/* Copyright (c) 2000-2007 MySQL AB, 2009 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Use is subject to license terms. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* Written by Sergei A. Golubchik, who has a shared copyright to this code */ #include "ftdefs.h" typedef struct st_ft_docstat { FT_WORD *list; uint uniq; double sum; } FT_DOCSTAT; typedef struct st_my_ft_parser_param { TREE *wtree; MEM_ROOT *mem_root; } MY_FT_PARSER_PARAM; static int FT_WORD_cmp(CHARSET_INFO* cs, FT_WORD *w1, FT_WORD *w2) { return ha_compare_text(cs, (uchar*) w1->pos, w1->len, (uchar*) w2->pos, w2->len, 0, 0); } static int walk_and_copy(FT_WORD *word,uint32 count,FT_DOCSTAT *docstat) { word->weight=LWS_IN_USE; docstat->sum+=word->weight; memcpy_fixed((docstat->list)++,word,sizeof(FT_WORD)); return 0; } /* transforms tree of words into the array, applying normalization */ FT_WORD * ft_linearize(TREE *wtree, MEM_ROOT *mem_root) { FT_WORD *wlist,*p; FT_DOCSTAT docstat; DBUG_ENTER("ft_linearize"); if ((wlist=(FT_WORD *) alloc_root(mem_root, sizeof(FT_WORD)* (1+wtree->elements_in_tree)))) { docstat.list=wlist; docstat.uniq=wtree->elements_in_tree; docstat.sum=0; tree_walk(wtree,(tree_walk_action)&walk_and_copy,&docstat,left_root_right); } delete_tree(wtree); if (!wlist) DBUG_RETURN(NULL); docstat.list->pos=NULL; for (p=wlist;p->pos;p++) { p->weight=PRENORM_IN_USE; } for (p=wlist;p->pos;p++) { p->weight/=NORM_IN_USE; } DBUG_RETURN(wlist); } my_bool ft_boolean_check_syntax_string(const uchar *str) { uint i, j; if (!str || (strlen((char*) str)+1 != sizeof(ft_boolean_syntax)) || (str[0] != ' ' && str[1] != ' ')) return 1; for (i=0; i<sizeof(ft_boolean_syntax); i++) { /* limiting to 7-bit ascii only */ if ((unsigned char)(str[i]) > 127 || my_isalnum(default_charset_info, str[i])) return 1; for (j=0; j<i; j++) if (str[i] == str[j] && (i != 11 || j != 10)) return 1; } return 0; } /* RETURN VALUE 0 - eof 1 - word found 2 - left bracket 3 - right bracket 4 - stopword found */ uchar ft_get_word(CHARSET_INFO *cs, uchar **start, uchar *end, FT_WORD *word, MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO *param) { uchar *doc=*start; int ctype; uint mwc, length; int mbl; param->yesno=(FTB_YES==' ') ? 1 : (param->quot != 0); param->weight_adjust= param->wasign= 0; param->type= FT_TOKEN_EOF; while (doc<end) { for (; doc < end; doc+= (mbl > 0 ? mbl : (mbl < 0 ? -mbl : 1))) { mbl= cs->cset->ctype(cs, &ctype, (uchar*)doc, (uchar*)end); if (true_word_char(ctype, *doc)) break; if (*doc == FTB_RQUOT && param->quot) { param->quot= (char*) doc; *start=doc+1; param->type= FT_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN; goto ret; } if (!param->quot) { if (*doc == FTB_LBR || *doc == FTB_RBR || *doc == FTB_LQUOT) { /* param->prev=' '; */ *start=doc+1; if (*doc == FTB_LQUOT) param->quot= (char*) *start; param->type= (*doc == FTB_RBR ? FT_TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN : FT_TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN); goto ret; } if (param->prev == ' ') { if (*doc == FTB_YES ) { param->yesno=+1; continue; } else if (*doc == FTB_EGAL) { param->yesno= 0; continue; } else if (*doc == FTB_NO ) { param->yesno=-1; continue; } else if (*doc == FTB_INC ) { param->weight_adjust++; continue; } else if (*doc == FTB_DEC ) { param->weight_adjust--; continue; } else if (*doc == FTB_NEG ) { param->wasign= !param->wasign; continue; } } } param->prev=*doc; param->yesno=(FTB_YES==' ') ? 1 : (param->quot != 0); param->weight_adjust= param->wasign= 0; } mwc=length=0; for (word->pos= doc; doc < end; length++, doc+= (mbl > 0 ? mbl : (mbl < 0 ? -mbl : 1))) { mbl= cs->cset->ctype(cs, &ctype, (uchar*)doc, (uchar*)end); if (true_word_char(ctype, *doc)) mwc=0; else if (!misc_word_char(*doc) || mwc) break; else mwc++; } param->prev='A'; /* be sure *prev is true_word_char */ word->len= (uint)(doc-word->pos) - mwc; if ((param->trunc=(doc<end && *doc == FTB_TRUNC))) doc++; if (((length >= ft_min_word_len && !is_stopword((char*) word->pos, word->len)) || param->trunc) && length < ft_max_word_len) { *start=doc; param->type= FT_TOKEN_WORD; goto ret; } else if (length) /* make sure length > 0 (if start contains spaces only) */ { *start= doc; param->type= FT_TOKEN_STOPWORD; goto ret; } } if (param->quot) { *start= doc; param->quot= (char*) doc; param->type= 3; /* FT_RBR */ goto ret; } ret: return param->type; } uchar ft_simple_get_word(CHARSET_INFO *cs, uchar **start, const uchar *end, FT_WORD *word, my_bool skip_stopwords) { uchar *doc= *start; uint mwc, length; int mbl; int ctype; DBUG_ENTER("ft_simple_get_word"); do { for (;; doc+= (mbl > 0 ? mbl : (mbl < 0 ? -mbl : 1))) { if (doc >= end) DBUG_RETURN(0); mbl= cs->cset->ctype(cs, &ctype, (uchar*)doc, (uchar*)end); if (true_word_char(ctype, *doc)) break; } mwc= length= 0; for (word->pos= doc; doc < end; length++, doc+= (mbl > 0 ? mbl : (mbl < 0 ? -mbl : 1))) { mbl= cs->cset->ctype(cs, &ctype, (uchar*)doc, (uchar*)end); if (true_word_char(ctype, *doc)) mwc= 0; else if (!misc_word_char(*doc) || mwc) break; else mwc++; } word->len= (uint)(doc-word->pos) - mwc; if (skip_stopwords == FALSE || (length >= ft_min_word_len && length < ft_max_word_len && !is_stopword((char*) word->pos, word->len))) { *start= doc; DBUG_RETURN(1); } } while (doc < end); DBUG_RETURN(0); } void ft_parse_init(TREE *wtree, CHARSET_INFO *cs) { DBUG_ENTER("ft_parse_init"); if (!is_tree_inited(wtree)) init_tree(wtree,0,0,sizeof(FT_WORD),(qsort_cmp2)&FT_WORD_cmp,0,NULL, cs); DBUG_VOID_RETURN; } static int ft_add_word(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param, char *word, int word_len, MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO *boolean_info __attribute__((unused))) { TREE *wtree; FT_WORD w; MY_FT_PARSER_PARAM *ft_param=param->mysql_ftparam; DBUG_ENTER("ft_add_word"); wtree= ft_param->wtree; if (param->flags & MYSQL_FTFLAGS_NEED_COPY) { uchar *ptr; DBUG_ASSERT(wtree->with_delete == 0); ptr= (uchar *)alloc_root(ft_param->mem_root, word_len); memcpy(ptr, word, word_len); w.pos= ptr; } else w.pos= (uchar*) word; w.len= word_len; if (!tree_insert(wtree, &w, 0, wtree->custom_arg)) { delete_tree(wtree); DBUG_RETURN(1); } DBUG_RETURN(0); } static int ft_parse_internal(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param, char *doc_arg, int doc_len) { uchar *doc= (uchar*) doc_arg; uchar *end= doc + doc_len; MY_FT_PARSER_PARAM *ft_param=param->mysql_ftparam; TREE *wtree= ft_param->wtree; FT_WORD w; DBUG_ENTER("ft_parse_internal"); while (ft_simple_get_word(wtree->custom_arg, &doc, end, &w, TRUE)) if (param->mysql_add_word(param, (char*) w.pos, w.len, 0)) DBUG_RETURN(1); DBUG_RETURN(0); } int ft_parse(TREE *wtree, uchar *doc, int doclen, struct st_mysql_ftparser *parser, MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *param, MEM_ROOT *mem_root) { MY_FT_PARSER_PARAM my_param; DBUG_ENTER("ft_parse"); DBUG_ASSERT(parser); my_param.wtree= wtree; my_param.mem_root= mem_root; param->mysql_parse= ft_parse_internal; param->mysql_add_word= ft_add_word; param->mysql_ftparam= &my_param; param->cs= wtree->custom_arg; param->doc= (char*) doc; param->length= doclen; param->mode= MYSQL_FTPARSER_SIMPLE_MODE; DBUG_RETURN(parser->parse(param)); } #define MAX_PARAM_NR 2 MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM* ftparser_alloc_param(MI_INFO *info) { if (!info->ftparser_param) { /* . info->ftparser_param can not be zero after the initialization, because it always includes built-in fulltext parser. And built-in parser can be called even if the table has no fulltext indexes and no varchar/text fields. ftb_find_relevance... parser (ftb_find_relevance_parse, ftb_find_relevance_add_word) calls ftb_check_phrase... parser (ftb_check_phrase_internal, ftb_phrase_add_word). Thus MAX_PARAM_NR=2. */ info->ftparser_param= (MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *) my_malloc(MAX_PARAM_NR * sizeof(MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM) * info->s->ftkeys, MYF(MY_WME | MY_ZEROFILL)); init_alloc_root(&info->ft_memroot, FTPARSER_MEMROOT_ALLOC_SIZE, 0); } return info->ftparser_param; } MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *ftparser_call_initializer(MI_INFO *info, uint keynr, uint paramnr) { uint32 ftparser_nr; struct st_mysql_ftparser *parser; if (!ftparser_alloc_param(info)) return 0; if (keynr == NO_SUCH_KEY) { ftparser_nr= 0; parser= &ft_default_parser; } else { ftparser_nr= info->s->keyinfo[keynr].ftkey_nr; parser= info->s->keyinfo[keynr].parser; } DBUG_ASSERT(paramnr < MAX_PARAM_NR); ftparser_nr= ftparser_nr*MAX_PARAM_NR + paramnr; if (! info->ftparser_param[ftparser_nr].mysql_add_word) { /* Note, that mysql_add_word is used here as a flag: mysql_add_word == 0 - parser is not initialized mysql_add_word != 0 - parser is initialized, or no initialization needed. */ info->ftparser_param[ftparser_nr].mysql_add_word= (int (*)(struct st_mysql_ftparser_param *, char *, int, MYSQL_FTPARSER_BOOLEAN_INFO *)) 1; if (parser->init && parser->init(&info->ftparser_param[ftparser_nr])) return 0; } return &info->ftparser_param[ftparser_nr]; } void ftparser_call_deinitializer(MI_INFO *info) { uint i, j, keys= info->s->state.header.keys; free_root(&info->ft_memroot, MYF(0)); if (! info->ftparser_param) return; for (i= 0; i < keys; i++) { MI_KEYDEF *keyinfo= &info->s->keyinfo[i]; for (j=0; j < MAX_PARAM_NR; j++) { MYSQL_FTPARSER_PARAM *ftparser_param= &info->ftparser_param[keyinfo->ftkey_nr * MAX_PARAM_NR + j]; if (keyinfo->flag & HA_FULLTEXT && ftparser_param->mysql_add_word) { if (keyinfo->parser->deinit) keyinfo->parser->deinit(ftparser_param); ftparser_param->mysql_add_word= 0; } else break; } } }