# # WL#1756 # -- source include/have_innodb.inc --disable_warnings drop table if exists t1, t2; --enable_warnings create table t1 (a int) engine=innodb; xa start 'test1'; insert t1 values (10); xa end 'test1'; xa prepare 'test1'; xa rollback 'test1'; select * from t1; xa start 'test2'; --error 1399 xa start 'test-bad'; insert t1 values (20); --error 1399 xa prepare 'test2'; xa end 'test2'; xa prepare 'test2'; xa commit 'test2'; select * from t1; xa start 'testa','testb'; insert t1 values (30); --error 1399 commit; xa end 'testa','testb'; --error 1399 begin; --error 1399 create table t2 (a int); connect (con1,localhost,,,); connection con1; --error 1440 xa start 'testa','testb'; --error 1440 xa start 'testa','testb', 123; # gtrid [ , bqual [ , formatID ] ] xa start 0x7465737462, 0x2030405060, 0xb; insert t1 values (40); xa end 'testb',' 0@P`',11; xa prepare 'testb',0x2030405060,11; --error 1399 start transaction; xa recover; # uncomment the line below when binlog will be able to prepare #disconnect con1; connection default; xa prepare 'testa','testb'; xa recover; --error 1397 xa commit 'testb',0x2030405060,11; xa rollback 'testa','testb'; --error 1064 xa start 'zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz'; select * from t1; drop table t1;