/* -*- mode: C; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ // vim: expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4: #include <db.h> #include <db_cxx.h> static char*cpp_strdup (const char *s) { int l=strlen(s)+1; char *r = new char[l]; strncpy(r, s, l); return r; } DbException::~DbException() throw() { if (the_what!=0) { delete [] the_what; } } DbException::DbException(int err) : the_err(err), the_env(0) { FillTheWhat(); } void DbException::FillTheWhat(void) { if (the_err!=0) { the_what = cpp_strdup(db_strerror(the_err)); } } int DbException::get_errno() const { return the_err; } const char *DbException::what() const throw() { return the_what; } DbEnv *DbException::get_env() const { return the_env; } void DbException::set_env(DbEnv *new_env) { the_env = new_env; } // Must define a copy constructor so that the delete[] of the same the_what doesn't happen DbException::DbException (const DbException &that) : std::exception(), the_what(cpp_strdup(that.the_what)), the_err(that.the_err), the_env(that.the_env) { } DbException &DbException::operator = (const DbException &that) { if (this != &that) { delete [] the_what; the_what = cpp_strdup(that.the_what); the_err = that.the_err; the_env = that.the_env; } return (*this); } DbDeadlockException::DbDeadlockException (DbEnv *env) : DbException(DB_LOCK_DEADLOCK) { this->set_env(env); }