-- source include/have_innodb.inc create table t1(a int not null, b int, c char(10) not null, d varchar(20)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values (5,5,'oo','oo'),(4,4,'tr','tr'),(3,4,'ad','ad'),(2,3,'ak','ak'); commit; --error ER_DUP_KEYNAME alter table t1 add index b (b), add index b (b); --error ER_DUP_FIELDNAME alter table t1 add index (b,b); alter table t1 add index d2 (d); show create table t1; explain select * from t1 order by d; select * from t1 order by d; --error ER_DUP_ENTRY alter table t1 add unique index (b); show create table t1; alter table t1 add index (b); show create table t1; -- Check how existing tables interfere with temporary tables. CREATE TABLE `t1#1`(a INT PRIMARY KEY) ENGINE=InnoDB; --error 156 alter table t1 add unique index (c), add index (d); rename table `t1#1` to `t1#2`; --error 156 alter table t1 add unique index (c), add index (d); drop table `t1#2`; alter table t1 add unique index (c), add index (d); show create table t1; explain select * from t1 order by c; --error ER_REQUIRES_PRIMARY_KEY drop index c on t1; alter table t1 add primary key (a), drop index c; show create table t1; --error ER_MULTIPLE_PRI_KEY alter table t1 add primary key (c); --error ER_DUP_ENTRY alter table t1 drop primary key, add primary key (b); create unique index c on t1 (c); show create table t1; explain select * from t1 order by c; select * from t1 order by c; alter table t1 drop index b, add index (b); show create table t1; insert into t1 values(6,1,'ggg','ggg'); select * from t1; select * from t1 order by b; select * from t1 order by c; select * from t1 order by d; explain select * from t1 order by b; explain select * from t1 order by c; explain select * from t1 order by d; show create table t1; drop table t1; create table t1(a int not null, b int, c char(10), d varchar(20), primary key (a)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values (1,1,'ab','ab'),(2,2,'ac','ac'),(3,3,'ad','ad'),(4,4,'afe','afe'); commit; alter table t1 add index (c(2)); show create table t1; alter table t1 add unique index (d(10)); show create table t1; insert into t1 values(5,1,'ggg','ggg'); select * from t1; select * from t1 order by b; select * from t1 order by c; select * from t1 order by d; explain select * from t1 order by b; explain select * from t1 order by c; explain select * from t1 order by d; show create table t1; alter table t1 drop index d; insert into t1 values(8,9,'fff','fff'); select * from t1; select * from t1 order by b; select * from t1 order by c; select * from t1 order by d; explain select * from t1 order by b; explain select * from t1 order by c; explain select * from t1 order by d; show create table t1; drop table t1; create table t1(a int not null, b int, c char(10), d varchar(20), primary key (a)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values (1,1,'ab','ab'),(2,2,'ac','ac'),(3,2,'ad','ad'),(4,4,'afe','afe'); commit; alter table t1 add unique index (b,c); insert into t1 values(8,9,'fff','fff'); select * from t1; select * from t1 order by b; select * from t1 order by c; select * from t1 order by d; explain select * from t1 order by b; explain select * from t1 order by c; explain select * from t1 order by d; show create table t1; alter table t1 add index (b,c); insert into t1 values(11,11,'kkk','kkk'); select * from t1; select * from t1 order by b; select * from t1 order by c; select * from t1 order by d; explain select * from t1 order by b; explain select * from t1 order by c; explain select * from t1 order by d; show create table t1; alter table t1 add unique index (c,d); insert into t1 values(13,13,'yyy','aaa'); select * from t1; select * from t1 order by b; select * from t1 order by c; select * from t1 order by d; explain select * from t1 order by b; explain select * from t1 order by c; explain select * from t1 order by d; show create table t1; drop table t1; create table t1(a int not null, b int not null, c int, primary key (a), key (b)) engine = innodb; create table t3(a int not null, c int not null, d int, primary key (a), key (c)) engine = innodb; create table t4(a int not null, d int not null, e int, primary key (a), key (d)) engine = innodb; create table t2(a int not null, b int not null, c int not null, d int not null, e int, foreign key (b) references t1(b) on delete cascade, foreign key (c) references t3(c), foreign key (d) references t4(d)) engine = innodb; --error ER_DROP_INDEX_FK alter table t1 drop index b; --error ER_DROP_INDEX_FK alter table t3 drop index c; --error ER_DROP_INDEX_FK alter table t4 drop index d; --error ER_DROP_INDEX_FK alter table t2 drop index b; --error ER_DROP_INDEX_FK alter table t2 drop index b, drop index c, drop index d; -- Apparently, the following makes mysql_alter_table() drop index d. create unique index dc on t2 (d,c); create index dc on t1 (b,c); -- This should preserve the foreign key constraints. alter table t2 add primary key (a); insert into t1 values (1,1,1); insert into t3 values (1,1,1); insert into t4 values (1,1,1); insert into t2 values (1,1,1,1,1); commit; alter table t4 add constraint dc foreign key (a) references t1(a); show create table t4; --replace_regex /'test\.#sql-[0-9a-f_]*'/'#sql-temporary'/ -- a foreign key 'test/dc' already exists --error ER_CANT_CREATE_TABLE alter table t3 add constraint dc foreign key (a) references t1(a); show create table t3; alter table t2 drop index b, add index (b); show create table t2; --error ER_ROW_IS_REFERENCED_2 delete from t1; --error ER_CANT_DROP_FIELD_OR_KEY drop index dc on t4; -- there is no foreign key dc on t3 --replace_regex /'\.\/test\/#sql2-[0-9a-f-]*'/'#sql2-temporary'/ --error ER_ERROR_ON_RENAME alter table t3 drop foreign key dc; alter table t4 drop foreign key dc; select * from t2; delete from t1; select * from t2; drop table t2,t4,t3,t1; create table t1(a int not null, b int, c char(10), d varchar(20), primary key (a)) engine = innodb default charset=utf8; insert into t1 values (1,1,'ab','ab'),(2,2,'ac','ac'),(3,2,'ad','ad'),(4,4,'afe','afe'); commit; --error ER_DUP_ENTRY alter table t1 add unique index (b); insert into t1 values(8,9,'fff','fff'); select * from t1; select * from t1 order by b; select * from t1 order by c; select * from t1 order by d; explain select * from t1 order by b; explain select * from t1 order by c; explain select * from t1 order by d; show create table t1; alter table t1 add index (b); insert into t1 values(10,10,'kkk','iii'); select * from t1; select * from t1 order by b; select * from t1 order by c; select * from t1 order by d; explain select * from t1 order by b; explain select * from t1 order by c; explain select * from t1 order by d; show create table t1; alter table t1 add unique index (c), add index (d); insert into t1 values(11,11,'aaa','mmm'); select * from t1; select * from t1 order by b; select * from t1 order by c; select * from t1 order by d; explain select * from t1 order by b; explain select * from t1 order by c; explain select * from t1 order by d; show create table t1; check table t1; drop table t1; create table t1(a int not null, b int, c char(10), d varchar(20), primary key (a)) engine = innodb default charset=ucs2; insert into t1 values (1,1,'ab','ab'),(2,2,'ac','ac'),(3,2,'ad','ad'),(4,4,'afe','afe'); commit; --error ER_DUP_ENTRY alter table t1 add unique index (b); show create table t1; alter table t1 add index (b); insert into t1 values(8,9,'fff','fff'); select * from t1; select * from t1 order by b; select * from t1 order by c; select * from t1 order by d; explain select * from t1 order by b; explain select * from t1 order by c; explain select * from t1 order by d; show create table t1; alter table t1 add unique index (c), add index (d); insert into t1 values(10,10,'aaa','kkk'); select * from t1; select * from t1 order by b; select * from t1 order by c; select * from t1 order by d; explain select * from t1 order by b; explain select * from t1 order by c; explain select * from t1 order by d; show create table t1; check table t1; drop table t1; create table t1(a int not null, b int) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values (1,1),(1,1),(1,1),(1,1); --error ER_DUP_ENTRY alter table t1 add unique index (a); --error ER_DUP_ENTRY alter table t1 add unique index (b); --error ER_DUP_ENTRY alter table t1 add unique index (a), add unique index(b); show create table t1; drop table t1; create table t1(a int not null, c int not null,b int, primary key(a), unique key(c), key(b)) engine = innodb; alter table t1 drop index c, drop index b; show create table t1; drop table t1; create table t1(a int not null, b int, primary key(a)) engine = innodb; alter table t1 add index (b); show create table t1; drop table t1; create table t1(a int not null, b int, c char(10), d varchar(20), primary key (a)) engine = innodb; insert into t1 values (1,1,'ab','ab'),(2,2,'ac','ac'),(3,3,'ac','ac'),(4,4,'afe','afe'); --error ER_DUP_ENTRY alter table t1 add unique index (b), add unique index (c), add unique index (d); --error ER_DUP_ENTRY alter table t1 add unique index (b), add index (d), add unique index (c); show create table t1; drop table t1; create table t1(a int not null, b int not null, c int, primary key (a), key(c)) engine=innodb; insert into t1 values (5,1,5),(4,2,4),(3,3,3),(2,4,2),(1,5,1); alter table t1 add unique index (b); insert into t1 values (10,20,20),(11,19,19),(12,18,18),(13,17,17); show create table t1; check table t1; explain select * from t1 order by c; explain select * from t1 order by a; explain select * from t1 order by b; select * from t1 order by a; select * from t1 order by b; select * from t1 order by c; drop table t1; create table t1(a int not null, b int not null) engine=innodb; insert into t1 values (1,1); alter table t1 add primary key(b); insert into t1 values (2,2); show create table t1; check table t1; select * from t1; explain select * from t1; explain select * from t1 order by a; explain select * from t1 order by b; checksum table t1; drop table t1; create table t1(a int not null) engine=innodb; insert into t1 values (1); alter table t1 add primary key(a); insert into t1 values (2); show create table t1; check table t1; commit; select * from t1; explain select * from t1; explain select * from t1 order by a; drop table t1; create table t2(d varchar(17) primary key) engine=innodb default charset=utf8; create table t3(a int primary key) engine=innodb; insert into t3 values(22),(44),(33),(55),(66); insert into t2 values ('jejdkrun87'),('adfd72nh9k'), ('adfdpplkeock'),('adfdijnmnb78k'),('adfdijn0loKNHJik'); create table t1(a int, b blob, c text, d text not null) engine=innodb default charset = utf8; insert into t1 values (null,null,null,'null'); insert into t1 select a,left(repeat(d,100*a),65535),repeat(d,20*a),d from t2,t3; drop table t2, t3; select count(*) from t1 where a=44; select a, length(b),b=left(repeat(d,100*a),65535),length(c),c=repeat(d,20*a) from t1; --error ER_PRIMARY_CANT_HAVE_NULL alter table t1 add primary key (a), add key (b(20)); delete from t1 where d='null'; --error ER_DUP_ENTRY alter table t1 add primary key (a), add key (b(20)); delete from t1 where a%2; alter table t1 add primary key (a,b(255),c(255)), add key (b(767)); select count(*) from t1 where a=44; select a, length(b),b=left(repeat(d,100*a),65535),length(c),c=repeat(d,20*a) from t1; show create table t1; check table t1; explain select * from t1 where b like 'adfd%'; drop table t1;