/****************************************************** Hash storage. Provides a data structure that stores chunks of data in its own storage, avoiding duplicates. (c) 2007 Innobase Oy Created September 22, 2007 Vasil Dimov *******************************************************/ #ifndef ha0storage_h #define ha0storage_h #include "univ.i" /* This value is used by default by ha_storage_create(). More memory is allocated later when/if it is needed. */ #define HA_STORAGE_DEFAULT_HEAP_BYTES 1024 /* This value is used by default by ha_storage_create(). It is a constant per ha_storage's lifetime. */ #define HA_STORAGE_DEFAULT_HASH_CELLS 4096 typedef struct ha_storage_struct ha_storage_t; /*********************************************************************** Creates a hash storage. If any of the parameters is 0, then a default value is used. */ UNIV_INLINE ha_storage_t* ha_storage_create( /*==============*/ /* out, own: hash storage */ ulint initial_heap_bytes, /* in: initial heap's size */ ulint initial_hash_cells); /* in: initial number of cells in the hash table */ /*********************************************************************** Copies string into the storage and returns a pointer to the copy. If the same string is already present, then pointer to it is returned. Strings are considered to be equal if strcmp(str1, str2) == 0. */ #define ha_storage_put_str(storage, str) \ ((const char*) ha_storage_put((storage), (str), strlen(str) + 1)) /*********************************************************************** Copies data into the storage and returns a pointer to the copy. If the same data chunk is already present, then pointer to it is returned. Data chunks are considered to be equal if len1 == len2 and memcmp(data1, data2, len1) == 0. */ const void* ha_storage_put( /*===========*/ ha_storage_t* storage, /* in/out: hash storage */ const void* data, /* in: data to store */ ulint data_len); /* in: data length */ /*********************************************************************** Empties a hash storage, freeing memory occupied by data chunks. This invalidates any pointers previously returned by ha_storage_put(). The hash storage is not invalidated itself and can be used again. */ UNIV_INLINE void ha_storage_empty( /*=============*/ ha_storage_t** storage); /* in/out: hash storage */ /*********************************************************************** Frees a hash storage and everything it contains, it cannot be used after this call. This invalidates any pointers previously returned by ha_storage_put(). */ UNIV_INLINE void ha_storage_free( /*============*/ ha_storage_t* storage); /* in/out: hash storage */ #ifndef UNIV_NONINL #include "ha0storage.ic" #endif #endif /* ha0storage_h */