/* Copyright (C) 2000-2003 MySQL AB

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.

   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA */

 * Memory sub-system, written by Bjorn Benson
   Fixed to use my_sys scheme by Michael Widenius

  [This posting refers to an article entitled "oops, corrupted memory
  again!" in net.lang.c.  I am posting it here because it is source.]

  My tool for approaching this problem is to build another level of data
  abstraction on top of malloc() and free() that implements some checking.
  This does a number of things for you:
	- Checks for overruns and underruns on allocated data
	- Keeps track of where in the program the memory was malloc'ed
	- Reports on pieces of memory that were not free'ed
	- Records some statistics such as maximum memory used
	- Marks newly malloc'ed and newly free'ed memory with special values
  You can use this scheme to:
	- Find bugs such as overrun, underrun, etc because you know where
	  a piece of data was malloc'ed and where it was free'ed
	- Find bugs where memory was not free'ed
	- Find bugs where newly malloc'ed memory is used without initializing
	- Find bugs where newly free'ed memory is still used
	- Determine how much memory your program really uses
	- and other things

  To implement my scheme you must have a C compiler that has __LINE__ and
  __FILE__ macros.  If your compiler doesn't have these then (a) buy another:
  compilers that do are available on UNIX 4.2bsd based systems and the PC,
  and probably on other machines; or (b) change my scheme somehow.  I have
  recomendations on both these points if you would like them (e-mail please).

  There are 4 functions in my package:
	char *NEW( uSize )	Allocate memory of uSize bytes
				(equivalent to malloc())
	char *REA( pPtr, uSize) Allocate memory of uSize bytes, move data and
				free pPtr.
				(equivalent to realloc())
	FREE( pPtr )		Free memory allocated by NEW
				(equivalent to free())
	TERMINATE(file)		End system, report errors and stats on file
  I personally use two more functions, but have not included them here:
	char *STRSAVE( sPtr )	Save a copy of the string in dynamic memory
	char *RENEW( pPtr, uSize )
				(equivalent to realloc())


#define SAFEMALLOC			/* Get protos from my_sys */

#include "mysys_priv.h"
#include <m_string.h>
#include "my_static.h"
#include "mysys_err.h"

ulonglong sf_malloc_mem_limit= ~(ulonglong)0;

  Set to 1 after TERMINATE() if we had to fiddle with sf_malloc_count and
  the linked list of blocks so that _sanity() will not fuss when it
  is not supposed to
static int sf_malloc_tampered= 0;

	/* Static functions prototypes */

static int check_ptr(const char *where, byte *ptr, const char *sFile,
		     uint uLine);
static int _checkchunk(struct st_irem *pRec, const char *sFile, uint uLine);

  Note: We only fill up the allocated block. This do not include
  malloc() roundoff or the extra space required by the irem

  NEW'ed memory is filled with this value so that references to it will
  end up being very strange.
#define ALLOC_VAL	(uchar) 0xA5
  FEEE'ed memory is filled with this value so that references to it will
  end up being very strange.
#define FREE_VAL	(uchar) 0x8F
#define MAGICKEY	0x14235296	/* A magic value for underrun key */

  Warning: do not change the MAGICEND? values to something with the
  high bit set.  Various C compilers (like the 4.2bsd one) do not do
  the sign extension right later on in this code and you will get
  erroneous errors.

#define MAGICEND0	0x68		/* Magic values for overrun keys  */
#define MAGICEND1	0x34		/*		"		  */
#define MAGICEND2	0x7A		/*		"		  */
#define MAGICEND3	0x15		/*		"		  */

/* Allocate some memory. */

gptr _mymalloc(uint size, const char *filename, uint lineno, myf MyFlags)
  struct st_irem *irem;
  char *data;
  DBUG_PRINT("enter",("Size: %u",size));

  if (!sf_malloc_quick)
    (void) _sanity (filename, lineno);

  if (size + sf_malloc_cur_memory > sf_malloc_mem_limit)
    irem= 0;
    /* Allocate the physical memory */
    irem= (struct st_irem *) malloc (ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(struct st_irem)) +
				     sf_malloc_prehunc +
				     size +	/* size requested */
				     4 +	/* overrun mark */
  /* Check if there isn't anymore memory avaiable */
  if (!irem)
    if (MyFlags & MY_FAE)
    if (MyFlags & (MY_FAE+MY_WME))
      char buff[SC_MAXWIDTH];
      sprintf(buff,"Out of memory at line %d, '%s'", lineno, filename);
      sprintf(buff,"needed %d byte (%ldk), memory in use: %ld bytes (%ldk)",
	      size, (size + 1023L) / 1024L,
	      sf_malloc_max_memory, (sf_malloc_max_memory + 1023L) / 1024L);
    DBUG_PRINT("error",("Out of memory, in use: %ld at line %d, '%s'",
			sf_malloc_max_memory,lineno, filename));
    if (MyFlags & MY_FAE)
    DBUG_RETURN ((gptr) 0);

  /* Fill up the structure */
  data= (((char*) irem) + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(struct st_irem)) +
  *((uint32*) (data-sizeof(uint32)))= MAGICKEY;
  data[size + 0]= MAGICEND0;
  data[size + 1]= MAGICEND1;
  data[size + 2]= MAGICEND2;
  data[size + 3]= MAGICEND3;
  irem->filename= (my_string) filename;
  irem->linenum= lineno;
  irem->datasize= size;
  irem->prev=	  NULL;

  /* Add this remember structure to the linked list */
  if ((irem->next= sf_malloc_root))
    sf_malloc_root->prev= irem;
  sf_malloc_root= irem;

  /* Keep the statistics */
  sf_malloc_cur_memory+= size;
  if (sf_malloc_cur_memory > sf_malloc_max_memory)
    sf_malloc_max_memory= sf_malloc_cur_memory;

  /* Set the memory to the aribtrary wierd value */
  if ((MyFlags & MY_ZEROFILL) || !sf_malloc_quick)
    bfill(data, size, (char) (MyFlags & MY_ZEROFILL ? 0 : ALLOC_VAL));
  /* Return a pointer to the real data */
  DBUG_PRINT("exit",("ptr: 0x%lx", (long) data));
  if (sf_min_adress > data)
    sf_min_adress= data;
  if (sf_max_adress < data)
    sf_max_adress= data;
  DBUG_RETURN ((gptr) data);

  Allocate some new memory and move old memoryblock there.
  Free then old memoryblock

gptr _myrealloc(register gptr ptr, register uint size,
		const char *filename, uint lineno, myf MyFlags)
  struct st_irem *irem;
  char *data;

  if (!ptr && (MyFlags & MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR))
    DBUG_RETURN(_mymalloc(size, filename, lineno, MyFlags));

  if (!sf_malloc_quick)
    (void) _sanity (filename, lineno);

  if (check_ptr("Reallocating", (byte*) ptr, filename, lineno))
    DBUG_RETURN((gptr) NULL);

  irem= (struct st_irem *) (((char*) ptr) - ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(struct st_irem))-
  if (*((uint32*) (((char*) ptr)- sizeof(uint32))) != MAGICKEY)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Reallocating unallocated data at line %d, '%s'\n",
	    lineno, filename);
    DBUG_PRINT("safe",("Reallocating unallocated data at line %d, '%s'",
		       lineno, filename));
    (void) fflush(stderr);
    DBUG_RETURN((gptr) NULL);

  if ((data= _mymalloc(size,filename,lineno,MyFlags))) /* Allocate new area */
    size=min(size, irem->datasize);		/* Move as much as possibly */
    memcpy((byte*) data, ptr, (size_t) size);	/* Copy old data */
    _myfree(ptr, filename, lineno, 0);		/* Free not needed area */
    if (MyFlags & MY_HOLD_ON_ERROR)
    if (MyFlags & MY_FREE_ON_ERROR)
      _myfree(ptr, filename, lineno, 0);
} /* _myrealloc */

/* Deallocate some memory. */

void _myfree(gptr ptr, const char *filename, uint lineno, myf myflags)
  struct st_irem *irem;
  DBUG_PRINT("enter",("ptr: 0x%lx", (long) ptr));

  if (!sf_malloc_quick)
    (void) _sanity (filename, lineno);

  if ((!ptr && (myflags & MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR)) ||
      check_ptr("Freeing",(byte*) ptr,filename,lineno))

  /* Calculate the address of the remember structure */
  irem= (struct st_irem *) ((char*) ptr- ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(struct st_irem))-

    Check to make sure that we have a real remember structure.
    Note: this test could fail for four reasons:
    (1) The memory was already free'ed
    (2) The memory was never new'ed
    (3) There was an underrun
    (4) A stray pointer hit this location

  if (*((uint32*) ((char*) ptr- sizeof(uint32))) != MAGICKEY)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Freeing unallocated data at line %d, '%s'\n",
	    lineno, filename);
    DBUG_PRINT("safe",("Unallocated data at line %d, '%s'",lineno,filename));
    (void) fflush(stderr);

  /* Remove this structure from the linked list */
  if (irem->prev)
    irem->prev->next= irem->next;
    sf_malloc_root= irem->next;

  if (irem->next)
    irem->next->prev= irem->prev;
  /* Handle the statistics */
  sf_malloc_cur_memory-= irem->datasize;

#ifndef HAVE_purify
  /* Mark this data as free'ed */
  if (!sf_malloc_quick)
    bfill(ptr, irem->datasize, (pchar) FREE_VAL);
  *((uint32*) ((char*) ptr- sizeof(uint32)))= ~MAGICKEY;
  /* Actually free the memory */
  free((char*) irem);

	/* Check if we have a wrong  pointer */

static int check_ptr(const char *where, byte *ptr, const char *filename,
		     uint lineno)
  if (!ptr)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s NULL pointer at line %d, '%s'\n",
	    where,lineno, filename);
    DBUG_PRINT("safe",("Null pointer at line %d '%s'", lineno, filename));
    (void) fflush(stderr);
    return 1;
#ifndef _MSC_VER
  if ((long) ptr & (ALIGN_SIZE(1)-1))
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s wrong aligned pointer at line %d, '%s'\n",
	    where,lineno, filename);
    DBUG_PRINT("safe",("Wrong aligned pointer at line %d, '%s'",
    (void) fflush(stderr);
    return 1;
  if (ptr < sf_min_adress || ptr > sf_max_adress)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s pointer out of range at line %d, '%s'\n",
	    where,lineno, filename);
    DBUG_PRINT("safe",("Pointer out of range at line %d '%s'",
    (void) fflush(stderr);
    return 1;
  return 0;

    Report on all the memory pieces that have not been
    free'ed as well as the statistics.

void TERMINATE(FILE *file)
  struct st_irem *irem;

    Report the difference between number of calls to
    NEW and the number of calls to FREE.  >0 means more
    NEWs than FREEs.  <0, etc.

  if (sf_malloc_count)
    if (file)
      fprintf(file, "Warning: Not freed memory segments: %u\n",
      (void) fflush(file);
    DBUG_PRINT("safe",("sf_malloc_count: %u", sf_malloc_count));

    Report on all the memory that was allocated with NEW
    but not free'ed with FREE.

  if ((irem= sf_malloc_root))
    if (file)
      fprintf(file, "Warning: Memory that was not free'ed (%ld bytes):\n",
      (void) fflush(file);
    DBUG_PRINT("safe",("Memory that was not free'ed (%ld bytes):",
    while (irem)
      char *data= (((char*) irem) + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(struct st_irem)) +
      if (file)
		"\t%6u bytes at 0x%09lx, allocated at line %4u in '%s'",
		irem->datasize, (long) data, irem->linenum, irem->filename);
	fprintf(file, "\n");
	(void) fflush(file);
		 ("%6u bytes at 0x%09lx, allocated at line %4d in '%s'",
		  irem->datasize, (long) data, irem->linenum, irem->filename));
      irem= irem->next;
  /* Report the memory usage statistics */
  if (file)
    fprintf(file, "Maximum memory usage: %ld bytes (%ldk)\n",
	    sf_malloc_max_memory, (sf_malloc_max_memory + 1023L) / 1024L);
    (void) fflush(file);
  DBUG_PRINT("safe",("Maximum memory usage: %ld bytes (%ldk)",
		     sf_malloc_max_memory, (sf_malloc_max_memory + 1023L) /

	/* Returns 0 if chunk is ok */

static int _checkchunk(register struct st_irem *irem, const char *filename,
		       uint lineno)
  int flag=0;
  char *magicp, *data;

  data= (((char*) irem) + ALIGN_SIZE(sizeof(struct st_irem)) +
  /* Check for a possible underrun */
  if (*((uint32*) (data- sizeof(uint32))) != MAGICKEY)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Memory allocated at %s:%d was underrun,",
	    irem->filename, irem->linenum);
    fprintf(stderr, " discovered at %s:%d\n", filename, lineno);
    (void) fflush(stderr);
    DBUG_PRINT("safe",("Underrun at 0x%lx, allocated at %s:%d",
		       (long) data, irem->filename, irem->linenum));

  /* Check for a possible overrun */
  magicp= data + irem->datasize;
  if (*magicp++ != MAGICEND0 ||
      *magicp++ != MAGICEND1 ||
      *magicp++ != MAGICEND2 ||
      *magicp++ != MAGICEND3)
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Memory allocated at %s:%d was overrun,",
	    irem->filename, irem->linenum);
    fprintf(stderr, " discovered at '%s:%d'\n", filename, lineno);
    (void) fflush(stderr);
    DBUG_PRINT("safe",("Overrun at 0x%lx, allocated at %s:%d",
		       (long) data,

	/* Returns how many wrong chunks */

int _sanity(const char *filename, uint lineno)
  reg1 struct st_irem *irem;
  reg2 int flag=0;
  uint count=0;

  if (sf_malloc_tampered && (int) sf_malloc_count < 0)
  for (irem= sf_malloc_root; irem != NULL && count-- ; irem= irem->next)
    flag+= _checkchunk (irem, filename, lineno);
  if (count || irem)
    const char *format="Error: Safemalloc link list destroyed, discovered at '%s:%d'";
    fprintf(stderr, format, filename, lineno); fputc('\n',stderr);
    fprintf(stderr, "root=%p,count=%d,irem=%p\n", sf_malloc_root,count,irem);
    (void) fflush(stderr);
    DBUG_PRINT("safe",(format, filename, lineno));
  return flag;
} /* _sanity */

	/* malloc and copy */

gptr _my_memdup(const byte *from, uint length, const char *filename,
		uint lineno, myf MyFlags)
  gptr ptr;
  if ((ptr=_mymalloc(length,filename,lineno,MyFlags)) != 0)
    memcpy((byte*) ptr, (byte*) from,(size_t) length);
} /*_my_memdup */

char *_my_strdup(const char *from, const char *filename, uint lineno,
		 myf MyFlags)
  gptr ptr;
  uint length=(uint) strlen(from)+1;
  if ((ptr=_mymalloc(length,filename,lineno,MyFlags)) != 0)
    memcpy((byte*) ptr, (byte*) from,(size_t) length);
  return((char*) ptr);
} /* _my_strdup */

char *_my_strndup(const char *from, uint length,
			     const char *filename, uint lineno,
			     myf MyFlags)
  gptr ptr;
  if ((ptr=_mymalloc(length+1,filename,lineno,MyFlags)) != 0)
    memcpy((byte*) ptr, (byte*) from,(size_t) length);
  return((char *) ptr);