/* Copyright (C) 2000 MySQL AB & MySQL Finland AB & TCX DataKonsult AB This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* mysql standard open memoryallocator */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #pragma interface /* gcc class implementation */ #endif class Sql_alloc { public: static void *operator new(size_t size) {return (void*) sql_alloc((uint) size); } static void operator delete(void *ptr, size_t size) {} /*lint -e715 */ inline Sql_alloc() {}; inline ~Sql_alloc() {}; }; /* ** basic single linked list ** Used for item and item_buffs. */ class base_list :public Sql_alloc { protected: class list_node :public Sql_alloc { public: list_node *next; void *info; list_node(void *info_par,list_node *next_par) : next(next_par),info(info_par) {} friend class base_list; friend class base_list_iterator; }; list_node *first,**last; public: uint elements; inline void empty() { elements=0; first=0; last=&first;} inline base_list() { empty(); } inline base_list(const base_list &tmp) :Sql_alloc() { elements=tmp.elements; first=tmp.first; last=tmp.last; } inline bool push_back(void *info) { if (((*last)=new list_node(info,0))) { last= &(*last)->next; elements++; return 0; } return 1; } inline bool push_front(void *info) { list_node *node=new list_node(info,first); if (node) { if (!first) last= &node->next; first=node; elements++; return 0; } return 1; } void remove(list_node **prev) { list_node *node=(*prev)->next; delete *prev; *prev=node; if (!--elements) { last= &first; first=0; } } inline void *pop(void) { if (!first) return 0; list_node *tmp=first; first=first->next; if (!--elements) last= &first; return tmp->info; } inline void *head() { return first ? first->info : 0; } inline void **head_ref() { return first ? &first->info : 0; } friend class base_list_iterator; protected: void after(void *info,list_node *node) { list_node *new_node=new list_node(info,node->next); node->next=new_node; elements++; if (last == &(node->next)) last= &new_node->next; } }; class base_list_iterator { base_list *list; base_list::list_node **el,**prev,*current; public: base_list_iterator(base_list &list_par) :list(&list_par),el(&list_par.first), prev(0),current(0) {} inline void *next(void) { prev=el; if (!(current= *el)) return 0; el= ¤t->next; return current->info; } inline void rewind(void) { el= &list->first; } void *replace(void *element) { // Return old element void *tmp=current->info; current->info=element; return tmp; } void *replace(base_list &new_list) { void *ret_value=current->info; if (new_list.first) { *new_list.last=current->next; current->info=new_list.first->info; current->next=new_list.first->next; list->elements+=new_list.elements-1; } return ret_value; // return old element } inline void remove(void) // Remove current { list->remove(prev); el=prev; current=0; // Safeguard } void after(void *element) // Insert element after current { list->after(element,current); current=current->next; el= ¤t->next; } inline void **ref(void) // Get reference pointer { return ¤t->info; } inline bool is_last(void) { return *el == 0; } }; template <class T> class List :public base_list { public: inline List() :base_list() {} inline List(const List<T> &tmp) :base_list(tmp) {} inline bool push_back(T *a) { return base_list::push_back(a); } inline bool push_front(T *a) { return base_list::push_front(a); } inline T* head() {return (T*) base_list::head(); } inline T** head_ref() {return (T**) base_list::head_ref(); } inline T* pop() {return (T*) base_list::pop(); } void delete_elements(void) { list_node *element,*next; for (element=first; element ; element=next) { next=element->next; delete (T*) element->info; } empty(); } }; template <class T> class List_iterator :public base_list_iterator { public: List_iterator(List<T> &a) : base_list_iterator(a) {} inline T* operator++(int) { return (T*) base_list_iterator::next(); } inline void rewind(void) { base_list_iterator::rewind(); } inline T *replace(T *a) { return (T*) base_list_iterator::replace(a); } inline T *replace(List<T> &a) { return (T*) base_list_iterator::replace(a); } inline void remove(void) { base_list_iterator::remove(); } inline void after(T *a) { base_list_iterator::after(a); } inline T** ref(void) { return (T**) base_list_iterator::ref(); } inline bool is_last(void) { return base_list_iterator::is_last(); } }; /* ** An simple intrusive list with automaticly removes element from list ** on delete (for THD element) */ struct ilink { struct ilink **prev,*next; static void *operator new(size_t size) { return (void*)my_malloc((uint)size, MYF(MY_WME | MY_FAE)); } static void operator delete(void* ptr_arg, size_t size) { my_free((gptr)ptr_arg, MYF(MY_WME|MY_ALLOW_ZERO_PTR)); } inline ilink() { prev=0; next=0; } inline void unlink() { /* Extra tests because element doesn't have to be linked */ if (prev) *prev= next; if (next) next->prev=prev; prev=0 ; next=0; } virtual ~ilink() { unlink(); } /*lint -e1740 */ }; template <class T> class I_List_iterator; class base_ilist { public: struct ilink *first,last; base_ilist() { first= &last; last.prev= &first; } inline bool is_empty() { return first == &last; } inline void append(ilink *a) { first->prev= &a->next; a->next=first; a->prev= &first; first=a; } inline void push_back(ilink *a) { *last.prev= a; a->next= &last; a->prev= last.prev; last.prev= &a->next; } inline struct ilink *get() { struct ilink *first_link=first; if (first_link == &last) return 0; first_link->unlink(); // Unlink from list return first_link; } friend class base_list_iterator; }; class base_ilist_iterator { base_ilist *list; struct ilink **el,*current; public: base_ilist_iterator(base_ilist &list_par) :list(&list_par), el(&list_par.first),current(0) {} void *next(void) { /* This is coded to allow push_back() while iterating */ current= *el; if (current == &list->last) return 0; el= ¤t->next; return current; } }; template <class T> class I_List :private base_ilist { public: I_List() :base_ilist() {} inline bool is_empty() { return base_ilist::is_empty(); } inline void append(T* a) { base_ilist::append(a); } inline void push_back(T* a) { base_ilist::push_back(a); } inline T* get() { return (T*) base_ilist::get(); } #ifndef _lint friend class I_List_iterator<T>; #endif }; template <class T> class I_List_iterator :public base_ilist_iterator { public: I_List_iterator(I_List<T> &a) : base_ilist_iterator(a) {} inline T* operator++(int) { return (T*) base_ilist_iterator::next(); } };