#include "mysql_priv.h" #include "sp_head.h" #include "sql_trigger.h" #include "parse_file.h" static const LEX_STRING triggers_file_type= {(char *)"TRIGGERS", 8}; static const char * const triggers_file_ext= ".TRG"; /* Table of .TRG file field descriptors. We have here only one field now because in nearest future .TRG files will be merged into .FRM files (so we don't need something like md5 or created fields). */ static File_option triggers_file_parameters[]= { {{(char*)"triggers", 8}, offsetof(class Table_triggers_list, definitions_list), FILE_OPTIONS_STRLIST}, {{0, 0}, 0, FILE_OPTIONS_STRING} }; /* Create or drop trigger for table. SYNOPSIS mysql_create_or_drop_trigger() thd - current thread context (including trigger definition in LEX) tables - table list containing one table for which trigger is created. create - whenever we create (true) or drop (false) trigger NOTE This function is mainly responsible for opening and locking of table and invalidation of all its instances in table cache after trigger creation. Real work on trigger creation/dropping is done inside Table_triggers_list methods. RETURN VALUE FALSE Success TRUE error */ bool mysql_create_or_drop_trigger(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables, bool create) { TABLE *table; bool result= 0; DBUG_ENTER("mysql_create_or_drop_trigger"); /* QQ: This function could be merged in mysql_alter_table() function But do we want this ? */ if (open_and_lock_tables(thd, tables)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); /* TODO: We should check if user has TRIGGER privilege for table here. Now we just require SUPER privilege for creating/dropping because we don't have proper privilege checking for triggers in place yet. */ if (check_global_access(thd, SUPER_ACL)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); table= tables->table; /* We do not allow creation of triggers on views or temporary tables. We have to do this check here and not in Table_triggers_list::create_trigger() because we want to avoid messing with table cash for views and temporary tables. */ if (tables->view || table->s->tmp_table != NO_TMP_TABLE) { my_error(ER_TRG_ON_VIEW_OR_TEMP_TABLE, MYF(0), tables->alias); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } if (!table->triggers) { if (!create) { my_message(ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST, ER(ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST), MYF(0)); DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } if (!(table->triggers= new (&table->mem_root) Table_triggers_list())) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); } /* We don't want perform our operations while global read lock is held so we have to wait until its end and then prevent it from occuring again until we are done. (Acquiring LOCK_open is not enough because global read lock is held without helding LOCK_open). */ if (wait_if_global_read_lock(thd, 0, 0)) DBUG_RETURN(TRUE); VOID(pthread_mutex_lock(&LOCK_open)); result= (create ? table->triggers->create_trigger(thd, tables): table->triggers->drop_trigger(thd, tables)); /* It is sensible to invalidate table in any case */ close_cached_table(thd, table); VOID(pthread_mutex_unlock(&LOCK_open)); start_waiting_global_read_lock(thd); if (!result) send_ok(thd); DBUG_RETURN(result); } /* Create trigger for table. SYNOPSIS create_trigger() thd - current thread context (including trigger definition in LEX) tables - table list containing one open table for which trigger is created. RETURN VALUE False - success True - error */ bool Table_triggers_list::create_trigger(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables) { LEX *lex= thd->lex; TABLE *table= tables->table; char dir_buff[FN_REFLEN], file_buff[FN_REFLEN]; LEX_STRING dir, file; LEX_STRING *trg_def, *name; Item_trigger_field *trg_field; List_iterator_fast<LEX_STRING> it(names_list); /* We don't allow creation of several triggers of the same type yet */ if (bodies[lex->trg_chistics.event][lex->trg_chistics.action_time]) { my_message(ER_TRG_ALREADY_EXISTS, ER(ER_TRG_ALREADY_EXISTS), MYF(0)); return 1; } /* Let us check if trigger with the same name exists */ while ((name= it++)) { if (my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, lex->name_and_length.str, name->str) == 0) { my_message(ER_TRG_ALREADY_EXISTS, ER(ER_TRG_ALREADY_EXISTS), MYF(0)); return 1; } } /* Let us check if all references to fields in old/new versions of row in this trigger are ok. NOTE: We do it here more from ease of use standpoint. We still have to do some checks on each execution. E.g. we can catch privilege changes only during execution. Also in near future, when we will allow access to other tables from trigger we won't be able to catch changes in other tables... To simplify code a bit we have to create Fields for accessing to old row values if we have ON UPDATE trigger. */ if (!old_field && lex->trg_chistics.event == TRG_EVENT_UPDATE && prepare_old_row_accessors(table)) return 1; for (trg_field= (Item_trigger_field *)(lex->trg_table_fields.first); trg_field; trg_field= trg_field->next_trg_field) { trg_field->setup_field(thd, table, lex->trg_chistics.event); if (trg_field->fix_fields(thd, (TABLE_LIST *)0, (Item **)0)) return 1; } /* Here we are creating file with triggers and save all triggers in it. sql_create_definition_file() files handles renaming and backup of older versions */ strxnmov(dir_buff, FN_REFLEN, mysql_data_home, "/", tables->db, "/", NullS); dir.length= unpack_filename(dir_buff, dir_buff); dir.str= dir_buff; file.length= strxnmov(file_buff, FN_REFLEN, tables->table_name, triggers_file_ext, NullS) - file_buff; file.str= file_buff; /* Soon we will invalidate table object and thus Table_triggers_list object so don't care about place to which trg_def->ptr points and other invariants (e.g. we don't bother to update names_list) QQ: Hmm... probably we should not care about setting up active thread mem_root too. */ if (!(trg_def= (LEX_STRING *)alloc_root(&table->mem_root, sizeof(LEX_STRING))) || definitions_list.push_back(trg_def, &table->mem_root)) return 1; trg_def->str= thd->query; trg_def->length= thd->query_length; return sql_create_definition_file(&dir, &file, &triggers_file_type, (gptr)this, triggers_file_parameters, 3); } /* Drop trigger for table. SYNOPSIS drop_trigger() thd - current thread context (including trigger definition in LEX) tables - table list containing one open table for which trigger is dropped. RETURN VALUE False - success True - error */ bool Table_triggers_list::drop_trigger(THD *thd, TABLE_LIST *tables) { LEX *lex= thd->lex; LEX_STRING *name; List_iterator_fast<LEX_STRING> it_name(names_list); List_iterator<LEX_STRING> it_def(definitions_list); while ((name= it_name++)) { it_def++; if (my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, lex->name_and_length.str, name->str) == 0) { /* Again we don't care much about other things required for clean trigger removing since table will be reopened anyway. */ it_def.remove(); if (definitions_list.is_empty()) { char path[FN_REFLEN]; /* TODO: Probably instead of removing .TRG file we should move to archive directory but this should be done as part of parse_file.cc functionality (because we will need it elsewhere). */ strxnmov(path, FN_REFLEN, mysql_data_home, "/", tables->db, "/", tables->table_name, triggers_file_ext, NullS); unpack_filename(path, path); return my_delete(path, MYF(MY_WME)); } else { char dir_buff[FN_REFLEN], file_buff[FN_REFLEN]; LEX_STRING dir, file; strxnmov(dir_buff, FN_REFLEN, mysql_data_home, "/", tables->db, "/", NullS); dir.length= unpack_filename(dir_buff, dir_buff); dir.str= dir_buff; file.length= strxnmov(file_buff, FN_REFLEN, tables->table_name, triggers_file_ext, NullS) - file_buff; file.str= file_buff; return sql_create_definition_file(&dir, &file, &triggers_file_type, (gptr)this, triggers_file_parameters, 3); } } } my_message(ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST, ER(ER_TRG_DOES_NOT_EXIST), MYF(0)); return 1; } Table_triggers_list::~Table_triggers_list() { for (int i= 0; i < 3; i++) for (int j= 0; j < 2; j++) delete bodies[i][j]; if (old_field) for (Field **fld_ptr= old_field; *fld_ptr; fld_ptr++) delete *fld_ptr; } /* Prepare array of Field objects which will represent OLD.* row values in ON UPDATE trigger (by referencing to record[1] instead of record[0]). SYNOPSIS prepare_old_row_accessors() table - pointer to TABLE object for which we are creating fields. RETURN VALUE False - success True - error */ bool Table_triggers_list::prepare_old_row_accessors(TABLE *table) { Field **fld, **old_fld; if (!(old_field= (Field **)alloc_root(&table->mem_root, (table->s->fields + 1) * sizeof(Field*)))) return 1; for (fld= table->field, old_fld= old_field; *fld; fld++, old_fld++) { /* QQ: it is supposed that it is ok to use this function for field cloning... */ if (!(*old_fld= (*fld)->new_field(&table->mem_root, table))) return 1; (*old_fld)->move_field((my_ptrdiff_t)(table->record[1] - table->record[0])); } *old_fld= 0; return 0; } /* Check whenever .TRG file for table exist and load all triggers it contains. SYNOPSIS check_n_load() thd - current thread context db - table's database name table_name - table's name table - pointer to table object RETURN VALUE False - success True - error */ bool Table_triggers_list::check_n_load(THD *thd, const char *db, const char *table_name, TABLE *table) { char path_buff[FN_REFLEN]; LEX_STRING path; File_parser *parser; DBUG_ENTER("Table_triggers_list::check_n_load"); strxnmov(path_buff, FN_REFLEN, mysql_data_home, "/", db, "/", table_name, triggers_file_ext, NullS); path.length= unpack_filename(path_buff, path_buff); path.str= path_buff; // QQ: should we analyze errno somehow ? if (access(path_buff, F_OK)) DBUG_RETURN(0); /* File exists so we got to load triggers FIXME: A lot of things to do here e.g. how about other funcs and being more paranoical ? */ if ((parser= sql_parse_prepare(&path, &table->mem_root, 1))) { if (!strncmp(triggers_file_type.str, parser->type()->str, parser->type()->length)) { Table_triggers_list *triggers= new (&table->mem_root) Table_triggers_list(); if (!triggers) DBUG_RETURN(1); if (parser->parse((gptr)triggers, &table->mem_root, triggers_file_parameters, 1)) DBUG_RETURN(1); table->triggers= triggers; /* TODO: This could be avoided if there is no ON UPDATE trigger. */ if (triggers->prepare_old_row_accessors(table)) DBUG_RETURN(1); List_iterator_fast<LEX_STRING> it(triggers->definitions_list); LEX_STRING *trg_create_str, *trg_name_str; char *trg_name_buff; LEX *old_lex= thd->lex, lex; thd->lex= &lex; while ((trg_create_str= it++)) { lex_start(thd, (uchar*)trg_create_str->str, trg_create_str->length); if (yyparse((void *)thd) || thd->is_fatal_error) { /* Free lex associated resources QQ: Do we really need all this stuff here ? */ if (lex.sphead) { if (&lex != thd->lex) thd->lex->sphead->restore_lex(thd); delete lex.sphead; } goto err_with_lex_cleanup; } triggers->bodies[lex.trg_chistics.event] [lex.trg_chistics.action_time]= lex.sphead; lex.sphead= 0; if (!(trg_name_buff= alloc_root(&table->mem_root, sizeof(LEX_STRING) + lex.name_and_length.length + 1))) goto err_with_lex_cleanup; trg_name_str= (LEX_STRING *)trg_name_buff; trg_name_buff+= sizeof(LEX_STRING); memcpy(trg_name_buff, lex.name_and_length.str, lex.name_and_length.length + 1); trg_name_str->str= trg_name_buff; trg_name_str->length= lex.name_and_length.length; if (triggers->names_list.push_back(trg_name_str, &table->mem_root)) goto err_with_lex_cleanup; /* Let us bind Item_trigger_field objects representing access to fields in old/new versions of row in trigger to Field objects in table being opened. We ignore errors here, because if even something is wrong we still will be willing to open table to perform some operations (e.g. SELECT)... Anyway some things can be checked only during trigger execution. */ for (Item_trigger_field *trg_field= (Item_trigger_field *)(lex.trg_table_fields.first); trg_field; trg_field= trg_field->next_trg_field) trg_field->setup_field(thd, table, lex.trg_chistics.event); lex_end(&lex); } thd->lex= old_lex; DBUG_RETURN(0); err_with_lex_cleanup: // QQ: anything else ? lex_end(&lex); thd->lex= old_lex; DBUG_RETURN(1); } /* We don't care about this error message much because .TRG files will be merged into .FRM anyway. */ my_error(ER_WRONG_OBJECT, MYF(0), table_name, triggers_file_ext, "TRIGGER"); DBUG_RETURN(1); } DBUG_RETURN(1); }