--source include/have_ndb.inc -- source include/have_binlog_format_row.inc -- source include/not_embedded.inc --disable_query_log set new=on; --enable_query_log --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1; --enable_warnings # # Minimal NDB blobs test with range partitions. # create table t1 ( a mediumint not null, b text not null, c int not null, d longblob, primary key using hash (a,c), unique key (c) ) engine=ndb partition by range (c) partitions 3 ( partition p1 values less than (200), partition p2 values less than (300), partition p3 values less than (400)); --disable_query_log sleep 1; # length 61 set @s0 = 'rggurloniukyehuxdbfkkyzlceixzrehqhvxvxbpwizzvjzpucqmzrhzxzfau'; set @s1 = 'ykyymbzqgqlcjhlhmyqelfoaaohvtbekvifukdtnvcrrjveevfakxarxexomz'; set @s2 = 'dbnfqyzgtqxalcrwtfsqabknvtfcbpoonxsjiqvmhnfikxxhcgoexlkoezvah'; set @v1 = repeat(@s0, 100); # 1d42dd9090cf78314a06665d4ea938c35cc760f4 set @v2 = repeat(@s1, 200); # 10d3c783026b310218d10b7188da96a2401648c6 set @v3 = repeat(@s2, 300); # a33549d9844092289a58ac348dd59f09fc28406a set @v4 = repeat(@s0, 400); # daa61c6de36a0526f0d47dc29d6b9de7e6d2630c set @v5 = repeat(@s1, 500); # 70fc9a7d08beebc522258bfb02000a30c77a8f1d set @v6 = repeat(@s2, 600); # 090565c580809efed3d369481a4bbb168b20713e set @v7 = repeat(@s0, 700); # 1e0070bec426871a46291de27b9bd6e4255ab4e5 set @v8 = repeat(@s1, 800); # acbaba01bc2e682f015f40e79d9cbe475db3002e set @v9 = repeat(@s2, 900); # 9ee30d99162574f79c66ae95cdf132dcf9cbc259 --enable_query_log # -- insert -- insert into t1 values (1, @v1, 101, @v2); insert into t1 values (1, @v2, 102, @v3); insert into t1 values (1, @v3, 103, @v4); insert into t1 values (2, @v4, 201, @v5); insert into t1 values (2, @v5, 202, @v6); insert into t1 values (2, @v6, 203, @v7); insert into t1 values (3, @v7, 301, @v8); insert into t1 values (3, @v8, 302, @v9); insert into t1 values (3, @v9, 303, @v1); select a, sha1(b), c, sha1(d) from t1 order by a; # -- pk read -- select a, sha1(b), c, sha1(d) from t1 where a = 1 and c = 101; select a, sha1(b), c, sha1(d) from t1 where a = 2 and c = 201; select a, sha1(b), c, sha1(d) from t1 where a = 3 and c = 301; # -- pk update -- update t1 set b = @v3, d = @v4 where a = 1 and c = 102; update t1 set b = @v6, d = @v7 where a = 2 and c = 202; update t1 set b = @v9, d = @v1 where a = 3 and c = 302; select a, sha1(b), c, sha1(d) from t1 order by a; # -- hash index update -- update t1 set b = @v4, d = @v5 where c = 103; update t1 set b = @v7, d = @v8 where c = 203; update t1 set b = @v1, d = @v2 where c = 303; select a, sha1(b), c, sha1(d) from t1 order by a; # -- full scan update -- update t1 set b = @v5, d = @v6; select a, sha1(b), c, sha1(d) from t1 order by a; # -- range scan update update t1 set b = @v1, d = @v2 where 100 < c and c < 200; update t1 set b = @v4, d = @v5 where 200 < c and c < 300; update t1 set b = @v7, d = @v8 where 300 < c and c < 400; select a, sha1(b), c, sha1(d) from t1 order by a; # -- delete -- delete from t1 where a = 1 and c = 101; delete from t1 where c = 102; # delete from t1 where c < 300; # XXX coredump delete from t1; select a, sha1(b), c, sha1(d) from t1 order by a; # -- clean up -- drop table t1;