/****************************************************** SQL evaluator: evaluates simple data structures, like expressions, in a query graph (c) 1997 Innobase Oy Created 12/29/1997 Heikki Tuuri *******************************************************/ #include "que0que.h" #include "rem0cmp.h" #include "pars0grm.h" /********************************************************************* Evaluates a function node. */ UNIV_INTERN void eval_func( /*======*/ func_node_t* func_node); /* in: function node */ /********************************************************************* Allocate a buffer from global dynamic memory for a value of a que_node. NOTE that this memory must be explicitly freed when the query graph is freed. If the node already has allocated buffer, that buffer is freed here. NOTE that this is the only function where dynamic memory should be allocated for a query node val field. */ UNIV_INTERN byte* eval_node_alloc_val_buf( /*====================*/ /* out: pointer to allocated buffer */ que_node_t* node, /* in: query graph node; sets the val field data field to point to the new buffer, and len field equal to size */ ulint size); /* in: buffer size */ /********************************************************************* Allocates a new buffer if needed. */ UNIV_INLINE byte* eval_node_ensure_val_buf( /*=====================*/ /* out: pointer to buffer */ que_node_t* node, /* in: query graph node; sets the val field data field to point to the new buffer, and len field equal to size */ ulint size) /* in: buffer size */ { dfield_t* dfield; byte* data; dfield = que_node_get_val(node); dfield_set_len(dfield, size); data = dfield_get_data(dfield); if (!data || que_node_get_val_buf_size(node) < size) { data = eval_node_alloc_val_buf(node, size); } return(data); } /********************************************************************* Evaluates a symbol table symbol. */ UNIV_INLINE void eval_sym( /*=====*/ sym_node_t* sym_node) /* in: symbol table node */ { ut_ad(que_node_get_type(sym_node) == QUE_NODE_SYMBOL); if (sym_node->indirection) { /* The symbol table node is an alias for a variable or a column */ dfield_copy_data(que_node_get_val(sym_node), que_node_get_val(sym_node->indirection)); } } /********************************************************************* Evaluates an expression. */ UNIV_INLINE void eval_exp( /*=====*/ que_node_t* exp_node) /* in: expression */ { if (que_node_get_type(exp_node) == QUE_NODE_SYMBOL) { eval_sym((sym_node_t*)exp_node); return; } eval_func(exp_node); } /********************************************************************* Sets an integer value as the value of an expression node. */ UNIV_INLINE void eval_node_set_int_val( /*==================*/ que_node_t* node, /* in: expression node */ lint val) /* in: value to set */ { dfield_t* dfield; byte* data; dfield = que_node_get_val(node); data = dfield_get_data(dfield); if (data == NULL) { data = eval_node_alloc_val_buf(node, 4); } ut_ad(dfield_get_len(dfield) == 4); mach_write_to_4(data, (ulint)val); } /********************************************************************* Gets an integer non-SQL null value from an expression node. */ UNIV_INLINE lint eval_node_get_int_val( /*==================*/ /* out: integer value */ que_node_t* node) /* in: expression node */ { dfield_t* dfield; dfield = que_node_get_val(node); ut_ad(dfield_get_len(dfield) == 4); return((int)mach_read_from_4(dfield_get_data(dfield))); } /********************************************************************* Gets a iboolean value from a query node. */ UNIV_INLINE ibool eval_node_get_ibool_val( /*====================*/ /* out: iboolean value */ que_node_t* node) /* in: query graph node */ { dfield_t* dfield; byte* data; dfield = que_node_get_val(node); data = dfield_get_data(dfield); ut_ad(data != NULL); return(mach_read_from_1(data)); } /********************************************************************* Sets a iboolean value as the value of a function node. */ UNIV_INLINE void eval_node_set_ibool_val( /*====================*/ func_node_t* func_node, /* in: function node */ ibool val) /* in: value to set */ { dfield_t* dfield; byte* data; dfield = que_node_get_val(func_node); data = dfield_get_data(dfield); if (data == NULL) { /* Allocate 1 byte to hold the value */ data = eval_node_alloc_val_buf(func_node, 1); } ut_ad(dfield_get_len(dfield) == 1); mach_write_to_1(data, val); } /********************************************************************* Copies a binary string value as the value of a query graph node. Allocates a new buffer if necessary. */ UNIV_INLINE void eval_node_copy_and_alloc_val( /*=========================*/ que_node_t* node, /* in: query graph node */ const byte* str, /* in: binary string */ ulint len) /* in: string length or UNIV_SQL_NULL */ { byte* data; if (len == UNIV_SQL_NULL) { dfield_set_len(que_node_get_val(node), len); return; } data = eval_node_ensure_val_buf(node, len); ut_memcpy(data, str, len); } /********************************************************************* Copies a query node value to another node. */ UNIV_INLINE void eval_node_copy_val( /*===============*/ que_node_t* node1, /* in: node to copy to */ que_node_t* node2) /* in: node to copy from */ { dfield_t* dfield2; dfield2 = que_node_get_val(node2); eval_node_copy_and_alloc_val(node1, dfield_get_data(dfield2), dfield_get_len(dfield2)); }