The Tokutek Fractal Tree Index library is not publicly available software. 
This software product is Tokutek commercial software and use of this software
is governed by your applicable license agreement with Tokutek.

Fractal Tree Index Library

The Fractal Tree Index software is provided as a shared library called


Copy "" to some place that the library 
loader uses to find libraries.

For example, on Centos 5, 64 bit libraries are found in /usr/lib64. Installation
is as simple as executing the following:
    sudo cp /usr/lib64
Some users put it into "/usr/local/mysql/lib" because some useful binaries
include "/usr/local/mysql/lib" in their rpath, and can use the library.
Some users put it into /opt, for example in "/opt/tokutek/lib". In this 
case you will need to arrange for the loader to be able to find it 
(e.g., by arranging that LD_LIBRARY_PATH includes /opt/tokutek/lib).

If you do not have root access you can put it into a directory in your
home directory.  You may need to help the loader find it, using
something like:
   mkdir ~/lib
   cp ~/lib/
   export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/lib/

To use the Fractal Tree Index as an embedded database, please read the
README.examples file in the examples directory.  Any such use requires
a license from Tokutek.

Notice:  MySQL is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems, Inc.