# this test needs multithreaded mysqltest
-- source include/not_embedded.inc

# Test sleeps for long times
--source include/big_test.inc

# check that CSV engine was compiled in
--source include/have_csv.inc

connect (con1,localhost,root,,);
connect (con2,localhost,root,,);

# Bug #27638: slow logging to CSV table inserts bad query_time and lock_time values
connection con1;
set session long_query_time=10;
select get_lock('bug27638', 1);
connection con2;
set session long_query_time=1;
truncate table mysql.slow_log;
select get_lock('bug27638', 2);
select if (query_time between '00:00:01' and '00:00:10', 'OK', 'WRONG') as qt, sql_text from mysql.slow_log;
truncate table mysql.slow_log;
select get_lock('bug27638', 60);
select if (query_time between '00:00:59' and '00:01:10', 'OK', 'WRONG') as qt, sql_text from mysql.slow_log;
truncate table mysql.slow_log;
select get_lock('bug27638', 101);
select if (query_time between '00:01:40' and '00:01:50', 'OK', 'WRONG') as qt, sql_text from mysql.slow_log;
connection con1;
select release_lock('bug27638');
connection default;

disconnect con1;
disconnect con2;