#----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Copyright (C) 2002 MySQL AB # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This notice applies to changes, created by or for Novell, Inc., # to preexisting works for which notices appear elsewhere in this file. # Copyright (c) 2003 Novell, Inc. All Rights Reserved. # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #use strict; use Mysql; print "MySQL Fix Privilege Tables Script\n\n"; print "NOTE: This script updates your privilege tables to the lastest\n"; print " specifications!\n\n"; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # get the current root password #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "In order to log into MySQL to update it, we'll need the current\n"; print "password for the root user. If you've just installed MySQL, and\n"; print "you haven't set the root password yet, the password will be blank,\n"; print "so you should just press enter here.\n\n"; print "Enter the current password for root: "; my $password = <STDIN>; chomp $password; print "\n"; my $conn = Mysql->connect("localhost", "mysql", "root", $password) || die "Unable to connect to MySQL."; print "OK, successfully used the password, moving on...\n\n"; #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MySQL 4.0.2 #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #-- Detect whether or not we had the Grant_priv column print "Fixing privileges for old tables...\n"; $conn->query("SET \@hadGrantPriv:=0;"); $conn->query("SELECT \@hadGrantPriv:=1 FROM user WHERE Grant_priv LIKE '%';"); #--- Fix privileges for old tables $conn->query("UPDATE user SET Grant_priv=File_priv,References_priv=Create_priv,Index_priv=Create_priv,Alter_priv=Create_priv WHERE \@hadGrantPriv = 0;"); $conn->query("UPDATE db SET References_priv=Create_priv,Index_priv=Create_priv,Alter_priv=Create_priv WHERE \@hadGrantPriv = 0;"); $conn->query("UPDATE host SET References_priv=Create_priv,Index_priv=Create_priv,Alter_priv=Create_priv WHERE \@hadGrantPriv = 0;"); # Detect whether we had Show_db_priv $conn->query("SET \@hadShowDbPriv:=0;"); $conn->query("SELECT \@hadShowDbPriv:=1 FROM user WHERE Show_db_priv LIKE '%';"); print "Adding new fields used by MySQL 4.0.2 to the privilege tables...\n"; print "NOTE: You can ignore any Duplicate column errors.\n"; $conn->query(" \ ALTER TABLE user \ ADD Show_db_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL AFTER alter_priv, \ ADD Super_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL AFTER Show_db_priv, \ ADD Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL AFTER Super_priv, \ ADD Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL AFTER Create_tmp_table_priv, \ ADD Execute_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL AFTER Lock_tables_priv, \ ADD Repl_slave_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL AFTER Execute_priv, \ ADD Repl_client_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL AFTER Repl_slave_priv; \ ") && $conn->query(" \ UPDATE user SET show_db_priv=select_priv, super_priv=process_priv, execute_priv=process_priv, create_tmp_table_priv='Y', Lock_tables_priv='Y', Repl_slave_priv=file_priv, Repl_client_priv=file_priv where user<>''AND \@hadShowDbPriv = 0; \ "); #-- The above statement converts privileges so that users have similar privileges as before #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MySQL 4.0 Limitations #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "Adding new fields used by MySQL 4.0 security limitations...\n"; $conn->query(" \ ALTER TABLE user \ ADD max_questions int(11) NOT NULL AFTER x509_subject, \ ADD max_updates int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AFTER max_questions, \ ADD max_connections int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AFTER max_updates; \ "); #-- Change the password column to suite the new password hashing used #-- in 4.1.1 onward $conn->query("ALTER TABLE user change Password Password char(41) binary not null;"); #-- The second alter changes ssl_type to new 4.0.2 format #-- Adding columns needed by GRANT .. REQUIRE (openssl)" print "Adding new fields to use in ssl authentication...\n"; $conn->query(" \ ALTER TABLE user \ ADD ssl_type enum('','ANY','X509', 'SPECIFIED') NOT NULL, \ ADD ssl_cipher BLOB NOT NULL, \ ADD x509_issuer BLOB NOT NULL, \ ADD x509_subject BLOB NOT NULL; \ "); #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # MySQL 4.0 DB and Host privs #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "Adding new fields used by MySQL 4.0 locking and temporary table security...\n"; $conn->query(" \ ALTER TABLE db \ ADD Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, \ ADD Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL; \ "); $conn->query(" \ ALTER TABLE host \ ADD Create_tmp_table_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL, \ ADD Lock_tables_priv enum('N','Y') DEFAULT 'N' NOT NULL; \ "); # # Change the Table_name column to be of char(64) which was char(60) by mistake till now. # $conn->query("alter table tables_priv change Table_name Table_name char(64) binary DEFAULT '' NOT NULL;"); # # Create some possible missing tables # print "Adding online help tables...\n"; $conn->query(" \ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS help_topic ( \ help_topic_id int unsigned not null, \ name varchar(64) not null, \ help_category_id smallint unsigned not null, \ description text not null, \ example text not null, \ url varchar(128) not null, \ primary key (help_topic_id), unique index (name) \ ) comment='help topics'; \ "); $conn->query(" \ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS help_category ( \ help_category_id smallint unsigned not null, \ name varchar(64) not null, \ parent_category_id smallint unsigned null, \ url varchar(128) not null, \ primary key (help_category_id), \ unique index (name) \ ) comment='help categories'; \ "); $conn->query(" \ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS help_relation ( \ help_topic_id int unsigned not null references help_topic, \ help_keyword_id int unsigned not null references help_keyword, \ primary key (help_keyword_id, help_topic_id) \ ) comment='keyword-topic relation'; \ "); $conn->query(" \ CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS help_keyword ( \ help_keyword_id int unsigned not null, \ name varchar(64) not null, \ primary key (help_keyword_id), \ unique index (name) \ ) comment='help keywords'; \ "); # # Filling the help tables with contents. # print "Filling online help tables with contents...\n"; # Generate the path for "fill_help_tables.sql" file which is in different folder. $fill_help_table=$0; $fill_help_table =~ s/scripts[\\\/]mysql_fix_privilege_tables.pl/share\\fill_help_tables.sql/; #read all content from the sql file which contains recordsfor help tables. open(fileIN,$fill_help_table) or die("Cannot open $fill_help_table: $!"); @logData = <fileIN>; close(fileIN); foreach $line (@logData) { # if the line is not empty, insert a record in the table. if( ! ($line =~ /^\s*$/) ) { $conn->query("$line"); } } #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # done #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- print "\n\nAll done!\n\n"; print "Thanks for using MySQL!\n\n";