# This test should work in embedded server after we fix mysqltest -- source include/not_embedded.inc # # Testing the MySQL command line client(mysql) # --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings # # Test the "delimiter" functionality # Bug#9879 # create table t1(a int); insert into t1 values(1); # Test delimiters --exec $MYSQL test 2>&1 < "./t/mysql_delimiter.sql" --disable_query_log # Test delimiter : supplied on the command line select "Test delimiter : from command line" as " "; --exec $MYSQL test --delimiter=":" -e "select * from t1:" # Test delimiter :; supplied on the command line select "Test delimiter :; from command line" as " "; --exec $MYSQL test --delimiter=":;" -e "select * from t1:;" # Test 'go' command (vertical output) \G select "Test 'go' command(vertical output) \G" as " "; --exec $MYSQL test -e "select * from t1\G" # Test 'go' command \g select "Test 'go' command \g" as " "; --exec $MYSQL test -e "select * from t1\g" --enable_query_log drop table t1; # # BUG9998 - MySQL client hangs on USE "database" # create table t1(a int); lock tables t1 write; --exec $MYSQL -e "use test; select database();" unlock tables; drop table t1; # # BUG#16217 - MySQL client misinterpretes multi-byte char as escape `\' # # new command \C or charset --exec $MYSQL --default-character-set=utf8 test -e "\C cp932 \g" --exec $MYSQL --default-character-set=cp932 test -e "charset utf8;" # its usage to switch internally in mysql to requested charset --exec $MYSQL --default-character-set=utf8 test -e "charset cp932; set @@session.character_set_client= cp932; select '�\'; create table t1 (c_cp932 TEXT CHARACTER SET cp932); insert into t1 values('�\'); select * from t1; drop table t1;" --exec $MYSQL --default-character-set=utf8 test -e "charset cp932; set character_set_client= cp932; select '�\'" --exec $MYSQL --default-character-set=utf8 test -e "/*charset cp932 */; set character_set_client= cp932; select '�\'" --exec $MYSQL --default-character-set=utf8 test -e "/*!\C cp932 */; set character_set_client= cp932; select '�\'" # # Bug#16859 -- NULLs in columns must not truncate data as if a C-language "string". # --exec $MYSQL -t test -e "create table t1 (col1 binary(4), col2 varchar(10), col3 int); insert into t1 values ('a', 'b', 123421),('a ', '0123456789', 4), ('abcd', '', 4); select concat('>',col1,'<'), col2, col3 from t1; drop table t1;" 2>&1 # # Bug#18265 -- mysql client: No longer right-justifies numeric columns # --exec $MYSQL -t --default-character-set utf8 test -e "create table t1 (i int, j int, k char(25) charset utf8); insert into t1 (i) values (1); insert into t1 (k) values ('<----------------------->'); insert into t1 (k) values ('<-----'); insert into t1 (k) values ('Τη γλώσσα'); insert into t1 (k) values ('ᛖᚴ ᚷᛖᛏ'); select * from t1; DROP TABLE t1;" # # "DESCRIBE" commands may return strange NULLness flags. # --exec $MYSQL -t --default-character-set utf8 test -e "create table t1 (i int, j int not null, k int); insert into t1 values (null, 1, null); select * from t1; describe t1; drop table t1;" # # Bug#19564: mysql displays NULL instead of space # --exec $MYSQL -t test -e "create table b19564 (i int, s1 char(1)); insert into b19564 values (1, 'x'); insert into b19564 values (2, NULL); insert into b19564 values (3, ' '); select * from b19564 order by i; drop table b19564;" --echo End of 5.0 tests