/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ // vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4: #ident "$Id$" /*====== This file is part of PerconaFT. Copyright (c) 2006, 2015, Percona and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. PerconaFT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation. PerconaFT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PerconaFT. If not, see . ---------------------------------------- PerconaFT is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, as published by the Free Software Foundation. PerconaFT is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with PerconaFT. If not, see . ======= */ #ident "Copyright (c) 2006, 2015, Percona and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved." #include "test.h" #include static void parse_args (int argc, const char *argv[]) { const char *argv0=argv[0]; while (argc>1) { int resultcode=0; if (strcmp(argv[1], "-v")==0) { verbose++; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-q")==0) { verbose = 0; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "-h")==0) { do_usage: fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n%s [-v|-h]\n", argv0); exit(resultcode); } else { resultcode=1; goto do_usage; } argc--; argv++; } } /* End ".h like" stuff. */ struct value { uint32_t number; }; #define V(x) ((struct value *)(x)) enum rand_type { TEST_RANDOM, TEST_SORTED, TEST_IDENTITY }; enum close_when_done { CLOSE_WHEN_DONE, KEEP_WHEN_DONE }; enum create_type { STEAL_ARRAY, BATCH_INSERT, INSERT_AT, INSERT_AT_ALMOST_RANDOM, }; /* Globals */ typedef void *OMTVALUE; toku::omt *global_omt; OMTVALUE* global_values = NULL; struct value* global_nums = NULL; uint32_t global_length; static void cleanup_globals (void) { assert(global_values); toku_free(global_values); global_values = NULL; assert(global_nums); toku_free(global_nums); global_nums = NULL; } /* Some test wrappers */ struct functor { int (*f)(OMTVALUE, uint32_t, void *); void *v; }; int call_functor(const OMTVALUE &v, uint32_t idx, functor *const ftor); int call_functor(const OMTVALUE &v, uint32_t idx, functor *const ftor) { return ftor->f(const_cast(v), idx, ftor->v); } static int omt_iterate(toku::omt *omt, int (*f)(OMTVALUE, uint32_t, void*), void*v) { struct functor ftor = { .f = f, .v = v }; return omt->iterate(&ftor); } struct heftor { int (*h)(OMTVALUE, void *v); void *v; }; int call_heftor(const OMTVALUE &v, const heftor &htor); int call_heftor(const OMTVALUE &v, const heftor &htor) { return htor.h(const_cast(v), htor.v); } static int omt_insert(toku::omt *omt, OMTVALUE value, int(*h)(OMTVALUE, void*v), void *v, uint32_t *index) { struct heftor htor = { .h = h, .v = v }; return omt->insert(value, htor, index); } static int omt_find_zero(toku::omt *V, int (*h)(OMTVALUE, void*extra), void*extra, OMTVALUE *value, uint32_t *index) { struct heftor htor = { .h = h, .v = extra }; return V->find_zero(htor, value, index); } static int omt_find(toku::omt *V, int (*h)(OMTVALUE, void*extra), void*extra, int direction, OMTVALUE *value, uint32_t *index) { struct heftor htor = { .h = h, .v = extra }; return V->find(htor, direction, value, index); } static int omt_split_at(toku::omt *omt, toku::omt **newomtp, uint32_t index) { toku::omt *XMALLOC(newomt); int r = omt->split_at(newomt, index); if (r != 0) { toku_free(newomt); } else { *newomtp = newomt; } return r; } static int omt_merge(toku::omt *leftomt, toku::omt *rightomt, toku::omt **newomtp) { toku::omt *XMALLOC(newomt); newomt->merge(leftomt, rightomt); toku_free(leftomt); toku_free(rightomt); *newomtp = newomt; return 0; } const unsigned int random_seed = 0xFEADACBA; static void init_init_values (unsigned int seed, uint32_t num_elements) { srandom(seed); cleanup_globals(); XMALLOC_N(num_elements, global_values); XMALLOC_N(num_elements, global_nums); global_length = num_elements; } static void init_identity_values (unsigned int seed, uint32_t num_elements) { uint32_t i; init_init_values(seed, num_elements); for (i = 0; i < global_length; i++) { global_nums[i].number = i; global_values[i] = (OMTVALUE)&global_nums[i]; } } static void init_distinct_sorted_values (unsigned int seed, uint32_t num_elements) { uint32_t i; init_init_values(seed, num_elements); uint32_t number = 0; for (i = 0; i < global_length; i++) { number += (uint32_t)(random() % 32) + 1; global_nums[i].number = number; global_values[i] = (OMTVALUE)&global_nums[i]; } } static void init_distinct_random_values (unsigned int seed, uint32_t num_elements) { init_distinct_sorted_values(seed, num_elements); uint32_t i; uint32_t choice; uint32_t choices; struct value temp; for (i = 0; i < global_length - 1; i++) { choices = global_length - i; choice = random() % choices; if (choice != i) { temp = global_nums[i]; global_nums[i] = global_nums[choice]; global_nums[choice] = temp; } } } static void init_globals (void) { XMALLOC_N(1, global_values); XMALLOC_N(1, global_nums); global_length = 1; } static void test_close (enum close_when_done do_close) { if (do_close == KEEP_WHEN_DONE) { return; } assert(do_close == CLOSE_WHEN_DONE); global_omt->destroy(); toku_free(global_omt); } static void test_create (enum close_when_done do_close) { XMALLOC(global_omt); global_omt->create(); test_close(do_close); } static void test_create_size (enum close_when_done do_close) { test_create(KEEP_WHEN_DONE); assert(global_omt->size() == 0); test_close(do_close); } static void test_create_insert_at_almost_random (enum close_when_done do_close) { uint32_t i; int r; uint32_t size = 0; test_create(KEEP_WHEN_DONE); r = global_omt->insert_at(global_values[0], global_omt->size()+1); CKERR2(r, EINVAL); r = global_omt->insert_at(global_values[0], global_omt->size()+2); CKERR2(r, EINVAL); for (i = 0; i < global_length/2; i++) { assert(size==global_omt->size()); r = global_omt->insert_at(global_values[i], i); CKERR(r); assert(++size==global_omt->size()); r = global_omt->insert_at(global_values[global_length-1-i], i+1); CKERR(r); assert(++size==global_omt->size()); } r = global_omt->insert_at(global_values[0], global_omt->size()+1); CKERR2(r, EINVAL); r = global_omt->insert_at(global_values[0], global_omt->size()+2); CKERR2(r, EINVAL); assert(size==global_omt->size()); test_close(do_close); } static void test_create_insert_at_sequential (enum close_when_done do_close) { uint32_t i; int r; uint32_t size = 0; test_create(KEEP_WHEN_DONE); r = global_omt->insert_at(global_values[0], global_omt->size()+1); CKERR2(r, EINVAL); r = global_omt->insert_at(global_values[0], global_omt->size()+2); CKERR2(r, EINVAL); for (i = 0; i < global_length; i++) { assert(size==global_omt->size()); r = global_omt->insert_at(global_values[i], i); CKERR(r); assert(++size==global_omt->size()); } r = global_omt->insert_at(global_values[0], global_omt->size()+1); CKERR2(r, EINVAL); r = global_omt->insert_at(global_values[0], global_omt->size()+2); CKERR2(r, EINVAL); assert(size==global_omt->size()); test_close(do_close); } static void test_create_from_sorted_array (enum create_type create_choice, enum close_when_done do_close) { global_omt = NULL; if (create_choice == BATCH_INSERT) { XMALLOC(global_omt); global_omt->create_from_sorted_array(global_values, global_length); } else if (create_choice == STEAL_ARRAY) { XMALLOC(global_omt); OMTVALUE* XMALLOC_N(global_length, values_copy); memcpy(values_copy, global_values, global_length*sizeof(*global_values)); global_omt->create_steal_sorted_array(&values_copy, global_length, global_length); assert(values_copy==NULL); } else if (create_choice == INSERT_AT) { test_create_insert_at_sequential(KEEP_WHEN_DONE); } else if (create_choice == INSERT_AT_ALMOST_RANDOM) { test_create_insert_at_almost_random(KEEP_WHEN_DONE); } else { assert(false); } assert(global_omt!=NULL); test_close(do_close); } static void test_create_from_sorted_array_size (enum create_type create_choice, enum close_when_done do_close) { test_create_from_sorted_array(create_choice, KEEP_WHEN_DONE); assert(global_omt->size()==global_length); test_close(do_close); } static void test_fetch_verify (toku::omt *omtree, OMTVALUE* val, uint32_t len ) { uint32_t i; int r; OMTVALUE v = (OMTVALUE)&i; OMTVALUE oldv = v; assert(len == omtree->size()); for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { assert(oldv!=val[i]); v = NULL; r = omtree->fetch(i, &v); CKERR(r); assert(v != NULL); assert(v != oldv); assert(v == val[i]); assert(V(v)->number == V(val[i])->number); v = oldv; } for (i = len; i < len*2; i++) { v = oldv; r = omtree->fetch(i, &v); CKERR2(r, EINVAL); assert(v == oldv); } } static void test_create_fetch_verify (enum create_type create_choice, enum close_when_done do_close) { test_create_from_sorted_array(create_choice, KEEP_WHEN_DONE); test_fetch_verify(global_omt, global_values, global_length); test_close(do_close); } static int iterate_helper_error_return = 1; static int iterate_helper (OMTVALUE v, uint32_t idx, void* extra) { if (extra == NULL) return iterate_helper_error_return; OMTVALUE* vals = (OMTVALUE *)extra; assert(v != NULL); assert(v == vals[idx]); assert(V(v)->number == V(vals[idx])->number); return 0; } static void test_iterate_verify (toku::omt *omtree, OMTVALUE* vals, uint32_t len) { int r; iterate_helper_error_return = 0; r = omt_iterate(omtree, iterate_helper, (void*)vals); CKERR(r); iterate_helper_error_return = 0xFEEDABBA; r = omt_iterate(omtree, iterate_helper, NULL); if (!len) { CKERR2(r, 0); } else { CKERR2(r, iterate_helper_error_return); } } static void test_create_iterate_verify (enum create_type create_choice, enum close_when_done do_close) { test_create_from_sorted_array(create_choice, KEEP_WHEN_DONE); test_iterate_verify(global_omt, global_values, global_length); test_close(do_close); } static void permute_array (uint32_t* arr, uint32_t len) { // // create a permutation of 0...size-1 // uint32_t i = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { arr[i] = i; } for (i = 0; i < len - 1; i++) { uint32_t choices = len - i; uint32_t choice = random() % choices; if (choice != i) { uint32_t temp = arr[i]; arr[i] = arr[choice]; arr[choice] = temp; } } } static void test_create_set_at (enum create_type create_choice, enum close_when_done do_close) { uint32_t i = 0; struct value* old_nums = NULL; XMALLOC_N(global_length, old_nums); uint32_t* perm = NULL; XMALLOC_N(global_length, perm); OMTVALUE* old_values = NULL; XMALLOC_N(global_length, old_values); permute_array(perm, global_length); // // These are going to be the new global_values // for (i = 0; i < global_length; i++) { old_nums[i] = global_nums[i]; old_values[i] = &old_nums[i]; global_values[i] = &old_nums[i]; } test_create_from_sorted_array(create_choice, KEEP_WHEN_DONE); int r; r = global_omt->set_at(global_values[0], global_length); CKERR2(r,EINVAL); r = global_omt->set_at(global_values[0], global_length+1); CKERR2(r,EINVAL); for (i = 0; i < global_length; i++) { uint32_t choice = perm[i]; global_values[choice] = &global_nums[choice]; global_nums[choice].number = (uint32_t)random(); r = global_omt->set_at(global_values[choice], choice); CKERR(r); test_iterate_verify(global_omt, global_values, global_length); test_fetch_verify(global_omt, global_values, global_length); } r = global_omt->set_at(global_values[0], global_length); CKERR2(r,EINVAL); r = global_omt->set_at(global_values[0], global_length+1); CKERR2(r,EINVAL); toku_free(perm); toku_free(old_values); toku_free(old_nums); test_close(do_close); } static int insert_helper (OMTVALUE value, void* extra_insert) { OMTVALUE to_insert = (OMTVALUE)extra_insert; assert(to_insert); if (V(value)->number < V(to_insert)->number) return -1; if (V(value)->number > V(to_insert)->number) return +1; return 0; } static void test_create_insert (enum close_when_done do_close) { uint32_t i = 0; uint32_t* perm = NULL; XMALLOC_N(global_length, perm); permute_array(perm, global_length); test_create(KEEP_WHEN_DONE); int r; uint32_t size = global_length; global_length = 0; while (global_length < size) { uint32_t choice = perm[global_length]; OMTVALUE to_insert = &global_nums[choice]; uint32_t idx = UINT32_MAX; assert(global_length==global_omt->size()); r = omt_insert(global_omt, to_insert, insert_helper, to_insert, &idx); CKERR(r); assert(idx <= global_length); if (idx > 0) { assert(V(to_insert)->number > V(global_values[idx-1])->number); } if (idx < global_length) { assert(V(to_insert)->number < V(global_values[idx])->number); } global_length++; assert(global_length==global_omt->size()); /* Make room */ for (i = global_length-1; i > idx; i--) { global_values[i] = global_values[i-1]; } global_values[idx] = to_insert; test_fetch_verify(global_omt, global_values, global_length); test_iterate_verify(global_omt, global_values, global_length); idx = UINT32_MAX; r = omt_insert(global_omt, to_insert, insert_helper, to_insert, &idx); CKERR2(r, DB_KEYEXIST); assert(idx < global_length); assert(V(global_values[idx])->number == V(to_insert)->number); assert(global_length==global_omt->size()); test_iterate_verify(global_omt, global_values, global_length); test_fetch_verify(global_omt, global_values, global_length); } toku_free(perm); test_close(do_close); } static void test_create_delete_at (enum create_type create_choice, enum close_when_done do_close) { uint32_t i = 0; int r = ENOSYS; test_create_from_sorted_array(create_choice, KEEP_WHEN_DONE); assert(global_length == global_omt->size()); r = global_omt->delete_at(global_length); CKERR2(r,EINVAL); assert(global_length == global_omt->size()); r = global_omt->delete_at(global_length+1); CKERR2(r,EINVAL); while (global_length > 0) { assert(global_length == global_omt->size()); uint32_t index_to_delete = random()%global_length; r = global_omt->delete_at(index_to_delete); CKERR(r); for (i = index_to_delete+1; i < global_length; i++) { global_values[i-1] = global_values[i]; } global_length--; test_fetch_verify(global_omt, global_values, global_length); test_iterate_verify(global_omt, global_values, global_length); } assert(global_length == 0); assert(global_length == global_omt->size()); r = global_omt->delete_at(global_length); CKERR2(r, EINVAL); assert(global_length == global_omt->size()); r = global_omt->delete_at(global_length+1); CKERR2(r, EINVAL); test_close(do_close); } static void test_split_merge (enum create_type create_choice, enum close_when_done do_close) { int r = ENOSYS; uint32_t i = 0; toku::omt *left_split = NULL; toku::omt *right_split = NULL; test_create_from_sorted_array(create_choice, KEEP_WHEN_DONE); for (i = 0; i <= global_length; i++) { r = omt_split_at(global_omt, &right_split, global_length+1); CKERR2(r,EINVAL); r = omt_split_at(global_omt, &right_split, global_length+2); CKERR2(r,EINVAL); // // test successful split // r = omt_split_at(global_omt, &right_split, i); CKERR(r); left_split = global_omt; global_omt = NULL; assert(left_split->size() == i); assert(right_split->size() == global_length - i); test_fetch_verify(left_split, global_values, i); test_iterate_verify(left_split, global_values, i); test_fetch_verify(right_split, &global_values[i], global_length - i); test_iterate_verify(right_split, &global_values[i], global_length - i); // // verify that new global_omt's cannot do bad splits // r = omt_split_at(left_split, &global_omt, i+1); CKERR2(r,EINVAL); assert(left_split->size() == i); assert(right_split->size() == global_length - i); r = omt_split_at(left_split, &global_omt, i+2); CKERR2(r,EINVAL); assert(left_split->size() == i); assert(right_split->size() == global_length - i); r = omt_split_at(right_split, &global_omt, global_length - i + 1); CKERR2(r,EINVAL); assert(left_split->size() == i); assert(right_split->size() == global_length - i); r = omt_split_at(right_split, &global_omt, global_length - i + 1); CKERR2(r,EINVAL); assert(left_split->size() == i); assert(right_split->size() == global_length - i); // // test merge // r = omt_merge(left_split,right_split,&global_omt); CKERR(r); left_split = NULL; right_split = NULL; assert(global_omt->size() == global_length); test_fetch_verify(global_omt, global_values, global_length); test_iterate_verify(global_omt, global_values, global_length); } test_close(do_close); } static void init_values (enum rand_type rand_choice) { const uint32_t test_size = 100; if (rand_choice == TEST_RANDOM) { init_distinct_random_values(random_seed, test_size); } else if (rand_choice == TEST_SORTED) { init_distinct_sorted_values(random_seed, test_size); } else if (rand_choice == TEST_IDENTITY) { init_identity_values( random_seed, test_size); } else assert(false); } static void test_create_array (enum create_type create_choice, enum rand_type rand_choice) { /* ********************************************************************** */ init_values(rand_choice); test_create_from_sorted_array( create_choice, CLOSE_WHEN_DONE); test_create_from_sorted_array_size(create_choice, CLOSE_WHEN_DONE); /* ********************************************************************** */ init_values(rand_choice); test_create_fetch_verify( create_choice, CLOSE_WHEN_DONE); /* ********************************************************************** */ init_values(rand_choice); test_create_iterate_verify( create_choice, CLOSE_WHEN_DONE); /* ********************************************************************** */ init_values(rand_choice); test_create_set_at( create_choice, CLOSE_WHEN_DONE); /* ********************************************************************** */ init_values(rand_choice); test_create_delete_at( create_choice, CLOSE_WHEN_DONE); /* ********************************************************************** */ init_values(rand_choice); test_create_insert( CLOSE_WHEN_DONE); /* ********************************************************************** */ init_values(rand_choice); test_split_merge( create_choice, CLOSE_WHEN_DONE); } typedef struct { uint32_t first_zero; uint32_t first_pos; } h_extra; static int test_heaviside (OMTVALUE v_omt, void* x) { OMTVALUE v = (OMTVALUE) v_omt; h_extra* extra = (h_extra*)x; assert(v && x); assert(extra->first_zero <= extra->first_pos); uint32_t value = V(v)->number; if (value < extra->first_zero) return -1; if (value < extra->first_pos) return 0; return 1; } static void heavy_extra (h_extra* extra, uint32_t first_zero, uint32_t first_pos) { extra->first_zero = first_zero; extra->first_pos = first_pos; } static void test_find_dir (int dir, void* extra, int (*h)(OMTVALUE, void*), int r_expect, bool idx_will_change, uint32_t idx_expect, uint32_t number_expect, bool UU(cursor_valid)) { uint32_t idx = UINT32_MAX; uint32_t old_idx = idx; OMTVALUE omt_val; int r; omt_val = NULL; /* Verify we can pass NULL value. */ omt_val = NULL; idx = old_idx; if (dir == 0) { r = omt_find_zero(global_omt, h, extra, NULL, &idx); } else { r = omt_find( global_omt, h, extra, dir, NULL, &idx); } CKERR2(r, r_expect); if (idx_will_change) { assert(idx == idx_expect); } else { assert(idx == old_idx); } assert(omt_val == NULL); /* Verify we can pass NULL idx. */ omt_val = NULL; idx = old_idx; if (dir == 0) { r = omt_find_zero(global_omt, h, extra, &omt_val, 0); } else { r = omt_find( global_omt, h, extra, dir, &omt_val, 0); } CKERR2(r, r_expect); assert(idx == old_idx); if (r == DB_NOTFOUND) { assert(omt_val == NULL); } else { assert(V(omt_val)->number == number_expect); } /* Verify we can pass NULL both. */ omt_val = NULL; idx = old_idx; if (dir == 0) { r = omt_find_zero(global_omt, h, extra, NULL, 0); } else { r = omt_find( global_omt, h, extra, dir, NULL, 0); } CKERR2(r, r_expect); assert(idx == old_idx); assert(omt_val == NULL); } static void test_find (enum create_type create_choice, enum close_when_done do_close) { h_extra extra; init_identity_values(random_seed, 100); test_create_from_sorted_array(create_choice, KEEP_WHEN_DONE); /* -...- A */ heavy_extra(&extra, global_length, global_length); test_find_dir(-1, &extra, test_heaviside, 0, true, global_length-1, global_length-1, true); test_find_dir(+1, &extra, test_heaviside, DB_NOTFOUND, false, 0, 0, false); test_find_dir(0, &extra, test_heaviside, DB_NOTFOUND, true, global_length, global_length, false); /* +...+ B */ heavy_extra(&extra, 0, 0); test_find_dir(-1, &extra, test_heaviside, DB_NOTFOUND, false, 0, 0, false); test_find_dir(+1, &extra, test_heaviside, 0, true, 0, 0, true); test_find_dir(0, &extra, test_heaviside, DB_NOTFOUND, true, 0, 0, false); /* 0...0 C */ heavy_extra(&extra, 0, global_length); test_find_dir(-1, &extra, test_heaviside, DB_NOTFOUND, false, 0, 0, false); test_find_dir(+1, &extra, test_heaviside, DB_NOTFOUND, false, 0, 0, false); test_find_dir(0, &extra, test_heaviside, 0, true, 0, 0, true); /* -...-0...0 AC */ heavy_extra(&extra, global_length/2, global_length); test_find_dir(-1, &extra, test_heaviside, 0, true, global_length/2-1, global_length/2-1, true); test_find_dir(+1, &extra, test_heaviside, DB_NOTFOUND, false, 0, 0, false); test_find_dir(0, &extra, test_heaviside, 0, true, global_length/2, global_length/2, true); /* 0...0+...+ C B */ heavy_extra(&extra, 0, global_length/2); test_find_dir(-1, &extra, test_heaviside, DB_NOTFOUND, false, 0, 0, false); test_find_dir(+1, &extra, test_heaviside, 0, true, global_length/2, global_length/2, true); test_find_dir(0, &extra, test_heaviside, 0, true, 0, 0, true); /* -...-+...+ AB */ heavy_extra(&extra, global_length/2, global_length/2); test_find_dir(-1, &extra, test_heaviside, 0, true, global_length/2-1, global_length/2-1, true); test_find_dir(+1, &extra, test_heaviside, 0, true, global_length/2, global_length/2, true); test_find_dir(0, &extra, test_heaviside, DB_NOTFOUND, true, global_length/2, global_length/2, false); /* -...-0...0+...+ AC B */ heavy_extra(&extra, global_length/3, 2*global_length/3); test_find_dir(-1, &extra, test_heaviside, 0, true, global_length/3-1, global_length/3-1, true); test_find_dir(+1, &extra, test_heaviside, 0, true, 2*global_length/3, 2*global_length/3, true); test_find_dir(0, &extra, test_heaviside, 0, true, global_length/3, global_length/3, true); /* Cleanup */ test_close(do_close); } static void runtests_create_choice (enum create_type create_choice) { test_create_array(create_choice, TEST_SORTED); test_create_array(create_choice, TEST_RANDOM); test_create_array(create_choice, TEST_IDENTITY); test_find( create_choice, CLOSE_WHEN_DONE); } static void test_clone(uint32_t nelts) // Test that each clone operation gives the right data back. If nelts is // zero, also tests that you still get a valid omt back and that the way // to deallocate it still works. { toku::omt *src = NULL, *dest = NULL; int r; XMALLOC(src); src->create(); for (long i = 0; i < nelts; ++i) { r = src->insert_at((OMTVALUE) i, i); assert_zero(r); } XMALLOC(dest); dest->clone(*src); assert(dest != NULL); assert(dest->size() == nelts); for (long i = 0; i < nelts; ++i) { OMTVALUE v; long l; r = dest->fetch(i, &v); assert_zero(r); l = (long) v; assert(l == i); } dest->destroy(); toku_free(dest); src->destroy(); toku_free(src); } int test_main(int argc, const char *argv[]) { parse_args(argc, argv); init_globals(); test_create( CLOSE_WHEN_DONE); test_create_size( CLOSE_WHEN_DONE); runtests_create_choice(BATCH_INSERT); runtests_create_choice(STEAL_ARRAY); runtests_create_choice(INSERT_AT); runtests_create_choice(INSERT_AT_ALMOST_RANDOM); test_clone(0); test_clone(1); test_clone(1000); test_clone(10000); cleanup_globals(); return 0; }