#ifndef BRTTYPES_H
#define BRTTYPES_H

#ident "$Id$"
#ident "Copyright (c) 2007, 2008, 2009 Tokutek Inc.  All rights reserved."
#ident "The technology is licensed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Rutgers State University of New Jersey, and the Research Foundation of State University of New York at Stony Brook under United States of America Serial No. 11/760379 and to the patents and/or patent applications resulting from it."

#include <sys/types.h>
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64

#include <db.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

typedef struct brt *BRT;
struct brt_header;
struct wbuf;

typedef struct descriptor {
    u_int32_t version;
    DBT       dbt;

typedef unsigned int ITEMLEN;
typedef const void *bytevec;
//typedef const void *bytevec;

typedef int64_t DISKOFF;  /* Offset in a disk. -1 is the NULL pointer. */
typedef u_int64_t TXNID;

typedef struct s_blocknum { int64_t b; } BLOCKNUM; // make a struct so that we will notice type problems.

static inline BLOCKNUM make_blocknum(int64_t b) { BLOCKNUM result={b}; return result; }

typedef struct {
    u_int32_t len;
    char *data;

/* Make the LSN be a struct instead of an integer so that we get better type checking. */
typedef struct __toku_lsn { u_int64_t lsn; } LSN;
#define ZERO_LSN ((LSN){0})
#define MAX_LSN  ((LSN){UINT64_MAX})

/* Make the FILEID a struct for the same reason. */
typedef struct __toku_fileid { u_int32_t fileid; } FILENUM;

typedef struct {
    u_int32_t num;
    FILENUM  *filenums;

typedef enum __toku_bool { FALSE=0, TRUE=1} BOOL;

typedef struct tokulogger *TOKULOGGER;
typedef struct tokutxn    *TOKUTXN;
#define NULL_TXN ((TOKUTXN)0)

struct logged_btt_pair {
    DISKOFF off;
    int32_t size;

typedef struct cachetable *CACHETABLE;
typedef struct cachefile *CACHEFILE;

/* tree command types */
enum brt_msg_type {
    BRT_NONE = 0,
    BRT_INSERT = 1,
    BRT_DELETE_ANY = 2,  // Delete any matching key.  This used to be called BRT_DELETE.
    BRT_ABORT_ANY = 4,   // Abort any commands on any matching key.
    BRT_ABORT_BOTH  = 5, // Abort commands that match both the key and the value
    BRT_COMMIT_ANY  = 6,
    BRT_COMMIT_BROADCAST_ALL = 8, // Broadcast to all leafentries, (commit all transactions).
    BRT_COMMIT_BROADCAST_TXN = 9, // Broadcast to all leafentries, (commit specific transaction).
    BRT_ABORT_BROADCAST_TXN  = 10, // Broadcast to all leafentries, (commit specific transaction).

typedef struct xids_t *XIDS;
typedef struct fifo_msg_t *FIFO_MSG;
/* tree commands */
struct brt_msg {
    enum brt_msg_type type;
    XIDS         xids;
    union {
        /* insert or delete */
        struct brt_cmd_insert_delete {
            DBT *key;
            DBT *val;
        } id;
    } u;
// Message sent into brt to implement command (insert, delete, etc.)
// This structure supports nested transactions, and obsoletes brt_msg.
typedef struct brt_msg BRT_MSG_S, *BRT_MSG;

typedef int (*brt_compare_func)(DB *, const DBT *, const DBT *);

typedef int (*generate_row_for_put_func)(DB *dest_db, DB *src_db, DBT *dest_key, DBT *dest_val, const DBT *src_key, const DBT *src_val, void *extra);
typedef int (*generate_row_for_del_func)(DB *dest_db, DB *src_db, DBT *dest_val, const DBT *src_key, const DBT *src_val, void *extra);

#define UU(x) x __attribute__((__unused__))
