DROP TABLE IF EXISTS t1; DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mysqltest; CREATE DATABASE mysqltest; **** Begin Duplicate Statement Testing **** CREATE LOGFILE GROUP lg1 ADD UNDOFILE 'undofile.dat' INITIAL_SIZE 1M UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE = 1M ENGINE=NDB; CREATE LOGFILE GROUP lg2 ADD UNDOFILE 'undofile2.dat' INITIAL_SIZE 1M UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE 1M ENGINE NDB; ERROR HY000: Failed to create LOGFILE GROUP SHOW WARNINGS; Level Code Message Error 1296 Got error 1514 'Currently there is a limit of one logfile group' from NDB Error 1516 Failed to create LOGFILE GROUP CREATE LOGFILE GROUP lg1 ADD UNDOFILE 'undofile.dat' INITIAL_SIZE 1M UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE = 1M ENGINE=NDB; ERROR HY000: Failed to create LOGFILE GROUP ALTER LOGFILE GROUP lg1 ADD UNDOFILE 'undofile02.dat' INITIAL_SIZE 1M ENGINE NDB; ALTER LOGFILE GROUP lg1 ADD UNDOFILE 'undofile02.dat' INITIAL_SIZE 1M ENGINE=NDB; ERROR HY000: Failed to alter: CREATE UNDOFILE CREATE TABLESPACE ts1 ADD DATAFILE 'datafile.dat' USE LOGFILE GROUP lg1 INITIAL_SIZE 1M ENGINE NDB; CREATE TABLESPACE ts1 ADD DATAFILE 'datafile.dat' USE LOGFILE GROUP lg1 INITIAL_SIZE 1M ENGINE NDB; ERROR HY000: Failed to create TABLESPACE ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 ADD DATAFILE 'datafile2.dat' INITIAL_SIZE 1M ENGINE=NDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 ADD DATAFILE 'datafile2.dat' INITIAL_SIZE 1M ENGINE=NDB; ERROR HY000: Failed to alter: CREATE DATAFILE CREATE TABLE mysqltest.t1 (pk1 INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, b INT NOT NULL, c INT NOT NULL) TABLESPACE ts1 STORAGE DISK ENGINE=NDB; CREATE TABLE mysqltest.t1 (pk1 INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, b INT NOT NULL, c INT NOT NULL) TABLESPACE ts1 STORAGE DISK ENGINE=NDB; ERROR 42S01: Table 't1' already exists CREATE TABLE mysqltest.t1 (pk1 INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, b INT NOT NULL, c INT NOT NULL) ENGINE=NDB; ERROR 42S01: Table 't1' already exists DROP TABLE mysqltest.t1; ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile2.dat' ENGINE=NDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile2.dat' ENGINE=NDB; ERROR HY000: Failed to alter: NO SUCH FILE ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile.dat' ENGINE=NDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile.dat' ENGINE=NDB; ERROR HY000: Failed to alter: NO SUCH FILE DROP TABLESPACE ts1 ENGINE=NDB; DROP TABLESPACE ts1 ENGINE=NDB; ERROR HY000: Failed to drop TABLESPACE DROP LOGFILE GROUP lg1 ENGINE=NDB; DROP LOGFILE GROUP lg1 ENGINE=NDB; ERROR HY000: Failed to drop LOGFILE GROUP DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS mysqltest; **** End Duplicate Statement Testing **** **** Begin Statment CaSe Testing **** creaTE LOgfilE GrOuP lg1 adD undoFILE 'undofile.dat' initiAL_siZE 1M UnDo_BuFfEr_SiZe = 1M ENGInE=NDb; altER LOgFiLE GrOUp lg1 AdD UnDOfILe 'uNdOfiLe02.daT' INItIAl_SIzE 1M ENgINE nDB; CrEAtE TABLEspaCE ts1 ADD DATAfilE 'datafile.dat' UsE LoGFiLE GRoUP lg1 INITiaL_SizE 1M ENGiNe NDb; AlTeR tAbLeSpAcE ts1 AdD DaTaFiLe 'dAtAfiLe2.daT' InItIaL_SiZe 1M EnGiNe=NDB; CREATE TABLE t1 (pk1 int not null primary key, b int not null, c int not null) TABLEspace ts1 storAGE dISk ENGine nDb; DROP TABLE t1; AlteR TAblespaCE ts1 droP DATAfile 'dAtAfiLe2.daT' ENGINE=NDB; ALter tablesPACE ts1 dROp dAtAfIlE 'datafile.dat' ENGine=Ndb; DrOp TaBleSpAcE ts1 engINE=ndB; DrOp lOgFiLe GrOuP lg1 EnGiNe=nDb; **** End Statment CaSe Testing **** **** Begin = And No = Testing **** CREATE LOGFILE GROUP lg1 ADD UNDOFILE 'undofile.dat' INITIAL_SIZE=1M UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE=1M ENGINE=NDB; ALTER LOGFILE GROUP lg1 ADD UNDOFILE 'undofile02.dat' INITIAL_SIZE=1M ENGINE=NDB; CREATE TABLESPACE ts1 ADD DATAFILE 'datafile.dat' USE LOGFILE GROUP lg1 INITIAL_SIZE=1M ENGINE=NDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 ADD DATAFILE 'datafile2.dat' INITIAL_SIZE=1M ENGINE=NDB; CREATE TABLE t1 (pk1 INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, b INT NOT NULL, c INT NOT NULL) TABLESPACE ts1 STORAGE DISK ENGINE=NDB; DROP TABLE t1; ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile2.dat' ENGINE=NDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile.dat' ENGINE=NDB; DROP TABLESPACE ts1 ENGINE=NDB; DROP LOGFILE GROUP lg1 ENGINE=NDB; **** End of = **** CREATE LOGFILE GROUP lg1 ADD UNDOFILE 'undofile.dat' INITIAL_SIZE 1M UNDO_BUFFER_SIZE 1M ENGINE NDB; ALTER LOGFILE GROUP lg1 ADD UNDOFILE 'undofile02.dat' INITIAL_SIZE 1M ENGINE NDB; CREATE TABLESPACE ts1 ADD DATAFILE 'datafile.dat' USE LOGFILE GROUP lg1 INITIAL_SIZE 1M ENGINE NDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 ADD DATAFILE 'datafile2.dat' INITIAL_SIZE 1M ENGINE NDB; CREATE TABLE t1 (pk1 INT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, b INT NOT NULL, c INT NOT NULL) TABLESPACE ts1 STORAGE DISK ENGINE NDB; CREATE INDEX b_i on t1(b); CREATE INDEX bc_i on t1(b, c); DROP TABLE t1; CREATE TABLESPACE ts2 ADD DATAFILE 'datafile3.dat' USE LOGFILE GROUP lg1 INITIAL_SIZE 1M ENGINE NDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile3.dat' ENGINE NDB; ERROR HY000: Failed to alter: NO SUCH FILE ALTER TABLESPACE ts2 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile2.dat' ENGINE NDB; ERROR HY000: Failed to alter: NO SUCH FILE ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile2.dat' ENGINE NDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts1 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile.dat' ENGINE NDB; DROP TABLESPACE ts1 ENGINE NDB; ALTER TABLESPACE ts2 DROP DATAFILE 'datafile3.dat' ENGINE NDB; DROP TABLESPACE ts2 ENGINE NDB; DROP LOGFILE GROUP lg1 ENGINE NDB; **** End = And No = **** create table t1 (a int primary key) engine = myisam; create logfile group lg1 add undofile 'MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/master-data/test/t1.frm' initial_size 1M undo_buffer_size = 1M engine=ndb;; ERROR HY000: Failed to create UNDOFILE create logfile group lg1 add undofile 'undofile.dat' initial_size 1M undo_buffer_size = 1M engine=ndb; create tablespace ts1 add datafile 'MYSQLTEST_VARDIR/master-data/test/t1.frm' use logfile group lg1 initial_size 1M engine ndb;; ERROR HY000: Failed to create DATAFILE drop tablespace ts1 engine ndb; ERROR HY000: Failed to drop TABLESPACE drop logfile group lg1 engine ndb; drop table t1;