.TH mysqldump 1 "19 December 2000" "MySQL @MYSQL_BASE_VERSION@" "MySQL database"
mysqldump \- text-based client for dumping or backing up mysql databases , tables and or data.

.BR "mysqldump [\fP\fIOPTIONS\fP] database [\fP\fItables\fP]"
.BR "mysqldump [\fP\fIOPTIONS\fP] \-\-databases [\fP\fIOPTIONS\fP] DB1 [\fP\fIDB2 DB3...\fP]"
.BR "mysqldump [\fP\fIOPTIONS\fP] \-\-all-databases [\fP\fIOPTIONS\fP]"

.B mysqldump
.RB [  \-A | \-\-all-databases ]
.RB [  \-a | \-\-all ]
.RB [  \-# | \-\-debug=... ]
.RB [  \-\-character-sets-dir=...]
.RB [ \-? | \-\-help       ]
.RB [  \-B | \-\-databases     ]
.RB [  \-c | \-\-complete-insert ]
.RB [  \-C | \-\-compress       ]
.RB [  \-\-default-character-set=...]
.RB [ \-e | \-\-extended-insert ]
.RB [  \-\-add-drop-table      ]
.RB [  \-\-add-locks          ] 
.RB [  \-\-allow-keywords      ]
.RB [  \-\-delayed-insert      ]
.RB [  \-F | \-\-flush-logs    ]
.RB [  \-f | \-\-force     ]     
.RB [  \-h | \-\-host=...       ]
.RB [  \-l | \-\-lock-tables    ]
.RB [  \-n | \-\-no-create-db ]   
.RB [  \-t | \-\-no-create-info  ]
.RB [  \-d | \-\-no-data     ]    
.RB [  \-O | \-\-set-variable var=\fP\fIoption\fP         ]               
.RB [  \-\-opt       ]         
.RB [  \-p | \-\-password\fP\fI[=...]\fP  ]
.RB [  \-P | \-\-port=...       ]
.RB [  \-q | \-\-quick      ]    
.RB [  \-Q | \-\-quote-names ]   
.RB [  \-S | \-\-socket=...  ] 
.RB [  \-\-tables   ]       
.RB [  \-T | \-\-tab=...  ]      
.RB [  \-u | \-\-user=# ]
.RB [  \-v | \-\-verbose  ]
.RB [  \-V | \-\-version ]    
.RB [  \-w | \-\-where= ]
.RB [ \-\-delayed ]
.RB [ \-e | \-\-extended-insert ]
.RB [ \-\-fields\-terminated\-by=... ]
.RB [ \-\-fields\-enclosed\-by=... ]
.RB [ \-\-fields-optionally\-enclosed\-by=... ]
.RB [ \-\-fields\-escaped\-by=... ]
.RB [ \-\-lines\-terminated\-by=... ]
.RB [ \-v | \-\-verbose ]
.RB [ \-V | \-\-version ]
.RB [ "\-O net_buffer_length=#, where # < 16M" ]
Dumping definition and data mysql database or table
.IR mysqldump
supports by executing 
.BR  \-A | \-\-all\-databases 
Dump all the databases. This will be same as
.BR \-\-databases 
with all databases selected.
.BR    \-a | \-\-all
Include all MySQL specific create options.
.BR   \-# | \-\-debug=...
Output debug log. Often this is 'd:t:o,filename`.
.BR    \-\-character\-sets\-dir=...
Directory where character sets are
.BR    \-? | \-\-help
Display this help message and exit.
.BR \-B | \-\-databases
To dump several databases. Note the difference in
usage; In this case no tables are given. All name
arguments are regarded as databasenames.
'USE db_name;' will be included in the output
.BR    \-c | \-\-complete\-insert 
Use complete insert statements.
.BR    \-C | \-\-compress 
Use compression in server/client protocol.
.BR    \-\-default\-character\-set=...
Set the default character set
.BR    \-e | \-\-extended\-insert 
Allows utilization of the new, much faster
INSERT syntax.
.BR    \-\-add\-drop\-table
Add a 'drop table' before each create.
.BR    \-\-add\-locks
Add locks around insert statements.
.BR    \-\-allow\-keywords 
Allow creation of column names that are keywords.
.BR    \-\-delayed\-insert
Insert rows with INSERT DELAYED.
.BR    \-F | \-\-flush\-logs
Flush logs file in server before starting dump.
.BR    \-f | \-\-force 
Continue even if we get an sql\-error.
.BR    \-h | \-\-host=...
Connect to host.
.BR    \-l | \-\-lock\-tables
Lock all tables for read.
.BR    \-n | \-\-no\-create\-db 
\&'CREATE DATABASE /*!32312 IF NOT EXISTS*/ db_name;'
will not be put in the output. The above line will
be added otherwise, if 
.BR \-\-databases 
.BR \-\-all\-databases 
option was given.
.BR    \-t | \-\-no\-create\-info  
Don't write table creation info.
.BR    \-d | \-\-no\-data
No row information.
.BR    \-O | "\-\-set\-variable var=option"
give a variable a value. 
.BR \-\-help 
lists variables
.BR   \-\-opt
Same as 
.BR " \-\-add\-drop\-table \-\-add\-locks \-\-all \-\-extended\-insert \-\-quick \-\-lock\-tables "
.BR    \-p | \-\-password[=...]  
Password to use when connecting to server.
If password is not given it's solicited on the tty.
.BR    \-P | \-\-port=...
Port number to use for connection.
.BR    \-q | \-\-quick 
Don't buffer query, dump directly to stdout.
.BR    \-Q | \-\-quote\-names
Quote table and column names with `
.BR \-S | \-\-socket=...
Socket file to use for connection.
.BR    \-\-tables
\fP\fIOverrides \fPoption 
.BR \-\-databases (\-B).
.BR    \-T | \-\-tab=...
Creates tab separated textfile for each table to
given path. (creates .sql and .txt files).
NOTE: This only works if mysqldump is run on
the same machine as the mysqld daemon.
.BR    \-u | \-\-user=#  
User for login if not current user.
.BR    \-v | \-\-verbose 
Print info about the various stages.
.BR    \-V | \-\-version   
Output version information and exit.
.BR    \-w | \-\-where=    
dump only selected records; QUOTES mandatory!
.BR \-\-delayed 
Insert rows with the INSERT DELAYED command. 
.BR \-e | \-\-extended-insert 
Use the new multiline INSERT syntax. (Gives more compact and faster inserts statements.) 
.BR \-\-fields\-terminated\-by=... 
.BR \-\-fields\-enclosed\-by=... 
.BR \-\-fields-optionally\-enclosed\-by=... 
.BR \-\-fields\-escaped\-by=... 
.BR \-\-lines\-terminated\-by=... 
These options are used with the 
.BR -T 
option and have the same meaning as the corresponding clauses for LOAD DATA INFILE. See Mysql manual section 7.23 LOAD DATA INFILE Syntax. 
.BR \-v | \-\-verbose 
Verbose mode. Print out more information on what the program does. 
.BR \-V | \-\-version 
Print version information and exit. 
.BR "\-O net_buffer_length=#, where # < 16M "
When creating multi-row-insert statements (as with option 
.BR --extended-insert 
.BR --opt
), mysqldump will create rows up to net_buffer_length length. If you increase this variable, you should also ensure that the max_allowed_packet variable in the MySQL server is bigger than the net_buffer_length. 
The most normal use of mysqldump is probably for making a backup of whole databases. See Mysql Manual section 21.2 Database Backups. 
mysqldump  \-\-opt \fP\fIdatabase\fP > backup-file.sql
You can read this back into MySQL with: 
.BR mysql 
.BR < 
.BR mysql 
\-e 'source /patch\-to\-backup/backup\-file.sql' database
However, it's also very useful to populate another MySQL server with information from a database: 
mysqldump \-\-opt \fP\fIdatabase\fP | mysql \-\-host=\fP\fIremote\-host\fP \-C database
It is possible to dump several databases with one command: 
mysqldump \-\-databases database1 [ database2 database3... ]  > my_databases.sql
If all the databases are wanted, one can use: 
mysqldump \fP\fI\-\-all\-databases\fP > all_databases.sql

For more information please refer to the MySQL reference
manual, which may already be installed locally and which
is also available online at http://www.mysql.com/doc/en/
Please refer to http://bugs.mysql.com/ to report bugs.
Ver 1.0, distribution @MYSQL_NO_DASH_VERSION@
Michael (Monty) Widenius (monty@mysql.com),
MySQL AB (http://www.mysql.com/).
This software comes with no warranty.
Manual page by L. (Kill-9) Pedersen 
(kill-9@kill-9.dk), Mercurmedia Data Model Architect /
system developer (http://www.mercurmedia.com)

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