068303	36	commended	Harpy	uninterruptedly	
279	068401	36	civilize	crazed	whistled	A
280	068501	36	Elmhurst	suffocate	automate	
281	068502	36	anesthetizing	provers	gutting	W
282	068503	36	deaf	technically	surreptitious	
283	068602	36	Brigham	Franklinizations	Choctaw	
284	068603	36	title	considered	cooks	
285	068701	36	coarse	tinnily	millivolt	FAS
286	068702	36	combinations	uninterruptedly	counterpoise	
287	068703	36	grayness	whistled	Gothicism	
288	076001	36	innumerable	automate	feminine	
289	076002	36	Caroline	gutting	metaphysically	W
290	076101	36	fatty	surreptitious	sanding	A
291	076102	36	eastbound	Choctaw	contributorily	
292	076103	36	inexperienced	cooks	receivers	FAS
293	076302	36	hoarder	millivolt	adjourn	
294	076303	36	scotch	counterpoise	straggled	A
295	076304	36	passport	Gothicism	druggists	
296	076305	36	strategic	feminine	thanking	FAS
297	076306	36	gated	metaphysically	ostrich	
298	076307	36	flog	sanding	hopelessness	FAS
299	076402	36	Pipestone	contributorily	Eurydice	
300	076501	36	Dar	receivers	excitation	W
301	076502	36	Corcoran	adjourn	presumes	FAS
302	076701	36	flyers	straggled	imaginable	FAS
303	078001	36	competitions	druggists	concoct	W
304	078002	36	suppliers	thanking	peering	W
305	078003	36	skips	ostrich	Phelps	FAS
306	078004	36	institutes	hopelessness	ferociousness	FAS
307	078005	36	troop	Eurydice	sentences	
308	078006	36	connective	excitation	unlocks	
309	078007	36	denies	presumes	engrossing	W
310	078008	36	polka	imaginable	Ruth	
311	078101	36	observations	concoct	tying	
312	078103	36	askers	peering	exclaimers	
313	078104	36	homeless	Phelps	synergy	
314	078105	36	Anna	ferociousness	Huey	W
315	082101	36	subdirectories	sentences	merging	
316	083401	36	decaying	unlocks	judges	A
317	084001	36	outwitting	engrossing	Shylock	W
318	084002	36	Harpy	Ruth	Miltonism	
319	086001	36	crazed	tying	hen	W
320	086102	36	suffocate	exclaimers	honeybee	FAS
321	086201	36	provers	synergy	towers	
322	088001	36	technically	Huey	dilutes	W
323	088002	36	Franklinizations	merging	numerals	FAS
324	088003	36	considered	judges	democracy	FAS
325	088004	36	tinnily	Shylock	Ibero-	
326	088101	36	uninterruptedly	Miltonism	invalids	
327	088102	36	whistled	hen	behavior	
328	088103	36	automate	honeybee	accruing	
329	088104	36	gutting	towers	relics	A
330	088105	36	surreptitious	dilutes	rackets	
331	088106	36	Choctaw	numerals	Fischbein	W
332	088201	36	cooks	democracy	phony	W
333	088203	36	millivolt	Ibero-	cross	FAS
334	088204	36	counterpoise	invalids	cleanup	
335	088302	37	Gothicism	behavior	conspirator	
336	088303	37	feminine	accruing	label	FAS
337	088305	37	metaphysically	relics	university	
338	088402	37	sanding	rackets	cleansed	FAS
339	088501	36	contributorily	Fischbein	ballgown	
340	088502	36	receivers	phony	starlet	
341	088503	36	adjourn	cross	aqueous	
342	098001	58	straggled	cleanup	portrayal	A
343	098002	58	druggists	conspirator	despising	W
344	098003	58	thanking	label	distort	W
345	098004	58	ostrich	university	palmed	
346	098005	58	hopelessness	cleansed	faced	
347	098006	58	Eurydice	ballgown	silverware	
348	141903	29	excitation	starlet	assessor	
349	098008	58	presumes	aqueous	spiders	
350	098009	58	imaginable	portrayal	artificially	
351	098010	58	concoct	despising	reminiscence	
352	098011	58	peering	distort	Mexican	
353	098012	58	Phelps	palmed	obnoxious	
354	098013	58	ferociousness	faced	fragile	
355	098014	58	sentences	silverware	apprehensible	
356	098015	58	unlocks	assessor	births	
357	098016	58	engrossing	spiders	garages	
358	098017	58	Ruth	artificially	panty	
359	098018	58	tying	reminiscence	anteater	
360	098019	58	exclaimers	Mexican	displacement	A
361	098020	58	synergy	obnoxious	drovers	A
362	098021	58	Huey	fragile	patenting	A
363	098022	58	merging	apprehensible	far	A
364	098023	58	judges	births	shrieks	
365	098024	58	Shylock	garages	aligning	W
366	098025	37	Miltonism	panty	pragmatism	
367	106001	36	hen	anteater	fevers	W
368	108001	36	honeybee	displacement	reexamines	A
369	108002	36	towers	drovers	occupancies	
370	108003	36	dilutes	patenting	sweats	FAS
371	108004	36	numerals	far	modulators	
372	108005	36	democracy	shrieks	demand	W
373	108007	36	Ibero-	aligning	Madeira	
374	108008	36	invalids	pragmatism	Viennese	W
375	108009	36	behavior	fevers	chillier	W
376	108010	36	accruing	reexamines	wildcats	FAS
377	108011	36	relics	occupancies	gentle	
378	108012	36	rackets	sweats	Angles	W
379	108101	36	Fischbein	modulators	accuracies	
380	108102	36	phony	demand	toggle	
381	108103	36	cross	Madeira	Mendelssohn	W
382	108111	50	cleanup	Viennese	behaviorally	
383	108105	36	conspirator	chillier	Rochford	
384	108106	36	label	wildcats	mirror	W
385	108107	36	university	gentle	Modula	
386	108108	50	cleansed	Angles	clobbering	
387	108109	36	ballgown	accuracies	chronography	
388	108110	36	starlet	toggle	Eskimoizeds	
389	108201	36	aqueous	Mendelssohn	British	W
390	108202	36	portrayal	behaviorally	pitfalls	
391	108203	36	despising	Rochford	verify	W
392	108204	36	distort	mirror	scatter	FAS
393	108205	36	palmed	Modula	Aztecan	
394	108301	36	faced	clobbering	acuity	W
395	108302	36	silverware	chronography	sinking	W
396	112101	36	assessor	Eskimoizeds	beasts	FAS
397	112102	36	spiders	British	Witt	W
398	113701	36	artificially	pitfalls	physicists	FAS
399	116001	36	reminiscence	verify	folksong	A
400	116201	36	Mexican	scatter	strokes	FAS
401	116301	36	obnoxious	Aztecan	crowder	
402	116302	36	fragile	acuity	merry	
403	116601	36	apprehensible	sinking	cadenced	
404	116602	36	births	beasts	alimony	A
405	116603	36	garages	Witt	principled	A
406	116701	36	panty	physicists	golfing	
407	116702	36	anteater	folksong	undiscovered	
408	118001	36	displacement	strokes	irritates	
409	118002	36	drovers	crowder	patriots	A
410	118003	36	patenting	merry	rooms	FAS
411	118004	36	far	cadenced	towering	W
412	118005	36	shrieks	alimony	displease	
413	118006	36	aligning	principled	photosensitive	
414	118007	36	pragmatism	golfing	inking	
415	118008	36	fevers	undiscovered	gainers	
416	118101	36	reexamines	irritates	leaning	A
417	118102	36	occupancies	patriots	hydrant	A
418	118103	36	sweats	rooms	preserve	
419	118202	36	modulators	towering	blinded	A
420	118203	36	demand	displease	interactions	A
421	118204	36	Madeira	photosensitive	Barry	
422	118302	36	Viennese	inking	whiteness	A
423	118304	36	chillier	gainers	pastimes	W
424	118305	36	wildcats	leaning	Edenization	
425	118306	36	gentle	hydrant	Muscat	
426	118307	36	Angles	preserve	assassinated	
427	123101	36	accuracies	blinded	labeled	
428	123102	36	toggle	interactions	glacial	A
429	123301	36	Mendelssohn	Barry	implied	W
430	126001	36	behaviorally	whiteness	bibliographies	W
431	126002	36	Rochford	pastimes	Buchanan	
432	126003	36	mirror	Edenization	forgivably	FAS
433	126101	36	Modula	Muscat	innuendo	A
434	126301	36	clobbering	assassinated	den	FAS
435	126302	36	chronography	labeled	submarines	W
436	126402	36	Eskimoizeds	glacial	mouthful	A
437	126601	36	British	implied	expiring	
438	126602	36	pitfalls	bibliographies	unfulfilled	FAS
439	126702	36	verify	Buchanan	precession	
440	128001	36	scatter	forgivably	nullified	
441	128002	36	Aztecan	innuendo	affects	
442	128003	36	acuity	den	Cynthia	
443	128004	36	sinking	submarines	Chablis	A
444	128005	36	beasts	mouthful	betterments	FAS
445	128007	36	Witt	expiring	advertising	
446	128008	36	physicists	unfulfilled	rubies	A
447	128009	36	folksong	precession	southwest	FAS
448	128010	36	strokes	nullified	superstitious	A
449	128011	36	crowder	affects	tabernacle	W
450	128012	36	merry	Cynthia	silk	A
451	128013	36	cadenced	Chablis	handsomest	A
452	128014	36	alimony	betterments	Persian	A
453	128015	36	principled	advertising	analog	W
454	128016	36	golfing	rubies	complex	W
455	128017	36	undiscovered	southwest	Taoist	
456	128018	36	irritates	superstitious	suspend	
457	128019	36	patriots	tabernacle	relegated	
458	128020	36	rooms	silk	awesome	W
459	128021	36	towering	handsomest	Bruxelles	
460	128022	36	displease	Persian	imprecisely	A
461	128023	36	photosensitive	analog	televise	
462	128101	36	inking	complex	braking	
463	128102	36	gainers	Taoist	true	FAS
464	128103	36	leaning	suspend	disappointing	FAS
465	128104	36	hydrant	relegated	navally	W
466	128106	36	preserve	awesome	circus	
467	128107	36	blinded	Bruxelles	beetles	
468	128108	36	interactions	imprecisely	trumps	
469	128202	36	Barry	televise	fourscore	W
470	128203	36	whiteness	braking	Blackfoots	
471	128301	36	pastimes	true	Grady	
472	128302	36	Edenization	disappointing	quiets	FAS
473	128303	36	Muscat	navally	floundered	FAS
474	128304	36	assassinated	circus	profundity	W
475	128305	36	labeled	beetles	Garrisonian	W
476	128307	36	glacial	trumps	Strauss	
477	128401	36	implied	fourscore	cemented	FAS
478	128502	36	bibliographies	Blackfoots	contrition	A
479	128503	36	Buchanan	Grady	mutations	
480	128504	36	forgivably	quiets	exhibits	W
481	128505	36	innuendo	floundered	tits	
482	128601	36	den	profundity	mate	A
483	128603	36	submarines	Garrisonian	arches	
484	128604	36	mouthful	Strauss	Moll	
485	128702	36	expiring	cemented	ropers	
486	128703	36	unfulfilled	contrition	bombast	
487	128704	36	precession	mutations	difficultly	A
488	138001	36	nullified	exhibits	adsorption	
489	138002	36	affects	tits	definiteness	FAS
490	138003	36	Cynthia	mate	cultivation	A
491	138004	36	Chablis	arches	heals	A
492	138005	36	betterments	Moll	Heusen	W
493	138006	36	advertising	ropers	target	FAS
494	138007	36	rubies	bombast	cited	A
495	138008	36	southwest	difficultly	congresswoman	W
496	138009	36	superstitious	adsorption	Katherine	
497	138102	36	tabernacle	definiteness	titter	A
498	138103	36	silk	cultivation	aspire	A
499	138104	36	handsomest	heals	Mardis	
500	138105	36	Persian	Heusen	Nadia	W
501	138201	36	analog	target	estimating	FAS
502	138302	36	complex	cited	stuck	A
503	138303	36	Taoist	congresswoman	fifteenth	A
504	138304	36	suspend	Katherine	Colombo	
505	138401	29	relegated	titter	survey	A
506	140102	29	awesome	aspire	staffing	
507	140103	29	Bruxelles	Mardis	obtain	
508	140104	29	imprecisely	Nadia	loaded	
509	140105	29	televise	estimating	slaughtered	
510	140201	29	braking	stuck	lights	A
511	140701	29	true	fifteenth	circumference	
512	141501	29	disappointing	Colombo	dull	A
513	141502	29	navally	survey	weekly	A
514	141901	29	circus	staffing	wetness	
515	141902	29	beetles	obtain	visualized	
516	142101	29	trumps	loaded	Tannenbaum	
517	142102	29	fourscore	slaughtered	moribund	
518	142103	29	Blackfoots	lights	demultiplex	
519	142701	29	Grady	circumference	lockings	
520	143001	29	quiets	dull	thugs	FAS
521	143501	29	floundered	weekly	unnerves	
522	143502	29	profundity	wetness	abut	
523	148001	29	Garrisonian	visualized	Chippewa	A
524	148002	29	Strauss	Tannenbaum	stratifications	A
525	148003	29	cemented	moribund	signaled	
526	148004	29	contrition	demultiplex	Italianizes	A
527	148005	29	mutations	lockings	algorithmic	A
528	148006	29	exhibits	thugs	paranoid	FAS
529	148007	29	tits	unnerves	camping	A
530	148009	29	mate	abut	signifying	A
531	148010	29	arches	Chippewa	Patrice	W
532	148011	29	Moll	stratifications	search	A
533	148012	29	ropers	signaled	Angeles	A
534	148013	29	bombast	Italianizes	semblance	
535	148023	36	difficultly	algorithmic	taxed	
536	148015	29	adsorption	paranoid	Beatrice	
537	148016	29	definiteness	camping	retrace	
538	148017	29	cultivation	signifying	lockout	
539	148018	29	heals	Patrice	grammatic	
540	148019	29	Heusen	search	helmsman	
541	148020	29	target	Angeles	uniform	W
542	148021	29	cited	semblance	hamming	
543	148022	29	congresswoman	taxed	disobedience	
544	148101	29	Katherine	Beatrice	captivated	A
545	148102	29	titter	retrace	transferals	A
546	148201	29	aspire	lockout	cartographer	A
547	148401	29	Mardis	grammatic	aims	FAS
548	148402	29	Nadia	helmsman	Pakistani	
549	148501	29	estimating	uniform	burglarized	FAS
550	148502	29	stuck	hamming	saucepans	A
551	148503	29	fifteenth	disobedience	lacerating	A
552	148504	29	Colombo	captivated	corny	
553	148601	29	survey	transferals	megabytes	FAS
554	148602	29	staffing	cartographer	chancellor	
555	150701	29	obtain	aims	bulk	A
556	152101	29	loaded	Pakistani	commits	A
557	152102	29	slaughtered	burglarized	meson	W
558	155202	36	lights	saucepans	deputies	
559	155203	29	circumference	lacerating	northeaster	A
560	155204	29	dull	corny	dipole	
561	155205	29	weekly	megabytes	machining	0
562	156001	29	wetness	chancellor	therefore	
563	156002	29	visualized	bulk	Telefunken	
564	156102	29	Tannenbaum	commits	salvaging	
565	156301	29	moribund	meson	Corinthianizes	A
566	156302	29	demultiplex	deputies	restlessly	A
567	156303	29	lockings	northeaster	bromides	
568	156304	29	thugs	dipole	generalized	A
569	156305	29	unnerves	machining	mishaps	
570	156306	29	abut	therefore	quelling	
571	156501	29	Chippewa	Telefunken	spiritual	A
572	158001	29	stratifications	salvaging	beguiles	FAS
573	158002	29	signaled	Corinthianizes	Trobriand	FAS
574	158101	29	Italianizes	restlessly	fleeing	A
575	158102	29	algorithmic	bromides	Armour	A
576	158103	29	paranoid	generalized	chin	A
577	158201	29	camping	mishaps	provers	A
578	158202	29	signifying	quelling	aeronautic	A
579	158203	29	Patrice	spiritual	voltage	W
580	158204	29	search	beguiles	sash	
581	158301	29	Angeles	Trobriand	anaerobic	A
582	158302	29	semblance	fleeing	simultaneous	A
583	158303	29	taxed	Armour	accumulating	A
584	158304	29	Beatrice	chin	Medusan	A
585	158305	29	retrace	provers	shouted	A
586	158306	29	lockout	aeronautic	freakish	
587	158501	29	grammatic	voltage	index	FAS
588	160301	29	helmsman	sash	commercially	
589	166101	50	uniform	anaerobic	mistiness	A
590	166102	50	hamming	simultaneous	endpoint	
591	168001	29	disobedience	accumulating	straight	A
592	168002	29	captivated	Medusan	flurried	
593	168003	29	transferals	shouted	denotative	A
594	168101	29	cartographer	freakish	coming	FAS
595	168102	29	aims	index	commencements	FAS
596	168103	29	Pakistani	commercially	gentleman	
597	168104	29	burglarized	mistiness	gifted	
598	168202	29	saucepans	endpoint	Shanghais	
599	168301	29	lacerating	straight	sportswriting	A
600	168502	29	corny	flurried	sloping	A
601	168503	29	megabytes	denotative	navies	
602	168601	29	chancellor	coming	leaflet	A
603	173001	40	bulk	commencements	shooter	
604	173701	40	commits	gentleman	Joplin	FAS
605	173702	40	meson	gifted	babies	
606	176001	40	deputies	Shanghais	subdivision	FAS
607	176101	40	northeaster	sportswriting	burstiness	W
608	176201	40	dipole	sloping	belted	FAS
609	176401	40	machining	navies	assails	FAS
610	176501	40	therefore	leaflet	admiring	W
611	176601	40	Telefunken	shooter	swaying	0
612	176602	40	salvaging	Joplin	Goldstine	FAS
613	176603	40	Corinthianizes	babies	fitting	
614	178001	40	restlessly	subdivision	Norwalk	W
615	178002	40	bromides	burstiness	weakening	W
616	178003	40	generalized	belted	analogy	FAS
617	178004	40	mishaps	assails	deludes	
618	178005	40	quelling	admiring	cokes	
619	178006	40	spiritual	swaying	Clayton	
620	178007	40	beguiles	Goldstine	exhausts	
621	178008	40	Trobriand	fitting	causality	
622	178101	40	fleeing	Norwalk	sating	FAS
623	178102	40	Armour	weakening	icon	
624	178103	40	chin	analogy	throttles	
625	178201	40	provers	deludes	communicants	FAS
626	178202	40	aeronautic	cokes	dehydrate	FAS
627	178301	40	voltage	Clayton	priceless	FAS
628	178302	40	sash	exhausts	publicly	
629	178401	40	anaerobic	causality	incidentals	FAS
630	178402	40	simultaneous	sating	commonplace	
631	178403	40	accumulating	icon	mumbles	
632	178404	40	Medusan	throttles	furthermore	W
633	178501	40	shouted	communicants	cautioned	W
634	186002	37	freakish	dehydrate	parametrized	A
635	186102	37	index	priceless	registration	A
636	186201	40	commercially	publicly	sadly	FAS
637	186202	40	mistiness	incidentals	positioning	
638	186203	40	endpoint	commonplace	babysitting	
639	186302	37	straight	mumbles	eternal	A
640	188007	37	flurried	furthermore	hoarder	
641	188008	37	denotative	cautioned	congregates	
642	188009	37	coming	parametrized	rains	
643	188010	37	commencements	registration	workers	W
644	188011	37	gentleman	sadly	sags	A
645	188012	37	gifted	positioning	unplug	W
646	188013	37	Shanghais	babysitting	garage	A
647	188014	37	sportswriting	eternal	boulder	A
648	188015	37	sloping	hoarder	hollowly	A
649	188016	37	navies	congregates	specifics	
650	188017	37	leaflet	rains	Teresa	
651	188102	37	shooter	workers	Winsett	
652	188103	37	Joplin	sags	convenient	A
653	188202	37	babies	unplug	buckboards	FAS
654	188301	40	subdivision	garage	amenities	
655	188302	40	burstiness	boulder	resplendent	FAS
656	188303	40	belted	hollowly	priding	FAS
657	188401	37	assails	specifics	configurations	
658	188402	37	admiring	Teresa	untidiness	A
659	188503	37	swaying	Winsett	Brice	W
660	188504	37	Goldstine	convenient	sews	FAS
661	188505	37	fitting	buckboards	participated	
662	190701	37	Norwalk	amenities	Simon	FAS
663	190703	50	weakening	resplendent	certificates	
664	191701	37	analogy	priding	Fitzpatrick	
665	191702	37	deludes	configurations	Evanston	A
666	191703	37	cokes	untidiness	misted	
667	196001	37	Clayton	Brice	textures	A
668	196002	37	exhausts	sews	save	
669	196003	37	causality	participated	count	
670	196101	37	sating	Simon	rightful	A
671	196103	37	icon	certificates	chaperone	
672	196104	37	throttles	Fitzpatrick	Lizzy	A
673	196201	37	communicants	Evanston	clenched	A
674	196202	37	dehydrate	misted	effortlessly	
675	196203	37	priceless	textures	accessed	
676	198001	37	publicly	save	beaters	A
677	198003	37	incidentals	count	Hornblower	FAS
678	198004	37	commonplace	rightful	vests	A
679	198005	37	mumbles	chaperone	indulgences	FAS
680	198006	37	furthermore	Lizzy	infallibly	A
681	198007	37	cautioned	clenched	unwilling	FAS
682	198008	37	parametrized	effortlessly	excrete	FAS
683	198009	37	registration	accessed	spools	A
684	198010	37	sadly	beaters	crunches	FAS
685	198011	37	positioning	Hornblower	overestimating	FAS
686	198012	37	babysitting	vests	ineffective	
687	198013	37	eternal	indulgences	humiliation	A
688	198014	37	hoarder	infallibly	sophomore	
689	198015	37	congregates	unwilling	star	
690	198017	37	rains	excrete	rifles	
691	198018	37	workers	spools	dialysis	
692	198019	37	sags	crunches	arriving	
693	198020	37	unplug	overestimating	indulge	
694	198021	37	garage	ineffective	clockers	
695	198022	37	boulder	humiliation	languages	
696	198023	50	hollowly	sophomore	Antarctica	A
697	198024	37	specifics	star	percentage	
698	198101	37	Teresa	rifles	ceiling	A
699	198103	37	Winsett	dialysis	specification	
700	198105	37	convenient	arriving	regimented	A
701	198106	37	buckboards	indulge	ciphers	
702	198201	37	amenities	clockers	pictures	A
703	198204	37	resplendent	languages	serpents	A
704	198301	53	priding	Antarctica	allot	A
705	198302	53	configurations	percentage	realized	A
706	198303	53	untidiness	ceiling	mayoral	A
707	198304	53	Brice	specification	opaquely	A
708	198401	37	sews	regimented	hostess	FAS
709	198402	37	participated	ciphers	fiftieth	
710	198403	37	Simon	pictures	incorrectly	
711	202101	37	certificates	serpents	decomposition	FAS
712	202301	37	Fitzpatrick	allot	stranglings	
713	202302	37	Evanston	realized	mixture	FAS
714	202303	37	misted	mayoral	electroencephalography	FAS
715	202304	37	textures	opaquely	similarities	FAS
716	202305	37	save	hostess	charges	W
717	202601	37	count	fiftieth	freest	FAS
718	202602	37	rightful	incorrectly	Greenberg	FAS
719	202605	37	chaperone	decomposition	tinting	
720	202606	37	Lizzy	stranglings	expelled	W
721	202607	37	clenched	mixture	warm	
722	202901	37	effortlessly	electroencephalography	smoothed	
723	202902	37	accessed	similarities	deductions	FAS
724	202903	37	beaters	charges	Romano	W
725	202904	37	Hornblower	freest	bitterroot	
726	202907	37	vests	Greenberg	corset	
727	202908	37	indulgences	tinting	securing	
728	203101	37	infallibly	expelled	environing	FAS
729	203103	37	unwilling	warm	cute	
730	203104	37	excrete	smoothed	Crays	
731	203105	37	spools	deductions	heiress	FAS
732	203401	37	crunches	Romano	inform	FAS
733	203402	37	overestimating	bitterroot	avenge	
734	203404	37	ineffective	corset	universals	
735	203901	37	humiliation	securing	Kinsey	W
736	203902	37	sophomore	environing	ravines	FAS
737	203903	37	star	cute	bestseller	
738	203906	37	rifles	Crays	equilibrium	
739	203907	37	dialysis	heiress	extents	0
740	203908	37	arriving	inform	relatively	
741	203909	37	indulge	avenge	pressure	FAS
742	206101	37	clockers	universals	critiques	FAS
743	206201	37	languages	Kinsey	befouled	
744	206202	37	Antarctica	ravines	rightfully	FAS
745	206203	37	percentage	bestseller	mechanizing	FAS
746	206206	37	ceiling	equilibrium	Latinizes	
747	206207	37	specification	extents	timesharing	
748	206208	37	regimented	relatively	Aden	
749	208001	37	ciphers	pressure	embassies	
750	208002	37	pictures	critiques	males	FAS
751	208003	37	serpents	befouled	shapelessly	FAS
752	208004	37	allot	rightfully	genres	FAS
753	208008	37	realized	mechanizing	mastering	
754	208009	37	mayoral	Latinizes	Newtonian	
755	208010	37	opaquely	timesharing	finishers	FAS
756	208011	37	hostess	Aden	abates	
757	208101	37	fiftieth	embassies	teem	
758	208102	37	incorrectly	males	kiting	FAS
759	208103	37	decomposition	shapelessly	stodgy	FAS
760	208104	37	stranglings	genres	scalps	FAS
761	208105	37	mixture	mastering	feed	FAS
762	208110	37	electroencephalography	Newtonian	guitars	
763	208111	37	similarities	finishers	airships	
764	208112	37	charges	abates	store	
765	208113	37	freest	teem	denounces	
766	208201	37	Greenberg	kiting	Pyle	FAS
767	208203	37	tinting	stodgy	Saxony	
768	208301	37	expelled	scalps	serializations	FAS
769	208302	37	warm	feed	Peruvian	FAS
770	208305	37	smoothed	guitars	taxonomically	FAS
771	208401	37	deductions	airships	kingdom	A
772	208402	37	Romano	store	stint	A
773	208403	37	bitterroot	denounces	Sault	A
774	208404	37	corset	Pyle	faithful	
775	208501	37	securing	Saxony	Ganymede	FAS
776	208502	37	environing	serializations	tidiness	FAS
777	208503	37	cute	Peruvian	gainful	FAS
778	208504	37	Crays	taxonomically	contrary	FAS
779	208505	37	heiress	kingdom	Tipperary	FAS
780	210101	37	inform	stint	tropics	W
781	210102	37	avenge	Sault	theorizers	
782	210103	37	universals	faithful	renew	0
783	210104	37	Kinsey	Ganymede	already	
784	210105	37	ravines	tidiness	terminal	
785	210106	37	bestseller	gainful	Hegelian	
786	210107	37	equilibrium	contrary	hypothesizer	
787	210401	37	extents	Tipperary	warningly	FAS
788	213201	37	relatively	tropics	journalizing	FAS
789	213203	37	pressure	theorizers	nested	
790	213204	37	critiques	renew	Lars	
791	213205	37	befouled	already	saplings	
792	213206	37	rightfully	terminal	foothill	
793	213207	37	mechanizing	Hegelian	labeled	
794	216101	37	Latinizes	hypothesizer	imperiously	FAS
795	216103	37	timesharing	warningly	reporters	FAS
796	218001	37	Aden	journalizing	furnishings	FAS
797	218002	37	embassies	nested	precipitable	FAS
798	218003	37	males	Lars	discounts	FAS
799	218004	37	shapelessly	saplings	excises	FAS
800	143503	50	genres	foothill	Stalin	
801	218006	37	mastering	labeled	despot	FAS
802	218007	37	Newtonian	imperiously	ripeness	FAS
803	218008	37	finishers	reporters	Arabia	
804	218009	37	abates	furnishings	unruly	
805	218010	37	teem	precipitable	mournfulness	
806	218011	37	kiting	discounts	boom	FAS
807	218020	37	stodgy	excises	slaughter	A
808	218021	50	scalps	Stalin	Sabine	
809	218022	37	feed	despot	handy	FAS
810	218023	37	guitars	ripeness	rural	
811	218024	37	airships	Arabia	organizer	
812	218101	37	store	unruly	shipyard	FAS
813	218102	37	denounces	mournfulness	civics	FAS
814	218103	37	Pyle	boom	inaccuracy	FAS
815	218201	37	Saxony	slaughter	rules	FAS
816	218202	37	serializations	Sabine	juveniles	FAS
817	218203	37	Peruvian	handy	comprised	W
818	218204	37	taxonomically	rural	investigations	
819	218205	37	kingdom	organizer	stabilizes	A
820	218301	37	stint	shipyard	seminaries	FAS
821	218302	37	Sault	civics	Hunter	A
822	218401	37	faithful	inaccuracy	sporty	FAS
823	218402	37	Ganymede	rules	test	FAS
824	218403	37	tidiness	juveniles	weasels	
825	218404	37	gainful	comprised	CERN	
826	218407	37	contrary	investigations	tempering	
827	218408	37	Tipperary	stabilizes	afore	FAS
828	218409	37	tropics	seminaries	Galatean	
829	218410	37	theorizers	Hunter	techniques	W
830	226001	37	renew	sporty	error	
831	226002	37	already	test	veranda	
832	226003	37	terminal	weasels	severely	
833	226004	37	Hegelian	CERN	Cassites	FAS
834	226005	37	hypothesizer	tempering	forthcoming	
835	226006	37	warningly	afore	guides	
836	226007	37	journalizing	Galatean	vanish	FAS
837	226008	37	nested	techniques	lied	A
838	226203	37	Lars	error	sawtooth	FAS
839	226204	37	saplings	veranda	fated	FAS
840	226205	37	foothill	severely	gradually	
841	226206	37	labeled	Cassites	widens	
842	226207	37	imperiously	forthcoming	preclude	
843	226208	37	reporters	guides	Jobrel	
844	226209	37	furnishings	vanish	hooker	
845	226210	37	precipitable	lied	rainstorm	
846	226211	37	discounts	sawtooth	disconnects	
847	228001	37	excises	fated	cruelty	
848	228004	37	Stalin	gradually	exponentials	A
849	228005	37	despot	widens	affective	A
850	228006	37	ripeness	preclude	arteries	
851	228007	37	Arabia	Jobrel	Crosby	FAS
852	228008	37	unruly	hooker	acquaint	
853	228009	37	mournfulness	rainstorm	evenhandedly	
854	228101	37	boom	disconnects	percentage	
855	228108	37	slaughter	cruelty	disobedience	
856	228109	37	Sabine	exponentials	humility	
857	228110	37	handy	affective	gleaning	A
858	228111	37	rural	arteries	petted	A
859	228112	37	organizer	Crosby	bloater	A
860	228113	37	shipyard	acquaint	minion	A
861	228114	37	civics	evenhandedly	marginal	A
862	228115	37	inaccuracy	percentage	apiary	A
863	228116	37	rules	disobedience	measures	
864	228117	37	juveniles	humility	precaution	
865	228118	37	comprised	gleaning	repelled	
866	228119	37	investigations	petted	primary	FAS
867	228120	37	stabilizes	bloater	coverings	
868	228121	37	seminaries	minion	Artemia	A
869	228122	37	Hunter	marginal	navigate	
870	228201	37	sporty	apiary	spatial	
871	228206	37	test	measures	Gurkha	
872	228207	37	weasels	precaution	meanwhile	A
873	228208	37	CERN	repelled	Melinda	A
874	228209	37	tempering	primary	Butterfield	
875	228210	37	afore	coverings	Aldrich	A
876	228211	37	Galatean	Artemia	previewing	A
877	228212	37	techniques	navigate	glut	A
878	228213	37	error	spatial	unaffected	
879	228214	37	veranda	Gurkha	inmate	
880	228301	37	severely	meanwhile	mineral	
881	228305	37	Cassites	Melinda	impending	A
882	228306	37	forthcoming	Butterfield	meditation	A
883	228307	37	guides	Aldrich	ideas	
884	228308	37	vanish	previewing	miniaturizes	W
885	228309	37	lied	glut	lewdly	
886	228310	37	sawtooth	unaffected	title	
887	228311	37	fated	inmate	youthfulness	
888	228312	37	gradually	mineral	creak	FAS
889	228313	37	widens	impending	Chippewa	
890	228314	37	preclude	meditation	clamored	
891	228401	65	Jobrel	ideas	freezes	
892	228402	65	hooker	miniaturizes	forgivably	FAS
893	228403	65	rainstorm	lewdly	reduce	FAS
894	228404	65	disconnects	title	McGovern	W
895	228405	65	cruelty	youthfulness	Nazis	W
896	228406	65	exponentials	creak	epistle	W
897	228407	65	affective	Chippewa	socializes	W
898	228408	65	arteries	clamored	conceptions	
899	228409	65	Crosby	freezes	Kevin	
900	228410	65	acquaint	forgivably	uncovering	
901	230301	37	evenhandedly	reduce	chews	FAS
902	230302	37	percentage	McGovern	appendixes	FAS
903	230303	37	disobedience	Nazis	raining	
904	018062	37	humility	epistle	infest	
905	230501	37	gleaning	socializes	compartment	
906	230502	37	petted	conceptions	minting	
907	230503	37	bloater	Kevin	ducks	
908	230504	37	minion	uncovering	roped	A
909	230505	37	marginal	chews	waltz	
910	230506	37	apiary	appendixes	Lillian	
911	230507	37	measures	raining	repressions	A
912	230508	37	precaution	infest	chillingly	
913	230509	37	repelled	compartment	noncritical	
914	230901	37	primary	minting	lithograph	
915	230902	37	coverings	ducks	spongers	
916	230903	37	Artemia	roped	parenthood	
917	230904	37	navigate	waltz	posed	
918	230905	37	spatial	Lillian	instruments	
919	230906	37	Gurkha	repressions	filial	
920	230907	37	meanwhile	chillingly	fixedly	
921	230908	37	Melinda	noncritical	relives	
922	230909	37	Butterfield	lithograph	Pandora	
923	230910	37	Aldrich	spongers	watering	A
924	230911	37	previewing	parenthood	ungrateful	
925	230912	37	glut	posed	secures	
926	230913	37	unaffected	instruments	chastisers	
927	230914	37	inmate	filial	icon	
928	231304	37	mineral	fixedly	reuniting	A
929	231305	37	impending	relives	imagining	A
930	231306	37	meditation	Pandora	abiding	A
931	231307	37	ideas	watering	omnisciently	
932	231308	37	miniaturizes	ungrateful	Britannic	
933	231309	37	lewdly	secures	scholastics	A
934	231310	37	title	chastisers	mechanics	A
935	231311	37	youthfulness	icon	humidly	A
936	231312	37	creak	reuniting	masterpiece	
937	231313	37	Chippewa	imagining	however	
938	231314	37	clamored	abiding	Mendelian	
939	231315	37	freezes	omnisciently	jarred	
940	232102	37	forgivably	Britannic	scolds	
941	232103	37	reduce	scholastics	infatuate	
942	232104	37	McGovern	mechanics	willed	A
943	232105	37	Nazis	humidly	joyfully	
944	232106	37	epistle	masterpiece	Microsoft	
945	232107	37	socializes	however	fibrosities	
946	232108	37	conceptions	Mendelian	Baltimorean	
947	232601	37	Kevin	jarred	equestrian	
948	232602	37	uncovering	scolds	Goodrich	
949	232603	37	chews	infatuate	apish	A
950	232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5950	1232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5951	1232606	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5952	1232607	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5953	1232608	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5954	1232609	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
951	232606	37	raining	joyfully	Tropez	
952	232607	37	infest	Microsoft	nouns	
953	232608	37	compartment	fibrosities	distracting	
954	232609	37	minting	Baltimorean	mutton	
955	236104	37	ducks	equestrian	bridgeable	A
956	236105	37	roped	Goodrich	stickers	A
957	236106	37	waltz	apish	transcontinental	A
958	236107	37	Lillian	Adlerian	amateurish	
959	236108	37	repressions	Tropez	Gandhian	
960	236109	37	chillingly	nouns	stratified	
961	236110	37	noncritical	distracting	chamberlains	
962	236111	37	lithograph	mutton	creditably	
963	236112	37	spongers	bridgeable	philosophic	
964	236113	37	parenthood	stickers	ores	
965	238005	37	posed	transcontinental	Carleton	
966	238006	37	instruments	amateurish	tape	A
967	238007	37	filial	Gandhian	afloat	A
968	238008	37	fixedly	stratified	goodness	A
969	238009	37	relives	chamberlains	welcoming	
970	238010	37	Pandora	creditably	Pinsky	FAS
971	238011	37	watering	philosophic	halting	
972	238012	37	ungrateful	ores	bibliography	
973	238013	37	secures	Carleton	decoding	
974	240401	41	chastisers	tape	variance	A
975	240402	41	icon	afloat	allowed	A
976	240901	41	reuniting	goodness	dire	A
977	240902	41	imagining	welcoming	dub	A
978	241801	41	abiding	Pinsky	poisoning	
979	242101	41	omnisciently	halting	Iraqis	A
980	242102	41	Britannic	bibliography	heaving	
981	242201	41	scholastics	decoding	population	A
982	242202	41	mechanics	variance	bomb	A
983	242501	41	humidly	allowed	Majorca	A
984	242502	41	masterpiece	dire	Gershwins	
985	246201	41	however	dub	explorers	
986	246202	41	Mendelian	poisoning	libretto	A
987	246203	41	jarred	Iraqis	occurred	
988	246204	41	scolds	heaving	Lagos	
989	246205	41	infatuate	population	rats	
990	246301	41	willed	bomb	bankruptcies	A
991	246302	41	joyfully	Majorca	crying	
992	248001	41	Microsoft	Gershwins	unexpected	
993	248002	41	fibrosities	explorers	accessed	A
994	248003	41	Baltimorean	libretto	colorful	A
995	248004	41	equestrian	occurred	versatility	A
996	248005	41	Goodrich	Lagos	cosy	
997	248006	41	apish	rats	Darius	A
998	248007	41	Adlerian	bankruptcies	mastering	A
999	248008	41	Tropez	crying	Asiaticizations	A
1000	248009	41	nouns	unexpected	offerers	A
1001	248010	41	distracting	accessed	uncles	A
1002	248011	41	mutton	colorful	sleepwalk	
1003	248012	41	bridgeable	versatility	Ernestine	
1004	248013	41	stickers	cosy	checksumming	
1005	248014	41	transcontinental	Darius	stopped	
1006	248015	41	amateurish	mastering	sicker	
1007	248016	41	Gandhian	Asiaticizations	Italianization	
1008	248017	41	stratified	offerers	alphabetic	
1009	248018	41	chamberlains	uncles	pharmaceutic	
1010	248019	41	creditably	sleepwalk	creator	
1011	248020	41	philosophic	Ernestine	chess	
1012	248021	41	ores	checksumming	charcoal	
1013	248101	41	Carleton	stopped	Epiphany	A
1014	248102	41	tape	sicker	bulldozes	A
1015	248201	41	afloat	Italianization	Pygmalion	A
1016	248202	41	goodness	alphabetic	caressing	A
1017	248203	41	welcoming	pharmaceutic	Palestine	A
1018	248204	41	Pinsky	creator	regimented	A
1019	248205	41	halting	chess	scars	A
1020	248206	41	bibliography	charcoal	realest	A
1021	248207	41	decoding	Epiphany	diffusing	A
1022	248208	41	variance	bulldozes	clubroom	A
1023	248209	41	allowed	Pygmalion	Blythe	A
1024	248210	41	dire	caressing	ahead	
1025	248211	50	dub	Palestine	reviver	
1026	250501	34	poisoning	regimented	retransmitting	A
1027	250502	34	Iraqis	scars	landslide	
1028	250503	34	heaving	realest	Eiffel	
1029	250504	34	population	diffusing	absentee	
1030	250505	34	bomb	clubroom	aye	
1031	250601	34	Majorca	Blythe	forked	A
1032	250602	34	Gershwins	ahead	Peruvianizes	
1033	250603	34	explorers	reviver	clerked	
1034	250604	34	libretto	retransmitting	tutor	
1035	250605	34	occurred	landslide	boulevard	
1036	251001	34	Lagos	Eiffel	shuttered	
1037	251002	34	rats	absentee	quotes	A
1038	251003	34	bankruptcies	aye	Caltech	
1039	251004	34	crying	forked	Mossberg	
1040	251005	34	unexpected	Peruvianizes	kept	
1041	251301	34	accessed	clerked	roundly	
1042	251302	34	colorful	tutor	features	A
1043	251303	34	versatility	boulevard	imaginable	A
1044	251304	34	cosy	shuttered	controller	
1045	251305	34	Darius	quotes	racial	
1046	251401	34	mastering	Caltech	uprisings	A
1047	251402	34	Asiaticizations	Mossberg	narrowed	A
1048	251403	34	offerers	kept	cannot	A
1049	251404	34	uncles	roundly	vest	
1050	251405	34	sleepwalk	features	famine	
1051	251406	34	Ernestine	imaginable	sugars	
1052	251801	34	checksumming	controller	exterminated	A
1053	251802	34	stopped	racial	belays	
1054	252101	34	sicker	uprisings	Hodges	A
1055	252102	34	Italianization	narrowed	translatable	
1056	252301	34	alphabetic	cannot	duality	A
1057	252302	34	pharmaceutic	vest	recording	A
1058	252303	34	creator	famine	rouses	A
1059	252304	34	chess	sugars	poison	
1060	252305	34	charcoal	exterminated	attitude	
1061	252306	34	Epiphany	belays	dusted	
1062	252307	34	bulldozes	Hodges	encompasses	
1063	252308	34	Pygmalion	translatable	presentation	
1064	252309	34	caressing	duality	Kantian	
1065	256001	34	Palestine	recording	imprecision	A
1066	256002	34	regimented	rouses	saving	
1067	256003	34	scars	poison	maternal	
1068	256004	34	realest	attitude	hewed	
1069	256005	34	diffusing	dusted	kerosene	
1070	258001	34	clubroom	encompasses	Cubans	
1071	258002	34	Blythe	presentation	photographers	
1072	258003	34	ahead	Kantian	nymph	A
1073	258004	34	reviver	imprecision	bedlam	A
1074	258005	34	retransmitting	saving	north	A
1075	258006	34	landslide	maternal	Schoenberg	A
1076	258007	34	Eiffel	hewed	botany	A
1077	258008	34	absentee	kerosene	curs	
1078	258009	34	aye	Cubans	solidification	
1079	258010	34	forked	photographers	inheritresses	
1080	258011	34	Peruvianizes	nymph	stiller	
1081	258101	68	clerked	bedlam	t1	A
1082	258102	68	tutor	north	suite	A
1083	258103	34	boulevard	Schoenberg	ransomer	
1084	258104	68	shuttered	botany	Willy	
1085	258105	68	quotes	curs	Rena	A
1086	258106	68	Caltech	solidification	Seattle	A
1087	258107	68	Mossberg	inheritresses	relaxes	A
1088	258108	68	kept	stiller	exclaim	
1089	258109	68	roundly	t1	implicated	A
1090	258110	68	features	suite	distinguish	
1091	258111	68	imaginable	ransomer	assayed	
1092	258112	68	controller	Willy	homeowner	
1093	258113	68	racial	Rena	and	
1094	258201	34	uprisings	Seattle	stealth	
1095	258202	34	narrowed	relaxes	coinciding	A
1096	258203	34	cannot	exclaim	founder	A
1097	258204	34	vest	implicated	environing	
1098	258205	34	famine	distinguish	jewelry	
1099	258301	34	sugars	assayed	lemons	A
1100	258401	34	exterminated	homeowner	brokenness	A
1101	258402	34	belays	and	bedpost	A
1102	258403	34	Hodges	stealth	assurers	A
1103	258404	34	translatable	coinciding	annoyers	
1104	258405	34	duality	founder	affixed	
1105	258406	34	recording	environing	warbling	
1106	258407	34	rouses	jewelry	seriously	
1107	228123	37	poison	lemons	boasted	
1108	250606	34	attitude	brokenness	Chantilly	
1109	208405	37	dusted	bedpost	Iranizes	
1110	212101	37	encompasses	assurers	violinist	
1111	218206	37	presentation	annoyers	extramarital	
1112	150401	37	Kantian	affixed	spates	
1113	248212	41	imprecision	warbling	cloakroom	
1114	128026	00	saving	seriously	gazer	
1115	128024	00	maternal	boasted	hand	
1116	128027	00	hewed	Chantilly	tucked	
1117	128025	00	kerosene	Iranizes	gems	
1118	128109	00	Cubans	violinist	clinker	
1119	128705	00	photographers	extramarital	refiner	
1120	126303	00	nymph	spates	callus	
1121	128308	00	bedlam	cloakroom	leopards	
1122	128204	00	north	gazer	comfortingly	
1123	128205	00	Schoenberg	hand	generically	
1124	128206	00	botany	tucked	getters	
1125	128207	00	curs	gems	sexually	
1126	118205	00	solidification	clinker	spear	
1127	116801	00	inheritresses	refiner	serums	
1128	116803	00	stiller	callus	Italianization	
1129	116804	00	t1	leopards	attendants	
1130	116802	00	suite	comfortingly	spies	
1131	128605	00	ransomer	generically	Anthony	
1132	118308	00	Willy	getters	planar	
1133	113702	00	Rena	sexually	cupped	
1134	113703	00	Seattle	spear	cleanser	
1135	112103	00	relaxes	serums	commuters	
1136	118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
5136	1118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
1137	138011	00	implicated	attendants	orphanage	
1138	138010	00	distinguish	spies	skies	
1139	138012	00	assayed	Anthony	crushers	
1140	068304	00	homeowner	planar	Puritan	
1141	078009	00	and	cupped	squeezer	
1142	108013	00	stealth	cleanser	bruises	
1143	084004	00	coinciding	commuters	bonfire	
1144	083402	00	founder	honeysuckle	Colombo	
1145	084003	00	environing	orphanage	nondecreasing	
1146	088504	00	jewelry	skies	innocents	
1147	088005	00	lemons	crushers	masked	
1148	088007	00	brokenness	Puritan	file	
1149	088006	00	bedpost	squeezer	brush	
1150	148025	00	assurers	bruises	mutilate	
1151	148024	00	annoyers	bonfire	mommy	
1152	138305	00	affixed	Colombo	bulkheads	
1153	138306	00	warbling	nondecreasing	undeclared	
1154	152701	00	seriously	innocents	displacements	
1155	148505	00	boasted	masked	nieces	
1156	158003	00	Chantilly	file	coeducation	
1157	156201	00	Iranizes	brush	brassy	
1158	156202	00	violinist	mutilate	authenticator	
1159	158307	00	extramarital	mommy	Washoe	
1160	158402	00	spates	bulkheads	penny	
1161	158401	00	cloakroom	undeclared	Flagler	
1162	068013	00	gazer	displacements	stoned	
1163	068012	00	hand	nieces	cranes	
1164	068203	00	tucked	coeducation	masterful	
1165	088205	00	gems	brassy	biracial	
1166	068704	00	clinker	authenticator	steamships	
1167	068604	00	refiner	Washoe	windmills	
1168	158502	00	callus	penny	exploit	
1169	123103	00	leopards	Flagler	riverfront	
1170	148026	00	comfortingly	stoned	sisterly	
1171	123302	00	generically	cranes	sharpshoot	
1172	076503	00	getters	masterful	mittens	
1173	126304	00	sexually	biracial	interdependency	
1174	068306	00	spear	steamships	policy	
1175	143504	00	serums	windmills	unleashing	
1176	160201	00	Italianization	exploit	pretenders	
1177	148028	00	attendants	riverfront	overstatements	
1178	148027	00	spies	sisterly	birthed	
1179	143505	00	Anthony	sharpshoot	opportunism	
1180	108014	00	planar	mittens	showroom	
1181	076104	00	cupped	interdependency	compromisingly	
1182	078106	00	cleanser	policy	Medicare	
1183	126102	00	commuters	unleashing	corresponds	
1184	128029	00	honeysuckle	pretenders	hardware	
1185	128028	00	orphanage	overstatements	implant	
1186	018410	00	skies	birthed	Alicia	
1187	128110	00	crushers	opportunism	requesting	
1188	148506	00	Puritan	showroom	produced	
1189	123303	00	squeezer	compromisingly	criticizes	
1190	123304	00	bruises	Medicare	backer	
1191	068504	00	bonfire	corresponds	positively	
1192	068305	00	Colombo	hardware	colicky	
1193	000000	00	nondecreasing	implant	thrillingly	
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
ERROR HY000: Table storage engine for 't2' doesn't have this option
auto	fld1	companynr	fld3	fld4	fld5	fld6
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
5	011501	37	bewilderingly	wallet	balled	
6	011701	37	astound	parters	persist	W
7	011702	37	admonishing	eschew	attainments	
8	011703	37	sumac	quitter	fanatic	
9	012001	37	flanking	neat	measures	FAS
10	012003	37	combed	Steinberg	rightfulness	
11	012004	37	subjective	jarring	capably	
12	012005	37	scatterbrain	tinily	impulsive	
13	012301	37	Eulerian	balled	starlet	
14	012302	36	dubbed	persist	terminators	
15	012303	37	Kane	attainments	untying	
16	012304	37	overlay	fanatic	announces	FAS
17	012305	37	perturb	measures	featherweight	FAS
18	012306	37	goblins	rightfulness	pessimist	FAS
19	012501	37	annihilates	capably	daughter	
20	012602	37	Wotan	impulsive	decliner	FAS
21	012603	37	snatching	starlet	lawgiver	
22	012604	37	concludes	terminators	stated	
23	012605	37	laterally	untying	readable	
24	012606	37	yelped	announces	attrition	
25	012701	37	grazing	featherweight	cascade	FAS
26	012702	37	Baird	pessimist	motors	FAS
27	012703	37	celery	daughter	interrogate	
28	012704	37	misunderstander	decliner	pests	W
29	013601	37	handgun	lawgiver	stairway	
30	013602	37	foldout	stated	dopers	FAS
31	013603	37	mystic	readable	testicle	W
32	013604	37	succumbed	attrition	Parsifal	W
33	013605	37	Nabisco	cascade	leavings	
34	013606	37	fingerings	motors	postulation	W
35	013607	37	aging	interrogate	squeaking	
36	013608	37	afield	pests	contrasted	
37	013609	37	ammonium	stairway	leftover	
38	013610	37	boat	dopers	whiteners	
39	013801	37	intelligibility	testicle	erases	W
40	013802	37	Augustine	Parsifal	Punjab	W
41	013803	37	teethe	leavings	Merritt	
42	013804	37	dreaded	postulation	Quixotism	
43	013901	37	scholastics	squeaking	sweetish	FAS
44	016001	37	audiology	contrasted	dogging	FAS
45	016201	37	wallet	leftover	scornfully	FAS
46	016202	37	parters	whiteners	bellow	
47	016301	37	eschew	erases	bills	
48	016302	37	quitter	Punjab	cupboard	FAS
49	016303	37	neat	Merritt	sureties	FAS
50	016304	37	Steinberg	Quixotism	puddings	
51	018001	37	jarring	sweetish	tapestry	
52	018002	37	tinily	dogging	fetters	
53	018003	37	balled	scornfully	bivalves	
54	018004	37	persist	bellow	incurring	
55	018005	37	attainments	bills	Adolph	
56	018007	37	fanatic	cupboard	pithed	
57	018008	37	measures	sureties	emergency	
58	018009	37	rightfulness	puddings	Miles	
59	018010	37	capably	tapestry	trimmings	
60	018012	37	impulsive	fetters	tragedies	W
61	018013	37	starlet	bivalves	skulking	W
62	018014	37	terminators	incurring	flint	
63	018015	37	untying	Adolph	flopping	W
64	018016	37	announces	pithed	relaxing	FAS
65	018017	37	featherweight	emergency	offload	FAS
66	018018	37	pessimist	Miles	suites	W
67	018019	37	daughter	trimmings	lists	FAS
68	018020	37	decliner	tragedies	animized	FAS
69	018021	37	lawgiver	skulking	multilayer	W
70	018022	37	stated	flint	standardizes	FAS
71	018023	37	readable	flopping	Judas	
72	018024	37	attrition	relaxing	vacuuming	W
73	018025	37	cascade	offload	dentally	W
74	018026	37	motors	suites	humanness	W
75	018027	37	interrogate	lists	inch	W
76	018028	37	pests	animized	Weissmuller	W
77	018029	37	stairway	multilayer	irresponsibly	W
78	018030	37	dopers	standardizes	luckily	FAS
79	018032	37	testicle	Judas	culled	W
80	018033	37	Parsifal	vacuuming	medical	FAS
81	018034	37	leavings	dentally	bloodbath	FAS
82	018035	37	postulation	humanness	subschema	W
83	018036	37	squeaking	inch	animals	W
84	018037	37	contrasted	Weissmuller	Micronesia	
85	018038	37	leftover	irresponsibly	repetitions	
86	018039	37	whiteners	luckily	Antares	
87	018040	37	erases	culled	ventilate	W
88	018041	37	Punjab	medical	pityingly	
89	018042	37	Merritt	bloodbath	interdependent	
90	018043	37	Quixotism	subschema	Graves	FAS
91	018044	37	sweetish	animals	neonatal	
92	018045	37	dogging	Micronesia	scribbled	FAS
93	018046	37	scornfully	repetitions	chafe	W
94	018048	37	bellow	Antares	honoring	
95	018049	37	bills	ventilate	realtor	
96	018050	37	cupboard	pityingly	elite	
97	018051	37	sureties	interdependent	funereal	
98	018052	37	puddings	Graves	abrogating	
99	018053	50	tapestry	neonatal	sorters	
100	018054	37	fetters	scribbled	Conley	
101	018055	37	bivalves	chafe	lectured	
102	018056	37	incurring	honoring	Abraham	
103	018057	37	Adolph	realtor	Hawaii	W
104	018058	37	pithed	elite	cage	
105	018059	36	emergency	funereal	hushes	
106	018060	37	Miles	abrogating	Simla	
107	018061	37	trimmings	sorters	reporters	
108	018101	37	tragedies	Conley	Dutchman	FAS
109	018102	37	skulking	lectured	descendants	FAS
110	018103	37	flint	Abraham	groupings	FAS
111	018104	37	flopping	Hawaii	dissociate	
112	018201	37	relaxing	cage	coexist	W
113	018202	37	offload	hushes	Beebe	
114	018402	37	suites	Simla	Taoism	
115	018403	37	lists	reporters	Connally	
116	018404	37	animized	Dutchman	fetched	FAS
117	018405	37	multilayer	descendants	checkpoints	FAS
118	018406	37	standardizes	groupings	rusting	
119	018409	37	Judas	dissociate	galling	
120	018601	37	vacuuming	coexist	obliterates	
121	018602	37	dentally	Beebe	traitor	
122	018603	37	humanness	Taoism	resumes	FAS
123	018801	37	inch	Connally	analyzable	FAS
124	018802	37	Weissmuller	fetched	terminator	FAS
125	018803	37	irresponsibly	checkpoints	gritty	FAS
126	018804	37	luckily	rusting	firearm	W
127	018805	37	culled	galling	minima	
128	018806	37	medical	obliterates	Selfridge	
129	018807	37	bloodbath	traitor	disable	
130	018808	37	subschema	resumes	witchcraft	W
131	018809	37	animals	analyzable	betroth	W
132	018810	37	Micronesia	terminator	Manhattanize	
133	018811	37	repetitions	gritty	imprint	
134	018812	37	Antares	firearm	peeked	
135	019101	37	ventilate	minima	swelling	
136	019102	37	pityingly	Selfridge	interrelationships	W
137	019103	37	interdependent	disable	riser	
138	019201	37	Graves	witchcraft	Gandhian	W
139	030501	37	neonatal	betroth	peacock	A
140	030502	50	scribbled	Manhattanize	bee	A
141	030503	37	chafe	imprint	kanji	
142	030504	37	honoring	peeked	dental	
143	031901	37	realtor	swelling	scarf	FAS
144	036001	37	elite	interrelationships	chasm	A
145	036002	37	funereal	riser	insolence	A
146	036004	37	abrogating	Gandhian	syndicate	
147	036005	37	sorters	peacock	alike	
148	038001	37	Conley	bee	imperial	A
149	038002	37	lectured	kanji	convulsion	A
150	038003	37	Abraham	dental	railway	A
151	038004	37	Hawaii	scarf	validate	A
152	038005	37	cage	chasm	normalizes	A
153	038006	37	hushes	insolence	comprehensive	
154	038007	37	Simla	syndicate	chewing	
155	038008	37	reporters	alike	denizen	
156	038009	37	Dutchman	imperial	schemer	
157	038010	37	descendants	convulsion	chronicle	
158	038011	37	groupings	railway	Kline	
159	038012	37	dissociate	validate	Anatole	
160	038013	37	coexist	normalizes	partridges	
161	038014	37	Beebe	comprehensive	brunch	
162	038015	37	Taoism	chewing	recruited	
163	038016	37	Connally	denizen	dimensions	W
164	038017	37	fetched	schemer	Chicana	W
165	038018	37	checkpoints	chronicle	announced	
166	038101	37	rusting	Kline	praised	FAS
167	038102	37	galling	Anatole	employing	
168	038103	37	obliterates	partridges	linear	
169	038104	37	traitor	brunch	quagmire	
170	038201	37	resumes	recruited	western	A
171	038202	37	analyzable	dimensions	relishing	
172	038203	37	terminator	Chicana	serving	A
173	038204	37	gritty	announced	scheduling	
174	038205	37	firearm	praised	lore	
175	038206	37	minima	employing	eventful	
176	038208	37	Selfridge	linear	arteriole	A
177	042801	37	disable	quagmire	disentangle	
178	042802	37	witchcraft	western	cured	A
179	046101	37	betroth	relishing	Fenton	W
180	048001	37	Manhattanize	serving	avoidable	A
181	048002	37	imprint	scheduling	drains	A
182	048003	37	peeked	lore	detectably	FAS
183	048004	37	swelling	eventful	husky	
184	048005	37	interrelationships	arteriole	impelling	
185	048006	37	riser	disentangle	undoes	
186	048007	37	Gandhian	cured	evened	
187	048008	37	peacock	Fenton	squeezes	
188	048101	37	bee	avoidable	destroyer	FAS
189	048102	37	kanji	drains	rudeness	
190	048201	37	dental	detectably	beaner	FAS
191	048202	37	scarf	husky	boorish	
192	048203	37	chasm	impelling	Everhart	
193	048204	37	insolence	undoes	encompass	A
194	048205	37	syndicate	evened	mushrooms	
195	048301	37	alike	squeezes	Alison	A
196	048302	37	imperial	destroyer	externally	FAS
197	048303	37	convulsion	rudeness	pellagra	
198	048304	37	railway	beaner	cult	
199	048305	37	validate	boorish	creek	A
200	048401	37	normalizes	Everhart	Huffman	
201	048402	37	comprehensive	encompass	Majorca	FAS
202	048403	37	chewing	mushrooms	governing	A
203	048404	37	denizen	Alison	gadfly	FAS
204	048405	37	schemer	externally	reassigned	FAS
205	048406	37	chronicle	pellagra	intentness	W
206	048407	37	Kline	cult	craziness	
207	048408	37	Anatole	creek	psychic	
208	048409	37	partridges	Huffman	squabbled	
209	048410	37	brunch	Majorca	burlesque	
210	048411	37	recruited	governing	capped	
211	048412	37	dimensions	gadfly	extracted	A
212	048413	37	Chicana	reassigned	DiMaggio	
213	048601	37	announced	intentness	exclamation	FAS
214	048602	37	praised	craziness	subdirectory	
215	048603	37	employing	psychic	fangs	
216	048604	37	linear	squabbled	buyer	A
217	048801	37	quagmire	burlesque	pithing	A
218	050901	37	western	capped	transistorizing	A
219	051201	37	relishing	extracted	nonbiodegradable	
220	056002	37	serving	DiMaggio	dislocate	
221	056003	37	scheduling	exclamation	monochromatic	FAS
222	056004	37	lore	subdirectory	batting	
223	056102	37	eventful	fangs	postcondition	A
224	056203	37	arteriole	buyer	catalog	FAS
225	056204	37	disentangle	pithing	Remus	
226	058003	37	cured	transistorizing	devices	A
227	058004	37	Fenton	nonbiodegradable	bike	A
228	058005	37	avoidable	dislocate	qualify	
229	058006	37	drains	monochromatic	detained	
230	058007	37	detectably	batting	commended	
231	058101	37	husky	postcondition	civilize	
232	058102	37	impelling	catalog	Elmhurst	
233	058103	37	undoes	Remus	anesthetizing	
234	058105	37	evened	devices	deaf	
235	058111	37	squeezes	bike	Brigham	
236	058112	37	destroyer	qualify	title	
237	058113	37	rudeness	detained	coarse	
238	058114	37	beaner	commended	combinations	
239	058115	37	boorish	civilize	grayness	
240	058116	37	Everhart	Elmhurst	innumerable	FAS
241	058117	37	encompass	anesthetizing	Caroline	A
242	058118	37	mushrooms	deaf	fatty	FAS
243	058119	37	Alison	Brigham	eastbound	
244	058120	37	externally	title	inexperienced	
245	058121	37	pellagra	coarse	hoarder	A
246	058122	37	cult	combinations	scotch	W
247	058123	37	creek	grayness	passport	A
248	058124	37	Huffman	innumerable	strategic	FAS
249	058125	37	Majorca	Caroline	gated	
250	058126	37	governing	fatty	flog	
251	058127	37	gadfly	eastbound	Pipestone	
252	058128	37	reassigned	inexperienced	Dar	
253	058201	37	intentness	hoarder	Corcoran	
254	058202	37	craziness	scotch	flyers	A
255	058303	37	psychic	passport	competitions	W
256	058304	37	squabbled	strategic	suppliers	FAS
257	058602	37	burlesque	gated	skips	
258	058603	37	capped	flog	institutes	
259	058604	37	extracted	Pipestone	troop	A
260	058605	37	DiMaggio	Dar	connective	W
261	058606	37	exclamation	Corcoran	denies	
262	058607	37	subdirectory	flyers	polka	
263	060401	36	fangs	competitions	observations	FAS
264	061701	36	buyer	suppliers	askers	
265	066201	36	pithing	skips	homeless	FAS
266	066501	36	transistorizing	institutes	Anna	
267	068001	36	nonbiodegradable	troop	subdirectories	W
268	068002	36	dislocate	connective	decaying	FAS
269	068005	36	monochromatic	denies	outwitting	W
270	068006	36	batting	polka	Harpy	W
271	068007	36	postcondition	observations	crazed	
272	068008	36	catalog	askers	suffocate	
273	068009	36	Remus	homeless	provers	FAS
274	068010	36	devices	Anna	technically	
275	068011	36	bike	subdirectories	Franklinizations	
276	068202	36	qualify	decaying	considered	
277	068302	36	detained	outwitting	tinnily	
278	068303	36	commended	Harpy	uninterruptedly	
279	068401	36	civilize	crazed	whistled	A
280	068501	36	Elmhurst	suffocate	automate	
281	068502	36	anesthetizing	provers	gutting	W
282	068503	36	deaf	technically	surreptitious	
283	068602	36	Brigham	Franklinizations	Choctaw	
284	068603	36	title	considered	cooks	
285	068701	36	coarse	tinnily	millivolt	FAS
286	068702	36	combinations	uninterruptedly	counterpoise	
287	068703	36	grayness	whistled	Gothicism	
288	076001	36	innumerable	automate	feminine	
289	076002	36	Caroline	gutting	metaphysically	W
290	076101	36	fatty	surreptitious	sanding	A
291	076102	36	eastbound	Choctaw	contributorily	
292	076103	36	inexperienced	cooks	receivers	FAS
293	076302	36	hoarder	millivolt	adjourn	
294	076303	36	scotch	counterpoise	straggled	A
295	076304	36	passport	Gothicism	druggists	
296	076305	36	strategic	feminine	thanking	FAS
297	076306	36	gated	metaphysically	ostrich	
298	076307	36	flog	sanding	hopelessness	FAS
299	076402	36	Pipestone	contributorily	Eurydice	
300	076501	36	Dar	receivers	excitation	W
301	076502	36	Corcoran	adjourn	presumes	FAS
302	076701	36	flyers	straggled	imaginable	FAS
303	078001	36	competitions	druggists	concoct	W
304	078002	36	suppliers	thanking	peering	W
305	078003	36	skips	ostrich	Phelps	FAS
306	078004	36	institutes	hopelessness	ferociousness	FAS
307	078005	36	troop	Eurydice	sentences	
308	078006	36	connective	excitation	unlocks	
309	078007	36	denies	presumes	engrossing	W
310	078008	36	polka	imaginable	Ruth	
311	078101	36	observations	concoct	tying	
312	078103	36	askers	peering	exclaimers	
313	078104	36	homeless	Phelps	synergy	
314	078105	36	Anna	ferociousness	Huey	W
315	082101	36	subdirectories	sentences	merging	
316	083401	36	decaying	unlocks	judges	A
317	084001	36	outwitting	engrossing	Shylock	W
318	084002	36	Harpy	Ruth	Miltonism	
319	086001	36	crazed	tying	hen	W
320	086102	36	suffocate	exclaimers	honeybee	FAS
321	086201	36	provers	synergy	towers	
322	088001	36	technically	Huey	dilutes	W
323	088002	36	Franklinizations	merging	numerals	FAS
324	088003	36	considered	judges	democracy	FAS
325	088004	36	tinnily	Shylock	Ibero-	
326	088101	36	uninterruptedly	Miltonism	invalids	
327	088102	36	whistled	hen	behavior	
328	088103	36	automate	honeybee	accruing	
329	088104	36	gutting	towers	relics	A
330	088105	36	surreptitious	dilutes	rackets	
331	088106	36	Choctaw	numerals	Fischbein	W
332	088201	36	cooks	democracy	phony	W
333	088203	36	millivolt	Ibero-	cross	FAS
334	088204	36	counterpoise	invalids	cleanup	
335	088302	37	Gothicism	behavior	conspirator	
336	088303	37	feminine	accruing	label	FAS
337	088305	37	metaphysically	relics	university	
338	088402	37	sanding	rackets	cleansed	FAS
339	088501	36	contributorily	Fischbein	ballgown	
340	088502	36	receivers	phony	starlet	
341	088503	36	adjourn	cross	aqueous	
342	098001	58	straggled	cleanup	portrayal	A
343	098002	58	druggists	conspirator	despising	W
344	098003	58	thanking	label	distort	W
345	098004	58	ostrich	university	palmed	
346	098005	58	hopelessness	cleansed	faced	
347	098006	58	Eurydice	ballgown	silverware	
348	141903	29	excitation	starlet	assessor	
349	098008	58	presumes	aqueous	spiders	
350	098009	58	imaginable	portrayal	artificially	
351	098010	58	concoct	despising	reminiscence	
352	098011	58	peering	distort	Mexican	
353	098012	58	Phelps	palmed	obnoxious	
354	098013	58	ferociousness	faced	fragile	
355	098014	58	sentences	silverware	apprehensible	
356	098015	58	unlocks	assessor	births	
357	098016	58	engrossing	spiders	garages	
358	098017	58	Ruth	artificially	panty	
359	098018	58	tying	reminiscence	anteater	
360	098019	58	exclaimers	Mexican	displacement	A
361	098020	58	synergy	obnoxious	drovers	A
362	098021	58	Huey	fragile	patenting	A
363	098022	58	merging	apprehensible	far	A
364	098023	58	judges	births	shrieks	
365	098024	58	Shylock	garages	aligning	W
366	098025	37	Miltonism	panty	pragmatism	
367	106001	36	hen	anteater	fevers	W
368	108001	36	honeybee	displacement	reexamines	A
369	108002	36	towers	drovers	occupancies	
370	108003	36	dilutes	patenting	sweats	FAS
371	108004	36	numerals	far	modulators	
372	108005	36	democracy	shrieks	demand	W
373	108007	36	Ibero-	aligning	Madeira	
374	108008	36	invalids	pragmatism	Viennese	W
375	108009	36	behavior	fevers	chillier	W
376	108010	36	accruing	reexamines	wildcats	FAS
377	108011	36	relics	occupancies	gentle	
378	108012	36	rackets	sweats	Angles	W
379	108101	36	Fischbein	modulators	accuracies	
380	108102	36	phony	demand	toggle	
381	108103	36	cross	Madeira	Mendelssohn	W
382	108111	50	cleanup	Viennese	behaviorally	
383	108105	36	conspirator	chillier	Rochford	
384	108106	36	label	wildcats	mirror	W
385	108107	36	university	gentle	Modula	
386	108108	50	cleansed	Angles	clobbering	
387	108109	36	ballgown	accuracies	chronography	
388	108110	36	starlet	toggle	Eskimoizeds	
389	108201	36	aqueous	Mendelssohn	British	W
390	108202	36	portrayal	behaviorally	pitfalls	
391	108203	36	despising	Rochford	verify	W
392	108204	36	distort	mirror	scatter	FAS
393	108205	36	palmed	Modula	Aztecan	
394	108301	36	faced	clobbering	acuity	W
395	108302	36	silverware	chronography	sinking	W
396	112101	36	assessor	Eskimoizeds	beasts	FAS
397	112102	36	spiders	British	Witt	W
398	113701	36	artificially	pitfalls	physicists	FAS
399	116001	36	reminiscence	verify	folksong	A
400	116201	36	Mexican	scatter	strokes	FAS
401	116301	36	obnoxious	Aztecan	crowder	
402	116302	36	fragile	acuity	merry	
403	116601	36	apprehensible	sinking	cadenced	
404	116602	36	births	beasts	alimony	A
405	116603	36	garages	Witt	principled	A
406	116701	36	panty	physicists	golfing	
407	116702	36	anteater	folksong	undiscovered	
408	118001	36	displacement	strokes	irritates	
409	118002	36	drovers	crowder	patriots	A
410	118003	36	patenting	merry	rooms	FAS
411	118004	36	far	cadenced	towering	W
412	118005	36	shrieks	alimony	displease	
413	118006	36	aligning	principled	photosensitive	
414	118007	36	pragmatism	golfing	inking	
415	118008	36	fevers	undiscovered	gainers	
416	118101	36	reexamines	irritates	leaning	A
417	118102	36	occupancies	patriots	hydrant	A
418	118103	36	sweats	rooms	preserve	
419	118202	36	modulators	towering	blinded	A
420	118203	36	demand	displease	interactions	A
421	118204	36	Madeira	photosensitive	Barry	
422	118302	36	Viennese	inking	whiteness	A
423	118304	36	chillier	gainers	pastimes	W
424	118305	36	wildcats	leaning	Edenization	
425	118306	36	gentle	hydrant	Muscat	
426	118307	36	Angles	preserve	assassinated	
427	123101	36	accuracies	blinded	labeled	
428	123102	36	toggle	interactions	glacial	A
429	123301	36	Mendelssohn	Barry	implied	W
430	126001	36	behaviorally	whiteness	bibliographies	W
431	126002	36	Rochford	pastimes	Buchanan	
432	126003	36	mirror	Edenization	forgivably	FAS
433	126101	36	Modula	Muscat	innuendo	A
434	126301	36	clobbering	assassinated	den	FAS
435	126302	36	chronography	labeled	submarines	W
436	126402	36	Eskimoizeds	glacial	mouthful	A
437	126601	36	British	implied	expiring	
438	126602	36	pitfalls	bibliographies	unfulfilled	FAS
439	126702	36	verify	Buchanan	precession	
440	128001	36	scatter	forgivably	nullified	
441	128002	36	Aztecan	innuendo	affects	
442	128003	36	acuity	den	Cynthia	
443	128004	36	sinking	submarines	Chablis	A
444	128005	36	beasts	mouthful	betterments	FAS
445	128007	36	Witt	expiring	advertising	
446	128008	36	physicists	unfulfilled	rubies	A
447	128009	36	folksong	precession	southwest	FAS
448	128010	36	strokes	nullified	superstitious	A
449	128011	36	crowder	affects	tabernacle	W
450	128012	36	merry	Cynthia	silk	A
451	128013	36	cadenced	Chablis	handsomest	A
452	128014	36	alimony	betterments	Persian	A
453	128015	36	principled	advertising	analog	W
454	128016	36	golfing	rubies	complex	W
455	128017	36	undiscovered	southwest	Taoist	
456	128018	36	irritates	superstitious	suspend	
457	128019	36	patriots	tabernacle	relegated	
458	128020	36	rooms	silk	awesome	W
459	128021	36	towering	handsomest	Bruxelles	
460	128022	36	displease	Persian	imprecisely	A
461	128023	36	photosensitive	analog	televise	
462	128101	36	inking	complex	braking	
463	128102	36	gainers	Taoist	true	FAS
464	128103	36	leaning	suspend	disappointing	FAS
465	128104	36	hydrant	relegated	navally	W
466	128106	36	preserve	awesome	circus	
467	128107	36	blinded	Bruxelles	beetles	
468	128108	36	interactions	imprecisely	trumps	
469	128202	36	Barry	televise	fourscore	W
470	128203	36	whiteness	braking	Blackfoots	
471	128301	36	pastimes	true	Grady	
472	128302	36	Edenization	disappointing	quiets	FAS
473	128303	36	Muscat	navally	floundered	FAS
474	128304	36	assassinated	circus	profundity	W
475	128305	36	labeled	beetles	Garrisonian	W
476	128307	36	glacial	trumps	Strauss	
477	128401	36	implied	fourscore	cemented	FAS
478	128502	36	bibliographies	Blackfoots	contrition	A
479	128503	36	Buchanan	Grady	mutations	
480	128504	36	forgivably	quiets	exhibits	W
481	128505	36	innuendo	floundered	tits	
482	128601	36	den	profundity	mate	A
483	128603	36	submarines	Garrisonian	arches	
484	128604	36	mouthful	Strauss	Moll	
485	128702	36	expiring	cemented	ropers	
486	128703	36	unfulfilled	contrition	bombast	
487	128704	36	precession	mutations	difficultly	A
488	138001	36	nullified	exhibits	adsorption	
489	138002	36	affects	tits	definiteness	FAS
490	138003	36	Cynthia	mate	cultivation	A
491	138004	36	Chablis	arches	heals	A
492	138005	36	betterments	Moll	Heusen	W
493	138006	36	advertising	ropers	target	FAS
494	138007	36	rubies	bombast	cited	A
495	138008	36	southwest	difficultly	congresswoman	W
496	138009	36	superstitious	adsorption	Katherine	
497	138102	36	tabernacle	definiteness	titter	A
498	138103	36	silk	cultivation	aspire	A
499	138104	36	handsomest	heals	Mardis	
500	138105	36	Persian	Heusen	Nadia	W
501	138201	36	analog	target	estimating	FAS
502	138302	36	complex	cited	stuck	A
503	138303	36	Taoist	congresswoman	fifteenth	A
504	138304	36	suspend	Katherine	Colombo	
505	138401	29	relegated	titter	survey	A
506	140102	29	awesome	aspire	staffing	
507	140103	29	Bruxelles	Mardis	obtain	
508	140104	29	imprecisely	Nadia	loaded	
509	140105	29	televise	estimating	slaughtered	
510	140201	29	braking	stuck	lights	A
511	140701	29	true	fifteenth	circumference	
512	141501	29	disappointing	Colombo	dull	A
513	141502	29	navally	survey	weekly	A
514	141901	29	circus	staffing	wetness	
515	141902	29	beetles	obtain	visualized	
516	142101	29	trumps	loaded	Tannenbaum	
517	142102	29	fourscore	slaughtered	moribund	
518	142103	29	Blackfoots	lights	demultiplex	
519	142701	29	Grady	circumference	lockings	
520	143001	29	quiets	dull	thugs	FAS
521	143501	29	floundered	weekly	unnerves	
522	143502	29	profundity	wetness	abut	
523	148001	29	Garrisonian	visualized	Chippewa	A
524	148002	29	Strauss	Tannenbaum	stratifications	A
525	148003	29	cemented	moribund	signaled	
526	148004	29	contrition	demultiplex	Italianizes	A
527	148005	29	mutations	lockings	algorithmic	A
528	148006	29	exhibits	thugs	paranoid	FAS
529	148007	29	tits	unnerves	camping	A
530	148009	29	mate	abut	signifying	A
531	148010	29	arches	Chippewa	Patrice	W
532	148011	29	Moll	stratifications	search	A
533	148012	29	ropers	signaled	Angeles	A
534	148013	29	bombast	Italianizes	semblance	
535	148023	36	difficultly	algorithmic	taxed	
536	148015	29	adsorption	paranoid	Beatrice	
537	148016	29	definiteness	camping	retrace	
538	148017	29	cultivation	signifying	lockout	
539	148018	29	heals	Patrice	grammatic	
540	148019	29	Heusen	search	helmsman	
541	148020	29	target	Angeles	uniform	W
542	148021	29	cited	semblance	hamming	
543	148022	29	congresswoman	taxed	disobedience	
544	148101	29	Katherine	Beatrice	captivated	A
545	148102	29	titter	retrace	transferals	A
546	148201	29	aspire	lockout	cartographer	A
547	148401	29	Mardis	grammatic	aims	FAS
548	148402	29	Nadia	helmsman	Pakistani	
549	148501	29	estimating	uniform	burglarized	FAS
550	148502	29	stuck	hamming	saucepans	A
551	148503	29	fifteenth	disobedience	lacerating	A
552	148504	29	Colombo	captivated	corny	
553	148601	29	survey	transferals	megabytes	FAS
554	148602	29	staffing	cartographer	chancellor	
555	150701	29	obtain	aims	bulk	A
556	152101	29	loaded	Pakistani	commits	A
557	152102	29	slaughtered	burglarized	meson	W
558	155202	36	lights	saucepans	deputies	
559	155203	29	circumference	lacerating	northeaster	A
560	155204	29	dull	corny	dipole	
561	155205	29	weekly	megabytes	machining	0
562	156001	29	wetness	chancellor	therefore	
563	156002	29	visualized	bulk	Telefunken	
564	156102	29	Tannenbaum	commits	salvaging	
565	156301	29	moribund	meson	Corinthianizes	A
566	156302	29	demultiplex	deputies	restlessly	A
567	156303	29	lockings	northeaster	bromides	
568	156304	29	thugs	dipole	generalized	A
569	156305	29	unnerves	machining	mishaps	
570	156306	29	abut	therefore	quelling	
571	156501	29	Chippewa	Telefunken	spiritual	A
572	158001	29	stratifications	salvaging	beguiles	FAS
573	158002	29	signaled	Corinthianizes	Trobriand	FAS
574	158101	29	Italianizes	restlessly	fleeing	A
575	158102	29	algorithmic	bromides	Armour	A
576	158103	29	paranoid	generalized	chin	A
577	158201	29	camping	mishaps	provers	A
578	158202	29	signifying	quelling	aeronautic	A
579	158203	29	Patrice	spiritual	voltage	W
580	158204	29	search	beguiles	sash	
581	158301	29	Angeles	Trobriand	anaerobic	A
582	158302	29	semblance	fleeing	simultaneous	A
583	158303	29	taxed	Armour	accumulating	A
584	158304	29	Beatrice	chin	Medusan	A
585	158305	29	retrace	provers	shouted	A
586	158306	29	lockout	aeronautic	freakish	
587	158501	29	grammatic	voltage	index	FAS
588	160301	29	helmsman	sash	commercially	
589	166101	50	uniform	anaerobic	mistiness	A
590	166102	50	hamming	simultaneous	endpoint	
591	168001	29	disobedience	accumulating	straight	A
592	168002	29	captivated	Medusan	flurried	
593	168003	29	transferals	shouted	denotative	A
594	168101	29	cartographer	freakish	coming	FAS
595	168102	29	aims	index	commencements	FAS
596	168103	29	Pakistani	commercially	gentleman	
597	168104	29	burglarized	mistiness	gifted	
598	168202	29	saucepans	endpoint	Shanghais	
599	168301	29	lacerating	straight	sportswriting	A
600	168502	29	corny	flurried	sloping	A
601	168503	29	megabytes	denotative	navies	
602	168601	29	chancellor	coming	leaflet	A
603	173001	40	bulk	commencements	shooter	
604	173701	40	commits	gentleman	Joplin	FAS
605	173702	40	meson	gifted	babies	
606	176001	40	deputies	Shanghais	subdivision	FAS
607	176101	40	northeaster	sportswriting	burstiness	W
608	176201	40	dipole	sloping	belted	FAS
609	176401	40	machining	navies	assails	FAS
610	176501	40	therefore	leaflet	admiring	W
611	176601	40	Telefunken	shooter	swaying	0
612	176602	40	salvaging	Joplin	Goldstine	FAS
613	176603	40	Corinthianizes	babies	fitting	
614	178001	40	restlessly	subdivision	Norwalk	W
615	178002	40	bromides	burstiness	weakening	W
616	178003	40	generalized	belted	analogy	FAS
617	178004	40	mishaps	assails	deludes	
618	178005	40	quelling	admiring	cokes	
619	178006	40	spiritual	swaying	Clayton	
620	178007	40	beguiles	Goldstine	exhausts	
621	178008	40	Trobriand	fitting	causality	
622	178101	40	fleeing	Norwalk	sating	FAS
623	178102	40	Armour	weakening	icon	
624	178103	40	chin	analogy	throttles	
625	178201	40	provers	deludes	communicants	FAS
626	178202	40	aeronautic	cokes	dehydrate	FAS
627	178301	40	voltage	Clayton	priceless	FAS
628	178302	40	sash	exhausts	publicly	
629	178401	40	anaerobic	causality	incidentals	FAS
630	178402	40	simultaneous	sating	commonplace	
631	178403	40	accumulating	icon	mumbles	
632	178404	40	Medusan	throttles	furthermore	W
633	178501	40	shouted	communicants	cautioned	W
634	186002	37	freakish	dehydrate	parametrized	A
635	186102	37	index	priceless	registration	A
636	186201	40	commercially	publicly	sadly	FAS
637	186202	40	mistiness	incidentals	positioning	
638	186203	40	endpoint	commonplace	babysitting	
639	186302	37	straight	mumbles	eternal	A
640	188007	37	flurried	furthermore	hoarder	
641	188008	37	denotative	cautioned	congregates	
642	188009	37	coming	parametrized	rains	
643	188010	37	commencements	registration	workers	W
644	188011	37	gentleman	sadly	sags	A
645	188012	37	gifted	positioning	unplug	W
646	188013	37	Shanghais	babysitting	garage	A
647	188014	37	sportswriting	eternal	boulder	A
648	188015	37	sloping	hoarder	hollowly	A
649	188016	37	navies	congregates	specifics	
650	188017	37	leaflet	rains	Teresa	
651	188102	37	shooter	workers	Winsett	
652	188103	37	Joplin	sags	convenient	A
653	188202	37	babies	unplug	buckboards	FAS
654	188301	40	subdivision	garage	amenities	
655	188302	40	burstiness	boulder	resplendent	FAS
656	188303	40	belted	hollowly	priding	FAS
657	188401	37	assails	specifics	configurations	
658	188402	37	admiring	Teresa	untidiness	A
659	188503	37	swaying	Winsett	Brice	W
660	188504	37	Goldstine	convenient	sews	FAS
661	188505	37	fitting	buckboards	participated	
662	190701	37	Norwalk	amenities	Simon	FAS
663	190703	50	weakening	resplendent	certificates	
664	191701	37	analogy	priding	Fitzpatrick	
665	191702	37	deludes	configurations	Evanston	A
666	191703	37	cokes	untidiness	misted	
667	196001	37	Clayton	Brice	textures	A
668	196002	37	exhausts	sews	save	
669	196003	37	causality	participated	count	
670	196101	37	sating	Simon	rightful	A
671	196103	37	icon	certificates	chaperone	
672	196104	37	throttles	Fitzpatrick	Lizzy	A
673	196201	37	communicants	Evanston	clenched	A
674	196202	37	dehydrate	misted	effortlessly	
675	196203	37	priceless	textures	accessed	
676	198001	37	publicly	save	beaters	A
677	198003	37	incidentals	count	Hornblower	FAS
678	198004	37	commonplace	rightful	vests	A
679	198005	37	mumbles	chaperone	indulgences	FAS
680	198006	37	furthermore	Lizzy	infallibly	A
681	198007	37	cautioned	clenched	unwilling	FAS
682	198008	37	parametrized	effortlessly	excrete	FAS
683	198009	37	registration	accessed	spools	A
684	198010	37	sadly	beaters	crunches	FAS
685	198011	37	positioning	Hornblower	overestimating	FAS
686	198012	37	babysitting	vests	ineffective	
687	198013	37	eternal	indulgences	humiliation	A
688	198014	37	hoarder	infallibly	sophomore	
689	198015	37	congregates	unwilling	star	
690	198017	37	rains	excrete	rifles	
691	198018	37	workers	spools	dialysis	
692	198019	37	sags	crunches	arriving	
693	198020	37	unplug	overestimating	indulge	
694	198021	37	garage	ineffective	clockers	
695	198022	37	boulder	humiliation	languages	
696	198023	50	hollowly	sophomore	Antarctica	A
697	198024	37	specifics	star	percentage	
698	198101	37	Teresa	rifles	ceiling	A
699	198103	37	Winsett	dialysis	specification	
700	198105	37	convenient	arriving	regimented	A
701	198106	37	buckboards	indulge	ciphers	
702	198201	37	amenities	clockers	pictures	A
703	198204	37	resplendent	languages	serpents	A
704	198301	53	priding	Antarctica	allot	A
705	198302	53	configurations	percentage	realized	A
706	198303	53	untidiness	ceiling	mayoral	A
707	198304	53	Brice	specification	opaquely	A
708	198401	37	sews	regimented	hostess	FAS
709	198402	37	participated	ciphers	fiftieth	
710	198403	37	Simon	pictures	incorrectly	
711	202101	37	certificates	serpents	decomposition	FAS
712	202301	37	Fitzpatrick	allot	stranglings	
713	202302	37	Evanston	realized	mixture	FAS
714	202303	37	misted	mayoral	electroencephalography	FAS
715	202304	37	textures	opaquely	similarities	FAS
716	202305	37	save	hostess	charges	W
717	202601	37	count	fiftieth	freest	FAS
718	202602	37	rightful	incorrectly	Greenberg	FAS
719	202605	37	chaperone	decomposition	tinting	
720	202606	37	Lizzy	stranglings	expelled	W
721	202607	37	clenched	mixture	warm	
722	202901	37	effortlessly	electroencephalography	smoothed	
723	202902	37	accessed	similarities	deductions	FAS
724	202903	37	beaters	charges	Romano	W
725	202904	37	Hornblower	freest	bitterroot	
726	202907	37	vests	Greenberg	corset	
727	202908	37	indulgences	tinting	securing	
728	203101	37	infallibly	expelled	environing	FAS
729	203103	37	unwilling	warm	cute	
730	203104	37	excrete	smoothed	Crays	
731	203105	37	spools	deductions	heiress	FAS
732	203401	37	crunches	Romano	inform	FAS
733	203402	37	overestimating	bitterroot	avenge	
734	203404	37	ineffective	corset	universals	
735	203901	37	humiliation	securing	Kinsey	W
736	203902	37	sophomore	environing	ravines	FAS
737	203903	37	star	cute	bestseller	
738	203906	37	rifles	Crays	equilibrium	
739	203907	37	dialysis	heiress	extents	0
740	203908	37	arriving	inform	relatively	
741	203909	37	indulge	avenge	pressure	FAS
742	206101	37	clockers	universals	critiques	FAS
743	206201	37	languages	Kinsey	befouled	
744	206202	37	Antarctica	ravines	rightfully	FAS
745	206203	37	percentage	bestseller	mechanizing	FAS
746	206206	37	ceiling	equilibrium	Latinizes	
747	206207	37	specification	extents	timesharing	
748	206208	37	regimented	relatively	Aden	
749	208001	37	ciphers	pressure	embassies	
750	208002	37	pictures	critiques	males	FAS
751	208003	37	serpents	befouled	shapelessly	FAS
752	208004	37	allot	rightfully	genres	FAS
753	208008	37	realized	mechanizing	mastering	
754	208009	37	mayoral	Latinizes	Newtonian	
755	208010	37	opaquely	timesharing	finishers	FAS
756	208011	37	hostess	Aden	abates	
757	208101	37	fiftieth	embassies	teem	
758	208102	37	incorrectly	males	kiting	FAS
759	208103	37	decomposition	shapelessly	stodgy	FAS
760	208104	37	stranglings	genres	scalps	FAS
761	208105	37	mixture	mastering	feed	FAS
762	208110	37	electroencephalography	Newtonian	guitars	
763	208111	37	similarities	finishers	airships	
764	208112	37	charges	abates	store	
765	208113	37	freest	teem	denounces	
766	208201	37	Greenberg	kiting	Pyle	FAS
767	208203	37	tinting	stodgy	Saxony	
768	208301	37	expelled	scalps	serializations	FAS
769	208302	37	warm	feed	Peruvian	FAS
770	208305	37	smoothed	guitars	taxonomically	FAS
771	208401	37	deductions	airships	kingdom	A
772	208402	37	Romano	store	stint	A
773	208403	37	bitterroot	denounces	Sault	A
774	208404	37	corset	Pyle	faithful	
775	208501	37	securing	Saxony	Ganymede	FAS
776	208502	37	environing	serializations	tidiness	FAS
777	208503	37	cute	Peruvian	gainful	FAS
778	208504	37	Crays	taxonomically	contrary	FAS
779	208505	37	heiress	kingdom	Tipperary	FAS
780	210101	37	inform	stint	tropics	W
781	210102	37	avenge	Sault	theorizers	
782	210103	37	universals	faithful	renew	0
783	210104	37	Kinsey	Ganymede	already	
784	210105	37	ravines	tidiness	terminal	
785	210106	37	bestseller	gainful	Hegelian	
786	210107	37	equilibrium	contrary	hypothesizer	
787	210401	37	extents	Tipperary	warningly	FAS
788	213201	37	relatively	tropics	journalizing	FAS
789	213203	37	pressure	theorizers	nested	
790	213204	37	critiques	renew	Lars	
791	213205	37	befouled	already	saplings	
792	213206	37	rightfully	terminal	foothill	
793	213207	37	mechanizing	Hegelian	labeled	
794	216101	37	Latinizes	hypothesizer	imperiously	FAS
795	216103	37	timesharing	warningly	reporters	FAS
796	218001	37	Aden	journalizing	furnishings	FAS
797	218002	37	embassies	nested	precipitable	FAS
798	218003	37	males	Lars	discounts	FAS
799	218004	37	shapelessly	saplings	excises	FAS
800	143503	50	genres	foothill	Stalin	
801	218006	37	mastering	labeled	despot	FAS
802	218007	37	Newtonian	imperiously	ripeness	FAS
803	218008	37	finishers	reporters	Arabia	
804	218009	37	abates	furnishings	unruly	
805	218010	37	teem	precipitable	mournfulness	
806	218011	37	kiting	discounts	boom	FAS
807	218020	37	stodgy	excises	slaughter	A
808	218021	50	scalps	Stalin	Sabine	
809	218022	37	feed	despot	handy	FAS
810	218023	37	guitars	ripeness	rural	
811	218024	37	airships	Arabia	organizer	
812	218101	37	store	unruly	shipyard	FAS
813	218102	37	denounces	mournfulness	civics	FAS
814	218103	37	Pyle	boom	inaccuracy	FAS
815	218201	37	Saxony	slaughter	rules	FAS
816	218202	37	serializations	Sabine	juveniles	FAS
817	218203	37	Peruvian	handy	comprised	W
818	218204	37	taxonomically	rural	investigations	
819	218205	37	kingdom	organizer	stabilizes	A
820	218301	37	stint	shipyard	seminaries	FAS
821	218302	37	Sault	civics	Hunter	A
822	218401	37	faithful	inaccuracy	sporty	FAS
823	218402	37	Ganymede	rules	test	FAS
824	218403	37	tidiness	juveniles	weasels	
825	218404	37	gainful	comprised	CERN	
826	218407	37	contrary	investigations	tempering	
827	218408	37	Tipperary	stabilizes	afore	FAS
828	218409	37	tropics	seminaries	Galatean	
829	218410	37	theorizers	Hunter	techniques	W
830	226001	37	renew	sporty	error	
831	226002	37	already	test	veranda	
832	226003	37	terminal	weasels	severely	
833	226004	37	Hegelian	CERN	Cassites	FAS
834	226005	37	hypothesizer	tempering	forthcoming	
835	226006	37	warningly	afore	guides	
836	226007	37	journalizing	Galatean	vanish	FAS
837	226008	37	nested	techniques	lied	A
838	226203	37	Lars	error	sawtooth	FAS
839	226204	37	saplings	veranda	fated	FAS
840	226205	37	foothill	severely	gradually	
841	226206	37	labeled	Cassites	widens	
842	226207	37	imperiously	forthcoming	preclude	
843	226208	37	reporters	guides	Jobrel	
844	226209	37	furnishings	vanish	hooker	
845	226210	37	precipitable	lied	rainstorm	
846	226211	37	discounts	sawtooth	disconnects	
847	228001	37	excises	fated	cruelty	
848	228004	37	Stalin	gradually	exponentials	A
849	228005	37	despot	widens	affective	A
850	228006	37	ripeness	preclude	arteries	
851	228007	37	Arabia	Jobrel	Crosby	FAS
852	228008	37	unruly	hooker	acquaint	
853	228009	37	mournfulness	rainstorm	evenhandedly	
854	228101	37	boom	disconnects	percentage	
855	228108	37	slaughter	cruelty	disobedience	
856	228109	37	Sabine	exponentials	humility	
857	228110	37	handy	affective	gleaning	A
858	228111	37	rural	arteries	petted	A
859	228112	37	organizer	Crosby	bloater	A
860	228113	37	shipyard	acquaint	minion	A
861	228114	37	civics	evenhandedly	marginal	A
862	228115	37	inaccuracy	percentage	apiary	A
863	228116	37	rules	disobedience	measures	
864	228117	37	juveniles	humility	precaution	
865	228118	37	comprised	gleaning	repelled	
866	228119	37	investigations	petted	primary	FAS
867	228120	37	stabilizes	bloater	coverings	
868	228121	37	seminaries	minion	Artemia	A
869	228122	37	Hunter	marginal	navigate	
870	228201	37	sporty	apiary	spatial	
871	228206	37	test	measures	Gurkha	
872	228207	37	weasels	precaution	meanwhile	A
873	228208	37	CERN	repelled	Melinda	A
874	228209	37	tempering	primary	Butterfield	
875	228210	37	afore	coverings	Aldrich	A
876	228211	37	Galatean	Artemia	previewing	A
877	228212	37	techniques	navigate	glut	A
878	228213	37	error	spatial	unaffected	
879	228214	37	veranda	Gurkha	inmate	
880	228301	37	severely	meanwhile	mineral	
881	228305	37	Cassites	Melinda	impending	A
882	228306	37	forthcoming	Butterfield	meditation	A
883	228307	37	guides	Aldrich	ideas	
884	228308	37	vanish	previewing	miniaturizes	W
885	228309	37	lied	glut	lewdly	
886	228310	37	sawtooth	unaffected	title	
887	228311	37	fated	inmate	youthfulness	
888	228312	37	gradually	mineral	creak	FAS
889	228313	37	widens	impending	Chippewa	
890	228314	37	preclude	meditation	clamored	
891	228401	65	Jobrel	ideas	freezes	
892	228402	65	hooker	miniaturizes	forgivably	FAS
893	228403	65	rainstorm	lewdly	reduce	FAS
894	228404	65	disconnects	title	McGovern	W
895	228405	65	cruelty	youthfulness	Nazis	W
896	228406	65	exponentials	creak	epistle	W
897	228407	65	affective	Chippewa	socializes	W
898	228408	65	arteries	clamored	conceptions	
899	228409	65	Crosby	freezes	Kevin	
900	228410	65	acquaint	forgivably	uncovering	
901	230301	37	evenhandedly	reduce	chews	FAS
902	230302	37	percentage	McGovern	appendixes	FAS
903	230303	37	disobedience	Nazis	raining	
904	018062	37	humility	epistle	infest	
905	230501	37	gleaning	socializes	compartment	
906	230502	37	petted	conceptions	minting	
907	230503	37	bloater	Kevin	ducks	
908	230504	37	minion	uncovering	roped	A
909	230505	37	marginal	chews	waltz	
910	230506	37	apiary	appendixes	Lillian	
911	230507	37	measures	raining	repressions	A
912	230508	37	precaution	infest	chillingly	
913	230509	37	repelled	compartment	noncritical	
914	230901	37	primary	minting	lithograph	
915	230902	37	coverings	ducks	spongers	
916	230903	37	Artemia	roped	parenthood	
917	230904	37	navigate	waltz	posed	
918	230905	37	spatial	Lillian	instruments	
919	230906	37	Gurkha	repressions	filial	
920	230907	37	meanwhile	chillingly	fixedly	
921	230908	37	Melinda	noncritical	relives	
922	230909	37	Butterfield	lithograph	Pandora	
923	230910	37	Aldrich	spongers	watering	A
924	230911	37	previewing	parenthood	ungrateful	
925	230912	37	glut	posed	secures	
926	230913	37	unaffected	instruments	chastisers	
927	230914	37	inmate	filial	icon	
928	231304	37	mineral	fixedly	reuniting	A
929	231305	37	impending	relives	imagining	A
930	231306	37	meditation	Pandora	abiding	A
931	231307	37	ideas	watering	omnisciently	
932	231308	37	miniaturizes	ungrateful	Britannic	
933	231309	37	lewdly	secures	scholastics	A
934	231310	37	title	chastisers	mechanics	A
935	231311	37	youthfulness	icon	humidly	A
936	231312	37	creak	reuniting	masterpiece	
937	231313	37	Chippewa	imagining	however	
938	231314	37	clamored	abiding	Mendelian	
939	231315	37	freezes	omnisciently	jarred	
940	232102	37	forgivably	Britannic	scolds	
941	232103	37	reduce	scholastics	infatuate	
942	232104	37	McGovern	mechanics	willed	A
943	232105	37	Nazis	humidly	joyfully	
944	232106	37	epistle	masterpiece	Microsoft	
945	232107	37	socializes	however	fibrosities	
946	232108	37	conceptions	Mendelian	Baltimorean	
947	232601	37	Kevin	jarred	equestrian	
948	232602	37	uncovering	scolds	Goodrich	
949	232603	37	chews	infatuate	apish	A
950	232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5950	1232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5951	1232606	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5952	1232607	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5953	1232608	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5954	1232609	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
951	232606	37	raining	joyfully	Tropez	
952	232607	37	infest	Microsoft	nouns	
953	232608	37	compartment	fibrosities	distracting	
954	232609	37	minting	Baltimorean	mutton	
955	236104	37	ducks	equestrian	bridgeable	A
956	236105	37	roped	Goodrich	stickers	A
957	236106	37	waltz	apish	transcontinental	A
958	236107	37	Lillian	Adlerian	amateurish	
959	236108	37	repressions	Tropez	Gandhian	
960	236109	37	chillingly	nouns	stratified	
961	236110	37	noncritical	distracting	chamberlains	
962	236111	37	lithograph	mutton	creditably	
963	236112	37	spongers	bridgeable	philosophic	
964	236113	37	parenthood	stickers	ores	
965	238005	37	posed	transcontinental	Carleton	
966	238006	37	instruments	amateurish	tape	A
967	238007	37	filial	Gandhian	afloat	A
968	238008	37	fixedly	stratified	goodness	A
969	238009	37	relives	chamberlains	welcoming	
970	238010	37	Pandora	creditably	Pinsky	FAS
971	238011	37	watering	philosophic	halting	
972	238012	37	ungrateful	ores	bibliography	
973	238013	37	secures	Carleton	decoding	
974	240401	41	chastisers	tape	variance	A
975	240402	41	icon	afloat	allowed	A
976	240901	41	reuniting	goodness	dire	A
977	240902	41	imagining	welcoming	dub	A
978	241801	41	abiding	Pinsky	poisoning	
979	242101	41	omnisciently	halting	Iraqis	A
980	242102	41	Britannic	bibliography	heaving	
981	242201	41	scholastics	decoding	population	A
982	242202	41	mechanics	variance	bomb	A
983	242501	41	humidly	allowed	Majorca	A
984	242502	41	masterpiece	dire	Gershwins	
985	246201	41	however	dub	explorers	
986	246202	41	Mendelian	poisoning	libretto	A
987	246203	41	jarred	Iraqis	occurred	
988	246204	41	scolds	heaving	Lagos	
989	246205	41	infatuate	population	rats	
990	246301	41	willed	bomb	bankruptcies	A
991	246302	41	joyfully	Majorca	crying	
992	248001	41	Microsoft	Gershwins	unexpected	
993	248002	41	fibrosities	explorers	accessed	A
994	248003	41	Baltimorean	libretto	colorful	A
995	248004	41	equestrian	occurred	versatility	A
996	248005	41	Goodrich	Lagos	cosy	
997	248006	41	apish	rats	Darius	A
998	248007	41	Adlerian	bankruptcies	mastering	A
999	248008	41	Tropez	crying	Asiaticizations	A
1000	248009	41	nouns	unexpected	offerers	A
1001	248010	41	distracting	accessed	uncles	A
1002	248011	41	mutton	colorful	sleepwalk	
1003	248012	41	bridgeable	versatility	Ernestine	
1004	248013	41	stickers	cosy	checksumming	
1005	248014	41	transcontinental	Darius	stopped	
1006	248015	41	amateurish	mastering	sicker	
1007	248016	41	Gandhian	Asiaticizations	Italianization	
1008	248017	41	stratified	offerers	alphabetic	
1009	248018	41	chamberlains	uncles	pharmaceutic	
1010	248019	41	creditably	sleepwalk	creator	
1011	248020	41	philosophic	Ernestine	chess	
1012	248021	41	ores	checksumming	charcoal	
1013	248101	41	Carleton	stopped	Epiphany	A
1014	248102	41	tape	sicker	bulldozes	A
1015	248201	41	afloat	Italianization	Pygmalion	A
1016	248202	41	goodness	alphabetic	caressing	A
1017	248203	41	welcoming	pharmaceutic	Palestine	A
1018	248204	41	Pinsky	creator	regimented	A
1019	248205	41	halting	chess	scars	A
1020	248206	41	bibliography	charcoal	realest	A
1021	248207	41	decoding	Epiphany	diffusing	A
1022	248208	41	variance	bulldozes	clubroom	A
1023	248209	41	allowed	Pygmalion	Blythe	A
1024	248210	41	dire	caressing	ahead	
1025	248211	50	dub	Palestine	reviver	
1026	250501	34	poisoning	regimented	retransmitting	A
1027	250502	34	Iraqis	scars	landslide	
1028	250503	34	heaving	realest	Eiffel	
1029	250504	34	population	diffusing	absentee	
1030	250505	34	bomb	clubroom	aye	
1031	250601	34	Majorca	Blythe	forked	A
1032	250602	34	Gershwins	ahead	Peruvianizes	
1033	250603	34	explorers	reviver	clerked	
1034	250604	34	libretto	retransmitting	tutor	
1035	250605	34	occurred	landslide	boulevard	
1036	251001	34	Lagos	Eiffel	shuttered	
1037	251002	34	rats	absentee	quotes	A
1038	251003	34	bankruptcies	aye	Caltech	
1039	251004	34	crying	forked	Mossberg	
1040	251005	34	unexpected	Peruvianizes	kept	
1041	251301	34	accessed	clerked	roundly	
1042	251302	34	colorful	tutor	features	A
1043	251303	34	versatility	boulevard	imaginable	A
1044	251304	34	cosy	shuttered	controller	
1045	251305	34	Darius	quotes	racial	
1046	251401	34	mastering	Caltech	uprisings	A
1047	251402	34	Asiaticizations	Mossberg	narrowed	A
1048	251403	34	offerers	kept	cannot	A
1049	251404	34	uncles	roundly	vest	
1050	251405	34	sleepwalk	features	famine	
1051	251406	34	Ernestine	imaginable	sugars	
1052	251801	34	checksumming	controller	exterminated	A
1053	251802	34	stopped	racial	belays	
1054	252101	34	sicker	uprisings	Hodges	A
1055	252102	34	Italianization	narrowed	translatable	
1056	252301	34	alphabetic	cannot	duality	A
1057	252302	34	pharmaceutic	vest	recording	A
1058	252303	34	creator	famine	rouses	A
1059	252304	34	chess	sugars	poison	
1060	252305	34	charcoal	exterminated	attitude	
1061	252306	34	Epiphany	belays	dusted	
1062	252307	34	bulldozes	Hodges	encompasses	
1063	252308	34	Pygmalion	translatable	presentation	
1064	252309	34	caressing	duality	Kantian	
1065	256001	34	Palestine	recording	imprecision	A
1066	256002	34	regimented	rouses	saving	
1067	256003	34	scars	poison	maternal	
1068	256004	34	realest	attitude	hewed	
1069	256005	34	diffusing	dusted	kerosene	
1070	258001	34	clubroom	encompasses	Cubans	
1071	258002	34	Blythe	presentation	photographers	
1072	258003	34	ahead	Kantian	nymph	A
1073	258004	34	reviver	imprecision	bedlam	A
1074	258005	34	retransmitting	saving	north	A
1075	258006	34	landslide	maternal	Schoenberg	A
1076	258007	34	Eiffel	hewed	botany	A
1077	258008	34	absentee	kerosene	curs	
1078	258009	34	aye	Cubans	solidification	
1079	258010	34	forked	photographers	inheritresses	
1080	258011	34	Peruvianizes	nymph	stiller	
1081	258101	68	clerked	bedlam	t1	A
1082	258102	68	tutor	north	suite	A
1083	258103	34	boulevard	Schoenberg	ransomer	
1084	258104	68	shuttered	botany	Willy	
1085	258105	68	quotes	curs	Rena	A
1086	258106	68	Caltech	solidification	Seattle	A
1087	258107	68	Mossberg	inheritresses	relaxes	A
1088	258108	68	kept	stiller	exclaim	
1089	258109	68	roundly	t1	implicated	A
1090	258110	68	features	suite	distinguish	
1091	258111	68	imaginable	ransomer	assayed	
1092	258112	68	controller	Willy	homeowner	
1093	258113	68	racial	Rena	and	
1094	258201	34	uprisings	Seattle	stealth	
1095	258202	34	narrowed	relaxes	coinciding	A
1096	258203	34	cannot	exclaim	founder	A
1097	258204	34	vest	implicated	environing	
1098	258205	34	famine	distinguish	jewelry	
1099	258301	34	sugars	assayed	lemons	A
1100	258401	34	exterminated	homeowner	brokenness	A
1101	258402	34	belays	and	bedpost	A
1102	258403	34	Hodges	stealth	assurers	A
1103	258404	34	translatable	coinciding	annoyers	
1104	258405	34	duality	founder	affixed	
1105	258406	34	recording	environing	warbling	
1106	258407	34	rouses	jewelry	seriously	
1107	228123	37	poison	lemons	boasted	
1108	250606	34	attitude	brokenness	Chantilly	
1109	208405	37	dusted	bedpost	Iranizes	
1110	212101	37	encompasses	assurers	violinist	
1111	218206	37	presentation	annoyers	extramarital	
1112	150401	37	Kantian	affixed	spates	
1113	248212	41	imprecision	warbling	cloakroom	
1114	128026	00	saving	seriously	gazer	
1115	128024	00	maternal	boasted	hand	
1116	128027	00	hewed	Chantilly	tucked	
1117	128025	00	kerosene	Iranizes	gems	
1118	128109	00	Cubans	violinist	clinker	
1119	128705	00	photographers	extramarital	refiner	
1120	126303	00	nymph	spates	callus	
1121	128308	00	bedlam	cloakroom	leopards	
1122	128204	00	north	gazer	comfortingly	
1123	128205	00	Schoenberg	hand	generically	
1124	128206	00	botany	tucked	getters	
1125	128207	00	curs	gems	sexually	
1126	118205	00	solidification	clinker	spear	
1127	116801	00	inheritresses	refiner	serums	
1128	116803	00	stiller	callus	Italianization	
1129	116804	00	t1	leopards	attendants	
1130	116802	00	suite	comfortingly	spies	
1131	128605	00	ransomer	generically	Anthony	
1132	118308	00	Willy	getters	planar	
1133	113702	00	Rena	sexually	cupped	
1134	113703	00	Seattle	spear	cleanser	
1135	112103	00	relaxes	serums	commuters	
1136	118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
5136	1118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
1137	138011	00	implicated	attendants	orphanage	
1138	138010	00	distinguish	spies	skies	
1139	138012	00	assayed	Anthony	crushers	
1140	068304	00	homeowner	planar	Puritan	
1141	078009	00	and	cupped	squeezer	
1142	108013	00	stealth	cleanser	bruises	
1143	084004	00	coinciding	commuters	bonfire	
1144	083402	00	founder	honeysuckle	Colombo	
1145	084003	00	environing	orphanage	nondecreasing	
1146	088504	00	jewelry	skies	innocents	
1147	088005	00	lemons	crushers	masked	
1148	088007	00	brokenness	Puritan	file	
1149	088006	00	bedpost	squeezer	brush	
1150	148025	00	assurers	bruises	mutilate	
1151	148024	00	annoyers	bonfire	mommy	
1152	138305	00	affixed	Colombo	bulkheads	
1153	138306	00	warbling	nondecreasing	undeclared	
1154	152701	00	seriously	innocents	displacements	
1155	148505	00	boasted	masked	nieces	
1156	158003	00	Chantilly	file	coeducation	
1157	156201	00	Iranizes	brush	brassy	
1158	156202	00	violinist	mutilate	authenticator	
1159	158307	00	extramarital	mommy	Washoe	
1160	158402	00	spates	bulkheads	penny	
1161	158401	00	cloakroom	undeclared	Flagler	
1162	068013	00	gazer	displacements	stoned	
1163	068012	00	hand	nieces	cranes	
1164	068203	00	tucked	coeducation	masterful	
1165	088205	00	gems	brassy	biracial	
1166	068704	00	clinker	authenticator	steamships	
1167	068604	00	refiner	Washoe	windmills	
1168	158502	00	callus	penny	exploit	
1169	123103	00	leopards	Flagler	riverfront	
1170	148026	00	comfortingly	stoned	sisterly	
1171	123302	00	generically	cranes	sharpshoot	
1172	076503	00	getters	masterful	mittens	
1173	126304	00	sexually	biracial	interdependency	
1174	068306	00	spear	steamships	policy	
1175	143504	00	serums	windmills	unleashing	
1176	160201	00	Italianization	exploit	pretenders	
1177	148028	00	attendants	riverfront	overstatements	
1178	148027	00	spies	sisterly	birthed	
1179	143505	00	Anthony	sharpshoot	opportunism	
1180	108014	00	planar	mittens	showroom	
1181	076104	00	cupped	interdependency	compromisingly	
1182	078106	00	cleanser	policy	Medicare	
1183	126102	00	commuters	unleashing	corresponds	
1184	128029	00	honeysuckle	pretenders	hardware	
1185	128028	00	orphanage	overstatements	implant	
1186	018410	00	skies	birthed	Alicia	
1187	128110	00	crushers	opportunism	requesting	
1188	148506	00	Puritan	showroom	produced	
1189	123303	00	squeezer	compromisingly	criticizes	
1190	123304	00	bruises	Medicare	backer	
1191	068504	00	bonfire	corresponds	positively	
1192	068305	00	Colombo	hardware	colicky	
1193	000000	00	nondecreasing	implant	thrillingly	
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
test.t2	check	status	OK
auto	fld1	companynr	fld3	fld4	fld5	fld6
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
5	011501	37	bewilderingly	wallet	balled	
6	011701	37	astound	parters	persist	W
7	011702	37	admonishing	eschew	attainments	
8	011703	37	sumac	quitter	fanatic	
9	012001	37	flanking	neat	measures	FAS
10	012003	37	combed	Steinberg	rightfulness	
11	012004	37	subjective	jarring	capably	
12	012005	37	scatterbrain	tinily	impulsive	
13	012301	37	Eulerian	balled	starlet	
14	012302	36	dubbed	persist	terminators	
15	012303	37	Kane	attainments	untying	
16	012304	37	overlay	fanatic	announces	FAS
17	012305	37	perturb	measures	featherweight	FAS
18	012306	37	goblins	rightfulness	pessimist	FAS
19	012501	37	annihilates	capably	daughter	
20	012602	37	Wotan	impulsive	decliner	FAS
21	012603	37	snatching	starlet	lawgiver	
22	012604	37	concludes	terminators	stated	
23	012605	37	laterally	untying	readable	
24	012606	37	yelped	announces	attrition	
25	012701	37	grazing	featherweight	cascade	FAS
26	012702	37	Baird	pessimist	motors	FAS
27	012703	37	celery	daughter	interrogate	
28	012704	37	misunderstander	decliner	pests	W
29	013601	37	handgun	lawgiver	stairway	
30	013602	37	foldout	stated	dopers	FAS
31	013603	37	mystic	readable	testicle	W
32	013604	37	succumbed	attrition	Parsifal	W
33	013605	37	Nabisco	cascade	leavings	
34	013606	37	fingerings	motors	postulation	W
35	013607	37	aging	interrogate	squeaking	
36	013608	37	afield	pests	contrasted	
37	013609	37	ammonium	stairway	leftover	
38	013610	37	boat	dopers	whiteners	
39	013801	37	intelligibility	testicle	erases	W
40	013802	37	Augustine	Parsifal	Punjab	W
41	013803	37	teethe	leavings	Merritt	
42	013804	37	dreaded	postulation	Quixotism	
43	013901	37	scholastics	squeaking	sweetish	FAS
44	016001	37	audiology	contrasted	dogging	FAS
45	016201	37	wallet	leftover	scornfully	FAS
46	016202	37	parters	whiteners	bellow	
47	016301	37	eschew	erases	bills	
48	016302	37	quitter	Punjab	cupboard	FAS
49	016303	37	neat	Merritt	sureties	FAS
50	016304	37	Steinberg	Quixotism	puddings	
51	018001	37	jarring	sweetish	tapestry	
52	018002	37	tinily	dogging	fetters	
53	018003	37	balled	scornfully	bivalves	
54	018004	37	persist	bellow	incurring	
55	018005	37	attainments	bills	Adolph	
56	018007	37	fanatic	cupboard	pithed	
57	018008	37	measures	sureties	emergency	
58	018009	37	rightfulness	puddings	Miles	
59	018010	37	capably	tapestry	trimmings	
60	018012	37	impulsive	fetters	tragedies	W
61	018013	37	starlet	bivalves	skulking	W
62	018014	37	terminators	incurring	flint	
63	018015	37	untying	Adolph	flopping	W
64	018016	37	announces	pithed	relaxing	FAS
65	018017	37	featherweight	emergency	offload	FAS
66	018018	37	pessimist	Miles	suites	W
67	018019	37	daughter	trimmings	lists	FAS
68	018020	37	decliner	tragedies	animized	FAS
69	018021	37	lawgiver	skulking	multilayer	W
70	018022	37	stated	flint	standardizes	FAS
71	018023	37	readable	flopping	Judas	
72	018024	37	attrition	relaxing	vacuuming	W
73	018025	37	cascade	offload	dentally	W
74	018026	37	motors	suites	humanness	W
75	018027	37	interrogate	lists	inch	W
76	018028	37	pests	animized	Weissmuller	W
77	018029	37	stairway	multilayer	irresponsibly	W
78	018030	37	dopers	standardizes	luckily	FAS
79	018032	37	testicle	Judas	culled	W
80	018033	37	Parsifal	vacuuming	medical	FAS
81	018034	37	leavings	dentally	bloodbath	FAS
82	018035	37	postulation	humanness	subschema	W
83	018036	37	squeaking	inch	animals	W
84	018037	37	contrasted	Weissmuller	Micronesia	
85	018038	37	leftover	irresponsibly	repetitions	
86	018039	37	whiteners	luckily	Antares	
87	018040	37	erases	culled	ventilate	W
88	018041	37	Punjab	medical	pityingly	
89	018042	37	Merritt	bloodbath	interdependent	
90	018043	37	Quixotism	subschema	Graves	FAS
91	018044	37	sweetish	animals	neonatal	
92	018045	37	dogging	Micronesia	scribbled	FAS
93	018046	37	scornfully	repetitions	chafe	W
94	018048	37	bellow	Antares	honoring	
95	018049	37	bills	ventilate	realtor	
96	018050	37	cupboard	pityingly	elite	
97	018051	37	sureties	interdependent	funereal	
98	018052	37	puddings	Graves	abrogating	
99	018053	50	tapestry	neonatal	sorters	
100	018054	37	fetters	scribbled	Conley	
101	018055	37	bivalves	chafe	lectured	
102	018056	37	incurring	honoring	Abraham	
103	018057	37	Adolph	realtor	Hawaii	W
104	018058	37	pithed	elite	cage	
105	018059	36	emergency	funereal	hushes	
106	018060	37	Miles	abrogating	Simla	
107	018061	37	trimmings	sorters	reporters	
108	018101	37	tragedies	Conley	Dutchman	FAS
109	018102	37	skulking	lectured	descendants	FAS
110	018103	37	flint	Abraham	groupings	FAS
111	018104	37	flopping	Hawaii	dissociate	
112	018201	37	relaxing	cage	coexist	W
113	018202	37	offload	hushes	Beebe	
114	018402	37	suites	Simla	Taoism	
115	018403	37	lists	reporters	Connally	
116	018404	37	animized	Dutchman	fetched	FAS
117	018405	37	multilayer	descendants	checkpoints	FAS
118	018406	37	standardizes	groupings	rusting	
119	018409	37	Judas	dissociate	galling	
120	018601	37	vacuuming	coexist	obliterates	
121	018602	37	dentally	Beebe	traitor	
122	018603	37	humanness	Taoism	resumes	FAS
123	018801	37	inch	Connally	analyzable	FAS
124	018802	37	Weissmuller	fetched	terminator	FAS
125	018803	37	irresponsibly	checkpoints	gritty	FAS
126	018804	37	luckily	rusting	firearm	W
127	018805	37	culled	galling	minima	
128	018806	37	medical	obliterates	Selfridge	
129	018807	37	bloodbath	traitor	disable	
130	018808	37	subschema	resumes	witchcraft	W
131	018809	37	animals	analyzable	betroth	W
132	018810	37	Micronesia	terminator	Manhattanize	
133	018811	37	repetitions	gritty	imprint	
134	018812	37	Antares	firearm	peeked	
135	019101	37	ventilate	minima	swelling	
136	019102	37	pityingly	Selfridge	interrelationships	W
137	019103	37	interdependent	disable	riser	
138	019201	37	Graves	witchcraft	Gandhian	W
139	030501	37	neonatal	betroth	peacock	A
140	030502	50	scribbled	Manhattanize	bee	A
141	030503	37	chafe	imprint	kanji	
142	030504	37	honoring	peeked	dental	
143	031901	37	realtor	swelling	scarf	FAS
144	036001	37	elite	interrelationships	chasm	A
145	036002	37	funereal	riser	insolence	A
146	036004	37	abrogating	Gandhian	syndicate	
147	036005	37	sorters	peacock	alike	
148	038001	37	Conley	bee	imperial	A
149	038002	37	lectured	kanji	convulsion	A
150	038003	37	Abraham	dental	railway	A
151	038004	37	Hawaii	scarf	validate	A
152	038005	37	cage	chasm	normalizes	A
153	038006	37	hushes	insolence	comprehensive	
154	038007	37	Simla	syndicate	chewing	
155	038008	37	reporters	alike	denizen	
156	038009	37	Dutchman	imperial	schemer	
157	038010	37	descendants	convulsion	chronicle	
158	038011	37	groupings	railway	Kline	
159	038012	37	dissociate	validate	Anatole	
160	038013	37	coexist	normalizes	partridges	
161	038014	37	Beebe	comprehensive	brunch	
162	038015	37	Taoism	chewing	recruited	
163	038016	37	Connally	denizen	dimensions	W
164	038017	37	fetched	schemer	Chicana	W
165	038018	37	checkpoints	chronicle	announced	
166	038101	37	rusting	Kline	praised	FAS
167	038102	37	galling	Anatole	employing	
168	038103	37	obliterates	partridges	linear	
169	038104	37	traitor	brunch	quagmire	
170	038201	37	resumes	recruited	western	A
171	038202	37	analyzable	dimensions	relishing	
172	038203	37	terminator	Chicana	serving	A
173	038204	37	gritty	announced	scheduling	
174	038205	37	firearm	praised	lore	
175	038206	37	minima	employing	eventful	
176	038208	37	Selfridge	linear	arteriole	A
177	042801	37	disable	quagmire	disentangle	
178	042802	37	witchcraft	western	cured	A
179	046101	37	betroth	relishing	Fenton	W
180	048001	37	Manhattanize	serving	avoidable	A
181	048002	37	imprint	scheduling	drains	A
182	048003	37	peeked	lore	detectably	FAS
183	048004	37	swelling	eventful	husky	
184	048005	37	interrelationships	arteriole	impelling	
185	048006	37	riser	disentangle	undoes	
186	048007	37	Gandhian	cured	evened	
187	048008	37	peacock	Fenton	squeezes	
188	048101	37	bee	avoidable	destroyer	FAS
189	048102	37	kanji	drains	rudeness	
190	048201	37	dental	detectably	beaner	FAS
191	048202	37	scarf	husky	boorish	
192	048203	37	chasm	impelling	Everhart	
193	048204	37	insolence	undoes	encompass	A
194	048205	37	syndicate	evened	mushrooms	
195	048301	37	alike	squeezes	Alison	A
196	048302	37	imperial	destroyer	externally	FAS
197	048303	37	convulsion	rudeness	pellagra	
198	048304	37	railway	beaner	cult	
199	048305	37	validate	boorish	creek	A
200	048401	37	normalizes	Everhart	Huffman	
201	048402	37	comprehensive	encompass	Majorca	FAS
202	048403	37	chewing	mushrooms	governing	A
203	048404	37	denizen	Alison	gadfly	FAS
204	048405	37	schemer	externally	reassigned	FAS
205	048406	37	chronicle	pellagra	intentness	W
206	048407	37	Kline	cult	craziness	
207	048408	37	Anatole	creek	psychic	
208	048409	37	partridges	Huffman	squabbled	
209	048410	37	brunch	Majorca	burlesque	
210	048411	37	recruited	governing	capped	
211	048412	37	dimensions	gadfly	extracted	A
212	048413	37	Chicana	reassigned	DiMaggio	
213	048601	37	announced	intentness	exclamation	FAS
214	048602	37	praised	craziness	subdirectory	
215	048603	37	employing	psychic	fangs	
216	048604	37	linear	squabbled	buyer	A
217	048801	37	quagmire	burlesque	pithing	A
218	050901	37	western	capped	transistorizing	A
219	051201	37	relishing	extracted	nonbiodegradable	
220	056002	37	serving	DiMaggio	dislocate	
221	056003	37	scheduling	exclamation	monochromatic	FAS
222	056004	37	lore	subdirectory	batting	
223	056102	37	eventful	fangs	postcondition	A
224	056203	37	arteriole	buyer	catalog	FAS
225	056204	37	disentangle	pithing	Remus	
226	058003	37	cured	transistorizing	devices	A
227	058004	37	Fenton	nonbiodegradable	bike	A
228	058005	37	avoidable	dislocate	qualify	
229	058006	37	drains	monochromatic	detained	
230	058007	37	detectably	batting	commended	
231	058101	37	husky	postcondition	civilize	
232	058102	37	impelling	catalog	Elmhurst	
233	058103	37	undoes	Remus	anesthetizing	
234	058105	37	evened	devices	deaf	
235	058111	37	squeezes	bike	Brigham	
236	058112	37	destroyer	qualify	title	
237	058113	37	rudeness	detained	coarse	
238	058114	37	beaner	commended	combinations	
239	058115	37	boorish	civilize	grayness	
240	058116	37	Everhart	Elmhurst	innumerable	FAS
241	058117	37	encompass	anesthetizing	Caroline	A
242	058118	37	mushrooms	deaf	fatty	FAS
243	058119	37	Alison	Brigham	eastbound	
244	058120	37	externally	title	inexperienced	
245	058121	37	pellagra	coarse	hoarder	A
246	058122	37	cult	combinations	scotch	W
247	058123	37	creek	grayness	passport	A
248	058124	37	Huffman	innumerable	strategic	FAS
249	058125	37	Majorca	Caroline	gated	
250	058126	37	governing	fatty	flog	
251	058127	37	gadfly	eastbound	Pipestone	
252	058128	37	reassigned	inexperienced	Dar	
253	058201	37	intentness	hoarder	Corcoran	
254	058202	37	craziness	scotch	flyers	A
255	058303	37	psychic	passport	competitions	W
256	058304	37	squabbled	strategic	suppliers	FAS
257	058602	37	burlesque	gated	skips	
258	058603	37	capped	flog	institutes	
259	058604	37	extracted	Pipestone	troop	A
260	058605	37	DiMaggio	Dar	connective	W
261	058606	37	exclamation	Corcoran	denies	
262	058607	37	subdirectory	flyers	polka	
263	060401	36	fangs	competitions	observations	FAS
264	061701	36	buyer	suppliers	askers	
265	066201	36	pithing	skips	homeless	FAS
266	066501	36	transistorizing	institutes	Anna	
267	068001	36	nonbiodegradable	troop	subdirectories	W
268	068002	36	dislocate	connective	decaying	FAS
269	068005	36	monochromatic	denies	outwitting	W
270	068006	36	batting	polka	Harpy	W
271	068007	36	postcondition	observations	crazed	
272	068008	36	catalog	askers	suffocate	
273	068009	36	Remus	homeless	provers	FAS
274	068010	36	devices	Anna	technically	
275	068011	36	bike	subdirectories	Franklinizations	
276	068202	36	qualify	decaying	considered	
277	068302	36	detained	outwitting	tinnily	
278	068303	36	commended	Harpy	uninterruptedly	
279	068401	36	civilize	crazed	whistled	A
280	068501	36	Elmhurst	suffocate	automate	
281	068502	36	anesthetizing	provers	gutting	W
282	068503	36	deaf	technically	surreptitious	
283	068602	36	Brigham	Franklinizations	Choctaw	
284	068603	36	title	considered	cooks	
285	068701	36	coarse	tinnily	millivolt	FAS
286	068702	36	combinations	uninterruptedly	counterpoise	
287	068703	36	grayness	whistled	Gothicism	
288	076001	36	innumerable	automate	feminine	
289	076002	36	Caroline	gutting	metaphysically	W
290	076101	36	fatty	surreptitious	sanding	A
291	076102	36	eastbound	Choctaw	contributorily	
292	076103	36	inexperienced	cooks	receivers	FAS
293	076302	36	hoarder	millivolt	adjourn	
294	076303	36	scotch	counterpoise	straggled	A
295	076304	36	passport	Gothicism	druggists	
296	076305	36	strategic	feminine	thanking	FAS
297	076306	36	gated	metaphysically	ostrich	
298	076307	36	flog	sanding	hopelessness	FAS
299	076402	36	Pipestone	contributorily	Eurydice	
300	076501	36	Dar	receivers	excitation	W
301	076502	36	Corcoran	adjourn	presumes	FAS
302	076701	36	flyers	straggled	imaginable	FAS
303	078001	36	competitions	druggists	concoct	W
304	078002	36	suppliers	thanking	peering	W
305	078003	36	skips	ostrich	Phelps	FAS
306	078004	36	institutes	hopelessness	ferociousness	FAS
307	078005	36	troop	Eurydice	sentences	
308	078006	36	connective	excitation	unlocks	
309	078007	36	denies	presumes	engrossing	W
310	078008	36	polka	imaginable	Ruth	
311	078101	36	observations	concoct	tying	
312	078103	36	askers	peering	exclaimers	
313	078104	36	homeless	Phelps	synergy	
314	078105	36	Anna	ferociousness	Huey	W
315	082101	36	subdirectories	sentences	merging	
316	083401	36	decaying	unlocks	judges	A
317	084001	36	outwitting	engrossing	Shylock	W
318	084002	36	Harpy	Ruth	Miltonism	
319	086001	36	crazed	tying	hen	W
320	086102	36	suffocate	exclaimers	honeybee	FAS
321	086201	36	provers	synergy	towers	
322	088001	36	technically	Huey	dilutes	W
323	088002	36	Franklinizations	merging	numerals	FAS
324	088003	36	considered	judges	democracy	FAS
325	088004	36	tinnily	Shylock	Ibero-	
326	088101	36	uninterruptedly	Miltonism	invalids	
327	088102	36	whistled	hen	behavior	
328	088103	36	automate	honeybee	accruing	
329	088104	36	gutting	towers	relics	A
330	088105	36	surreptitious	dilutes	rackets	
331	088106	36	Choctaw	numerals	Fischbein	W
332	088201	36	cooks	democracy	phony	W
333	088203	36	millivolt	Ibero-	cross	FAS
334	088204	36	counterpoise	invalids	cleanup	
335	088302	37	Gothicism	behavior	conspirator	
336	088303	37	feminine	accruing	label	FAS
337	088305	37	metaphysically	relics	university	
338	088402	37	sanding	rackets	cleansed	FAS
339	088501	36	contributorily	Fischbein	ballgown	
340	088502	36	receivers	phony	starlet	
341	088503	36	adjourn	cross	aqueous	
342	098001	58	straggled	cleanup	portrayal	A
343	098002	58	druggists	conspirator	despising	W
344	098003	58	thanking	label	distort	W
345	098004	58	ostrich	university	palmed	
346	098005	58	hopelessness	cleansed	faced	
347	098006	58	Eurydice	ballgown	silverware	
348	141903	29	excitation	starlet	assessor	
349	098008	58	presumes	aqueous	spiders	
350	098009	58	imaginable	portrayal	artificially	
351	098010	58	concoct	despising	reminiscence	
352	098011	58	peering	distort	Mexican	
353	098012	58	Phelps	palmed	obnoxious	
354	098013	58	ferociousness	faced	fragile	
355	098014	58	sentences	silverware	apprehensible	
356	098015	58	unlocks	assessor	births	
357	098016	58	engrossing	spiders	garages	
358	098017	58	Ruth	artificially	panty	
359	098018	58	tying	reminiscence	anteater	
360	098019	58	exclaimers	Mexican	displacement	A
361	098020	58	synergy	obnoxious	drovers	A
362	098021	58	Huey	fragile	patenting	A
363	098022	58	merging	apprehensible	far	A
364	098023	58	judges	births	shrieks	
365	098024	58	Shylock	garages	aligning	W
366	098025	37	Miltonism	panty	pragmatism	
367	106001	36	hen	anteater	fevers	W
368	108001	36	honeybee	displacement	reexamines	A
369	108002	36	towers	drovers	occupancies	
370	108003	36	dilutes	patenting	sweats	FAS
371	108004	36	numerals	far	modulators	
372	108005	36	democracy	shrieks	demand	W
373	108007	36	Ibero-	aligning	Madeira	
374	108008	36	invalids	pragmatism	Viennese	W
375	108009	36	behavior	fevers	chillier	W
376	108010	36	accruing	reexamines	wildcats	FAS
377	108011	36	relics	occupancies	gentle	
378	108012	36	rackets	sweats	Angles	W
379	108101	36	Fischbein	modulators	accuracies	
380	108102	36	phony	demand	toggle	
381	108103	36	cross	Madeira	Mendelssohn	W
382	108111	50	cleanup	Viennese	behaviorally	
383	108105	36	conspirator	chillier	Rochford	
384	108106	36	label	wildcats	mirror	W
385	108107	36	university	gentle	Modula	
386	108108	50	cleansed	Angles	clobbering	
387	108109	36	ballgown	accuracies	chronography	
388	108110	36	starlet	toggle	Eskimoizeds	
389	108201	36	aqueous	Mendelssohn	British	W
390	108202	36	portrayal	behaviorally	pitfalls	
391	108203	36	despising	Rochford	verify	W
392	108204	36	distort	mirror	scatter	FAS
393	108205	36	palmed	Modula	Aztecan	
394	108301	36	faced	clobbering	acuity	W
395	108302	36	silverware	chronography	sinking	W
396	112101	36	assessor	Eskimoizeds	beasts	FAS
397	112102	36	spiders	British	Witt	W
398	113701	36	artificially	pitfalls	physicists	FAS
399	116001	36	reminiscence	verify	folksong	A
400	116201	36	Mexican	scatter	strokes	FAS
401	116301	36	obnoxious	Aztecan	crowder	
402	116302	36	fragile	acuity	merry	
403	116601	36	apprehensible	sinking	cadenced	
404	116602	36	births	beasts	alimony	A
405	116603	36	garages	Witt	principled	A
406	116701	36	panty	physicists	golfing	
407	116702	36	anteater	folksong	undiscovered	
408	118001	36	displacement	strokes	irritates	
409	118002	36	drovers	crowder	patriots	A
410	118003	36	patenting	merry	rooms	FAS
411	118004	36	far	cadenced	towering	W
412	118005	36	shrieks	alimony	displease	
413	118006	36	aligning	principled	photosensitive	
414	118007	36	pragmatism	golfing	inking	
415	118008	36	fevers	undiscovered	gainers	
416	118101	36	reexamines	irritates	leaning	A
417	118102	36	occupancies	patriots	hydrant	A
418	118103	36	sweats	rooms	preserve	
419	118202	36	modulators	towering	blinded	A
420	118203	36	demand	displease	interactions	A
421	118204	36	Madeira	photosensitive	Barry	
422	118302	36	Viennese	inking	whiteness	A
423	118304	36	chillier	gainers	pastimes	W
424	118305	36	wildcats	leaning	Edenization	
425	118306	36	gentle	hydrant	Muscat	
426	118307	36	Angles	preserve	assassinated	
427	123101	36	accuracies	blinded	labeled	
428	123102	36	toggle	interactions	glacial	A
429	123301	36	Mendelssohn	Barry	implied	W
430	126001	36	behaviorally	whiteness	bibliographies	W
431	126002	36	Rochford	pastimes	Buchanan	
432	126003	36	mirror	Edenization	forgivably	FAS
433	126101	36	Modula	Muscat	innuendo	A
434	126301	36	clobbering	assassinated	den	FAS
435	126302	36	chronography	labeled	submarines	W
436	126402	36	Eskimoizeds	glacial	mouthful	A
437	126601	36	British	implied	expiring	
438	126602	36	pitfalls	bibliographies	unfulfilled	FAS
439	126702	36	verify	Buchanan	precession	
440	128001	36	scatter	forgivably	nullified	
441	128002	36	Aztecan	innuendo	affects	
442	128003	36	acuity	den	Cynthia	
443	128004	36	sinking	submarines	Chablis	A
444	128005	36	beasts	mouthful	betterments	FAS
445	128007	36	Witt	expiring	advertising	
446	128008	36	physicists	unfulfilled	rubies	A
447	128009	36	folksong	precession	southwest	FAS
448	128010	36	strokes	nullified	superstitious	A
449	128011	36	crowder	affects	tabernacle	W
450	128012	36	merry	Cynthia	silk	A
451	128013	36	cadenced	Chablis	handsomest	A
452	128014	36	alimony	betterments	Persian	A
453	128015	36	principled	advertising	analog	W
454	128016	36	golfing	rubies	complex	W
455	128017	36	undiscovered	southwest	Taoist	
456	128018	36	irritates	superstitious	suspend	
457	128019	36	patriots	tabernacle	relegated	
458	128020	36	rooms	silk	awesome	W
459	128021	36	towering	handsomest	Bruxelles	
460	128022	36	displease	Persian	imprecisely	A
461	128023	36	photosensitive	analog	televise	
462	128101	36	inking	complex	braking	
463	128102	36	gainers	Taoist	true	FAS
464	128103	36	leaning	suspend	disappointing	FAS
465	128104	36	hydrant	relegated	navally	W
466	128106	36	preserve	awesome	circus	
467	128107	36	blinded	Bruxelles	beetles	
468	128108	36	interactions	imprecisely	trumps	
469	128202	36	Barry	televise	fourscore	W
470	128203	36	whiteness	braking	Blackfoots	
471	128301	36	pastimes	true	Grady	
472	128302	36	Edenization	disappointing	quiets	FAS
473	128303	36	Muscat	navally	floundered	FAS
474	128304	36	assassinated	circus	profundity	W
475	128305	36	labeled	beetles	Garrisonian	W
476	128307	36	glacial	trumps	Strauss	
477	128401	36	implied	fourscore	cemented	FAS
478	128502	36	bibliographies	Blackfoots	contrition	A
479	128503	36	Buchanan	Grady	mutations	
480	128504	36	forgivably	quiets	exhibits	W
481	128505	36	innuendo	floundered	tits	
482	128601	36	den	profundity	mate	A
483	128603	36	submarines	Garrisonian	arches	
484	128604	36	mouthful	Strauss	Moll	
485	128702	36	expiring	cemented	ropers	
486	128703	36	unfulfilled	contrition	bombast	
487	128704	36	precession	mutations	difficultly	A
488	138001	36	nullified	exhibits	adsorption	
489	138002	36	affects	tits	definiteness	FAS
490	138003	36	Cynthia	mate	cultivation	A
491	138004	36	Chablis	arches	heals	A
492	138005	36	betterments	Moll	Heusen	W
493	138006	36	advertising	ropers	target	FAS
494	138007	36	rubies	bombast	cited	A
495	138008	36	southwest	difficultly	congresswoman	W
496	138009	36	superstitious	adsorption	Katherine	
497	138102	36	tabernacle	definiteness	titter	A
498	138103	36	silk	cultivation	aspire	A
499	138104	36	handsomest	heals	Mardis	
500	138105	36	Persian	Heusen	Nadia	W
501	138201	36	analog	target	estimating	FAS
502	138302	36	complex	cited	stuck	A
503	138303	36	Taoist	congresswoman	fifteenth	A
504	138304	36	suspend	Katherine	Colombo	
505	138401	29	relegated	titter	survey	A
506	140102	29	awesome	aspire	staffing	
507	140103	29	Bruxelles	Mardis	obtain	
508	140104	29	imprecisely	Nadia	loaded	
509	140105	29	televise	estimating	slaughtered	
510	140201	29	braking	stuck	lights	A
511	140701	29	true	fifteenth	circumference	
512	141501	29	disappointing	Colombo	dull	A
513	141502	29	navally	survey	weekly	A
514	141901	29	circus	staffing	wetness	
515	141902	29	beetles	obtain	visualized	
516	142101	29	trumps	loaded	Tannenbaum	
517	142102	29	fourscore	slaughtered	moribund	
518	142103	29	Blackfoots	lights	demultiplex	
519	142701	29	Grady	circumference	lockings	
520	143001	29	quiets	dull	thugs	FAS
521	143501	29	floundered	weekly	unnerves	
522	143502	29	profundity	wetness	abut	
523	148001	29	Garrisonian	visualized	Chippewa	A
524	148002	29	Strauss	Tannenbaum	stratifications	A
525	148003	29	cemented	moribund	signaled	
526	148004	29	contrition	demultiplex	Italianizes	A
527	148005	29	mutations	lockings	algorithmic	A
528	148006	29	exhibits	thugs	paranoid	FAS
529	148007	29	tits	unnerves	camping	A
530	148009	29	mate	abut	signifying	A
531	148010	29	arches	Chippewa	Patrice	W
532	148011	29	Moll	stratifications	search	A
533	148012	29	ropers	signaled	Angeles	A
534	148013	29	bombast	Italianizes	semblance	
535	148023	36	difficultly	algorithmic	taxed	
536	148015	29	adsorption	paranoid	Beatrice	
537	148016	29	definiteness	camping	retrace	
538	148017	29	cultivation	signifying	lockout	
539	148018	29	heals	Patrice	grammatic	
540	148019	29	Heusen	search	helmsman	
541	148020	29	target	Angeles	uniform	W
542	148021	29	cited	semblance	hamming	
543	148022	29	congresswoman	taxed	disobedience	
544	148101	29	Katherine	Beatrice	captivated	A
545	148102	29	titter	retrace	transferals	A
546	148201	29	aspire	lockout	cartographer	A
547	148401	29	Mardis	grammatic	aims	FAS
548	148402	29	Nadia	helmsman	Pakistani	
549	148501	29	estimating	uniform	burglarized	FAS
550	148502	29	stuck	hamming	saucepans	A
551	148503	29	fifteenth	disobedience	lacerating	A
552	148504	29	Colombo	captivated	corny	
553	148601	29	survey	transferals	megabytes	FAS
554	148602	29	staffing	cartographer	chancellor	
555	150701	29	obtain	aims	bulk	A
556	152101	29	loaded	Pakistani	commits	A
557	152102	29	slaughtered	burglarized	meson	W
558	155202	36	lights	saucepans	deputies	
559	155203	29	circumference	lacerating	northeaster	A
560	155204	29	dull	corny	dipole	
561	155205	29	weekly	megabytes	machining	0
562	156001	29	wetness	chancellor	therefore	
563	156002	29	visualized	bulk	Telefunken	
564	156102	29	Tannenbaum	commits	salvaging	
565	156301	29	moribund	meson	Corinthianizes	A
566	156302	29	demultiplex	deputies	restlessly	A
567	156303	29	lockings	northeaster	bromides	
568	156304	29	thugs	dipole	generalized	A
569	156305	29	unnerves	machining	mishaps	
570	156306	29	abut	therefore	quelling	
571	156501	29	Chippewa	Telefunken	spiritual	A
572	158001	29	stratifications	salvaging	beguiles	FAS
573	158002	29	signaled	Corinthianizes	Trobriand	FAS
574	158101	29	Italianizes	restlessly	fleeing	A
575	158102	29	algorithmic	bromides	Armour	A
576	158103	29	paranoid	generalized	chin	A
577	158201	29	camping	mishaps	provers	A
578	158202	29	signifying	quelling	aeronautic	A
579	158203	29	Patrice	spiritual	voltage	W
580	158204	29	search	beguiles	sash	
581	158301	29	Angeles	Trobriand	anaerobic	A
582	158302	29	semblance	fleeing	simultaneous	A
583	158303	29	taxed	Armour	accumulating	A
584	158304	29	Beatrice	chin	Medusan	A
585	158305	29	retrace	provers	shouted	A
586	158306	29	lockout	aeronautic	freakish	
587	158501	29	grammatic	voltage	index	FAS
588	160301	29	helmsman	sash	commercially	
589	166101	50	uniform	anaerobic	mistiness	A
590	166102	50	hamming	simultaneous	endpoint	
591	168001	29	disobedience	accumulating	straight	A
592	168002	29	captivated	Medusan	flurried	
593	168003	29	transferals	shouted	denotative	A
594	168101	29	cartographer	freakish	coming	FAS
595	168102	29	aims	index	commencements	FAS
596	168103	29	Pakistani	commercially	gentleman	
597	168104	29	burglarized	mistiness	gifted	
598	168202	29	saucepans	endpoint	Shanghais	
599	168301	29	lacerating	straight	sportswriting	A
600	168502	29	corny	flurried	sloping	A
601	168503	29	megabytes	denotative	navies	
602	168601	29	chancellor	coming	leaflet	A
603	173001	40	bulk	commencements	shooter	
604	173701	40	commits	gentleman	Joplin	FAS
605	173702	40	meson	gifted	babies	
606	176001	40	deputies	Shanghais	subdivision	FAS
607	176101	40	northeaster	sportswriting	burstiness	W
608	176201	40	dipole	sloping	belted	FAS
609	176401	40	machining	navies	assails	FAS
610	176501	40	therefore	leaflet	admiring	W
611	176601	40	Telefunken	shooter	swaying	0
612	176602	40	salvaging	Joplin	Goldstine	FAS
613	176603	40	Corinthianizes	babies	fitting	
614	178001	40	restlessly	subdivision	Norwalk	W
615	178002	40	bromides	burstiness	weakening	W
616	178003	40	generalized	belted	analogy	FAS
617	178004	40	mishaps	assails	deludes	
618	178005	40	quelling	admiring	cokes	
619	178006	40	spiritual	swaying	Clayton	
620	178007	40	beguiles	Goldstine	exhausts	
621	178008	40	Trobriand	fitting	causality	
622	178101	40	fleeing	Norwalk	sating	FAS
623	178102	40	Armour	weakening	icon	
624	178103	40	chin	analogy	throttles	
625	178201	40	provers	deludes	communicants	FAS
626	178202	40	aeronautic	cokes	dehydrate	FAS
627	178301	40	voltage	Clayton	priceless	FAS
628	178302	40	sash	exhausts	publicly	
629	178401	40	anaerobic	causality	incidentals	FAS
630	178402	40	simultaneous	sating	commonplace	
631	178403	40	accumulating	icon	mumbles	
632	178404	40	Medusan	throttles	furthermore	W
633	178501	40	shouted	communicants	cautioned	W
634	186002	37	freakish	dehydrate	parametrized	A
635	186102	37	index	priceless	registration	A
636	186201	40	commercially	publicly	sadly	FAS
637	186202	40	mistiness	incidentals	positioning	
638	186203	40	endpoint	commonplace	babysitting	
639	186302	37	straight	mumbles	eternal	A
640	188007	37	flurried	furthermore	hoarder	
641	188008	37	denotative	cautioned	congregates	
642	188009	37	coming	parametrized	rains	
643	188010	37	commencements	registration	workers	W
644	188011	37	gentleman	sadly	sags	A
645	188012	37	gifted	positioning	unplug	W
646	188013	37	Shanghais	babysitting	garage	A
647	188014	37	sportswriting	eternal	boulder	A
648	188015	37	sloping	hoarder	hollowly	A
649	188016	37	navies	congregates	specifics	
650	188017	37	leaflet	rains	Teresa	
651	188102	37	shooter	workers	Winsett	
652	188103	37	Joplin	sags	convenient	A
653	188202	37	babies	unplug	buckboards	FAS
654	188301	40	subdivision	garage	amenities	
655	188302	40	burstiness	boulder	resplendent	FAS
656	188303	40	belted	hollowly	priding	FAS
657	188401	37	assails	specifics	configurations	
658	188402	37	admiring	Teresa	untidiness	A
659	188503	37	swaying	Winsett	Brice	W
660	188504	37	Goldstine	convenient	sews	FAS
661	188505	37	fitting	buckboards	participated	
662	190701	37	Norwalk	amenities	Simon	FAS
663	190703	50	weakening	resplendent	certificates	
664	191701	37	analogy	priding	Fitzpatrick	
665	191702	37	deludes	configurations	Evanston	A
666	191703	37	cokes	untidiness	misted	
667	196001	37	Clayton	Brice	textures	A
668	196002	37	exhausts	sews	save	
669	196003	37	causality	participated	count	
670	196101	37	sating	Simon	rightful	A
671	196103	37	icon	certificates	chaperone	
672	196104	37	throttles	Fitzpatrick	Lizzy	A
673	196201	37	communicants	Evanston	clenched	A
674	196202	37	dehydrate	misted	effortlessly	
675	196203	37	priceless	textures	accessed	
676	198001	37	publicly	save	beaters	A
677	198003	37	incidentals	count	Hornblower	FAS
678	198004	37	commonplace	rightful	vests	A
679	198005	37	mumbles	chaperone	indulgences	FAS
680	198006	37	furthermore	Lizzy	infallibly	A
681	198007	37	cautioned	clenched	unwilling	FAS
682	198008	37	parametrized	effortlessly	excrete	FAS
683	198009	37	registration	accessed	spools	A
684	198010	37	sadly	beaters	crunches	FAS
685	198011	37	positioning	Hornblower	overestimating	FAS
686	198012	37	babysitting	vests	ineffective	
687	198013	37	eternal	indulgences	humiliation	A
688	198014	37	hoarder	infallibly	sophomore	
689	198015	37	congregates	unwilling	star	
690	198017	37	rains	excrete	rifles	
691	198018	37	workers	spools	dialysis	
692	198019	37	sags	crunches	arriving	
693	198020	37	unplug	overestimating	indulge	
694	198021	37	garage	ineffective	clockers	
695	198022	37	boulder	humiliation	languages	
696	198023	50	hollowly	sophomore	Antarctica	A
697	198024	37	specifics	star	percentage	
698	198101	37	Teresa	rifles	ceiling	A
699	198103	37	Winsett	dialysis	specification	
700	198105	37	convenient	arriving	regimented	A
701	198106	37	buckboards	indulge	ciphers	
702	198201	37	amenities	clockers	pictures	A
703	198204	37	resplendent	languages	serpents	A
704	198301	53	priding	Antarctica	allot	A
705	198302	53	configurations	percentage	realized	A
706	198303	53	untidiness	ceiling	mayoral	A
707	198304	53	Brice	specification	opaquely	A
708	198401	37	sews	regimented	hostess	FAS
709	198402	37	participated	ciphers	fiftieth	
710	198403	37	Simon	pictures	incorrectly	
711	202101	37	certificates	serpents	decomposition	FAS
712	202301	37	Fitzpatrick	allot	stranglings	
713	202302	37	Evanston	realized	mixture	FAS
714	202303	37	misted	mayoral	electroencephalography	FAS
715	202304	37	textures	opaquely	similarities	FAS
716	202305	37	save	hostess	charges	W
717	202601	37	count	fiftieth	freest	FAS
718	202602	37	rightful	incorrectly	Greenberg	FAS
719	202605	37	chaperone	decomposition	tinting	
720	202606	37	Lizzy	stranglings	expelled	W
721	202607	37	clenched	mixture	warm	
722	202901	37	effortlessly	electroencephalography	smoothed	
723	202902	37	accessed	similarities	deductions	FAS
724	202903	37	beaters	charges	Romano	W
725	202904	37	Hornblower	freest	bitterroot	
726	202907	37	vests	Greenberg	corset	
727	202908	37	indulgences	tinting	securing	
728	203101	37	infallibly	expelled	environing	FAS
729	203103	37	unwilling	warm	cute	
730	203104	37	excrete	smoothed	Crays	
731	203105	37	spools	deductions	heiress	FAS
732	203401	37	crunches	Romano	inform	FAS
733	203402	37	overestimating	bitterroot	avenge	
734	203404	37	ineffective	corset	universals	
735	203901	37	humiliation	securing	Kinsey	W
736	203902	37	sophomore	environing	ravines	FAS
737	203903	37	star	cute	bestseller	
738	203906	37	rifles	Crays	equilibrium	
739	203907	37	dialysis	heiress	extents	0
740	203908	37	arriving	inform	relatively	
741	203909	37	indulge	avenge	pressure	FAS
742	206101	37	clockers	universals	critiques	FAS
743	206201	37	languages	Kinsey	befouled	
744	206202	37	Antarctica	ravines	rightfully	FAS
745	206203	37	percentage	bestseller	mechanizing	FAS
746	206206	37	ceiling	equilibrium	Latinizes	
747	206207	37	specification	extents	timesharing	
748	206208	37	regimented	relatively	Aden	
749	208001	37	ciphers	pressure	embassies	
750	208002	37	pictures	critiques	males	FAS
751	208003	37	serpents	befouled	shapelessly	FAS
752	208004	37	allot	rightfully	genres	FAS
753	208008	37	realized	mechanizing	mastering	
754	208009	37	mayoral	Latinizes	Newtonian	
755	208010	37	opaquely	timesharing	finishers	FAS
756	208011	37	hostess	Aden	abates	
757	208101	37	fiftieth	embassies	teem	
758	208102	37	incorrectly	males	kiting	FAS
759	208103	37	decomposition	shapelessly	stodgy	FAS
760	208104	37	stranglings	genres	scalps	FAS
761	208105	37	mixture	mastering	feed	FAS
762	208110	37	electroencephalography	Newtonian	guitars	
763	208111	37	similarities	finishers	airships	
764	208112	37	charges	abates	store	
765	208113	37	freest	teem	denounces	
766	208201	37	Greenberg	kiting	Pyle	FAS
767	208203	37	tinting	stodgy	Saxony	
768	208301	37	expelled	scalps	serializations	FAS
769	208302	37	warm	feed	Peruvian	FAS
770	208305	37	smoothed	guitars	taxonomically	FAS
771	208401	37	deductions	airships	kingdom	A
772	208402	37	Romano	store	stint	A
773	208403	37	bitterroot	denounces	Sault	A
774	208404	37	corset	Pyle	faithful	
775	208501	37	securing	Saxony	Ganymede	FAS
776	208502	37	environing	serializations	tidiness	FAS
777	208503	37	cute	Peruvian	gainful	FAS
778	208504	37	Crays	taxonomically	contrary	FAS
779	208505	37	heiress	kingdom	Tipperary	FAS
780	210101	37	inform	stint	tropics	W
781	210102	37	avenge	Sault	theorizers	
782	210103	37	universals	faithful	renew	0
783	210104	37	Kinsey	Ganymede	already	
784	210105	37	ravines	tidiness	terminal	
785	210106	37	bestseller	gainful	Hegelian	
786	210107	37	equilibrium	contrary	hypothesizer	
787	210401	37	extents	Tipperary	warningly	FAS
788	213201	37	relatively	tropics	journalizing	FAS
789	213203	37	pressure	theorizers	nested	
790	213204	37	critiques	renew	Lars	
791	213205	37	befouled	already	saplings	
792	213206	37	rightfully	terminal	foothill	
793	213207	37	mechanizing	Hegelian	labeled	
794	216101	37	Latinizes	hypothesizer	imperiously	FAS
795	216103	37	timesharing	warningly	reporters	FAS
796	218001	37	Aden	journalizing	furnishings	FAS
797	218002	37	embassies	nested	precipitable	FAS
798	218003	37	males	Lars	discounts	FAS
799	218004	37	shapelessly	saplings	excises	FAS
800	143503	50	genres	foothill	Stalin	
801	218006	37	mastering	labeled	despot	FAS
802	218007	37	Newtonian	imperiously	ripeness	FAS
803	218008	37	finishers	reporters	Arabia	
804	218009	37	abates	furnishings	unruly	
805	218010	37	teem	precipitable	mournfulness	
806	218011	37	kiting	discounts	boom	FAS
807	218020	37	stodgy	excises	slaughter	A
808	218021	50	scalps	Stalin	Sabine	
809	218022	37	feed	despot	handy	FAS
810	218023	37	guitars	ripeness	rural	
811	218024	37	airships	Arabia	organizer	
812	218101	37	store	unruly	shipyard	FAS
813	218102	37	denounces	mournfulness	civics	FAS
814	218103	37	Pyle	boom	inaccuracy	FAS
815	218201	37	Saxony	slaughter	rules	FAS
816	218202	37	serializations	Sabine	juveniles	FAS
817	218203	37	Peruvian	handy	comprised	W
818	218204	37	taxonomically	rural	investigations	
819	218205	37	kingdom	organizer	stabilizes	A
820	218301	37	stint	shipyard	seminaries	FAS
821	218302	37	Sault	civics	Hunter	A
822	218401	37	faithful	inaccuracy	sporty	FAS
823	218402	37	Ganymede	rules	test	FAS
824	218403	37	tidiness	juveniles	weasels	
825	218404	37	gainful	comprised	CERN	
826	218407	37	contrary	investigations	tempering	
827	218408	37	Tipperary	stabilizes	afore	FAS
828	218409	37	tropics	seminaries	Galatean	
829	218410	37	theorizers	Hunter	techniques	W
830	226001	37	renew	sporty	error	
831	226002	37	already	test	veranda	
832	226003	37	terminal	weasels	severely	
833	226004	37	Hegelian	CERN	Cassites	FAS
834	226005	37	hypothesizer	tempering	forthcoming	
835	226006	37	warningly	afore	guides	
836	226007	37	journalizing	Galatean	vanish	FAS
837	226008	37	nested	techniques	lied	A
838	226203	37	Lars	error	sawtooth	FAS
839	226204	37	saplings	veranda	fated	FAS
840	226205	37	foothill	severely	gradually	
841	226206	37	labeled	Cassites	widens	
842	226207	37	imperiously	forthcoming	preclude	
843	226208	37	reporters	guides	Jobrel	
844	226209	37	furnishings	vanish	hooker	
845	226210	37	precipitable	lied	rainstorm	
846	226211	37	discounts	sawtooth	disconnects	
847	228001	37	excises	fated	cruelty	
848	228004	37	Stalin	gradually	exponentials	A
849	228005	37	despot	widens	affective	A
850	228006	37	ripeness	preclude	arteries	
851	228007	37	Arabia	Jobrel	Crosby	FAS
852	228008	37	unruly	hooker	acquaint	
853	228009	37	mournfulness	rainstorm	evenhandedly	
854	228101	37	boom	disconnects	percentage	
855	228108	37	slaughter	cruelty	disobedience	
856	228109	37	Sabine	exponentials	humility	
857	228110	37	handy	affective	gleaning	A
858	228111	37	rural	arteries	petted	A
859	228112	37	organizer	Crosby	bloater	A
860	228113	37	shipyard	acquaint	minion	A
861	228114	37	civics	evenhandedly	marginal	A
862	228115	37	inaccuracy	percentage	apiary	A
863	228116	37	rules	disobedience	measures	
864	228117	37	juveniles	humility	precaution	
865	228118	37	comprised	gleaning	repelled	
866	228119	37	investigations	petted	primary	FAS
867	228120	37	stabilizes	bloater	coverings	
868	228121	37	seminaries	minion	Artemia	A
869	228122	37	Hunter	marginal	navigate	
870	228201	37	sporty	apiary	spatial	
871	228206	37	test	measures	Gurkha	
872	228207	37	weasels	precaution	meanwhile	A
873	228208	37	CERN	repelled	Melinda	A
874	228209	37	tempering	primary	Butterfield	
875	228210	37	afore	coverings	Aldrich	A
876	228211	37	Galatean	Artemia	previewing	A
877	228212	37	techniques	navigate	glut	A
878	228213	37	error	spatial	unaffected	
879	228214	37	veranda	Gurkha	inmate	
880	228301	37	severely	meanwhile	mineral	
881	228305	37	Cassites	Melinda	impending	A
882	228306	37	forthcoming	Butterfield	meditation	A
883	228307	37	guides	Aldrich	ideas	
884	228308	37	vanish	previewing	miniaturizes	W
885	228309	37	lied	glut	lewdly	
886	228310	37	sawtooth	unaffected	title	
887	228311	37	fated	inmate	youthfulness	
888	228312	37	gradually	mineral	creak	FAS
889	228313	37	widens	impending	Chippewa	
890	228314	37	preclude	meditation	clamored	
891	228401	65	Jobrel	ideas	freezes	
892	228402	65	hooker	miniaturizes	forgivably	FAS
893	228403	65	rainstorm	lewdly	reduce	FAS
894	228404	65	disconnects	title	McGovern	W
895	228405	65	cruelty	youthfulness	Nazis	W
896	228406	65	exponentials	creak	epistle	W
897	228407	65	affective	Chippewa	socializes	W
898	228408	65	arteries	clamored	conceptions	
899	228409	65	Crosby	freezes	Kevin	
900	228410	65	acquaint	forgivably	uncovering	
901	230301	37	evenhandedly	reduce	chews	FAS
902	230302	37	percentage	McGovern	appendixes	FAS
903	230303	37	disobedience	Nazis	raining	
904	018062	37	humility	epistle	infest	
905	230501	37	gleaning	socializes	compartment	
906	230502	37	petted	conceptions	minting	
907	230503	37	bloater	Kevin	ducks	
908	230504	37	minion	uncovering	roped	A
909	230505	37	marginal	chews	waltz	
910	230506	37	apiary	appendixes	Lillian	
911	230507	37	measures	raining	repressions	A
912	230508	37	precaution	infest	chillingly	
913	230509	37	repelled	compartment	noncritical	
914	230901	37	primary	minting	lithograph	
915	230902	37	coverings	ducks	spongers	
916	230903	37	Artemia	roped	parenthood	
917	230904	37	navigate	waltz	posed	
918	230905	37	spatial	Lillian	instruments	
919	230906	37	Gurkha	repressions	filial	
920	230907	37	meanwhile	chillingly	fixedly	
921	230908	37	Melinda	noncritical	relives	
922	230909	37	Butterfield	lithograph	Pandora	
923	230910	37	Aldrich	spongers	watering	A
924	230911	37	previewing	parenthood	ungrateful	
925	230912	37	glut	posed	secures	
926	230913	37	unaffected	instruments	chastisers	
927	230914	37	inmate	filial	icon	
928	231304	37	mineral	fixedly	reuniting	A
929	231305	37	impending	relives	imagining	A
930	231306	37	meditation	Pandora	abiding	A
931	231307	37	ideas	watering	omnisciently	
932	231308	37	miniaturizes	ungrateful	Britannic	
933	231309	37	lewdly	secures	scholastics	A
934	231310	37	title	chastisers	mechanics	A
935	231311	37	youthfulness	icon	humidly	A
936	231312	37	creak	reuniting	masterpiece	
937	231313	37	Chippewa	imagining	however	
938	231314	37	clamored	abiding	Mendelian	
939	231315	37	freezes	omnisciently	jarred	
940	232102	37	forgivably	Britannic	scolds	
941	232103	37	reduce	scholastics	infatuate	
942	232104	37	McGovern	mechanics	willed	A
943	232105	37	Nazis	humidly	joyfully	
944	232106	37	epistle	masterpiece	Microsoft	
945	232107	37	socializes	however	fibrosities	
946	232108	37	conceptions	Mendelian	Baltimorean	
947	232601	37	Kevin	jarred	equestrian	
948	232602	37	uncovering	scolds	Goodrich	
949	232603	37	chews	infatuate	apish	A
950	232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5950	1232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5951	1232606	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5952	1232607	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5953	1232608	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
5954	1232609	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian	
951	232606	37	raining	joyfully	Tropez	
952	232607	37	infest	Microsoft	nouns	
953	232608	37	compartment	fibrosities	distracting	
954	232609	37	minting	Baltimorean	mutton	
955	236104	37	ducks	equestrian	bridgeable	A
956	236105	37	roped	Goodrich	stickers	A
957	236106	37	waltz	apish	transcontinental	A
958	236107	37	Lillian	Adlerian	amateurish	
959	236108	37	repressions	Tropez	Gandhian	
960	236109	37	chillingly	nouns	stratified	
961	236110	37	noncritical	distracting	chamberlains	
962	236111	37	lithograph	mutton	creditably	
963	236112	37	spongers	bridgeable	philosophic	
964	236113	37	parenthood	stickers	ores	
965	238005	37	posed	transcontinental	Carleton	
966	238006	37	instruments	amateurish	tape	A
967	238007	37	filial	Gandhian	afloat	A
968	238008	37	fixedly	stratified	goodness	A
969	238009	37	relives	chamberlains	welcoming	
970	238010	37	Pandora	creditably	Pinsky	FAS
971	238011	37	watering	philosophic	halting	
972	238012	37	ungrateful	ores	bibliography	
973	238013	37	secures	Carleton	decoding	
974	240401	41	chastisers	tape	variance	A
975	240402	41	icon	afloat	allowed	A
976	240901	41	reuniting	goodness	dire	A
977	240902	41	imagining	welcoming	dub	A
978	241801	41	abiding	Pinsky	poisoning	
979	242101	41	omnisciently	halting	Iraqis	A
980	242102	41	Britannic	bibliography	heaving	
981	242201	41	scholastics	decoding	population	A
982	242202	41	mechanics	variance	bomb	A
983	242501	41	humidly	allowed	Majorca	A
984	242502	41	masterpiece	dire	Gershwins	
985	246201	41	however	dub	explorers	
986	246202	41	Mendelian	poisoning	libretto	A
987	246203	41	jarred	Iraqis	occurred	
988	246204	41	scolds	heaving	Lagos	
989	246205	41	infatuate	population	rats	
990	246301	41	willed	bomb	bankruptcies	A
991	246302	41	joyfully	Majorca	crying	
992	248001	41	Microsoft	Gershwins	unexpected	
993	248002	41	fibrosities	explorers	accessed	A
994	248003	41	Baltimorean	libretto	colorful	A
995	248004	41	equestrian	occurred	versatility	A
996	248005	41	Goodrich	Lagos	cosy	
997	248006	41	apish	rats	Darius	A
998	248007	41	Adlerian	bankruptcies	mastering	A
999	248008	41	Tropez	crying	Asiaticizations	A
1000	248009	41	nouns	unexpected	offerers	A
1001	248010	41	distracting	accessed	uncles	A
1002	248011	41	mutton	colorful	sleepwalk	
1003	248012	41	bridgeable	versatility	Ernestine	
1004	248013	41	stickers	cosy	checksumming	
1005	248014	41	transcontinental	Darius	stopped	
1006	248015	41	amateurish	mastering	sicker	
1007	248016	41	Gandhian	Asiaticizations	Italianization	
1008	248017	41	stratified	offerers	alphabetic	
1009	248018	41	chamberlains	uncles	pharmaceutic	
1010	248019	41	creditably	sleepwalk	creator	
1011	248020	41	philosophic	Ernestine	chess	
1012	248021	41	ores	checksumming	charcoal	
1013	248101	41	Carleton	stopped	Epiphany	A
1014	248102	41	tape	sicker	bulldozes	A
1015	248201	41	afloat	Italianization	Pygmalion	A
1016	248202	41	goodness	alphabetic	caressing	A
1017	248203	41	welcoming	pharmaceutic	Palestine	A
1018	248204	41	Pinsky	creator	regimented	A
1019	248205	41	halting	chess	scars	A
1020	248206	41	bibliography	charcoal	realest	A
1021	248207	41	decoding	Epiphany	diffusing	A
1022	248208	41	variance	bulldozes	clubroom	A
1023	248209	41	allowed	Pygmalion	Blythe	A
1024	248210	41	dire	caressing	ahead	
1025	248211	50	dub	Palestine	reviver	
1026	250501	34	poisoning	regimented	retransmitting	A
1027	250502	34	Iraqis	scars	landslide	
1028	250503	34	heaving	realest	Eiffel	
1029	250504	34	population	diffusing	absentee	
1030	250505	34	bomb	clubroom	aye	
1031	250601	34	Majorca	Blythe	forked	A
1032	250602	34	Gershwins	ahead	Peruvianizes	
1033	250603	34	explorers	reviver	clerked	
1034	250604	34	libretto	retransmitting	tutor	
1035	250605	34	occurred	landslide	boulevard	
1036	251001	34	Lagos	Eiffel	shuttered	
1037	251002	34	rats	absentee	quotes	A
1038	251003	34	bankruptcies	aye	Caltech	
1039	251004	34	crying	forked	Mossberg	
1040	251005	34	unexpected	Peruvianizes	kept	
1041	251301	34	accessed	clerked	roundly	
1042	251302	34	colorful	tutor	features	A
1043	251303	34	versatility	boulevard	imaginable	A
1044	251304	34	cosy	shuttered	controller	
1045	251305	34	Darius	quotes	racial	
1046	251401	34	mastering	Caltech	uprisings	A
1047	251402	34	Asiaticizations	Mossberg	narrowed	A
1048	251403	34	offerers	kept	cannot	A
1049	251404	34	uncles	roundly	vest	
1050	251405	34	sleepwalk	features	famine	
1051	251406	34	Ernestine	imaginable	sugars	
1052	251801	34	checksumming	controller	exterminated	A
1053	251802	34	stopped	racial	belays	
1054	252101	34	sicker	uprisings	Hodges	A
1055	252102	34	Italianization	narrowed	translatable	
1056	252301	34	alphabetic	cannot	duality	A
1057	252302	34	pharmaceutic	vest	recording	A
1058	252303	34	creator	famine	rouses	A
1059	252304	34	chess	sugars	poison	
1060	252305	34	charcoal	exterminated	attitude	
1061	252306	34	Epiphany	belays	dusted	
1062	252307	34	bulldozes	Hodges	encompasses	
1063	252308	34	Pygmalion	translatable	presentation	
1064	252309	34	caressing	duality	Kantian	
1065	256001	34	Palestine	recording	imprecision	A
1066	256002	34	regimented	rouses	saving	
1067	256003	34	scars	poison	maternal	
1068	256004	34	realest	attitude	hewed	
1069	256005	34	diffusing	dusted	kerosene	
1070	258001	34	clubroom	encompasses	Cubans	
1071	258002	34	Blythe	presentation	photographers	
1072	258003	34	ahead	Kantian	nymph	A
1073	258004	34	reviver	imprecision	bedlam	A
1074	258005	34	retransmitting	saving	north	A
1075	258006	34	landslide	maternal	Schoenberg	A
1076	258007	34	Eiffel	hewed	botany	A
1077	258008	34	absentee	kerosene	curs	
1078	258009	34	aye	Cubans	solidification	
1079	258010	34	forked	photographers	inheritresses	
1080	258011	34	Peruvianizes	nymph	stiller	
1081	258101	68	clerked	bedlam	t1	A
1082	258102	68	tutor	north	suite	A
1083	258103	34	boulevard	Schoenberg	ransomer	
1084	258104	68	shuttered	botany	Willy	
1085	258105	68	quotes	curs	Rena	A
1086	258106	68	Caltech	solidification	Seattle	A
1087	258107	68	Mossberg	inheritresses	relaxes	A
1088	258108	68	kept	stiller	exclaim	
1089	258109	68	roundly	t1	implicated	A
1090	258110	68	features	suite	distinguish	
1091	258111	68	imaginable	ransomer	assayed	
1092	258112	68	controller	Willy	homeowner	
1093	258113	68	racial	Rena	and	
1094	258201	34	uprisings	Seattle	stealth	
1095	258202	34	narrowed	relaxes	coinciding	A
1096	258203	34	cannot	exclaim	founder	A
1097	258204	34	vest	implicated	environing	
1098	258205	34	famine	distinguish	jewelry	
1099	258301	34	sugars	assayed	lemons	A
1100	258401	34	exterminated	homeowner	brokenness	A
1101	258402	34	belays	and	bedpost	A
1102	258403	34	Hodges	stealth	assurers	A
1103	258404	34	translatable	coinciding	annoyers	
1104	258405	34	duality	founder	affixed	
1105	258406	34	recording	environing	warbling	
1106	258407	34	rouses	jewelry	seriously	
1107	228123	37	poison	lemons	boasted	
1108	250606	34	attitude	brokenness	Chantilly	
1109	208405	37	dusted	bedpost	Iranizes	
1110	212101	37	encompasses	assurers	violinist	
1111	218206	37	presentation	annoyers	extramarital	
1112	150401	37	Kantian	affixed	spates	
1113	248212	41	imprecision	warbling	cloakroom	
1114	128026	00	saving	seriously	gazer	
1115	128024	00	maternal	boasted	hand	
1116	128027	00	hewed	Chantilly	tucked	
1117	128025	00	kerosene	Iranizes	gems	
1118	128109	00	Cubans	violinist	clinker	
1119	128705	00	photographers	extramarital	refiner	
1120	126303	00	nymph	spates	callus	
1121	128308	00	bedlam	cloakroom	leopards	
1122	128204	00	north	gazer	comfortingly	
1123	128205	00	Schoenberg	hand	generically	
1124	128206	00	botany	tucked	getters	
1125	128207	00	curs	gems	sexually	
1126	118205	00	solidification	clinker	spear	
1127	116801	00	inheritresses	refiner	serums	
1128	116803	00	stiller	callus	Italianization	
1129	116804	00	t1	leopards	attendants	
1130	116802	00	suite	comfortingly	spies	
1131	128605	00	ransomer	generically	Anthony	
1132	118308	00	Willy	getters	planar	
1133	113702	00	Rena	sexually	cupped	
1134	113703	00	Seattle	spear	cleanser	
1135	112103	00	relaxes	serums	commuters	
1136	118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
5136	1118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle	
1137	138011	00	implicated	attendants	orphanage	
1138	138010	00	distinguish	spies	skies	
1139	138012	00	assayed	Anthony	crushers	
1140	068304	00	homeowner	planar	Puritan	
1141	078009	00	and	cupped	squeezer	
1142	108013	00	stealth	cleanser	bruises	
1143	084004	00	coinciding	commuters	bonfire	
1144	083402	00	founder	honeysuckle	Colombo	
1145	084003	00	environing	orphanage	nondecreasing	
1146	088504	00	jewelry	skies	innocents	
1147	088005	00	lemons	crushers	masked	
1148	088007	00	brokenness	Puritan	file	
1149	088006	00	bedpost	squeezer	brush	
1150	148025	00	assurers	bruises	mutilate	
1151	148024	00	annoyers	bonfire	mommy	
1152	138305	00	affixed	Colombo	bulkheads	
1153	138306	00	warbling	nondecreasing	undeclared	
1154	152701	00	seriously	innocents	displacements	
1155	148505	00	boasted	masked	nieces	
1156	158003	00	Chantilly	file	coeducation	
1157	156201	00	Iranizes	brush	brassy	
1158	156202	00	violinist	mutilate	authenticator	
1159	158307	00	extramarital	mommy	Washoe	
1160	158402	00	spates	bulkheads	penny	
1161	158401	00	cloakroom	undeclared	Flagler	
1162	068013	00	gazer	displacements	stoned	
1163	068012	00	hand	nieces	cranes	
1164	068203	00	tucked	coeducation	masterful	
1165	088205	00	gems	brassy	biracial	
1166	068704	00	clinker	authenticator	steamships	
1167	068604	00	refiner	Washoe	windmills	
1168	158502	00	callus	penny	exploit	
1169	123103	00	leopards	Flagler	riverfront	
1170	148026	00	comfortingly	stoned	sisterly	
1171	123302	00	generically	cranes	sharpshoot	
1172	076503	00	getters	masterful	mittens	
1173	126304	00	sexually	biracial	interdependency	
1174	068306	00	spear	steamships	policy	
1175	143504	00	serums	windmills	unleashing	
1176	160201	00	Italianization	exploit	pretenders	
1177	148028	00	attendants	riverfront	overstatements	
1178	148027	00	spies	sisterly	birthed	
1179	143505	00	Anthony	sharpshoot	opportunism	
1180	108014	00	planar	mittens	showroom	
1181	076104	00	cupped	interdependency	compromisingly	
1182	078106	00	cleanser	policy	Medicare	
1183	126102	00	commuters	unleashing	corresponds	
1184	128029	00	honeysuckle	pretenders	hardware	
1185	128028	00	orphanage	overstatements	implant	
1186	018410	00	skies	birthed	Alicia	
1187	128110	00	crushers	opportunism	requesting	
1188	148506	00	Puritan	showroom	produced	
1189	123303	00	squeezer	compromisingly	criticizes	
1190	123304	00	bruises	Medicare	backer	
1191	068504	00	bonfire	corresponds	positively	
1192	068305	00	Colombo	hardware	colicky	
1193	000000	00	nondecreasing	implant	thrillingly	
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg	W
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring	
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily	
INSERT DELAYED INTO t2 VALUES (4,011403,37,'intercepted','audiology','tinily','');
Table	Create Table
t2	CREATE TABLE `t2` (
  `auto` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `fld1` int(6) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL DEFAULT '000000',
  `companynr` tinyint(2) unsigned zerofill NOT NULL DEFAULT '00',
  `fld3` char(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `fld4` char(35) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
  `fld5` char(35) NOT NULL DEFAULT ''
auto	fld1	companynr	fld3	fld4	fld5
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily
5	011501	37	bewilderingly	wallet	balled
6	011701	37	astound	parters	persist
7	011702	37	admonishing	eschew	attainments
8	011703	37	sumac	quitter	fanatic
9	012001	37	flanking	neat	measures
10	012003	37	combed	Steinberg	rightfulness
11	012004	37	subjective	jarring	capably
12	012005	37	scatterbrain	tinily	impulsive
13	012301	37	Eulerian	balled	starlet
14	012302	36	dubbed	persist	terminators
15	012303	37	Kane	attainments	untying
16	012304	37	overlay	fanatic	announces
17	012305	37	perturb	measures	featherweight
18	012306	37	goblins	rightfulness	pessimist
19	012501	37	annihilates	capably	daughter
20	012602	37	Wotan	impulsive	decliner
21	012603	37	snatching	starlet	lawgiver
22	012604	37	concludes	terminators	stated
23	012605	37	laterally	untying	readable
24	012606	37	yelped	announces	attrition
25	012701	37	grazing	featherweight	cascade
26	012702	37	Baird	pessimist	motors
27	012703	37	celery	daughter	interrogate
28	012704	37	misunderstander	decliner	pests
29	013601	37	handgun	lawgiver	stairway
30	013602	37	foldout	stated	dopers
31	013603	37	mystic	readable	testicle
32	013604	37	succumbed	attrition	Parsifal
33	013605	37	Nabisco	cascade	leavings
34	013606	37	fingerings	motors	postulation
35	013607	37	aging	interrogate	squeaking
36	013608	37	afield	pests	contrasted
37	013609	37	ammonium	stairway	leftover
38	013610	37	boat	dopers	whiteners
39	013801	37	intelligibility	testicle	erases
40	013802	37	Augustine	Parsifal	Punjab
41	013803	37	teethe	leavings	Merritt
42	013804	37	dreaded	postulation	Quixotism
43	013901	37	scholastics	squeaking	sweetish
44	016001	37	audiology	contrasted	dogging
45	016201	37	wallet	leftover	scornfully
46	016202	37	parters	whiteners	bellow
47	016301	37	eschew	erases	bills
48	016302	37	quitter	Punjab	cupboard
49	016303	37	neat	Merritt	sureties
50	016304	37	Steinberg	Quixotism	puddings
51	018001	37	jarring	sweetish	tapestry
52	018002	37	tinily	dogging	fetters
53	018003	37	balled	scornfully	bivalves
54	018004	37	persist	bellow	incurring
55	018005	37	attainments	bills	Adolph
56	018007	37	fanatic	cupboard	pithed
57	018008	37	measures	sureties	emergency
58	018009	37	rightfulness	puddings	Miles
59	018010	37	capably	tapestry	trimmings
60	018012	37	impulsive	fetters	tragedies
61	018013	37	starlet	bivalves	skulking
62	018014	37	terminators	incurring	flint
63	018015	37	untying	Adolph	flopping
64	018016	37	announces	pithed	relaxing
65	018017	37	featherweight	emergency	offload
66	018018	37	pessimist	Miles	suites
67	018019	37	daughter	trimmings	lists
68	018020	37	decliner	tragedies	animized
69	018021	37	lawgiver	skulking	multilayer
70	018022	37	stated	flint	standardizes
71	018023	37	readable	flopping	Judas
72	018024	37	attrition	relaxing	vacuuming
73	018025	37	cascade	offload	dentally
74	018026	37	motors	suites	humanness
75	018027	37	interrogate	lists	inch
76	018028	37	pests	animized	Weissmuller
77	018029	37	stairway	multilayer	irresponsibly
78	018030	37	dopers	standardizes	luckily
79	018032	37	testicle	Judas	culled
80	018033	37	Parsifal	vacuuming	medical
81	018034	37	leavings	dentally	bloodbath
82	018035	37	postulation	humanness	subschema
83	018036	37	squeaking	inch	animals
84	018037	37	contrasted	Weissmuller	Micronesia
85	018038	37	leftover	irresponsibly	repetitions
86	018039	37	whiteners	luckily	Antares
87	018040	37	erases	culled	ventilate
88	018041	37	Punjab	medical	pityingly
89	018042	37	Merritt	bloodbath	interdependent
90	018043	37	Quixotism	subschema	Graves
91	018044	37	sweetish	animals	neonatal
92	018045	37	dogging	Micronesia	scribbled
93	018046	37	scornfully	repetitions	chafe
94	018048	37	bellow	Antares	honoring
95	018049	37	bills	ventilate	realtor
96	018050	37	cupboard	pityingly	elite
97	018051	37	sureties	interdependent	funereal
98	018052	37	puddings	Graves	abrogating
99	018053	50	tapestry	neonatal	sorters
100	018054	37	fetters	scribbled	Conley
101	018055	37	bivalves	chafe	lectured
102	018056	37	incurring	honoring	Abraham
103	018057	37	Adolph	realtor	Hawaii
104	018058	37	pithed	elite	cage
105	018059	36	emergency	funereal	hushes
106	018060	37	Miles	abrogating	Simla
107	018061	37	trimmings	sorters	reporters
108	018101	37	tragedies	Conley	Dutchman
109	018102	37	skulking	lectured	descendants
110	018103	37	flint	Abraham	groupings
111	018104	37	flopping	Hawaii	dissociate
112	018201	37	relaxing	cage	coexist
113	018202	37	offload	hushes	Beebe
114	018402	37	suites	Simla	Taoism
115	018403	37	lists	reporters	Connally
116	018404	37	animized	Dutchman	fetched
117	018405	37	multilayer	descendants	checkpoints
118	018406	37	standardizes	groupings	rusting
119	018409	37	Judas	dissociate	galling
120	018601	37	vacuuming	coexist	obliterates
121	018602	37	dentally	Beebe	traitor
122	018603	37	humanness	Taoism	resumes
123	018801	37	inch	Connally	analyzable
124	018802	37	Weissmuller	fetched	terminator
125	018803	37	irresponsibly	checkpoints	gritty
126	018804	37	luckily	rusting	firearm
127	018805	37	culled	galling	minima
128	018806	37	medical	obliterates	Selfridge
129	018807	37	bloodbath	traitor	disable
130	018808	37	subschema	resumes	witchcraft
131	018809	37	animals	analyzable	betroth
132	018810	37	Micronesia	terminator	Manhattanize
133	018811	37	repetitions	gritty	imprint
134	018812	37	Antares	firearm	peeked
135	019101	37	ventilate	minima	swelling
136	019102	37	pityingly	Selfridge	interrelationships
137	019103	37	interdependent	disable	riser
138	019201	37	Graves	witchcraft	Gandhian
139	030501	37	neonatal	betroth	peacock
140	030502	50	scribbled	Manhattanize	bee
141	030503	37	chafe	imprint	kanji
142	030504	37	honoring	peeked	dental
143	031901	37	realtor	swelling	scarf
144	036001	37	elite	interrelationships	chasm
145	036002	37	funereal	riser	insolence
146	036004	37	abrogating	Gandhian	syndicate
147	036005	37	sorters	peacock	alike
148	038001	37	Conley	bee	imperial
149	038002	37	lectured	kanji	convulsion
150	038003	37	Abraham	dental	railway
151	038004	37	Hawaii	scarf	validate
152	038005	37	cage	chasm	normalizes
153	038006	37	hushes	insolence	comprehensive
154	038007	37	Simla	syndicate	chewing
155	038008	37	reporters	alike	denizen
156	038009	37	Dutchman	imperial	schemer
157	038010	37	descendants	convulsion	chronicle
158	038011	37	groupings	railway	Kline
159	038012	37	dissociate	validate	Anatole
160	038013	37	coexist	normalizes	partridges
161	038014	37	Beebe	comprehensive	brunch
162	038015	37	Taoism	chewing	recruited
163	038016	37	Connally	denizen	dimensions
164	038017	37	fetched	schemer	Chicana
165	038018	37	checkpoints	chronicle	announced
166	038101	37	rusting	Kline	praised
167	038102	37	galling	Anatole	employing
168	038103	37	obliterates	partridges	linear
169	038104	37	traitor	brunch	quagmire
170	038201	37	resumes	recruited	western
171	038202	37	analyzable	dimensions	relishing
172	038203	37	terminator	Chicana	serving
173	038204	37	gritty	announced	scheduling
174	038205	37	firearm	praised	lore
175	038206	37	minima	employing	eventful
176	038208	37	Selfridge	linear	arteriole
177	042801	37	disable	quagmire	disentangle
178	042802	37	witchcraft	western	cured
179	046101	37	betroth	relishing	Fenton
180	048001	37	Manhattanize	serving	avoidable
181	048002	37	imprint	scheduling	drains
182	048003	37	peeked	lore	detectably
183	048004	37	swelling	eventful	husky
184	048005	37	interrelationships	arteriole	impelling
185	048006	37	riser	disentangle	undoes
186	048007	37	Gandhian	cured	evened
187	048008	37	peacock	Fenton	squeezes
188	048101	37	bee	avoidable	destroyer
189	048102	37	kanji	drains	rudeness
190	048201	37	dental	detectably	beaner
191	048202	37	scarf	husky	boorish
192	048203	37	chasm	impelling	Everhart
193	048204	37	insolence	undoes	encompass
194	048205	37	syndicate	evened	mushrooms
195	048301	37	alike	squeezes	Alison
196	048302	37	imperial	destroyer	externally
197	048303	37	convulsion	rudeness	pellagra
198	048304	37	railway	beaner	cult
199	048305	37	validate	boorish	creek
200	048401	37	normalizes	Everhart	Huffman
201	048402	37	comprehensive	encompass	Majorca
202	048403	37	chewing	mushrooms	governing
203	048404	37	denizen	Alison	gadfly
204	048405	37	schemer	externally	reassigned
205	048406	37	chronicle	pellagra	intentness
206	048407	37	Kline	cult	craziness
207	048408	37	Anatole	creek	psychic
208	048409	37	partridges	Huffman	squabbled
209	048410	37	brunch	Majorca	burlesque
210	048411	37	recruited	governing	capped
211	048412	37	dimensions	gadfly	extracted
212	048413	37	Chicana	reassigned	DiMaggio
213	048601	37	announced	intentness	exclamation
214	048602	37	praised	craziness	subdirectory
215	048603	37	employing	psychic	fangs
216	048604	37	linear	squabbled	buyer
217	048801	37	quagmire	burlesque	pithing
218	050901	37	western	capped	transistorizing
219	051201	37	relishing	extracted	nonbiodegradable
220	056002	37	serving	DiMaggio	dislocate
221	056003	37	scheduling	exclamation	monochromatic
222	056004	37	lore	subdirectory	batting
223	056102	37	eventful	fangs	postcondition
224	056203	37	arteriole	buyer	catalog
225	056204	37	disentangle	pithing	Remus
226	058003	37	cured	transistorizing	devices
227	058004	37	Fenton	nonbiodegradable	bike
228	058005	37	avoidable	dislocate	qualify
229	058006	37	drains	monochromatic	detained
230	058007	37	detectably	batting	commended
231	058101	37	husky	postcondition	civilize
232	058102	37	impelling	catalog	Elmhurst
233	058103	37	undoes	Remus	anesthetizing
234	058105	37	evened	devices	deaf
235	058111	37	squeezes	bike	Brigham
236	058112	37	destroyer	qualify	title
237	058113	37	rudeness	detained	coarse
238	058114	37	beaner	commended	combinations
239	058115	37	boorish	civilize	grayness
240	058116	37	Everhart	Elmhurst	innumerable
241	058117	37	encompass	anesthetizing	Caroline
242	058118	37	mushrooms	deaf	fatty
243	058119	37	Alison	Brigham	eastbound
244	058120	37	externally	title	inexperienced
245	058121	37	pellagra	coarse	hoarder
246	058122	37	cult	combinations	scotch
247	058123	37	creek	grayness	passport
248	058124	37	Huffman	innumerable	strategic
249	058125	37	Majorca	Caroline	gated
250	058126	37	governing	fatty	flog
251	058127	37	gadfly	eastbound	Pipestone
252	058128	37	reassigned	inexperienced	Dar
253	058201	37	intentness	hoarder	Corcoran
254	058202	37	craziness	scotch	flyers
255	058303	37	psychic	passport	competitions
256	058304	37	squabbled	strategic	suppliers
257	058602	37	burlesque	gated	skips
258	058603	37	capped	flog	institutes
259	058604	37	extracted	Pipestone	troop
260	058605	37	DiMaggio	Dar	connective
261	058606	37	exclamation	Corcoran	denies
262	058607	37	subdirectory	flyers	polka
263	060401	36	fangs	competitions	observations
264	061701	36	buyer	suppliers	askers
265	066201	36	pithing	skips	homeless
266	066501	36	transistorizing	institutes	Anna
267	068001	36	nonbiodegradable	troop	subdirectories
268	068002	36	dislocate	connective	decaying
269	068005	36	monochromatic	denies	outwitting
270	068006	36	batting	polka	Harpy
271	068007	36	postcondition	observations	crazed
272	068008	36	catalog	askers	suffocate
273	068009	36	Remus	homeless	provers
274	068010	36	devices	Anna	technically
275	068011	36	bike	subdirectories	Franklinizations
276	068202	36	qualify	decaying	considered
277	068302	36	detained	outwitting	tinnily
278	068303	36	commended	Harpy	uninterruptedly
279	068401	36	civilize	crazed	whistled
280	068501	36	Elmhurst	suffocate	automate
281	068502	36	anesthetizing	provers	gutting
282	068503	36	deaf	technically	surreptitious
283	068602	36	Brigham	Franklinizations	Choctaw
284	068603	36	title	considered	cooks
285	068701	36	coarse	tinnily	millivolt
286	068702	36	combinations	uninterruptedly	counterpoise
287	068703	36	grayness	whistled	Gothicism
288	076001	36	innumerable	automate	feminine
289	076002	36	Caroline	gutting	metaphysically
290	076101	36	fatty	surreptitious	sanding
291	076102	36	eastbound	Choctaw	contributorily
292	076103	36	inexperienced	cooks	receivers
293	076302	36	hoarder	millivolt	adjourn
294	076303	36	scotch	counterpoise	straggled
295	076304	36	passport	Gothicism	druggists
296	076305	36	strategic	feminine	thanking
297	076306	36	gated	metaphysically	ostrich
298	076307	36	flog	sanding	hopelessness
299	076402	36	Pipestone	contributorily	Eurydice
300	076501	36	Dar	receivers	excitation
301	076502	36	Corcoran	adjourn	presumes
302	076701	36	flyers	straggled	imaginable
303	078001	36	competitions	druggists	concoct
304	078002	36	suppliers	thanking	peering
305	078003	36	skips	ostrich	Phelps
306	078004	36	institutes	hopelessness	ferociousness
307	078005	36	troop	Eurydice	sentences
308	078006	36	connective	excitation	unlocks
309	078007	36	denies	presumes	engrossing
310	078008	36	polka	imaginable	Ruth
311	078101	36	observations	concoct	tying
312	078103	36	askers	peering	exclaimers
313	078104	36	homeless	Phelps	synergy
314	078105	36	Anna	ferociousness	Huey
315	082101	36	subdirectories	sentences	merging
316	083401	36	decaying	unlocks	judges
317	084001	36	outwitting	engrossing	Shylock
318	084002	36	Harpy	Ruth	Miltonism
319	086001	36	crazed	tying	hen
320	086102	36	suffocate	exclaimers	honeybee
321	086201	36	provers	synergy	towers
322	088001	36	technically	Huey	dilutes
323	088002	36	Franklinizations	merging	numerals
324	088003	36	considered	judges	democracy
325	088004	36	tinnily	Shylock	Ibero-
326	088101	36	uninterruptedly	Miltonism	invalids
327	088102	36	whistled	hen	behavior
328	088103	36	automate	honeybee	accruing
329	088104	36	gutting	towers	relics
330	088105	36	surreptitious	dilutes	rackets
331	088106	36	Choctaw	numerals	Fischbein
332	088201	36	cooks	democracy	phony
333	088203	36	millivolt	Ibero-	cross
334	088204	36	counterpoise	invalids	cleanup
335	088302	37	Gothicism	behavior	conspirator
336	088303	37	feminine	accruing	label
337	088305	37	metaphysically	relics	university
338	088402	37	sanding	rackets	cleansed
339	088501	36	contributorily	Fischbein	ballgown
340	088502	36	receivers	phony	starlet
341	088503	36	adjourn	cross	aqueous
342	098001	58	straggled	cleanup	portrayal
343	098002	58	druggists	conspirator	despising
344	098003	58	thanking	label	distort
345	098004	58	ostrich	university	palmed
346	098005	58	hopelessness	cleansed	faced
347	098006	58	Eurydice	ballgown	silverware
348	141903	29	excitation	starlet	assessor
349	098008	58	presumes	aqueous	spiders
350	098009	58	imaginable	portrayal	artificially
351	098010	58	concoct	despising	reminiscence
352	098011	58	peering	distort	Mexican
353	098012	58	Phelps	palmed	obnoxious
354	098013	58	ferociousness	faced	fragile
355	098014	58	sentences	silverware	apprehensible
356	098015	58	unlocks	assessor	births
357	098016	58	engrossing	spiders	garages
358	098017	58	Ruth	artificially	panty
359	098018	58	tying	reminiscence	anteater
360	098019	58	exclaimers	Mexican	displacement
361	098020	58	synergy	obnoxious	drovers
362	098021	58	Huey	fragile	patenting
363	098022	58	merging	apprehensible	far
364	098023	58	judges	births	shrieks
365	098024	58	Shylock	garages	aligning
366	098025	37	Miltonism	panty	pragmatism
367	106001	36	hen	anteater	fevers
368	108001	36	honeybee	displacement	reexamines
369	108002	36	towers	drovers	occupancies
370	108003	36	dilutes	patenting	sweats
371	108004	36	numerals	far	modulators
372	108005	36	democracy	shrieks	demand
373	108007	36	Ibero-	aligning	Madeira
374	108008	36	invalids	pragmatism	Viennese
375	108009	36	behavior	fevers	chillier
376	108010	36	accruing	reexamines	wildcats
377	108011	36	relics	occupancies	gentle
378	108012	36	rackets	sweats	Angles
379	108101	36	Fischbein	modulators	accuracies
380	108102	36	phony	demand	toggle
381	108103	36	cross	Madeira	Mendelssohn
382	108111	50	cleanup	Viennese	behaviorally
383	108105	36	conspirator	chillier	Rochford
384	108106	36	label	wildcats	mirror
385	108107	36	university	gentle	Modula
386	108108	50	cleansed	Angles	clobbering
387	108109	36	ballgown	accuracies	chronography
388	108110	36	starlet	toggle	Eskimoizeds
389	108201	36	aqueous	Mendelssohn	British
390	108202	36	portrayal	behaviorally	pitfalls
391	108203	36	despising	Rochford	verify
392	108204	36	distort	mirror	scatter
393	108205	36	palmed	Modula	Aztecan
394	108301	36	faced	clobbering	acuity
395	108302	36	silverware	chronography	sinking
396	112101	36	assessor	Eskimoizeds	beasts
397	112102	36	spiders	British	Witt
398	113701	36	artificially	pitfalls	physicists
399	116001	36	reminiscence	verify	folksong
400	116201	36	Mexican	scatter	strokes
401	116301	36	obnoxious	Aztecan	crowder
402	116302	36	fragile	acuity	merry
403	116601	36	apprehensible	sinking	cadenced
404	116602	36	births	beasts	alimony
405	116603	36	garages	Witt	principled
406	116701	36	panty	physicists	golfing
407	116702	36	anteater	folksong	undiscovered
408	118001	36	displacement	strokes	irritates
409	118002	36	drovers	crowder	patriots
410	118003	36	patenting	merry	rooms
411	118004	36	far	cadenced	towering
412	118005	36	shrieks	alimony	displease
413	118006	36	aligning	principled	photosensitive
414	118007	36	pragmatism	golfing	inking
415	118008	36	fevers	undiscovered	gainers
416	118101	36	reexamines	irritates	leaning
417	118102	36	occupancies	patriots	hydrant
418	118103	36	sweats	rooms	preserve
419	118202	36	modulators	towering	blinded
420	118203	36	demand	displease	interactions
421	118204	36	Madeira	photosensitive	Barry
422	118302	36	Viennese	inking	whiteness
423	118304	36	chillier	gainers	pastimes
424	118305	36	wildcats	leaning	Edenization
425	118306	36	gentle	hydrant	Muscat
426	118307	36	Angles	preserve	assassinated
427	123101	36	accuracies	blinded	labeled
428	123102	36	toggle	interactions	glacial
429	123301	36	Mendelssohn	Barry	implied
430	126001	36	behaviorally	whiteness	bibliographies
431	126002	36	Rochford	pastimes	Buchanan
432	126003	36	mirror	Edenization	forgivably
433	126101	36	Modula	Muscat	innuendo
434	126301	36	clobbering	assassinated	den
435	126302	36	chronography	labeled	submarines
436	126402	36	Eskimoizeds	glacial	mouthful
437	126601	36	British	implied	expiring
438	126602	36	pitfalls	bibliographies	unfulfilled
439	126702	36	verify	Buchanan	precession
440	128001	36	scatter	forgivably	nullified
441	128002	36	Aztecan	innuendo	affects
442	128003	36	acuity	den	Cynthia
443	128004	36	sinking	submarines	Chablis
444	128005	36	beasts	mouthful	betterments
445	128007	36	Witt	expiring	advertising
446	128008	36	physicists	unfulfilled	rubies
447	128009	36	folksong	precession	southwest
448	128010	36	strokes	nullified	superstitious
449	128011	36	crowder	affects	tabernacle
450	128012	36	merry	Cynthia	silk
451	128013	36	cadenced	Chablis	handsomest
452	128014	36	alimony	betterments	Persian
453	128015	36	principled	advertising	analog
454	128016	36	golfing	rubies	complex
455	128017	36	undiscovered	southwest	Taoist
456	128018	36	irritates	superstitious	suspend
457	128019	36	patriots	tabernacle	relegated
458	128020	36	rooms	silk	awesome
459	128021	36	towering	handsomest	Bruxelles
460	128022	36	displease	Persian	imprecisely
461	128023	36	photosensitive	analog	televise
462	128101	36	inking	complex	braking
463	128102	36	gainers	Taoist	true
464	128103	36	leaning	suspend	disappointing
465	128104	36	hydrant	relegated	navally
466	128106	36	preserve	awesome	circus
467	128107	36	blinded	Bruxelles	beetles
468	128108	36	interactions	imprecisely	trumps
469	128202	36	Barry	televise	fourscore
470	128203	36	whiteness	braking	Blackfoots
471	128301	36	pastimes	true	Grady
472	128302	36	Edenization	disappointing	quiets
473	128303	36	Muscat	navally	floundered
474	128304	36	assassinated	circus	profundity
475	128305	36	labeled	beetles	Garrisonian
476	128307	36	glacial	trumps	Strauss
477	128401	36	implied	fourscore	cemented
478	128502	36	bibliographies	Blackfoots	contrition
479	128503	36	Buchanan	Grady	mutations
480	128504	36	forgivably	quiets	exhibits
481	128505	36	innuendo	floundered	tits
482	128601	36	den	profundity	mate
483	128603	36	submarines	Garrisonian	arches
484	128604	36	mouthful	Strauss	Moll
485	128702	36	expiring	cemented	ropers
486	128703	36	unfulfilled	contrition	bombast
487	128704	36	precession	mutations	difficultly
488	138001	36	nullified	exhibits	adsorption
489	138002	36	affects	tits	definiteness
490	138003	36	Cynthia	mate	cultivation
491	138004	36	Chablis	arches	heals
492	138005	36	betterments	Moll	Heusen
493	138006	36	advertising	ropers	target
494	138007	36	rubies	bombast	cited
495	138008	36	southwest	difficultly	congresswoman
496	138009	36	superstitious	adsorption	Katherine
497	138102	36	tabernacle	definiteness	titter
498	138103	36	silk	cultivation	aspire
499	138104	36	handsomest	heals	Mardis
500	138105	36	Persian	Heusen	Nadia
501	138201	36	analog	target	estimating
502	138302	36	complex	cited	stuck
503	138303	36	Taoist	congresswoman	fifteenth
504	138304	36	suspend	Katherine	Colombo
505	138401	29	relegated	titter	survey
506	140102	29	awesome	aspire	staffing
507	140103	29	Bruxelles	Mardis	obtain
508	140104	29	imprecisely	Nadia	loaded
509	140105	29	televise	estimating	slaughtered
510	140201	29	braking	stuck	lights
511	140701	29	true	fifteenth	circumference
512	141501	29	disappointing	Colombo	dull
513	141502	29	navally	survey	weekly
514	141901	29	circus	staffing	wetness
515	141902	29	beetles	obtain	visualized
516	142101	29	trumps	loaded	Tannenbaum
517	142102	29	fourscore	slaughtered	moribund
518	142103	29	Blackfoots	lights	demultiplex
519	142701	29	Grady	circumference	lockings
520	143001	29	quiets	dull	thugs
521	143501	29	floundered	weekly	unnerves
522	143502	29	profundity	wetness	abut
523	148001	29	Garrisonian	visualized	Chippewa
524	148002	29	Strauss	Tannenbaum	stratifications
525	148003	29	cemented	moribund	signaled
526	148004	29	contrition	demultiplex	Italianizes
527	148005	29	mutations	lockings	algorithmic
528	148006	29	exhibits	thugs	paranoid
529	148007	29	tits	unnerves	camping
530	148009	29	mate	abut	signifying
531	148010	29	arches	Chippewa	Patrice
532	148011	29	Moll	stratifications	search
533	148012	29	ropers	signaled	Angeles
534	148013	29	bombast	Italianizes	semblance
535	148023	36	difficultly	algorithmic	taxed
536	148015	29	adsorption	paranoid	Beatrice
537	148016	29	definiteness	camping	retrace
538	148017	29	cultivation	signifying	lockout
539	148018	29	heals	Patrice	grammatic
540	148019	29	Heusen	search	helmsman
541	148020	29	target	Angeles	uniform
542	148021	29	cited	semblance	hamming
543	148022	29	congresswoman	taxed	disobedience
544	148101	29	Katherine	Beatrice	captivated
545	148102	29	titter	retrace	transferals
546	148201	29	aspire	lockout	cartographer
547	148401	29	Mardis	grammatic	aims
548	148402	29	Nadia	helmsman	Pakistani
549	148501	29	estimating	uniform	burglarized
550	148502	29	stuck	hamming	saucepans
551	148503	29	fifteenth	disobedience	lacerating
552	148504	29	Colombo	captivated	corny
553	148601	29	survey	transferals	megabytes
554	148602	29	staffing	cartographer	chancellor
555	150701	29	obtain	aims	bulk
556	152101	29	loaded	Pakistani	commits
557	152102	29	slaughtered	burglarized	meson
558	155202	36	lights	saucepans	deputies
559	155203	29	circumference	lacerating	northeaster
560	155204	29	dull	corny	dipole
561	155205	29	weekly	megabytes	machining
562	156001	29	wetness	chancellor	therefore
563	156002	29	visualized	bulk	Telefunken
564	156102	29	Tannenbaum	commits	salvaging
565	156301	29	moribund	meson	Corinthianizes
566	156302	29	demultiplex	deputies	restlessly
567	156303	29	lockings	northeaster	bromides
568	156304	29	thugs	dipole	generalized
569	156305	29	unnerves	machining	mishaps
570	156306	29	abut	therefore	quelling
571	156501	29	Chippewa	Telefunken	spiritual
572	158001	29	stratifications	salvaging	beguiles
573	158002	29	signaled	Corinthianizes	Trobriand
574	158101	29	Italianizes	restlessly	fleeing
575	158102	29	algorithmic	bromides	Armour
576	158103	29	paranoid	generalized	chin
577	158201	29	camping	mishaps	provers
578	158202	29	signifying	quelling	aeronautic
579	158203	29	Patrice	spiritual	voltage
580	158204	29	search	beguiles	sash
581	158301	29	Angeles	Trobriand	anaerobic
582	158302	29	semblance	fleeing	simultaneous
583	158303	29	taxed	Armour	accumulating
584	158304	29	Beatrice	chin	Medusan
585	158305	29	retrace	provers	shouted
586	158306	29	lockout	aeronautic	freakish
587	158501	29	grammatic	voltage	index
588	160301	29	helmsman	sash	commercially
589	166101	50	uniform	anaerobic	mistiness
590	166102	50	hamming	simultaneous	endpoint
591	168001	29	disobedience	accumulating	straight
592	168002	29	captivated	Medusan	flurried
593	168003	29	transferals	shouted	denotative
594	168101	29	cartographer	freakish	coming
595	168102	29	aims	index	commencements
596	168103	29	Pakistani	commercially	gentleman
597	168104	29	burglarized	mistiness	gifted
598	168202	29	saucepans	endpoint	Shanghais
599	168301	29	lacerating	straight	sportswriting
600	168502	29	corny	flurried	sloping
601	168503	29	megabytes	denotative	navies
602	168601	29	chancellor	coming	leaflet
603	173001	40	bulk	commencements	shooter
604	173701	40	commits	gentleman	Joplin
605	173702	40	meson	gifted	babies
606	176001	40	deputies	Shanghais	subdivision
607	176101	40	northeaster	sportswriting	burstiness
608	176201	40	dipole	sloping	belted
609	176401	40	machining	navies	assails
610	176501	40	therefore	leaflet	admiring
611	176601	40	Telefunken	shooter	swaying
612	176602	40	salvaging	Joplin	Goldstine
613	176603	40	Corinthianizes	babies	fitting
614	178001	40	restlessly	subdivision	Norwalk
615	178002	40	bromides	burstiness	weakening
616	178003	40	generalized	belted	analogy
617	178004	40	mishaps	assails	deludes
618	178005	40	quelling	admiring	cokes
619	178006	40	spiritual	swaying	Clayton
620	178007	40	beguiles	Goldstine	exhausts
621	178008	40	Trobriand	fitting	causality
622	178101	40	fleeing	Norwalk	sating
623	178102	40	Armour	weakening	icon
624	178103	40	chin	analogy	throttles
625	178201	40	provers	deludes	communicants
626	178202	40	aeronautic	cokes	dehydrate
627	178301	40	voltage	Clayton	priceless
628	178302	40	sash	exhausts	publicly
629	178401	40	anaerobic	causality	incidentals
630	178402	40	simultaneous	sating	commonplace
631	178403	40	accumulating	icon	mumbles
632	178404	40	Medusan	throttles	furthermore
633	178501	40	shouted	communicants	cautioned
634	186002	37	freakish	dehydrate	parametrized
635	186102	37	index	priceless	registration
636	186201	40	commercially	publicly	sadly
637	186202	40	mistiness	incidentals	positioning
638	186203	40	endpoint	commonplace	babysitting
639	186302	37	straight	mumbles	eternal
640	188007	37	flurried	furthermore	hoarder
641	188008	37	denotative	cautioned	congregates
642	188009	37	coming	parametrized	rains
643	188010	37	commencements	registration	workers
644	188011	37	gentleman	sadly	sags
645	188012	37	gifted	positioning	unplug
646	188013	37	Shanghais	babysitting	garage
647	188014	37	sportswriting	eternal	boulder
648	188015	37	sloping	hoarder	hollowly
649	188016	37	navies	congregates	specifics
650	188017	37	leaflet	rains	Teresa
651	188102	37	shooter	workers	Winsett
652	188103	37	Joplin	sags	convenient
653	188202	37	babies	unplug	buckboards
654	188301	40	subdivision	garage	amenities
655	188302	40	burstiness	boulder	resplendent
656	188303	40	belted	hollowly	priding
657	188401	37	assails	specifics	configurations
658	188402	37	admiring	Teresa	untidiness
659	188503	37	swaying	Winsett	Brice
660	188504	37	Goldstine	convenient	sews
661	188505	37	fitting	buckboards	participated
662	190701	37	Norwalk	amenities	Simon
663	190703	50	weakening	resplendent	certificates
664	191701	37	analogy	priding	Fitzpatrick
665	191702	37	deludes	configurations	Evanston
666	191703	37	cokes	untidiness	misted
667	196001	37	Clayton	Brice	textures
668	196002	37	exhausts	sews	save
669	196003	37	causality	participated	count
670	196101	37	sating	Simon	rightful
671	196103	37	icon	certificates	chaperone
672	196104	37	throttles	Fitzpatrick	Lizzy
673	196201	37	communicants	Evanston	clenched
674	196202	37	dehydrate	misted	effortlessly
675	196203	37	priceless	textures	accessed
676	198001	37	publicly	save	beaters
677	198003	37	incidentals	count	Hornblower
678	198004	37	commonplace	rightful	vests
679	198005	37	mumbles	chaperone	indulgences
680	198006	37	furthermore	Lizzy	infallibly
681	198007	37	cautioned	clenched	unwilling
682	198008	37	parametrized	effortlessly	excrete
683	198009	37	registration	accessed	spools
684	198010	37	sadly	beaters	crunches
685	198011	37	positioning	Hornblower	overestimating
686	198012	37	babysitting	vests	ineffective
687	198013	37	eternal	indulgences	humiliation
688	198014	37	hoarder	infallibly	sophomore
689	198015	37	congregates	unwilling	star
690	198017	37	rains	excrete	rifles
691	198018	37	workers	spools	dialysis
692	198019	37	sags	crunches	arriving
693	198020	37	unplug	overestimating	indulge
694	198021	37	garage	ineffective	clockers
695	198022	37	boulder	humiliation	languages
696	198023	50	hollowly	sophomore	Antarctica
697	198024	37	specifics	star	percentage
698	198101	37	Teresa	rifles	ceiling
699	198103	37	Winsett	dialysis	specification
700	198105	37	convenient	arriving	regimented
701	198106	37	buckboards	indulge	ciphers
702	198201	37	amenities	clockers	pictures
703	198204	37	resplendent	languages	serpents
704	198301	53	priding	Antarctica	allot
705	198302	53	configurations	percentage	realized
706	198303	53	untidiness	ceiling	mayoral
707	198304	53	Brice	specification	opaquely
708	198401	37	sews	regimented	hostess
709	198402	37	participated	ciphers	fiftieth
710	198403	37	Simon	pictures	incorrectly
711	202101	37	certificates	serpents	decomposition
712	202301	37	Fitzpatrick	allot	stranglings
713	202302	37	Evanston	realized	mixture
714	202303	37	misted	mayoral	electroencephalography
715	202304	37	textures	opaquely	similarities
716	202305	37	save	hostess	charges
717	202601	37	count	fiftieth	freest
718	202602	37	rightful	incorrectly	Greenberg
719	202605	37	chaperone	decomposition	tinting
720	202606	37	Lizzy	stranglings	expelled
721	202607	37	clenched	mixture	warm
722	202901	37	effortlessly	electroencephalography	smoothed
723	202902	37	accessed	similarities	deductions
724	202903	37	beaters	charges	Romano
725	202904	37	Hornblower	freest	bitterroot
726	202907	37	vests	Greenberg	corset
727	202908	37	indulgences	tinting	securing
728	203101	37	infallibly	expelled	environing
729	203103	37	unwilling	warm	cute
730	203104	37	excrete	smoothed	Crays
731	203105	37	spools	deductions	heiress
732	203401	37	crunches	Romano	inform
733	203402	37	overestimating	bitterroot	avenge
734	203404	37	ineffective	corset	universals
735	203901	37	humiliation	securing	Kinsey
736	203902	37	sophomore	environing	ravines
737	203903	37	star	cute	bestseller
738	203906	37	rifles	Crays	equilibrium
739	203907	37	dialysis	heiress	extents
740	203908	37	arriving	inform	relatively
741	203909	37	indulge	avenge	pressure
742	206101	37	clockers	universals	critiques
743	206201	37	languages	Kinsey	befouled
744	206202	37	Antarctica	ravines	rightfully
745	206203	37	percentage	bestseller	mechanizing
746	206206	37	ceiling	equilibrium	Latinizes
747	206207	37	specification	extents	timesharing
748	206208	37	regimented	relatively	Aden
749	208001	37	ciphers	pressure	embassies
750	208002	37	pictures	critiques	males
751	208003	37	serpents	befouled	shapelessly
752	208004	37	allot	rightfully	genres
753	208008	37	realized	mechanizing	mastering
754	208009	37	mayoral	Latinizes	Newtonian
755	208010	37	opaquely	timesharing	finishers
756	208011	37	hostess	Aden	abates
757	208101	37	fiftieth	embassies	teem
758	208102	37	incorrectly	males	kiting
759	208103	37	decomposition	shapelessly	stodgy
760	208104	37	stranglings	genres	scalps
761	208105	37	mixture	mastering	feed
762	208110	37	electroencephalography	Newtonian	guitars
763	208111	37	similarities	finishers	airships
764	208112	37	charges	abates	store
765	208113	37	freest	teem	denounces
766	208201	37	Greenberg	kiting	Pyle
767	208203	37	tinting	stodgy	Saxony
768	208301	37	expelled	scalps	serializations
769	208302	37	warm	feed	Peruvian
770	208305	37	smoothed	guitars	taxonomically
771	208401	37	deductions	airships	kingdom
772	208402	37	Romano	store	stint
773	208403	37	bitterroot	denounces	Sault
774	208404	37	corset	Pyle	faithful
775	208501	37	securing	Saxony	Ganymede
776	208502	37	environing	serializations	tidiness
777	208503	37	cute	Peruvian	gainful
778	208504	37	Crays	taxonomically	contrary
779	208505	37	heiress	kingdom	Tipperary
780	210101	37	inform	stint	tropics
781	210102	37	avenge	Sault	theorizers
782	210103	37	universals	faithful	renew
783	210104	37	Kinsey	Ganymede	already
784	210105	37	ravines	tidiness	terminal
785	210106	37	bestseller	gainful	Hegelian
786	210107	37	equilibrium	contrary	hypothesizer
787	210401	37	extents	Tipperary	warningly
788	213201	37	relatively	tropics	journalizing
789	213203	37	pressure	theorizers	nested
790	213204	37	critiques	renew	Lars
791	213205	37	befouled	already	saplings
792	213206	37	rightfully	terminal	foothill
793	213207	37	mechanizing	Hegelian	labeled
794	216101	37	Latinizes	hypothesizer	imperiously
795	216103	37	timesharing	warningly	reporters
796	218001	37	Aden	journalizing	furnishings
797	218002	37	embassies	nested	precipitable
798	218003	37	males	Lars	discounts
799	218004	37	shapelessly	saplings	excises
800	143503	50	genres	foothill	Stalin
801	218006	37	mastering	labeled	despot
802	218007	37	Newtonian	imperiously	ripeness
803	218008	37	finishers	reporters	Arabia
804	218009	37	abates	furnishings	unruly
805	218010	37	teem	precipitable	mournfulness
806	218011	37	kiting	discounts	boom
807	218020	37	stodgy	excises	slaughter
808	218021	50	scalps	Stalin	Sabine
809	218022	37	feed	despot	handy
810	218023	37	guitars	ripeness	rural
811	218024	37	airships	Arabia	organizer
812	218101	37	store	unruly	shipyard
813	218102	37	denounces	mournfulness	civics
814	218103	37	Pyle	boom	inaccuracy
815	218201	37	Saxony	slaughter	rules
816	218202	37	serializations	Sabine	juveniles
817	218203	37	Peruvian	handy	comprised
818	218204	37	taxonomically	rural	investigations
819	218205	37	kingdom	organizer	stabilizes
820	218301	37	stint	shipyard	seminaries
821	218302	37	Sault	civics	Hunter
822	218401	37	faithful	inaccuracy	sporty
823	218402	37	Ganymede	rules	test
824	218403	37	tidiness	juveniles	weasels
825	218404	37	gainful	comprised	CERN
826	218407	37	contrary	investigations	tempering
827	218408	37	Tipperary	stabilizes	afore
828	218409	37	tropics	seminaries	Galatean
829	218410	37	theorizers	Hunter	techniques
830	226001	37	renew	sporty	error
831	226002	37	already	test	veranda
832	226003	37	terminal	weasels	severely
833	226004	37	Hegelian	CERN	Cassites
834	226005	37	hypothesizer	tempering	forthcoming
835	226006	37	warningly	afore	guides
836	226007	37	journalizing	Galatean	vanish
837	226008	37	nested	techniques	lied
838	226203	37	Lars	error	sawtooth
839	226204	37	saplings	veranda	fated
840	226205	37	foothill	severely	gradually
841	226206	37	labeled	Cassites	widens
842	226207	37	imperiously	forthcoming	preclude
843	226208	37	reporters	guides	Jobrel
844	226209	37	furnishings	vanish	hooker
845	226210	37	precipitable	lied	rainstorm
846	226211	37	discounts	sawtooth	disconnects
847	228001	37	excises	fated	cruelty
848	228004	37	Stalin	gradually	exponentials
849	228005	37	despot	widens	affective
850	228006	37	ripeness	preclude	arteries
851	228007	37	Arabia	Jobrel	Crosby
852	228008	37	unruly	hooker	acquaint
853	228009	37	mournfulness	rainstorm	evenhandedly
854	228101	37	boom	disconnects	percentage
855	228108	37	slaughter	cruelty	disobedience
856	228109	37	Sabine	exponentials	humility
857	228110	37	handy	affective	gleaning
858	228111	37	rural	arteries	petted
859	228112	37	organizer	Crosby	bloater
860	228113	37	shipyard	acquaint	minion
861	228114	37	civics	evenhandedly	marginal
862	228115	37	inaccuracy	percentage	apiary
863	228116	37	rules	disobedience	measures
864	228117	37	juveniles	humility	precaution
865	228118	37	comprised	gleaning	repelled
866	228119	37	investigations	petted	primary
867	228120	37	stabilizes	bloater	coverings
868	228121	37	seminaries	minion	Artemia
869	228122	37	Hunter	marginal	navigate
870	228201	37	sporty	apiary	spatial
871	228206	37	test	measures	Gurkha
872	228207	37	weasels	precaution	meanwhile
873	228208	37	CERN	repelled	Melinda
874	228209	37	tempering	primary	Butterfield
875	228210	37	afore	coverings	Aldrich
876	228211	37	Galatean	Artemia	previewing
877	228212	37	techniques	navigate	glut
878	228213	37	error	spatial	unaffected
879	228214	37	veranda	Gurkha	inmate
880	228301	37	severely	meanwhile	mineral
881	228305	37	Cassites	Melinda	impending
882	228306	37	forthcoming	Butterfield	meditation
883	228307	37	guides	Aldrich	ideas
884	228308	37	vanish	previewing	miniaturizes
885	228309	37	lied	glut	lewdly
886	228310	37	sawtooth	unaffected	title
887	228311	37	fated	inmate	youthfulness
888	228312	37	gradually	mineral	creak
889	228313	37	widens	impending	Chippewa
890	228314	37	preclude	meditation	clamored
891	228401	65	Jobrel	ideas	freezes
892	228402	65	hooker	miniaturizes	forgivably
893	228403	65	rainstorm	lewdly	reduce
894	228404	65	disconnects	title	McGovern
895	228405	65	cruelty	youthfulness	Nazis
896	228406	65	exponentials	creak	epistle
897	228407	65	affective	Chippewa	socializes
898	228408	65	arteries	clamored	conceptions
899	228409	65	Crosby	freezes	Kevin
900	228410	65	acquaint	forgivably	uncovering
901	230301	37	evenhandedly	reduce	chews
902	230302	37	percentage	McGovern	appendixes
903	230303	37	disobedience	Nazis	raining
904	018062	37	humility	epistle	infest
905	230501	37	gleaning	socializes	compartment
906	230502	37	petted	conceptions	minting
907	230503	37	bloater	Kevin	ducks
908	230504	37	minion	uncovering	roped
909	230505	37	marginal	chews	waltz
910	230506	37	apiary	appendixes	Lillian
911	230507	37	measures	raining	repressions
912	230508	37	precaution	infest	chillingly
913	230509	37	repelled	compartment	noncritical
914	230901	37	primary	minting	lithograph
915	230902	37	coverings	ducks	spongers
916	230903	37	Artemia	roped	parenthood
917	230904	37	navigate	waltz	posed
918	230905	37	spatial	Lillian	instruments
919	230906	37	Gurkha	repressions	filial
920	230907	37	meanwhile	chillingly	fixedly
921	230908	37	Melinda	noncritical	relives
922	230909	37	Butterfield	lithograph	Pandora
923	230910	37	Aldrich	spongers	watering
924	230911	37	previewing	parenthood	ungrateful
925	230912	37	glut	posed	secures
926	230913	37	unaffected	instruments	chastisers
927	230914	37	inmate	filial	icon
928	231304	37	mineral	fixedly	reuniting
929	231305	37	impending	relives	imagining
930	231306	37	meditation	Pandora	abiding
931	231307	37	ideas	watering	omnisciently
932	231308	37	miniaturizes	ungrateful	Britannic
933	231309	37	lewdly	secures	scholastics
934	231310	37	title	chastisers	mechanics
935	231311	37	youthfulness	icon	humidly
936	231312	37	creak	reuniting	masterpiece
937	231313	37	Chippewa	imagining	however
938	231314	37	clamored	abiding	Mendelian
939	231315	37	freezes	omnisciently	jarred
940	232102	37	forgivably	Britannic	scolds
941	232103	37	reduce	scholastics	infatuate
942	232104	37	McGovern	mechanics	willed
943	232105	37	Nazis	humidly	joyfully
944	232106	37	epistle	masterpiece	Microsoft
945	232107	37	socializes	however	fibrosities
946	232108	37	conceptions	Mendelian	Baltimorean
947	232601	37	Kevin	jarred	equestrian
948	232602	37	uncovering	scolds	Goodrich
949	232603	37	chews	infatuate	apish
950	232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian
5950	1232605	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian
5951	1232606	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian
5952	1232607	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian
5953	1232608	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian
5954	1232609	37	appendixes	willed	Adlerian
951	232606	37	raining	joyfully	Tropez
952	232607	37	infest	Microsoft	nouns
953	232608	37	compartment	fibrosities	distracting
954	232609	37	minting	Baltimorean	mutton
955	236104	37	ducks	equestrian	bridgeable
956	236105	37	roped	Goodrich	stickers
957	236106	37	waltz	apish	transcontinental
958	236107	37	Lillian	Adlerian	amateurish
959	236108	37	repressions	Tropez	Gandhian
960	236109	37	chillingly	nouns	stratified
961	236110	37	noncritical	distracting	chamberlains
962	236111	37	lithograph	mutton	creditably
963	236112	37	spongers	bridgeable	philosophic
964	236113	37	parenthood	stickers	ores
965	238005	37	posed	transcontinental	Carleton
966	238006	37	instruments	amateurish	tape
967	238007	37	filial	Gandhian	afloat
968	238008	37	fixedly	stratified	goodness
969	238009	37	relives	chamberlains	welcoming
970	238010	37	Pandora	creditably	Pinsky
971	238011	37	watering	philosophic	halting
972	238012	37	ungrateful	ores	bibliography
973	238013	37	secures	Carleton	decoding
974	240401	41	chastisers	tape	variance
975	240402	41	icon	afloat	allowed
976	240901	41	reuniting	goodness	dire
977	240902	41	imagining	welcoming	dub
978	241801	41	abiding	Pinsky	poisoning
979	242101	41	omnisciently	halting	Iraqis
980	242102	41	Britannic	bibliography	heaving
981	242201	41	scholastics	decoding	population
982	242202	41	mechanics	variance	bomb
983	242501	41	humidly	allowed	Majorca
984	242502	41	masterpiece	dire	Gershwins
985	246201	41	however	dub	explorers
986	246202	41	Mendelian	poisoning	libretto
987	246203	41	jarred	Iraqis	occurred
988	246204	41	scolds	heaving	Lagos
989	246205	41	infatuate	population	rats
990	246301	41	willed	bomb	bankruptcies
991	246302	41	joyfully	Majorca	crying
992	248001	41	Microsoft	Gershwins	unexpected
993	248002	41	fibrosities	explorers	accessed
994	248003	41	Baltimorean	libretto	colorful
995	248004	41	equestrian	occurred	versatility
996	248005	41	Goodrich	Lagos	cosy
997	248006	41	apish	rats	Darius
998	248007	41	Adlerian	bankruptcies	mastering
999	248008	41	Tropez	crying	Asiaticizations
1000	248009	41	nouns	unexpected	offerers
1001	248010	41	distracting	accessed	uncles
1002	248011	41	mutton	colorful	sleepwalk
1003	248012	41	bridgeable	versatility	Ernestine
1004	248013	41	stickers	cosy	checksumming
1005	248014	41	transcontinental	Darius	stopped
1006	248015	41	amateurish	mastering	sicker
1007	248016	41	Gandhian	Asiaticizations	Italianization
1008	248017	41	stratified	offerers	alphabetic
1009	248018	41	chamberlains	uncles	pharmaceutic
1010	248019	41	creditably	sleepwalk	creator
1011	248020	41	philosophic	Ernestine	chess
1012	248021	41	ores	checksumming	charcoal
1013	248101	41	Carleton	stopped	Epiphany
1014	248102	41	tape	sicker	bulldozes
1015	248201	41	afloat	Italianization	Pygmalion
1016	248202	41	goodness	alphabetic	caressing
1017	248203	41	welcoming	pharmaceutic	Palestine
1018	248204	41	Pinsky	creator	regimented
1019	248205	41	halting	chess	scars
1020	248206	41	bibliography	charcoal	realest
1021	248207	41	decoding	Epiphany	diffusing
1022	248208	41	variance	bulldozes	clubroom
1023	248209	41	allowed	Pygmalion	Blythe
1024	248210	41	dire	caressing	ahead
1025	248211	50	dub	Palestine	reviver
1026	250501	34	poisoning	regimented	retransmitting
1027	250502	34	Iraqis	scars	landslide
1028	250503	34	heaving	realest	Eiffel
1029	250504	34	population	diffusing	absentee
1030	250505	34	bomb	clubroom	aye
1031	250601	34	Majorca	Blythe	forked
1032	250602	34	Gershwins	ahead	Peruvianizes
1033	250603	34	explorers	reviver	clerked
1034	250604	34	libretto	retransmitting	tutor
1035	250605	34	occurred	landslide	boulevard
1036	251001	34	Lagos	Eiffel	shuttered
1037	251002	34	rats	absentee	quotes
1038	251003	34	bankruptcies	aye	Caltech
1039	251004	34	crying	forked	Mossberg
1040	251005	34	unexpected	Peruvianizes	kept
1041	251301	34	accessed	clerked	roundly
1042	251302	34	colorful	tutor	features
1043	251303	34	versatility	boulevard	imaginable
1044	251304	34	cosy	shuttered	controller
1045	251305	34	Darius	quotes	racial
1046	251401	34	mastering	Caltech	uprisings
1047	251402	34	Asiaticizations	Mossberg	narrowed
1048	251403	34	offerers	kept	cannot
1049	251404	34	uncles	roundly	vest
1050	251405	34	sleepwalk	features	famine
1051	251406	34	Ernestine	imaginable	sugars
1052	251801	34	checksumming	controller	exterminated
1053	251802	34	stopped	racial	belays
1054	252101	34	sicker	uprisings	Hodges
1055	252102	34	Italianization	narrowed	translatable
1056	252301	34	alphabetic	cannot	duality
1057	252302	34	pharmaceutic	vest	recording
1058	252303	34	creator	famine	rouses
1059	252304	34	chess	sugars	poison
1060	252305	34	charcoal	exterminated	attitude
1061	252306	34	Epiphany	belays	dusted
1062	252307	34	bulldozes	Hodges	encompasses
1063	252308	34	Pygmalion	translatable	presentation
1064	252309	34	caressing	duality	Kantian
1065	256001	34	Palestine	recording	imprecision
1066	256002	34	regimented	rouses	saving
1067	256003	34	scars	poison	maternal
1068	256004	34	realest	attitude	hewed
1069	256005	34	diffusing	dusted	kerosene
1070	258001	34	clubroom	encompasses	Cubans
1071	258002	34	Blythe	presentation	photographers
1072	258003	34	ahead	Kantian	nymph
1073	258004	34	reviver	imprecision	bedlam
1074	258005	34	retransmitting	saving	north
1075	258006	34	landslide	maternal	Schoenberg
1076	258007	34	Eiffel	hewed	botany
1077	258008	34	absentee	kerosene	curs
1078	258009	34	aye	Cubans	solidification
1079	258010	34	forked	photographers	inheritresses
1080	258011	34	Peruvianizes	nymph	stiller
1081	258101	68	clerked	bedlam	t1
1082	258102	68	tutor	north	suite
1083	258103	34	boulevard	Schoenberg	ransomer
1084	258104	68	shuttered	botany	Willy
1085	258105	68	quotes	curs	Rena
1086	258106	68	Caltech	solidification	Seattle
1087	258107	68	Mossberg	inheritresses	relaxes
1088	258108	68	kept	stiller	exclaim
1089	258109	68	roundly	t1	implicated
1090	258110	68	features	suite	distinguish
1091	258111	68	imaginable	ransomer	assayed
1092	258112	68	controller	Willy	homeowner
1093	258113	68	racial	Rena	and
1094	258201	34	uprisings	Seattle	stealth
1095	258202	34	narrowed	relaxes	coinciding
1096	258203	34	cannot	exclaim	founder
1097	258204	34	vest	implicated	environing
1098	258205	34	famine	distinguish	jewelry
1099	258301	34	sugars	assayed	lemons
1100	258401	34	exterminated	homeowner	brokenness
1101	258402	34	belays	and	bedpost
1102	258403	34	Hodges	stealth	assurers
1103	258404	34	translatable	coinciding	annoyers
1104	258405	34	duality	founder	affixed
1105	258406	34	recording	environing	warbling
1106	258407	34	rouses	jewelry	seriously
1107	228123	37	poison	lemons	boasted
1108	250606	34	attitude	brokenness	Chantilly
1109	208405	37	dusted	bedpost	Iranizes
1110	212101	37	encompasses	assurers	violinist
1111	218206	37	presentation	annoyers	extramarital
1112	150401	37	Kantian	affixed	spates
1113	248212	41	imprecision	warbling	cloakroom
1114	128026	00	saving	seriously	gazer
1115	128024	00	maternal	boasted	hand
1116	128027	00	hewed	Chantilly	tucked
1117	128025	00	kerosene	Iranizes	gems
1118	128109	00	Cubans	violinist	clinker
1119	128705	00	photographers	extramarital	refiner
1120	126303	00	nymph	spates	callus
1121	128308	00	bedlam	cloakroom	leopards
1122	128204	00	north	gazer	comfortingly
1123	128205	00	Schoenberg	hand	generically
1124	128206	00	botany	tucked	getters
1125	128207	00	curs	gems	sexually
1126	118205	00	solidification	clinker	spear
1127	116801	00	inheritresses	refiner	serums
1128	116803	00	stiller	callus	Italianization
1129	116804	00	t1	leopards	attendants
1130	116802	00	suite	comfortingly	spies
1131	128605	00	ransomer	generically	Anthony
1132	118308	00	Willy	getters	planar
1133	113702	00	Rena	sexually	cupped
1134	113703	00	Seattle	spear	cleanser
1135	112103	00	relaxes	serums	commuters
1136	118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle
5136	1118009	00	exclaim	Italianization	honeysuckle
1137	138011	00	implicated	attendants	orphanage
1138	138010	00	distinguish	spies	skies
1139	138012	00	assayed	Anthony	crushers
1140	068304	00	homeowner	planar	Puritan
1141	078009	00	and	cupped	squeezer
1142	108013	00	stealth	cleanser	bruises
1143	084004	00	coinciding	commuters	bonfire
1144	083402	00	founder	honeysuckle	Colombo
1145	084003	00	environing	orphanage	nondecreasing
1146	088504	00	jewelry	skies	innocents
1147	088005	00	lemons	crushers	masked
1148	088007	00	brokenness	Puritan	file
1149	088006	00	bedpost	squeezer	brush
1150	148025	00	assurers	bruises	mutilate
1151	148024	00	annoyers	bonfire	mommy
1152	138305	00	affixed	Colombo	bulkheads
1153	138306	00	warbling	nondecreasing	undeclared
1154	152701	00	seriously	innocents	displacements
1155	148505	00	boasted	masked	nieces
1156	158003	00	Chantilly	file	coeducation
1157	156201	00	Iranizes	brush	brassy
1158	156202	00	violinist	mutilate	authenticator
1159	158307	00	extramarital	mommy	Washoe
1160	158402	00	spates	bulkheads	penny
1161	158401	00	cloakroom	undeclared	Flagler
1162	068013	00	gazer	displacements	stoned
1163	068012	00	hand	nieces	cranes
1164	068203	00	tucked	coeducation	masterful
1165	088205	00	gems	brassy	biracial
1166	068704	00	clinker	authenticator	steamships
1167	068604	00	refiner	Washoe	windmills
1168	158502	00	callus	penny	exploit
1169	123103	00	leopards	Flagler	riverfront
1170	148026	00	comfortingly	stoned	sisterly
1171	123302	00	generically	cranes	sharpshoot
1172	076503	00	getters	masterful	mittens
1173	126304	00	sexually	biracial	interdependency
1174	068306	00	spear	steamships	policy
1175	143504	00	serums	windmills	unleashing
1176	160201	00	Italianization	exploit	pretenders
1177	148028	00	attendants	riverfront	overstatements
1178	148027	00	spies	sisterly	birthed
1179	143505	00	Anthony	sharpshoot	opportunism
1180	108014	00	planar	mittens	showroom
1181	076104	00	cupped	interdependency	compromisingly
1182	078106	00	cleanser	policy	Medicare
1183	126102	00	commuters	unleashing	corresponds
1184	128029	00	honeysuckle	pretenders	hardware
1185	128028	00	orphanage	overstatements	implant
1186	018410	00	skies	birthed	Alicia
1187	128110	00	crushers	opportunism	requesting
1188	148506	00	Puritan	showroom	produced
1189	123303	00	squeezer	compromisingly	criticizes
1190	123304	00	bruises	Medicare	backer
1191	068504	00	bonfire	corresponds	positively
1192	068305	00	Colombo	hardware	colicky
1193	000000	00	nondecreasing	implant	thrillingly
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily
1	000001	00	Omaha	teethe	neat
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily
2	011401	37	breaking	dreaded	Steinberg
3	011402	37	Romans	scholastics	jarring
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily
4	011403	37	intercepted	audiology	tinily
`a` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
b char(12),
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (32, "foo");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (23, "foo");
ERROR 23000: Can't write; duplicate key in table 't5'
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (3, "foo");
ERROR 23000: Can't write; duplicate key in table 't5'
a	b
1	foo
2	foo
3	foo
4	foo
5	foo
32	foo
33	foo
34	foo
35	foo
a	b
3	foo
`a` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
b char(12),
KEY  (`a`)
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (32, "foo");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (23, "foo");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (3, "foo");
a	b
5	foo
6	foo
7	foo
8	foo
9	foo
32	foo
23	foo
33	foo
34	foo
3	foo
35	foo
Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
test.t5	optimize	status	OK
a	b
5	foo
6	foo
7	foo
8	foo
9	foo
32	foo
23	foo
33	foo
34	foo
3	foo
35	foo
a	b
32	foo
a	b
3	foo
`a` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
b blob(12),
KEY  (`a`)
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "We the people");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "in order to form a more pefect union");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "establish justice");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "foo grok ");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (32, "ensure domestic tranquility");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (23, "provide for the common defense");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "fo fooo");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "foo just naother bit of text");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (3, "foo this is mine to think about");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "promote the general welfare");
a	b
1	foo
2	We the people
3	in order to form a more pefect union
4	establish justice
5	foo grok 
32	ensure domestic tranquility
23	provide for the common defense
33	fo fooo
34	foo just naother bit of text
3	foo this is mine to think about
35	promote the general welfare
We the people
in order to form a more pefect union
establish justice
foo grok 
ensure domestic tranquility
provide for the common defense
fo fooo
foo just naother bit of text
foo this is mine to think about
promote the general welfare
in order to form a more pefect union
foo this is mine to think about
SELECT b FROM t5 WHERE a IN (32, 23, 5);
foo grok 
ensure domestic tranquility
provide for the common defense
`a` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
b blob(12),
c blob(12),
KEY  (`a`)
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "foo", "grok this!");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "We the people", NULL);
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "in order to form a more peefect union", "secure the blessing of liberty");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "establish justice", "to ourselves and");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (32, "ensure domestic tranquility", NULL);
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (23, "provide for the common defense", "posterity");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "promote the general welfare", "do ordain");
a	b	c
1	foo	grok this!
2	We the people	NULL
3	in order to form a more peefect union	secure the blessing of liberty
4	establish justice	to ourselves and
32	ensure domestic tranquility	NULL
23	provide for the common defense	posterity
33	promote the general welfare	do ordain
We the people
in order to form a more peefect union
establish justice
ensure domestic tranquility
provide for the common defense
promote the general welfare
in order to form a more peefect union
SELECT b FROM t5 WHERE a IN (32, 23, 5);
ensure domestic tranquility
provide for the common defense
grok this!
secure the blessing of liberty
to ourselves and
do ordain
secure the blessing of liberty
SELECT c FROM t5 WHERE a IN (32, 23, 5);
CREATE TABLE t1 (v varchar(32)) ;
insert into t1 values ('def'),('abc'),('hij'),('3r4f');
select * from t1;
ALTER TABLE t1 change v v2 varchar(32);
select * from t1;
ALTER TABLE t1 change v2 v varchar(64);
select * from t1;
ALTER TABLE t1 add i int auto_increment not null primary key first;
select * from t1;
i	v
1	def
2	abc
3	hij
4	3r4f
`a` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
b varchar(250),
c varchar(800),
KEY  (`a`)
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "foo", "grok this!");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "We the people", NULL);
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "in order to form a more peefect union", "secure the blessing of liberty");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "establish justice", "to ourselves and");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (32, "ensure domestic tranquility", NULL);
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (23, "provide for the common defense", "posterity");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "promote the general welfare", "do ordain");
INSERT INTO t5 VALUES (NULL, "abcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabc", "do ordain");
Warning	1265	Data truncated for column 'b' at row 1
a	b	c
1	foo	grok this!
2	We the people	NULL
3	in order to form a more peefect union	secure the blessing of liberty
4	establish justice	to ourselves and
32	ensure domestic tranquility	NULL
23	provide for the common defense	posterity
33	promote the general welfare	do ordain
34	abcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdeghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz	do ordain
`a` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
b blob(12),
c int,
KEY  (`a`)
a	b	c
INSERT INTO t6 VALUES (NULL, "We the people", 5);
INSERT INTO t6 VALUES (NULL, "in order to form a more pefect union", 9);
INSERT INTO t6 VALUES (NULL, "establish justice", NULL);
INSERT INTO t6 VALUES (32, "ensure domestic tranquility", NULL);
INSERT INTO t6 VALUES (23, "provide for the common defense", 30);
INSERT INTO t6 VALUES (NULL, "fo fooo", 70);
INSERT INTO t6 VALUES (NULL, "promote the general welfare", 50);
a	b	c
1	foo	NULL
2	We the people	5
3	in order to form a more pefect union	9
4	establish justice	NULL
32	ensure domestic tranquility	NULL
23	provide for the common defense	30
33	fo fooo	70
34	NULL	98
35	promote the general welfare	50
a	b	c
1	foo	NULL
2	We the people	5
3	in order to form a more pefect union	9
4	establish justice	NULL
23	provide for the common defense	30
32	ensure domestic tranquility	NULL
33	fo fooo	70
34	NULL	98
35	promote the general welfare	50
a	b	c
35	promote the general welfare	50
34	NULL	98
33	fo fooo	70
32	ensure domestic tranquility	NULL
23	provide for the common defense	30
4	establish justice	NULL
3	in order to form a more pefect union	9
2	We the people	5
1	foo	NULL
Table	Create Table
t6	CREATE TABLE `t6` (
  `b` tinyblob,
  `c` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  KEY `a` (`a`)
DROP TABLE t1, t2, t4, t5, t6;
create table t1 (i int) engine=archive;
insert into t1 values (1);
repair table t1 use_frm;
Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
test.t1	repair	status	OK
select * from t1;
drop table t1;
create table t1(a longblob) engine=archive;
insert into t1 set a='';
insert into t1 set a='a';
check table t1 extended;
Table	Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
test.t1	check	status	OK
drop table t1;