.TH MYSQLACCESS 1 "19 December 2000"
.BR mysqlaccess
 \- Create new users to mysql.
mysqlaccess [host [user [db]]] OPTIONS
.B mysqlaccess
.RB [  \-? | \-\-help ]
.RB [  \-v | \-\-version ]
.RB [  \-p | \-\-password=#  ]
.RB [  \-h | \-\-host=# ]
.RB [  \-d | \-\-db=# ]
.RB [  \-U | \-\-superuser=# ]
.RB [  \-P | \-\-spassword=# ]
.RB [  \-H | \-\-rhost=#  ]
.RB [  \-\-old_server ]
.RB [ \-b | \-\-brief  ]
.RB [  \-t | \-\-table  ]
.RB [  \-\-relnotes]
.RB [  \-\-plan ]
.RB [  \-\-howto   ]
.RB [  \-\-debug=N ]
.RB [  \-\-copy  ]
.RB [  \-\-preview   ]
.RB [  \-\-commit  ]
.RB [  \-\-rollback  ]
.BR  \-? | \-\-help
display this helpscreen and exit
.BR   \-v | \-\-version 
print information on the program `mysqlaccess'
.BR  \-u | \-\-user=# 
username for logging in to the db
.BR \-p | \-\-password=#
validate password for user
.BR   \-h | \-\-host=# 
name or IP\-number of the host
.BR   \-d | \-\-db=#
name of the database
.BR \-U | \-\-superuser=#
connect as superuser
.BR   \-P | \-\-spassword=# 
password for superuser
.BR   \-H | \-\-rhost=# 
remote MySQL\-server to connect to
.BR \-\-old_server
connect to old MySQL\-server (before v3.21) which 
does not yet know how to handle full where clauses.
.BR  \-b | \-\-brief
single\-line tabular report
.BR   \-t | \-\-table
report in table\-format
.BR   \-\-relnotes
print release\-notes
.BR   \-\-plan
print suggestions/ideas for future releases
.BR   \-\-howto
some examples of how to run `mysqlaccess'
.BR   \-\-debug=N
enter debuglevel N (0..3)
.BR   \-\-copy 
reload temporary grant\-tables from original ones
.BR   \-\-preview 
show differences in privileges after making
changes in (temporary) grant\-tables
.BR   \-\-commit
copy grant\-rules from temporary tables to grant\-tables
(!don't forget to do an mysqladmin reload)
.BR   \-\-rollback
undo the last changes to the grant\-tables.
    + At least the user and the db must be given (even with wildcards)
    + If no host is given, `localhost' is assumed
    + Wilcards (*,?,%,_) are allowed for host, user and db, but be sure 
      to escape them from your shell!! (ie type \* or '*')
isamchk (1),
isamlog (1),
mysqlaccess (1),
mysqladmin (1),
mysqlbug (1),
mysqld (1),
mysqldump (1),
mysqlshow (1),
msql2mysql (1),
perror (1),
replace (1),
safe_mysqld (1),
which1 (1),
zap (1),
Ver 1.0, distribution 3.23.29a
Michael (Monty) Widenius (monty@tcx.se),
TCX Datakonsult AB (http://www.tcx.se).
This software comes with no warranty.
Manual page by L. (Kill-9) Pedersen 
(kill-9@kill\-9.dk), Mercurmedia Data Model Architect /
system developer (http://www.mercurmedia.com)

.\" end of man page