/***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. Copyright (c) 2017, 2018, MariaDB Corporation. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA *****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************//** @file gis/gis0sea.cc InnoDB R-tree search interfaces Created 2014/01/16 Jimmy Yang ***********************************************************************/ #include "fsp0fsp.h" #include "page0page.h" #include "page0cur.h" #include "page0zip.h" #include "gis0rtree.h" #include "btr0cur.h" #include "btr0sea.h" #include "btr0pcur.h" #include "rem0cmp.h" #include "lock0lock.h" #include "ibuf0ibuf.h" #include "trx0trx.h" #include "srv0mon.h" #include "gis0geo.h" /** Restore the stored position of a persistent cursor bufferfixing the page */ static bool rtr_cur_restore_position( ulint latch_mode, /*!< in: BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, ... */ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: detached persistent cursor */ ulint level, /*!< in: index level */ mtr_t* mtr); /*!< in: mtr */ /*************************************************************//** Pop out used parent path entry, until we find the parent with matching page number */ static void rtr_adjust_parent_path( /*===================*/ rtr_info_t* rtr_info, /* R-Tree info struct */ ulint page_no) /* page number to look for */ { while (!rtr_info->parent_path->empty()) { if (rtr_info->parent_path->back().child_no == page_no) { break; } else { if (rtr_info->parent_path->back().cursor) { btr_pcur_close( rtr_info->parent_path->back().cursor); ut_free(rtr_info->parent_path->back().cursor); } rtr_info->parent_path->pop_back(); } } } /*************************************************************//** Find the next matching record. This function is used by search or record locating during index delete/update. @return true if there is suitable record found, otherwise false */ static bool rtr_pcur_getnext_from_path( /*=======================*/ const dtuple_t* tuple, /*!< in: data tuple */ page_cur_mode_t mode, /*!< in: cursor search mode */ btr_cur_t* btr_cur,/*!< in: persistent cursor; NOTE that the function may release the page latch */ ulint target_level, /*!< in: target level */ ulint latch_mode, /*!< in: latch_mode */ bool index_locked, /*!< in: index tree locked */ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */ { dict_index_t* index = btr_cur->index; bool found = false; ulint space = dict_index_get_space(index); page_cur_t* page_cursor; ulint level = 0; node_visit_t next_rec; rtr_info_t* rtr_info = btr_cur->rtr_info; node_seq_t page_ssn; ulint my_latch_mode; ulint skip_parent = false; bool new_split = false; bool need_parent; bool for_delete = false; bool for_undo_ins = false; /* exhausted all the pages to be searched */ if (rtr_info->path->empty()) { return(false); } ut_ad(dtuple_get_n_fields_cmp(tuple)); my_latch_mode = BTR_LATCH_MODE_WITHOUT_FLAGS(latch_mode); for_delete = latch_mode & BTR_RTREE_DELETE_MARK; for_undo_ins = latch_mode & BTR_RTREE_UNDO_INS; /* There should be no insert coming to this function. Only mode with BTR_MODIFY_* should be delete */ ut_ad(mode != PAGE_CUR_RTREE_INSERT); ut_ad(my_latch_mode == BTR_SEARCH_LEAF || my_latch_mode == BTR_MODIFY_LEAF || my_latch_mode == BTR_MODIFY_TREE || my_latch_mode == BTR_CONT_MODIFY_TREE); /* Whether need to track parent information. Only need so when we do tree altering operations (such as index page merge) */ need_parent = ((my_latch_mode == BTR_MODIFY_TREE || my_latch_mode == BTR_CONT_MODIFY_TREE) && mode == PAGE_CUR_RTREE_LOCATE); if (!index_locked) { ut_ad(latch_mode & BTR_SEARCH_LEAF || latch_mode & BTR_MODIFY_LEAF); mtr_s_lock(dict_index_get_lock(index), mtr); } else { ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains_flagged(mtr, &index->lock, MTR_MEMO_SX_LOCK | MTR_MEMO_S_LOCK | MTR_MEMO_X_LOCK)); } const page_size_t& page_size = dict_table_page_size(index->table); /* Pop each node/page to be searched from "path" structure and do a search on it. Please note, any pages that are in the "path" structure are protected by "page" lock, so tey cannot be shrunk away */ do { buf_block_t* block; node_seq_t path_ssn; const page_t* page; ulint rw_latch = RW_X_LATCH; ulint tree_idx; mutex_enter(&rtr_info->rtr_path_mutex); next_rec = rtr_info->path->back(); rtr_info->path->pop_back(); level = next_rec.level; path_ssn = next_rec.seq_no; tree_idx = btr_cur->tree_height - level - 1; /* Maintain the parent path info as well, if needed */ if (need_parent && !skip_parent && !new_split) { ulint old_level; ulint new_level; ut_ad(!rtr_info->parent_path->empty()); /* Cleanup unused parent info */ if (rtr_info->parent_path->back().cursor) { btr_pcur_close( rtr_info->parent_path->back().cursor); ut_free(rtr_info->parent_path->back().cursor); } old_level = rtr_info->parent_path->back().level; rtr_info->parent_path->pop_back(); ut_ad(!rtr_info->parent_path->empty()); /* check whether there is a level change. If so, the current parent path needs to pop enough nodes to adjust to the new search page */ new_level = rtr_info->parent_path->back().level; if (old_level < new_level) { rtr_adjust_parent_path( rtr_info, next_rec.page_no); } ut_ad(!rtr_info->parent_path->empty()); ut_ad(next_rec.page_no == rtr_info->parent_path->back().child_no); } mutex_exit(&rtr_info->rtr_path_mutex); skip_parent = false; new_split = false; /* Once we have pages in "path", these pages are predicate page locked, so they can't be shrunk away. They also have SSN (split sequence number) to detect splits, so we can directly latch single page while getting them. They can be unlatched if not qualified. One reason for pre-latch is that we might need to position some parent position (requires latch) during search */ if (level == 0) { /* S latched for SEARCH_LEAF, and X latched for MODIFY_LEAF */ if (my_latch_mode <= BTR_MODIFY_LEAF) { rw_latch = my_latch_mode; } if (my_latch_mode == BTR_CONT_MODIFY_TREE || my_latch_mode == BTR_MODIFY_TREE) { rw_latch = RW_NO_LATCH; } } else if (level == target_level) { rw_latch = RW_X_LATCH; } /* Release previous locked blocks */ if (my_latch_mode != BTR_SEARCH_LEAF) { for (ulint idx = 0; idx < btr_cur->tree_height; idx++) { if (rtr_info->tree_blocks[idx]) { mtr_release_block_at_savepoint( mtr, rtr_info->tree_savepoints[idx], rtr_info->tree_blocks[idx]); rtr_info->tree_blocks[idx] = NULL; } } for (ulint idx = RTR_MAX_LEVELS; idx < RTR_MAX_LEVELS + 3; idx++) { if (rtr_info->tree_blocks[idx]) { mtr_release_block_at_savepoint( mtr, rtr_info->tree_savepoints[idx], rtr_info->tree_blocks[idx]); rtr_info->tree_blocks[idx] = NULL; } } } /* set up savepoint to record any locks to be taken */ rtr_info->tree_savepoints[tree_idx] = mtr_set_savepoint(mtr); #ifdef UNIV_RTR_DEBUG ut_ad(!(rw_lock_own(&btr_cur->page_cur.block->lock, RW_LOCK_X) || rw_lock_own(&btr_cur->page_cur.block->lock, RW_LOCK_S)) || my_latch_mode == BTR_MODIFY_TREE || my_latch_mode == BTR_CONT_MODIFY_TREE || !page_is_leaf(buf_block_get_frame( btr_cur->page_cur.block))); #endif /* UNIV_RTR_DEBUG */ page_id_t page_id(space, next_rec.page_no); dberr_t err = DB_SUCCESS; block = buf_page_get_gen( page_id, page_size, rw_latch, NULL, BUF_GET, __FILE__, __LINE__, mtr, &err); if (block == NULL) { continue; } else if (rw_latch != RW_NO_LATCH) { ut_ad(!dict_index_is_ibuf(index)); buf_block_dbg_add_level(block, SYNC_TREE_NODE); } rtr_info->tree_blocks[tree_idx] = block; page = buf_block_get_frame(block); page_ssn = page_get_ssn_id(page); /* If there are splits, push the splitted page. Note that we have SX lock on index->lock, there should not be any split/shrink happening here */ if (page_ssn > path_ssn) { ulint next_page_no = btr_page_get_next(page, mtr); rtr_non_leaf_stack_push( rtr_info->path, next_page_no, path_ssn, level, 0, NULL, 0); if (!srv_read_only_mode && mode != PAGE_CUR_RTREE_INSERT && mode != PAGE_CUR_RTREE_LOCATE) { ut_ad(rtr_info->thr); lock_place_prdt_page_lock( space, next_page_no, index, rtr_info->thr); } new_split = true; #if UNIV_GIS_DEBUG fprintf(stderr, "GIS_DIAG: Splitted page found: %d, %ld\n", static_cast<int>(need_parent), next_page_no); #endif } page_cursor = btr_cur_get_page_cur(btr_cur); page_cursor->rec = NULL; if (mode == PAGE_CUR_RTREE_LOCATE) { if (level == target_level && level == 0) { ulint low_match; found = false; low_match = page_cur_search( block, index, tuple, PAGE_CUR_LE, btr_cur_get_page_cur(btr_cur)); if (low_match == dtuple_get_n_fields_cmp( tuple)) { rec_t* rec = btr_cur_get_rec(btr_cur); if (!rec_get_deleted_flag(rec, dict_table_is_comp(index->table)) || (!for_delete && !for_undo_ins)) { found = true; btr_cur->low_match = low_match; } else { /* mark we found deleted row */ btr_cur->rtr_info->fd_del = true; } } } else { page_cur_mode_t page_mode = mode; if (level == target_level && target_level != 0) { page_mode = PAGE_CUR_RTREE_GET_FATHER; } found = rtr_cur_search_with_match( block, index, tuple, page_mode, page_cursor, btr_cur->rtr_info); /* Save the position of parent if needed */ if (found && need_parent) { btr_pcur_t* r_cursor = rtr_get_parent_cursor( btr_cur, level, false); rec_t* rec = page_cur_get_rec( page_cursor); page_cur_position( rec, block, btr_pcur_get_page_cur(r_cursor)); r_cursor->pos_state = BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONED; r_cursor->latch_mode = my_latch_mode; btr_pcur_store_position(r_cursor, mtr); #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG ulint num_stored = rtr_store_parent_path( block, btr_cur, rw_latch, level, mtr); ut_ad(num_stored > 0); #else rtr_store_parent_path( block, btr_cur, rw_latch, level, mtr); #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */ } } } else { found = rtr_cur_search_with_match( block, index, tuple, mode, page_cursor, btr_cur->rtr_info); } /* Attach predicate lock if needed, no matter whether there are matched records */ if (mode != PAGE_CUR_RTREE_INSERT && mode != PAGE_CUR_RTREE_LOCATE && mode >= PAGE_CUR_CONTAIN && btr_cur->rtr_info->need_prdt_lock && found) { lock_prdt_t prdt; trx_t* trx = thr_get_trx( btr_cur->rtr_info->thr); lock_mutex_enter(); lock_init_prdt_from_mbr( &prdt, &btr_cur->rtr_info->mbr, mode, trx->lock.lock_heap); lock_mutex_exit(); if (rw_latch == RW_NO_LATCH) { rw_lock_s_lock(&(block->lock)); } lock_prdt_lock(block, &prdt, index, LOCK_S, LOCK_PREDICATE, btr_cur->rtr_info->thr, mtr); if (rw_latch == RW_NO_LATCH) { rw_lock_s_unlock(&(block->lock)); } } if (found) { if (level == target_level) { page_cur_t* r_cur;; if (my_latch_mode == BTR_MODIFY_TREE && level == 0) { ut_ad(rw_latch == RW_NO_LATCH); page_id_t my_page_id( space, block->page.id.page_no()); btr_cur_latch_leaves( block, my_page_id, page_size, BTR_MODIFY_TREE, btr_cur, mtr); } r_cur = btr_cur_get_page_cur(btr_cur); page_cur_position( page_cur_get_rec(page_cursor), page_cur_get_block(page_cursor), r_cur); btr_cur->low_match = level != 0 ? DICT_INDEX_SPATIAL_NODEPTR_SIZE + 1 : btr_cur->low_match; break; } /* Keep the parent path node, which points to last node just located */ skip_parent = true; } else { /* Release latch on the current page */ ut_ad(rtr_info->tree_blocks[tree_idx]); mtr_release_block_at_savepoint( mtr, rtr_info->tree_savepoints[tree_idx], rtr_info->tree_blocks[tree_idx]); rtr_info->tree_blocks[tree_idx] = NULL; } } while (!rtr_info->path->empty()); const rec_t* rec = btr_cur_get_rec(btr_cur); if (page_rec_is_infimum(rec) || page_rec_is_supremum(rec)) { mtr_commit(mtr); mtr_start(mtr); } else if (!index_locked) { mtr_memo_release(mtr, dict_index_get_lock(index), MTR_MEMO_X_LOCK); } return(found); } /*************************************************************//** Find the next matching record. This function will first exhaust the copied record listed in the rtr_info->matches vector before moving to the next page @return true if there is suitable record found, otherwise false */ bool rtr_pcur_move_to_next( /*==================*/ const dtuple_t* tuple, /*!< in: data tuple; NOTE: n_fields_cmp in tuple must be set so that it cannot get compared to the node ptr page number field! */ page_cur_mode_t mode, /*!< in: cursor search mode */ btr_pcur_t* cursor, /*!< in: persistent cursor; NOTE that the function may release the page latch */ ulint level, /*!< in: target level */ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */ { rtr_info_t* rtr_info = cursor->btr_cur.rtr_info; ut_a(cursor->pos_state == BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONED); mutex_enter(&rtr_info->matches->rtr_match_mutex); /* First retrieve the next record on the current page */ if (!rtr_info->matches->matched_recs->empty()) { rtr_rec_t rec; rec = rtr_info->matches->matched_recs->back(); rtr_info->matches->matched_recs->pop_back(); mutex_exit(&rtr_info->matches->rtr_match_mutex); cursor->btr_cur.page_cur.rec = rec.r_rec; cursor->btr_cur.page_cur.block = &rtr_info->matches->block; DEBUG_SYNC_C("rtr_pcur_move_to_next_return"); return(true); } mutex_exit(&rtr_info->matches->rtr_match_mutex); /* Fetch the next page */ return(rtr_pcur_getnext_from_path(tuple, mode, &cursor->btr_cur, level, cursor->latch_mode, false, mtr)); } /*************************************************************//** Check if the cursor holds record pointing to the specified child page @return true if it is (pointing to the child page) false otherwise */ static bool rtr_compare_cursor_rec( /*===================*/ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: Cursor to check */ ulint page_no, /*!< in: desired child page number */ mem_heap_t** heap) /*!< in: memory heap */ { const rec_t* rec; ulint* offsets; rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor); offsets = rec_get_offsets( rec, index, NULL, false, ULINT_UNDEFINED, heap); return(btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no(rec, offsets) == page_no); } /**************************************************************//** Initializes and opens a persistent cursor to an index tree. It should be closed with btr_pcur_close. Mainly called by row_search_index_entry() */ void rtr_pcur_open_low( /*==============*/ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */ ulint level, /*!< in: level in the rtree */ const dtuple_t* tuple, /*!< in: tuple on which search done */ page_cur_mode_t mode, /*!< in: PAGE_CUR_RTREE_LOCATE, ... */ ulint latch_mode,/*!< in: BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, ... */ btr_pcur_t* cursor, /*!< in: memory buffer for persistent cursor */ const char* file, /*!< in: file name */ unsigned line, /*!< in: line where called */ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */ { btr_cur_t* btr_cursor; ulint n_fields; ulint low_match; rec_t* rec; bool tree_latched = false; bool for_delete = false; bool for_undo_ins = false; ut_ad(level == 0); ut_ad(latch_mode & BTR_MODIFY_LEAF || latch_mode & BTR_MODIFY_TREE); ut_ad(mode == PAGE_CUR_RTREE_LOCATE); /* Initialize the cursor */ btr_pcur_init(cursor); for_delete = latch_mode & BTR_RTREE_DELETE_MARK; for_undo_ins = latch_mode & BTR_RTREE_UNDO_INS; cursor->latch_mode = BTR_LATCH_MODE_WITHOUT_FLAGS(latch_mode); cursor->search_mode = mode; /* Search with the tree cursor */ btr_cursor = btr_pcur_get_btr_cur(cursor); btr_cursor->rtr_info = rtr_create_rtr_info(false, false, btr_cursor, index); /* Purge will SX lock the tree instead of take Page Locks */ if (btr_cursor->thr) { btr_cursor->rtr_info->need_page_lock = true; btr_cursor->rtr_info->thr = btr_cursor->thr; } btr_cur_search_to_nth_level(index, level, tuple, mode, latch_mode, btr_cursor, 0, file, line, mtr); cursor->pos_state = BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONED; cursor->trx_if_known = NULL; low_match = btr_pcur_get_low_match(cursor); rec = btr_pcur_get_rec(cursor); n_fields = dtuple_get_n_fields(tuple); if (latch_mode & BTR_ALREADY_S_LATCHED) { ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains(mtr, dict_index_get_lock(index), MTR_MEMO_S_LOCK)); tree_latched = true; } if (latch_mode & BTR_MODIFY_TREE) { ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains_flagged(mtr, &index->lock, MTR_MEMO_X_LOCK | MTR_MEMO_SX_LOCK)); tree_latched = true; } if (page_rec_is_infimum(rec) || low_match != n_fields || (rec_get_deleted_flag(rec, dict_table_is_comp(index->table)) && (for_delete || for_undo_ins))) { if (rec_get_deleted_flag(rec, dict_table_is_comp(index->table)) && for_delete) { btr_cursor->rtr_info->fd_del = true; btr_cursor->low_match = 0; } /* Did not find matched row in first dive. Release latched block if any before search more pages */ if (latch_mode & BTR_MODIFY_LEAF) { ulint tree_idx = btr_cursor->tree_height - 1; rtr_info_t* rtr_info = btr_cursor->rtr_info; ut_ad(level == 0); if (rtr_info->tree_blocks[tree_idx]) { mtr_release_block_at_savepoint( mtr, rtr_info->tree_savepoints[tree_idx], rtr_info->tree_blocks[tree_idx]); rtr_info->tree_blocks[tree_idx] = NULL; } } bool ret = rtr_pcur_getnext_from_path( tuple, mode, btr_cursor, level, latch_mode, tree_latched, mtr); if (ret) { low_match = btr_pcur_get_low_match(cursor); ut_ad(low_match == n_fields); } } } /* Get the rtree page father. @param[in] index rtree index @param[in] block child page in the index @param[in] mtr mtr @param[in] sea_cur search cursor, contains information about parent nodes in search @param[in] cursor cursor on node pointer record, its page x-latched */ void rtr_page_get_father( dict_index_t* index, buf_block_t* block, mtr_t* mtr, btr_cur_t* sea_cur, btr_cur_t* cursor) { mem_heap_t* heap = mem_heap_create(100); #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG ulint* offsets; offsets = rtr_page_get_father_block( NULL, heap, index, block, mtr, sea_cur, cursor); ulint page_no = btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no(cursor->page_cur.rec, offsets); ut_ad(page_no == block->page.id.page_no()); #else rtr_page_get_father_block( NULL, heap, index, block, mtr, sea_cur, cursor); #endif mem_heap_free(heap); } /** Returns the upper level node pointer to a R-Tree page. It is assumed that mtr holds an SX-latch or X-latch on the tree. @return rec_get_offsets() of the node pointer record */ static ulint* rtr_page_get_father_node_ptr( ulint* offsets,/*!< in: work area for the return value */ mem_heap_t* heap, /*!< in: memory heap to use */ btr_cur_t* sea_cur,/*!< in: search cursor */ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor pointing to user record, out: cursor on node pointer record, its page x-latched */ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */ { dtuple_t* tuple; rec_t* user_rec; rec_t* node_ptr; ulint level; ulint page_no; dict_index_t* index; rtr_mbr_t mbr; page_no = btr_cur_get_block(cursor)->page.id.page_no(); index = btr_cur_get_index(cursor); ut_ad(srv_read_only_mode || mtr_memo_contains_flagged(mtr, dict_index_get_lock(index), MTR_MEMO_X_LOCK | MTR_MEMO_SX_LOCK)); ut_ad(dict_index_get_page(index) != page_no); level = btr_page_get_level(btr_cur_get_page(cursor), mtr); user_rec = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor); ut_a(page_rec_is_user_rec(user_rec)); offsets = rec_get_offsets(user_rec, index, offsets, !level, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap); rtr_get_mbr_from_rec(user_rec, offsets, &mbr); tuple = rtr_index_build_node_ptr( index, &mbr, user_rec, page_no, heap, level); if (sea_cur && !sea_cur->rtr_info) { sea_cur = NULL; } rtr_get_father_node(index, level + 1, tuple, sea_cur, cursor, page_no, mtr); node_ptr = btr_cur_get_rec(cursor); ut_ad(!page_rec_is_comp(node_ptr) || rec_get_status(node_ptr) == REC_STATUS_NODE_PTR); offsets = rec_get_offsets(node_ptr, index, offsets, false, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap); ulint child_page = btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no(node_ptr, offsets); if (child_page != page_no) { const rec_t* print_rec; ib::fatal error; error << "Corruption of index " << index->name << " of table " << index->table->name << " parent page " << page_no << " child page " << child_page; print_rec = page_rec_get_next( page_get_infimum_rec(page_align(user_rec))); offsets = rec_get_offsets(print_rec, index, offsets, page_rec_is_leaf(user_rec), ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap); error << "; child "; rec_print(error.m_oss, print_rec, rec_get_info_bits(print_rec, rec_offs_comp(offsets)), offsets); offsets = rec_get_offsets(node_ptr, index, offsets, false, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap); error << "; parent "; rec_print(error.m_oss, print_rec, rec_get_info_bits(print_rec, rec_offs_comp(offsets)), offsets); error << ". You should dump + drop + reimport the table to" " fix the corruption. If the crash happens at" " database startup, see " "https://mariadb.com/kb/en/library/xtradbinnodb-recovery-modes/" " about forcing" " recovery. Then dump + drop + reimport."; } return(offsets); } /************************************************************//** Returns the father block to a page. It is assumed that mtr holds an X or SX latch on the tree. @return rec_get_offsets() of the node pointer record */ ulint* rtr_page_get_father_block( /*======================*/ ulint* offsets,/*!< in: work area for the return value */ mem_heap_t* heap, /*!< in: memory heap to use */ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: b-tree index */ buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: child page in the index */ mtr_t* mtr, /*!< in: mtr */ btr_cur_t* sea_cur,/*!< in: search cursor, contains information about parent nodes in search */ btr_cur_t* cursor) /*!< out: cursor on node pointer record, its page x-latched */ { rec_t* rec = page_rec_get_next( page_get_infimum_rec(buf_block_get_frame(block))); btr_cur_position(index, rec, block, cursor); return(rtr_page_get_father_node_ptr(offsets, heap, sea_cur, cursor, mtr)); } /********************************************************************//** Returns the upper level node pointer to a R-Tree page. It is assumed that mtr holds an x-latch on the tree. */ void rtr_get_father_node( /*================*/ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */ ulint level, /*!< in: the tree level of search */ const dtuple_t* tuple, /*!< in: data tuple; NOTE: n_fields_cmp in tuple must be set so that it cannot get compared to the node ptr page number field! */ btr_cur_t* sea_cur,/*!< in: search cursor */ btr_cur_t* btr_cur,/*!< in/out: tree cursor; the cursor page is s- or x-latched, but see also above! */ ulint page_no,/*!< Current page no */ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */ { mem_heap_t* heap = NULL; bool ret = false; const rec_t* rec; ulint n_fields; bool new_rtr = false; /* Try to optimally locate the parent node. Level should always less than sea_cur->tree_height unless the root is splitting */ if (sea_cur && sea_cur->tree_height > level) { ut_ad(mtr_memo_contains_flagged(mtr, dict_index_get_lock(index), MTR_MEMO_X_LOCK | MTR_MEMO_SX_LOCK)); ret = rtr_cur_restore_position( BTR_CONT_MODIFY_TREE, sea_cur, level, mtr); /* Once we block shrink tree nodes while there are active search on it, this optimal locating should always succeeds */ ut_ad(ret); if (ret) { btr_pcur_t* r_cursor = rtr_get_parent_cursor( sea_cur, level, false); rec = btr_pcur_get_rec(r_cursor); ut_ad(r_cursor->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_ON); page_cur_position(rec, btr_pcur_get_block(r_cursor), btr_cur_get_page_cur(btr_cur)); btr_cur->rtr_info = sea_cur->rtr_info; btr_cur->tree_height = sea_cur->tree_height; ut_ad(rtr_compare_cursor_rec( index, btr_cur, page_no, &heap)); goto func_exit; } } /* We arrive here in one of two scenario 1) check table and btr_valide 2) index root page being raised */ ut_ad(!sea_cur || sea_cur->tree_height == level); if (btr_cur->rtr_info) { rtr_clean_rtr_info(btr_cur->rtr_info, true); } else { new_rtr = true; } btr_cur->rtr_info = rtr_create_rtr_info(false, false, btr_cur, index); if (sea_cur && sea_cur->tree_height == level) { /* root split, and search the new root */ btr_cur_search_to_nth_level( index, level, tuple, PAGE_CUR_RTREE_LOCATE, BTR_CONT_MODIFY_TREE, btr_cur, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, mtr); } else { /* btr_validate */ ut_ad(level >= 1); ut_ad(!sea_cur); btr_cur_search_to_nth_level( index, level, tuple, PAGE_CUR_RTREE_LOCATE, BTR_CONT_MODIFY_TREE, btr_cur, 0, __FILE__, __LINE__, mtr); rec = btr_cur_get_rec(btr_cur); n_fields = dtuple_get_n_fields_cmp(tuple); if (page_rec_is_infimum(rec) || (btr_cur->low_match != n_fields)) { ret = rtr_pcur_getnext_from_path( tuple, PAGE_CUR_RTREE_LOCATE, btr_cur, level, BTR_CONT_MODIFY_TREE, true, mtr); ut_ad(ret && btr_cur->low_match == n_fields); } } ret = rtr_compare_cursor_rec( index, btr_cur, page_no, &heap); ut_ad(ret); func_exit: if (heap) { mem_heap_free(heap); } if (new_rtr && btr_cur->rtr_info) { rtr_clean_rtr_info(btr_cur->rtr_info, true); btr_cur->rtr_info = NULL; } } /*******************************************************************//** Create a RTree search info structure */ rtr_info_t* rtr_create_rtr_info( /******************/ bool need_prdt, /*!< in: Whether predicate lock is needed */ bool init_matches, /*!< in: Whether to initiate the "matches" structure for collecting matched leaf records */ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: tree search cursor */ dict_index_t* index) /*!< in: index struct */ { rtr_info_t* rtr_info; index = index ? index : cursor->index; ut_ad(index); rtr_info = static_cast<rtr_info_t*>(ut_zalloc_nokey(sizeof(*rtr_info))); rtr_info->allocated = true; rtr_info->cursor = cursor; rtr_info->index = index; if (init_matches) { rtr_info->heap = mem_heap_create(sizeof(*(rtr_info->matches))); rtr_info->matches = static_cast<matched_rec_t*>( mem_heap_zalloc( rtr_info->heap, sizeof(*rtr_info->matches))); rtr_info->matches->matched_recs = UT_NEW_NOKEY(rtr_rec_vector()); rtr_info->matches->bufp = page_align(rtr_info->matches->rec_buf + UNIV_PAGE_SIZE_MAX + 1); mutex_create(LATCH_ID_RTR_MATCH_MUTEX, &rtr_info->matches->rtr_match_mutex); rw_lock_create(PFS_NOT_INSTRUMENTED, &(rtr_info->matches->block.lock), SYNC_LEVEL_VARYING); } rtr_info->path = UT_NEW_NOKEY(rtr_node_path_t()); rtr_info->parent_path = UT_NEW_NOKEY(rtr_node_path_t()); rtr_info->need_prdt_lock = need_prdt; mutex_create(LATCH_ID_RTR_PATH_MUTEX, &rtr_info->rtr_path_mutex); mutex_enter(&index->rtr_track->rtr_active_mutex); index->rtr_track->rtr_active->push_back(rtr_info); mutex_exit(&index->rtr_track->rtr_active_mutex); return(rtr_info); } /*******************************************************************//** Update a btr_cur_t with rtr_info */ void rtr_info_update_btr( /******************/ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in/out: tree cursor */ rtr_info_t* rtr_info) /*!< in: rtr_info to set to the cursor */ { ut_ad(rtr_info); cursor->rtr_info = rtr_info; } /*******************************************************************//** Initialize a R-Tree Search structure */ void rtr_init_rtr_info( /****************/ rtr_info_t* rtr_info, /*!< in: rtr_info to set to the cursor */ bool need_prdt, /*!< in: Whether predicate lock is needed */ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: tree search cursor */ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index structure */ bool reinit) /*!< in: Whether this is a reinit */ { ut_ad(rtr_info); if (!reinit) { /* Reset all members. */ rtr_info->path = NULL; rtr_info->parent_path = NULL; rtr_info->matches = NULL; mutex_create(LATCH_ID_RTR_PATH_MUTEX, &rtr_info->rtr_path_mutex); memset(rtr_info->tree_blocks, 0x0, sizeof(rtr_info->tree_blocks)); memset(rtr_info->tree_savepoints, 0x0, sizeof(rtr_info->tree_savepoints)); rtr_info->mbr.xmin = 0.0; rtr_info->mbr.xmax = 0.0; rtr_info->mbr.ymin = 0.0; rtr_info->mbr.ymax = 0.0; rtr_info->thr = NULL; rtr_info->heap = NULL; rtr_info->cursor = NULL; rtr_info->index = NULL; rtr_info->need_prdt_lock = false; rtr_info->need_page_lock = false; rtr_info->allocated = false; rtr_info->mbr_adj = false; rtr_info->fd_del = false; rtr_info->search_tuple = NULL; rtr_info->search_mode = PAGE_CUR_UNSUPP; } ut_ad(!rtr_info->matches || rtr_info->matches->matched_recs->empty()); rtr_info->path = UT_NEW_NOKEY(rtr_node_path_t()); rtr_info->parent_path = UT_NEW_NOKEY(rtr_node_path_t()); rtr_info->need_prdt_lock = need_prdt; rtr_info->cursor = cursor; rtr_info->index = index; mutex_enter(&index->rtr_track->rtr_active_mutex); index->rtr_track->rtr_active->push_back(rtr_info); mutex_exit(&index->rtr_track->rtr_active_mutex); } /**************************************************************//** Clean up R-Tree search structure */ void rtr_clean_rtr_info( /*===============*/ rtr_info_t* rtr_info, /*!< in: RTree search info */ bool free_all) /*!< in: need to free rtr_info itself */ { dict_index_t* index; bool initialized = false; if (!rtr_info) { return; } index = rtr_info->index; if (index) { mutex_enter(&index->rtr_track->rtr_active_mutex); } while (rtr_info->parent_path && !rtr_info->parent_path->empty()) { btr_pcur_t* cur = rtr_info->parent_path->back().cursor; rtr_info->parent_path->pop_back(); if (cur) { btr_pcur_close(cur); ut_free(cur); } } UT_DELETE(rtr_info->parent_path); rtr_info->parent_path = NULL; if (rtr_info->path != NULL) { UT_DELETE(rtr_info->path); rtr_info->path = NULL; initialized = true; } if (rtr_info->matches) { rtr_info->matches->used = false; rtr_info->matches->locked = false; rtr_info->matches->valid = false; rtr_info->matches->matched_recs->clear(); } if (index) { index->rtr_track->rtr_active->remove(rtr_info); mutex_exit(&index->rtr_track->rtr_active_mutex); } if (free_all) { if (rtr_info->matches) { if (rtr_info->matches->matched_recs != NULL) { UT_DELETE(rtr_info->matches->matched_recs); } rw_lock_free(&(rtr_info->matches->block.lock)); mutex_destroy(&rtr_info->matches->rtr_match_mutex); } if (rtr_info->heap) { mem_heap_free(rtr_info->heap); } if (initialized) { mutex_destroy(&rtr_info->rtr_path_mutex); } if (rtr_info->allocated) { ut_free(rtr_info); } } } /**************************************************************//** Rebuilt the "path" to exclude the removing page no */ static void rtr_rebuild_path( /*=============*/ rtr_info_t* rtr_info, /*!< in: RTree search info */ ulint page_no) /*!< in: need to free rtr_info itself */ { rtr_node_path_t* new_path = UT_NEW_NOKEY(rtr_node_path_t()); rtr_node_path_t::iterator rit; #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG ulint before_size = rtr_info->path->size(); #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */ for (rit = rtr_info->path->begin(); rit != rtr_info->path->end(); ++rit) { node_visit_t next_rec = *rit; if (next_rec.page_no == page_no) { continue; } new_path->push_back(next_rec); #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG node_visit_t rec = new_path->back(); ut_ad(rec.level < rtr_info->cursor->tree_height && rec.page_no > 0); #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */ } UT_DELETE(rtr_info->path); ut_ad(new_path->size() == before_size - 1); rtr_info->path = new_path; if (!rtr_info->parent_path->empty()) { rtr_node_path_t* new_parent_path = UT_NEW_NOKEY( rtr_node_path_t()); for (rit = rtr_info->parent_path->begin(); rit != rtr_info->parent_path->end(); ++rit) { node_visit_t next_rec = *rit; if (next_rec.child_no == page_no) { btr_pcur_t* cur = next_rec.cursor; if (cur) { btr_pcur_close(cur); ut_free(cur); } continue; } new_parent_path->push_back(next_rec); } UT_DELETE(rtr_info->parent_path); rtr_info->parent_path = new_parent_path; } } /**************************************************************//** Check whether a discarding page is in anyone's search path */ void rtr_check_discard_page( /*===================*/ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index */ btr_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in: cursor on the page to discard: not on the root page */ buf_block_t* block) /*!< in: block of page to be discarded */ { ulint pageno = block->page.id.page_no(); rtr_info_t* rtr_info; rtr_info_active::iterator it; mutex_enter(&index->rtr_track->rtr_active_mutex); for (it = index->rtr_track->rtr_active->begin(); it != index->rtr_track->rtr_active->end(); ++it) { rtr_info = *it; rtr_node_path_t::iterator rit; bool found = false; if (cursor && rtr_info == cursor->rtr_info) { continue; } mutex_enter(&rtr_info->rtr_path_mutex); for (rit = rtr_info->path->begin(); rit != rtr_info->path->end(); ++rit) { node_visit_t node = *rit; if (node.page_no == pageno) { found = true; break; } } if (found) { rtr_rebuild_path(rtr_info, pageno); } mutex_exit(&rtr_info->rtr_path_mutex); if (rtr_info->matches) { mutex_enter(&rtr_info->matches->rtr_match_mutex); if ((&rtr_info->matches->block)->page.id.page_no() == pageno) { if (!rtr_info->matches->matched_recs->empty()) { rtr_info->matches->matched_recs->clear(); } ut_ad(rtr_info->matches->matched_recs->empty()); rtr_info->matches->valid = false; } mutex_exit(&rtr_info->matches->rtr_match_mutex); } } mutex_exit(&index->rtr_track->rtr_active_mutex); lock_mutex_enter(); lock_prdt_page_free_from_discard(block, lock_sys->prdt_hash); lock_prdt_page_free_from_discard(block, lock_sys->prdt_page_hash); lock_mutex_exit(); } /** Restore the stored position of a persistent cursor bufferfixing the page */ static bool rtr_cur_restore_position( ulint latch_mode, /*!< in: BTR_SEARCH_LEAF, ... */ btr_cur_t* btr_cur, /*!< in: detached persistent cursor */ ulint level, /*!< in: index level */ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */ { dict_index_t* index; mem_heap_t* heap; btr_pcur_t* r_cursor = rtr_get_parent_cursor(btr_cur, level, false); dtuple_t* tuple; bool ret = false; ut_ad(mtr); ut_ad(r_cursor); ut_ad(mtr->is_active()); index = btr_cur_get_index(btr_cur); if (r_cursor->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_AFTER_LAST_IN_TREE || r_cursor->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_BEFORE_FIRST_IN_TREE) { return(false); } DBUG_EXECUTE_IF( "rtr_pessimistic_position", r_cursor->modify_clock = 100; ); ut_ad(latch_mode == BTR_CONT_MODIFY_TREE); if (!buf_pool_is_obsolete(r_cursor->withdraw_clock) && buf_page_optimistic_get(RW_X_LATCH, r_cursor->block_when_stored, r_cursor->modify_clock, __FILE__, __LINE__, mtr)) { ut_ad(r_cursor->pos_state == BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONED); ut_ad(r_cursor->rel_pos == BTR_PCUR_ON); #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG do { const rec_t* rec; const ulint* offsets1; const ulint* offsets2; ulint comp; rec = btr_pcur_get_rec(r_cursor); heap = mem_heap_create(256); offsets1 = rec_get_offsets( r_cursor->old_rec, index, NULL, !level, r_cursor->old_n_fields, &heap); offsets2 = rec_get_offsets( rec, index, NULL, !level, r_cursor->old_n_fields, &heap); comp = rec_offs_comp(offsets1); if (rec_get_info_bits(r_cursor->old_rec, comp) & REC_INFO_MIN_REC_FLAG) { ut_ad(rec_get_info_bits(rec, comp) & REC_INFO_MIN_REC_FLAG); } else { ut_ad(!cmp_rec_rec(r_cursor->old_rec, rec, offsets1, offsets2, index)); } mem_heap_free(heap); } while (0); #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */ return(true); } /* Page has changed, for R-Tree, the page cannot be shrunk away, so we search the page and its right siblings */ buf_block_t* block; node_seq_t page_ssn; const page_t* page; page_cur_t* page_cursor; node_visit_t* node = rtr_get_parent_node(btr_cur, level, false); ulint space = dict_index_get_space(index); node_seq_t path_ssn = node->seq_no; page_size_t page_size = dict_table_page_size(index->table); ulint page_no = node->page_no; heap = mem_heap_create(256); tuple = dict_index_build_data_tuple(r_cursor->old_rec, index, !level, r_cursor->old_n_fields, heap); page_cursor = btr_pcur_get_page_cur(r_cursor); ut_ad(r_cursor == node->cursor); search_again: page_id_t page_id(space, page_no); dberr_t err = DB_SUCCESS; block = buf_page_get_gen( page_id, page_size, RW_X_LATCH, NULL, BUF_GET, __FILE__, __LINE__, mtr, &err); ut_ad(block); /* Get the page SSN */ page = buf_block_get_frame(block); page_ssn = page_get_ssn_id(page); ulint low_match = page_cur_search( block, index, tuple, PAGE_CUR_LE, page_cursor); if (low_match == r_cursor->old_n_fields) { const rec_t* rec; const ulint* offsets1; const ulint* offsets2; ulint comp; rec = btr_pcur_get_rec(r_cursor); offsets1 = rec_get_offsets( r_cursor->old_rec, index, NULL, !level, r_cursor->old_n_fields, &heap); offsets2 = rec_get_offsets( rec, index, NULL, !level, r_cursor->old_n_fields, &heap); comp = rec_offs_comp(offsets1); if ((rec_get_info_bits(r_cursor->old_rec, comp) & REC_INFO_MIN_REC_FLAG) && (rec_get_info_bits(rec, comp) & REC_INFO_MIN_REC_FLAG)) { r_cursor->pos_state = BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONED; ret = true; } else if (!cmp_rec_rec(r_cursor->old_rec, rec, offsets1, offsets2, index)) { r_cursor->pos_state = BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONED; ret = true; } } /* Check the page SSN to see if it has been splitted, if so, search the right page */ if (!ret && page_ssn > path_ssn) { page_no = btr_page_get_next(page, mtr); goto search_again; } mem_heap_free(heap); return(ret); } /****************************************************************//** Copy the leaf level R-tree record, and push it to matched_rec in rtr_info */ static void rtr_leaf_push_match_rec( /*====================*/ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: record to copy */ rtr_info_t* rtr_info, /*!< in/out: search stack */ ulint* offsets, /*!< in: offsets */ bool is_comp) /*!< in: is compact format */ { byte* buf; matched_rec_t* match_rec = rtr_info->matches; rec_t* copy; ulint data_len; rtr_rec_t rtr_rec; buf = match_rec->block.frame + match_rec->used; ut_ad(page_rec_is_leaf(rec)); copy = rec_copy(buf, rec, offsets); if (is_comp) { rec_set_next_offs_new(copy, PAGE_NEW_SUPREMUM); } else { rec_set_next_offs_old(copy, PAGE_OLD_SUPREMUM); } rtr_rec.r_rec = copy; rtr_rec.locked = false; match_rec->matched_recs->push_back(rtr_rec); match_rec->valid = true; data_len = rec_offs_data_size(offsets) + rec_offs_extra_size(offsets); match_rec->used += data_len; ut_ad(match_rec->used < UNIV_PAGE_SIZE); } /**************************************************************//** Store the parent path cursor @return number of cursor stored */ ulint rtr_store_parent_path( /*==================*/ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: block of the page */ btr_cur_t* btr_cur,/*!< in/out: persistent cursor */ ulint latch_mode, /*!< in: latch_mode */ ulint level, /*!< in: index level */ mtr_t* mtr) /*!< in: mtr */ { ulint num = btr_cur->rtr_info->parent_path->size(); ulint num_stored = 0; while (num >= 1) { node_visit_t* node = &(*btr_cur->rtr_info->parent_path)[ num - 1]; btr_pcur_t* r_cursor = node->cursor; buf_block_t* cur_block; if (node->level > level) { break; } r_cursor->pos_state = BTR_PCUR_IS_POSITIONED; r_cursor->latch_mode = latch_mode; cur_block = btr_pcur_get_block(r_cursor); if (cur_block == block) { btr_pcur_store_position(r_cursor, mtr); num_stored++; } else { break; } num--; } return(num_stored); } /**************************************************************//** push a nonleaf index node to the search path for insertion */ static void rtr_non_leaf_insert_stack_push( /*===========================*/ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index descriptor */ rtr_node_path_t* path, /*!< in/out: search path */ ulint level, /*!< in: index page level */ ulint child_no,/*!< in: child page no */ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: block of the page */ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: positioned record */ double mbr_inc)/*!< in: MBR needs to be enlarged */ { node_seq_t new_seq; btr_pcur_t* my_cursor; ulint page_no = block->page.id.page_no(); my_cursor = static_cast<btr_pcur_t*>( ut_malloc_nokey(sizeof(*my_cursor))); btr_pcur_init(my_cursor); page_cur_position(rec, block, btr_pcur_get_page_cur(my_cursor)); (btr_pcur_get_btr_cur(my_cursor))->index = index; new_seq = rtr_get_current_ssn_id(index); rtr_non_leaf_stack_push(path, page_no, new_seq, level, child_no, my_cursor, mbr_inc); } /** Copy a buf_block_t strcuture, except "block->lock" and "block->mutex". @param[in,out] matches copy to match->block @param[in] block block to copy */ static void rtr_copy_buf( matched_rec_t* matches, const buf_block_t* block) { /* Copy all members of "block" to "matches->block" except "mutex" and "lock". We skip "mutex" and "lock" because they are not used from the dummy buf_block_t we create here and because memcpy()ing them generates (valid) compiler warnings that the vtable pointer will be copied. It is also undefined what will happen with the newly memcpy()ed mutex if the source mutex was acquired by (another) thread while it was copied. */ memcpy(&matches->block.page, &block->page, sizeof(buf_page_t)); matches->block.frame = block->frame; matches->block.unzip_LRU = block->unzip_LRU; ut_d(matches->block.in_unzip_LRU_list = block->in_unzip_LRU_list); ut_d(matches->block.in_withdraw_list = block->in_withdraw_list); /* Skip buf_block_t::mutex */ /* Skip buf_block_t::lock */ matches->block.lock_hash_val = block->lock_hash_val; matches->block.modify_clock = block->modify_clock; #ifdef BTR_CUR_HASH_ADAPT matches->block.n_hash_helps = block->n_hash_helps; matches->block.n_fields = block->n_fields; matches->block.left_side = block->left_side; #if defined UNIV_AHI_DEBUG || defined UNIV_DEBUG matches->block.n_pointers = block->n_pointers; #endif /* UNIV_AHI_DEBUG || UNIV_DEBUG */ matches->block.curr_n_fields = block->curr_n_fields; matches->block.curr_left_side = block->curr_left_side; matches->block.index = block->index; #endif /* BTR_CUR_HASH_ADAPT */ ut_d(matches->block.debug_latch = block->debug_latch); } /****************************************************************//** Generate a shadow copy of the page block header to save the matched records */ static void rtr_init_match( /*===========*/ matched_rec_t* matches,/*!< in/out: match to initialize */ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: buffer block */ const page_t* page) /*!< in: buffer page */ { ut_ad(matches->matched_recs->empty()); matches->locked = false; rtr_copy_buf(matches, block); matches->block.frame = matches->bufp; matches->valid = false; /* We have to copy PAGE_W*_SUPREMUM_END bytes so that we can use infimum/supremum of this page as normal btr page for search. */ memcpy(matches->block.frame, page, page_is_comp(page) ? PAGE_NEW_SUPREMUM_END : PAGE_OLD_SUPREMUM_END); matches->used = page_is_comp(page) ? PAGE_NEW_SUPREMUM_END : PAGE_OLD_SUPREMUM_END; #ifdef RTR_SEARCH_DIAGNOSTIC ulint pageno = page_get_page_no(page); fprintf(stderr, "INNODB_RTR: Searching leaf page %d\n", static_cast<int>(pageno)); #endif /* RTR_SEARCH_DIAGNOSTIC */ } /****************************************************************//** Get the bounding box content from an index record */ void rtr_get_mbr_from_rec( /*=================*/ const rec_t* rec, /*!< in: data tuple */ const ulint* offsets,/*!< in: offsets array */ rtr_mbr_t* mbr) /*!< out MBR */ { ulint rec_f_len; const byte* data; data = rec_get_nth_field(rec, offsets, 0, &rec_f_len); rtr_read_mbr(data, mbr); } /****************************************************************//** Get the bounding box content from a MBR data record */ void rtr_get_mbr_from_tuple( /*===================*/ const dtuple_t* dtuple, /*!< in: data tuple */ rtr_mbr* mbr) /*!< out: mbr to fill */ { const dfield_t* dtuple_field; ulint dtuple_f_len; byte* data; dtuple_field = dtuple_get_nth_field(dtuple, 0); dtuple_f_len = dfield_get_len(dtuple_field); ut_a(dtuple_f_len >= 4 * sizeof(double)); data = static_cast<byte*>(dfield_get_data(dtuple_field)); rtr_read_mbr(data, mbr); } /****************************************************************//** Searches the right position in rtree for a page cursor. */ bool rtr_cur_search_with_match( /*======================*/ const buf_block_t* block, /*!< in: buffer block */ dict_index_t* index, /*!< in: index descriptor */ const dtuple_t* tuple, /*!< in: data tuple */ page_cur_mode_t mode, /*!< in: PAGE_CUR_RTREE_INSERT, PAGE_CUR_RTREE_LOCATE etc. */ page_cur_t* cursor, /*!< in/out: page cursor */ rtr_info_t* rtr_info)/*!< in/out: search stack */ { bool found = false; const page_t* page; const rec_t* rec; const rec_t* last_rec; ulint offsets_[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE]; ulint* offsets = offsets_; mem_heap_t* heap = NULL; int cmp = 1; double least_inc = DBL_MAX; const rec_t* best_rec; const rec_t* last_match_rec = NULL; bool match_init = false; ulint space = block->page.id.space(); page_cur_mode_t orig_mode = mode; const rec_t* first_rec = NULL; rec_offs_init(offsets_); ut_ad(RTREE_SEARCH_MODE(mode)); ut_ad(dict_index_is_spatial(index)); page = buf_block_get_frame(block); const ulint level = btr_page_get_level(page, mtr); const bool is_leaf = !level; if (mode == PAGE_CUR_RTREE_LOCATE) { ut_ad(level != 0); mode = PAGE_CUR_WITHIN; } rec = page_dir_slot_get_rec(page_dir_get_nth_slot(page, 0)); last_rec = rec; best_rec = rec; if (page_rec_is_infimum(rec)) { rec = page_rec_get_next_const(rec); } /* Check insert tuple size is larger than first rec, and try to avoid it if possible */ if (mode == PAGE_CUR_RTREE_INSERT && !page_rec_is_supremum(rec)) { ulint new_rec_size = rec_get_converted_size(index, tuple, 0); offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets, is_leaf, dtuple_get_n_fields_cmp(tuple), &heap); if (rec_offs_size(offsets) < new_rec_size) { first_rec = rec; } /* If this is the left-most page of this index level and the table is a compressed table, try to avoid first page as much as possible, as there will be problem when update MIN_REC rec in compress table */ if (buf_block_get_page_zip(block) && mach_read_from_4(page + FIL_PAGE_PREV) == FIL_NULL && page_get_n_recs(page) >= 2) { rec = page_rec_get_next_const(rec); } } while (!page_rec_is_supremum(rec)) { offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets, is_leaf, dtuple_get_n_fields_cmp(tuple), &heap); if (!is_leaf) { switch (mode) { case PAGE_CUR_CONTAIN: case PAGE_CUR_INTERSECT: case PAGE_CUR_MBR_EQUAL: /* At non-leaf level, we will need to check both CONTAIN and INTERSECT for either of the search mode */ cmp = cmp_dtuple_rec_with_gis( tuple, rec, offsets, PAGE_CUR_CONTAIN); if (cmp != 0) { cmp = cmp_dtuple_rec_with_gis( tuple, rec, offsets, PAGE_CUR_INTERSECT); } break; case PAGE_CUR_DISJOINT: cmp = cmp_dtuple_rec_with_gis( tuple, rec, offsets, mode); if (cmp != 0) { cmp = cmp_dtuple_rec_with_gis( tuple, rec, offsets, PAGE_CUR_INTERSECT); } break; case PAGE_CUR_RTREE_INSERT: double increase; double area; cmp = cmp_dtuple_rec_with_gis( tuple, rec, offsets, PAGE_CUR_WITHIN); if (cmp != 0) { increase = rtr_rec_cal_increase( tuple, rec, offsets, &area); /* Once it goes beyond DBL_MAX, it would not make sense to record such value, just make it DBL_MAX / 2 */ if (increase >= DBL_MAX) { increase = DBL_MAX / 2; } if (increase < least_inc) { least_inc = increase; best_rec = rec; } else if (best_rec && best_rec == first_rec) { /* if first_rec is set, we will try to avoid it */ least_inc = increase; best_rec = rec; } } break; case PAGE_CUR_RTREE_GET_FATHER: cmp = cmp_dtuple_rec_with_gis_internal( tuple, rec, offsets); break; default: /* WITHIN etc. */ cmp = cmp_dtuple_rec_with_gis( tuple, rec, offsets, mode); } } else { /* At leaf level, INSERT should translate to LE */ ut_ad(mode != PAGE_CUR_RTREE_INSERT); cmp = cmp_dtuple_rec_with_gis( tuple, rec, offsets, mode); } if (cmp == 0) { found = true; /* If located, the matching node/rec will be pushed to rtr_info->path for non-leaf nodes, or rtr_info->matches for leaf nodes */ if (rtr_info && mode != PAGE_CUR_RTREE_INSERT) { if (!is_leaf) { ulint page_no; node_seq_t new_seq; bool is_loc; is_loc = (orig_mode == PAGE_CUR_RTREE_LOCATE || orig_mode == PAGE_CUR_RTREE_GET_FATHER); offsets = rec_get_offsets( rec, index, offsets, false, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap); page_no = btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no( rec, offsets); ut_ad(level >= 1); /* Get current SSN, before we insert it into the path stack */ new_seq = rtr_get_current_ssn_id(index); rtr_non_leaf_stack_push( rtr_info->path, page_no, new_seq, level - 1, 0, NULL, 0); if (is_loc) { rtr_non_leaf_insert_stack_push( index, rtr_info->parent_path, level, page_no, block, rec, 0); } if (!srv_read_only_mode && (rtr_info->need_page_lock || !is_loc)) { /* Lock the page, preventing it from being shrunk */ lock_place_prdt_page_lock( space, page_no, index, rtr_info->thr); } } else { ut_ad(orig_mode != PAGE_CUR_RTREE_LOCATE); if (!match_init) { rtr_init_match( rtr_info->matches, block, page); match_init = true; } /* Collect matched records on page */ offsets = rec_get_offsets( rec, index, offsets, true, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap); rtr_leaf_push_match_rec( rec, rtr_info, offsets, page_is_comp(page)); } last_match_rec = rec; } else { /* This is the insertion case, it will break once it finds the first MBR that can accomodate the inserting rec */ break; } } last_rec = rec; rec = page_rec_get_next_const(rec); } /* All records on page are searched */ if (page_rec_is_supremum(rec)) { if (!is_leaf) { if (!found) { /* No match case, if it is for insertion, then we select the record that result in least increased area */ if (mode == PAGE_CUR_RTREE_INSERT) { ulint child_no; ut_ad(least_inc < DBL_MAX); offsets = rec_get_offsets( best_rec, index, offsets, false, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap); child_no = btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no( best_rec, offsets); rtr_non_leaf_insert_stack_push( index, rtr_info->parent_path, level, child_no, block, best_rec, least_inc); page_cur_position(best_rec, block, cursor); rtr_info->mbr_adj = true; } else { /* Position at the last rec of the page, if it is not the leaf page */ page_cur_position(last_rec, block, cursor); } } else { /* There are matching records, position in the last matching records */ if (rtr_info) { rec = last_match_rec; page_cur_position( rec, block, cursor); } } } else if (rtr_info) { /* Leaf level, no match, position at the last (supremum) rec */ if (!last_match_rec) { page_cur_position(rec, block, cursor); goto func_exit; } /* There are matched records */ matched_rec_t* match_rec = rtr_info->matches; rtr_rec_t test_rec; test_rec = match_rec->matched_recs->back(); #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG ulint offsets_2[REC_OFFS_NORMAL_SIZE]; ulint* offsets2 = offsets_2; rec_offs_init(offsets_2); ut_ad(found); /* Verify the record to be positioned is the same as the last record in matched_rec vector */ offsets2 = rec_get_offsets(test_rec.r_rec, index, offsets2, true, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap); offsets = rec_get_offsets(last_match_rec, index, offsets, true, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap); ut_ad(cmp_rec_rec(test_rec.r_rec, last_match_rec, offsets2, offsets, index) == 0); #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */ /* Pop the last match record and position on it */ match_rec->matched_recs->pop_back(); page_cur_position(test_rec.r_rec, &match_rec->block, cursor); } } else { if (mode == PAGE_CUR_RTREE_INSERT) { ulint child_no; ut_ad(!last_match_rec && rec); offsets = rec_get_offsets( rec, index, offsets, false, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap); child_no = btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no(rec, offsets); rtr_non_leaf_insert_stack_push( index, rtr_info->parent_path, level, child_no, block, rec, 0); } else if (rtr_info && found && !is_leaf) { rec = last_match_rec; } page_cur_position(rec, block, cursor); } #ifdef UNIV_DEBUG /* Verify that we are positioned at the same child page as pushed in the path stack */ if (!is_leaf && (!page_rec_is_supremum(rec) || found) && mode != PAGE_CUR_RTREE_INSERT) { ulint page_no; offsets = rec_get_offsets(rec, index, offsets, false, ULINT_UNDEFINED, &heap); page_no = btr_node_ptr_get_child_page_no(rec, offsets); if (rtr_info && found) { rtr_node_path_t* path = rtr_info->path; node_visit_t last_visit = path->back(); ut_ad(last_visit.page_no == page_no); } } #endif /* UNIV_DEBUG */ func_exit: if (UNIV_LIKELY_NULL(heap)) { mem_heap_free(heap); } return(found); }