/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ // vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4: #ident "$Id$" #ident "Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved." #ident "The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, and the Research Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under United States of America Serial No. 11/760379 and to the patents and/or patent applications resulting from it." #include "includes.h" #include #include "checkpoint.h" static uint64_t footprint = 0; // for debug and accountability uint64_t toku_log_upgrade_get_footprint(void) { return footprint; } // Footprint concept here is that each function increments a different decimal digit. // The cumulative total shows the path taken for the upgrade. // Each function must have a single return for this to work. #define FOOTPRINT(x) function_footprint=(x*footprint_increment) #define FOOTPRINTSETUP(increment) uint64_t function_footprint = 0; uint64_t footprint_increment=increment; #define FOOTPRINTCAPTURE footprint+=function_footprint; // return 0 if clean shutdown, TOKUDB_UPGRADE_FAILURE if not clean shutdown static int verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version_current(const char *log_dir, LSN * last_lsn, TXNID *last_xid) { int rval = TOKUDB_UPGRADE_FAILURE; TOKULOGCURSOR cursor = NULL; int r; FOOTPRINTSETUP(100); FOOTPRINT(1); r = toku_logcursor_create(&cursor, log_dir); assert(r == 0); struct log_entry *le = NULL; r = toku_logcursor_last(cursor, &le); if (r == 0) { FOOTPRINT(2); if (le->cmd==LT_shutdown) { LSN lsn = le->u.shutdown.lsn; if (last_lsn) { *last_lsn = lsn; } if (last_xid) { *last_xid = le->u.shutdown.last_xid; } rval = 0; } } r = toku_logcursor_destroy(&cursor); assert(r == 0); FOOTPRINTCAPTURE; return rval; } // return 0 if clean shutdown, TOKUDB_UPGRADE_FAILURE if not clean shutdown static int verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version_old(const char *log_dir, LSN * last_lsn, TXNID *last_xid, uint32_t version) { int rval = TOKUDB_UPGRADE_FAILURE; int r; FOOTPRINTSETUP(10); FOOTPRINT(1); int n_logfiles; char **logfiles; r = toku_logger_find_logfiles(log_dir, &logfiles, &n_logfiles); if (r!=0) return r; char *basename; TOKULOGCURSOR cursor; struct log_entry *entry; // Only look at newest log // basename points to first char after last / in file pathname basename = strrchr(logfiles[n_logfiles-1], '/') + 1; uint32_t version_name; long long index = -1; r = sscanf(basename, "log%lld.tokulog%u", &index, &version_name); assert(r==2); // found index and version invariant(version_name == version); assert(version>=TOKU_LOG_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION); assert(version< TOKU_LOG_VERSION); //Must be old // find last LSN r = toku_logcursor_create_for_file(&cursor, log_dir, basename); if (r != 0) { goto cleanup_no_logcursor; } r = toku_logcursor_last(cursor, &entry); if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; } FOOTPRINT(2); //TODO: Remove this special case once FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_19 (and older) are not supported. if (version <= FT_LAYOUT_VERSION_19) { if (entry->cmd==LT_shutdown_up_to_19) { LSN lsn = entry->u.shutdown_up_to_19.lsn; if (last_lsn) { *last_lsn = lsn; } if (last_xid) { // Use lsn as last_xid. *last_xid = lsn.lsn; } rval = 0; } } else if (entry->cmd==LT_shutdown) { LSN lsn = entry->u.shutdown.lsn; if (last_lsn) { *last_lsn = lsn; } if (last_xid) { *last_xid = entry->u.shutdown.last_xid; } rval = 0; } cleanup: r = toku_logcursor_destroy(&cursor); assert(r == 0); cleanup_no_logcursor: for(int i=0;i TOKU_LOG_VERSION) r = TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_TOO_NEW; else if (version_of_logs_on_disk < TOKU_LOG_MIN_SUPPORTED_VERSION) r = TOKUDB_DICTIONARY_TOO_OLD; else if (version_of_logs_on_disk == TOKU_LOG_VERSION) r = 0; //Logs are up to date else { FOOTPRINT(4); LSN last_lsn; TXNID last_xid; r = verify_clean_shutdown_of_log_version(log_dir, version_of_logs_on_disk, &last_lsn, &last_xid); if (r != 0) { goto cleanup; } FOOTPRINT(5); *lsn_of_clean_shutdown = last_lsn; *upgrade_in_progress = TRUE; r = upgrade_log(env_dir, log_dir, last_lsn, last_xid); } cleanup: { //Clean up int rc; rc = toku_recover_unlock(lockfd); if (r==0) r = rc; } cleanup_no_lock: FOOTPRINTCAPTURE; return r; }