# Stored PROCEDURE error tests

# Make sure we don't have any procedures left.
delete from mysql.proc;

delimiter |;

# Check that we get the right error, i.e. UDF declaration parses correctly,
# but foo.so doesn't exist.
# QQ This generates an error message containing a misleading errno which
#    might vary between systems (it usually doesn't have anything to do with
#    the actual failing dlopen()).
#--error 1126
#create function foo returns real soname "foo.so"|

create procedure proc1()
  set @x = 42|

create function func1() returns int
  return 42|

# Can't create recursively
--error 1254
create procedure foo()
  create procedure bar() set @x=3|
--error 1254
create procedure foo()
  create function bar() returns double return 2.3|

# Already exists
--error 1255
create procedure proc1()
  set @x = 42|
--error 1255
create function func1() returns int
  return 42|

# Does not exist
--error 1256
alter procedure foo|
--error 1256
alter function foo|
--error 1256
drop procedure foo|
--error 1256
drop function foo|
--error 1256
call foo()|

# LEAVE/ITERATE with no match
--error 1259
create procedure foo()
foo: loop
  leave bar;
end loop|
--error 1259
create procedure foo()
foo: loop
  iterate bar;
end loop|

# Redefining label
--error 1260
create procedure foo()
foo: loop
  foo: loop
    set @x=2;
  end loop foo;
end loop foo|

# End label mismatch
--error 1261
create procedure foo()
foo: loop
  set @x=2;
end loop bar|

# Referring to undef variable
--error 1262
create procedure foo(out x int)
  declare y int;
  set x = y;

# We require INTO in SELECTs (for now; this might change in the future)
--error 1263
create procedure foo(x int)
  select * from test.t1|

--error 1264
create procedure foo()
  return 42|

# Doesn't allow queries in FUNCTIONs (for now :-( )
--error 1265
create function foo() returns int
  declare x int;
  select max(c) into x from test.t;
  return x;

drop procedure proc1|
drop function func1|

delimiter ;|