-- source include/have_crypt.inc

drop table if exists t1;

select length(encrypt('foo', 'ff')) <> 0;
--replace_result $1$aa$4OSUA5cjdx0RUQ08opV27/ aaqPiZY5xR5l.

create table t1 (name varchar(50), pw varchar(64));
insert into t1 values ('tom', password('my_pass'));
set @pass='my_pass';
select name from t1 where name='tom' and pw=password(@pass);
select name from t1 where name='tom' and pw=password(@undefined);
drop table t1;

# Test new and old password handling functions 

select password('abc');
select password('');
select old_password('abc');
select old_password('');
select password('gabbagabbahey');
select old_password('idkfa');
select length(password('1'));
select length(encrypt('test'));
select encrypt('test','aa');
select old_password(NULL);
select password(NULL);
set global old_passwords=on;
select password('');
select old_password('');
select password('idkfa');
select old_password('idkfa');
set old_passwords=on;
select password('idkfa');
select old_password('idkfa');
set global old_passwords=off;
select password('idkfa');
select old_password('idkfa');

# this test shows that new scrambles honor spaces in passwords:
set old_passwords=off;
select password('idkfa ');
select password('idkfa');
select password(' idkfa');
select old_password('idkfa');
select old_password(' i 	 d k f a ');

explain extended select password('idkfa '), old_password('idkfa');

# Bug #13619: Crash on FreeBSD with salt like '_.'
--replace_column 1 #
select encrypt('1234','_.');

# End of 4.1 tests