################################################################################### # This test checks if transactions that mixes transactional and non-transactional # tables are correctly handled in statement mode. In an nutshell, we have what # follows: # # 1) "B T T C" generates in binlog the "B T T C" entries. # # 2) "B T T R" generates in binlog an "empty" entry. # # 3) "B T N C" generates in binlog the "B T N C" entries. # # 4) "B T N R" generates in binlog the "B T N R" entries. # # 5) "T" generates in binlog the "B T C" entry. # # 6) "N" generates in binlog the "N" entry. # # 7) "M" generates in binglog the "B M C" entries. # # 8) "B N N T C" generates in binglog the "N N B T C" entries. # # 9) "B N N T R" generates in binlog the "N N B T R" entries. # # 10) "B N N C" generates in binglog the "N N" entries. # # 11) "B N N R" generates in binlog the "N N" entries. # # 12) "B M T C" generates in the binlog the "B M T C" entries. # # 13) "B M T R" generates in the binlog the "B M T R" entries. ################################################################################### --echo ################################################################################### --echo # CONFIGURATION --echo ################################################################################### connection master; SET SQL_LOG_BIN=0; CREATE TABLE nt_1 (a text, b int PRIMARY KEY, c text) ENGINE = MyISAM; CREATE TABLE nt_2 (a text, b int PRIMARY KEY, c text) ENGINE = MyISAM; CREATE TABLE nt_3 (a text, b int PRIMARY KEY, c text) ENGINE = MyISAM; CREATE TABLE nt_4 (a text, b int PRIMARY KEY, c text) ENGINE = MyISAM; CREATE TABLE tt_1 (a text, b int PRIMARY KEY, c text) ENGINE = Innodb; CREATE TABLE tt_2 (a text, b int PRIMARY KEY, c text) ENGINE = Innodb; CREATE TABLE tt_3 (a text, b int PRIMARY KEY, c text) ENGINE = Innodb; CREATE TABLE tt_4 (a text, b int PRIMARY KEY, c text) ENGINE = Innodb; SET SQL_LOG_BIN=1; connection slave; SET SQL_LOG_BIN=0; CREATE TABLE nt_1 (a text, b int PRIMARY KEY, c text) ENGINE = MyISAM; CREATE TABLE nt_2 (a text, b int PRIMARY KEY, c text) ENGINE = MyISAM; CREATE TABLE nt_3 (a text, b int PRIMARY KEY, c text) ENGINE = MyISAM; CREATE TABLE nt_4 (a text, b int PRIMARY KEY, c text) ENGINE = MyISAM; CREATE TABLE tt_1 (a text, b int PRIMARY KEY, c text) ENGINE = Innodb; CREATE TABLE tt_2 (a text, b int PRIMARY KEY, c text) ENGINE = Innodb; CREATE TABLE tt_3 (a text, b int PRIMARY KEY, c text) ENGINE = Innodb; CREATE TABLE tt_4 (a text, b int PRIMARY KEY, c text) ENGINE = Innodb; SET SQL_LOG_BIN=1; connection master; DELIMITER |; CREATE FUNCTION f1 () RETURNS VARCHAR(64) BEGIN RETURN "Testing..."; END| CREATE FUNCTION f2 () RETURNS VARCHAR(64) BEGIN RETURN f1(); END| CREATE PROCEDURE pc_i_tt_3 (IN x INT, IN y VARCHAR(64)) BEGIN INSERT INTO tt_3 VALUES (y,x,x); END| CREATE TRIGGER tr_i_tt_3_to_nt_3 BEFORE INSERT ON tt_3 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO nt_3 VALUES (NEW.a, NEW.b, NEW.c); END| CREATE TRIGGER tr_i_nt_4_to_tt_4 BEFORE INSERT ON nt_4 FOR EACH ROW BEGIN INSERT INTO tt_4 VALUES (NEW.a, NEW.b, NEW.c); END| DELIMITER ;| --echo ################################################################################### --echo # MIXING TRANSACTIONAL and NON-TRANSACTIONAL TABLES --echo ################################################################################### connection master; let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #1) "B T T C" generates in binlog the "B T T C" entries. --echo # BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 4", 4, "new text 4"); INSERT INTO tt_2 VALUES ("new text 4", 4, "new text 4"); COMMIT; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #1.e) "B T T C" with error in T generates in binlog the "B T T C" entries. --echo # INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -2", -2, "new text -2"); BEGIN; --error ER_DUP_ENTRY INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -1", -1, "new text -1"), ("new text -2", -2, "new text -2"); INSERT INTO tt_2 VALUES ("new text -3", -3, "new text -3"); COMMIT; BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_2 VALUES ("new text -5", -5, "new text -5"); --error ER_DUP_ENTRY INSERT INTO tt_2 VALUES ("new text -4", -4, "new text -4"), ("new text -5", -5, "new text -5"); COMMIT; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #2) "B T T R" generates in binlog an "empty" entry. --echo # BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 5", 5, "new text 5"); INSERT INTO tt_2 VALUES ("new text 5", 5, "new text 5"); ROLLBACK; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #2.e) "B T T R" with error in T generates in binlog an "empty" entry. --echo # INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -7", -7, "new text -7"); BEGIN; --error ER_DUP_ENTRY INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -6", -6, "new text -6"), ("new text -7", -7, "new text -7"); INSERT INTO tt_2 VALUES ("new text -8", -8, "new text -8"); ROLLBACK; BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_2 VALUES ("new text -10", -10, "new text -10"); --error ER_DUP_ENTRY INSERT INTO tt_2 VALUES ("new text -9", -9, "new text -9"), ("new text -10", -10, "new text -10"); ROLLBACK; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #3) "B T N C" generates in binlog the "B T N C" entries. --echo # BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 6", 6, "new text 6"); INSERT INTO nt_1 VALUES ("new text 6", 6, "new text 6"); COMMIT; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #3.e) "B T N C" with error in either T or N generates in binlog the "B T N C" entries. --echo # INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -12", -12, "new text -12"); BEGIN; --error ER_DUP_ENTRY INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -11", -11, "new text -11"), ("new text -12", -12, "new text -12"); INSERT INTO nt_1 VALUES ("new text -13", -13, "new text -13"); COMMIT; BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -14", -14, "new text -14"); INSERT INTO nt_1 VALUES ("new text -16", -16, "new text -16"); --error ER_DUP_ENTRY INSERT INTO nt_1 VALUES ("new text -15", -15, "new text -15"), ("new text -16", -16, "new text -16"); COMMIT; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #4) "B T N R" generates in binlog the "B T N R" entries. --echo # BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 7", 7, "new text 7"); INSERT INTO nt_1 VALUES ("new text 7", 7, "new text 7"); ROLLBACK; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #4.e) "B T N R" with error in either T or N generates in binlog the "B T N R" entries. --echo # INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -17", -17, "new text -17"); BEGIN; --error ER_DUP_ENTRY INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -16", -16, "new text -16"), ("new text -17", -17, "new text -17"); INSERT INTO nt_1 VALUES ("new text -18", -18, "new text -18"); ROLLBACK; BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -19", -19, "new text -19"); INSERT INTO nt_1 VALUES ("new text -21", -21, "new text -21"); --error ER_DUP_ENTRY INSERT INTO nt_1 VALUES ("new text -20", -20, "new text -20"), ("new text -21", -21, "new text -21"); ROLLBACK; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #5) "T" generates in binlog the "B T C" entry. --echo # INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 8", 8, "new text 8"); --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #5.e) "T" with error in T generates in binlog an "empty" entry. --echo # INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -1", -1, "new text -1"); --error ER_DUP_ENTRY INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -1", -1, "new text -1"), ("new text -22", -22, "new text -22"); --error ER_DUP_ENTRY INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -23", -23, "new text -23"), ("new text -1", -1, "new text -1"); --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #6) "N" generates in binlog the "N" entry. --echo # INSERT INTO nt_1 VALUES ("new text 9", 9, "new text 9"); --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #6.e) "N" with error in N generates in binlog an empty entry if the error --echo # happens in the first tuple. Otherwise, generates the "N" entry and --echo # the error is appended. --echo # INSERT INTO nt_1 VALUES ("new text -1", -1, "new text -1"); --error ER_DUP_ENTRY INSERT INTO nt_1 VALUES ("new text -1", -1, "new text -1"); --error ER_DUP_ENTRY INSERT INTO nt_1 VALUES ("new text -24", -24, "new text -24"), ("new text -1", -1, "new text -1"); --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #7) "M" generates in binglog the "B M C" entries. --echo # DELETE FROM nt_1; INSERT INTO nt_1 SELECT * FROM tt_1; DELETE FROM tt_1; INSERT INTO tt_1 SELECT * FROM nt_1; INSERT INTO tt_3 VALUES ("new text 000", 000, ''); INSERT INTO tt_3 VALUES("new text 100", 100, f1()); INSERT INTO nt_4 VALUES("new text 100", 100, f1()); INSERT INTO tt_3 VALUES("new text 200", 200, f2()); INSERT INTO nt_4 VALUES ("new text 300", 300, ''); INSERT INTO nt_4 VALUES ("new text 400", 400, f1()); INSERT INTO nt_4 VALUES ("new text 500", 500, f2()); CALL pc_i_tt_3(600, "Testing..."); UPDATE nt_3, nt_4, tt_3, tt_4 SET nt_3.a= "new text 1", nt_4.a= "new text 1", tt_3.a= "new text 1", tt_4.a= "new text 1" where nt_3.b = nt_4.b and nt_4.b = tt_3.b and tt_3.b = tt_4.b and tt_4.b = 100; UPDATE tt_3, tt_4, nt_3, nt_4 SET tt_3.a= "new text 2", tt_4.a= "new text 2", nt_3.a= "new text 2", nt_4.a = "new text 2" where nt_3.b = nt_4.b and nt_4.b = tt_3.b and tt_3.b = tt_4.b and tt_4.b = 100; UPDATE tt_3, nt_3, nt_4, tt_4 SET tt_3.a= "new text 3", nt_3.a= "new text 3", nt_4.a= "new text 3", tt_4.a = "new text 3" where nt_3.b = nt_4.b and nt_4.b = tt_3.b and tt_3.b = tt_4.b and tt_4.b = 100; UPDATE tt_3, nt_3, nt_4, tt_4 SET tt_3.a= "new text 4", nt_3.a= "new text 4", nt_4.a= "new text 4", tt_4.a = "new text 4" where nt_3.b = nt_4.b and nt_4.b = tt_3.b and tt_3.b = tt_4.b and tt_4.b = 100; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #7.e) "M" with error in M generates in binglog the "B M R" entries. --echo # INSERT INTO nt_3 VALUES ("new text -26", -26, ''); SELECT * FROM tt_3; --error ER_DUP_ENTRY INSERT INTO tt_3 VALUES ("new text -25", -25, ''), ("new text -26", -26, ''); SELECT * FROM tt_3; INSERT INTO tt_4 VALUES ("new text -26", -26, ''); SELECT * FROM nt_4; --error ER_DUP_ENTRY INSERT INTO nt_4 VALUES ("new text -25", -25, ''), ("new text -26", -26, ''); SELECT * FROM nt_4; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #8) "B N N T C" generates in binglog the "N N B T C" entries. --echo # BEGIN; INSERT INTO nt_1 VALUES ("new text 10", 10, "new text 10"); INSERT INTO nt_2 VALUES ("new text 10", 10, "new text 10"); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 10", 10, "new text 10"); COMMIT; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo --echo # --echo #8.e) "B N N T R" See 6.e and 9.e. --echo # --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #9) "B N N T R" generates in binlog the "N N B T R" entries. --echo # BEGIN; INSERT INTO nt_1 VALUES ("new text 11", 11, "new text 11"); INSERT INTO nt_2 VALUES ("new text 11", 11, "new text 11"); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 11", 11, "new text 11"); ROLLBACK; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #9.e) "B N N T R" with error in N generates in binlog the "N N B T R" entries. --echo # BEGIN; INSERT INTO nt_1 VALUES ("new text -25", -25, "new text -25"); INSERT INTO nt_2 VALUES ("new text -25", -25, "new text -25"); --error ER_DUP_ENTRY INSERT INTO nt_2 VALUES ("new text -26", -26, "new text -26"), ("new text -25", -25, "new text -25"); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -27", -27, "new text -27"); ROLLBACK; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #10) "B N N C" generates in binglog the "N N" entries. --echo # BEGIN; INSERT INTO nt_1 VALUES ("new text 12", 12, "new text 12"); INSERT INTO nt_2 VALUES ("new text 12", 12, "new text 12"); COMMIT; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo --echo # --echo #10.e) "B N N C" See 6.e and 9.e. --echo # --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #11) "B N N R" generates in binlog the "N N" entries. --echo # BEGIN; INSERT INTO nt_1 VALUES ("new text 13", 13, "new text 13"); INSERT INTO nt_2 VALUES ("new text 13", 13, "new text 13"); ROLLBACK; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo --echo # --echo #11.e) "B N N R" See 6.e and 9.e. --echo # --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #12) "B M T C" generates in the binlog the "B M T C" entries. --echo # DELETE FROM nt_1; BEGIN; INSERT INTO nt_1 SELECT * FROM tt_1; INSERT INTO tt_2 VALUES ("new text 14", 14, "new text 14"); COMMIT; DELETE FROM tt_1; BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_1 SELECT * FROM nt_1; INSERT INTO tt_2 VALUES ("new text 15", 15, "new text 15"); COMMIT; BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_3 VALUES ("new text 700", 700, ''); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 800", 800, ''); COMMIT; BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_3 VALUES("new text 900", 900, f1()); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 1000", 1000, ''); COMMIT; BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_3 VALUES(1100, 1100, f2()); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 1200", 1200, ''); COMMIT; BEGIN; INSERT INTO nt_4 VALUES ("new text 1300", 1300, ''); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 1400", 1400, ''); COMMIT; BEGIN; INSERT INTO nt_4 VALUES("new text 1500", 1500, f1()); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 1600", 1600, ''); COMMIT; BEGIN; INSERT INTO nt_4 VALUES("new text 1700", 1700, f2()); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 1800", 1800, ''); COMMIT; BEGIN; CALL pc_i_tt_3(1900, "Testing..."); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 2000", 2000, ''); COMMIT; BEGIN; UPDATE nt_3, nt_4, tt_3, tt_4 SET nt_3.a= "new text 5", nt_4.a= "new text 5", tt_3.a= "new text 5", tt_4.a= "new text 5" where nt_3.b = nt_4.b and nt_4.b = tt_3.b and tt_3.b = tt_4.b and tt_4.b = 100; INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 2100", 2100, ''); COMMIT; BEGIN; UPDATE tt_3, tt_4, nt_3, nt_4 SET tt_3.a= "new text 6", tt_4.a= "new text 6", nt_3.a= "new text 6", nt_4.a = "new text 6" where nt_3.b = nt_4.b and nt_4.b = tt_3.b and tt_3.b = tt_4.b and tt_4.b = 100; INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 2200", 2200, ''); COMMIT; BEGIN; UPDATE tt_3, nt_3, nt_4, tt_4 SET tt_3.a= "new text 7", nt_3.a= "new text 7", nt_4.a= "new text 7", tt_4.a = "new text 7" where nt_3.b = nt_4.b and nt_4.b = tt_3.b and tt_3.b = tt_4.b and tt_4.b = 100; INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 2300", 2300, ''); COMMIT; BEGIN; UPDATE tt_3, nt_3, nt_4, tt_4 SET tt_3.a= "new text 8", nt_3.a= "new text 8", nt_4.a= "new text 8", tt_4.a = "new text 8" where nt_3.b = nt_4.b and nt_4.b = tt_3.b and tt_3.b = tt_4.b and tt_4.b = 100; INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 2400", 2400, ''); COMMIT; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #12.e) "B M T C" with error in M generates in the binlog the "B M T C" entries. --echo # --echo # There is a bug in the slave that needs to be fixed before enabling --echo # this part of the test. A bug report will be filed referencing this --echo # test case. # #BEGIN; #INSERT INTO nt_3 VALUES ("new text -28", -28, ''); #--error ER_DUP_ENTRY #INSERT INTO tt_3 VALUES ("new text -27", -27, ''), ("new text -28", -28, ''); #INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -27", -27, ''); #COMMIT; # #BEGIN; #INSERT INTO tt_4 VALUES ("new text -28", -28, ''); #--error ER_DUP_ENTRY #INSERT INTO nt_4 VALUES ("new text -27", -27, ''), ("new text -28", -28, ''); #INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -28", -28, ''); #COMMIT; # --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #13) "B M T R" generates in the binlog the "B M T R" entries --echo # DELETE FROM nt_1; BEGIN; INSERT INTO nt_1 SELECT * FROM tt_1; INSERT INTO tt_2 VALUES ("new text 17", 17, "new text 17"); ROLLBACK; DELETE FROM tt_1; BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_1 SELECT * FROM nt_1; INSERT INTO tt_2 VALUES ("new text 18", 18, "new text 18"); ROLLBACK; INSERT INTO tt_1 SELECT * FROM nt_1; BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_3 VALUES ("new text 2500", 2500, ''); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 2600", 2600, ''); ROLLBACK; BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_3 VALUES("new text 2700", 2700, f1()); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 2800", 2800, ''); ROLLBACK; BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_3 VALUES(2900, 2900, f2()); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 3000", 3000, ''); ROLLBACK; BEGIN; INSERT INTO nt_4 VALUES ("new text 3100", 3100, ''); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 3200", 3200, ''); ROLLBACK; BEGIN; INSERT INTO nt_4 VALUES("new text 3300", 3300, f1()); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 3400", 3400, ''); ROLLBACK; BEGIN; INSERT INTO nt_4 VALUES("new text 3500", 3500, f2()); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 3600", 3600, ''); ROLLBACK; BEGIN; CALL pc_i_tt_3(3700, "Testing..."); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 3700", 3700, ''); ROLLBACK; BEGIN; UPDATE nt_3, nt_4, tt_3, tt_4 SET nt_3.a= "new text 9", nt_4.a= "new text 9", tt_3.a= "new text 9", tt_4.a= "new text 9" where nt_3.b = nt_4.b and nt_4.b = tt_3.b and tt_3.b = tt_4.b and tt_4.b = 100; INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 3800", 3800, ''); ROLLBACK; BEGIN; UPDATE tt_3, tt_4, nt_3, nt_4 SET tt_3.a= "new text 10", tt_4.a= "new text 10", nt_3.a= "new text 10", nt_4.a = "new text 10" where nt_3.b = nt_4.b and nt_4.b = tt_3.b and tt_3.b = tt_4.b and tt_4.b = 100; INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 3900", 3900, ''); ROLLBACK; BEGIN; UPDATE tt_3, nt_3, nt_4, tt_4 SET tt_3.a= "new text 11", nt_3.a= "new text 11", nt_4.a= "new text 11", tt_4.a = "new text 11" where nt_3.b = nt_4.b and nt_4.b = tt_3.b and tt_3.b = tt_4.b and tt_4.b = 100; INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 4000", 4000, ''); ROLLBACK; BEGIN; UPDATE tt_3, nt_3, nt_4, tt_4 SET tt_3.a= "new text 12", nt_3.a= "new text 12", nt_4.a= "new text 12", tt_4.a = "new text 12" where nt_3.b = nt_4.b and nt_4.b = tt_3.b and tt_3.b = tt_4.b and tt_4.b = 100; INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text 4100", 4100, ''); ROLLBACK; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #13.e) "B M T R" with error in M generates in the binlog the "B M T R" entries. --echo # BEGIN; INSERT INTO nt_3 VALUES ("new text -30", -30, ''); --error ER_DUP_ENTRY INSERT INTO tt_3 VALUES ("new text -29", -29, ''), ("new text -30", -30, ''); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -30", -30, ''); ROLLBACK; BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_4 VALUES ("new text -30", -30, ''); --error ER_DUP_ENTRY INSERT INTO nt_4 VALUES ("new text -29", -29, ''), ("new text -30", -30, ''); INSERT INTO tt_1 VALUES ("new text -31", -31, ''); ROLLBACK; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc --echo --echo --echo --echo let $binlog_start= query_get_value("SHOW MASTER STATUS", Position, 1); --echo # --echo #14) "B M T R" with error in M generates in the binlog the "B M T R" entries. --echo # BEGIN; INSERT INTO tt_4 VALUES ("new text -32", -32, ''); TRUNCATE TABLE tt_4; INSERT INTO tt_4 VALUES ("new text -33", -33, ''); ROLLBACK; --source include/show_binlog_events.inc connection master; sync_slave_with_master; --exec $MYSQL_DUMP --compact --order-by-primary --skip-extended-insert --no-create-info test > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/test-master.sql --exec $MYSQL_DUMP_SLAVE --compact --order-by-primary --skip-extended-insert --no-create-info test > $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/test-slave.sql --diff_files $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/test-master.sql $MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/tmp/test-slave.sql --echo ################################################################################### --echo # CLEAN --echo ################################################################################### connection master; DROP TABLE tt_1; DROP TABLE tt_2; DROP TABLE tt_3; DROP TABLE tt_4; DROP TABLE nt_1; DROP TABLE nt_2; DROP TABLE nt_3; DROP TABLE nt_4; DROP PROCEDURE pc_i_tt_3; DROP FUNCTION f1; DROP FUNCTION f2; sync_slave_with_master;