/* Copyright (C) 2003 MySQL AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #ifndef NODE_STATE_HPP #define NODE_STATE_HPP #include <NdbOut.hpp> #include <NodeBitmask.hpp> class NodeState { public: enum StartLevel { /** * SL_NOTHING * Nothing is started */ SL_NOTHING = 0, /** * SL_CMVMI * CMVMI is started * Listening to management server * Qmgr knows nothing... */ SL_CMVMI = 1, /** * SL_STARTING * All blocks are starting * Initial or restart * During this phase is <b>startPhase</b> valid */ SL_STARTING = 2, /** * The database is started open for connections */ SL_STARTED = 3, SL_SINGLEUSER = 4, /** * SL_STOPPING_1 - Inform API * API is informed not to start transactions on node * The database is about to close * * New TcSeize(s) are refused (TcSeizeRef) */ SL_STOPPING_1 = 5, /** * SL_STOPPING_2 - Close TC * New transactions(TC) are refused */ SL_STOPPING_2 = 6, /** * SL_STOPPING_3 - Wait for reads in LQH * No transactions are running in TC * New scans(s) and read(s) are refused in LQH * NS: The node is not Primary for any fragment * NS: No node is allow to start */ SL_STOPPING_3 = 7, /** * SL_STOPPING_4 - Close LQH * Node is out of DIGETNODES * Insert/Update/Delete can still be running in LQH * GCP is refused * Node is not startable w.o Node Recovery */ SL_STOPPING_4 = 8 }; enum StartType { ST_INITIAL_START = 0, ST_SYSTEM_RESTART = 1, ST_NODE_RESTART = 2, ST_INITIAL_NODE_RESTART = 3, ST_ILLEGAL_TYPE = 4 }; /** * Length in 32-bit words */ STATIC_CONST( DataLength = 8 + NdbNodeBitmask::Size ); /** * Constructor(s) */ NodeState(); NodeState(StartLevel); NodeState(StartLevel, bool systemShutdown); NodeState(StartLevel, Uint32 startPhase, StartType); void init(); /** * Current start level */ Uint32 startLevel; /** * Node group */ Uint32 nodeGroup; // valid when startLevel == SL_STARTING /** * Dynamic id */ union { Uint32 dynamicId; // valid when startLevel == SL_STARTING to API Uint32 masterNodeId; // When from cntr }; /** * */ union { struct { Uint32 startPhase; // valid when startLevel == SL_STARTING Uint32 restartType; // valid when startLevel == SL_STARTING } starting; struct { Uint32 systemShutdown; // valid when startLevel == SL_STOPPING_{X} Uint32 timeout; Uint32 alarmTime; } stopping; }; Uint32 singleUserMode; Uint32 singleUserApi; //the single user node BitmaskPOD<NdbNodeBitmask::Size> m_connected_nodes; void setDynamicId(Uint32 dynamic); void setNodeGroup(Uint32 group); void setSingleUser(Uint32 s); void setSingleUserApi(Uint32 n); /** * Is a node restart in progress (ordinary or initial) */ bool getNodeRestartInProgress() const; /** * Is a system restart ongoing */ bool getSystemRestartInProgress() const; /** * Is in single user mode? */ bool getSingleUserMode() const; /** * Is in single user mode */ Uint32 getSingleUserApi() const; friend NdbOut & operator<<(NdbOut&, const NodeState&); }; inline NodeState::NodeState(){ init(); } inline void NodeState::init(){ startLevel = SL_CMVMI; nodeGroup = 0xFFFFFFFF; dynamicId = 0xFFFFFFFF; singleUserMode = 0; singleUserApi = 0xFFFFFFFF; m_connected_nodes.clear(); } inline NodeState::NodeState(StartLevel sl){ init(); startLevel = sl; singleUserMode = 0; singleUserApi = 0xFFFFFFFF; } inline NodeState::NodeState(StartLevel sl, Uint32 sp, StartType typeOfStart){ init(); startLevel = sl; starting.startPhase = sp; starting.restartType = typeOfStart; singleUserMode = 0; singleUserApi = 0xFFFFFFFF; } inline NodeState::NodeState(StartLevel sl, bool sys){ init(); startLevel = sl; stopping.systemShutdown = sys; singleUserMode = 0; singleUserApi = 0xFFFFFFFF; } inline void NodeState::setDynamicId(Uint32 dynamic){ dynamicId = dynamic; } inline void NodeState::setNodeGroup(Uint32 group){ nodeGroup = group; } inline void NodeState::setSingleUser(Uint32 s) { singleUserMode = s; } inline void NodeState::setSingleUserApi(Uint32 n) { singleUserApi = n; } inline bool NodeState::getNodeRestartInProgress() const { return startLevel == SL_STARTING && (starting.restartType == ST_NODE_RESTART || starting.restartType == ST_INITIAL_NODE_RESTART); } inline bool NodeState::getSingleUserMode() const { return singleUserMode; } inline Uint32 NodeState::getSingleUserApi() const { return singleUserApi; } inline bool NodeState::getSystemRestartInProgress() const { return startLevel == SL_STARTING && starting.restartType == ST_SYSTEM_RESTART; } inline NdbOut & operator<<(NdbOut& ndbout, const NodeState & state){ ndbout << "[NodeState: startLevel: "; switch(state.startLevel){ case NodeState::SL_NOTHING: ndbout << "<NOTHING> ]"; break; case NodeState::SL_CMVMI: ndbout << "<CMVMI> ]"; break; case NodeState::SL_STARTING: ndbout << "<STARTING type: "; switch(state.starting.restartType){ case NodeState::ST_INITIAL_START: ndbout << " INITIAL START"; break; case NodeState::ST_SYSTEM_RESTART: ndbout << " SYSTEM RESTART "; break; case NodeState::ST_NODE_RESTART: ndbout << " NODE RESTART "; break; case NodeState::ST_INITIAL_NODE_RESTART: ndbout << " INITIAL NODE RESTART "; break; case NodeState::ST_ILLEGAL_TYPE: default: ndbout << " UNKNOWN " << state.starting.restartType; } ndbout << " phase: " << state.starting.startPhase << "> ]"; break; case NodeState::SL_STARTED: ndbout << "<STARTED> ]"; break; case NodeState::SL_STOPPING_1: ndbout << "<STOPPING 1 sys: " << state.stopping.systemShutdown << "> ]"; break; case NodeState::SL_STOPPING_2: ndbout << "<STOPPING 2 sys: " << state.stopping.systemShutdown << "> ]"; break; case NodeState::SL_STOPPING_3: ndbout << "<STOPPING 3 sys: " << state.stopping.systemShutdown << "> ]"; break; case NodeState::SL_STOPPING_4: ndbout << "<STOPPING 4 sys: " << state.stopping.systemShutdown << "> ]"; break; default: ndbout << "<UNKNOWN " << state.startLevel << "> ]"; } return ndbout; } #endif