/* -*- mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */ // vim: ft=cpp:expandtab:ts=8:sw=4:softtabstop=4: #ident "$Id$" #ident "Copyright (c) 2007-2012 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved." #include "test.h" static void ba_alloc_at (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, uint64_t size, uint64_t offset) { block_allocator_validate(ba); block_allocator_alloc_block_at(ba, size, offset); block_allocator_validate(ba); } static void ba_alloc (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, uint64_t size, uint64_t *answer) { block_allocator_validate(ba); block_allocator_alloc_block(ba, size, answer); block_allocator_validate(ba); } static void ba_free (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, uint64_t offset) { block_allocator_validate(ba); block_allocator_free_block(ba, offset); block_allocator_validate(ba); } static void ba_check_l (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, uint64_t blocknum_in_layout_order, uint64_t expected_offset, uint64_t expected_size) { uint64_t actual_offset, actual_size; int r = block_allocator_get_nth_block_in_layout_order(ba, blocknum_in_layout_order, &actual_offset, &actual_size); assert(r==0); assert(expected_offset == actual_offset); assert(expected_size == actual_size); } static void ba_check_none (BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba, uint64_t blocknum_in_layout_order) { uint64_t actual_offset, actual_size; int r = block_allocator_get_nth_block_in_layout_order(ba, blocknum_in_layout_order, &actual_offset, &actual_size); assert(r==-1); } // Simple block allocator test static void test_ba0 (void) { BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba; uint64_t b0, b1; create_block_allocator(&ba, 100, 1); assert(block_allocator_allocated_limit(ba)==100); ba_alloc_at(ba, 50, 100); assert(block_allocator_allocated_limit(ba)==150); ba_alloc_at(ba, 25, 150); ba_alloc (ba, 10, &b0); ba_check_l (ba, 0, 0, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 1, 100, 50); ba_check_l (ba, 2, 150, 25); ba_check_l (ba, 3, b0, 10); ba_check_none (ba, 4); assert(b0==175); ba_free(ba, 150); ba_alloc_at(ba, 10, 150); ba_alloc(ba, 10, &b0); assert(b0==160); ba_alloc(ba, 10, &b0); ba_alloc(ba, 113, &b1); assert(113==block_allocator_block_size(ba, b1)); assert(10==block_allocator_block_size(ba, b0)); assert(50==block_allocator_block_size(ba, 100)); uint64_t b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7; ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b2); ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b3); ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b4); ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b5); ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b6); ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b7); ba_free(ba, b2); ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b2); ba_free(ba, b4); ba_free(ba, b6); uint64_t b8, b9; ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b4); ba_free(ba, b2); ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b6); ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b8); ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b9); ba_free(ba, b6); ba_free(ba, b7); ba_free(ba, b8); ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b6); ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b7); ba_free(ba, b4); ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b4); destroy_block_allocator(&ba); assert(ba==0); } // Manually to get coverage of all the code in the block allocator. static void test_ba1 (int n_initial) { BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba; create_block_allocator(&ba, 0, 1); int i; int n_blocks=0; uint64_t blocks[1000]; for (i=0; i<1000; i++) { if (i0) { int blocknum = random()%n_blocks; //printf("F[%d]%ld\n", blocknum, blocks[blocknum]); ba_free(ba, blocks[blocknum]); blocks[blocknum]=blocks[n_blocks-1]; n_blocks--; } } } destroy_block_allocator(&ba); assert(ba==0); } // Check to see if it is first fit or best fit. static void test_ba2 (void) { BLOCK_ALLOCATOR ba; uint64_t b[6]; enum { BSIZE = 1024 }; create_block_allocator(&ba, 100, BSIZE); assert(block_allocator_allocated_limit(ba)==100); ba_check_l (ba, 0, 0, 100); ba_check_none (ba, 1); ba_alloc (ba, 100, &b[0]); ba_check_l (ba, 0, 0, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 1, BSIZE, 100); ba_check_none (ba, 2); ba_alloc (ba, BSIZE+100, &b[1]); ba_check_l (ba, 0, 0, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 1, BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 2, 2*BSIZE, BSIZE+100); ba_check_none (ba, 3); ba_alloc (ba, 100, &b[2]); ba_check_l (ba, 0, 0, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 1, BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 2, 2*BSIZE, BSIZE+100); ba_check_l (ba, 3, 4*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_none (ba, 4); ba_alloc (ba, 100, &b[3]); ba_alloc (ba, 100, &b[4]); ba_alloc (ba, 100, &b[5]); ba_check_l (ba, 0, 0, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 1, BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 2, 2*BSIZE, BSIZE+100); ba_check_l (ba, 3, 4*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 4, 5*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 5, 6*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 6, 7*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_none (ba, 7); ba_free (ba, 4*BSIZE); ba_check_l (ba, 0, 0, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 1, BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 2, 2*BSIZE, BSIZE+100); ba_check_l (ba, 3, 5*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 4, 6*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 5, 7*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_none (ba, 6); uint64_t b2; ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b2); assert(b2==4*BSIZE); ba_check_l (ba, 0, 0, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 1, BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 2, 2*BSIZE, BSIZE+100); ba_check_l (ba, 3, 4*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 4, 5*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 5, 6*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 6, 7*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_none (ba, 7); ba_free (ba, BSIZE); ba_free (ba, 5*BSIZE); ba_check_l (ba, 0, 0, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 1, 2*BSIZE, BSIZE+100); ba_check_l (ba, 2, 4*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 3, 6*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 4, 7*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_none (ba, 5); // This alloc will allocate the first block after the reserve space in the case of first fit. uint64_t b3; ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b3); assert(b3== BSIZE); // First fit. // if (b3==5*BSIZE) then it is next fit. // Now 5*BSIZE is free uint64_t b5; ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b5); assert(b5==5*BSIZE); ba_check_l (ba, 0, 0, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 1, BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 2, 2*BSIZE, BSIZE+100); ba_check_l (ba, 3, 4*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 4, 5*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 5, 6*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 6, 7*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_none (ba, 7); // Now all blocks are busy uint64_t b6, b7, b8; ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b6); ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b7); ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b8); assert(b6==8*BSIZE); assert(b7==9*BSIZE); assert(b8==10*BSIZE); ba_check_l (ba, 0, 0, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 1, BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 2, 2*BSIZE, BSIZE+100); ba_check_l (ba, 3, 4*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 4, 5*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 5, 6*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 6, 7*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 7, 8*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 8, 9*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_l (ba, 9, 10*BSIZE, 100); ba_check_none (ba, 10); ba_free(ba, 9*BSIZE); ba_free(ba, 7*BSIZE); uint64_t b9; ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b9); assert(b9==7*BSIZE); ba_free(ba, 5*BSIZE); ba_free(ba, 2*BSIZE); uint64_t b10, b11; ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b10); assert(b10==2*BSIZE); ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b11); assert(b11==3*BSIZE); ba_alloc(ba, 100, &b11); assert(b11==5*BSIZE); destroy_block_allocator(&ba); } int test_main (int argc __attribute__((__unused__)), const char *argv[] __attribute__((__unused__))) { test_ba0(); test_ba1(0); test_ba1(10); test_ba1(20); test_ba2(); return 0; }