#ident "$Id$" #ident "Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Tokutek Inc. All rights reserved." #include <toku_portability.h> #include "toku_os.h" #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <toku_assert.h> #include <toku_pthread.h> #include "queue.h" static int verbose=1; static int count_0 = 0; static u_int64_t e_max_weight=0, d_max_weight = 0; // max weight seen by enqueue thread and dequeue thread respectively. static void *start_0 (void *arg) { QUEUE q = (QUEUE)arg; void *item; u_int64_t weight; long count = 0; while (1) { u_int64_t this_max_weight; int r=queue_deq(q, &item, &weight, &this_max_weight); if (r==EOF) break; assert(r==0); if (this_max_weight>d_max_weight) d_max_weight=this_max_weight; long v = (long)item; //printf("D(%ld)=%ld %ld\n", v, this_max_weight, d_max_weight); assert(v==count); count_0++; count++; } return NULL; } static void enq (QUEUE q, long v, u_int64_t weight) { u_int64_t this_max_weight; int r = queue_enq(q, (void*)v, (weight==0)?0:1, &this_max_weight); assert(r==0); if (this_max_weight>e_max_weight) e_max_weight=this_max_weight; //printf("E(%ld)=%ld %ld\n", v, this_max_weight, e_max_weight); } static void queue_test_0 (u_int64_t weight) // Test a queue that can hold WEIGHT items. { //printf("\n"); count_0 = 0; e_max_weight = 0; d_max_weight = 0; QUEUE q; int r; r = queue_create(&q, weight); assert(r==0); toku_pthread_t thread; r = toku_pthread_create(&thread, NULL, start_0, q); assert(r==0); enq(q, 0L, weight); enq(q, 1L, weight); enq(q, 2L, weight); enq(q, 3L, weight); sleep(1); enq(q, 4L, weight); enq(q, 5L, weight); r = queue_eof(q); assert(r==0); void *result; r = toku_pthread_join(thread, &result); assert(r==0); assert(result==NULL); assert(count_0==6); r = queue_destroy(q); assert(d_max_weight <= weight); assert(e_max_weight <= weight); } static void parse_args (int argc, const char *argv[]) { const char *progname=argv[0]; argc--; argv++; while (argc>0) { if (strcmp(argv[0],"-v")==0) { verbose++; } else if (strcmp(argv[0],"-q")==0) { verbose--; } else { fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n %s [-v] [-q]\n", progname); exit(1); } argc--; argv++; } if (verbose<0) verbose=0; } int main (int argc, const char *argv[]) { parse_args(argc, argv); queue_test_0(0LL); queue_test_0(1LL); queue_test_0(2LL); return 0; }