--source include/not_embedded.inc if (!$CRACKLIB_PASSWORD_CHECK_SO) { skip No CRACKLIB_PASSWORD_CHECK plugin; } install soname "cracklib_password_check"; --vertical_results --replace_result .dll .so select * from information_schema.plugins where plugin_name='cracklib_password_check'; --horizontal_results --error ER_NOT_VALID_PASSWORD grant select on *.* to foobar identified by 'foobar'; show warnings; --error ER_NOT_VALID_PASSWORD grant select on *.* to foobar identified by 'raboof'; show warnings; --error ER_NOT_VALID_PASSWORD grant select on *.* to foo@barbar identified by 'barbar'; show warnings; --error ER_NOT_VALID_PASSWORD grant select on *.* to foo@foobar identified by 'foobar'; show warnings; --error ER_NOT_VALID_PASSWORD grant select on *.* to foobar identified by 'qwerty'; show warnings; grant select on *.* to foobar identified by 'q$%^&*rty'; drop user foobar; uninstall plugin cracklib_password_check; create user foo1 identified by 'pwd'; drop user foo1;