/***************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2012, 2016, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA 02110-1335 USA *****************************************************************************/ /**************************************************//** @file include/api0api.h InnoDB Native API 2008-08-01 Created by Sunny Bains. 3/20/2011 Jimmy Yang extracted from Embedded InnoDB *******************************************************/ #ifndef api0api_h #define api0api_h #include "db0err.h" #include <stdio.h> #if defined(__GNUC__) #define UNIV_NO_IGNORE MY_ATTRIBUTE ((warn_unused_result)) #else #define UNIV_NO_IGNORE #endif /* __GNUC__ */ /* See comment about ib_bool_t as to why the two macros are unsigned long. */ /** The boolean value of "true" used internally within InnoDB */ #define IB_TRUE 0x1UL /** The boolean value of "false" used internally within InnoDB */ #define IB_FALSE 0x0UL /* Basic types used by the InnoDB API. */ /** All InnoDB error codes are represented by ib_err_t */ typedef enum dberr_t ib_err_t; /** Representation of a byte within InnoDB */ typedef unsigned char ib_byte_t; /** Representation of an unsigned long int within InnoDB */ #ifdef _WIN64 typedef unsigned __int64 ib_ulint_t; #else typedef unsigned long int ib_ulint_t; #endif /* _WIN64 */ /* We assume C99 support except when using VisualStudio. */ #if !defined(_MSC_VER) #include <stdint.h> #endif /* _MSC_VER */ /* Integer types used by the API. Microsft VS defines its own types and we use the Microsoft types when building with Visual Studio. */ #if defined(_MSC_VER) /** A signed 8 bit integral type. */ typedef __int8 ib_i8_t; #else /** A signed 8 bit integral type. */ typedef int8_t ib_i8_t; #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) /** An unsigned 8 bit integral type. */ typedef unsigned __int8 ib_u8_t; #else /** An unsigned 8 bit integral type. */ typedef uint8_t ib_u8_t; #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) /** A signed 16 bit integral type. */ typedef __int16 ib_i16_t; #else /** A signed 16 bit integral type. */ typedef int16_t ib_i16_t; #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) /** An unsigned 16 bit integral type. */ typedef unsigned __int16 ib_u16_t; #else /** An unsigned 16 bit integral type. */ typedef uint16_t ib_u16_t; #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) /** A signed 32 bit integral type. */ typedef __int32 ib_i32_t; #else /** A signed 32 bit integral type. */ typedef int32_t ib_i32_t; #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) /** An unsigned 32 bit integral type. */ typedef unsigned __int32 ib_u32_t; #else /** An unsigned 32 bit integral type. */ typedef uint32_t ib_u32_t; #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) /** A signed 64 bit integral type. */ typedef __int64 ib_i64_t; #else /** A signed 64 bit integral type. */ typedef int64_t ib_i64_t; #endif #if defined(_MSC_VER) /** An unsigned 64 bit integral type. */ typedef unsigned __int64 ib_u64_t; #else /** An unsigned 64 bit integral type. */ typedef uint64_t ib_u64_t; #endif typedef void* ib_opaque_t; typedef ib_opaque_t ib_charset_t; typedef ib_ulint_t ib_bool_t; typedef ib_u64_t ib_id_u64_t; /** @enum ib_cfg_type_t Possible types for a configuration variable. */ typedef enum { IB_CFG_IBOOL, /*!< The configuration parameter is of type ibool */ /* XXX Can we avoid having different types for ulint and ulong? - On Win64 "unsigned long" is 32 bits - ulong is always defined as "unsigned long" - On Win64 ulint is defined as 64 bit integer => On Win64 ulint != ulong. If we typecast all ulong and ulint variables to the smaller type ulong, then we will cut the range of the ulint variables. This is not a problem for most ulint variables because their max allowed values do not exceed 2^32-1 (e.g. log_groups is ulint but its max allowed value is 10). BUT buffer_pool_size and log_file_size allow up to 2^64-1. */ IB_CFG_ULINT, /*!< The configuration parameter is of type ulint */ IB_CFG_ULONG, /*!< The configuration parameter is of type ulong */ IB_CFG_TEXT, /*!< The configuration parameter is of type char* */ IB_CFG_CB /*!< The configuration parameter is a callback parameter */ } ib_cfg_type_t; /** @enum ib_col_type_t column types that are supported. */ typedef enum { IB_VARCHAR = 1, /*!< Character varying length. The column is not padded. */ IB_CHAR = 2, /*!< Fixed length character string. The column is padded to the right. */ IB_BINARY = 3, /*!< Fixed length binary, similar to IB_CHAR but the column is not padded to the right. */ IB_VARBINARY = 4, /*!< Variable length binary */ IB_BLOB = 5, /*!< Binary large object, or a TEXT type */ IB_INT = 6, /*!< Integer: can be any size from 1 - 8 bytes. If the size is 1, 2, 4 and 8 bytes then you can use the typed read and write functions. For other sizes you will need to use the ib_col_get_value() function and do the conversion yourself. */ IB_SYS = 8, /*!< System column, this column can be one of DATA_TRX_ID, DATA_ROLL_PTR or DATA_ROW_ID. */ IB_FLOAT = 9, /*!< C (float) floating point value. */ IB_DOUBLE = 10, /*!> C (double) floating point value. */ IB_DECIMAL = 11, /*!< Decimal stored as an ASCII string */ IB_VARCHAR_ANYCHARSET = 12, /*!< Any charset, varying length */ IB_CHAR_ANYCHARSET = 13 /*!< Any charset, fixed length */ } ib_col_type_t; /** @enum ib_tbl_fmt_t InnoDB table format types */ typedef enum { IB_TBL_REDUNDANT, /*!< Redundant row format, the column type and length is stored in the row.*/ IB_TBL_COMPACT, /*!< Compact row format, the column type is not stored in the row. The length is stored in the row but the storage format uses a compact format to store the length of the column data and record data storage format also uses less storage. */ IB_TBL_DYNAMIC, /*!< Compact row format. BLOB prefixes are not stored in the clustered index */ IB_TBL_COMPRESSED /*!< Similar to dynamic format but with pages compressed */ } ib_tbl_fmt_t; /** @enum ib_col_attr_t InnoDB column attributes */ typedef enum { IB_COL_NONE = 0, /*!< No special attributes. */ IB_COL_NOT_NULL = 1, /*!< Column data can't be NULL. */ IB_COL_UNSIGNED = 2, /*!< Column is IB_INT and unsigned. */ IB_COL_NOT_USED = 4, /*!< Future use, reserved. */ IB_COL_CUSTOM1 = 8, /*!< Custom precision type, this is a bit that is ignored by InnoDB and so can be set and queried by users. */ IB_COL_CUSTOM2 = 16, /*!< Custom precision type, this is a bit that is ignored by InnoDB and so can be set and queried by users. */ IB_COL_CUSTOM3 = 32 /*!< Custom precision type, this is a bit that is ignored by InnoDB and so can be set and queried by users. */ } ib_col_attr_t; /* Note: must match lock0types.h */ /** @enum ib_lck_mode_t InnoDB lock modes. */ typedef enum { IB_LOCK_IS = 0, /*!< Intention shared, an intention lock should be used to lock tables */ IB_LOCK_IX, /*!< Intention exclusive, an intention lock should be used to lock tables */ IB_LOCK_S, /*!< Shared locks should be used to lock rows */ IB_LOCK_X, /*!< Exclusive locks should be used to lock rows*/ IB_LOCK_TABLE_X, /*!< exclusive table lock */ IB_LOCK_NONE, /*!< This is used internally to note consistent read */ IB_LOCK_NUM = IB_LOCK_NONE /*!< number of lock modes */ } ib_lck_mode_t; typedef enum { IB_CLUSTERED = 1, /*!< clustered index */ IB_UNIQUE = 2 /*!< unique index */ } ib_index_type_t; /** @enum ib_srch_mode_t InnoDB cursor search modes for ib_cursor_moveto(). Note: Values must match those found in page0cur.h */ typedef enum { IB_CUR_G = 1, /*!< If search key is not found then position the cursor on the row that is greater than the search key */ IB_CUR_GE = 2, /*!< If the search key not found then position the cursor on the row that is greater than or equal to the search key */ IB_CUR_L = 3, /*!< If search key is not found then position the cursor on the row that is less than the search key */ IB_CUR_LE = 4 /*!< If search key is not found then position the cursor on the row that is less than or equal to the search key */ } ib_srch_mode_t; /** @enum ib_match_mode_t Various match modes used by ib_cursor_moveto() */ typedef enum { IB_CLOSEST_MATCH, /*!< Closest match possible */ IB_EXACT_MATCH, /*!< Search using a complete key value */ IB_EXACT_PREFIX /*!< Search using a key prefix which must match to rows: the prefix may contain an incomplete field (the last field in prefix may be just a prefix of a fixed length column) */ } ib_match_mode_t; /** @struct ib_col_meta_t InnoDB column meta data. */ typedef struct { ib_col_type_t type; /*!< Type of the column */ ib_col_attr_t attr; /*!< Column attributes */ ib_u32_t type_len; /*!< Length of type */ ib_u16_t client_type; /*!< 16 bits of data relevant only to the client. InnoDB doesn't care */ ib_charset_t* charset; /*!< Column charset */ } ib_col_meta_t; /* Note: Must be in sync with trx0trx.h */ /** @enum ib_trx_level_t Transaction isolation levels */ typedef enum { IB_TRX_READ_UNCOMMITTED = 0, /*!< Dirty read: non-locking SELECTs are performed so that we do not look at a possible earlier version of a record; thus they are not 'consistent' reads under this isolation level; otherwise like level 2 */ IB_TRX_READ_COMMITTED = 1, /*!< Somewhat Oracle-like isolation, except that in range UPDATE and DELETE we must block phantom rows with next-key locks; SELECT ... FOR UPDATE and ... LOCK IN SHARE MODE only lock the index records, NOT the gaps before them, and thus allow free inserting; each consistent read reads its own snapshot */ IB_TRX_REPEATABLE_READ = 2, /*!< All consistent reads in the same trx read the same snapshot; full next-key locking used in locking reads to block insertions into gaps */ IB_TRX_SERIALIZABLE = 3 /*!< All plain SELECTs are converted to LOCK IN SHARE MODE reads */ } ib_trx_level_t; /** Generical InnoDB callback prototype. */ typedef void (*ib_cb_t)(void); #define IB_CFG_BINLOG_ENABLED 0x1 #define IB_CFG_MDL_ENABLED 0x2 #define IB_CFG_DISABLE_ROWLOCK 0x4 /** The first argument to the InnoDB message logging function. By default it's set to stderr. You should treat ib_msg_stream_t as a void*, since it will probably change in the future. */ typedef FILE* ib_msg_stream_t; /** All log messages are written to this function.It should have the same behavior as fprintf(3). */ typedef int (*ib_msg_log_t)(ib_msg_stream_t, const char*, ...); /* Note: This is to make it easy for API users to have type checking for arguments to our functions. Making it ib_opaque_t by itself will result in pointer decay resulting in subverting of the compiler's type checking. */ /** InnoDB tuple handle. This handle can refer to either a cluster index tuple or a secondary index tuple. There are two types of tuples for each type of index, making a total of four types of tuple handles. There is a tuple for reading the entire row contents and another for searching on the index key. */ typedef struct ib_tuple_t* ib_tpl_t; /** InnoDB transaction handle, all database operations need to be covered by transactions. This handle represents a transaction. The handle can be created with ib_trx_begin(), you commit your changes with ib_trx_commit() and undo your changes using ib_trx_rollback(). If the InnoDB deadlock monitor rolls back the transaction then you need to free the transaction using the function ib_trx_release(). You can query the state of an InnoDB transaction by calling ib_trx_state(). */ typedef struct trx_t* ib_trx_t; /** InnoDB cursor handle */ typedef struct ib_cursor_t* ib_crsr_t; /*************************************************************//** This function is used to compare two data fields for which the data type is such that we must use the client code to compare them. @param col_meta column meta data @param p1 key @oaram p1_len key length @param p2 second key @param p2_len second key length @return 1, 0, -1, if a is greater, equal, less than b, respectively */ typedef int (*ib_client_cmp_t)( const ib_col_meta_t* col_meta, const ib_byte_t* p1, ib_ulint_t p1_len, const ib_byte_t* p2, ib_ulint_t p2_len); /* This should be the same as univ.i */ /** Represents SQL_NULL length */ #define IB_SQL_NULL 0xFFFFFFFF /*****************************************************************//** Start a transaction that's been rolled back. This special function exists for the case when InnoDB's deadlock detector has rolledack a transaction. While the transaction has been rolled back the handle is still valid and can be reused by calling this function. If you don't want to reuse the transaction handle then you can free the handle by calling ib_trx_release(). @return innobase txn handle */ ib_err_t ib_trx_start( /*=========*/ ib_trx_t ib_trx, /*!< in: transaction to restart */ ib_trx_level_t ib_trx_level, /*!< in: trx isolation level */ ib_bool_t read_write, /*!< in: true if read write transaction */ ib_bool_t auto_commit, /*!< in: auto commit after each single DML */ void* thd); /*!< in: THD */ /*****************************************************************//** Begin a transaction. This will allocate a new transaction handle and put the transaction in the active state. @return innobase txn handle */ ib_trx_t ib_trx_begin( /*=========*/ ib_trx_level_t ib_trx_level, /*!< in: trx isolation level */ ib_bool_t read_write, /*!< in: true if read write transaction */ ib_bool_t auto_commit); /*!< in: auto commit after each single DML */ /*****************************************************************//** Check if the transaction is read_only */ ib_u32_t ib_trx_read_only( /*=============*/ ib_trx_t ib_trx); /*!< in: trx handle */ /*****************************************************************//** Release the resources of the transaction. If the transaction was selected as a victim by InnoDB and rolled back then use this function to free the transaction handle. @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_trx_release( /*===========*/ ib_trx_t ib_trx); /*!< in: trx handle */ /*****************************************************************//** Commit a transaction. This function will release the schema latches too. It will also free the transaction handle. @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_trx_commit( /*==========*/ ib_trx_t ib_trx); /*!< in: trx handle */ /*****************************************************************//** Rollback a transaction. This function will release the schema latches too. It will also free the transaction handle. @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_trx_rollback( /*============*/ ib_trx_t ib_trx); /*!< in: trx handle */ /*****************************************************************//** Open an InnoDB table and return a cursor handle to it. @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_open_table_using_id( /*==========================*/ ib_id_u64_t table_id, /*!< in: table id of table to open */ ib_trx_t ib_trx, /*!< in: Current transaction handle can be NULL */ ib_crsr_t* ib_crsr); /*!< out,own: InnoDB cursor */ /*****************************************************************//** Open an InnoDB secondary index cursor and return a cursor handle to it. @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_open_index_using_name( /*============================*/ ib_crsr_t ib_open_crsr, /*!< in: open/active cursor */ const char* index_name, /*!< in: secondary index name */ ib_crsr_t* ib_crsr, /*!< out,own: InnoDB index cursor */ int* idx_type, /*!< out: index is cluster index */ ib_id_u64_t* idx_id); /*!< out: index id */ /*****************************************************************//** Open an InnoDB table by name and return a cursor handle to it. @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_open_table( /*=================*/ const char* name, /*!< in: table name */ ib_trx_t ib_trx, /*!< in: Current transaction handle can be NULL */ ib_crsr_t* ib_crsr); /*!< out,own: InnoDB cursor */ /*****************************************************************//** Reset the cursor. @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_reset( /*============*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr); /*!< in/out: InnoDB cursor */ /*****************************************************************//** Close an InnoDB table and free the cursor. @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_close( /*============*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr); /*!< in/out: InnoDB cursor */ /*****************************************************************//** Close the table, decrement n_ref_count count. @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_close_table( /*==================*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr); /*!< in/out: InnoDB cursor */ /*****************************************************************//** update the cursor with new transactions and also reset the cursor @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_new_trx( /*==============*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr, /*!< in/out: InnoDB cursor */ ib_trx_t ib_trx); /*!< in: transaction */ /*****************************************************************//** Commit the transaction in a cursor @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_commit_trx( /*=================*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr, /*!< in/out: InnoDB cursor */ ib_trx_t ib_trx); /*!< in: transaction */ /*****************************************************************//** Insert a row to a table. @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_insert_row( /*=================*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr, /*!< in/out: InnoDB cursor instance */ const ib_tpl_t ib_tpl); /*!< in: tuple to insert */ /*****************************************************************//** Update a row in a table. @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_update_row( /*=================*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr, /*!< in: InnoDB cursor instance */ const ib_tpl_t ib_old_tpl, /*!< in: Old tuple in table */ const ib_tpl_t ib_new_tpl); /*!< in: New tuple to update */ /*****************************************************************//** Delete a row in a table. @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_delete_row( /*=================*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr); /*!< in: cursor instance */ /*****************************************************************//** Read current row. @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_read_row( /*===============*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr, /*!< in: InnoDB cursor instance */ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< out: read cols into this tuple */ void** row_buf, /*!< in/out: row buffer */ ib_ulint_t* row_len); /*!< in/out: row buffer len */ /*****************************************************************//** Move cursor to the first record in the table. @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_first( /*============*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr); /*!< in: InnoDB cursor instance */ /*****************************************************************//** Move cursor to the next record in the table. @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_next( /*===========*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr); /*!< in: InnoDB cursor instance */ /*****************************************************************//** Search for key. @return DB_SUCCESS or err code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_moveto( /*=============*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr, /*!< in: InnoDB cursor instance */ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in: Key to search for */ ib_srch_mode_t ib_srch_mode); /*!< in: search mode */ /*****************************************************************//** Set the match mode for ib_cursor_move(). */ void ib_cursor_set_match_mode( /*=====================*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr, /*!< in: Cursor instance */ ib_match_mode_t match_mode); /*!< in: ib_cursor_moveto match mode */ /*****************************************************************//** Set a column of the tuple. Make a copy using the tuple's heap. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ ib_err_t ib_col_set_value( /*=============*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in: tuple instance */ ib_ulint_t col_no, /*!< in: column index in tuple */ const void* src, /*!< in: data value */ ib_ulint_t len, /*!< in: data value len */ ib_bool_t need_cpy); /*!< in: if need memcpy */ /*****************************************************************//** Get the size of the data available in the column the tuple. @return bytes avail or IB_SQL_NULL */ ib_ulint_t ib_col_get_len( /*===========*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in: tuple instance */ ib_ulint_t i); /*!< in: column index in tuple */ /*****************************************************************//** Copy a column value from the tuple. @return bytes copied or IB_SQL_NULL */ ib_ulint_t ib_col_copy_value( /*==============*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in: tuple instance */ ib_ulint_t i, /*!< in: column index in tuple */ void* dst, /*!< out: copied data value */ ib_ulint_t len); /*!< in: max data value len to copy */ /*************************************************************//** Read a signed int 8 bit column from an InnoDB tuple. @return DB_SUCCESS or error */ ib_err_t ib_tuple_read_i8( /*=============*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in: InnoDB tuple */ ib_ulint_t i, /*!< in: column number */ ib_i8_t* ival); /*!< out: integer value */ /*************************************************************//** Read an unsigned int 8 bit column from an InnoDB tuple. @return DB_SUCCESS or error */ ib_err_t ib_tuple_read_u8( /*=============*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in: InnoDB tuple */ ib_ulint_t i, /*!< in: column number */ ib_u8_t* ival); /*!< out: integer value */ /*************************************************************//** Read a signed int 16 bit column from an InnoDB tuple. @return DB_SUCCESS or error */ ib_err_t ib_tuple_read_i16( /*==============*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in: InnoDB tuple */ ib_ulint_t i, /*!< in: column number */ ib_i16_t* ival); /*!< out: integer value */ /*************************************************************//** Read an unsigned int 16 bit column from an InnoDB tuple. @return DB_SUCCESS or error */ ib_err_t ib_tuple_read_u16( /*==============*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in: InnoDB tuple */ ib_ulint_t i, /*!< in: column number */ ib_u16_t* ival); /*!< out: integer value */ /*************************************************************//** Read a signed int 32 bit column from an InnoDB tuple. @return DB_SUCCESS or error */ ib_err_t ib_tuple_read_i32( /*==============*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in: InnoDB tuple */ ib_ulint_t i, /*!< in: column number */ ib_i32_t* ival); /*!< out: integer value */ /*************************************************************//** Read an unsigned int 32 bit column from an InnoDB tuple. @return DB_SUCCESS or error */ ib_err_t ib_tuple_read_u32( /*==============*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in: InnoDB tuple */ ib_ulint_t i, /*!< in: column number */ ib_u32_t* ival); /*!< out: integer value */ /*************************************************************//** Read a signed int 64 bit column from an InnoDB tuple. @return DB_SUCCESS or error */ ib_err_t ib_tuple_read_i64( /*==============*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in: InnoDB tuple */ ib_ulint_t i, /*!< in: column number */ ib_i64_t* ival); /*!< out: integer value */ /*************************************************************//** Read an unsigned int 64 bit column from an InnoDB tuple. @return DB_SUCCESS or error */ ib_err_t ib_tuple_read_u64( /*==============*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in: InnoDB tuple */ ib_ulint_t i, /*!< in: column number */ ib_u64_t* ival); /*!< out: integer value */ /*****************************************************************//** Get a column value pointer from the tuple. @return NULL or pointer to buffer */ const void* ib_col_get_value( /*=============*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in: InnoDB tuple */ ib_ulint_t i); /*!< in: column number */ /*****************************************************************//** Get a column type, length and attributes from the tuple. @return len of column data */ ib_ulint_t ib_col_get_meta( /*============*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in: InnoDB tuple */ ib_ulint_t i, /*!< in: column number */ ib_col_meta_t* ib_col_meta); /*!< out: column meta data */ /*****************************************************************//** "Clear" or reset an InnoDB tuple. We free the heap and recreate the tuple. @return new tuple, or NULL */ ib_tpl_t ib_tuple_clear( /*============*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl); /*!< in: InnoDB tuple */ /*****************************************************************//** Create a new cluster key search tuple and copy the contents of the secondary index key tuple columns that refer to the cluster index record to the cluster key. It does a deep copy of the column data. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ ib_err_t ib_tuple_get_cluster_key( /*=====================*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr, /*!< in: secondary index cursor */ ib_tpl_t* ib_dst_tpl, /*!< out,own: destination tuple */ const ib_tpl_t ib_src_tpl); /*!< in: source tuple */ /*****************************************************************//** Create an InnoDB tuple used for index/table search. @return tuple for current index */ ib_tpl_t ib_sec_search_tuple_create( /*=======================*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr); /*!< in: Cursor instance */ /*****************************************************************//** Create an InnoDB tuple used for index/table search. @return tuple for current index */ ib_tpl_t ib_sec_read_tuple_create( /*=====================*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr); /*!< in: Cursor instance */ /*****************************************************************//** Create an InnoDB tuple used for table key operations. @return tuple for current table */ ib_tpl_t ib_clust_search_tuple_create( /*=========================*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr); /*!< in: Cursor instance */ /*****************************************************************//** Create an InnoDB tuple for table row operations. @return tuple for current table */ ib_tpl_t ib_clust_read_tuple_create( /*=======================*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr); /*!< in: Cursor instance */ /*****************************************************************//** Return the number of user columns in the tuple definition. @return number of user columns */ ib_ulint_t ib_tuple_get_n_user_cols( /*=====================*/ const ib_tpl_t ib_tpl); /*!< in: Tuple for current table */ /*****************************************************************//** Return the number of columns in the tuple definition. @return number of columns */ ib_ulint_t ib_tuple_get_n_cols( /*================*/ const ib_tpl_t ib_tpl); /*!< in: Tuple for current table */ /*****************************************************************//** Destroy an InnoDB tuple. */ void ib_tuple_delete( /*============*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl); /*!< in,own: Tuple instance to delete */ /*****************************************************************//** Truncate a table. The cursor handle will be closed and set to NULL on success. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_truncate( /*===============*/ ib_crsr_t* ib_crsr, /*!< in/out: cursor for table to truncate */ ib_id_u64_t* table_id); /*!< out: new table id */ /*****************************************************************//** Get a table id. @return DB_SUCCESS if found */ ib_err_t ib_table_get_id( /*============*/ const char* table_name, /*!< in: table to find */ ib_id_u64_t* table_id); /*!< out: table id if found */ /*****************************************************************//** Check if cursor is positioned. @return IB_TRUE if positioned */ ib_bool_t ib_cursor_is_positioned( /*====================*/ const ib_crsr_t ib_crsr); /*!< in: InnoDB cursor instance */ /*****************************************************************//** Checks if the data dictionary is latched in exclusive mode by a user transaction. @return TRUE if exclusive latch */ ib_bool_t ib_schema_lock_is_exclusive( /*========================*/ const ib_trx_t ib_trx); /*!< in: transaction */ /*****************************************************************//** Lock an InnoDB cursor/table. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_lock( /*===========*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr, /*!< in/out: InnoDB cursor */ ib_lck_mode_t ib_lck_mode); /*!< in: InnoDB lock mode */ /*****************************************************************//** Set the Lock an InnoDB table using the table id. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ ib_err_t ib_table_lock( /*===========*/ ib_trx_t ib_trx, /*!< in/out: transaction */ ib_id_u64_t table_id, /*!< in: table id */ ib_lck_mode_t ib_lck_mode); /*!< in: InnoDB lock mode */ /*****************************************************************//** Set the Lock mode of the cursor. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_set_lock_mode( /*====================*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr, /*!< in/out: InnoDB cursor */ ib_lck_mode_t ib_lck_mode); /*!< in: InnoDB lock mode */ /*****************************************************************//** Set need to access clustered index record flag. */ void ib_cursor_set_cluster_access( /*=========================*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr); /*!< in/out: InnoDB cursor */ /*****************************************************************//** Inform the cursor that it's the start of an SQL statement. */ void ib_cursor_stmt_begin( /*=================*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr); /*!< in: cursor */ /*****************************************************************//** Write a double value to a column. @return DB_SUCCESS or error */ ib_err_t ib_tuple_write_double( /*==================*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in: InnoDB tuple */ int col_no, /*!< in: column number */ double val); /*!< in: value to write */ /*************************************************************//** Read a double column value from an InnoDB tuple. @return DB_SUCCESS or error */ ib_err_t ib_tuple_read_double( /*=================*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in: InnoDB tuple */ ib_ulint_t col_no, /*!< in: column number */ double* dval); /*!< out: double value */ /*****************************************************************//** Write a float value to a column. @return DB_SUCCESS or error */ ib_err_t ib_tuple_write_float( /*=================*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in/out: tuple to write to */ int col_no, /*!< in: column number */ float val); /*!< in: value to write */ /*************************************************************//** Read a float value from an InnoDB tuple. @return DB_SUCCESS or error */ ib_err_t ib_tuple_read_float( /*================*/ ib_tpl_t ib_tpl, /*!< in: InnoDB tuple */ ib_ulint_t col_no, /*!< in: column number */ float* fval); /*!< out: float value */ /*****************************************************************//** Get a column type, length and attributes from the tuple. @return len of column data */ const char* ib_col_get_name( /*============*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr, /*!< in: InnoDB cursor instance */ ib_ulint_t i); /*!< in: column index in tuple */ /*****************************************************************//** Get an index field name from the cursor. @return name of the field */ const char* ib_get_idx_field_name( /*==================*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr, /*!< in: InnoDB cursor instance */ ib_ulint_t i); /*!< in: column index in tuple */ /*****************************************************************//** Truncate a table. @return DB_SUCCESS or error code */ ib_err_t ib_table_truncate( /*==============*/ const char* table_name, /*!< in: table name */ ib_id_u64_t* table_id); /*!< out: new table id */ /*****************************************************************//** Get generic configure status @return configure status*/ int ib_cfg_get_cfg(); /*============*/ /*****************************************************************//** Increase/decrease the memcached sync count of table to sync memcached DML with SQL DDLs. @return DB_SUCCESS or error number */ ib_err_t ib_cursor_set_memcached_sync( /*=========================*/ ib_crsr_t ib_crsr, /*!< in: cursor */ ib_bool_t flag); /*!< in: true for increasing */ /*****************************************************************//** Return isolation configuration set by "innodb_api_trx_level" @return trx isolation level*/ ib_trx_level_t ib_cfg_trx_level(); /*==============*/ /*****************************************************************//** Return configure value for background commit interval (in seconds) @return background commit interval (in seconds) */ ib_ulint_t ib_cfg_bk_commit_interval(); /*=======================*/ /*****************************************************************//** Get a trx start time. @return trx start_time */ ib_u64_t ib_trx_get_start_time( /*==================*/ ib_trx_t ib_trx); /*!< in: transaction */ /*****************************************************************//** Wrapper of ut_strerr() which converts an InnoDB error number to a human readable text message. @return string, describing the error */ const char* ib_ut_strerr( /*=========*/ ib_err_t num); /*!< in: error number */ /** Check the table whether it contains virtual columns. @param[in] crsr InnoDB Cursor @return true if table contains virtual column else false. */ ib_bool_t ib_is_virtual_table( ib_crsr_t crsr); #endif /* api0api_h */