/* Copyright (C) 2002 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "mysql_priv.h" #ifdef USE_PRAGMA_IMPLEMENTATION #pragma implementation #endif #if defined(WIN32) || defined(__WIN__) #undef SAFEMALLOC /* Problems with threads */ #endif #include "sp_pcontext.h" #include "sp_head.h" /* * Sanity check for SQLSTATEs. Will not check if it's really an existing * state (there are just too many), but will check length and bad characters. * Returns TRUE if it's ok, FALSE if it's bad. */ bool sp_cond_check(LEX_STRING *sqlstate) { int i; const char *p; if (sqlstate->length != 5) return FALSE; for (p= sqlstate->str, i= 0 ; i < 5 ; i++) { char c = p[i]; if ((c < '0' || '9' < c) && (c < 'A' || 'Z' < c)) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } sp_pcontext::sp_pcontext(sp_pcontext *prev) :Sql_alloc(), m_total_pvars(0), m_csubsize(0), m_hsubsize(0), m_handlers(0), m_parent(prev), m_pboundary(0) { VOID(my_init_dynamic_array(&m_pvar, sizeof(sp_pvar_t *), 16, 8)); VOID(my_init_dynamic_array(&m_case_expr_id_lst, sizeof(int), 16, 8)); VOID(my_init_dynamic_array(&m_cond, sizeof(sp_cond_type_t *), 16, 8)); VOID(my_init_dynamic_array(&m_cursor, sizeof(LEX_STRING), 16, 8)); VOID(my_init_dynamic_array(&m_handler, sizeof(sp_cond_type_t *), 16, 8)); m_label.empty(); m_children.empty(); if (!prev) { m_poffset= m_coffset= 0; m_num_case_exprs= 0; } else { m_poffset= prev->m_poffset + prev->m_total_pvars; m_coffset= prev->current_cursors(); m_num_case_exprs= prev->get_num_case_exprs(); } } void sp_pcontext::destroy() { List_iterator_fast<sp_pcontext> li(m_children); sp_pcontext *child; while ((child= li++)) child->destroy(); m_children.empty(); m_label.empty(); delete_dynamic(&m_pvar); delete_dynamic(&m_case_expr_id_lst); delete_dynamic(&m_cond); delete_dynamic(&m_cursor); delete_dynamic(&m_handler); } sp_pcontext * sp_pcontext::push_context() { sp_pcontext *child= new sp_pcontext(this); if (child) m_children.push_back(child); return child; } sp_pcontext * sp_pcontext::pop_context() { m_parent->m_total_pvars= m_parent->m_total_pvars + m_total_pvars; uint submax= max_handlers(); if (submax > m_parent->m_hsubsize) m_parent->m_hsubsize= submax; submax= max_cursors(); if (submax > m_parent->m_csubsize) m_parent->m_csubsize= submax; if (m_num_case_exprs > m_parent->m_num_case_exprs) m_parent->m_num_case_exprs= m_num_case_exprs; return m_parent; } uint sp_pcontext::diff_handlers(sp_pcontext *ctx, bool exclusive) { uint n= 0; sp_pcontext *pctx= this; sp_pcontext *last_ctx= NULL; while (pctx && pctx != ctx) { n+= pctx->m_handlers; last_ctx= pctx; pctx= pctx->parent_context(); } if (pctx) return (exclusive && last_ctx ? n - last_ctx->m_handlers : n); return 0; // Didn't find ctx } uint sp_pcontext::diff_cursors(sp_pcontext *ctx, bool exclusive) { uint n= 0; sp_pcontext *pctx= this; sp_pcontext *last_ctx= NULL; while (pctx && pctx != ctx) { n+= pctx->m_cursor.elements; last_ctx= pctx; pctx= pctx->parent_context(); } if (pctx) return (exclusive && last_ctx ? n - last_ctx->m_cursor.elements : n); return 0; // Didn't find ctx } /* This does a linear search (from newer to older variables, in case ** we have shadowed names). ** It's possible to have a more efficient allocation and search method, ** but it might not be worth it. The typical number of parameters and ** variables will in most cases be low (a handfull). ** ...and, this is only called during parsing. */ sp_pvar_t * sp_pcontext::find_pvar(LEX_STRING *name, my_bool scoped) { uint i= m_pvar.elements - m_pboundary; while (i--) { sp_pvar_t *p; get_dynamic(&m_pvar, (gptr)&p, i); if (my_strnncoll(system_charset_info, (const uchar *)name->str, name->length, (const uchar *)p->name.str, p->name.length) == 0) { return p; } } if (!scoped && m_parent) return m_parent->find_pvar(name, scoped); return NULL; } /* Find a variable by offset from the top. This used for two things: - When evaluating parameters at the beginning, and setting out parameters at the end, of invokation. (Top frame only, so no recursion then.) - For printing of sp_instr_set. (Debug mode only.) */ sp_pvar_t * sp_pcontext::find_pvar(uint offset) { if (m_poffset <= offset && offset < m_poffset + m_pvar.elements) { // This frame sp_pvar_t *p; get_dynamic(&m_pvar, (gptr)&p, offset - m_poffset); return p; } if (m_parent) return m_parent->find_pvar(offset); // Some previous frame return NULL; // index out of bounds } sp_pvar_t * sp_pcontext::push_pvar(LEX_STRING *name, enum enum_field_types type, sp_param_mode_t mode) { sp_pvar_t *p= (sp_pvar_t *)sql_alloc(sizeof(sp_pvar_t)); if (!p) return NULL; ++m_total_pvars; p->name.str= name->str; p->name.length= name->length; p->type= type; p->mode= mode; p->offset= current_pvars(); p->dflt= NULL; insert_dynamic(&m_pvar, (gptr)&p); return p; } sp_label_t * sp_pcontext::push_label(char *name, uint ip) { sp_label_t *lab = (sp_label_t *)sql_alloc(sizeof(sp_label_t)); if (lab) { lab->name= name; lab->ip= ip; lab->type= SP_LAB_GOTO; lab->ctx= this; m_label.push_front(lab); } return lab; } sp_label_t * sp_pcontext::find_label(char *name) { List_iterator_fast<sp_label_t> li(m_label); sp_label_t *lab; while ((lab= li++)) if (my_strcasecmp(system_charset_info, name, lab->name) == 0) return lab; if (m_parent) return m_parent->find_label(name); return NULL; } void sp_pcontext::push_cond(LEX_STRING *name, sp_cond_type_t *val) { sp_cond_t *p= (sp_cond_t *)sql_alloc(sizeof(sp_cond_t)); if (p) { p->name.str= name->str; p->name.length= name->length; p->val= val; insert_dynamic(&m_cond, (gptr)&p); } } /* * See comment for find_pvar() above */ sp_cond_type_t * sp_pcontext::find_cond(LEX_STRING *name, my_bool scoped) { uint i= m_cond.elements; while (i--) { sp_cond_t *p; get_dynamic(&m_cond, (gptr)&p, i); if (my_strnncoll(system_charset_info, (const uchar *)name->str, name->length, (const uchar *)p->name.str, p->name.length) == 0) { return p->val; } } if (!scoped && m_parent) return m_parent->find_cond(name, scoped); return NULL; } /* * This only searches the current context, for error checking of * duplicates. * Returns TRUE if found. */ bool sp_pcontext::find_handler(sp_cond_type_t *cond) { uint i= m_handler.elements; while (i--) { sp_cond_type_t *p; get_dynamic(&m_handler, (gptr)&p, i); if (cond->type == p->type) { switch (p->type) { case sp_cond_type_t::number: if (cond->mysqlerr == p->mysqlerr) return TRUE; break; case sp_cond_type_t::state: if (strcmp(cond->sqlstate, p->sqlstate) == 0) return TRUE; break; default: return TRUE; } } } return FALSE; } void sp_pcontext::push_cursor(LEX_STRING *name) { LEX_STRING n; if (m_cursor.elements == m_csubsize) m_csubsize+= 1; n.str= name->str; n.length= name->length; insert_dynamic(&m_cursor, (gptr)&n); } /* * See comment for find_pvar() above */ my_bool sp_pcontext::find_cursor(LEX_STRING *name, uint *poff, my_bool scoped) { uint i= m_cursor.elements; while (i--) { LEX_STRING n; get_dynamic(&m_cursor, (gptr)&n, i); if (my_strnncoll(system_charset_info, (const uchar *)name->str, name->length, (const uchar *)n.str, n.length) == 0) { *poff= m_coffset + i; return TRUE; } } if (!scoped && m_parent) return m_parent->find_cursor(name, poff, scoped); return FALSE; } void sp_pcontext::retrieve_field_definitions(List<create_field> *field_def_lst) { /* Put local/context fields in the result list. */ for (uint i = 0; i < m_pvar.elements; ++i) { sp_pvar_t *var_def; get_dynamic(&m_pvar, (gptr) &var_def, i); field_def_lst->push_back(&var_def->field_def); } /* Put the fields of the enclosed contexts in the result list. */ List_iterator_fast<sp_pcontext> li(m_children); sp_pcontext *ctx; while ((ctx = li++)) ctx->retrieve_field_definitions(field_def_lst); } /* Find a cursor by offset from the top. This is only used for debugging. */ my_bool sp_pcontext::find_cursor(uint offset, LEX_STRING *n) { if (m_coffset <= offset && offset < m_coffset + m_cursor.elements) { // This frame get_dynamic(&m_cursor, (gptr)n, offset - m_coffset); return TRUE; } if (m_parent) return m_parent->find_cursor(offset, n); // Some previous frame return FALSE; // index out of bounds }