// Configure.js // // Copyright (C) 2006 MySQL AB // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ForReading = 1; ForWriting = 2; ForAppending = 8; try { var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var args = WScript.Arguments // read in the Unix configure.in file var configureInTS = fso.OpenTextFile("configure.in", ForReading); var configureIn = configureInTS.ReadAll(); configureInTS.Close(); var default_comment = "Source distribution"; var default_port = GetValue(configureIn, "MYSQL_TCP_PORT_DEFAULT"); var configfile = fso.CreateTextFile("win\\configure.data", true); for (i=0; i < args.Count(); i++) { var parts = args.Item(i).split('='); switch (parts[0]) { case "WITH_ARCHIVE_STORAGE_ENGINE": case "WITH_BLACKHOLE_STORAGE_ENGINE": case "WITH_EXAMPLE_STORAGE_ENGINE": case "WITH_FEDERATED_STORAGE_ENGINE": case "WITH_INNOBASE_STORAGE_ENGINE": case "WITH_PARTITION_STORAGE_ENGINE": case "__NT__": case "CYBOZU": case "EMBED_MANIFESTS": case "WITH_EMBEDDED_SERVER": configfile.WriteLine("SET (" + args.Item(i) + " TRUE)"); break; case "MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX": case "MYSQLD_EXE_SUFFIX": configfile.WriteLine("SET (" + parts[0] + " \"" + parts[1] + "\")"); break; case "COMPILATION_COMMENT": default_comment = parts[1]; break; case "MYSQL_TCP_PORT": default_port = parts[1]; break; } } configfile.WriteLine("SET (COMPILATION_COMMENT \"" + default_comment + "\")"); configfile.WriteLine("SET (PROTOCOL_VERSION \"" + GetValue(configureIn, "PROTOCOL_VERSION") + "\")"); configfile.WriteLine("SET (DOT_FRM_VERSION \"" + GetValue(configureIn, "DOT_FRM_VERSION") + "\")"); configfile.WriteLine("SET (MYSQL_TCP_PORT \"" + default_port + "\")"); configfile.WriteLine("SET (MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR \"" + GetValue(configureIn, "MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR_DEFAULT") + "\")"); var version = GetVersion(configureIn); configfile.WriteLine("SET (VERSION \"" + version + "\")"); configfile.WriteLine("SET (MYSQL_BASE_VERSION \"" + GetBaseVersion(version) + "\")"); configfile.WriteLine("SET (MYSQL_VERSION_ID \"" + GetVersionId(version) + "\")"); configfile.Close(); fso = null; WScript.Echo("done!"); } catch (e) { WScript.Echo("Error: " + e.description); } function GetValue(str, key) { var pos = str.indexOf(key+'='); if (pos == -1) return null; pos += key.length + 1; var end = str.indexOf("\n", pos); if (str.charAt(pos) == "\"") pos++; if (str.charAt(end-1) == "\"") end--; return str.substring(pos, end); } function GetVersion(str) { var key = "AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(mysql, "; var pos = str.indexOf(key); //5.0.6-beta) if (pos == -1) return null; pos += key.length; var end = str.indexOf(")", pos); if (end == -1) return null; return str.substring(pos, end); } function GetBaseVersion(version) { var dot = version.indexOf("."); if (dot == -1) return null; dot = version.indexOf(".", dot+1); if (dot == -1) dot = version.length; return version.substring(0, dot); } function GetVersionId(version) { var dot = version.indexOf("."); if (dot == -1) return null; var major = parseInt(version.substring(0, dot), 10); dot++; var nextdot = version.indexOf(".", dot); if (nextdot == -1) return null; var minor = parseInt(version.substring(dot, nextdot), 10); dot = nextdot+1; var stop = version.indexOf("-", dot); if (stop == -1) stop = version.length; var build = parseInt(version.substring(dot, stop), 10); var id = major; if (minor < 10) id += '0'; id += minor; if (build < 10) id += '0'; id += build; return id; }