/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef SUMA_IMPL_HPP #define SUMA_IMPL_HPP #include "SignalData.hpp" #include struct SubCreateReq { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct Grep; friend struct SumaParticipant; friend bool printSUB_CREATE_REQ(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 6 ); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength2 = 7 ); enum SubscriptionType { SingleTableScan = 1, // DatabaseSnapshot = 2, // All tables/all data (including new ones) TableEvent = 3, // SelectiveTableSnapshot = 4, // User defines tables RemoveFlags = 0xff, GetFlags = 0xff << 16, AddTableFlag = 0x1 << 16, RestartFlag = 0x2 << 16, ReportAll = 0x4 << 16, ReportSubscribe= 0x8 << 16 }; Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 senderData; Uint32 subscriptionId; Uint32 subscriptionKey; Uint32 subscriptionType; Uint32 tableId; Uint32 state; }; struct SubCreateRef { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct Grep; friend struct SumaParticipant; friend bool printSUB_CREATE_REF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 3 ); Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 senderData; Uint32 errorCode; }; struct SubCreateConf { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct Grep; friend struct SumaParticipant; friend bool printSUB_CREATE_CONF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 2 ); Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 senderData; }; struct SubscriptionData { enum Part { MetaData = 1, TableData = 2 }; }; struct SubStartReq { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct Suma; friend bool printSUB_START_REQ(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 6 ); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength2 = SignalLength+1 ); Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 senderData; Uint32 subscriptionId; Uint32 subscriptionKey; Uint32 part; // SubscriptionData::Part Uint32 subscriberData; Uint32 subscriberRef; }; struct SubStartRef { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct Suma; friend bool printSUB_START_REF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); enum ErrorCode { Undefined = 1, NF_FakeErrorREF = 11, Busy = 701, NotMaster = 702 }; STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 7 ); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength2 = SignalLength+1 ); Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 senderData; Uint32 subscriptionId; Uint32 subscriptionKey; Uint32 part; // SubscriptionData::Part Uint32 subscriberData; // do not change the order here! Uint32 errorCode; // with SignalLength2 union { Uint32 subscriberRef; Uint32 m_masterNodeId; }; }; struct SubStartConf { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct Grep; friend bool printSUB_START_CONF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 7 ); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength2 = SignalLength+1 ); Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 senderData; Uint32 subscriptionId; Uint32 subscriptionKey; Uint32 firstGCI; Uint32 part; // SubscriptionData::Part Uint32 subscriberData; // with SignalLength2 Uint32 subscriberRef; }; struct SubStopReq { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct Suma; friend bool printSUB_STOP_REQ(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 7 ); Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 senderData; Uint32 subscriptionId; Uint32 subscriptionKey; Uint32 part; // SubscriptionData::Part Uint32 subscriberData; Uint32 subscriberRef; }; struct SubStopRef { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct Suma; friend bool printSUB_STOP_REF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); enum ErrorCode { Undefined = 1, NF_FakeErrorREF = 11, Busy = 701, NotMaster = 702 }; STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 8 ); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength2 = SignalLength+1 ); Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 senderData; Uint32 subscriptionId; Uint32 subscriptionKey; Uint32 part; // SubscriptionData::Part Uint32 subscriberData; Uint32 subscriberRef; Uint32 errorCode; // with SignalLength2 Uint32 m_masterNodeId; }; struct SubStopConf { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct Grep; friend bool printSUB_STOP_CONF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 7 ); Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 senderData; Uint32 subscriptionId; Uint32 subscriptionKey; Uint32 part; // SubscriptionData::Part Uint32 subscriberData; Uint32 subscriberRef; }; struct SubSyncReq { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct Suma; friend struct Grep; friend bool printSUB_SYNC_REQ(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 5 ); Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 senderData; Uint32 subscriptionId; Uint32 subscriptionKey; Uint32 part; // SubscriptionData::Part SECTION( ATTRIBUTE_LIST = 0); // Used when doing SingelTableScan SECTION( TABLE_LIST = 1 ); }; struct SubSyncRef { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct Suma; friend struct Grep; friend bool printSUB_SYNC_REF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); enum ErrorCode { Undefined = 1 }; STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 3 ); Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 senderData; Uint32 errorCode; }; struct SubSyncConf { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct Suma; friend struct Grep; friend bool printSUB_SYNC_CONF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 2 ); Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 senderData; }; struct SubTableData { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct SumaParticipant; friend struct Grep; friend bool printSUB_TABLE_DATA(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 7 ); SECTION( DICT_TAB_INFO = 0 ); SECTION( ATTR_INFO = 0 ); SECTION( AFTER_VALUES = 1 ); SECTION( BEFORE_VALUES = 2 ); enum LogType { SCAN = 1, LOG = 2, REMOVE_FLAGS = 0xff }; Uint32 senderData; Uint32 gci; Uint32 tableId; Uint32 requestInfo; Uint32 logType; Uint32 changeMask; Uint32 totalLen; static void setOperation(Uint32& ri, Uint32 val) { ri = (ri & 0xFFFFFF00) | val; } static void setReqNodeId(Uint32& ri, Uint32 val) { ri = (ri & 0xFFFF00FF) | (val << 8); } static void setNdbdNodeId(Uint32& ri, Uint32 val) { ri = (ri & 0xFF00FFFF) | (val << 16); } static Uint32 getOperation(const Uint32 & ri){ return (ri & 0xFF); } static Uint32 getReqNodeId(const Uint32 & ri){ return (ri >> 8) & 0xFF; } static Uint32 getNdbdNodeId(const Uint32 & ri){ return (ri >> 16) & 0xFF; } }; struct SubSyncContinueReq { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct SumaParticipant; friend struct Grep; friend struct Trix; friend bool printSUB_SYNC_CONTINUE_REQ(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 2 ); Uint32 subscriberData; Uint32 noOfRowsSent; }; struct SubSyncContinueRef { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct SumaParticipant; friend struct Grep; friend struct Trix; friend bool printSUB_SYNC_CONTINUE_REF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 2 ); Uint32 subscriptionId; Uint32 subscriptionKey; }; struct SubSyncContinueConf { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct SumaParticipant; friend struct Grep; friend struct Trix; friend bool printSUB_SYNC_CONTINUE_CONF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 2 ); Uint32 subscriptionId; Uint32 subscriptionKey; }; struct SubGcpCompleteRep { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct Dbdih; friend struct SumaParticipant; friend struct Grep; friend struct Trix; friend bool printSUB_GCP_COMPLETE_REP(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 3 ); Uint32 gci; Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 gcp_complete_rep_count; }; struct SubGcpCompleteAck { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = SubGcpCompleteRep::SignalLength ); SubGcpCompleteRep rep; }; struct SubRemoveReq { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct Grep; friend struct SumaParticipant; friend bool printSUB_REMOVE_REQ(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 4 ); Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 senderData; Uint32 subscriptionId; Uint32 subscriptionKey; }; struct SubRemoveRef { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct Grep; friend struct SumaParticipant; friend bool printSUB_REMOVE_REF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 5 ); enum ErrorCode { Undefined = 1, NF_FakeErrorREF = 11, Busy = 701 }; Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 subscriptionId; Uint32 subscriptionKey; Uint32 errorCode; Uint32 senderData; }; struct SubRemoveConf { /** * Sender(s)/Reciver(s) */ friend struct Grep; friend struct SumaParticipant; friend bool printSUB_REMOVE_CONF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 5 ); Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 subscriptionId; Uint32 subscriptionKey; Uint32 errorCode; Uint32 senderData; }; struct CreateSubscriptionIdReq { friend struct Grep; friend struct SumaParticipant; friend bool printCREATE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID_REQ(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 2 ); Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 senderData; }; struct CreateSubscriptionIdConf { friend struct Grep; friend struct SumaParticipant; friend bool printCREATE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID_CONF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 4 ); Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 senderData; Uint32 subscriptionId; Uint32 subscriptionKey; }; struct CreateSubscriptionIdRef { friend struct Grep; friend struct SumaParticipant; friend bool printCREATE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID_REF(FILE *, const Uint32 *, Uint32, Uint16); STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 3 ); Uint32 senderRef; Uint32 senderData; Uint32 errorCode; }; struct SumaStartMeReq { STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 1 ); Uint32 unused; }; struct SumaStartMeRef { STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 1 ); Uint32 errorCode; enum { Busy = 0x1 }; }; struct SumaStartMeConf { STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 1 ); Uint32 unused; }; struct SumaHandoverReq { STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 3 ); Uint32 gci; Uint32 nodeId; Uint32 theBucketMask[1]; }; struct SumaHandoverConf { STATIC_CONST( SignalLength = 3 ); Uint32 gci; Uint32 nodeId; Uint32 theBucketMask[1]; }; struct SumaContinueB { enum { RESEND_BUCKET = 1 ,RELEASE_GCI = 2 ,OUT_OF_BUFFER_RELEASE = 3 }; }; #endif